

2017-09-17 11页 doc 36KB 20阅读




带有颜色的ABB词语、带有反义词的成语、单字常用反义词、反义词,对子歌带有颜色的ABB词语、带有反义词的成语、单字常用反义词、反义词,对子歌 带有颜色的ABB词语 金灿灿 黄澄澄 绿茵茵 绿油油 蓝盈盈 紫盈盈 灰溜溜 灰蒙蒙 红艳艳 红通通 红彤彤 亮晶晶 亮铮铮 亮闪闪 白茫茫 白花花 白皑皑 白蒙蒙 黑乎乎 黑漆漆 黑洞洞 黑压压 黑黝黝 黑油油 黑压压 黑糊糊 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental pro...
带有颜色的ABB词语、带有反义词的成语、单字常用反义词、反义词,对子歌 带有颜色的ABB词语 金灿灿 黄澄澄 绿茵茵 绿油油 蓝盈盈 紫盈盈 灰溜溜 灰蒙蒙 红艳艳 红通通 红彤彤 亮晶晶 亮铮铮 亮闪闪 白茫茫 白花花 白皑皑 白蒙蒙 黑乎乎 黑漆漆 黑洞洞 黑压压 黑黝黝 黑油油 黑压压 黑糊糊 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 带有反义词的成语 有名无实 有气无力 有始无终 有恃无恐 有头无尾 有天无日 有眼无珠 有勇无谋 左顾右盼 左邻右舍 左思右想 上行下效 朝令暮改 朝三暮四 舍生忘死 贪生怕死 醉生梦死 承上启下 承前启后 开天辟地 惊天动地 顶天立地 花天酒地 欢天喜地 改天换地 经天纬地 遮天盖地 震天动地 翻天覆地 翻来覆去 顾此失彼 厚此薄彼 虎头蛇尾 街头巷尾 继往开来 扬长避短 说长道短 三长两短 截长补短 取长补短 今是昨非 口是心非 似是而非 空前绝后 除旧布新 你死我活 拈轻怕重 弄假成真 七上八下 欺上瞒下 完整无缺 借古讽今 颂古非今 起死回生 避重就轻 头重脚轻 将信将疑 尺短寸长 积少成多 瞻前顾后 挑肥拣瘦 同甘共苦 声东击西 喜新厌旧 凶多吉少 眼高手低 假公济私 惩前毖后 自始至终 朝思暮想 飞短流长 返老还童 争先恐后 转败为胜 深入浅出 有名无实 有口无心 名存实亡 悲喜交加 黑白分明 功败垂成 进退两难 进退维谷 轻重缓急 轻重倒置 生死存亡 生死攸关 始终如一 是非曲直 阴阳怪气左右逢源 不关痛痒 颠倒黑白 混淆黑白 混淆是非 颠倒是非 举足轻重 无足轻重 礼尚往来 大惊小怪 大街小巷 大材小用大同小异 东奔西走 东张西望 古为今用 今非昔比 苦尽甘来 来龙去脉 冷嘲热讽 里应外合 南辕北辙 南腔北调 南征北战内忧外患 前赴后继 前仆后继 前仰后合 前因后果 深入浅出 生离死别 死去活来 天崩地裂 天翻地覆 天高地厚 天高地迥 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 天昏地暗 天经地义 天罗地网 天旋地转 天诛地灭 同床异梦异口同声 异曲同工 阴错阳差 有备无患 有口无心 理所当然——岂有此理 隐隐约约——清清楚楚 勤勤恳恳——懒懒散散 不可思议——顺理成章 恍恍惚惚——清清楚楚 应接不暇——应付自如 不计其数——屈指可数 人山人海——寥寥无几 生机勃勃——无精打采 人声鼎沸——鸦雀无声 风平浪静——波涛汹涌 从容不迫——惊慌失措 崇山峻岭—— 一马平川 所向披靡——溃不成军 爱财如命——挥金如土 异口同声——众说纷纭 爱不释手——弃若敝屐 半途而废——坚持不懈 一丝不苟——粗枝大叶 博古通今——坐井观天 名副其实——名不副实 雪中送炭——雪上加霜 歪歪斜斜——端端正正 风平浪静——狂风恶浪 迷迷糊糊——清清楚楚 全神贯注——心不在焉 断断续续——连续不断 赏心悦目——触目惊心 一丝不苟——粗心大意 力倦神疲——精力充沛 万马奔腾——无声无息 暖暖和和——冷冷清清 吞吞吐吐——干干脆脆 毫不犹豫——犹豫不决 别具一格——普普通通 熙熙攘攘——冷冷清清 心惊肉跳——镇定自如 理直气壮——理屈词穷 一朝一夕——日久天长 悔过自新——执迷不悟 群策群力——孤掌难鸣 废寝忘食——饱食终日 沸沸扬扬——鸦雀无声 翻来覆去——简单明了 吵吵嚷嚷——冷冷清清 唇枪舌剑——心平气和 粗制滥造——精雕细刻 安居乐业——颠沛流离 欣喜若狂——悲痛欲绝 无忧无虑——忧心忡忡 一丝不苟——马马虎虎 密密麻麻——疏疏落落 筋疲力尽——精神抖擞 一丝不苟——马马虎虎 受益匪浅——无所获 得意扬扬——垂头丧气 纵——横 得——失 南——北 薄——厚 哭——笑 文——武 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 推——拉 问——答 主——仆 买——卖 深——浅 聚——散 干——湿 彼——此 生——熟 单——双 首——末 你——我 敌——有 警——匪 盛——衰 胜——败 加——减 软——硬阴——阳 