

2017-09-27 41页 doc 99KB 443阅读




碑文格式与模板碑文格式与模板 碑文 先父讳名李xx~生于丙辰一九一六年腊月十二~卒于一九九七年腊月初十~享年八十一岁。先父出身农家~受先祖之教诲恩泽~以农为业~为本~为贵~躬亲耕作~颐养天年,以家为职~为根~为重~苦心经营~终致殷实。忠厚老实待人~安分守己处事~耿直无媚~俭朴不奢。含辛茹苦一世~兢业操劳终生。八十一载平凡普通~淡泊寡欲与世无争。无愧于苍天厚土~荣耀于列祖列宗~堪为儿女之严父师表。 碑文、悼文、祭文、挽联选编,第一篇 碑文一, 碑文、悼文、祭文、挽联选编,第一篇 碑文一, 第一篇 碑文 一、碑文的概念、概述 顾名...
碑文格式与模板 碑文 先父讳名李xx~生于丙辰一九一六年腊月十二~卒于一九九七年腊月初十~享年八十一岁。先父出身农家~受先祖之教诲恩泽~以农为业~为本~为贵~躬亲耕作~颐养天年,以家为职~为根~为重~苦心经营~终致殷实。忠厚老实待人~安分守己处事~耿直无媚~俭朴不奢。含辛茹苦一世~兢业操劳终生。八十一载平凡普通~淡泊寡欲与世无争。无愧于苍天厚土~荣耀于列祖列宗~堪为儿女之严父师表。 碑文、悼文、祭文、挽联选编,第一篇 碑文一, 碑文、悼文、祭文、挽联选编,第一篇 碑文一, 第一篇 碑文 一、碑文的概念、概述 顾名思义~凡是为制各种碑上写的文字都叫碑文。 我国制碑的俗习历史悠久~早在春秋战国时期就有碑出现~当时的碑~如宫馆中的测影碑~宗庙中的系牲碑~墓旁的下棺碑~都不刻文字~后来有人刻上相应的文字~就逐渐形成各种碑文。 碑文~有广义与狭义之分~狭义的碑文~仅指为制作碑刻而写的文字~广义的碑文指的是所有刻在碑上的文字。 我国从春秋战国时期就开始立碑~但古代宫馆中的碑没有刻文章~只是用以取日影计时间的,而古代宗庙中的碑也不刻文字~是用来栓系祭祀用的牛羊的,墓上的碑也只是木头柱子~凿有窟窿~以便穿绳装辘轳~下棺时绞动辘轳使棺椁平稳地落入墓室。 有了文字的碑是后来才有的~秦代把刻了文字的碑叫做“刻石”碑~本是指竖石而言的~相传秦始皇就在泰山玉皇顶竖有无字碑。刻在碑上的文字~叫碑文~这种文字是专为刻碑而作的。不是为立碑而作的文章~虽刻在碑上~不能叫碑文。 秦汉以后~树碑是为了刻文~有碑必有文~就不重视无字碑了~久而久之~文与碑合二为一~说到碑就是指碑文。 碑文原只专供有钱财地位的人而用~平民百姓没有资格立碑~也立不起碑。直到后来~刻碑风俗才走向了民间。 碑文的种类繁多、庞杂。今天有些过去的碑文已经消亡~有的得到了发展~也诞生了一些新的碑文。下面~我们将详细介绍一下碑文的情况。 二、碑文的种类 我国从汉朝以后~刻碑的风气逐渐普及~几乎处处可碑~事事可碑。有山川之碑~城池之碑~宫室之碑~桥道之碑~坛井之碑~家庙之碑~风土之碑~灾祥之碑~功德之碑~墓道之碑~寺观之碑~托物之碑等。前人实行~后人效法~中国的名胜古迹~形成独特的“碑石林立”的民族特色。因此~碑文成了使用范围极广的实用文体。碑的种类繁多~碑文的体裁各具特色~归纳起来~可分六类: (一)功德碑1.内容要求 功德碑主要是为褒扬当时仍活在世上的人的功德而立的~也就是说是给活人歌功颂德的。如李白《武昌宰韩君去思颂碑并序》~秦李斯曾刻石颂扬过秦始皇的文治武功等。2.文体要求 功德碑碑文的体裁可以是韵文~也可以是散韵结合的~还可以是活泼新颖的纯散文形式。3.注意事项 功德碑是为了宣传~文句倘若过分深奥就失去了树碑的意义~所以语言通俗是碑文务必要恪守的原则。另外~古人把立德、立功、立言当成了努力方向~今人大体也是如此~所以立功德碑、记工颂德且记要恰如其分~不可夸大mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 或缩小事实~贻笑大方。(二)庙碑 庙碑品种很多~有寺碑、庵碑、神庙碑、宗庙碑、家庙碑等~都是为神仙鬼灵而立的。中国古代各种庙宇众多~故庙碑也到处可见。庙碑的一般格式包括题目、碑文作者、书者、篆额者、勒石者和立碑年月等。(三)墓碑 墓碑是最常见的碑文~这类碑文是赞颂死者的~赞其人~不涉及成神显灵的怪事。 墓碑碑文主要分两种。一种仅仅标明墓中死者的身份~绝大部分由死者亲属所立,另一种墓碑除了表明死者的身份外~还简单介绍死者的生平成就~功劳过失~这类墓碑也叫墓志铭~如韩愈《柳子厚墓志铭》、张溥的《五人墓碑记》 纪念碑 纪念碑主要是为了纪念为人类文明进步作出巨大贡献的伟大人物或重大的历史事件~这种碑一般为国家机关或社会团体所建。如《人民英雄纪念碑》、《林公则徐纪念碑》。(五)记事碑 记事碑主要是指用来记载当时较为重要或有意义的事情的碑文。如《王若飞等烈士殉难记事》。 记事碑文当以记叙为主~少发议论。另外~立记事碑需是重大的或有价值的事情~而不可随意立记事碑~立碑过滥~就失去了立碑的本意。(六)诗碑 这种碑不是指用诗词体裁写的碑文~而是指为诗而立的碑。