

2017-09-19 25页 doc 61KB 34阅读




关于下奶和回奶的食物及药物(大全)关于下奶和回奶的食物及药物(大全) 关于下奶和回奶的食物及药物 现在把查到的的结果公布一下 下奶食物:猪蹄、花生、黄豆、鲫鱼、米酒、乌鸡汤、鱿鱼、豆浆、茭白、丝瓜、黄豆、虾 下奶药物:通草、王不留行、生乳汁 回奶食物:麦芽、蒲公英、花椒、茶叶、韭菜、猪肝、醋、芝麻、苦瓜、柚子、鸽子、巧克力、麦片、香椿、豆鼔,太咸太辣的 回奶药物:回奶茶 一、汤水方法催奶 1、 黑芝麻250克,炒熟研末,用猪蹄汤送服。 2、 猪蹄1对,茭白15克,通草10克,煨汤或煮熟吃。 3、 花生米炖猪蹄或炖猪肚,或用花生米与大米同煮粥...
关于下奶和回奶的食物及药物(大全) 关于下奶和回奶的食物及药物 现在把查到的的结果公布一下 下奶食物:猪蹄、花生、黄豆、鲫鱼、米酒、乌鸡汤、鱿鱼、豆浆、茭白、丝瓜、黄豆、虾 下奶药物:通草、王不留行、生乳汁 回奶食物:麦芽、蒲公英、花椒、茶叶、韭菜、猪肝、醋、芝麻、苦瓜、柚子、鸽子、巧克力、麦片、香椿、豆鼔,太咸太辣的 回奶药物:回奶茶 一、汤水催奶 1、 黑芝麻250克,炒熟研末,用猪蹄汤送服。 2、 猪蹄1对,茭白15克,通草10克,煨汤或煮熟吃。 3、 花生米炖猪蹄或炖猪肚,或用花生米与大米同煮粥。 、 冬瓜皮煮鲢鱼。 4 5、 红小豆煮粥,加红糖。 6、 鲜鲤鱼汤或用鲤鱼与大米同煮粥吃。 7、 黄花菜煨猪蹄或黄花菜炖老母鸡汤。 8、 鲜虾、鲜木瓜煮鱼汤。 9、 黄花菜30克,黄豆200克,猪蹄1只,清水适量,炖熟后调味服食,每日1次,连用5日. 10、 豆腐150克,红糖50克,米酒50克,先将豆腐、红糖加适量水煮,待红糖溶化后,倒入米酒煮片刻,吃豆腐喝汤,1次食完,连食5天。 二、中药类方法催奶 1、丝瓜衣、通草各3克煎水喝,或加猪蹄煮汤。若效果不大,可用北芪6克,当归9克,白芷3克,穿山甲6克与丝瓜子3克炖猪蹄,饮汤吃肉,效果极明显。 2、党参、黄芪30g,当归、路路通各18g,柴胡、青皮、陈皮、穿山甲、王不留各12g,香附15g,通草、漏芦各10g,主治产后缺乳〔催奶〕乳汁缺少。用法每日一剂,水煎服。一般服药2,3剂,效佳。 3、猪蹄2只, 炒川芎、当归、木通、王不留行 各9克。将猪蹄洗净,加水煮烂捞出,再在汤中加入上述药物,煎好去渣服用。 4、猪蹄2只,王不留行、穿山甲 各9克。 一起炖汤食用。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 5、猪蹄4只或蹄膀1只,通草2克。一起加水充分煎煮,食肉喝汤。 6、花生猪蹄汤:猪蹄2个,花生150克,盐、味精适量。「做法」将猪蹄除去蹄甲和毛后洗净,和花生一起放入炖锅中,加水适量,小火炖熟,加食盐、味精调味即可食用。「评价」花生性味甘平,入肺脾经,其功能益气、养血、和胃。猪蹄补血通乳,主治产妇产后乳汁缺乏。 7、黄芪炖鸡汤「原料」黄芪50克,枸杞15克,红枣10个,母鸡1只(1000克左右),生姜2片,盐、米酒适量。「做法」黄芪、枸杞、姜片放滤袋内,母鸡洗净,氽烫、冲凉、切块,与红枣一起放锅内。加入清水,小火炖焖1小时后加盐、米酒即可食用。「评价」黄芪可补气健脾、益肺止汗,民间常用于治疗产后乳汁缺少,又可补虚固,治疗产后虚汗症。母鸡性味甘温,能温中健脾、补益气血。此汤适用产后体虚、面色萎黄、乳汁过少、易出虚汗等症。需要注意的是,黄芪炖鸡汤宜在产后5,7天后食用。 8、猪蹄通草汤:「原料」猪蹄2只,通草6克,葱白3根。「做法」将以上3味共同加水煮汤通草有清热通乳的功能。此汤每日分3次服,连服3日,适用于产后缺乳。 哺乳期,随婴儿逐渐长大,奶汁量也逐渐增加。正常情况下,哺乳3个月时的奶量大约700,800毫升,6个月时达1000毫升。由此可见,乳母需要的热量和营养远远高于未哺乳妇女,所以,古今中外都重视给乳母大量补充营养。由于各地习俗不同,下奶的膳食也不一致。尽管各地习惯不同,膳食各异,但归纳起来看,膳食原则是一致的,不外乎: (1)增加摄入总量达到热卡3000千卡,日; (2)增加各种营养成分。例如,鸡蛋、肉、鱼等食物; (3)多吃新鲜青菜、水果和豆制品; (4)多喝猪蹄汤、骨头汤、鱼汤等,以增加水份。 奶不够多喝点鲫鱼汤加点海带和黄豆芽,我就是孩子生下来的时候就多喝汤.不管什么汤都多喝,菜也多吃. 1.按需吸吮、坚持不懈地给婴儿喂奶是保证乳量的最好方法。 2.