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办公自动化系统的设计与实现—免费毕业设计论文办公自动化系统的设计与实现—免费毕业设计论文 毕业设计(论文) 系办办公自动化系统的设计与实现 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 申请学位类别: 指导教师姓名,职称,: 论文提交日期: 系办办公自动化系统的设计与实现 摘 要 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,尤其是网络技术的超速发展,带动了信息的广泛交流甚至导致了信息爆炸,“信息时代”这一词汇似乎己经被普遍接受。因此,无论是对于一个国家还是对于一个企事业单位,如果要在未来的社会中获得发展,掌握信息技术已变成一个基本要素。 当前,许多学校计算机的普及率正在不断的提高...
办公自动化系统的设计与实现—免费毕业设计论文 毕业设计(论文) 系办办公自动化系统的设计与实现 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 申请学位类别: 指导教师姓名,职称,: 论文提交日期: 系办办公自动化系统的设计与实现 摘 要 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,尤其是网络技术的超速发展,带动了信息的广泛交流甚至导致了信息爆炸,“信息时代”这一词汇似乎己经被普遍接受。因此,无论是对于一个国家还是对于一个企事业单位,如果要在未来的社会中获得发展,掌握信息技术已变成一个基本要素。 当前,许多学校计算机的普及率正在不断的提高,在一定程度上提高了各部门的办公效率。随着校园计算机网络的建立,其日常的业务、公文管理等信息量不断膨胀,低效办公方式与不断增长的办公业务量之间的矛盾日益尖锐,依靠人工手段及时对大量的信息进行收集、整理和分析是难以做到的,只有改革传统的办公方式,充分利用先进的办公技术,逐步实现信息管理现代化,才能提高办公效率以适应形势的发展,为信息的上传、下达提供极为生动的通信方式。 本文设计的信息管理平台,主要实现以下功能:1(信息管理2(邮件管理3(学生管理4(教师管理5(会议管理6.通讯录7.时间提醒等七个模块。此平台的搭建能够为较好的提高高校教学单位日常的行政办公效率,具有一定的实用性。 关键词:自动化;C/S;办公自动化;信息管理现代化;办公效率 The Design and Implementation of College Department Office Automation System Abstract The fast development of computer technology, especially the fast progress of network technology, leads the explosion of information. It seems that “Information Era” has been accepted universally. Therefore, to any country or company, in order to win the future competition, it is necessary for any country or company to master the information technology. With the popularization of computers in all kinds of departments in the campus, the efficiency of office business improves to some degree. With the establishment of network in campus, the information, which contains the daily business data, the document, is expanding continuously. The conflict between inefficient working way and the increasing office business is becoming more and more furious. It is too hard to collect, clear up and analyze mass information by manual work. Innovation of the conventional way and utilization of the advanced technology can realize the modernization of information management step by step. And then, it can improve the working efficiency to catch up the development of society and provide a vivid way to communicate information. A management information platform is proposed in this paper, which includes following functions: (1) information management; (2) E-mail management; (3) students? information management; (4) teachers? management; (5) conference management; (6) address list ;(7) time reminder. Those functions can improve the efficiency of daily office work of campus department. Key words: Automation, C/S, OA, The Modernization of Information Management, Work Efficiency 目 录 论文总页数:25页 1 引言 ..................................................................... 1 1.1 课题背景 ............................................................. 1 1.2 具体目标 ............................................................. 1 1.3 本课题研究的意义 ..................................................... 2 本课题的研究方法 ..................................................... 2 1.4 2 系统开发环境 ............................................................. 2 2.1 C\S模式概述 ......................................................... 2 2.1.1 C/S模式的概念 ................................................... 2 2.1.2 C/S架构软件的优劣势 ............................................. 3 2.2 系统运行环境 ......................................................... 3 2.3 SQL SERVER 2005的优势................................................. 3 2.4 VB.NET简单介绍 ....................................................... 4 3 系统设计分析 ............................................................. 5 3.1 办公自动化的概念 ..................................................... 5 3.2 需求分析 ............................................................. 5 3.2.1 办公工作模型分析 ................................................. 6 3.2.2 可行性研究 ....................................................... 7 3.2.3 系统功能图 ....................................................... 8 4 数据库设计 ............................................................. 9 4.1 总体设计 ............................................................. 9 4.1.1 需求分析 ......................................................... 9 4.1.2 所需要的表 ...................................................... 10 4.1.3 所需要的字段 .................................................... 10 4.2 表的设计 ............................................................ 10 5 系统功能设计 ............................................................ 12 5.1 登陆模块设计 ........................................................ 12 5.1.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 12 5.1.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 12 5.2 功能分类模块设计 .................................................... 13 5.2.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 13 5.2.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 13 5.3 发送邮件模块设计 .................................................... 13 5.3.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 13 5.3.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 14 5.4 信息管理模块设计 .................................................... 15 5.4.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 15 5.4.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 15 5.5 学生管理模块设计 .................................................... 16 5.5.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 16 5.5.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 16 5.6 教师管理模块设计 .................................................... 17 5.6.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 17 5.6.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 18 5.7 通讯录模块设计 ...................................................... 