在名胜古迹~人文景观刻上 有关名人的诗词常常会增加游客的兴致~使湖光山色平添许多文化氛围~这样的诗碑在名川 大山几乎到处可见。 三、碑文方式 显祖考某某太府君之灵 ,对祖父, 显祖妣某某太夫人之灵 ,对祖母, 显考某某府君之灵 ,对父亲, 显考讳某某大人之灵 ,对父亲, 显妣某氏老孺人之灵 ,对母亲, 显妣某某太夫人之灵 ,对母亲, 岳父大人之灵 ,对岳父, 故岳考某公讳××老大人之灵 ,对岳父, 岳母某太夫人之灵 ,对岳母, 故岳妣某门某氏老孺人之灵 ,对岳母, 夫子某某大人之灵 ,对老师, 先夫某某君之灵 ,对丈夫, 先室某某夫人之灵 ,对妻子, 某君某某仁兄之灵 ,对朋友, 某君某某贤弟之灵 ,对朋友或弟子, 四、碑文例文 ,一,墓碑 程砚秋墓碑碑文 程砚秋同志~满族~北京人~生于一九零四年。六岁时学习京剧、昆曲。曾受业于名师王瑶卿之门。十七岁即成班演出。他在歌唱和表演方面刻苦钻研~勇于革新~形成了独特的艺术风格~在中国的戏剧艺术上获得了卓越的成就。三十余年来~他的艺术一直为广大观众所喜爱。 砚秋同志出身贫苦家庭~对于劳动人民有深厚的感情。为人刚正不阿~嫉恶如仇。在北洋军阀和国民党反动统治时期~曾先后编演《春闺梦》、《荒山泪》等富有现实主义精神的戏剧二十余出~以反对军阀混战和国民党政府的苛政猛于虎的统治~这表现了他平素所主张的戏剧要对人民负责的精神。抗战爆发后~北平沦陷。他因反对敌伪的压迫~决然脱离舞台生活~下乡务农~坚持不为敌人演出~表现了高尚民族气节。 全国解放后~他为中国人民革命的伟大胜利所鼓舞~从一九四九年起即积极参与国际和平运动和戏曲改革工作。抗美援朝中赴朝慰问中国人民志愿军~参加抗美援朝捐献演出~并到全国各地进行慰问中国人民解放军的演出。在国家mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 举办的历次全国演员讲习会和日常教学中~他尽心将自己的艺术创作经验传授给新的一代。他工作认真~作风朴素~对党和国家的任务全力以赴。一九四九年他被推选为中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议特邀代表~一九五四年被选为全国人民代表大会代表、中国文学艺术联合会全国委员会委员、中国戏剧家协会理事会主席团委员~被政务院任命为中国戏曲研究院副院长等职务。 砚秋同志在党的领导和教育下~革命觉悟不断提高~决心献身共产主义事业~曾经多次申请加入中国共产党~于一九五七年十月被批准为中国共产党预备党员。一九五八年三月九日因患心肌梗塞症不幸逝世~享年五十四岁。经党组织批准~追认为中国共产党正式党员。 摘自《程砚秋传》 张门祖妣刘氏太母之碑 张门十三世刘氏太母系马尾名门之女~我祖仲俚之贤妻也。世居刘家寺下堡社~太母一生勤俭朴实~习文练武~智勇双全~身强体健~尊老爱幼~深明大义。同治乱贼直逼下堡~时值青壮者外出~太母临危不惧~巧施空城之计~只身迎敌~妇幼得以脱险。其后贼兵回攻墩顶~太母以古稀之身护众突围~孤身拼搏~终因寡不敌众~壮烈殉难。太母生于乾隆五十三年~卒于同治二年十月二十八日未时~享年七十有六。生子四曰省、敏、勉、瑚~七女俱皆成人~今者枝繁叶茂~合族三千余口~家声响振~门楣生光~福田以报~方兴未艾。 铭曰:伟哉太母~功绩浩荡~性存高节~勉力向上~为族殉身~气壮心朗~勒石彰德~千载是仰: 十九世孙 张国琦敬撰 甘肃省作家协会会员 靖远县副县长高才庭敬校 2006.3.6日 先考讳辉祖碑铭 先考讳辉祖。生于一九三0年,卒于二00五年,享年七十又六。祖籍临洮,出身名门,后举家移居靖远, 建业立家,侍母育弟,教子哺女,在法院、教育、财税等部门工作四十余载, 奉公守法~尽心竭力。终生辛劳,一世勤谨, 凡工作之地皆留清名,单位表扬,百姓颂扬,生二男八女~子女皆各嗣其家~家兴业旺~子孙茂兴~有内孙三~孙女四~外孙七~外孙女十二~人才辈出~分居甘、新、川三省区~党、政、兵、农、工、学、商行行有成~个个出众。可谓厚德载物~昊天罔极也。 铭曰:痛哉我父~难忘手泽~永忆天伦~悲深陟岵~性存高节~泽被后世。勒石彰德~千载是仰: 子 边靖涛 婿 张国琦 叩 奉 公元二00七年三月十九日 碑 文 魏老太公讳治藩~靖远县三滩乡朝阳村人。生于公元一九一八年农历八月廿一日~卒于公元二00一年农历三月初二酉时~享年八旬有四。 公一生以仁为本~品德高尚~秉性刚直~名望颇高。公生于乱世~历尽坎坷~早年丧母~与父亲相依为命~而立之年~娶联合村望族王孺人讳安花为妻~相敬如宾~同甘共苦~共度艰难。公尊敬长辈~和睦四邻~友善待人~教子有方~六男mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 三女皆已成家立业~各有建树:长子育仁、三子育巍、四子育尧、五子育祯、幼子育银承继父业,勤于农作,仲子育才耕耘教坛,桃李满天下,女儿俊芳、俊彩、俊梅皆持家能手。