多多吸吮:将婴儿放在母亲身边,一旦需要就给婴儿喂奶,夜间间隔时间可长 people, improve people's livelihood.of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the ction reau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the constrund do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Buems, ah, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tcour Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of fficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems.looking. The di-of work enthusiasm and forward2 一些,但不可不喂奶。另外,还应适当延长每侧乳房的喂奶时间 3.母亲多吃含足够蛋白质的食物:牛奶、奶制品、肉类、鱼类以及蔬菜、水果和奖果。如果在奶前10--15分钟,能喝一杯加奶的茶水、酸奶、糖渍果品或蔷薇花,奶水就会增多。 4.饮食中影响奶量分泌的浓茶、酒类等刺激性东西应该避免。 5.生活要有规律,宜保持心情舒畅,避免过于疲劳。精神上的振奋和愉悦会促使体内的催乳素水平增高,从而使奶水尽快增多。 6.为了避免喂奶时分心,可以关上门拉好窗帘,使周围环境安静。 7.心理调整:首先要相信自己有能力哺喂自己的婴儿,有这种信心才能坚持母乳喂养。其次,要放松自己,休息好、思想愉快,这样可促进催乳素的分泌。其三,多与自己的婴儿接触,孩子的皮肤、动作、表情和气味等都是催乳素分泌的促进剂。 食物催乳:民间有许多催乳的食疗方,可以运用。如鲜鲫鱼熬汤,猪蹄炖花生8. 米,酒酿鸡蛋花汤等。 9.药物催乳:西药灭吐灵、氯丙嗪等有促进泌乳的作用,但应在医生的指导下运用。 下列中药和食物有增加奶量的作用:(1)中药:贝母,王不留行,蒺藜,三棱,蒲公英,茭白;(2)食物:大豆,糯米,大红豆,丝瓜,墨鱼。木瓜。 介绍几种下奶食谱: 1、醋溜木瓜煲-下奶食谱 木瓜一斤、米姜半两洗净,加入米醋50毫升,放入砂锅炖40分钟后即可食用。 2、鲜虾猪蹄汤-下奶食谱 将鲜虾3两洗净去壳,猪蹄一只切成6-8块,放入砂锅内用清水旺火炖熟,加入黄酒,肉汤同吃,服5-7次见效。注意:皮肤过敏者忌用此方。 3、鸡蛋芝麻-下奶食谱 芝麻能润肠通便、补肺益气、滋补肝肾、养血增乳等。芝麻与养阴补血、养心安神的鸡蛋制成菜肴,具有养血通乳的作用。适于产后乳汁不足者食用。 鸡蛋2-5个,芝麻适量,精盐少许。制作:将芝麻淘洗干净,沥干水分,炒香,与精盐混合均匀,碾碎。鸡蛋用水煮熟后,去壳,蘸芝麻食之,连服3-5日。 造成奶水不足的原因 3e masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.th thcomposition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties wi t" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres roomo hearvely solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart trective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effecti" coro not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude.cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, d looking. The difficulties and problems of individual-of work enthusiasm and forward 1、过早添加配方奶或其他食品 这是造成奶水不足的主要原因之一。由于宝宝已经吃了其他食物,并不感觉 饥饿,便自动减少吸奶的时间,如此一来,乳汁便会自动调节减少产量。 2、喂食时间过短 有些妈妈限制哺喂的次数,或者每次喂食时间过短等,都会造成母奶产量的 减少。事实上,哺喂母奶不必有固定的时间表,宝宝饿了就可以吃;每次哺喂的时间也应由宝宝自己来决定。有时候宝宝的嘴离开妈妈的乳头,可能只是想休息一下、喘一口气(吸奶是很累的,有没有听过“使出吃奶的力气” 这句话),或是因为好奇心想要观察周围的环境等。 3、婴儿快速生长期 大约二至三周、六周、以及三个月左右,是婴儿较为快速的生长阶段,此时 宝宝会频频要求吸奶,这可说是宝宝本能的在增加妈妈的奶水产量,若在此时添加其他食物,反而会妨碍奶水的增加。 4、授乳妇营养不良 妈妈平日应该多注意营养,不宜过度减轻体重,以免影响乳汁的分泌;最好 多食用富含蛋白质的食物,进食适量的液体,并注意营养是否均衡。 