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大学英语精读3教案-董亚芬大学英语精读3教案-董亚芬 Book 3 Unit 1 A Brush with the Law Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 3) Teaching content: Unit 1 Text A Teaching Objective: Help the students to: 1. know the chief purposes of law are to maintain peace and order, to p...
大学英语精读3-董亚芬 Book 3 Unit 1 A Brush with the Law Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 3) Teaching content: Unit 1 Text A Teaching Objective: Help the students to: 1. know the chief purposes of law are to maintain peace and order, to protect the rights of citizens, but the law in the western country may be unjustly applied or may be unjust in certain situations. 2. understand the main idea and structure of this text. 3 grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit. 4. help the Ss consolidate what they have learned. Important points: 1. New words and expressions 2. Text structure analysis 3. Structured writing 4. Listening and speaking Teaching method: Explanation; discussion; exemplification. Teaching time: 8 hours Teaching steps 1. Lead in to Text A. 2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then choose the one from the answers a, b, c and d that best completes the statements involved. 3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text. 4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up. 5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task. 6. Offer a summary of the text. 7. Do a dictation or vocabulary exercise in class. 8. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the text. Lead-in 1. Background information 1 1) Magistrates and the magistrates‘ court; Lawyer, solicitor, barrister; 2) The sixties‘ youth counterculture; Middle class 2. Introductory remarks: The author tells us about what happened to him when he was involved in the law suit. It was really a very unpleasant experience, yet it provides us with much food for thought. 3. Warm-up questions Global reading Part Division of the Text Parts Para. Main idea 1 1 The narrator has once been in trouble with the law, which was a rather unpleasant experience. 2 2-20 The narrator was arbitrarily arrested and released. 3 21-22 The narrator believes that if he had come from a different background, he would have been found guilty. Detailed reading brush: a short fight or quarrel; an argument or disagreement Examples: —to have a brush with the Police/the Custom men/the enemy —It is his third brush with the law in less than a year. 2. take sb. to court: take legal action against sb. Examples: —I told him that I would take him to court if he did not repay the money in a week. —If you go on ill-treating your wife like this, you will be taken to court. 3.…it makes a good story now: …it provides material for a good story now. Here the verb ―to make‖ means ―to have the qualities needed for (sth. good)‖. Examples: —Iced tea makes an excellent drink in summer. —The wall ca1endar makes a nice new year gift. 4. ―What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court.” The author was arrested simply because the Policemen thought he intended to steal milk bottles and later in court he was released fm the charge just because he had the ―right‖ ac—cent, respectable middle—class parents, reliable witnesses and so on. That is to say, he was arrested arbitrarily and released arbitrarily. And it is this arbitrariness of both his arrest and his release that the author thinks rather disturbing. 5.arbitrary: based on one‘s own wishes or will rather than reason . Examples: —If a leader makes decisions without conducting investigations, he is being arbitrary. —The arbitrary decisions of the factory owners caused dissatisfaction among the workers. 6.circumstances: conditions, facts, etc. connected with an event or a person Examples:—We cannot expect him to continue these activities under such unfavorable circumstances —Because of circumstances beyond our contro1 the meeting was cancelled. 2 7.subsequent: coming after, following Examples:—Subsequent events proved that my judgment of the situation was right. —The story will be continued in subsequent issues of the magazine. 8.. a couple of: a small number of; a few, usually two Examples:—I‘ve got a couple of tickets. Will you go with me? —Tom is quite busy now. His wife is expecting a baby in a couple of weeks. 9..…and was not due to go to university until the following October. due: l) expected or scheduled to arrive or be ready; supposed (to) Examples:—The train from Beijing is due at l:30. —The next train to Naming is due to leave at ten. —The young man is due to appear in the Magistrates‘ Court next Monday. 2) to be paid or returned Examples:—When is the rent due? —The hooks are due today but I want to renew some of them. 10. temporary: lasting for a short time only. (Its opposite is ―permanent‖—lasting for a long time or forever.) Tim has found a temporary job for the summer in a hardware store. Examples:— —This is not my permanent address; it is only a temporary one. 11. save up: keep for future use Examples:—It took him a year to save up enough money for a computer. —They are now saving up to buy a house in the suburbs. 12. take one’s time: not to hurry; do sth. in an unhurried way Examples:—Just take your time and tell me clearly what happened at the meeting yesterday. —It‘s better to take your time over a piece of work and do it properly than to hurry and make mistakes. 13. It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall. I‘m sure my arrest was the result of my wandering in the streets without any definite purpose. obvious: easy to see or understand; clear Examples:—It was obvious that the policeman mistook me for a thief. —For obvious reasons, the magistrate dismissed the case after fifteen minutes. 14. …this time in uniform… : the second policeman was wearing uniform whi1e the first was obviously in plain clothes. uniform: a certain type of clothing which all members of a group or organization wear Examples:—Policemen wear uniform(s); so do soldiers, postmen and Customs men. —The boys and girls take great pride in wearing school uniforms. 15. wander: walk around a place in a casua1 way, often without a fixed course, aim or purpose Examples:—After supper he would go out and wander alone in the streets for about an hour. —David wandered through the bookstore, hoping to find a good book for 3 Lily‘s birthday. 16.…commit an arrestable offence:…commit an offence which is serious enough for one to be arrested commit; do (sth. wrong, bad, foolish, or unlawful) If we fail to understand this, we shall commit a lot of mistakes. Examples:— —During their occupation of China, the Japanese invaders committed many horrible crimes against the Chinese people. The detective concluded that the murder was committed in this very — room. —Can you tell us why the gifted American poet committed suicide (killed himself) at the peak of his fame? 17. Perfectly straight face: a face showing no emotion or humor; a very serious-looking face perfectly; very; comp1etely Examples:—You‘re perfectly right. —I‘m perfectly satisfied with your arrangements. 18. turn out: be found or discovered (to be); prove to be Examples:—It turned out that the best student in my class is the son of a classmate of mine. —The weather turned out pretty nice that day. —After a bad start, our English evening turned out (to be) a great success. The general manager of the big company turned out to be a young woman — of about 30 years old. 19.regaed… as.: …consider…as Examples:—I regard him as my best friend. —He used to regard himself as highly intelligent. Later, be realized that his intelligence was not absolute. —Einstein is regarded by many as the greatest scientist of the twentieth century. 20.…in the most casual and conversational tone I could manage: …trying to sound as unconcerned and informal as I could casual: relaxed and unconcerned about what is happening or what one is doing Examples:—Because of his casual attitude toward work, he was fired. —He tried to appear casual as he asked the pretty girl to dance. 21.…it confirmed them in their belief that l was a thoroughly disreputable character: …it reinforced their belief that I was a very disreputable person. confirm: l) strengthen; make firmer Examples:—The sudden snowstorm during the night confirmed my decision not to leave. —What you have told me about Steve confirmed me in my suspicion that he has stolen my gold watch. —The result of my experiments has confirmed my belief (confirmed me in my belief) that your thump is correct. 2) prove to be true or correct Examples:—The Mayor confirmed the report that his son had been 4 kidnapped. —Both the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity advanced by Einstein were later confirmed by other scientists. 22. charge: blame (sb.) officially for having broken the law Examples:—The police charged the driver with drunken driving. —What is he charged with? —be charged with murder/stealing/theft/neglecting one‘s duty 23. conduct: manage; direct; carry out Examples:—After failing a dozen times or so, Dr. Wilson decided to conduct the experiment in a different way. —The police are conducting investigations into these murders. 24. call (up)on: invite, require; appeal to Examples:—Dr. Smith was often called upon to speak at these gatherings. —The President called on his people to work hard for national unity. 