如今四世同堂~兰桂腾芳~家门共计三十九口。公晚年家遭不测~长媳、次女患玩疾~先后谢世~公忍巨大痛苦对子孙疼爱有加。公在世不厌其倦~谆谆教诲子女要正直做人~令族人梓里感动不已。今公正当颐养天年~奈何天不假年~溘然长逝。悲哉痛哉~为颂公之厚德~特撰文以表缅怀。铭曰: 黄河之水育魏公~仁孝勤俭留英名~ 高风亮节乡邻颂~恩德绵长泽子孙。 靖远一中语文教师陈建平敬撰 靖远一中工会主席雒庆年敬书 辛巳年三月初五 碑 文 君讳学鹏~族居靖远营防~后徙乌兰王窑。生于一九三0年古八月十八日~卒于二00一年古三月廿九日~享年七旬有二. 君一九五一年参加工作~文革受屈~归乡务农,七九年复职~在靖远农行工作,九二年退休。君宽厚正直~至诚奉公~多次被评为先进。君妻郭氏~相敬如宾~有五子十一孙。君慈孝~穆兄友邻~育子抚孙。长子世峰~仲子世勤~精于农耕,三子世爱~营运有道,四子世忠~学业有成,五子世成~秉承父业~如今儿孙绕膝~本该乐享天年~奈何~沉疴莫度~一朝千古~呜呼哀哉:铭曰: 天地之苍茫兮~德范常昭~ 江流之宛转兮~倏尔远行。 松柏之挺拔兮~代有达人~ 墨翰之咏志兮~山怀水铭。 靖远一中语文教师陈建平敬撰 靖远一中语文教师包正之敬书 辛巳年四月初三日 碑 文 胡公讳文正~靖远隍庙人。生于民国廿一年腊月廿六日子时~卒于天运癸未二月十七日~享年七旬有二。 公一生敦厚正直~胸襟豁达~于公于私~问心无愧。幼小聪颖~兄弟五人中~惟公学有所成。一九五0年靖师毕业~随后在省办农业培训班深造,五一年在定西地区农业技术推广站工作,五四年由省农业厅调配~任天水专区通渭县农业技术站站长~当年被选为县第一届人大代表,五八年在引洮工程~后蒙屈为右派~六二年回乡务农,七九年平反~组织上安排在靖远县农业技术站~从事玉米、小麦良种的科研实验工作~荣获省科研二等奖~成绩卓著~九一年光荣退休。弱冠~娶临洮冯氏为妻~相敬如宾~慈孝穆兄~亲友睦邻~共同承担着育子抚孙的重任。公教子有方~三男二女~各有建树。三男:靖临、靖洮、靖博~经营有方~家道殷实,两女嫁为良善~理家能手。孙辈之中~孙婷婷聪颖勤奋~榜上有名。公在世~不厌其倦~教诲子女~正直做人~族人梓里~感动不已。而今~儿孙绕膝~乐享天年~奈何天不假年~一朝千古。呜呼哀哉:铭曰: mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 呜呼胡公~备尝艰难。 敦厚清廉~豁达乐观。 稼穑为本~成绩卓然。 生是人杰~逝为鹤灵。 德范常昭~山怀水铭。 靖远一中教师陈建平敬撰 靖远一中教师包正之敬书 公元2003年农历2月21日 宋老太公之碑 宋老太公讳文海~靖远五合人~生于公元1930年古9月29日~卒于农历闰四月初六~享年七旬有二。 太公幼贫~九岁失怙。孤苦伶仃~生计维艰~佣而耕牧。呜呼~人间辛酸已备尝矣:稍长入赘~弱冠而婚。四九年~天地覆~公若渴骥奔泉~枯木逢春~遂生机勃发,五八年入党~有斯旋步旋升~终为一方贤达耆俊,三十余载为造福桑梓~忘身忘家~殚尽竭虑~鞠躬尽瘁~而在所不计。 太公身勤于政~而终其一生~曰公曰正曰明曰廉曰威。公者~居心公正~心系百姓~唯公唯务,正者~无媚曲佞巧之心~一身正气~两袖清风,明者~肝胆相照~若日月朗朗,廉者苟谋私利~自尊自爱~如白璧无暇,威者~松柏凌霜~劲而自拔,天长地久~居心自鉴。父老引为知己~乡亲信为同怀,念之切~忆之深~有口皆碑~尽吐慧而生香。 太公秉时代之风云~如蛟腾于深渊~抗鼎负轭~建树良多,造福于四野~植林带于通衢~赈贫乏而济困~建学堂以启蒙~凡此种种~莫不为众人谋福利也。 太公善教子孙~若春风化雨~良御之驭车~由斯之故~后辈皆成良材矣。长子玉福现任白银铁路四线路主任,次子玉禄为兴家室而竭尽心力,三子玉奎大学文凭~从政平川区宝积路街道办事处~任党委书记,四子玉橡大学文凭~执教于靖远一中~而后来者亦皆诚实灵秀~成龙成凤~又望代不乏人。 太公于桑榆之晚~子孝孙贤~承欢膝下~当尽享天伦之乐~归园之趣~孰料匆匆西归~百唤不回~以致儿女殷勤之意未尽~垂教之训莫能闻矣: 颂曰: 天地之苍茫兮~星运斗转~长河之归溟兮~推波助澜。 松柏之蔚起兮~人才倍现~香泥之护花兮~春枝烂漫。 边公辉祖墓志铭 边君府讳辉祖~祖居临洮~后徙靖远。生于一九二九年古六月初六日,卒于二00四年古二月初二日,享年七旬有五。 君平生勤苦~秉性谦和.宽厚正直。兄弟两人~唯君辛劳。君出身名门~聪颖好学~建国之初~中学毕业~沐浴春风~勤于执政~法院税务~业务精通~进修政治~武装头脑~多处基层~为民办事~寒暑不废~殚精竭虑~至诚奉公~克己恭人~多有美声.于公如斯~于家亦然。幼小失怙~备尝艰难~尽心事母~竭力慈孝~帮衬兄弟~任劳任怨。弱冠成家~夫妻相亲~举案同眉~生子育孙~苦度岁mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 月~两男八女~操心倍至。