19 5.7.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 19 5.7.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 20 5.8 会议管理模块设计 .................................................... 21 5.8.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 21 5.8.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 21 5.9 时间提醒模块设计 .................................................... 22 5.9.1 功能分析 ........................................................ 22 5.9.2 编码实现 ........................................................ 22 6 软件测试 ................................................................ 22 结 论 .................................................................... 23 参考文献 .................................................................... 23 致 谢 .................................................................... 24 声 明 .................................................................... 25 1 引言 1.1 课题背景 办公自动化系统从20世纪90年代中期开始流行,特别是1998年政府上网工程开始,2000开始比较平静,2002年以前基本是domino平台占统治地位,办公自动化系统实施多半以项目外包为主,少部分自己开发,2004年开始升温,2005年需求大幅度上升,这个现象可以通过一个细节就可以感觉到:看Google、百度的办公自动化系统供应商链接,2004年以前只有1-2家,现在是一页就有十多家。办公自动化系统需求增加的原因有几个: ?信息化建设、硬件网络设备建设已经日趋完备,业务作业层的软件建设也已基本完成,建设了刚性系统,有了积累,开始考虑柔性系统。 ?产品相对成熟,实施风险低,容易出成绩,很多单位刚开始搞信息化时,选择办公自动化系统为突破口。 ?网络的普及,硬件价格下降,软件价格下降。硬件的价格下降不难解释,摩尔定律就是很好的说明,“每隔18个月,性能提升一倍,价格下降一半” 选择办公自动化系统的企事业单位基本上都是获得了效益的,比如国有大型企业,有垄断性的、带有国资背景的企业,外资、合资公司,有效益的民营企业,从这点上看,办公自动化系统是属于“锦上添花”的东西。办公自动化系统现在以成熟产品引进居多,开发平台以.net和J2EE为代表。 1.2 具体目标 每个系统都有它的目标,一般来说目标包括若干个方面。每个目标可分解成若干个子目标。子目标比较具体,可随系统需求分析逐步确定,并用一定的指标来衡量,本系统开发的总体目标大致表达如下: 通过构建综合办公的Internet/Intranet,为整个学校的自动化办公创建实用的办公自动化系统,首先该系统将解决目前办公自动化具有涉及信息量大、复杂,涉及岗位、人员众多,处理流程烦琐、多变等特点,真正消除时空界限,提高办公效率。其次,它将实现在网上发布公文。因而无需再派专人复印分发公文,并节约了大量纸张。第三,它将充分利用计算机、数据通信、多媒体等现代化先进技术,取代办公事务处理进程中一般性、重复性工作;充分合理地利用已有教育、经济和科技信息,提高我校的工作效率、工作质量及事务管理水平,增强信息资源管理和信息利用能力,适应信息化社会的发展,为校园综合办公管理探索一种新路,为进一步发展提供参考。具体目标如下: 1.信息管理:实时信息的发布,历史信息查询。 2.邮件管理:通过该系统发送邮件。 第 1 页 共 36 页 3.通讯录:方便老师的联系。 4.学生管理:学生学籍的统一管理。 5.教师管理:教师的信息管理,工资发放,制表。 6.会议管理:实时会议的通知,历史会议的主要内容查询。 7.时间提醒:时间日期查询,时间提醒。 1.3 本课题研究的意义 把该管理系统设计编写成为一个实用的,方便的办公自动化系统,大大加快办公的效率,节省人员开支与资金开支。 1.4 本课题的研究方法 根据所选定的题目,首先进行需求分析,了解办公自动化系统需要实现哪些功能;第二项工作是把整个系统分解成若干个子系统,把整个系统的外部需求分别赋予系统的各个功能成分,详尽的定义每个成分;第三项工作是分别设计编写各个子系统的代码,最后进行测试。 2 系统开发环境 2.1 C/S模式概述 2.1.1 C/S模式的概念 (Client/Server或客户/服务器模式):Client和Server常常分别处在相距很远的两台计算机上,Client程序的任务是将用户的要求提交给Server程序,再将Server程序返回的结果以特定的形式显示给用户;Server程序的任务是接收客户程序提出的服务请求,进行相应的处理,再将结果返回给客户程序。 C/S(Client/Server)结构,即大家熟知的客户机和服务器结构。它是软件系统体系结构,通过它可以充分利用两端硬件环境的优势,将任务合理分配到Client端和Server端来实现,降低了系统的通讯开销。目前大多数应用软件系统都是Client/Server形式的两层结构,由于现在的软件应用系统正在向分布式的Web应用发展,Web和Client/Server应用都可以进行同样的业务处理,应用不同的模块共享逻辑组件;因此,内部的和外部的用户都可以访问新的和现有的应用系统,通过现有应用系统中的逻辑可以扩展出新的应用系统。这也就是目前应用系统的发展方向。 传统的C,S体系结构虽然采用的是开放模式,但这只是系统开发一级的开放性,在特定的应用中无论是Client端还是Server端都还需要特定的软件支持。由于没能提供用户真正期望的开放环境,C/S结构的软件需要针对不同的操作系统系统开发不同版本的软件,加之产品的更新换代十分快,已经很难适应百台电脑以上局域网用户同时使用。而且代价高,效率低。 第 2 页 共 36 页 2.1.2 C/S架构软件的优劣势 (1)应用服务器运行数据负荷较轻。 最简单的C/S体系结构的数据库应用由两部分组成,即客户应用程序和数据库服务器程序。二者可分别称为前台程序与后台程序。运行数据库服务器程序的机器,也称为应用服务器。一旦服务器程序被启动,就随时等待响应客户程序发来的请求;客户应用程序运行在用户自己的电脑上,对应于数据库服务器,可称为客户电脑,当需要对数据库中的数据进行任何操作时,客户程序就自动地寻找服务器程序,并向其发出请求,服务器程序根据预定的规则作出应答,送回结果,应用服务器运行数据负荷较轻。 (2)数据的储存管理功能较为透明。 在数据库应用中,数据的储存管理功能,是由服务器程序和客户应用程序分别独立进行的,前台应用可以违反的规则,并且通常把那些不同的(不管是已知还是未知的)运行数据,在服务器程序中不集中实现,例如访问者的权限,编号可以重复、必须有客户才能建立定单这样的规则。所有这些,对于工作在前台程序上的最终用户,是“透明”的,他们无须过问(通常也无法干涉)背后的过程,就可以完成自己的一切工作。在客户服务器架构的应用中,前台程序不是非常“瘦小”,麻烦的事情都交给了服务器和网络。在C/S体系的下,数据库不能真正成为公共、专业化的仓库,它受到独立的专门管理。 (3)C/S架构的劣势是高昂的维护成本且投资大。 首先,采用C/S架构,要选择适当的数据库平台来实现数据库数据的真正“统一”,使分布于两地的数据同步完全交由数据库系统去管理,但逻辑上两地的操作者要直接访问同一个数据库才能有效实现,有这样一些问题,如果需要建立“实时”的数据同步,就必须在两地间建立实时的通讯连接,保持两地的数据库服务器在线运行,网络管理工作人员既要对服务器维护管理,又要对客户端维护和管理,这需要高昂的投资和复杂的技术支持,维护成本很高,维护任务量大。 其次,传统的C/S结构的软件需要针对不同的操作系统系统开发不同版本的软件,由于产品的更新换代十分快,代价高和低效率已经不适应工作需要。在JAVA这样的跨平台语言出现之后,B/S架构更是猛烈冲击C/S,并对其形成威胁和挑战。 2.2 系统运行环境 在实验过程中前台语言采用VB.NET 2005,后台数据库为SQL Server 2005。本次实验主要是要提高日常办公的效率。 2.3 SQL Server 2005的优势 SQL Server 2005 数据平台为不同规模的组织提供了以下好处: 第 3 页 共 36 页 1(充分利用数据资产:除了为业务线和分析应用程序提供一个安全可靠的数据库之外,SQL Server 2005也使用户能够通过嵌入的功能,如报表、分析和数据挖掘等从他们的数据中得到更多的价值。 2(提高生产力:通过全面的商业智能功能,和熟悉的微软Office系统之类的工具集成,SQL Server 2005为组织内信息工作者提供了关键的、及时的商业信息以满足他们特定的需求。SQL Server 2005目标是将商业智能扩展到组织内的所有用户,并且最终允许组织内所有级别的用户能够基于他们最有价值的资产——数据来做出更好的决策。 3(减少IT复杂度:SQL Server 2005 简化了开发、部署和管理业务线和分析应用程序的复杂度,它为开发人员提供了一个灵活的开发环境,为数据库管理人员提供了集成的自动管理工具。 4(更低的总体拥有成本 (TCO):对产品易用性和部署上的关注以及集成的工具提供了工业上最低的规划、实现和维护成本,使数据库投资能快速得到回报。 5(更低的总体拥有成本 (TCO):对产品易用性和部署上的关注以及集成的工具提供了工业上最低的规划、实现和维护成本,使数据库投资能快速得到回报。 2.4 VB.net简单介绍 Basic(Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code,初学者通用符号指令码)Visual Basic是从BASIC演变而来,它的一些强大的特性比如图形用户界面、事件处理、可访问Win32 API、基于对象编程以及错误处理等都是BASIC所没有的。2000年6月Microsoft宣布的.NET战略。 VB.NET的特点: 真正成为面向对象以及支持继承性的语言。 窗体设计器支持可视化继承,并且包含了许多新的特性,比如自动改变窗体大小、资源本地化支持、数据类工具内在支持XML数据。直接建立在.NET的框架结构上,因此开发人员可以充分利用所有.NET平台特性,也可以与其他的.NET语言交互。为Windows应用程序提供了XCOPY部署,开发者不再需要为DLL的版本问题担忧。 面向对象编程: 对象是具有某些特性的具体事物的抽象。每个对象都具有描述其 特征的属性,以及附属于它的行为。类是创建对象实例的,是同种对象的集合于抽象,它包含所创建对象的属性描述和行为特征的定义。类是对象的定义,而对象是类的一个实例。面向对象的程序设计主要是建立在类和对象的基础上。通常面向对象程序设计中的类是由程序员自己设计的。而在VB.NET中,类可由系统设计好,也可由程序员自己设计。 第 4 页 共 36 页 3 系统设计分析 3.1 办公自动化的概念 办公自动化(OA: OFFICE AUTOMATION)就是采用Internet/Intranet技术,基于工作流的概念,使企事业单位内部人员方便快捷地共享信息,高效地协同工作;改变过去复杂、低效的手工办公方式,实现迅速、全方位的信息采集、信息处理,为企事业单位的管理和决策提供科学的依据。一个企事业单位实现办公自动化的程度也是衡量其现代化管理的。 虽然诸如Lotus 1-2-3和MS Office系列的许多应用软件可以提高办公效率,但是这仅仅是针对个人办公而言。办公自动化不仅兼顾个人办公效率的提高,更重要的是可以实现群体协同工作。协同工作意味着要进行信息的交流,工作的协调与合作。由于网络的存在,这种交流与协调几乎可以在瞬间完成,并且不必担心对方是否在电话机旁边或是否有传真机可用。这里所说的群体工作,可以包括在地理上分布很广,甚至分布在全球上各个地方,以至于工作时间都不一样的一群工作人员。 办公自动化可以和一个企业的业务结合的非常紧密,甚至是定制的。因而可以将诸如信息采集、查询、统计等功能与具体业务密切关联。操作人员只须点击一个按钮就可以得到想要的结果,从而极大得方便了企业领导的管理和决策。 办公自动化还是一个企业与整个世界联系的渠道,企业的Intranet网络可以和Internet相联。一方面,企业的员工可以在Internet上查找有关的技术资料、市场行情,与现有或潜在的客户、合作伙伴联系;另一方面,其他企业可以通过Internet访问你对外发布的企业信息,如企业介绍、生产经营业绩、业务范围、产品/服务等信息,从而起到宣传介绍的作用。