5、人工挤乳器损坏或不会使用 有时妈妈已经恢复上班,便用挤乳器挤出母乳喂食宝宝,没想到却越挤越 少;此时请先检查人工挤乳器是否损坏,不过由于大多数人工挤乳器,并不像宝宝的嘴那般具有增加母乳产量的能力,因此在挤的时候千万保持耐心慢慢来。 6、药物影响 妈妈若吃含雌性激素的避孕药,或因疾病正接受某些药物治疗,有时会影响 泌 4people, improve people's livelihood.of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the ction reau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the constrund do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Buems, ah, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tcour Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of fficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems.looking. The di-of work enthusiasm and forward 乳量,此时应避免使用这些药物,在就诊时,应让医师知道你正在喂母乳。 7、母亲睡眠不足、压力过大 为人母的工作是十分耗费精神以及体力的,建议妈妈们应放松心情,多找时 间休息,就可以解决暂时奶水不足的现象。 具有通乳作用的药物 西医对于奶水不足,除了乳房按摩及催产激素注射外,并没有很好的处理方法,而中医则建议食补重于药补。例如:怀孕时若有妊娠贫血,要服用铁剂补充,以预防产后大出血,造成体营养不足;产后则要增加营养,尤其要富含蛋白质的食物和新鲜蔬菜;若是为了钙的补给,最好多吃些连骨一起的小鱼(如:仔鱼),及吃些芝麻豆腐、芝麻拌菜,用油以植物油较理想。中药中具有通乳作用的药物有下面几种: 1、冬葵子:下乳滑胎,可治产后乳汁稀少或排乳困难、乳房胀痛。 2、王不留行、穿山甲:妇人服之,乳长流。治乳汁稀少或排乳不畅,可用王不留行煮猪蹄膀,配穿山甲、通草、黄耆等。 3、通草:用于产妇乳汁少,为下乳常用药,常配合王不留行、穿山甲使用,如下乳方。 4、王瓜、土瓜根:通乳药多用之。 5、滑石:通乳滑胎。 6、赤小豆:下胞衣、通乳汁,出自《本草纲目》;煮赤小豆汁饮,可下乳汁,出自《产书方》 中医常用方剂: 1、通乳丹:内含当归、麦冬,可以养血滋阴,猪蹄可以补益通乳,通草也有宣 5e masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.th thcomposition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties wi t" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres roomo hearvely solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart trective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effecti" coro not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude.cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, d looking. The difficulties and problems of individual-of work enthusiasm and forward 络通乳的作用。 2、涌泉散:王不留行、天花粉、猪蹄、有行气通乳的作用。 3、猪蹄汤:有用猪蹄加花生或猪蹄加通草。 参考方剂:猪蹄、花生、王不留行五钱、穿山甲三钱、当归、川芎、通草各四钱,对于许多产后缺乳的妇女都有很效果。 母乳对于宝宝来说,是任何食物都不能比拟的最佳食品。很多太太都面临母乳不足的情况,新爸爸们真是看在眼里急在心里。怎样才能改变这种状况呢,最好的是给母乳添加催化剂。但添加什么,如何添加又让新爸爸们无从下手。其实解决并不是惟一的,你可以根据实际情况进行选择。 (1)加强宝宝的吮吸。实验证明,宝宝吃奶后,妈妈血液中的催乳素会成倍增长。这是因为宝宝吮吸乳头,可促进妈妈脑下垂体分泌催乳激素,从而增加乳汁的分泌。 (2)避免服药。哺乳期内,你一定要提醒太太不能乱服药。