家道中途~天降祸端~长子早殁~君忍巨痛~肩负重任~拉扯其后~期间辛酸~令人结肠。在世之时~教诲子女~正直处世~宽厚待人~令人感动。而今社会~国泰民安~子女有成~孙儿争气~该享晚福~讵料苍天~使君早归~呜呼哀哉~为赞其德~铭曰: 南山苍苍,北河泱泱;太公于兹,德业流芳. 忠于国家,业务专长;勤于持家,愈艰愈刚; 教育儿女,用心良苦;豁达有节,乐观自强. 太公风范,后世景仰.葬在斯地,利于子孙. 靖远二中高级教师 张永廉 敬书 平之 敬校 甲申二月初五 何复纲先生墓志铭 何公讳复纲~靖远县三滩乡新田村人~生于1924年农历十一月廿四日~2004年3月25日农历闰二月初五卒~享年八旬有一。 何氏世居三滩。为大户望族~而先生家门寒微~生计惟艰~双亲含辛茹苦~抚子育孙~二男三女~幸有所赖~渐成渐长。奈何天道不爽~命途难期~二姊初归~而双亲遽逝。先生与妹。顿失所怙~孤苦伶仃~望门投亲。幸舅氏怜悯~寄养有地。先生感恩~惟勤惟兢~牧畜深山~耕田南亩~琐事零活~默默去干~深得舅家欢心。迎娶张氏淑女后~始返故里。先生性格坚韧~吃苦耐劳~起早贪黑~顶暑冒寒~中落之家~得以复兴。先生出身农门~然思想进步~新中国建国伊始~满腔热情~投身建设~加入党组织~群众带头人。农业合作化时~任队长、社长~公社化之后~任大队党支部副书记、书记多年~勤勤恳恳~兢兢业业~吃苦在前~享受在后~带领群众大搞农田基本建设~张家坪、许家坪荒山~变成千亩良田~平田整地~铺压沙田~生存大计~有益于民~虽为政策要求~然先生组织之功不可没矣。农副并举~办小加工厂~艰难岁月中~稍益社员收入。先生淳厚善良~兼以自幼艰苦备尝~独具悲天悯人之性~族里邻里~贫弱之家~皆记心中~于公照顾~于私周济~受先生关怀帮助者~乡邻自有口碑。先生课子育孙~教导有方~归农者力耕自食~奉公者投身事业~各务为良~颇有建树~皆法先生之为人。先生一生~讷于言~行于天祖~务农为本~次子~天国~不幸早殁~三子天富过继兄长~本科学历~一中教师。孙男四~孙女四~或成家立业~或学校读书。曾孙男一~童蒙在家。先生遐龄八秩~四世同堂~古称仁者寿~先生其仁者欤:铭曰: 何公复纲 正直善良 扶贫济弱 品德馨香 带领群众 造福一方 推己及人 传统榜样 三台铭功 山高水长 庇护子孙 世世其昌 靖远二中校长吴贵栋 敬撰 张老太公墓志铭 张老太公讳兴邦~祖籍靖远三滩劈佛寺~后徙王家山镇万庙张大坝~生于民国八年七月二十日,卒于天运甲申闰二月十五日卯时~享年八旬有六。 太公一生~仁厚豁达~品德高尚~名望颇高。兄弟两人~唯公辛劳。生于乱世~备尝艰辛。幼年失母~与父相依为命~帮衬小弟~肩挑重担~从不言苦。弱冠娶三滩中二张氏为妻~相敬如宾~尊老爱幼~亲友睦邻~共同承担育子抚孙mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 的重任,六七十年代~在井尔川煤矿当工人~带领一帮外地矿工~关心他们~无微不至,太公吃苦耐劳~任劳任怨~颇有美声。 太公教子有方~四男四女~皆有所成。长子张彩~次子张学~秉承父业~勤于农桑,三子张琨~一中教师~耕耘教坛,四子张栋~海石湾工人~工作有成,女四皆嫁良善之姓~理家能手。孰料天有不测之风云~家道中途~天降祸端~长子早殁~次子西归~长女又逝~太公强忍巨痛~肩负重任~拉扯其后~晚年丧妻~其间辛酸~令人结肠。 太公在世~教诲子女~正直处世~宽厚待人~使族人梓里感动不已。而今社会~国泰民安~子女有成~兰桂腾芳~该享晚福~讵料苍天~使公早归~呜呼哀哉:为赞其德~ 铭曰: 南山苍苍~北河泱泱~太公一生~苦难备尝。 勤于稼穑~善理家庭 , 仁厚豁达~愈艰愈刚。 教育子女~良苦用心。生是人杰~逝为鹤灵。 太公德昭~后世景仰。葬于斯地~利于子孙。 靖远一中 平之 敬撰 刘老太君碑文 故耋寿孺人刘门李氏讳生桂~生于民国八年古六月八日~于公元2004年4月27日寿终内寝~享年八旬有六。雁过苍穹~声清越而长鸣~人经尘世~名令美而恒留。太君一生~年高德劭~福寿荣归。 太君原籍榆中青城~出身农耕~殷实人家~大家闺秀~贤淑达理~农桑女红~靡不谙熟。民国二十五年适于刘门~夫君执事杏坛~教书育人~家务重任~落于太君一身。1953年~随夫举家迁居靖远~家大人多~经济拮据~太君含辛茹苦~任劳任怨。半世纪奉翁姑~毕敬毕恭,七十载振家声~克勤克俭。尽心相夫~举案齐眉~哺养兄弟~抚育子女,劬劳务农~勤事纺绩。南学东厨留身影~西屋北堂映懿行。艰辛之家得以兴旺~寒陋之舍因而殷实。 太君有嗣五人~三男两女。育嗷嗷以待哺~抚立业而成家~言传耕读祖训~身教处世为人~子女成才~更育孙辈,桑榆之年~幸抱曾孙~四世同堂~儿孙绕膝~天伦之乐~几人能比,长子自力~大学毕业~曾任省商校校长~高级讲师,次子自行~致力农本~勤劳致富,三子自翔~久任省经贸学校校长~高级讲师~两女自清、自玲~大学毕业~国家干部~家庭幸福~事业有成。