随着办公自动化的推广,越来越多的企业将通过自己的Intranet网络联接到Internet上,所以这种网上交流的潜力是非常巨大的。 3.2 需求分析 对一个软件项目而言,在目标确定后,完善的需求分析对软件开发的成功是极为重要的。本系统采用面向对象的思想来完成对问题空间和用户功能需求的“理解”、“表达”和“验证”工作,以问题空间的对象为主体和线索来把握和描述用户的功能需求,将属性和方法作为一个整体来处理。 需求分析阶段的第一项工作是理解和表达用户的需求,明确未来软件“做什么”,包括详细定义未来软件的功能、性能、外部接口、有关属性、设计限制和数据库需求过程,并确认支持性的硬件、软件环境和辅助软件。第二项工作是使用自顶向下逐层分解的系统分析方法,把整个软件分解成若干个子系统或软件成分,把整个软件的外部需求,分别赋予软件的各个功能成分,详尽的定义每个成 第 5 页 共 36 页 分的外部功能,并严格标定它们之间的接口。编写软件“需求分析说明”是第三项工作。目标是提供一个用户和开发者对未来软件的共同理解,即明确定义未来软件的需求,系统的构成及有关接口,需求分析相当于用户和开发者之间的连通桥梁。 3.2.1 办公工作模型分析 通过考察某校的办公工作环境,可以得出如图3-1所示的办公工作模型。领导是办公工作中的核心,是企业或机关的“大脑”。各职能部门需要把有关本部门的信息加以提炼,以表格或图表的形式报送给领导,以便于领导及时掌握本单位的全面情况;领导对这些信息进行分析、预测,做出决策后,将决策传递给各职能部门。 图3-1 办公工作模型 第 6 页 共 36 页 3.2.2 可行性研究 开始 问题定义 可行性研究 Y N 可行 可以开发 结束计划 图3-2 可行性分析图 根据图3-2可行性分析图 对该校整个办公情况进行考察后,得出如果采用C\S模式来实现整个办公自动化系统在技术上是可行的。并且各部门都有自己的计算机,因此可以利用现有的校服务器或再增加一台新的服务器就可解决服务器和工作站的问题 由此可见,这套软件的设计费用是很低的。使用办公系统不仅可以节约人力,在一定程度上可以裁减多余人员,节约开支,而且通过网上发布通知还可节约纸张,提高工作效率。系统的整个操作将会本着简单、易行的思路来设计,在整个用户组织内是行得通的。因此,整个系统在技术上、经济上和操作上是可行的。 第 7 页 共 36 页 3.2.3 系统功能图 所有信息查询 信息管理 实时信息查询 邮件管理 发送邮件 会议实时通知 会议管理 会议内容查询 功能分类 按姓名查询学生学籍信息 学生管理 查询学生学籍 修改学生学籍 教师信息查询 教师工资查询 教师管理 教师工资计算 登陆界面 导出工资到Excel 通讯录查询 通讯录 修改联系人 查询当前时间,日期 时间提醒 时间提醒 图3-3 系统功能图 第 8 页 共 36 页 以下是各个功能模块的简单说明: 1、信息管理模块 包括所有信息查询和实时信息查询,用户通过该模块可以及时的了解到领导的安排,当教师需要写工作总结的时候可以通过所有信息查询,知道自己曾经做过什么工作。 2、邮件管理模块 用户通过该模块,并且借助SMTP服务器(如SMTP.163.COM,SMTP.QQ.COM)可以方便的发送邮件,邮件包括发件人、收件人、主题和内容。 3、会议管理模块 包括会议实时查询和每次会议主要内容查询,用户可以及时知道会议的时间安排,如不能参加会议的教师也可以通过查询每次会议的主要内容来了解到会议的思想。 4、学生管理模块 包括所有学生学籍的查询,学生学籍的条件查询(教师可以通过输入某一个学生的姓名来查询到他的相关信息),学生学籍的修改(添加,删除,修改),通过该模块老师可以方便的管理学生学籍。 5、教师管理模块 包括教师信息查询,教师工资查询和教师工资计算,最后导出到Excel。教师可以通过查询到的教师信息计算出自己的工资,并且系统已经计算出了教师工资,教师可以通过计算出来的工资与系统计算比较减少错误。并且可以导出所有教师工资到Excel,当教师领取工资后,签名确认已经领取了工资,作为一种确认。 6、通讯录模块 包括通讯录查询,联系人的修改(添加,删除,修改),通过该模块老师可以方便的管理联系人,并且各个老师的通讯录都存储在一个数据库表中,可以达到共享数据库,提高办公效率。 7、时间提醒模块 包括查询当前时间日期和时间提醒,教师可以方便的知道当前时间日期,并且当设置了时间提醒后,老师可以及时去办理事务,提高办公效率。 4 数据库表设计 4.1 总体设计 4.1.1 需求分析 该数据库用来学校进行行政办公的,那么数据库中的表应该具有全面的学生学籍信息(老师信息),即要求该数据库系统能够做到简单方便的存储学生(老师) 第 9 页 共 36 页 的信息;能够随时对学生(老师)的信息进行修改、删除和添加等操作、能够根据查询条件来查询;能够将全面的教师工资信息输出;能方便的发送邮件,查询消息。 4.1.2 所需要的表 根据系统需求,设计一个用户信息表,用来存储系统相关用户的用户名和密码;设计一个学生学籍表,用来存储学生的所有信息,比如学生学号、年龄、姓名、性别等等信息;设计一个教师工资表,用来存储教师的总工资;设计一个教师工资信息表,用来存储教师的基本工资,奖金,课时,设计一个通讯录表,存储所有联系人的姓名,电话,地址等等信息。 根据系统的信息发布功能,又设计了1张表信息查询表,用来存储曾经发布过的信息,实时信息,会议通知,会议内容。这6张表同属一个数据库(办公自动化.MDF)。 4.1.3 所需要的字段 信息查询表,用来存储各种不同的信息,需要实时信息,所有信息,会议查询,会议内容。 教师工资表,用来存储教师的总工资,由于教师有可能重名,需要教师ID。还需要教师姓名,教师工资情况。 教师工资信息表,用来存储教师的各种与工资相关的信息,由于教师有可能重名,需要教师ID,教师的基本情况(姓名,基本工资,奖金,课时) 通讯录表,用来存储联系人的信息,由于联系人可以由本人添加,因此不会出现重名,即使重名也可以根据住宅电话,电子邮件等信息进行区分,故不需要ID。 用户信息表,存储用户的登陆信息,需要用户ID,用户名,密码。 4.2 表的设计 在Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio下建立一个名字为办公自动化的数据库,在数据库中建立6张数据表(分别为:信息查询,教师工资,教师工资信息,通讯录,学生学籍,用户信息)如下所示: 表4-1信息查询表定义: 字段名 字段类型 允许空 说明 长度 实时信息 varchar 是 存放实时的信息 50 所有信息 varchar 是 存放历史信息 50 会议查询 varchar 是 会议实时信息 50 第 10 页 共 36 页 会议内容 varchar 是 每次会议的内容 50 表4-2教师工资表的定义: 字段名 字段类型 允许空 说明 长度 姓名 Char 是 教师姓名 10 工资 money 是 教师总工资 128 教师ID char 是 唯一标识 10 表4-3 教师工资信息表的定义: 字段名 字段类型 允许空 说明 长度 姓名 char 是 教师姓名 10 课时 char 是 教师上课的时间 10 基本工资 char 是 教师基本工资 10 奖金 char 是 教师奖金 10 教师ID char 是 唯一标识 10 表4-4 通讯录表的定义: 字段名 字段类型 允许空 说明 长度 姓名 char 是 联系人姓名 10 住宅电话 numeric 是 联系人的相关信息 18 办公电话 numeric 是 联系人的相关信息 18 移动电话 numeric 是 联系人的相关信息 18 居住地址 varchar 是 联系人的相关信息 50 工作单位 varchar 是 联系人的相关信息 50 电子邮件 varchar 是 联系人的相关信息 50 表4-5 学生学籍表的定义: 字段名 字段类型 允许空 说明 长度 姓名 char 是 学生的姓名 10 性别 char 是 学生的相关信息 10 籍贯 char 是 学生的相关信息 10 年龄 char 是 学生的相关信息 10 民族 char 是 学生的相关信息 10 出生年月 char 是 学生的相关信息 10 政治面貌 char 是 学生的相关信息 10 处罚 varchar 是 学生的相关信息 50 奖励 varchar 是 学生的相关信息 50 专业 char 是 学生的相关信息 10 第 11 页 共 36 页 学号 char 是 唯一标识 10 表4-6 用户信息表的定义: 字段名 字段类型 允许空 说明 长度 用户名 char 是 登陆的用户名 10 密码 char 是 用户的密码 10 用户ID char 是 唯一标识 10 5 系统功能设计 5.1 登陆模块设计 5.1.1 功能分析 作为系统与用户之间最基本的操作功能, 用户通过该模块可以进入到系统并且使用该系统的功能. 当用户没有输入任何数据的时候,系统提示请确认信息的完整性,如果输入错误的时候,系统提示用户名或者密码错误。用户输入用户名和密码,如密码和用户名都正确,用户登陆成功。登陆界面如下图5-1: 图5-1登陆窗体 5.1.2 编码实现 从页面输入帐号、密码,将获取的值提交到后台程序中进行查询验证。 后台程序如下: 在这个过程中,系统首先连接数据库,如下为连接数据库语句: Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=RACHEL\SQLEXPRESS;" & _ "Database=办公自动化; " & _ "Integrated Security=SSPI ") 然后验证输入的用户名和密码是否正确,如下: User = TextBox1.Text Password = TextBox2.Text Dim str As String str = "select * from 用户信息where 用户名='" & User & "' and 密码='" & password & "'" 第 12 页 共 36 页 如果用户输入无误,就进入下一个模块。 5.2 功能分类模块设计 5.2.1 功能分析 该模块连接着系统的所有功能模块,用户通过该模块可以方便的使用各个功能。功能分类界面如下图5-2: 图5-2 功能分类窗体 5.2.2 编码实现 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim form As New 信息管理 form.Show() End Sub 此为连接信息管理模块代码,首先定义一个新窗体为“信息管理”,接着调用系统功能SHOW命令显示“信息管理”窗体。连接其余各个模块的代码都同上,只是定义的新窗体名称不同。 5.3 发送邮件模块设计 5.3.1 功能分析 用户通过该模块可以发送邮件,首先设置“参数配置”,填写SMTP服务器名称如(SMTP.163.COM),选择“需要身份验证”后用户才可以在帐号和密码两个框中进行输入,否则不可以输入以默认帐号和密码进行发送。填写自己在163上注册的邮箱的用户名和密码,并且依次写上发件人,收件人,邮件主题,邮件内容后就可以进行邮件发送。发送邮件界面如下图5-3: 第 13 页 共 36 页 图5-3 发送邮件窗体 5.3.2 编码实现 确认是否需要身份验证,如选取了需要身份验证系统作出如下判断 If chk.Checked = True Then(chk为CheckBox) txtName.Enabled = True txtPassword.Enabled = True Else txtName.Enabled = False txtPassword.Enabled = False End If 发送邮件是使用如163,126等的Smtp服务器发送,系统引用Imports System.net.Mail,系统对用户输入进行确认以后通过smtp.Credentials验证用 户名和密码是否正确。 Dim mail As New MailMessage() mail.From = New MailAddress(txtFrom.Text) mail.To.Add(txtTo.Text) mail.Subject = txtSubject.Text mail.Body = txtContent.Text mail.Priority = MailPriority.High Dim smtp As New SmtpClient(txtSMTP.Text) If chk.Checked = True Then smtp.Credentials=New System.Net.NetworkCredential(txtName.Text, txtPassword.Text) 第 14 页 共 36 页 End If 通过验证以后系统调用smtp.Send(mail)来发送邮件 Try smtp.Send(mail) End Try 5.4 信息管理模块设计 5.4.1 功能分析 信息管理模块能够让用户查询所有信息,查询实时信息。在这个模块用户可以随时查询到是否有信息发布(数据库管理员是否更新了后台数据库信息),以前曾经发布过的信息(方便教师做工作总结)。