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葫芦岛锌业案例分析葫芦岛锌业案例分析 葫芦岛锌业股份有限公司案例分析 潘婷婷 220091295 09级行政管理 负责收集分析资料及成稿 彭冲 220091286 09级行政管理 负责本企业的战略分析及成稿 田野 220091300 09级行政管理 负责收集资料及行业分析 一、本企业概况 葫芦岛锌业股份有限公司(简称:锌业股份;股票代码:000751)是1992年8月,经辽宁省经济体制改革委员会批准,由葫芦岛锌厂、葫芦岛锌厂工贸实业总公司、葫芦岛锌厂工程总公司发起,以定向募集方式设立的,于1993年7月15日登记注册。1997年6月...
葫芦岛锌业案例分析 葫芦岛锌业股份有限公司案例分析 潘婷婷 220091295 09级行政管理 负责收集分析资料及成稿 彭冲 220091286 09级行政管理 负责本企业的战略分析及成稿 田野 220091300 09级行政管理 负责收集资料及行业分析 一、本企业概况 葫芦岛锌业股份有限公司(简称:锌业股份;股票代码:000751)是1992年8月,经辽宁省经济体制改革委员会批准,由葫芦岛锌厂、葫芦岛锌厂工贸实业总公司、葫芦岛锌厂工程总公司发起,以定向募集方式设立的,于1993年7月15日登记注册。1997年6月,经中国证券监督管理委员会批准,在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市(锌业网 )。2006年3月22日,公司成功进行了股权分置改革,目前总股本为1,110,133,291股,其中有限售条件股534,076,771;社会流通股576,056,520股(公司2006年年度)。截止2009年上半年,公司总资产 7,478,888,627.78元,(公司2009年半年度报告)。公司共有员工11648人,其中生产人员7771人,销售人员41人,技术人员1144人,财务人员85人,行政人员863人,其他人员1744人.大专以上文化程度的3347人,公司承担费用的离退休人员2254人。(2008年年度报告) 公司主营业务是锌、铜和铅冶炼及产品深加工,镉、铟、硫酸、硫酸铜综合利用产品加工,公司主产品锌的生产能力位居全国首位。锌在伦敦金属交易所注册;电解铜在上海金属交易所注册。产品广泛应用于冶金、机械、电子、医药、化工、军工等行业,远销20多个国家和地区,每年进出口总额在2亿美元左右。 二、行业背景 产业链:矿产资源——锌——有色金属产品 指标分析:中国2009年锌产量增加7-8%,至420-425万吨。中国锌生产商面临产能过剩的压力,库存目前亦在增加。总体而言,中国锌产业仍然属于成长周期, 冶炼能力的急剧扩张,大大快于采矿业和加工业的发展速度,导致产业结构性矛盾突出,形成“倒金字塔”型结构,锌业生产经营集中度下降,矿产资源低效率消耗,我国目前约有数百家锌冶炼企业,平均锌冶炼规模仅在1.5万吨/年左右,存在国外冶炼企业约80家,平均规模约在10万吨/年以上,我国锌冶炼企业远没有达到规模经济,生产技术水平较低,造成的资源浪费十分也严重,企业规模的限制也造成了缺乏足够的资金进行技术改造,产品技术水品较低,同质化严重,化程度低,行业盈利水平较差,但总体而言,我国的锌产业又具有着巨大的潜力。 三、主要竞争对手的战略举措 我国锌冶炼加工企业按年产量排名前三分别为:葫芦岛锌业股份有限公司;株洲冶炼集团;中金岭南有色金属有限股份公司。 (1)株洲冶炼集团:公司锌锭、铅锭、镉锭、热镀锌合金锭4种产品曾获国家金质奖,精铋获国家银质获,其他产品分别获部、省级优质产品称号。“火炬”牌铅锭、锌锭、银锭先后在伦敦金属交易所认证注册,是中国唯一铅、锌、银三种产品均获国际认可的企业,金锭通过上海黄金交易所铸锭企业认证,“火炬”牌系列产品畅销于世界20多个国家和地区。