25. My ‘trial’ didn’t get that far. My ?trial‘ ended before it reached the stage when witnesses would be called on to give evidence. The adverb ?far‘ here means ―to a certain point, degree, or stage‖. Examples:—I didn‘t know biological science had got that far. (I didn‘t know biological science had developed to such a stage as that. ) —How far can he be trusted? —He went so far as to cheat openly on exams. 26. The magistrate dismissed the case…: As a rule, the Magistrates‘ Court consists of three magistrates, with one speaking for the others in court. dismiss: (of a judge) stop (a court case), refuse to consider a (complaint, plea, etc. ) in a court Example:—The magistrate dismissed the case because of lack of evidence. 27. stand a chance: have a chance Examples:—I would apply for the post if I were you. I think you stand a good chance. —Without a degree and with no experience in teaching, I don‘t think I stand a chance of getting the teaching post. —De you think Mark stands a chance of being elected? 28. getting costs awarded against the police: …getting the magistrates to make the decision that the expenses of the case (诉讼费) should be paid by the police. The word ?costs‘ refers here to the expenses of a lawsuit or case which the court re-quires the losing party to pay. Example: —He was jailed for 6 months and ordered to pay l ,500 costs. The verb ?to award‘ here means ?to decide upon or settle by law‘ (判定). Example:—A High Court judge awarded him ,2 million damages. 29. respectable: deserving respect (cf. respectful: showing respect to others) Examples:—Dr. Smith is a respectable professor and all his students are respectful to him. —He came from a poor but perfectly respectable family. 5 30. reliable: worthy of trust; dependable Examples:—Mr. Johnson‘s secretary is efficient and reliable. —I got these figures from reliable sources. 31. …and (if I) had really been unemployed…: The narrator was not really unemployed because he was a young man about to go to college. He was looking for a job not to support himself but to save up some money to go travel-ling. 32.…there is every chance that I would have been found guilty:…it is very likely (or chances are) that the magistrate would have decided me to be guilty. The verb ?to find‘ here means ?to decide or declare (sb.) to be (guilty or innocent)‘(裁决). Examples: —The jury found the accused man guilty (or innocent). —He was found guilty of murder/embezzlement(挪用公款)/taking bribes/passing on secret papers to a foreign country. 33.… my solicitor’s case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a ‘brilliant academic record’:…my lawyer’s argument very clearly cent red on the fact that I had a very good record as a student. revolve around: move in circles around; have as its center or main topic or concern Examples:—The moon revolves around the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun. —Mary has no other outside interests at all. Her whole life revolves around her husband and the children. —The dispute at the moment revolves around whether we should go on with the experiment. 34. meanwhile: during the same period of time Examples:—The boy had gone back home all by himself. Meanwhile, his parents were looking for him in the park. —Bob went to the post office to send a letter. Meanwhile Lily was preparing lunch at home. 35. complain: speak in an unhappy, dissatisfied way Examples:—For my own part, I have nothing to complain about. —He is always complaining about the weather in Shanghai. 36. apologize: say one is sorry Examples:—If I have said anything wrong, I am ready to apologize. —I must apologize to all of you for being so late. 37. take off one’s cap (or hat) to (sb.): to show respect or admiration for (sb.) Useful expressions 与法律发生冲突 Be in trouble with the law 一次不愉快的经历 An unpleasant experience 相当饶人的 Rather disturbing 之后的命运 subsequent fate 临时工作 A temporary job 存钱 Save up money 6 不紧不慢 In no hurry/ take one‘s time 带着明显的意图 With the obvious intention 警察 A police officer 犯要被逮捕的小罪 Commit an arrest 板着脸 With a perfectly straight face 对„„熟悉 Be familiar with 坚定了某人的信念 Confirm sb. in one‘s belief 被官方起诉 Be officially charged 自我辩护 Conduct my own defence 不受理案子 Dismiss the case 有机会 Stand a chance 犯罪 Criminal record 免于起诉 Release from the charge 可靠的证人 A reliable witness 很有可能 There is every chance 围绕 Revolve round 优秀的学业记录 A brilliant academic record 放了我 Let me on my way After reading 1. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words. 2. Ss hand in the summary of the text. 3. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text. 4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic. Proverbs and Quotations 1. The law is good, if a man uses it lawfully. 只要人守法,法总利于人。 2. Ignorance of the law excuses no man. 对法律无知不能免罪。 3. Law makers should not be law breakers. 正人先正己。 4. Let justice be done, though sky falls. 使天塌下来,也要做到公平。 Unit 2 Fruitful Questions Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 3) Teaching content: Unit 2 Text A Teaching Objective: 7 Help the students to: 1. realize the importance to develop students‘ ability to see things in fresh ways. 2. understand the main idea and structure of this text. 3 grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit. 4. help the Ss consolidate what they have learned. Important points: 5. New words and expressions 6. Text structure analysis 7. Structured writing 8. Listening and speaking Teaching method: Explanation; discussion; exemplification. Teaching time: 8 hours Teaching steps 1. Lead in to Text A. 2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then choose the one from the answers a, b, c and d that best completes the statements involved. 3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text. 4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up. 5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task. 6. Offer a summary of the text. 7. Do a dictation or vocabulary exercise in class. 8. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the text. Lead-in 1. Background information Paradigm shifts, and limitations of linear thinking and how to refocus parameters; sesame secret; Copernicus; the World Wide Web; the information highway 2. Introductory remarks When we try to tackle (=handle / deal with) a problem, we may sometimes stick to (= persist in / insist on) the usual way of thinking about it, thus often making it difficult to find a solution (=settlement). We need to remember, therefore, that it is important to learn to look at things in fresh (=new) ways and use unconventional (=not traditional) and creative means (=way / measure / method) in trying to solve (=settle) problems. The author of the present essay (=article), learned about the importance of creative thinking while playing the What Doesn‘t Belong game with his children. In the essay, with examples ranging from his own children to some of the world‘s greatest scientists, he helps explain the nature of creative thinking and calls on (= 8 demand) the reader to think creatively. 3. Warm-up questions Global reading Part Division of the Text Parts Para. Main idea 1 1-5 The author‘s children teach him about paradigm shifts. 2 6-8 Three examples of shifting old paradigms in history. 3 9-12 The importance of shifting old paradigms. 4 13 The author encourages people to look at information in a new way. Detailed reading Note: be able to do sth; have an ability to do sth; be capable of doing sth; have (the) capability of doing sth creative thinking:创意的思想/想法 create (v.) creativity (U) creative (adj.) Paragraphs 1-4: fruitful: producing good results; successful 1. It was a most fruitful meeting; we made a lot of important decisions. 2. John had a long and fruitful job as a sales manager in the company. take out: remove 第三磨 智牙;第三磨 智 I was having problems with my wisdom teeth (智牙 牙) so the dentist took them out. food fight = fight for food 争抢事物 paradigm: type of something; pattern; mode 范例 样式 模式 shift: (v.&n.): change 转移 变换 班头 转移; 变换 1. Our factory has three shifts (n.) working system. 2. The stock market is now shifting (v.) from bull market to bear market. paradigm shift 范式变换 limitation (n.) : 限制 e.g.: The price of my stock has risen / gone up (gone down / fallen) to its limitation today. linear (= of or in a line) thinking 线性思维 思考: Linear thinking is often contrasted with lateral thinking. Linear thinking refers to the traditional logical approach to problem solving. Some people, such as Edward de Bono, argue that this approach has its limitations and needs to be supplemented by lateral thinking, a way of solving problem that encourages the use of more unconventional (= not traditional) and creative means focus (vt. & n.) : concentrate (v.) / concentration (n.) 1. The couple of lovers have focused their earning on / upon money-saving to buy a new apartment. 2. The focus of the new financial policy is on the control of CPI (=Consuming Price Index). parameter (n.): limiting factor or characteristic; limit (限定的 限定的) 限定的 因 素; 特征; 因素 特征 界限 9 refocus parameters: To refocus parameters means to look at certain things that were previously ignored (被无视,被否认的) …took out time from their food fight to teach me about paradigm shifts, and limitations of linear thinking and how to refocus parameters. : 暂时停止争抢食物, 什么是线性思考的局限以及如何重新看待相关的各 (翻译 种因素) version: 版本 1. College English you are learning is a new version. 