有些药物和食物会影响乳汁的分泌,如抗甲状腺药物、山楂等。遇到太太生病,最好在医生的嘱咐下服药。 (3)补充营养。乳汁中的各种营养素都来源于妈妈的体内,如果妈妈长期处于营养不良的状况,自然会影响正常的乳汁分泌。你一定要把大厨的职位担当好,为太太选择营养价值高的食物,如牛奶、鸡蛋、蔬菜、水果等。同时,多准备一点汤水,对太太乳汁的分泌能起催化作用。 (4)保持乳母良好的情绪。分娩后的妈妈,在生理因素及环境因素的作用下,情绪波动较大,常常会出现情绪低迷的状态,这会制约母乳分泌。医学实验表明,乳母在情绪低落的情况下,乳汁分泌会急剧减少。因此,你有义务为太太创造良好的生活环境,并随时关注其心理健康。 (5)食疗。在采取上述措施的基础上,再结合催乳食物,效果会更明显。如猪蹄、花生米等食物,对乳汁的分泌有良好的促进作用。 均衡饮食,是哺乳妈妈的重要法则。 6people, improve people's livelihood.of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the ction reau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the constrund do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Buems, ah, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tcour Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of fficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems.looking. The di-of work enthusiasm and forward 哺乳妈妈对水分的补充也应相当重视。由于妈妈常会感到口渴,可在喂奶时补充水分,或是多喝鲜鱼汤、鸡汤、鲜奶及开水等汤汁饮品。水分补充适度即可,这样乳汁的供给才会既充足又富营养。 为了恢复身材而急于减肥的妈妈很难保证奶水的供应。在此建议哺乳妈妈最好能等哺乳期结束以后,再控制饮食减肥。其实喂奶已经消耗了很多热量,只要妈妈们饮食不过量,再配合着做一些产后运动,就能避免脂肪的囤积。 催乳药膳5则 如果以上方法仍不见效的话,您还可以试试中医药膳催乳。药膳是药物与食物的结合,既营养又催乳,可谓一举两得。下面就给您介绍5种实用、美味的催乳药膳。 1、莴苣子粥 材料 莴苣子15克、甘草6克、粳米100克。 做法 将莴苣子捣碎,加甘草,再加水200毫升同煮,煮至水剩余100毫升时,滤汁去渣。将滤汁、粳米一同入锅,加水同煮,米烂即成。 功效 莴苣子是菊科植物莴苣的种子,以颗粒饱满、干燥无杂质者为佳。它性味苦寒,能下乳汁,通小便。甘草性味甘平,能和中缓急,调和诸药。粳米粥被誉为“世间第一补人之物”。三物合用,是很好的催乳药膳。 2、山甲炖母鸡 材料 老母鸡1只、穿山甲(炮制)60克,葱、姜、蒜、五香粉、精盐等适量。 做法 母鸡去毛及内脏,穿山甲砸成小块,填入鸡腹内。入锅,加水及调味料,炖至肉烂脱骨即可食用。 穿山甲性味咸凉,通经下乳。李时珍在《本草纲目》中写道“穿山甲、王不留,妇人食了乳长流,亦言其迅速也”。鸡肉营养丰富,性味甘温平,既补气,又补血。 3、花生粥 材料 花生米30克、通草8克、王不留行12克、粳米50克、红糖适量。 做法 先将通草、王不留行煎煮,去渣留汁。再将药汁、花生米、粳米一同入锅,加水熬煮。待花生米、粳米煮烂后,加入红糖即可食用。 功效 通草性味甘淡凉,入肺胃经,能泻肺、利小便、下乳汁。王不留行是石竹科植物麦蓝菜的种子,性味苦平,二药合用治疗乳汁不足,疗效更佳。 4、炒黄花猪腰 材料 猪肾(腰子)500克、黄花菜50克、淀粉、姜、葱、蒜、味精、白糖、植物油、精盐各适量。 7e masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.th thcomposition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties wi t" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres roomo hearvely solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart trective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effecti" coro not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude.cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, d looking. The difficulties and problems of individual-of work enthusiasm and forward 做法 将猪肾一剖为二,剔去筋膜腺体备用。