信息管理界面如下图5-4: 图5-4 信息管理窗体 5.4.2 编码实现 首先连接数据库“办公自动化” Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=RACHEL\SQLEXPRESS;" & _ "Database=办公自动化; " & _"Integrated Security=SSPI ") 定义command为查询数据库中信息查询表中的实时信息 Dim command As New SqlCommand("select 实时信息 from 信息查询") command.CommandType = CommandType.Text command.Connection = conn Dim dr As New SqlDataAdapter dr.SelectCommand = command Dim ds As New DataSet ds = New DataSet("ds") dr.Fill(ds, "信息查询") DataGridView1.DataSource = ds 第 15 页 共 36 页 DataGridView1.DataMember = "信息查询" 最后在DataGridView1中显示查询出来的内容。查询所有信息功能同上,只是在查询时使用"select 所有信息 from 信息查询" 5.5 学生管理模块设计 5.5.1 功能分析 学生管理模块管理了学生的学籍资料,用户可以对学生的学籍信息进行查询,条件查询,删除,添加,修改。学生管理界面如下图5-5,修改学生学籍界面如下图5-6: 图5-5 学生管理窗体 图5-6 修改学生学籍窗体 5.5.2 编码实现 在这个窗体下,用户可以查询到所有学生的学籍信息,同时也可以根据学生姓名只查询一个学生的学籍信息,如下: Dim command As New SqlCommand("select * from 学生学籍")这个是查询所有学生信息的语句。 Dim command As New SqlCommand("select * from 学生学籍 where 姓名='" & User & "' ")这个是根据学生姓名的查询语句。 第 16 页 共 36 页 用户同时可以修改学生学籍(添加,删除和修改)如下: 1、添加新的学生学籍 insert into 学生学籍(姓名,性别,籍贯,年龄,民族,出生年月,政治面貌,处罚,奖励,专业) values('" & TextBox1.Text & "', '" & TextBox2.Text & "','" & TextBox3.Text & "','" & TextBox4.Text & "','" & TextBox5.Text & "','" & TextBox6.Text & "','" & TextBox7.Text & "','" & TextBox8.Text & "','" & TextBox9.Text & "','" & TextBox10.Text & "') comm.Connection = conn 当用户在TextBox1,TextBox2„TextBox10中输入姓名,性别„专业后点击添加学生学籍信息,新的学生学籍信息添加到数据库表中。 2、删除学生学籍 delete from 学生学籍 where 姓名= '" & TextBox1.Text & "'系统根据用户输入的要删除学籍的学生姓名删除数据表中的内容。 3、修改学生学籍 update 学生学籍 set [性别] ='" & TextBox2.Text & "',[籍贯] ='" & TextBox3.Text & "',[年龄] ='" & TextBox4.Text & "',[民族] ='" & TextBox5.Text & "',[出生年月] ='" & TextBox6.Text & "',[政治面貌] ='" & TextBox7.Text & "',[处罚] ='" & TextBox8.Text & "',[奖励] ='" & TextBox9.Text & "',[专业] ='" & TextBox10.Text & "'where 姓名= '" & TextBox1.Text & "' 当用户在TextBox2,TextBox3„TextBox10中输入新的信息,点击修改学生学籍信息,系统根据用户的姓名更新数据库表。 5.6 教师管理模块设计 5.6.1 功能分析 用户可以查询出教师的信息(姓名,基本工资,奖金,课时),根据教师信息可以计算出教师的工资,也可以查询出教师的总工资,并且可以导出到Excel表格。教师管理界面如下图5-7 图5-7 教师管理窗体 第 17 页 共 36 页 5.6.2 编码实现 1、教师工资计算 分别在TextBox1 ,TextBox2,TextBox3下输入如下内容 TextBox4.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) * 20 + Val(TextBox2.Text) + Val(TextBox3.Text) 如上所示总工资=基本工资+奖金+课时*20(20为假设每节课为20元) 2、要实现导出到Excel表格的功能,首先编写一个功能函数CreaTable(),此函数是设计一个Excel的格式如下: 首先设定列名分别为名字,课时,基本工资,奖金,总工资,签名。如设计名字列:dt.Columns.Add("名字", GetType(String)) 。 接下来设计要导出的内容(如张三)row!名字 = "张三",row!课时 = 20,row!基本工资 = "1000",row!奖金 = "500",row!总工资 = "1900",row!签名 = "" 3、接着调用这个功能函数,实现导出到Excel: xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks().Add xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets("sheet1") Dim Table As New DataTable() Table = CreaTable() 将所得到的表的列名,赋值给单元格 Dim Col As DataColumn Dim Row As DataRow For Each Col In Table.Columns colIndex = colIndex + 1 xlApp.Cells(1, colIndex) = Col.ColumnName 得到的表所有行,赋值给单元格 For Each Row In Table.Rows rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 colIndex = 0 For Each Col In Table.Columns colIndex = colIndex + 1 xlApp.Cells(rowIndex,colIndex)= Row(Col.ColumnName) 接下来设计表格的字体,字体加粗,表格边框样式 .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, colIndex)).Font.Name = "黑体" 第 18 页 共 36 页 .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, colIndex)).Font.Bold = True .Range(.Cells(1,1), .Cells(rowIndex,colIndex)).Borders.Line Style = 1 5.7 通讯录模块设计 5.7.1 功能分析 通过该模块用户可以方便的查找到所有联系人,也可以通过条件查询查找到 需要的联系人,提高工作效率,并且用户可以修改,添加,删除联系人。通讯录 界面如下图5-8,修改通讯录如下图5-9: 图5-8 通讯录窗体 图5-9 修改通讯录窗体 第 19 页 共 36 页 5.7.2 编码实现 在这个窗体下,用户可以查询到所有联系人信息,同时也可以根据联系人姓 名只查询一个联系人的信息,如下: Dim command As New SqlCommand("select * from 通讯录")这个是查询所 有联系人信息的语句。 Dim command As New SqlCommand("select * from 通讯录 where 姓名='" & User & "' ")这个是根据联系人姓名的查询语句。 用户同时可以修改联系人(添加,删除和修改)如下 1、添加新的联系人 str = "insert into 通讯录(姓名,移动电话,工作单位,居住地址,电子邮件, 办公电话,住宅电话) values('" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & TextBox3.Text & "','" & TextBox4.Text & "','" & TextBox5.Text & "','" & TextBox6.Text & "','" & TextBox7.Text & "','" & TextBox8.Text & "')" comm.Connection = conn comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text comm.CommandText = str da.SelectCommand = comm da.Fill(ds, "通讯录") 当用户在TextBox1,TextBox2„TextBox8中输入姓名,移动电话„住宅电话 后点击添加联系人信息,新的联系人信息添加到数据库表中。 2、删除联系人 comm.CommandText = "delete from 通讯录 where 姓名= '" & TextBox1.Text & "'"系统根据用户输入的要删除的联系人的姓名删除数据表中 的内容。 3、修改联系人 comm.CommandText = "update 通讯录 set [移动电话] ='" & TextBox3.Text & "',[工作单位] ='" & TextBox4.Text & "',[居住地址] ='" & TextBox5.Text & "',[电子邮件] ='" & TextBox6.Text & "',[办公电话] ='" & TextBox7.Text & "',[住宅电话] ='" & TextBox8.Text & "'where 姓名= '" & TextBox1.Text & "'"da.SelectCommand = comm 当用户在TextBox3,TextBox4„TextBox8中输入新的信息,点击修改联系 人信息,系统根据用户的姓名更新数据库表。 第 20 页 共 36 页 5.8 会议管理模块设计 5.8.1 功能分析 会议管理模块能够让用户查询会议通知,历史会议内容。在这个模块用户可以随时查询到是否有会议(数据库管理员是否更新了后台数据库信息),以前曾经的会议的主要内容(方便教师做工作总结)。会议管理界面如下图5-10 图5-10 会议管理窗体 5.8.2 编码实现 首先连接数据库“办公自动化” Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=RACHEL\SQLEXPRESS;" & _ "Database=办公自动化; " & _"Integrated Security=SSPI ") 定义command为查询数据库中信息查询表中的实时信息 Dim command As New SqlCommand("select 会议通知 from 信息查询") command.CommandType = CommandType.Text command.Connection = conn Dim dr As New SqlDataAdapter dr.SelectCommand = command Dim ds As New DataSet ds = New DataSet("ds") dr.Fill(ds, "会议通知") DataGridView1.DataSource = ds DataGridView1.DataMember = "会议通知" 最后在DataGridView1中显示查询出来的内容。查询每次会议内容功能同上,只是在查询时使用"select 会议内容 from 信息查询" 第 21 页 共 36 页 5.9 时间提醒模块设计 5.9.1 功能分析 用户通过该模块可以知道当前的时间,日期,可以设定需要完成的任务以及时间。时间提醒界面如下图5-11 图5-11 时间提醒窗体 5.9.2 编码实现 输入要提醒的时间以及事件 str = "insert into 时间提醒(时间,事件) values('" & TextBox1.Text & "', '" & TextBox2.Text & "')" comm.Connection = conn 删除时间 comm.CommandText = "delete from 时间提醒 where 时间= '" & TextBox3.Text & "'" da.SelectCommand = comm 6 软件测试 系统编程完结后,对界面外观和功能等进行检测。