公司分别于1996年和2002年通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证和areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. ISO14001国际环境管理体系认证,是中国铅锌业首家通过环境认证的企业,锌及锌合金产品是中国有色行业唯一一家出口产品免验单位,公司是中国海关总署进出口红名单企业。 (2)深圳市中金岭南有色金属股份有限公司是一家以铅锌金属生产为主业,集有色金属采、选、冶、加工、科研、建材、房地产开发、贸易、仓储、金融为一体,的较大型国有控股跨地区、多行业综合经营上市公司,连年入选中国500强企业,位列广东省及深圳市百强企业,深圳证券100指数;是广东省高新技术企业,并连续多年被评为深圳市守法纳税大户和深圳市一般贸易出口大户。主要产品有铅精矿、锌精矿、铅锌混和精矿、硫精矿、电铅、精锌、电锌、白银、精镉、二氧化锗、铟锭、硫酸、硫酸锌、铝型材、玻璃幕墙,冲孔镀镍钢带、球形亚镍、无汞电池锌粉、纤维状特种镍粉等30多种产品。主要产品质量均达到国际先进水平。电铅、精镉获得国家金质奖,精锌获得国家银质奖;电铅、精锌已在LME注册、白银已在LBMA注册;所属多个企业生产系统均已通过ISO9000质量管理体系认证。公司信誉优良,产品畅销国内外市场。 四、本企业的战略分析 4.1(五力分析 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 4.1.1现有竞争者 任何企业在制定策略和展开经营活动时,首先必须面对现有竞争者。同行竞争的激烈程度,是由竞争各方的布局结构和所属产业的发展程度所决定的。 ? 行业分析? ?000751 *ST锌业? ? 参考文献: 港澳资讯 灵通V5.0 截止到2009年9月30日 净利润 总股本 实际流 总资产 主营收入 排排 排 代码 简称 名 名 名 增长率 (亿股) 通A股 (亿元) (亿元) ST有色 600259 2.49 0.99 10.16 36 3.86 36 16482.25 1 宏达股份 600331 10.32 6.08 81.61 8 29.51 12 475.12 2 太原刚玉 000795 2.77 1.91 14.52 31 3.46 38 113.47 3 *ST锌业 000751 11.10 11.10 77.99 9 32.66 11 101.62 4 4.1.2新进入者的威胁(潜在进入者) 在我国,锌的最终消费主要集中在建筑、通信、电力、交通运输、农业、轻工、家电、汽车等行业,中间消费主要是镀锌钢材、压铸锌合金、黄铜、氧化锌以及电池等。 2000年我国锌消费量仅147万吨,占世界总消费量的16%;锌消费同一国或地区经济增长之间存在高度相关性,数据显示国内锌消费和经济的正相关性亦高于0.9,而08年全球性金融危areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 机的爆发在削弱世界锌消费水平的同时,亦增加了原有库存的压力。 国际铅锌研究小组10月份报告显示,后期在需求增速快于供给增幅的基础上,锌市场供给过剩面有望在2010年得到改善。 ILZSG同时将2010年全球精炼锌市场的过剩量由此前的38万吨调低至22.7万吨,其中,2010精炼锌的产量将增加10.1%至1226万吨,同期需求增幅为11.9%至1204万吨。 安泰科报告中预测09年全球锌市场供给过剩在达到62万吨的历史高点后,这种供给压力将在2010年得到缓解,届时,过剩量将回落至19万吨,而到了2011年,全球锌的库存消费比也将降至6.3周。 4.1.3替代品 参考文献:2007年02月07日 中国证券报 全球第二号锌生产商、澳大利亚的Zinifex曾示,替代品出现对锌市场影响不大。此前市场普遍认为,如果国际锌价再度大幅度上扬,可能导致替代品大量涌现,并动摇锌在电镀行业中的中心地位。 国际锌价在去年11月10日一度涨至4,580美元/吨的历史高点,但随后因出于供应大量增长的担忧,涨势急转直下。伦敦金属交易所(LME)3个月期锌2月2日最低跌至2990美元/吨。高盛集团分析师Malcom Southwood最近警告说,高锌价将不可避免地导致替代品的大量涌现,并打压锌价至多年前的1,760美元/吨左右。