锅烧热后,放植成热时,放葱、姜、蒜入锅煸香,再放入腰花爆炒片刻,至猪腰变色熟透时,加黄花菜、盐、糖再炒片刻,加淀粉勾芡推匀,最后加味精即成。 功效 中医理论,猪肾性味咸平,主治肾虚腰痛,身面水肿。黄花菜性味甘平,能补虚下奶,利尿消肿。另外,黄花菜根亦有催乳作用。本药膳适合于肾虚导致的缺乳。 5、王不留行炖猪蹄 材料 猪蹄3,4个、王不留行12克、调味料若干。 做法 将王不留行用纱布包裹,和洗净的猪蹄一起放进锅内,加水及调味料煮烂即可食用。 功效 猪蹄性味甘咸平,常用以治疗乳汁不足。加上王不留行,对缺乳具有良好的疗效。 乳房的清洁与按摩技巧 用干净的毛巾蘸些温开水,由乳头中心往乳晕方向成环形擦拭,两侧轮流热敷,每侧各15分钟,同时配合下列按摩方式: a、环形按摩 双手置于乳房的上、下方,以环形方向按摩整个乳房; 、螺旋形按摩 b 一手托住乳房,另一手食指和中指以螺旋形向乳头方向按摩; c、指压式按摩 双手张开置于乳房两侧,由乳房向乳头挤压。 3、增加乳汁分泌的方法乳头矫正方法 有关妈妈乳汁不足的各类问题,其实都是可以改善的。可使用乳头矫正的方法:以左手或右手的食指及拇指放在乳晕两旁,先往下压,再向两旁推开;或是以乳头为中心点,采取左右、上下对称的方式按摩,这种方法会使乳头较易突出。另外,也可在生产前注意乳房及乳头的保养。可在洗澡时以清水洗涤乳房,但不可太过用力清洗乳头,以免引起子宫早期收缩。 勤于喂奶,让宝宝多吸吮妈妈的乳头。 其实妈妈的奶水越少,越要增加宝宝吮吸的次数;由于宝宝吮吸的力量较大,正好可借助宝宝的嘴巴来按摩乳晕。宝宝跟母乳的关系是从出生后开始的。婴儿被抱在妈妈胸前时,自然而然地就会开始寻找奶头。建议新手妈妈们,一定不要因为刚开始没有乳汁就不让孩子吸吮奶头,应该让他多多接触乳头,渐渐地婴儿就会学着靠自己的力量去吸吮了。由于宝宝的这种吮吸是使出了全身的力气,会 8people, improve people's livelihood.of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the ction reau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the constrund do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Buems, ah, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tcour Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of fficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems.looking. The di-of work enthusiasm and forward 使妈妈的乳头很疼,妈妈可千万不要因为怕疼而不喂宝宝母乳呀~ 妈妈应每2,3小时喂宝宝1次,但仍需配合宝宝的需求来喂。宝宝只要饿了就喂,喂得越多,奶水分泌得就越多;至于宝宝吃的奶是否足够的问题,可以检查孩子的尿片,只要一天至少换6,7片的话,就表示宝宝吸吮的奶水量足够了。 尽量不用配方奶粉补充 妈妈自身若无特殊状况发生,如腮腺炎、发烧、乳头破裂等状况,应尽量让宝宝吃母乳。吃婴儿配方奶粉会让宝宝缺乏饥饿感,从而减少吮吸母奶的机会。这样一来,妈妈的奶水自然就会减少。 补充水分,均衡饮食,不急于减肥 喂母奶者要注意营养的摄取。基本上要做到均衡饮食。喂奶时,每天大约要消耗2 100,4 200焦耳的热量;妈妈所摄取的食物种类,也会直接影响到乳汁的分泌与质量。因此,均衡摄取各种食物是很重要的,它们包括糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等5大营养元素。哺乳妈妈要特别注意钙质与铁质的吸收,这方面可从奶类或豆制品中摄取。民间食疗,如猪蹄、麻油鸡、鲫鱼汤等,也都是下奶的食物,可以吃,但不可过量,以免造成肥胖。 均衡饮食,是哺乳妈妈的重要法则。 哺乳妈妈对水分的补充也应相当重视。由于妈妈常会感到口渴,可在喂奶时补充水分,或是多喝鲜鱼汤、鸡汤、鲜奶及开水等汤汁饮品。水分补充适度即可,这样乳汁的供给才会既充足又富营养。 为了恢复身材而急于减肥的妈妈很难保证奶水的供应。在此建议哺乳妈妈最好能等哺乳期结束以后,再控制饮食减肥。