五孙七人~五男两女~或重点大学毕业~或名牌大学读书~或大专文凭~或高中学历~或为记者~或为教师~或为干部~各施其力~各有所成~光宗耀祖~显亲扬名。曾孙三人~两男一女~启蒙开智~健康成长。子孝孙贤~福如东海。 太君淑性~仁厚并著,太君为人~平和共昭。老吾老~以及人之老~幼吾幼~以及人之幼。礼让四邻~和睦乡里~历两朝而性益善~逾八旬而心弥慈。古云:仁者寿~太君之谓也。树欲静而风不止~子欲养而亲不在~斯人去矣~其德永著。女宗共仰~阃范足式~功荫宗族~泽被桑梓。月沉辉留~坤安德怀~惠映千古~芳流百世。 铭曰: mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 靖远一中高级教师 王天志 敬撰 2004.5.1 滕母墓志铭 故孺人滕府君张氏讳俊庆~生于一九三九年农历十月廿五日~于公元二零零四年农历四月廿三日戌时逝世~享寿六旬有六。 君原籍武威~后徙内蒙临河~出自殷实人家~少小聪慧~受恩父惠~贤淑达理~姊妹八人~惟其学有所成~农大毕业。事出有因~嫁于我邑~与滕公相依~相爱相亲~苦度艰难。善良处世~克俭克勤~奉侍翁姑~茶药孝顺~妯娌共处~苦育后人~筹谋媒娶~万苦千辛~职尽内助~居贱食贫~劳劳碌碌~以度长春。 君温婉和善~待人至诚~精通医理~多为乡间孕妇接生~甚有美名。 君有嗣五人~四男一女~育嗷嗷以待哺~抚立业而成家~言传耕读祖训~身教处世为人~子女成才~更育孙辈。长子滕达~兰大毕业~教坛耕耘,次子滕胜~学有专长~鲁班门生,三子滕峰~农耕好手,季子滕飞~过继二叔~叔待之至亲~从事稼穑。女滕丽~教师~嫁与良善人家~各有建树。为其儿孙~费尽心血。 君课教儿女~正直做人~志存高远~令族人梓里感动不已。如斯人德~本该颐养天年~讵料胡天不佑~疾患侵身~终因医治无效~一朝千古。呜呼哀哉:为赞君德~铭曰: 临河之女~堂堂正正, 九曲黄河~浩浩汤汤, 君之功兮~城乡共仰, 君之德兮~山高水长。 平之敬撰 甲申四月廿八日 彭君辅清墓志铭 彭府君讳辅清~靖远县三滩乡联合村人~系清彭公八品官讳发枝第六孙。父讳兴武~母秦孺人。君生于民国六年农历丁巳二月十八日~卒于天运甲申六月初九日卯时~享年八十八岁。 君幼聪颖~曾入塾学~因父母早逝而辍学。兄弟三人相依为命~艰难度日~及长~尽其所能~替家分忧。抗战时为救亡图存~参加中共地下党。解放后~为农为工为商数十载~足迹遍及府县~汗水洒满阡陌。 君秉性耿直~待人至诚~崇尚节俭~勤劳持家~孝慈穆兄~与邻和善~尤喜器乐~以乐乡民。生二子四女~长子存林~悬壶济世~次子其林~研究生毕业~高级教师。女玉莲、凤莲、凤林、会莲~俱配佳偶~家兴业旺。有孙科、学~中专毕业~皆成家立业~孙女芳芳已嫁~希希年幼。曾孙四人~聪敏秀丽。 忆君一生~训诫子孙~正直做人~志存高远~先公后私~可敬可钦。为赞其德~铭曰: 黄河之水育彭公~ 诚朴敦厚睦四邻。 德高望重乡人颂~恩惠绵长泽子孙。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 甲申六月十五日 任君爱谦墓志铭 任府君讳爱谦~靖远县城关镇任家店人。生于民国二十九年二月初六日~逾花甲而于甲申古历六月廿三日巳时~寿终正寝~享年六旬有五。 君幼聪颖~励志学堂~未至弱冠~痛失双亲~君忍巨哀~化悲痛~为力量~愈加苦读~靖远一中初中毕业~以优异成绩~考入靖远师范~一九六0年~在定西县唐家堡中学任教~后由教师晋任文教专干~十八春秋~汗洒教苑,七八年调至靖远县宣传部工作,九一年~接受组织安排在县税务局工作,九四年~又调县国税局~千禧之年~光荣退休。 君秉性谦和~宽厚正直~待人至诚~克己奉公~崇尚节俭~勤劳治家~孝慈穆兄~与邻和善~颇有美声。弱冠娶砂梁高氏为妻~相敬如宾~育子抚孙。生一子四女~子宏刚~党校毕业~从事税务工作,女宏琴、宏荣、宏萍、宏艳~皆适和善殷实人家~淑娴能干,有二孙~孙子志鹏~孙女志斌~皆年幼聪敏秀丽。而今~国泰民安~家业兴亡~欣享天伦之乐~讵料身患痼疾~一朝千古~使子女呼天不应~寸肠欲断。 忆君一生~训诫子孙~正直做人~志存高远~先公后私~可敬可钦。为赞其德~铭曰: 天地之苍茫兮~星辉斗亮, 黄河之浩荡兮~源远流长。 任君之德昭兮~城乡共仰~ 任君之泽厚兮~万世其昌。 平之 敬撰 赵府君讳雄之墓志铭 赵府君讳雄~初居靖远城敷文巷~后徙乌兰乡十里敦。生于民国卅年四月十六日辰时~逾花甲而于甲申九月十一日卯时~寿终正寝~享年六旬有四。 君一生清苦。幼年痛失双亲~赖其祖父母拉扯成人~期间辛酸~令人结肠。姊妹三人~君小懂事~相依互帮~艰难度日~及长~尽其所能~替家分忧。 君承祖业~以农为本~栉风沐雨~耕耘打碾~足遍阡陌~以其坚强毅力~忘我而为大家。 君敦厚谦逊~待人至诚~谨谙孝道~克勤克俭~与邻和善~乡里称赞。 弱冠之年~娶妻张 氏~鹿车共挽~育子抚孙。有二子一女~长子义勤~半农半商~经营有方~家道殷实,季子仪俭~大学毕业~耕耘教坛~一中老师,女儿惠莉~淑娴能干~适于良门~理家能手,有孙四人~孙子锦文、锦武~孙女雯雯、改雯~皆聪敏秀慧~或农或工或商或学~各尽其才。