首先针对每一个模块进行测试,通过具体数据测试每个模块是否可以正常使用,包括界面的按纽、表格等;还有检测执行程序的结果是否与正确结果的一致,测试功能的过程是一个“测试—修改—再测试—再修改”的过程,直到整个系统能正常运行,所有功能能正常实现。 在测试过程中,出现过一些不符合标准的情况,经过修改,都基本与开题的标准符合,能够完成正常的功能。 第 22 页 共 36 页 由于经验欠缺或其它某些原因,本次完成的软件不可能是完美无缺的。测试只能尽量避免错误的产生和消除已经产生的错误,使程序中的错误密度达到尽可能低的程度,减少错误的引入,但是不可能完全杜绝软件中的错误。经过测试,本模块基本能符合要求,也能实现各功能。 结 论 本次毕业设计是以VB.NET2005和SQL Server2005为基础,开发的一套基于C/S模式的系办办公自动化系统。本次设计完成了系统的基本功能,能够通过本系统实现对学生(联系人)的信息的录入、修改、删除和查询,设计了教师管理功能,方便教师查询,计算工资,使教师能掌握自己工资信息。设计了信息(会议)管理功能,时间提醒功能,让教师随时了解新的信息。设计了邮件发送功能,安全快捷的发送邮件,提高学校办公效率;。 本次毕业设计由于时间和能力有限,不能针对每项学校行政工作进行设计,系统功能上不够完善。在以后的开发过程中,可根据具体需要扩展系统功能,使系统更适合学校的行政管理。 参考文献 [1] 巩文化.Visual Basic.NET开发指南与实例详析[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2003。 [2] 施伯乐.办公自动化[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2003。 [3] Bill.Visual Basic.NET数据库开发入门经典[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2001。 [4] David M. Konekes.数据库处理基础设计与实现[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2002。 [5] 潘锦平,施小英,姚天访.软件系统开发技术[M].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2000。 [6] 王欣.管理信息系统[M].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2004。 [7] 郑建峰,董国平.SQL SERVER 开发答疑[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2005。 第 23 页 共 36 页 致 谢 本文是在李晓岗老师的热情关心和指导下完成的,他渊博的知识和严谨的治学作风使我受益匪浅,对顺利完成本课题起到了极大的作用。在此向他表示我最衷心的感谢~ 在论文完成过程中,本人还得到了苟智坚老师和帅希涛同学的热心帮助,本人向他们表示深深的谢意~ 最后向在百忙之中评审本文的各位专家、老师表示衷心的感谢~ 作者简介: 姓 名:龙江 性别:男 出生年月:1983/10/03 民族:汉 E-mail:longjiangrachel@163.com 第 24 页 共 36 页 声 明 本论文的工作是 2007年2 月至2007年 6 月在成都信息工程学院 网络工程系完成的。文中除了特别加以标注地方外,不包含他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得成都信息工程学院或其他教学机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。除非另有说明,本文的工作是原始性工作。 关于学位论文使用权和研究成果知识产权的说明: 全了解成都信息工程学院有关保管使用学位论文的规定,其中包括: 本人完 (1)学校有权保管并向有关部门递交学位论文的原件与复印件。 (2)学校可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制方式保存学位论文。 (3)学校可以学术交流为目的复制、赠送和交换学位论文。 (4)学校可允许学位论文被查阅或借阅。 (5)学校可以公布学位论文的全部或部分内容(保密学位论文在解密后遵守此规定)。 除非另有科研和其他法律文书的制约,本论文的科研成果属于成都信息工程学院。 特此声明~ 作者签名: 年 月 日 第 25 页 共 36 页 “Easy, now,” said Ted Tonks, placing a hand on Harry?s shoulder and pushing him back against the cushions. “That was a nasty crash you just had. What happened, anyway? Something go wrong with the bike? Arthur Weasley overstretch himself again, him and his Muggle contraptions?” “No,” said Harry, as his scar pulsed like an open wound. “Death Eaters, loads of them – we were chased – ” “Death Eaters?” said Ted sharply. “What d?you mean, Death Eaters? I thought they didn?t know you were being moved tonight, I thought – ” “They knew,” said Harry. Ted Tonks looked up at the ceiling as though he could see through it to the sky above. “Well, we know our protective charms hold, then, don?t we? They shouldn?t be able to get within a hundred yards of the place in any direction.” Now Harry understood why Voldemort had vanished; it had been at the point when the motorbike crossed the barrier of the Order?s charms. He only hoped they would continue to work: He imagined Voldemort, a hundred yards above them as they spoke, looking for a way to penetrate what Harry visualized as a great transparent bubble. He swung his legs off the sofa; he needed to see Hagrid with his own eyes before he would believe that he was alive. He had barely stood up, however, when a door opened and Hagrid squeezed through it, his face covered in mud and blood, limping a little but miraculously alive. “Harry!” Knocking over two delicate tables and an aspidistra, he covered the floor between them in two strides and pulled Harry into a hug that nearly cracked his newly repaired ribs. “Blimey, Harry, how did yeh get out o? that? I thought we were both goners.” “Yeah, me too. I can?t believe – ” Harry broke off. He had just noticed the woman who had entered the room behind Hagrid. “You!” he shouted, and he thrust his hand into his pocket, but it was empty. “Your wand?s here, son,” said Ted, tapping it on Harry?s arm. “It fell right beside you, I picked it up…And that?s my wife you?re shouting at.” “Oh, I?m – I?m sorry.” As she moved forward into the room, Mrs. Tonks?s resemblance to her sister Bellatrix became much less pronounced: Her hair was a light soft brown and her eyes were wider and kinder. Nevertheless, she looked a little haughty after Harry?s exclamation. “What happened to our daughter?” she asked. “Hagrid said you were ambushed; where is Nymphadora?” “I don?t know,” said Harry. “We don?t know what happened to anyone else.” She and Ted exchanged looks. A mixture of fear and guilt gripped Harry at the sight of their expressions, if any of the others had died, it was his fault, all his fault. He had consented to the plan, given them his hair… 第 26 页 共 36 页 “The Portkey,” he said, remembering all of a sudden. “We?ve got to get back to the Burrow and find out – then we?ll be able to send you word, or – or Tonks will, once she?s – ” “Dora?ll be ok, „Dromeda,” said Ted. “She knows her stuff, she?s been in plenty of tight spots with the Aurors. The Portkey?s through here,” he added to Harry. “It?s supposed to leave in three minutes, if you want to take it.” “Yeah, we do,” said Harry. He seized his rucksack, swung it onto his shoulders. “I – ” He looked at Mrs. Tonks, wanting to apologize for the state of fear in which he left her and for which he felt so terribly responsible, but no words occurred to him that he did not seem hollow and insincere. “I?ll tell Tonks – Dora – to send word, when she… Thanks for patching us up, thanks for everything, I – ” He was glad to leave the room and follow Ted Tonks along a short hallway and into a bedroom. Hagrid came after them, bending low to avoid hitting his head on the door lintel. “There you go, son. That?s the