2. Her version of the accident was completely different from that given by the driver of the other car. 3. Congress passed a revised version of the bill (议案). Sesame Street 芝麻街游戏: an American long running children‘s television program that combines education with entertainment. One of the games played on the show is the ―What Doesn‘t Belong‖ game (哪个不是同一类) deliver (vt.): hand in; release 递交;发送 递交; 1. Please deliver your papers when you finish the test. 2. Don‘t forget to deliver (= release) the goods according to the schedule signed on the contract. smug (adj.): self-satisfied 自鸣得意的 自满的; despite (prep.): in spite of pure (adj.) 纯粹的 Pattern: purist: 纯粹主义者 Pattern: force sb to do sth = compel / oblige sb to to do sth be about to do sth = be going to do sth think up: produce (a new idea, etc.) by thinking hard 想出 e.g.: I really don‘t want to go tonight and I‘m trying to think up an excuse. Pattern: argue with sb about / on sth = have an argument with sb about / on sth outdo (vt.): do more or better than 做得比(某人 更好 做得比 某人)更好 胜过 John always outdoes me in the examinations. His car is outrunning ours on the express highway. sibling: brother or sister 兄弟姊妹 e.g.: parent: mother or father Paragraphs 5 – 7 definitely (ad.): undoubtedly; clearly; surely messy (adj.): in a state of disorder; dirty e.g.: Your room is always messy (=in a mess). Copernicus 哥白尼 (1473-1543,波兰天文学家) readjust: adjust again or once more Pattern: adjust … to …: (= adapt … to…): make change to be more suitable 1. Our government has adjusted the financial policy to strict money control. 2. Students should adjust themselves to school life after a long holiday. readjusting the centuries-old paradigm of an Earth-centered system:重新调整了地心 说这一长达数世纪的范式 Reuben Mattus 鲁宾 . 马修斯 哈根达斯创造者 Bronx:美国纽约市行政区名 vaccinate: protect (sb or sth) against disease by injecting vaccine abandon (vt.): give up; quit 放弃 but: give in = make a concession to / yield 让步 10 quest (n.): search; seek; pursuit 1. She had come in quest of our good ideas. 2. Many people traveled to the distant mountainous area in quest of gold. 3. Nothing will stop us in our quest for the truth. (in one‘s quest for sth) expose (vt.) … to …: Don‘t expose (=open) the secret to those people. e.g.: They were exposed to sunlight on the beach yesterday. …people who were exposed to it (=smallpox) 那些接触天花的人 e.g.: Mary contract (vt.):be inflected with; catch or become ill with (a disease) 感染 contracted (=was inflected with) a serious flu while she was traveling. mild (adj.): not severe; slight e.g.: He has suffered a mild heart disease nothing too serious. cow pox 牛痘 deadly (= fatal) smallpox 致命的天花 Paragraphs 8 – 10 define (vt.)下定义definition (n.) redefine = define again e.g.: How to define ―the best‖? = How to give the definition of ―the best‖? e.g.: We should redefine the trend of the present stock market. reframe (vt.) 重新拟定;重新达 They were reframing the questions: They were posing (= put forward) the questions in different ways. (For example, instead of asking ―What can cure smallpox‖, Edward Jenner posed the question ―What can prevent smallpox‖.) in short: briefly; in a few words 总之;简言之 e.g.: He is disorganized, he is inefficient, he is never there when you want him in short, the man is hopeless. according to: based on / upon The Structure of Scientific Revolution 科学革命的结 构 shifting (=changing) old paradigm (=modes /types) 改变旧的范式 workbook exercise 作业本里的练习 circle (vt.): make a round of 圈 mark: make a sign of 作标记,批分数 frame the question differently: explain or express the question in different way Patterns: fail in sth; fail to do sth He failed to pass the exam. e.g.: He failed in the exam. notable (adj.): important and deserving attention or important and very good/ well-known 值得注意的; 著名的; 1. He is a notable character on English grammar. 2. He has made notable contribution to our sales achievement. 独立结构(independent structure)的用法: 主要行为用谓语形式, 逻辑主语与次要 动作用分词表达, 分词的逻辑主语与谓语的主语不一致 次要动作用分词表达。 1. The sun rising, I have got up. 2. She is walking along the street, her arms carrying her baby. 3. She is walking along the street, her baby carried in her arms. potent (adj.): influential 有影响力的 the most potent paradigm-shifter 最有影响 力)的范式改变者 critique (n.): critical analysis 评论 评论文章 评论; 11 Lord (=Heaven) knows: 天知道 Patterns: 1. remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 e.g.: He reminded me to send an E-mail reply at once. 2. remind sb of sth 使某人想起做过某事 e.g.: The story you have just told reminds me of an experience I once had. 3. A reminds B of C A 使 B 想起了 C e.g.: That girl reminds me of her mother. reminder (n.) 起提醒作用的东西 e.g.: The secretary wrote a note on the notice board as a reminder of our meeting tomorrow. This is, instead, a reminder that there are real limits to the value of information. evolution: a long, gradual process during which sth. develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced 进化 e.g.: In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight. … seem to be at the point (=stage) in the evolution of our society:我们的社会似 乎发展进化到了这样一个阶段 clamor (vi.) for: make a loud demand or protest for 大声的要求或抗议 e.g.: The audience clamored for the show to begin at once. access (U): way or entrance to a place; opportunity of reaching, using or approaching 入口;进入…的机会 Paragraphs 11 - 13 be online 联机 上网 e.g.: I went online to see if I got any e-mail. World Wide Web 环球信息网 be connected to: be linked to connect … to: link … to download 下载 instantaneously: at once; immediately 即时 立刻 即时; e.g.: an instantaneous (= immediate) response 即刻的反应 Usages: We lack food. for lack of (因缺乏 因缺乏) 因缺乏 e.g.: You failed in the English exams for lack of grammatical knowledge. lacking (adj.): Courage is lacking. (Right) I am lacking in courage / strength / humor. Pattern: There is no lack of … (有很多的 有很多的…) And he didn‘t do anything less Earth-shattering (pun intended) than completely change the way the universe was viewed. 但他作出了足够震撼地球的(权作双关语 权)惊人之举完全改变了人们对宇宙的看法. Earth-shattering (adj.) 惊天动地的; 极其重大的; shatter (v.): (cause sth to) break suddenly and violently into small pieces (使)打碎 (使)粉碎 打碎; e.g.: Chairman Mao led the Chinese people to shatter the old society and build the new China. pun: humorous use of a word that the two meanings or of different words that sound the same 双关语 e.g: A bullet hit his leg, so he lay down his arms (手臂 武器 手臂; 手臂 武器). Pattern: intend to do 1. I got ready to leave the office, intending to call at the bank on my way home. 2. What did he intend to do by saying so? 12 view (vt.): look at or consider at …as = regard … as = consider 1. The journalist asked the foreign minister how he viewed (=looked at / regarded) the current situation in the Middle East. 2. All of the audience viewed (=regarded) the concert as a great success. uncover: make known or open; disclose; discover 1. It‘s the press‘s responsibility to uncover (=make known or open) the truth. 2. The police have uncovered (=discover) a plot preventive (adj.)预防性的 e.g.: Our government is trying hard to use preventive measures against on-going overall inflations. Pattern: prevent … from /against e.g: Our government is trying hard to prevent financial problem from / against on-going inflation. accumulate (vt.): get together or collect gradually little by little e.g.: The young couple has been accumulating their money in order to buy a new apartment. downshift (v.) (将汽车)调低速档 e.g.: When you are driving into the urban area, you should downshift your car at once. downshift onto the information highway 驶入信息高速公路 a body (=group / pile) of information 一堆信息 …when you have a hammer you tend to see every problem as a nail. This is a figurative way of saying ―If you look at things only in one way, most likely you will fail to see the nature of your problem and consequently you won‘t be able to solve it.‖ Here, as a matter of fact, the author calls on the reader to refocus parameters, reframe questions and shift (=change) old paradigms. In short, he urges the reader to think creatively. Obviously the last sentence relates logically to the rest of the article. Useful Expressions 多产的小说家 A fruitful novel 自动对焦 Automatic focus 译本 Received version 秘诀,开门咒 Open sesame 红色胎记 Strawberry mark 纯金 Pure gold 色拉油 Salad oil 调整以适应 Adjust oneself to 文火 Mild fire 相框 Picture frame 编造一个借口 Invent an excuse 值夜班 Work the night shift 催函 A reminder letter 进化论 Evolution theory DVD Digital video disc 数据库 database 无进展 Get nowhere 13 破灭的希望 Shattered hope 接种„„疫苗 Vaccinated against 直线思维 Linear thinking After reading 5. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words. 6. Ss hand in the summary of the text. 7. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text. 8. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic. Rearrange Sentences in Logical Order In English writing, it is very important to make all the ideas and sentences fit together around its central idea, and to make the writing flow smoothly from one sentence to another in logical order. This is what we call coherence, a quality indispensable for effective writing. If an essay is coherent, each part will grow naturally and logically from those parts that come before it, and the reader is carried along easily from the start to the end. The main devices used in writing a coherent piece include transitional words or phrases like however, but, therefore, thus, first(ly), second(ly), what’s more, as to and in terms of, repetition of key words and phrases and the parallel structure. Proverbs and Quotations 1. A man becomes learned by asking questions. 要长学问,就得多问;多问则业精。 2. There is no royal road to learning. 学习无坦途。 3. He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning. 耻问之人耻于学。 4.We build too many walls and not enough bridges. , Newton, British Scientist 我们造了太多墙,却没有造足够的桥。 