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电动车充不进电了!教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶!电动车充不进电了!教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶! 电动车充不进电了~教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶! 2012-02-02 00:12:30| 分类: 学习 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 本文转载自浩晟--傲冰霜《电动车充不进电了~教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶!》 电动车充不进电了~教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶! 电瓶车电池一般用不了二年,这是内行人骗外行人的话语。用一个全封闭电池蒙骗了好多人。 一般的电池都可以加电池补充液修复,全封闭的电瓶车电池为何不行。报着死马当活马医的心态,我撬开了电池。 不看不知道,一看才知道原来所谓的全封闭,里...
电动车充不进电了!教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶! 电动车充不进电了~教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶! 2012-02-02 00:12:30| 分类: 学习 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 本文转载自浩晟--傲冰霜《电动车充不进电了~教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶!》 电动车充不进电了~教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶! 电瓶车电池一般用不了二年,这是内行人骗外行人的话语。用一个全封闭电池蒙骗了好多人。 一般的电池都可以加电池补充液修复,全封闭的电瓶车电池为何不行。报着死马当活马医的心态,我撬开了电池。 不看不知道,一看才知道原来所谓的全封闭,里面和普通的汽车铅蓄电池一样,完全可以加电池补充液修复。 电池补充液,2元钱一瓶,摩配城有卖的,450毫升左右。一瓶一般就可以修复一辆电瓶车,一组4个电池。 2元钱的成本,2百多元的收益,难怪现在偷电池的小偷那么多。若要富,走险路啊~ 现将我的修复过程用照片演示给大家。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 1。先撬开电池上的盖板,因内涂胶水一般撬开后盖板都破了,无 妨。 2。内有6个小孔,用橡胶帽盖着,把它拿开连同周边白色的吸附 棉。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 3。用注射针筒,每个小孔加25毫升左右的补充液(视个人电瓶缺 液情况而定,注意不能超过上面极板不然充电里面的液体会满出 来,因为充电时液体会沸腾的,加多了就回抽)。注意小孔的透气, 不然你加不进去。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 4。擦干周边漏液,复原帽盖,吸附棉。用胶带缠包好电池。至此 你的电池又可以用二年了。 OK! 大家觉得有用就顶哈~~ structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 电动车最好天天充电 怎样给电动车充电,记者做了个小范围随机调查。几个月前,李小姐买了辆电动车,没想到使用不久,电池就“罢工”了。据了解,李小姐的电动车每天行驶的里程比较多,她总是要到电池电量彻底用完了才去充电,有时候充上电就忘了拔电源,充上很长时间。 汪小姐平时出门的交通工具也是电动车,她的电动车使用寿命已有三年了。据她说,每天下班回家的第一件事,便是给自己的“坐骑”充电,每天充电时间为3至4个小时左右。 行家建议:天天骑最好天天充 究竟如何充电,才能延长电池的使用寿命,在萧绍路的乐野电structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 动车销售店,店员说,电动车的充电时间基本应该控制在10小时以内,充电时间过长很容易损坏电池。每次充电应该在电池的电量还未用完之前就充,这样对电池的损害比较小,使用的寿命就比较长。电动车的使用寿命关键是在对电池进行合理地使用与保养。 新福电动车销售点的店员讲,很多电动车的使用寿命短,主要是因为对电池的使用不当,应该根据行驶的里程数合理地控制充电时间,一次充电时间不能过长。 商业城一电动车专业维修店的师傅介绍说,电动车如天天使用,应该天天充,除非只开了不到一两公里。充电时一定要把电充满,当充电器的红色指示灯亮的时候,表示电池进入恒压浮充电状态,此时不表示电池已充足(约充入了70-80%)。一般情况下,4-8小时即可将电池充足。电充满时充电器绿灯亮。一旦充电,无论电池的电量消耗多少均应将蓄电池充满。 “目前市场上大多数电瓶车的保修期为一年,电瓶的充电次数可以在250次至300次左右。”多年从事电动自行车销售的李女士,在保养方面给出了如下建议:骑行起步时,不要单靠电动起步,要配合脚蹬助力;另外,即使长时间不用,也要半个月给电池充电一次。这样可延长电池使用寿命。另外,车胎要充足气,下车时要及时关闭电门。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof
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