其实喂奶已经消耗了很多热量,只要妈妈们饮食不过量,再配合着做一些产后运动,就能避免脂肪的囤积。 避免乳头受伤 新妈妈的乳头若有受伤、破皮、皲裂或流血的现象并导致发炎时,应暂时停止吸吮受伤的一侧,让宝宝先吸吮健康一侧的乳房,等伤口痊愈后再进行哺喂。为避免乳头受伤,建议妈妈们采用正确的喂奶姿势,控制好单侧的吮吸时间,否则很容易反复受伤,从而影响到母亲喂奶的信心。 足够的休息 有些妈妈会因产后激素的大量改变而引起产后忧郁症,如果再加上喂母乳的疲倦及压力,会使奶水量减少。因此哺乳妈妈要多休息,保持心情愉快,才能产出多多的奶水。 9e masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.th thcomposition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties wi t" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres roomo hearvely solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart trective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effecti" coro not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude.cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, d looking. The difficulties and problems of individual-of work enthusiasm and forward 新手妈妈要对哺乳有信心、要坚持 许多新妈妈不相信只靠自己的乳汁就能喂饱宝宝。其实,不论女性乳房的形状、大小如何,都能制造出足够的奶水,从而带给宝宝丰富的营养。 不过,妈妈在喂奶过程中也确实辛苦。因为母奶易于消化、吸收,所以宝宝通常很快就会饿了,这样妈妈平均每2小时就得喂1次。有些婴儿的需求量更大。一旦母亲觉得婴儿没吃饱而给他添加配方奶的话,孩子会渐渐习惯流速大且不需要花费太多力气的婴儿配方奶从而拒绝吸吮乳头,这是造成妈妈日后喂母奶困难和奶水不足的主要原因。因此,家人的支持与体谅,尤其是先生与长辈们的支持与体谅,对妈妈们来说特别重要。你这种情况一定要让宝宝多吮吸,以上几点你不妨试试,希望对你和宝宝有帮助,祝宝宝健康快乐~ 催奶食谱8个及相关文摘2篇 一、炖豆腐猪蹄香菇 此菜含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、钙、磷、铁、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、尼克酸、维生素C等,能益气生血、养筋健骨,通络下乳,行气散结,清热解毒。特别适合妇女产后食用,对于乳汁分泌不足者,具有良好的生乳作用,对于乳络不通,胀乳汁少或乳胀生结,疼痛乳少,乳房微热者,有通络行乳,散结止痛,清热除瘀的作用,能促进乳汁通利,防止乳腺炎的发生。 原料: 豆腐、丝瓜各200克,香菇50克,猪前蹄1个(约1000克左右),盐10克,姜丝、葱段各5克,味精3克。 制作: 1、 净猪蹄去净毛,清水洗净,用刀斩成小块,待用。 2、 把豆腐放入盐水中浸泡10,15分钟,用清水洗净,切成小块。 3、 将丝瓜削去外皮,清水冲洗净,切成薄片。 4、 把香菇先切去老蒂头,清水浸软后,洗净。 5、 将猪蹄置于洗净的锅中,加水约2500克,于炉火上煎煮,煮至肉烂时,放入香菇、豆腐及丝瓜,并加入盐、姜丝、葱段、味精,再煮几分钟后即可离火,分数次食之。 二、葱烧鲫鱼 10people, improve people's livelihood.of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the ction reau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the constrund do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Buems, ah, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tcour Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of fficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems.looking. The di-of work enthusiasm and forward 此菜含有丰富的优质蛋白质和钙、磷等矿物质。