Unit 3 Why I Teach Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 3) Teaching content: Unit 3 Text A Teaching Objective: Help the students to: 1. know the western teaching system and teaching profession. 2. understand the main idea and structure of this text. 3 grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit. 4. help the Ss consolidate what they have learned. 14 Important points: 9. New words and expressions 10. Text structure analysis 11. Structured writing 12. Listening and speaking Teaching method: Explanation; discussion; exemplification. Teaching time: 8 hours Teaching steps 1. Lead in to Text A. 2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then choose the one from the answers a, b, c and d that best completes the statements involved. 3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text. 4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up. 5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task. 6. Offer a summary of the text. 7. Do a dictation or vocabulary exercise in class. 8. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the text. Lead-in 1. Background information Teaching profession in U.S; Emerson, Thoreau and Huxley 2. Introductory remarks: teaching information in U. S. 3. Warm-up questions 1) What do you want to do after graduation? 2) What do you think of taking teaching as a career? 3) Do you think that teachers are highly respected and valued in your society? Global reading Part Division of the Text Parts Para. Main idea 1 1 While all Americans are taught to want money and power, I want to teach and this greatly puzzles my friends. 2 2-3 I teach neither because teaching is easy for me, nor because I have so much knowledge that I must share with my students. 3 4-11 I love the teaching profession because teaching offers me a great number of rewards, such as pace, variety, intellectual challenge and the chance to keep on learning. 15 4 12-19 Being a teacher, I can help and see my students grow and change in front of me. 5 20-21 Teaching offers something besides money and power: love. In addition, seeing students growing, I find myself growing and changing with them too. Detailed reading Language Points 1. …I didn’t want to be considered for an administrative position: …I didn‘t want to be a candidate for an administrative position, such as the president or vice-president of a university, the dean of a college, the chairman of a department, etc. 2. Teaching is the mot difficult of the various way I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer. I have tried many other ways to make a living. I have worked as a mechanic, a carpenter, a writer, and now I am working as a teacher. Of all these professions, teaching is the most difficult for me. 3. For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession. Teaching is a profession that makes my eyes red for lack of sleep, my palms sweaty because of nervousness and my stomach sinking because I often feel so disappointed with my lectures. Here, ―stomach‖ means ―spirit, heart‖. A person‘s stomach sinks when he is upset, disappointed. profession: job that needs formal qualifications after training, e. g. law, medicine, teaching, acting. Examples:—As a sophomore, I still don‘t know what profession would suit me best. —Jeanne has decided on law as her profession. She wants to become a civil rights lawyer and help the poor. 4. stay up: not go to bed Examples:—He stays up reading and writing until midnight every day. —I‘ll be home late, but please don‘t stay up for me. 5. convince: cause (sb.) to believe; persuade (sb.) Examples:—It took me a long time to convince him that he could learn English as well as anyone else in the class. —The Union officer was convinced(sure) that Aunt Bettie was not going to report his presence to the Confederate army. 6. …because I have knowledge I feel compelled to chare: …because I have knowledge (that) I feel compelled to share (with my students). compel: make (sb.)do sth. by or as if by force Examples:—Having found himself out of gas, the driver was compelled to walk several miles to the nearest village. —He was compelled by illness to drop out of schoo1. 7. Sometimes I am amazed that… in class! Here, the author claims, with more modesty, that he is sometimes surprised to see his students bothering to take notes in his lessons. 8. opportunity: favorable occasion or chance 16 Examples:—Do come to our party tomorrow evening! It will give you an opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people. —This conference offers us a good opportunity to learn from one another. 9.to learn one’s lesson(s): to learn something useful from the mistake(s) one has made Examples:—He had learned his lesson, and wouldn‘t repeat the mistake. —I have learned my lesson form the accident and won‘t drive too fast again. 1. stimulate: excite (the body or mind); cause to become more active, energetic, etc. Examples:—The teacher‘s praise stimulated Tom to study even harder. —Exercise stimulates the circulation of the blood. 2. failure: lack of success; failing; instance of failing Examples:—Without your timely help, our plans would have ended in failure. —We had many failures before finding the right method of teaching. 3. loan: something lent, especially a sum of money Examples:—It‘s more and more difficult to get a bank loan now. —The World Bank has promised to make a further loan of ,2 million for this project. 4. distribute: divide among several or many; give or send out Examples:—People there often complain that wealth is not evenly distributed in their society. —New information is quickly distributed to millions of people all over the world by means of the Internet. 5. variety: state of varying; a number of different kinds Examples:—My job lacks variety; I am doing the same things all the time. —The Shanghai Museum has a wide variety of objects on display. 6. challenge: something new and exciting or difficult which requires great effort and determination Examples:—His new job as the department chairman is a real challenge to him. —This job is too dull; I want one with more challenge. 7. leave out: fail to mention or include Examples:—You left out an important detail in your report of the accident. —Be sure not to leave anyone out in your invitation. 8. …who strand as an engineering studs, then switched to English: … who began as an engineering student and then changed his subject to English switch (to): turn from one subject or activity to another Examples: —In Japan, Lu Xun started as a medical student but then switched to literature. —As the demand for tape—recorders has fallen off the factory has switched to the production of color TV sets. 9. urban: of a town or city Examples:—I prefer to work in an urban environment, where there are good libraries and cultural facilities. —In the past ten years or so, China‘s urban population has been increasing 17 very rapidly. 10. What is the point of being rich? —What’s the use of being rich? point: use; purpose Examples:—What‘s the point of/in talking to her again? She‘s already made up her mind. Now that Father has made the final decision, there is no point in arguing — further. Useful expressions 行政职务 An administration position 创办公司 Set up a company 熬夜 Stay up 校历 The academic calendar 凭直觉 By intuition 省去 Leave out 期末 The end of a semester 提供机会 Offer an opportunity 学术刊物 Learned journal 记笔记 Take notes 吸取教训 Learn one‘s lesson 指点迷津 Point out pathway 激发才智 Fan sparks 被迫做 Be compelled to do 努力做,苦干 Labour at 谋生 Earn one‘s living 寄出,送出 Send off 写书 Work on a book 喘息,屏息 Catch one‘s breath After reading 9. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words. 10. Ss hand in the summary of the text. 11. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text. 12. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic. Proverbs and Quotations 1. Example is always more efficacious than precept. 身教胜于言教。 2. Only a nation of educated people could remain free. 只有受过教育的人民组成的国家才能保持自由。 3. Education is the transmission of civilization. 教育传播文明。 4. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. — Adams, American historian 教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多深远。 18 — 美国历史学家 亚当斯 Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 2) Teaching content: Unit 5 Text A Teaching Objective: Help the students to: 1. get to know women and women‘s life in the working world. 2. understand the main idea and structure of this text. 3 grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit. 4. help the Ss consolidate what they have learned. Important points: 13. New words and expressions 14. Text structure analysis 15. Structured writing 16. Listening and speaking Teaching method: Explanation; discussion; exemplification. Teaching time: 8 hours Teaching steps 1. Lead in to Text A. 2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then choose the one from the answers a, b, c and d that best completes the statements involved. 3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text. 4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up. 5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task. 6. Offer a summary of the text. 7. Do a dictation or vocabulary exercise in class. 8. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the text. Lead-in 1) Background information: American women status; the cost of attending college in U.S. 19 2) Warm-up questions Does your mother work? What‘s her job? Who does the household work, your father or your mother or both of them? Do you often help out a little at home? Why or why not? Do your parents understand you? Do you really understand your parents? Have you ever seen your mother ( or father) cry? When was that and why? Global reading Part Para. Main idea 1 1-6 I was shocked at finding my mother crying because she would probably lose her new job. 2 7-17 I previously assumed my mother was a capable woman. She tried all she could to save up money to send us to university. 3 18-21 I realized my mother‘s pressure and vulnerability as a human being. 4 22-24 I understood my mother‘s perseverance and its influence on me. Questions: What did the author plan to do when he came home from school one winter day? Who did he see in the living room? What was she doing? Why was his mother in tears? How did he feel when he saw his mother crying? Why did the author mention the old typewriter several times in this part? Detailed reading 1)filled with anticipation: full of expectation; very excited (because he thought he could enjoy reading his sports magazine alone at home without anyone to disturb him.) Examples:—As Christmas drew near, the children were filled with anticipation. —Prof. Snow‘s daughter was filled with anticipation at the thought of the planned trip to China. 2)issue: a particular edition of a magazine or newspaper Examples:—The latest issue of Time contains a cover story entitled It Came from Outer Space. —These back issues of magazines and newspapers take up the much space in the study.Do you still have any use for them? 3)…and (I had) the house to myself… I‘d be alone in the house to have sth. to oneself: to have sth. for one‘s own private use Examples:—When he dines in a restaurant Mark likes to have a table to himself. —You can have the place entirely to yourself. 4)burst into: rush into Examples:—Andy burst into the classing, grabbed his books, and rushed out again. 5) tight: firm Examples:—She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin. 20 —I‘m dismayed to find I‘ve outgrown this expensive coat, which is too tight for me. 6)approach: move towards; come or go near or nearer Examples:—The dog remains alert all the time and recognizes its master‘s footsteps as he approaches the house. —The police warned the schoolchildren not to approach the madman if they saw him. 7)cautiously: very carefully Examples:—The first time two people from different cultures meet, they behave and talk cautiously so as not to cause offense. —Tom moved cautiously forward and opened the door softly. 8)catch on: understand, learn about (often used with ?to‘ ) Examples:—You‘ll catch on to the job (You‘1l get some idea of how to do the job) after you‘ve been here a week or two. —The first time the teacher explained the problem, only a few students caught on. 9. set one’s mind to: give all one‘s attention to doing (sth.) Examples:—After hearing the sad news, Jack could not set his mind to his work that afternoon. —If I set my mind to fit1ishing this article by tomorrow, I can certainly do so. 9)assume: take as true without actual proof Examples:—I assume that you agree with what Mary has just said. —David is not such a fool as You assume him to be. 10). …that didn’t stand in her way: …her having had no training didn‘t prevent her from becoming a nursery teacher stand/be in sb‘s way: prevent sb. from doing sth. Examp1es:—lf you think you can get a better job elsewhere, I‘ll certainly not stand in your way. —Jane tried to clean the house, but her 16-month-old baby was always in her/the way. 11) send away for: make a request or order for (sth, ) by post Examples:—When the Smiths lived in the country, they had to send away for rnany of the things they needed. —This book is not available in our town, so I‘ve sent away for it. 12) qualify: cause sb. to reach the level needed for sth. or to do sth. Examples:—This training will qualify you as a computer operator. —With a Ph. D. degree from Harvard University, he is assumed to be we1I qualified for this post. 13) run out: come to an end: be used, spent or consumed Examples:—Hurry up! Time is running out! —The ran out before most of us could answer the last question. —Their food was running out fast so the mountain climbers had to return to the base. 15. in addition to: besides Examples:—In addition to or English novels, Mary mailed me an English dictionary. 21 —In addition to teaching in the school, Janet gives piano lessons to some children at home. 14)respond: do sth. as an answer Examples:—As the news of the earthquake got around, people across the nation responded by pro-viding what they could offer. —The child responded to the teacher‘s praise with a smile. 15) help out: give help at a time of need (to sb.) Our neighbors helped out when Mother became ill. Examples:— —Mary lives on campus but on weekends when she goes back home, she often helps out in the kitchen. —Would you please help me out with this math problem? 16) on (one’s) guard: watchful; ready to defend or protect Examples:—As the bus was very crowded, the conductor warned the passengers to be on (their) guard against pickpockets. —You should be on guard against those who are always flattering you. (The boy was immediately on guard when his father asked him to help out a bit more because, being 16, he was the young to understand what his mother was doing for him and the whole family.) 17) pressure: a compelling influence or force Examples:—As is the case with students in other countries, American students also face the pres-sure of schoolwork, high living costs and decision-making on their careers. —Jim changed his mind at the last minute under pressure from his parents. 18)sometime, some time, sometimes: sometime: at some uncertain or unstated time Examples:—He first came to China sometime around 1932. —They‘ll meet again sometime next week. some time: a certain amount of time Example:—It will take some time to read the whole book. sometimes: at times, now and then Example:—Sometimes I come to school by bus and sometimes on foot. 19)tension: a feeling of worry and nervousness Examples:—With tension in her voice Ann said she had me bad news to tell me. —Just before the job interview, the young man felt his tension building. 20) hold back: control Examples:—Mr. Jackson managed to hold back his alleger and avoided a quarrel with his 16-year-old son. —When she learned that her son was killed in battle, the Mexican woman held back her tears with much difficulty. 21)…there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type: …besides learning to type, Mother was also showing her determination to overborne whatever difficulties she might meet with, her strong will not to accept defeat easily and her courage to go ahead. 22) memento: a small object which reminds one of a holiday, a friend, etc. 22 Examples:—These post cards are mementos of their trip to Italy. —This gold pen is a memento of his grandfather. 23) give up: admit defeat; stop trying Examp1es:—I give up. I can‘t work the problem out. —You gave up too easily. You could have worked it out if you had really set your mind to it. Useful Expressions 充满期待 Be filled with anticipation 独自享用 Have sth. To oneself 冲进客厅 Burst into the living room 惊得目瞪口呆 Be shocked into stillness 强作欢笑 Manage a weak smile 做全职工作 Hold a full time job 邮购 Send away for 除„„之外 In addition to 自叹不走运 Feel sorry for oneself 下决心 Set one‘s mind to 深深吸一口气 Take a long breath 寻求安慰 Seek comfort 感受某人的痛苦 Sense one‘s pain 收拾餐桌 Clear the table 招生额满 Have a full enrollment 函授课程 Correspondence course 妨碍某人 Stand in one‘s way 写信索要 Send away for 将某人搂在怀里 Put one‘s arms around sb 逐字 Word for word 抑制强烈的感情 Hold back strong emotions 千百次 On a thousand occasions 在远远的那一头 At the far end of After reading 1.Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words. 2.Ss hand in the summary of the text. 3.Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text. 4.Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic. Proverbs and quotations 1. Of all life‘s many treasures, the most beautiful is love. 生活中有许多珍贵的东西,其中最美的是爱。 2. A mother‘s love never changes. 母爱永远不变。 3. Kind words are the music of the world. 23 善良的话语是世界共同的音乐。 4. All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right. — Stoddard, American poet 做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行。 斯托达德 —— 美国诗人 Unit 6 A Day’s Wait Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 3) Teaching content: Unit 6 Text A Teaching Objective: Help the students to: 1. get to know on some occasions there are misunderstandings between the Father and Son. 2. understand the main idea and structure of this text. 3 grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit. 4. help the Ss consolidate what they have learned. Important points: 17. New words and expressions 18. Text structure analysis 19. Structured writing 20. Listening and speaking Teaching method: Explanation; discussion; exemplification. Teaching time: 8 hours Teaching steps 1. Lead in to Text A. 2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then choose the one from the answers a, b, c and d that best completes the statements involved. 3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text. 4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up. 5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task. 6. Offer a summary of the text. 7. Do a dictation or vocabulary exercise in class. 8. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the 24 text. Lead-in Background information Ernest Hemingway: Hemingway (1899-1961), American novelist and short-story writer, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. He was noted both for the intense masculinity of his writing and for his adventurous and widely publicized life. His succinct and lucid prose style exerted a powerful influence on the American and British fiction in the 20th century. Lost generation In general, it refers to the post-World War I generation, but specifically a group of the U.S. writers who came of age during the war and established their literary reputations in the 1920s. The term stems from a remark made by Gertrude Stein to Ernest Hemingway — ―You are all a lost generation.‖ Discussion Have you ever been worried about what somebody said only to find out later that you had misunderstood and that there was nothing to worry about after all? If yes, what is it? Warm-up questions What do you often wait for? How do you feel when you are waiting? What is the longest time you have been kept waiting? What is the normal body temperature? How much do you know about Ernest Hemingway? Have you read any of his works? Global reading Part Para. Main idea 1 1-13 The little boy‘s parents called in a doctor. 2 14-25 Assured by the doctor, his father asked him to relax, but the boy was holding tight onto himself about something. 3 26-30 After his return from the hunting, the boy‘s father found the boy still lying in bed, gazing at the foot of the bed. 4 31-57 Admitting he had thought he was going to die, the boy relaxed slowly after his father‘s explanation. Find the places where there are misunderstandings between the Father and Son, then explain what they each refer to. Detailed reading He came into the room to shut the windows while we were still in bed and I saw he looked ill. What can we infer from this sentence? The family in the story has the habit of sleeping with the windows open, even in winter. The boy has a headache. He guesses he has got a cold, so he goes to his parents‘ room to close the windows because he doesn‘t want his parents to catch cold 25 as he does. When the doctor came he took the boy‘s temperature. How does the sentence show the author‘s writing style? The author doesn‘t tell us in detail how the boy went upstairs to bed and how the father called in the doctor to treat him. He omitted what can be omitted to make a well-knit story. Downstairs, the doctor left three different medicines in different colored capsules with instructions for giving them. downstairs” indicate? What does the word “ The word indicates that it was in the boy‘s bedroom upstairs that the father asked the doctor about the boy‘s temperature, so that the boy was able to hear the doctor say that it was 102 degrees. When the doctor and the father went downstairs, the boy remained in bed upstairs, so he didn‘t hear it when the doctor told the father there was nothing to worry about if the fever didn‘t go above 104 degrees. ―Just the same, so far,‖ he said. What does the boy mean? Here the boy may mean “I‘m still alive up to now, though I‘m going to die.” It was a bright, cold day, the ground covered with a sleet that had frozen so that it seemed as if all the bare trees, the bushes, the cut brush and all the grass and the bare ground had been varnished with ice. Translate this part of the sentence. 那是个晴朗而又寒冷的日子,地上覆盖着一层已结成冰的冻雨,就像那光秃秃的 树木,那灌木丛,那砍下的树枝,以及所有的草坪和空地都用冰漆过似的。 but it was difficult to stand or walk on the glassy surface and the red dog slipped and slithered and I fell twice, hard, once dropping my gun and having it slide away over the ice. What‘s the rhetoric device for “slipped and slithered” in this sentence? ―Slipped and slithered‖ uses the rhetoric device of alliteration (头韵), which is often used to lay stress. Can you give some of your own examples with alliteration being used? For example: “forgive and forget”, “twist and turn”, “safe and sound”, etc. Coming out while you were poised unsteadily on the icy, springy brush they made difficult shooting and I killed two, missed five, and started back pleased to have found a covey close to the house and happy there were so many left to find on another day. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 当你在这些既滑又有弹性的树丛上摇摇晃晃尚未立稳之际,它们却飞了出来,使 你很难射中。我击落了两只,却逃跑了五只。动身返回时,我感到很高兴,因为 我在离家不远处发现了一群鹌鹑,而且还剩下许多,改日可再去搜寻猎取。 ―You mustn‘t get what I have.‖ What can you infer from this sentence? This is what the boy had said before his father came back. From this we can see the boy is courageous and unselfish. You know, like how many kilometers we make when we do seventy miles in the car?‖ What does the word “make” mean? 26 The word ―make‖ here means ―travel (a distance) or at (a speed)‖. and the next day it was very slack and he cried very easily at little things that were of no importance. Why did the boy cry easily at little things? Because he had been so tense the previous day that he couldn‘t control his emotions when he finally relaxed. Please translate the sentence into Chinese. 第二天,越发轻松了。为了一点无关紧要的小事,他会动辄哭起来。 Useful expressions 量体温 Take one‘s temperature 头痛 Get a headache 退烧 Bring down the fever 穿好衣服 Be/get dressed 对„„漠然 Be detached from 在床的后端 At the foot of the bed 保持清醒 Stay awake 有点神志不清 Be a little lightheaded 光秃秃的树 Bare trees 用„„漆 Be vanished with 连跌带滑 Slip and slither 从视野中消失 Be/go out of sight 不能平衡,不稳 Be poised unsteadily 烧得发红的脸颊 Cheeks flushed by the fever 放心 Take it easy 眼睛制直盯这前方 Look straight ahead 开始做 Commence to do After reading 1. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words. 2. Ss hand in the summary of the text. 3. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text. 4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic. Why does the author describe the hunting scene of the father in the middle of the story? It creates a contrast between the father‘s easy mood and the boy‘s terrible tension. It shows the father‘s character of strength and masculinity and his influence upon his son. It enhances the boy‘s image of being ―a strong man. ‖ It diverts the readers so that the boy‘s real thought will be a greater surprise when they are revealed. It creates a sense of time passing so that we know that it is close to evening by the time the father gets home. 27 Writing Practice -- Reordering Sentences A Brief Introduction 1.) Why there should be a logical order of sentences? Since all the segments (paragraphs, sections, chapters) make the same basic demand upon readers to understand, readers must determine what its topic is and how its various parts fit together. In order to reach this goal, there must be a logical order of sentences. 2.) Guidelines Guidelines for reordering sentences: 1) Begin by announcing the topic 2) Present generalizations before details 3) Move from the most important to the least important or vice versa 4) Pay attention to forecasting statements, transitions and headings Proverbs and quotations 1. Let difficulties occur but not the loss of courage. 纵使困难重重,也决不丧失勇气。 2. A good heart conquers ill fortune. 善心克厄运。 3. The wish is father to the thought. 有愿望就有信念。 4. Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. 愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。 —— 法国作家 普鲁斯特 5. The first wealth is health. 健康是人生第一财富。 Unit7 The Shelter Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 3) Teaching content: Unit 7 Text A Teaching Objective: Help the students to: 1. get to know in some cases, human’s selfishness, which is usually hidden underneath, is more dangerous to human society than nuclear missiles. 2. understand the main idea and structure of this text. 3 grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit. 4. help the Ss consolidate what they have learned. Important points: 21. New words and expressions 28 22. Text structure analysis 23. Structured writing 24. Listening and speaking Teaching method: Explanation; discussion; exemplification. Teaching time: 8 hours Teaching steps 1. Lead in to Text A. 2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then choose the one from the answers a, b, c and d that best completes the statements involved. 3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text. 4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up. 5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task. 6. Offer a summary of the text. 7. Do a dictation or vocabulary exercise in class. 8. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the text. Lead-in Civil defense Civil defense is the national program of the U. S. to safeguard civilian life and property. With the coming of the age of missiles and rockets, civil defense has become a program for national survival. With the menace of missiles, people may be doomed by fallout (放射性尘埃) – the dangerous radioactive particles or dust that is left in the air after a nuclear explosion. There is no practical way to protect people in the immediate range of a nuclear explosion. Civil defense, therefore, must be based primarily on a system of fallout shelters. Missile In 1961, the federal government of the U. S. began to survey to find shelter spaces in factories, office buildings, and other places. These shelters were to be stocked with essential supplies, marked for identification, and made available to the public in an emergency. Air-to-air and air-to-surface guided missiles are generally short-range, light, rocket-powered projectiles with sophisticated internal guidance systems. Both types were tested in wartime Germany, and the German radio-controlled glide bombs were responsible for sinking numerous Allied ships. Although these early missile weapons relied on optical tracking and control from parent aircraft, most current air-to-ground guided missiles depend on their own target-sensing mechanism once launched. 