全球大约有75%的锌用于生产电镀产品。但近年来由于价格不断上涨,有金属企业开始用铝合金、塑料和镁等代替锌。 Zinifex总裁Greig Gailey表示,锌市场最大的利空因素全球经济增长速度在放缓,尤其是美国。“我认为替代品不是个问题,”Greig Gailey表示,自上个世纪镀锌钢板出现并推动汽车工业大发展以来,锌的重要性就始终没有受到过挑战。 当铜、镍和其他金属原材料价格长期居高不下时,原材料使用大户们往往会转而采用它们的替代品。这些替代品可能不如那些首选金属好,但价格却要低很多。其中较为引人注目的是塑料,当然还有其他种类的金属。比如,房屋建造商可以用塑料管道替代铜制管材,从而节约一大笔钱。空调制造商也可以用铝等较为廉价的材料,替代铜来制作零部件。 4.1.4买方(客户) 金羊网 2009-07-02 随着全球锌需求的不断回升,明年全球锌市场可能会出现供应紧张的局面,锌价也将随之攀升。 从今年到2012年期间,全球锌需求量将会逐年上升。根据渣打银行的预测,今年全球锌需求量约为1080万吨,低于供应量37万吨。不过,从今年下半年起,全球锌需求会迅速回暖,锌市场最糟糕的时期已经过去。 2010年,全球锌需求量预计将升至1108万吨,剩余供应量将缩减至27万吨。从2011年开始,锌市场将出现供不应求的局面,需求量有望升至1163万吨,供应缺口6万吨;2012年需求量将达1209万吨,供应缺口扩大到12万吨。虽然全球经济复苏前景仍存在一些不确定性,但是包括美英等发达经济体在内的很多国家都出现了积极迹象,全球锌需求开始回暖。尤其是随着各国财政刺激的陆续实施,包括锌在内的各种基本金属的需求都将迅速增加。渣打银行预计,今年第三季度欧洲地区的锌需求有望环比增长6,。虽然北美市场对锌的需求依旧疲软,但是有迹象表明,该地区锌市场已出现拐点。全球建筑行业开始回暖也刺激了锌需求。建筑业是锌消费的关键行业,锌消费量约占全球锌终端消费总量的45,。 4.1.5:供货商(卖方) areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 锌产量大减,根据国家统计局数据,09年2月中国精锌产量为26.46万吨,该数据大幅低于08年33万吨的月度平均产量,且09年1月份产量更低仅为23.5万吨。 锌价下跌导致冶炼企业利润下滑甚至亏损是引起产量下降的首要原因。国内锌价自08年3月份超过20,000元/吨的价格,到08年底最低下滑至9,000元/吨左右,跌幅达到55%。至09年3月初10,000元/吨以上的价格,前后1年的时间,跌幅依然接近50%。受此影响,国内冶炼企业利润锐减,尤其是部分没有矿产保障的中小型冶炼企业只能选择关停产能,等待市场形势好转。在全球经济衰退的背景下,锌下游需求同样也受到波及,因此整个产业链运转陷入恶性循环。 受国内产量下滑影响,锌进口相应增加。据海关总署数据,09年1月中国进口精锌12,498吨,同比大增305.66%。且国内外比价关系也有利于锌流入中国。国外锌的流入又会平衡国内外价差。 4.2价值链分析 参考文献郝项超.战略地图和价值链比较研究.《现代企业》,2005年第7期 迈克尔?波特;陈小悦译.竞争优势[M].北京:华夏出版社,1997. areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 4.2SWOT分析 2006年08月30日 中国证券网 4.2.1.优势分析 资源垄断。公司买断甘肃建新实业公司2001年至2008年的锌精矿供货权,进一步控制了行业的制高点,并保证了公司锌产品的供应,未来业绩大幅增长完全值得期待。 掌控太阳能材料。在全球能源空前紧张的大背景下,太阳能作为新能源已得到了国家政策的大力扶持,在太阳能原料晶硅价格高企及供货紧张的情况下,金属铟发展潜力相当大。由于公司掌控了太阳能未来发展的最关键材料,铟的生产有望给公司提供超常规的发展机遇,因此,有望成为循环经济背景下的新能源巨头,前途不可限量。 4.2.2劣势分析 经济效益不显著,未显现产业发展的优势。