顺——逆 反——正 祸——福 信——疑 错——对 藏——露 老——少 断——续 钝——锐 浓——淡 雌——雄 醒——睡 止——行 咸——淡 正——歪 大——小 多——少 上——下 左——右 前——后 冷——热 高——低 进——退黑——白 天——地 男——女 里——外 死——活 公——私 快——慢 矛——盾 宽——窄 强——弱 轻——重 缓——急 松——紧 好——坏 美——丑 善——恶 是——非 闲——忙 来——去 分——合 存——亡 动——静 浓——淡 偏——正 饥——饱 爱——恨 升——降 开——关 始——终 胖——瘦 迎——送 盈——亏 真——假 虚——实 有——无 雅——俗 是——否 稀——密 粗——细 东——西 巧——拙 恩——怨 新——旧 正——邪 通——堵 止——行 古——今 张——弛 曲——直 亮——暗 亲——疏 收——放 输——赢 逆——顺 苦——甜 忠——奸 喜欢对讨厌,复杂对简单。 胆小对勇敢,早晨对傍晚。 责备对称赞,坚硬对柔软。 现实对幻想,软弱对刚强。 暗淡对明亮,缓和对紧张。 迅速对缓慢,乐观对悲观。 干净对肮脏,喜悦对悲伤。 沉着对慌张,凶恶对善良。 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 轻巧对笨重,繁重对轻松。 火热对冰冷,浪费对节省。 迟钝对灵敏,怀疑对相信。 喧哗对安静,动摇对坚定。 黑暗对光明,表扬对批评。 先进对落后,敌人对朋友。 秘密对公开,快乐对悲哀。 扩大对缩小,笨拙对灵巧。 潮湿对干燥,和蔼对粗暴。 憎恨对热爱,隐瞒对坦白。 暴露对隐蔽,陌生对熟悉。 糟蹋对爱惜,惩罚对奖励。 困难对容易,降落对升起。 白天对黑夜,欢送对迎接。 成功对失败,爱护对损害。 幸福对痛苦,正确对错误。 认真对马虎,明白对糊涂。 稠密对稀疏,清晰对模糊。 提倡对禁止,弯曲对笔直。 永久对暂时,结束对开始。 忧愁对高兴,冷淡对热情。 粗糙对光滑,矮小对高大。 愚蠢对聪明,动摇对坚定。 强烈对微弱,勤劳对懒惰。 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 反义词,对子歌,合辙押韵编得好。 帮你学记反义词,掌握词汇可不少。 天天唱支对子歌,保你记得快又牢。 上对下,小对大。前对后,左对右。多对少,老对少。来对去,男对女。 黑对白,里对外。高对低,粗对细。 远对近,古对今。明对暗,早对晚。 有对无,出对入。宽对窄,买对卖。 南对北,首对尾。西对东,始对终。 干对湿,公对私。美对丑,薄对厚。 咸对淡,甘对甜。天对地,稠对稀。 旧对新,晴对阴。浮对沉,假对真。 强对弱,对对错。开对关,硬对软。 深对浅,加对减。负对正,降对升。 冷对热,饱对饿。死对生,反对正。 直对弯,长对短。胜对败,好对坏。 快对慢,双对单。熟对生,歪对正。 笑对哭,吸对呼。退对进,阳对阴。 优对劣,日对夜。紧对松,轻对重。 香对臭,胖对瘦。后对先,易对难。 冷对暖,忙对闲。爱对憎,贵对贱。 送对迎,动对静。仰对俯,吞对吐。 浊对清,输对赢。悲对喜,劳对逸。 凹对凸,矮对高。利对弊,此对彼。 盾对矛,贬对褒。涝对旱,简对繁。 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 单字常用反义词 大——小 多——少 上——下 左——右 前——后 冷——热 高——低 进——退 黑——白 天——地 男——女 里——外 死——活 公——私 快——慢 矛——盾 宽——窄 强——弱 轻——重 缓——急 松——紧 好——坏 美——丑 善——恶 是——非 闲——忙 来——去 分——合 存——亡 动——静 浓——淡 偏——正 饥——饱 爱——恨 升——降 开——关 始——终 胖——瘦 迎——送 盈——亏 真——假 虚——实 有——无 雅——俗 是——否 稀——密 粗——细 东——西 巧——拙 恩——怨 新——旧 正——邪 通——堵 止——行 古——今 张——弛 曲——直 亮——暗 亲——疏 收——放 输——赢 逆——顺 苦——甜 忠——奸 纵——横 得——失 南——北 薄——厚 哭——笑 文——武 推——拉 问——答 主——仆 买——卖 深——浅 聚——散 干——湿 彼——此 生——熟 单——双 首——末 你——我 敌——友 警——匪 盛——衰 胜——败 加——减 软——硬 阴——阳 顺——逆 反——正 祸——福 信——疑 错——对 藏——露 老——少 断——续 钝——锐 浓——淡 雌——雄 醒——睡 止——行 咸——淡 正——歪 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU.
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