而今~国泰民安~家业兴旺~欣享天伦之乐~讵料胡天不佑~疾患侵身~终因医治无效~溘然长逝。 忆君一生~训诫子孙~憨厚做人~勤俭治家~先公后私~可敬可钦。为赞其德~铭曰: 呜呼赵君~清苦一生。 勤俭持世~以农为本。 安贫乐道~城乡共颂。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 葬于斯地~利泽子孙。 靖远一中教师 平之 敬撰 杜培勇先生墓志铭 呜呼:维公元二00四年岁次甲申九月十四日卯时~杜讳培勇先生病卒~享寿七秩晋四。 先生民国二十年未岁腊月~生于靖远大庙乡旱沟村~髫年颖悟~力学入大庙小学~启蒙少承家教~长怀大愿,十五龄旋入靖师 ~孜孜不倦~发愤苦读~以品学兼优之绩而光荣入团~年方十九卒业~即,既,执教论古小学。翌年擢任糜滩小学副校长兼教导主任~继任靖师附小校长。 先生倾心事业~追求进步~丹心向党~夙愿以偿,跃进年代~先生负肩五中校长重任~率领师生~筚路蓝缕~勤工俭学~创业建校~业绩瞩目~多受褒奖~荣获全国先进生产者之称~誉赴京受奖。六二年任二中党支部书记~七五年调一中~先后任革委会副主任、副校长、党支部书记之职。 先生四十年如一日甘为人梯~垂范劝学~严谨治校~宵衣旰食~鞠躬尽瘁~毕生心血~悉献教育~功绩卓著~教泽无量。 先生质朴敦厚~勤俭一生~团结同仁~肝胆相照~淡泊名利~洁身自好~光明磊落~高风亮节~其品其德~堪称楷模~杏坛耆宿~闻名陇上。 先生弱冠~德配本邑刘氏桂英~生子三女一曰:杜忠、真、才、惠。先生趋庭垂训~诲教成才。兄妹四者咸成家立业。伯忠事稼穑~精作务,仲真执法~勤政为民,叔才经商有道:各有建树。六孙者~鼓翼向上~勤奋好学~进平高校~金榜题名。铭曰: 一代宗师~培勇先生~ 钟情教育~树梁育栋。 悉心劳务~殚精校政。 育才有方~治校严谨。 化雨传薪~桃芳李芬~ 克勤克俭~两袖清风。 杏坛典范~千古彪炳: 县党史办主任 魏其江 敬撰 靖远一中教师 包正之 敬书 柴公讳锦荣墓志铭 柴公讳锦荣~初居通渭义岗董家寨~后徙靖远乌兰西关村~生于民国二十三年七月初七~至古稀于天运甲申九月廿一日~寿终正寝。 公家门寒微~世代农耕。幼年不幸~痛失双亲~姊妹四人~公居第三。相依为命~甘苦共尝~形影相吊~寒暑互望。为人牧羊~艰辛备尝。及长从戎~六载为荣。造福桑梓~通渭留名。六十年代~侨居靖远~从事稼穑~抗鼎负轭~安贫乐道~堪称典范。 公豁达刚强~待人至真~谨尊孝悌~克勤克俭~与邻和善~乡人共赞。 弱冠之年~娶妻景氏~鹿车共挽~育子抚孙。生有三男二女:长子星耀~大学毕业~耕耘教坛~二中老师,次子君耀~秉承父业~勤勤恳恳~从事农桑,季子辉mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 耀~过继伯父~伯待至亲~以农为本。女芳芳、君芳~适于良门~理家能手。孙六幼小~聪颖秀丽~小学读书。公晚年失伴~心神俱碎~幸儿女贤孝~徐慰相安。而今之时~万事皆佳~欣享天伦之乐~归园之趣~孰料公却匆匆西归~百唤不回~以致儿女殷勤之意未尽~垂教之训莫能闻矣: 忆公一生~诲教子女~忠厚为人~勤劳治家~志存高远~可敬可钦。为赞其德~铭曰: 呜呼柴公~勤劳一生, 豁达刚直~忠厚待人, 安贫乐道~稼穑为本, 亲善仗义~乡里共赞。 葬于斯地~百世其昌: 靖远一中教师 平之 敬撰 王洛宾墓碑碑文 公元一九九六年三月十四日凌晨洛宾仙逝~二十日向遗体告别~二十二日送骨灰进京~边城乌鲁木齐三降大雪。天公为其志哀~世人无不称奇。 王洛宾原名荣庭~一九一三年十二月二十八日生于北京~三四年肄业于北京师范大学音乐系~三七年投身抗日救亡宣传。辗转千里~驻足青海。四九年参加解放军进入新疆。乐坛耕耘六十余载~创作歌剧六部~搜集、整理、创作歌曲千余首~出版歌集八部。情音怡神~中外沸扬~殊才饰疆~懿范 流光。洛宾名重。其歌获国家金唱片奖~《在那遥远的地方》和《半个月亮爬上来》~为二十世纪世界华人音乐经典~《达坂城的姑娘》和《阿拉木罕》等歌久唱不衰~他多次赴国外办音乐会与讲学~联合国总部展示其民歌成就~巴黎音乐学院音乐教材和世界歌星罗伯逊保留曲目均有其歌。王洛宾重谊。为学生幼儿谱曲~为边关将士挥笔~为工农大众抒情~为海外华人合唱团赠歌~情深意切~众口皆碑。洛宾谦逊。对民谣之父、音乐大师、西部歌王等称谓淡然处之~却将新加坡友人赠其“传歌者”三字视为珍宝。洛宾爱国。两次铁窗之苦~未断其云游乐海、振兴民乐之梦~终生致力于让中国民歌流行世界五百年之宏愿。洛宾大志。先生舍爱妻黄玉兰及三幼子在京只身西进。五一年妻病故后独身苦将三子养育成人~耄耋之年坚持自理~拈米舔骨节俭之至~乐骑单车至八十有二。其作品通俗朴实大气~盖源其品性也。 千里驹兮杂于马群~需伯乐兮相而拔晋。西部曲兮流于民唇~承洛宾兮识而传真。驹无伯乐兮无以千里~曲无洛宾兮中外寡闻。