鲫鱼温中补虚、健脾利水,小葱发汗,通二便,下乳汁,是乳母的一种营养菜肴。 原料: 鲫鱼400克,小葱125克,酱油30克,精盐2克,白糖、姜、蒜各10克,料酒15克,味精少许,花生油300克(约耗50克)。 制作: 1、鲫鱼去鳞、鳃、内脏,洗净;小葱择洗干净,每三四根打成一个结子,放进鱼腹内。 2、炒锅上火,放入花生油,烧至九成热,放入鲫鱼煎透,捞出沥油。 3、炒锅置火上,放入花生油烧热,下姜末、蒜片,加酱油、料酒、白糖、精盐和适量清水,把鱼放入锅中,用文火炖30分钟,撒入味精,即成。 三、肉丁香干炒青豆 此菜营养丰富,含有较多的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、钙、磷、铁、锌及胡萝卜素、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素E、尼克酸等多种营养素,有利下奶。 原料: 猪瘦肉、豆腐干、青豆各50克,胡萝卜100克,植物油15克,酱油10克,甜面酱、白糖各5克,姜片2克。 制作: 1、猪肉洗净,切成小丁;青豆洗净;胡萝卜、豆腐干洗净,均分别切小丁。 2、炒锅上火,放油烧热,下姜片稍煸,再下肉丁,炒至变色,加青豆、胡萝卜丁,炒至快熟时,放豆腐干,加甜面酱、酱油、白糖,旺火快炒,炒熟即成。 3、旺火快炒菜时,如嫌太干,可略加水炒至熟。 四、沙锅鲫鱼 此菜含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、糖质、多种无机盐和维生素,能促进乳汁的分泌。 原料: 11e masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.th thcomposition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties wi t" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres roomo hearvely solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart trective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effecti" coro not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude.cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, d looking. The difficulties and problems of individual-of work enthusiasm and forward 鲜鲫鱼2条(约600克),猪肥膘肉30克,粉条30克,香菜5克,盐、料酒、醋、白糖、葱、姜、味精各适量。 制作: 1、将鲫鱼刮鳞去鳃,取出内脏,洗净,在鱼身两侧斜切成十字花刀,放入沸水锅内烫一下,捞出,控干水。 2、将猪肥膘肉洗净,切成小丁;香菜择洗净,切成末;粉条用温水泡软;葱去皮洗净,切成丝;姜洗净,切丝。 3、洗净沙锅,放入鲫鱼、肥肉丁、粉条,添汤,加盐、料酒、醋、白糖、葱丝、姜丝,盖上盖,将锅置于火上,烧开后撇去浮沫,改用小火炖30分钟,加味精、香菜段即成。 五、鲤鱼通乳汤 鲫鱼历来被民间用作通乳的食物,配以通气上达、下乳汁的通草和补血通乳的猪蹄,具有补中益气、通乳的功效。适于产后乳汁不下、乳少者食用。 原料: 鲫鱼500克,通草20克,猪前蹄200克,料酒10克,精盐3克,味精2克,葱段10克,姜片10克,胡椒粉2克。 制作: 1、将猪蹄弄干净,放沸水锅中焯一下,去掉血水,洗净;通草洗净。 2、将鲫鱼去鳞、鳃、内脏,收拾干净,洗净。 3、锅置火上,放入适量清水,放进猪蹄煮一段时间,加入鲫鱼、通草、料酒、盐、胡椒粉、葱段、姜片,煮至猪蹄、鱼肉熟烂、捞出姜、葱,用味精调味后即成。 4、猪蹄一定要收拾干净,去掉毛,刮洗干净,可先放在清水中浸泡30分钟,去除血水等。 六、三鲜汤 此汤含有丰富的优质蛋白质、多种矿物质及多种维生素,具有滋补、催乳作用。 