29 Global reading Part Para. Main idea 1 1-2 The story began at Dr. Stockton’s house, where a birthday party was held one summer evening. It was suddenly broken up by an unexpected emergent radio announcement of suspected enemy missiles approaching. The guests hurried home but came back soon. 2 3(Act Two ? A chorus of The neighbors wanted to share Dr. Stockton’ voices greet this with s bomb shelter for their own security, but assent.) were refused because there was no more room. 3 4~9 (A chorus of voices The crowd argued, quarreled and even fought greet this with assent. ? for a chance to go into the shelter but still Then from the portable failed. So they smashed the door open. radio in the corner comes. ) 4 9 (Then from the portable In the end, the suspected missiles proved to radio in the corner comes. be only a satellite. The Stocktons, their ? the end.) friends and neighbors were all spared from a bomb, but there would be no more friendship and neighborhood harmony among them. Rhetorical & Stylistic Analysis Directions: This text is an abridged version of Act Two of the television play “The Shelter”, which first appeared on the CBS Television Networks in 1961. Read the present play quickly and grasp the following elements of the drama. Conflict: At the surface level: people vs. people (e.g. Stockton vs. the others; Weiss vs. the Hendersons; Harlowe vs. the others) At the deep level: man vs. himself (his own selfishness because everyone in the play is selfish although in varying degrees) Climax: The shelter door was smashed down. utcome: O The “enemy missiles” turned out to be satellites. All the characters were in an awkward situation because something valuable was destroyed. Theme: In some cases, human’s selfishness, which is usually hidden underneath, is more dangerous to human society than nuclear missiles. Questions 1. Why does the party break up in confusion? 2. Why do the neighbors come back to the Stockton house soon after they leave in a hurry? 30 Detailed reading In the midst of it comes unexpectedly over the radio the announcement of the President of the United States declaring a state of emergency for suspected enemy missiles approaching. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 庆祝活动正在进行时,收音机里出乎意料地传来美国总统的公告,因怀疑敌方导 弹可能飞近,宣布全国处于紧急状态。 A chorus of voices greet this with assent. Paraphrase the sentence. Many voices say “yes” to Henderson’s suggestion at the same time. Even if we were to break down the door, it couldn’t accommodate all of us. Why is it used here? It is used to show that Jerry doesn’t agree with Henderson’s suggestion of breaking the door. I thought I made that clear upstairs. 1. What is the rhetorical function of this sentence? It repeats the original insult in a different way rather than express the real surprise that the message has not been understood. Put the sentence into Chinese. 我还以为在上面的时候已经把这一点讲清楚了呢~ The minute the mob gathers before the STOCKTON house, they smash into it, carrying the giant log. What is the grammatical function of “the minute” in this sentence? It introduces an adverbial clause of time. He looks around smiling at the others, a nervous smile born of a carry-over of fear and the realization that something has taken hold of all of them now. Something deadening in its effect and disquieting beyond words. Put the sentences into Chinese. 他看看四周,又朝大家笑笑,但他的微笑显得那样紧张,一则因为他心有余悸, 再则因为他感到此刻有什么东西控制了每个人,这种东西令人沮丧,令人难以名 状地不安。 Useful expressions 紧急状态 State of emergency 解散 Break up 民防 Civil defense 容纳 Fit in 抓阄 Draw lots 朝„„方向走 Head for 当真 Mean business 控制自己 Get hold of oneself 死一般的寂静 Dead silence 不明物体 Unidentified objects 31 取消 Call off 大发脾气 Blow one‘s top 恢复正常 Get back to normal 弄清楚 Figure out 有关系,有影响 Make a/ the difference 强调„„的重要性 Attach importance to 一个接一个 One after another 直接交手的 Hand to hand 把„„弄到手 Get one‘s hands on After reading 1. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words. 2. Ss hand in the summary of the text. 3. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text. 4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic. Proverbs and quotations As a long journey tests a horse’s strength, so a long acquaintance shows a man’s heart. 路遥知马力,日久见人心。 The cross on the breast and the devil in the heart.胸前挂十字,心中怀鬼胎。 Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.不幸可以考验朋友的真诚。 Character is what you are in the dark. — Moody USA churchman 暗处最能反映一个人真正品格。 —— 美国教士 穆迪 Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower. — Schwab USA Businessman 品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。 —— 美国实业家 施瓦布 Unit8 Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 2) Teaching content: Unit 8 Text A Teaching Objective: Help the students to: 32 1. get to know daydreaming is as important as nighttime dreams to mental health. 2. understand the main idea and structure of this text. 3 grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit. 4. help the Ss consolidate what they have learned. Important points: 25. New words and expressions 26. Text structure analysis 27. Structured writing 28. Listening and speaking Teaching method: Explanation; discussion; exemplification. Teaching time: 8 hours Teaching steps 1. Lead in to Text A. 2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then choose the one from the answers a, b, c and d that best completes the statements involved. 3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text. 4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up. 5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task. 6. Offer a summary of the text. 7. Do a dictation or vocabulary exercise in class. 8. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the text. Lead-in Phrases Related to the Topic 噩梦 A nightmare 白日梦 A daydream 黄粱美梦 Fond dream 痴心妄想 An idle dream 一直以来的梦想 A long-cherished dream 纯朴的梦想 A simple dream 长期的梦想 a longstanding dream 虚无缥缈的梦想 A distant dream 做梦 Have a dream 实现某人的梦想 Achieve /realize one‘s dream 解梦 Interpret dream Some quotations from Edison Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. 33 What a man’s mind can create, man’s character can control. There is no substitute for hard work. Global reading Part Para. Main idea 1 1-3 Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing. 2 4-5 Daydreaming is as important as nighttime dreams to mental health. Experiments show that it has a lot of benefits. 3 6-7 Daydreaming is useful in shaping our future lives. 4 8-9 the reason why a mental vision of success would help to produce real success 5 10-12 the procedures or the steps of how to daydream 6 13-14 Daydream a little each day but not be too dependent on it. Detailed reading You’ll never amount to anything if you spend your time that way! What’s the meaning of the sentence? If you go on like this, you’ll never become successful. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 你要是老这样消磨时间,你将一事无成! Daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time. Why do people view daydreaming as a waste of time? Because when we daydream, we seem to do nothing worthwhile and time seems to pass in vain. Or it was considered an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties. What does the expression “an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties” mean? Getting away from real life and its duties which was harmful to a person’s character or moral health. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 或被看成是逃避现实生活及其责任的一种不健康的倾向。 Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in much the same way that attitudes towards night dreaming have changed. 1. What is the grammatical function of “that” in this sentence? in much the same way that = in much the same way in which When used to introduce a restrictive attributive clause, the relative pronoun “that” sometimes means “in which”, ―at which‖, ―for which‖ or ―on which‖. More Examples: He doesn’t see things (in) the way that / in which we see them. Jim likes New York for the very reason that / for which Tom dislikes it. I went to see him in the hotel lobby (on) the day that / on which he arrived. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 人们对白日做梦的态度正在改变,这与人们对夜间做梦的看法的变化有非常相似 之处。 But then researchers tried interrupting the dreams of sleepers. 34 How do researchers interrupt people’s dreams? The researchers carried out experiments in which they interrupted the dreams of sleepers. Dr. Joan T. Freyberg has concluded that daydreaming contributes to intellectual growth. s only part of the story. But that’ What is intellectual growth? It refers to the development of intelligence. What do you think are the usual factors that it depends on? It depends on the environment, encouragement from others, interest, access to good education, etc. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 琼•T•弗赖格博士得出结论说,做白日梦有助于智力的发展。 But that’s only part of the story. What does the sentence mean? But what is said above is only part of the benefits of daydreaming. Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick believed that the way we picture ourselves is often the way we turn out. Paraphrase the sentence. Dr. Harry Emerson believed what we imagine ourselves to be was often what we became in the end. Hold a picture of yourself ... in your mind’s eye, and you will be drawn toward it. What sentence pattern is used here? In this sentence, the imperative is used in a special way in which it is similar to an “if-clause”. If you hold a picture of yourself…, you will… Translate the sentence into Chinese. 