民间瑰宝兮撷之于民~人间绝唱兮得之于心。传歌之志兮可喜可钦~洛宾之功兮青史永存。 《音乐生活报 王超海》 ,,,,年,月?,日 史考伯给自己的墓碑文 这里躺着一个善于与那些比他更聪明的下属打交道的人。 注: 这是美国历史上第一个年薪超过百万的管理人员史考伯给自己写的墓志铭。有人问他“你的老板为什么愿意一年付你超过,,,万的薪金~你到底有什mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 么本事,”这个钢铁公司的总经理回答说:“我对钢铁懂得并不多~我的最大的本事是我能使员工鼓舞起来。而鼓舞员工的最好~就是表现真诚的赞赏和鼓励。” 海明威的墓碑文 恕我起不来了: 注: 这是美国著名作家海明威(,,,,-,,,,)为自己写的墓志铭。 下面是一些写给父母的碑文祭文~仅供参考。有需要用的~请自行对照修改。 1.慈父于1926年01月29日在山东省广饶县出生,于2004年12月07日在北京仙逝。慈父幼年丧父~与祖母相依为命~十三岁独自一人来到北京谋生~学徒经商~供养祖母~后娶妻成家~养育了两儿两女。因妻生病~慈父青壮年时光既当爹又当妈~家中三代人的生计重担全压在慈父一人的肩上~慈父劳苦一生~把子女抚养成人直至考上大学。慈父一生勤勉持家,乐观开明,晚年更显慈祥。慈父平凡的一生~在日常生活中所费的心思和所做的操劳,给我们生命中留下了无尽的思考~您是子女心目中伟大的父亲~您的子孙很想念您老人家~我们怀念那段父慈子爱的幸福时光: 2.我父*** 于生之时,上尊长辈, 尤敬二老,提壶暖褥, 全心为孝.养妻及女, 尽心竭力,珍妻如体, 为夫之楷,怜护爱女, 言传身教,日盼成材. 3.我敬爱的父亲XXX一生奋斗不息~才华横溢~聪明过人。可惜生不逢时~怀才不遇~郁郁而终. 4.树欲静而风不止~子欲养而亲不在~奉父百年岂足,哀哉正当壮年~何意撒手竟长逝~只享春秋六六。 5.敬其业亦志未酬~育我身矣恩未报~愧儿七尺微躯:幸也留芳他日~应是慈颜无相见~难寻瑶岛三千。 6.大思根深,流长追源远! mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 7.光明邻上树高春深,荔蓝双溪呜咽涌流! 8.天人同悲. 妈妈~今天是您离开我们XX周年的日子~早晨我和弟弟一行~带着鲜花前往八达岭陵园看您。一路上~天空下着蒙蒙细雨~继而又飘起了朵朵雪花~古老的长城披上了白纱素缟~宁静的陵园显得格外的肃穆。感物思人~我们的怀念之情更加浓郁…… 9.无私母爱(百日祭文) 亲爱的妈妈~今天是您去世的一百天~儿女们每时每刻的都在牵挂着您的冷暖~您在天堂还好吗,妈妈啊妈妈~亲爱的妈妈~您用那甘甜的乳汁把我喂养大~教我学走路~教我学说话…………每每想起这首歌~心中便会想起母亲那对儿女们的无限关怀和对母亲无穷的思念~母亲总是用她温柔慈祥的目光关爱着儿女们的行程~我们也在母亲无私的爱中茁壮成长。 妈妈您是那么含辛茹苦~为了子女付出一切。为了子女们能够有出息~您与经历了多少的生活磨难~默默的为子女们奉献着自己的一切而无怨无悔。 10.爸~我无法也不愿接受这个事实~有的时候~我真的感觉这一切都不是真的~我感觉您只不过是去出了一趟远门而已~可是随之我又会想起那么多令我痛心的场景和黑色的记忆~竟然是那么的清晰~抹也抹不去~令我不容怀疑~令我不能心存一丝幻想:接受吗~我只能接受这惨痛的一切吗,为什么三个月以前您还是健康的~而短短的三个月之后~就让我们阴阳永隔,老天为什么这么快就把您从我的身边夺走了呢,是不是还有很多地方儿子没有做好,是不是您不愿意让儿女们花钱太多才走的这样匆忙,有很多的人在劝我想开点~给我讲道理~其实所有的道理我都明白~可是明白道理也并不能减轻我的痛苦和思念啊:还有什么比失去最爱的父亲更能够让人心碎的吗:给您烧“二七”的那天~姐姐们让我在您的坟前念叨念叨~让我别再想您了~而我却没有说一句话~我不说:我情愿就这样不停地想着您~就这样一直不停地想下去: 以下碑文~整自网络~仅供参考。有需要用的~完全可以对照修改即可。 1.先,祖,父母合葬墓碑文 先严张大人~讳学禄~陕西武功人。生于民国16年月日~无疾殁于中华人名共和国2004年正月初七。 2.先慈路孺人~讳秀云~陕西武功人。生于民国年月日~殁于中华人名共和国年腊月初四。 3.先祖乡中缙绅~雅望闾里~敬天乐土~奉书勤业。持掌家祖事务~教家丁卯~少适耕读。先严勤而有度~时与同龄伙伴相嬉为乐。至国中遭寇~外敌叩延mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 关外~秦中震动~始辍弃学业~专心操劳农务~守祖业于乱世~直至国改。 4.为父母撰写的碑文 仰怀先祖饮水思源父母养育恩重如山严父一生勤于农耕节俭持家忍辱负重为人忠厚邻里称颂天年康健乐享余生 5.齐xx父母碑文 先父xx~乘甲子~适孟冬。垂髫丧母~乞荒踵兄。