公司经营业绩巨亏,主要是由于公司主产品锌锭价格2008年全年持续下跌,尤其是10月份锌产品价格急速暴跌且创近几年新低,再加上公司计提资产减值准备等因素最终导致报告期内公司经营业绩出现较大额度的亏损。 葫芦岛锌业创新能力不强,产业技术升级缓慢。 设备技术、管理等落后,一直没有全部达产。在2008年全球金属价格大跌中,铅锌生产量进一步下滑,企业持续亏损。 4.2.3机会分析 政策措施明确具体,组织保障力度增强。葫芦岛锌业股份有限公司在董事会的正确领导下,坚持用发展和改革的思路解决公司发展的问题,转变发展观念,创新发展模式,提高发展质量。从公司的改组、改制、改革、改造入手,根本扭转靠消耗资源、牺牲环境组织生产的局面,大力发展循环经济,增强企业盈利水平 4.2.4.威胁分析 全球锌面临供应过剩压力。据全球金属统计局(WBMS)公布的数据显示,2008年1~6月全球锌市供应过剩5.3万吨。较2007年同期增长9.3%。 国内锌供应量持续增加。据国家统计局最新数据显示,中国2008年1~7月精炼锌产量225.18万吨,同比增长8.3%,高于1~6月6.5%的同比增长率。 4.3.战略选择上考虑三个层面的战略: 4.3.1公司战略 未来公司将重点扩张矿产资源、提高技术装备、加强内部管理,从而实现公司盈利能力的快速提高。我们认为,公司决定公司未来投资价值的核心是公司资源扩张状况,我们初步预测公司2009-11 年公司每股收益为0.05 元、0.15 元和0.18 元,综合公司的发展方向,我们首次给予公司“增持”评级,公司的投资价值还将根据未来的资源收购或者注入情况而定。 4.3.2竞争战略 保持现有优势,该公司亦是亚洲第一大的半导体金属铟生产企业。铟是制造发光二极管(LED)和液晶显示屏(LCD)的重要材料,需求急增导致铟价近期大幅飙升,公司将从其价格上涨中受益。锌业股份还收购了母公司的半导体金属研究所,花巨资在葫芦岛市专利技术园区购置了210亩土地,建立起纳米氧化铟、纳米氧化锌等半导体材料的产业化生产基地,企业前景广阔。 4.3.3职能战略2009年09月18日 世华财讯 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 葫芦岛锌业将在2010年晚期扩张铜产能,该公司一位高层人士表示,我们正在对冶炼厂进 行升级改造。目前该公司拥有一座铜冶炼厂,年产能在80,000-150,000吨之间。提高市场部 门的销售等。 附录1. 本公司组织架构图 来源:中国证劵报 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 附录2. 本公司历年主要财务指标 2007年 来源:2007年年度报表 2008年 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 来源:2008年年度报表 2009年 来源:2009年年度报表 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 附录3 本公司发展愿景和目标 一、对公司未来发展的展望 1、公司所处行业发展趋势和面临的市场竞争格局 当前,锌冶炼行业面临严峻的竞争形势: 一是在国家加大宏观调控力度,调整锌产品关税和出口退税政策的背景下,预计2008年锌出口将大幅度减少,锌在国内市场的竞争更加激烈;加之前两年新增锌冶炼能力逐步释放,供过于求的矛盾日益突出,企业之间的竞争将日益加剧。 二是政府加强对环境的监察及民众环境维权意识日益增强,对企业的环保工作提出了越来越高的要求,迫使企业增加环保投入,否则将影响到企业的生存。 三是银行加息、能源价格持续上涨,流动资金严重不足,企业财务费用增加,使锌冶炼企业面临更大的成本压力和经营风险。锌冶炼企业盈利空间有限,加大了仅仅凭借各自规模、品牌、管理及经营手段去求生存、谋发展的难度。 2、公司未来发展战略 尽管公司所处的行业目前面临着严峻的形势,但是公司仍然有一个较好的社会环境和政策环境。主要是有党中央振兴东北老工业基地一系列政策的扶持,加之有各级政府和各银行的鼎力支持,特别是中国冶金科工集团公司对公司大股东葫芦岛有色金属集团有限公司的重组成功,给公司的生存和发展带来了无限生机,使公司董事会和管理层进一步增强了打翻身仗的信心,坚定了公司全体员工2008 年扭亏为盈的决心。 