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创建ASP动态网页创建ASP动态网页 导入语:许多网站都离不开动态网页的开发,最简单的是ASP动态页面,它可以实现留言、用户注册、用户登录、登录用户统计等丰富多彩的功能。ASP动态网页的建立和应用离不开数据源,本书使用的是简单易学的Access数据库。 主要内容: 创建Access数据库 应用数据源 Access 9.2 创建数据库 数据库是计算机中用于存储和处理大量数据的软件。数据处理包括数字运算、数字的搜索与筛选。Access是新一代桌面数据管理系统,也是小型网站中常用的数据库之一。 9.2.1 创建Access数据库、数据表 ...
创建ASP动态网页 导入语:许多网站都离不开动态网页的开发,最简单的是ASP动态页面,它可以实现留言、用户注册、用户登录、登录用户统计等丰富多彩的功能。ASP动态网页的建立和应用离不开数据源,本书使用的是简单易学的Access数据库。 主要: 创建Access数据库 应用数据源 Access 9.2 创建数据库 数据库是计算机中用于存储和处理大量数据的软件。数据处理包括数字运算、数字的搜索与筛选。Access是新一代桌面数据管理系统,也是小型网站中常用的数据库之一。 9.2.1 创建Access数据库、数据 方法:依次单击菜单【开始】|【程序】|【Microsoft Office】|【Microsoft Access】打开Access界面,选择【新建数据库】|【空数据库】|【确定】,跳出保存位置,找到保存位置,输入文件名,单击【创建】;选择【使用器设计表】,在如下视图中定义字段。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 定义字段完毕后,单击关闭,在如下视图中输入表的名称。表即可建立成功。 9.2.2 输入记录 打开如下视图,双击表名,即可进入输入状记录状态。输入方法如同Excel表。 9.3 应用数据源 9.3.1 设计页面 1、创建ASP动态页面 方法:单击按钮【新建】|【空白页】|【ASP VBScript】,输入文件名,单击【创建】按钮即可。 布局页面的方法同静态页面。 2、制作动态页面 同一般表格的制作方法。 9.3.2 动态内容源 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 1、启动ODBC数据源管理器 方法:【控制面板】|【管理工具】|【数据源(ODBC)】|【系统DSN】|【添加】,选择【Microsoft Access Driver】,【完成】。 2、数据库链接 回到Dreamweaver中,选择菜单【窗口】|【数据库】,弹出【数据库】面板。 在【数据库】面板中先创建一个动态站点。 在【数据库】面板中单击【添加】按钮,选择【数据源名称(DSN)】命令,在如下对话框中输入链接名称、数据源名称,测试正确后,确定。 9.3.3 添加动态内容 1、创建记录集 选择【绑定】面板|【添加】按钮,选择【记录集(查询)】命令,然后在如下对话框中输入记录名称、链接、表格、列等信息即可。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 2、添加动态文本 设置好表格属性,然后将【绑定】面板中,相应动态文本,拖动到相应单元格中。编辑状态如图一,浏览后,会动态显示数据,如图二为浏览用户信息效果。 图一 图二 9.3.4 添加服务器行为 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 1、创建动态表格页面 步骤: 新建dt.asp页面。 选择【数据】|【动态数据:动态表格】,选择【创建记录集】,输入要链接的表格和字段,出现如图对话框,选择【记录集】名称,显示记录数、边框、单元格边距、单元格间距,【确定】。 会出现如下动态表格: 可以像设置一般表格一样对如图表格进行设置边框、对齐方式等,还可以更改字段名为中文。其浏览效果如图所示。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 2、创建记录导航链接 方法:在动态表格下方增加一行(动态表格为整个表格的一个嵌套表格),并拆分成4列,分别在每个单元格中使用【移至第一条记录】、【移至前一条记录】、【移至下一条记录】、【移至最后一条记录】服务器命令,各命令菜单均在【服务器行为】|【添加】按钮|【记录集分页】中。其浏览效果如下: 3、转到详细信息页 方法:选择【详细信息】字段中的动态文本,单击【数据】|【转到详细页面:转到详细页面】下拉按钮,选择【转到详细页面】,填写如下对话框即可。 3、插入记录 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 单击【数据】|【插入记录:插入记录表单向导】下拉按钮,选择【插入记录表单向导】命令,填写如下对话框即可。可以减少表单输入项目。 还可以在编辑状态修改表单文本域标签为中文、添加确认密码文本域、编辑各文本域属性(如密码为密码输入)、增加表单检查行为、增加其他服务器行为。浏览效果如图所示。 5、更新记录 单击【数据】|【更新记录:更新记录表单向导】下拉按钮,选择【更新记录表单向导】命令,填写如下对话框即可。可以减少表单输入项目。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 浏览状态下,输入数据,即可跳转到相关页面。 6、删除记录 方法:在插入记录表单中,插入一个删除按钮,单击【添加服务器】|【删除记录】填写如下对话框即可。 课堂练习: 见书9.4、9.5、9.6。 小结: operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 本节课主要介绍了数据库的建立和数据源的创建和应用,难点是数据源 的应用。 作业: 书上P104一题3、4、5;二题3、4、5;三题3、4、5;四题1、2。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected.
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