Portkey.” Mr. Tonks was pointing to a small, silver-backed hairbrush lying on the dressing table. “Thanks,” said Harry, reaching out to place a finger on it, ready to leave. “Wait a moment,” said Hagrid, looking around. “Harry, where?s Hedwig?” “She… she got hit,” said Harry. The realization crashed over him: He felt ashamed of himself as the tears stung his eyes. The owl had been his companion, his one great link with the magical world whenever he had been forced to return to the Dursleys. Hagrid reached out a great hand and patted him painfully on the shoulder. “Never mind,” he said gruffly, “Never mind. She had a great old life – ” “Hagrid!” said Ted Tonks warningly, as the hairbrush glowed bright blue, and Hagrid only just got his forefinger to it in time. With a jerk behind the navel as though an invisible hook and line had dragged him forward, Harry was pulled into nothingness, spinning uncontrollably, his finger glued to the Portkey as he and Hagrid hurtled away from Mr. Tonks. Second later, Harry?s feet slammed onto hard ground and he fell onto his hands and knees in the yard of the Burrow. He heard screams. Throwing aside the no longer glowing hairbrush, Harry stood up, swaying slightly, and saw Mrs. Weasley and Ginny running down the steps by the back door as Hagrid, who had also collapsed on landing, clambered “The Death Eaters were waiting for us,” Harry told her, “We were surrounded the moment we took off – they knew it was tonight – I don?t know what happened to anyone else, four of them chased us, it was all we could do to get away, and then Voldemort caught up with us – ” He could hear the self-justifying note in his voice, the plea for her to understand why he did not know what had happened to her sons, but – “Thank goodness you?re all right,” she said, pulling him into a hug he did not feel he deserved. “Haven?t go? any brandy, have yeh, Molly?” asked Hagrid a little shakily, “Fer medicinal purposes?” 第 27 页 共 36 页 She could have summoned it by magic, but as she hurried back toward the crooked house, Harry knew that she wanted to hide her face. He turned to Ginny and she answered his unspoken plea for information at once. “Ron and Tonks should have been back first, but they missed their Portkey, it came back without them,” she said, pointing at a rusty oil can lying on the ground nearby. “And that one,” she pointed at an ancient sneaker, “should have been Dad and Fred?s, they were supposed to be second. You and Hagrid were third and,” she checked her watch, “if they made it, George and Lupin aught to be back in about a minute.” Mrs. Weasley reappeared carrying a bottle of brandy, which she handed to Hagrid. He uncorked it and drank it straight down in one. A blue light had appeared in the darkness: It grew larger and brighter, and Lupin and George appeared, spinning and then falling. Harry knew immediately that there was something wrong: Lupin was supporting George, who was unconscious and whose face was covered in blood. Harry ran forward and seized George?s legs. Together, he and Lupin carried George into the house and through the kitchen to the living room, where they laid him on the sofa. As the lamplight fell across George?s head, Ginny gasped and Harry?s stomach lurched: One of George?s ears was missing. The side of his head and neck were drenched in wet, shockingly scarlet blood. No sooner had Mrs. Weasley bent over her son that Lupin grabbed Harry by the upper arm and dragged him, none too gently, back into the kitchen, where Hagrid was still attempting to ease his “So why aren? you checkin? me?” panted Hagrid, still struggling with the door. “You?re half-giant,” said Lupin, looking up at Hagrid. “The Polyjuice Potion is designed for human use only.” “None of the Order would have told Voldemort we were moving tonight,” said Harry. The idea was dreadful to him, he could not believe it of any of them. “Voldemort only caught up with me toward the end, he didn?t know which one I was in the beginning. If he’d been in on the plan he?d have known from the start I was the one with Hagrid.” “Voldemort caught up with you?” said Lupin sharply. “What happened? How did you escape?” Harry explained how the Death Eaters pursuing them had seemed to recognize him as the true Harry, how they had abandoned the chase, how they must have summoned Voldemort, who had appeared just before he and Hagrid had reached the sanctuary of Tonks?s parents. “They recognized you? But how? What had you done?” “I…” Harry tried to remember; the whole journey seemed like a blur of panic and confusion. “I saw Stan Shunpike…. You know, the bloke who was the conductor on the Knight Bus? And I tried to Disarm him instead of – well, he doesn?t know what he?s doing, does he? He must be Imperiused!” Lupin looked aghast. “Harry, the time for Disarming is past! These people are trying to capture and kill you! At least Stun if you aren?t prepared to kill!” “We were hundreds of feet up! Stan?s not himself, and if I Stunned him and he?d fallen, he?d have died the same as if I?d used Avada Kedavra! Expelliarmus saved me from Voldemort two years ago,” Harry added defiantly. Lupin was reminding him of the sneering Hufflepuff Zacharias Smith, who had jeered at Harry for wanting to teach Dumbledore?s Army how to Disarm. “Yes, Harry,” said Lupin with painful restraint, “and a great number of Death Eaters witnessed that happening! Forgive me, but it was a very unusual move then, under the imminent threat of death. Repeating it tonight in front of Death Eaters who either witnessed or heard about the first occasion was close to suicidal!” “So you think I should have killed Stan Shunpike?” said Harry angrily. 