颠沛流离~动心忍性。总发拜塾~刺股炳萤~拙而不惰~迟而不凝。寒窗数载~弱冠师宗~传道解惑~育人理校~兢兢业业者三十而终矣。 6.先妣周氏xx~岁逢丙寅孟冬。受诗理~习织缝。淡心如水~柔情若虹。甲午归父~苦度日无怨~勤持家有成。上奉而下养~内贤而外明。饥弗食而助灾邻~寒毋衣而予贫穷。生四女一男~乐以德教~爱以仁导~继之人兴也。适劳极而福至~噩起壬申仲秋~正寝寿终。悲夫命哉: 7.李xx父母碑文 先父讳名李xx~生于丙辰一九一六年腊月十二~卒于一九九七年腊月初十~享年八十一岁。先父出身农家~受先祖之教诲恩泽~以农为业~为本~为贵~躬亲耕作~颐养天年,以家为职~为根~为重~苦心经营~终致殷实。忠厚老实待人~安分守己处事~耿直无媚~俭朴不奢。含辛茹苦一世~兢业操劳终生。八十一载平凡普通~淡泊寡欲与世无争。无愧于苍天厚土~荣耀于列祖列宗~堪为儿女之严父师表。 8.张xx父母碑文 家严张公讳xx~癸亥孟春二十九生~庚辰孟夏初九卒~享年七十八岁。幼孤罹难而志远~躬耕自学而不倦。入杏林以济世~涉梨园以教人~勤谨豁达一世也。虽一介农夫~其知其风~可师可表. 9.邢xx祖父碑文 先祖邢公讳x~庚申一九二零年季冬初八生~戊辰一九八八年仲冬初三卒~享年六十又八。先祖幼贫未塾~博闻见丰~佣耕垄亩~园艺庖丁。贫而乐道~勤谨至终。暮时谆谆~典史启蒙~侪辈逢霖~与日俱成。鳏夫老矣~天伦融融。然乐未极而悲生~肺痼起而寿终。山号水泣~心摧骨恸~疚面深思~顿首涕零~其辞曰:****** 10.王xx祭父亲文 维农历二零零三年岁次癸未~季春二日孝子王xx等牲酒时羞致祭于显考王mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 公府君之灵前曰: 呜呼~父秉性兮~孝友德全。生儿育女兮~训诲渊源。余冀父寿兮~亿万期年。 11.张xx祭父母文 父亲,张xx,出身农家~兄弟四人排行老三。幼时窘迫贫寒~衣食无着。八岁即放羊喂牛~打短工~拉长工。伯父叔父被抓壮丁后~杳无音信。他就支撑家业~下苦力谋生~奉养祖父、祖母、曾祖父、曾叔父。建国后~先后做过生产队长、保管员、贫农代表。母亲,边xx,祖籍河南省xx县xx镇xx村~家境穷苦。一九四零年家乡遭遇黄河决口之灾~她与家人逃荒离散~只身流落陕西~佣工乞讨~漂泊无所。十八岁嫁到张家。****** 12.李xx父母碑文 先父幼入村学~聪颖貌恭~好学强志~孳孳不苟~束身自修~颇为师喜父爱。及壬辰十五~厄运天降~凶岁三丧:祖父母相继作古~伯母接踵病殇。先父抱戚衔哀~辍学而躬耕。越二年~以才见辟民办教师授业于xx乡。传道之余~怜病者之蹒跚~悯患者之呻吟~遂弃教研习诊脉于xx联合诊所。苦读揣摩~临床实践~三载未尽~受xx县卫生局医护员。明年~入xx县红十字协会~兢兢从医~脉脉待患~扶伤五载~晋护士职。癸丑而立~修业于三原卫校暨西京儿童医院~迁晋医师。善内儿科~长中西医辩证施治。回春之术~孺牛之德~乾永扶麟,注,~皆盛口碑。寿至桑榆~不忍一生所得为时而湮~遂自立诊所~悬壶济世~传医术于膝下及乡医诸生。 13.祭祖父母碑文 祖父绥旺,表字兆甫 宣统元年,诞于神木 天赋异禀,幼入私塾 精晓五经,娴熟四书 长而丧父,育弟侍母 继而丧母,独立门户 率丁廿余,营田百亩 卧薪十载,终成望族 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 名满一方,不孚先祖 年甫古稀,驾崩故土 庞氏一生,尚道尊儒 自强不息,厚德载物 祖母张氏,生在甲午 讳名翠华,柔美贤淑 秀外惠中,兰心罗敷 14.《雪屐寻碑录》中 康熙为孝懿后父母佟国维夫妇所树碑文 奉天承运。皇帝制曰。国重干城之选。宣力惟人。朝颁章服之荣。酬庸有典。爵首隆于五等。命宜锡自九重。尔一等公议政大臣舅舅佟国维。性资忠勇。器识宏通。依日月之光华。懋成劳于钟鼎~际海山之清宴。食旧德于旗常。比晋秩夫崇阶。益靖共于在位。心存天室。长存捧日之忱。贵列上公。弥励循墙之节。欣逢庆泽。式焕新纶。兹以覃恩。特授尔阶光禄大夫锡之诰命。于戏。懋乃嘉猷。允称腹心之寄。膺兹宠奖。益彰阀阅之勋。只服训辞。对扬休命。初任一等侍卫。二任内大臣。三任领侍卫内大臣。四任一等公领侍卫内大臣。五任今职。制曰。夙夜匪懈,******** 哀哀吾父~一生劬劳。垂髫弱冠~谨受傅训~馆塾课业~瓷城学艺。及壮入社~为公劳动~暑午锄禾~寒修水利。耄耋之年~耕作不辍。父运多舛~延宕婚配。勤俭持家~忠厚处世。抚儿慈爱~以身作则。二男一女~教养成人。父亲之德~高山仰止。不作诳言~不存欺心。与人为善~和睦亲族。推拿掐时~方便四民。我今来思~涕泗长流。恺恻庶汇~叨念不忘: mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order
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