为此,公司要以中国冶金科工集团公司的总战略即创新提升、做强做大、持续发展、长富久安为目标,充分融合中国冶金科工集团先进的管理理念,面对国内及国际有色金属的市场形势,坚持以提高经济效益为中心,全面提升公司的技术装备水平和管理水平。坚持充分areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 发挥多种产品、多种工艺互补的优势,增强自主创新,自我发展能力。以技术进步和产品创新为推动力,科学发展,加快改造和淘汰旧工艺、旧设备、旧操作。加大循环经济的发展力度,把“三废”治理变为公司新的经济增长点。坚持以人为本,和谐发展,实施人才强企战略,转变发展观念,创新发展模式,提高发展质量。努力提高自有矿山资源自给率,调整产品结构,提高产品附加值,转变经济增长方式,使企业能够健康可持续的发展。 3、公司2008 年的经营计划 公司董事会经过对有色金属市场的宏观分析和公司现状的认真研究,确定公司2008 年度经营发展的指导思想是:以市场为导向,以经济效益为中心,强化管理基础工作,提高公司经营运作水平,实现扭亏为盈。 二、公司2008年度的具体目标是:全年实现生产锌37.9万吨、铅2.6万吨、硫酸63万吨、加工电解铜3.5万吨。实现产品销售收入80亿元,实现公司盈利。为了实现上述目标,公司将重点做好以下工作: 1、要构建市场营销大格局的战略部署,公司经营系统要创新营销思路,协调好国际、国内两个原料市场,国外进口原料采购要提高锌精矿加工费;国内原料采购要以做大差价为重点,降低原料采购价格,拓宽公司盈利空间。 2、强化产品生产过程中成本控制。2008年,全年要使锌冶炼回收率在原有基础上提升0.5%,能源消耗要降低5%;要加强设备维护,尽量减少不必要检修,提高设备运转率;要强化中间物料管理,合理安排物料走向,降低生产过程中中间物料的库存,增强中间物料的周转力度,使中间物料库存控制在一个合理范围内,既能盘活流动资金,又能充分回避因市场价格下跌而造成的效益损失。 3、要搞好ISP 鼓风炉铅锌冶炼系统生产。强化管理,严格ISP 鼓风炉生产各工艺指标, 规范操作,尽快实现ISP 鼓风炉生产系统达产达标。充分发挥竖罐冶炼、电解及ISP 鼓风炉生产工艺互补的优势,使ISP 鼓风炉铅锌冶炼系统成为公司今年利润的一个增长点。 4、继续坚持深化改革,汲取中国冶金科工集团先进管理经验,完善企业各项内控制度,强化各项制度的贯彻执行,继续抓好公司经营过程中的原料采购、产品销售、财务结算的各环节的内部控制管理;适时建立公司管理层股权激励机制,充分调动企业管理层人员工作的主观能动性,发掘管理层人员的最大潜能,提高公司综合管理水平;运用好“扁平化”企业管理模式,把工作职责落实到每个人,充分发挥企业员工的工作积极性,提高企业的经济效益。 5、调整优化产品产业结构,转变经济增长方式,实施公司产业链向建设原料基地和产品深加工是公司的发展方针,继续做好定向增发的准备工作,力争拥有自己的原料基地,开发产品深加工,提高产品的附加值,提升企业抗风险能力,促进公司经济效益的增长。 6、大力推进技术进步和科技创新。依靠技术进步和科技创新,迅速改造和提升现有的装备和工艺水平,进一步推进节能减排,提高公司可持续发展能力。建立新型的科技进步激励机制,重奖有突出贡献的技术人员,建立以企业为主体,市场为导向,产学研相结合的技术创新体系,形成自主创新的基本体制构架。实施人才培育工程,建立专业人才引进机制,着力构建科技创新的人才支持系统。 7、建立环境保护技术管理体系。根据国家宏观经济转变增长方式,强调绿色经济,构建环境友好型社会的要求,在公司实施建设环保技术管理体系工程,引导循环经济和环保产业同步发展。 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management.
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