第 28 页 共 36 页 “Of course not,” said Lupin, “but the Death Eaters – frankly, most people! – would have expected you to attack back! Expelliarmus is a useful spell, Harry, but the Death Eaters seem to think it is your signature move, and I urge you not to let it become so!” Lupin was making Harry feel idiotic, and yet there was still a grain of defiance inside him. “I won?t blast people out of my way just because they?re there,” said Harry, “That?s Voldemort?s job.” Lupin?s retort was lost: Finally succeeding in squeezing through the door, Hagrid staggered to a chair and sat down; it collapsed beneath him. Ignoring his mingled oaths and apologies, Harry addressed Lupin again. “Will George be okay?” All Lupin?s frustration with Harry seemed to drain away at the question. 10 Of Love The stage is more beholding to love, than the life of man. For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies: but in life, it doth much mischief: sometimes like a siren; sometimes like a fury. You may observe, that amongst all the great and worthy persons (whereof the memory remaineth, either ancient or recent) there is not one, that hath been transported to the mad degree of love: which shows, that great spirits, and great business, do keep out this weak passion. You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius the half partner of the empire of Rome; and Appius Claudius the decemvir, and lawgiver: whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and wise man: and therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart; but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept It is a poor saying of Epicurus, satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus: as if man, made for the contemplation of heaven and all noble objects, should do nothing, but kneel before a little idol, and make himself subject, though not of the mouth (as beasts are) yet of the eye; which was given him for higher purposes. It is a strange thing, to note the excess of this passion; and how it braves the nature and value of things; by this, that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole is comely in nothing but in love. Neither is it merely in the phrase; for whereas it hath been well said, that the arch-flatterer, with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence, is a man\'s self; certainly, the lover is more. For there was never proud man thought so absurdly well of himself, as the lover doth of me person loved: and therefore, it was well said; mat it is impossible to love, and to be wise. Neither doth (his weakness appear to others only, and not to the party loved; but to the loved, most of all: except the love be reciproque. For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciproque, or with an inward and secret contempt. By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself. As for the other losses, the poet\'s relation doth well figure them; that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno, and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection, quitteth both riches, and wisdom. This passion hath his floods in the very times of weakness; which are, great prosperity; and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed. Both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly. They do best, who, if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarter: and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions of life: for if it check once with business, it troubleth men s fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends. I know not how, but martial men are given to love: I think it is, but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures. There is in man\'s nature, a secret inclination, and motion, towards love of others; which, if it be not spent upon some one, or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many; and maketh men become humane, and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars. Nuptial love maketh mankind; friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton love corrupteth and embaseth it. red it behind a bush. He tried again--but the tigress was alert, and spat a challenge that froze him in his tracks. Though he outweighed her by 200 pounds, he knew she would fight to the death to defend her young. The tiger had backed down and slunk off. Turning from the lake, the tigress checked that the three cubs were safe before resuming her long vigil. The sun was high and hot, and she panted heavily. All around could be heard the buzz, hum, click, fizz and rattle of insects. Ranee, as she was known by the wardens of this Indian nature reserve, was a splendid specimen. Nearly nine feet long, seven years old, in her prime. She should live to the age of eleven, maybe twice that. For the next seventeen months she would devote herself to rearing and teaching the cubs. The wardens could easily recognise Ranee by the stripes and squiggles on her cheeks and eyebrows--as distinctive as 第 29 页 共 36 页 human fingerprints--quite different from those of her massive mate and the five other tigresses in his scattered harem. By now the temperature had soared to 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. Ranee still watched and waited. A snake slithered past her paw. She recoiled slightly, remembering a painful incident as a cub, but the snake trickled away through a crack in the ground and was gone. In the late afternoon Ranee's patience was rewarded. The sambur buck floated to the surface. But it was surrounded by crocodiles --their teeth, ideal for gripping, could not tear off the firm flesh. Ranee glared, summoning her courage. The deer's body beckoned, fifty yards from the rim of the lake. Quivering