12people, improve people's livelihood.of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the ction reau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the constrund do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Buems, ah, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tcour Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of fficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems.looking. The di-of work enthusiasm and forward 原料: 水发海参50克,鸡脯肉50克,大虾1个,冬笋10克,油菜心10克,酱油、盐、味精、香油、鸡汤各适量。 制作: 1、将冬笋切成小片;油菜心洗净,用沸水烫一下;海参、鸡脯肉片成小薄片;大虾去掉头、皮、沙线,片成薄片。 2、锅中放鸡汤烧开,加入海参、鸡肉、虾片、冬笋片、油菜心,再加入盐、酱油烧开,撇去浮沫,淋入香油,加上味精即可出锅。 七、猪蹄汤 此汤含有丰富的优质蛋白质、脂肪、钙、磷、铁、锌等矿物质和多种维生素,是产妇下奶佳品。 原料: 猪蹄、猪排骨、鸡骨架共1500克,白菜适量,海米少许,盐、味精、料酒、姜片、葱花、花椒各少许。 制作: 1、 将猪蹄、排骨、鸡骨架用温水洗净,放火锅内,加水烧开,撇去浮沫,放入葱花、姜片、花椒、料酒,用急火连续煮2-3小时,直至汤汁呈乳白色、浓香扑鼻时捞出骨头。 2、 将浸泡好的海米放入汤锅内,把白菜切成小块,也放入锅内,用旺火翻煮,加盐、味精,搅匀即成。 八、木瓜煲鳅鱼汤 此汤含丰富的维生素A、维生素C、蛋白质和矿物质等,具有补虚、通乳的功效。“木瓜煲鳅鱼汤”是我国民间传统的催乳验方,有效的发奶剂,专治妇女产后乳汁缺乏等症。 原料: 木瓜1个,牛鳅鱼2条(约600克),生姜4片,杏仁5克,蜜枣8个,猪油、 13e masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.th thcomposition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties wi t" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres roomo hearvely solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart trective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effecti" coro not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude.cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, d looking. The difficulties and problems of individual-of work enthusiasm and forward 盐各少许。 制作: 1、 将木瓜刮去外皮,去核,清水洗净,切成厚块。 2、 把牛鳅鱼去鳞、鳃,清除内脏,清水冲洗干净;杏仁、蜜枣分别用清水洗净。 3、 将锅置于火上,下猪油,烧热,放入牛鳅鱼煎香至透,盛出。 4、 将清水适量放入煲内煮沸,放人姜片,牛鳅鱼、杏仁、蜜枣,煲加盖,用文火煲1小时。 5、 把木瓜放入煲中,再煲半小时,加入少许盐调味,便可饮食。 people, improve people's livelihood.of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the ction reau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the constrund do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Buems, ah, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tcour Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of fficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems.looking. The di-of work enthusiasm and forward14
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