with anticipation, Ranee dashed forward. She swam strongly, ignoring the crocodiles, grabbed the sambur by the throat and began her return journey. Their two heads bobbed up and down between the water lilies. At last Ranee landed her catch. Laboriously she hauled the deer towards her cubs. Crack! Three small striped faces grimaced in alarm. The bullet from the high-powered rifle entered through Ranee's right eye, ploughed on and shattered her brain. She moaned once, then collapsed over the body of the sambur. Suddenly she was devoid of grace and strength, her life switched off like an electric current. The poacher lowered his gun. A pity to spoil the pelt with a second shot. He'd wait until he was sure the big cat was dead. But not too long--the wardens might catch him. Still, it was worth the risk when a tiger-skin coat could fetch ?3,000 in a Tokyo shop. That same day, eight thousand miles away, another armed man was preparing to pursue his quarry. He was perched on a boat's seesawing bow. Cursing the cold, he stared ahead at the sullen blue-black swell of the Southern Ocean. Sooner or later he would spot what he was looking for--a tell-tale spout that signalled the coming battle. Then there would be no time to feel cold, no time to feel at all. Meanwhile he should give thanks that he wasn't on the Antarctic mainland, where the temperature had been known to fall as low as minus 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Far to starboard an iceberg loomed. Miles long, a hundred feet high, glittering like a gigantic diamond. The man still scanned the horizon. To help him locate his target, the boat had echo-sounders and a look-out up on the masthead, but the man trusted his own eyes and instincts more than anything else. On a nearby ice-floe thousands of Adelie penguins, like spectators, stood in rows. A shout came from the look-out. Already the gunner below was manoeuvring the harpoon cannon into position, his attention focused on the slanting jets that rose from the sea half a mile ahead. The whale had just surfaced and was spouting, at fifteen-second intervals, before taking breath fora bounding charge. Tail erect, ears forward, she crashed through the reeds, splashed through the water. Deer darted to right and left in a frenzy of white spray. But one stag, blindly panicking, turned towards the tigress. A fatal mistake. With a flying leap she brought the deer down, breaking his neck in a single bite. The stag weighed 500 pounds, the tigress only 350, yet she would wade to land with him. She hauled her prey shorewards. Then it happened. The tigress felt a sudden tug. The sambur slipped from her jaws ... and was dragged under water. Crocodile snouts nudged her heels. Wasting no time, she fled to the lake's edge--minus her meal. Twice in the hour since then, she had paddled back to try to retrieve the deer, snarling and swatting the water. But on each occasion she had lost her nerve. Finally, with an echoing roar of fury and frustration, the tigress retreated to the high grass. 第 30 页 共 36 页 Now she watched and waited. She refused to surrender the hard-won meal, her first catch in many tries. The tigress was very hungry. But her three cubs, fidgeting beneath a saja tree, were hungrier. Once, there had been four of them, born blind in a cave six months ago. They grew sleek and fat on their mother's milk until the day they were ready to venture out with her and start learning how to hunt for themselves. It was then that their father, a swaggering giant of 550 pounds, seized one of the cubs and devou another deep dive. With engine racing, the catcher boat closed in ... 800 yards, 400, 200. The gunner licked his lips. One good clean shot should do it. He looked down on the enormous wrinkled body, took aim--behind the head--and fired. A loud report was followed by a whine of running rope as the six-foot, 160-pound steel harpoon arrowed through the air at sixty miles an hour. It hit home with terrific force. The tip exploded deep inside the creature, sending out barbs. Threshing its tail flukes, the whale began an ordeal of panic and pain. The gunner surveyed the red streamers trailing from his tethered victim. It would die soon enough. But not everyone who witnessed the gory spectacle remained as unmoved as the harpoonist. The medical officer, watching from the factory ship where the carcass would eventually be processed, felt shame and disgust. A sperm whale, he noted, adjusting his binoculars. Officially protected by international agreement. That didn't stop these men. The whole business of whaling sickened him. As a doctor he was trained to save life, not take it, and he sympathised more with the whales than with the whalers whose health he was employed to safeguard. The medical officer frowned, reflecting on what he knew about whales. Not fish but mammals: air-breathing, warm-blooded, bearing their young live, nourishing them on milk. A sperm whale had the heaviest brain of any animal--six times the weight of a human's. Did thi “I think so, although there?s no chance of replacing his ear, not when it?s been cursed off – ” There was a scuffling from outside. Lupin dived for the back door; Harry leapt over Hagrid?s legs and sprinted into the yard. Two figures had appeared in the yard, and as Harry ran toward them he realized they were Hermione, now returning to her normal appearance, and Kingsley, both clutching a bent coat hanger, Hermione flung herself into Harry?s arms, but Kingsley showed no pleasure at the sight of any of them. Over Hermione?s shoulder Harry saw him raise his wand and point it at Lupin?s chest. 第 31 页 共 36 页
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