在你的心目中树立起一个你自己的形象,这样,你就会向这个形象靠拢。 Do not picture yourself as anything, and you will drift ... What’s the implied meaning of the sentence? If you do not form a picture of what you are going to be in the future, you will go along without a definite purpose in life… He would imagine himself winning. He would vividly picture himself clearing the bar at a certain height. What is the grammatical function of “winning” and “clearing” in these two sentences? ―Winning‖ and ―clearing‖ are used as object complements. Translate the sentences into Chinese. 他想象自己赢得胜利。他逼真地想象自己在某一高度是怎样越过横竿的。 Why not try? Explain the sentence. Why don’t you have a try? / You may have a try. ―Why not … ?‖ is a very useful colloquial expression to introduce a suggestion. More Examples: 35 Why not have a taste of the biscuits? They’re very delicious. Why not borrow the book from the library instead of buying it? Daydreaming alone can’t turn you into your heart’s desire. What the author’s attitude towards daydreaming can be inferred from this sentence? By daydreaming alone without working hard you cannot become what you want to be. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 单是白日做梦不能使你功成名就,如愿以偿。 What’s the implied meaning of the sentence? Perhaps it could happen. Useful expressions 科学研究 Scientific research 精神健康 Mental health 实现既定的目标 Achieve one‘s desired goal 永远不会有出息 Never amount to anything 被看做 Be viewed as 浪费时间 A waste of time 以一种新的见解看待 Take a fresh look at 干扰 Interfere with 是„„的一种好方法 a good means of 超乎„„之外 Go beyond 进行实验 Conduct experiments 有助于 contribute to 智力的发展 Intellectual growth 归功于 Be due to 有名的成功者 Notable achievers 越过横江 Clear the bar 区别„„与„„之间的不同 Tell the difference between 对„„有影响 Have effect on 目标的实现 The attainment of one‘s goal 追求 Be after 与„„结合起来 In combination with 起关键作用 Make a critical difference 留出„„作„„之用 Set aside „for„ 身心健康 Physical and mental well-being After reading 1. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words. 2. Ss hand in the summary of the text. 3. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text. 4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic. Writing practice 36 Writing skill — argumentation and exposition People often use such writing styles as argumentation or exposition to express themselves. This kind of writing can be developed in the following methods: Definition: to define something Exposition: to tell how to do something or give instructions Listing: to give a list of something Exemplification: to give concrete examples Classification: to divide something into categories Comparison and contrast: to compare and contrast two or more things The purpose of exposition is to inform; the purpose of argumentation, on the other hand, is to convince. While an expository paper makes known something and explains it to make the reader understand it, an argumentative essay tries to make the reader agree with its point of view and support it, to persuade the reader to change his mind or behavior or to approve a policy or a course of action that it proposes. Speeches on policies, editorials of newspapers, articles on political or theoretical topics, and various proposals are often argumentative. Argumentation frequently makes use of the other three types of writing — description, narration, and above all exposition, for argumentation and exposition are very closely related because argumentation is actually exposition with the additional purpose of convincing or persuading. Argumentative essays have certain basic features in common: 1) A debatable point 2) Sufficient evidence 3) Good and clear logic 4) Good use of three types writing — description, narration, and especially exposition. 5) An honest and friendly attitude In the text several ways of writing are used such as: explanation (Para. 9, 11, 12); example (Para. 6, 8) comparison (Para. 3, 4); instruction (Para. 7, 11, 12). Thus the text is very persuasive. It is developed in three steps: 1) A topic:The author puts forward an argument: Daydreaming is also important like nighttime dream. It has a lot of benefits. 2) The process of proving the topic is true: The author provides theory + example: Some people are hostile to daydreaming, others argue for daydreaming, 3) Conclusion: A little daydream with necessary practice and hard work does you good. Proverbs and quotations Dreams go by contraries. 梦想总与现实相反。 Hope is but the dream of those that wake. 希望是清醒者的梦想。 37 Wisdom is more precious than wealth. 智慧比财富更宝贵。 There is no royal road to learning.学问之路无捷径。 Unit9 Song of defiance Teaching Material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 2) Teaching content: Unit 9 Text A Teaching Objective: Help the students to: 1. get to know how the choir confronted the Nazis with the only weapon —the voices. 2. understand the main idea and structure of this text. 3 grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit. 4. help the Ss consolidate what they have learned. Important points: 29. New words and expressions 30. Text structure analysis 31. Structured writing 32. Listening and speaking Teaching method: Explanation; discussion; exemplification. Teaching time: 8 hours Teaching steps 1. Lead in to Text A. 2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then choose the one from the answers a, b, c and d that best completes the statements involved. 3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text. 4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up. 5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task. 6. Offer a summary of the text. 7. Do a dictation or vocabulary exercise in class. 8. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the text. 38 Lead-in Warm-up questions What do you know about Hitler? Do you know anything about the concentration camp? What do you know about the Second World War? Global reading 1. How did the audience enjoy the performance? 2. Whose Requiem were the Jews singing? 3. Did Nazis like the Requiem? Why or why not? 4. What did Marianka May think of Schaechter and the Requiem? Part division of the text Part Para. Main idea 1 1 In Terezin, we could not only recall the suffering days but also the triumph. 2 2-14 Rafael Schaechter managed to organize a choir singing the song of Verdi’s Requiem as a defiance against Nazi. 3 15-22 The performance of the choir successfully defied the Nazis though they did not realize it. 4 23 Marianka May showed her great respect for Rafael Schaechter. Detailed reading When you walk the cobbled mist-shrouded streets of Terezin in the Czech Republic, your mind fills with images of the village sixty years ago, when it was a Nazi concentration camp packed with desperate and dying Jews. What can we infer from this sentence? The streets of Terezin in the Czech Republic remind us of the suffering days of the village sixty years ago, when the Jews were tortured by Nazis. For much of World War II, Nazi propaganda suggested that Jews there enjoyed a life of leisure, even using captive Jewish filmmakers to craft a movie showing “happy ” Jews listening to lectures and basking in the sun. Paraphrase the sentence. From the evidence provided by Nazis it seemed that during much of the time in World War II, Jews were quite relaxed in the concentration camp and the seized Jewish filmmakers were even told by Nazis to produce a movie showing Jews enjoying lectures and basking in the sun. SS troops were posted outside the fortress, while daily activity was overseen by a Jewish “Council of Elders,” which turned a blind eye to inmates’ activities, unless they might attract Nazi attention. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 党卫队只在城堡的外面设岗,营内日常活动由一个犹太人“长老委员会”监管。 只要关押在里面的人的言行不引起纳粹的注意,该委员会装着视而不见。 Analyze the structure of the sentence. 39 本句中在while引导的从句中含有一个which 引导的非限制性定语从句,定语从 句中又嵌套有一个由unless引导的让步状语从句。 Charismatic, with a striking face and wavy, dark hair, Schaechter was just beginning to make a name for himself in the rich cultural mix of prewar Prague. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 他长得相貌堂堂,一头乌黑鬈发,显得很有魅力。在战前布拉格的浓浓的多元文 化氛围中他刚崭露头角。 As his months in the camp stretched into years, and more and more Jews disappeared eastward on Nazi transports, Schaechters fury at his captors steadily grew. ’ What does the sentence imply? Kept in the camp for many years, Schaechter saw lots of Jews sent eastward to be slaughtered, which stimulated more and more resentment towards Nazis. Everything that Schaechter wanted to say lay camouflaged within the Latin words of the Requiem, with its themes of God’s wrath and human liberation. Paraphrase the sentence Schaechter hid all the words he wanted to say in the Latin words of the Requiem, which centers around the themes of God’s wrath and human liberation. Aching with hunger, sopranos and altos, tenors and basses would take their places, while Schaechter pounded out Verdi’s towering themes on the harmonium. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 沙克特在簧风琴上强有力地奏出威尔的崇高主题时,女高音和男声最高音歌手 们, 男高音和男低音歌手们,强忍饥饿的折磨,均各就各位。 When they rehearsed the key section called “Day of Wrath,” Schaechter explained that it meant God would judge all men — including the Nazis — by their deeds and they would one day pay for their crimes against the Jews. What does the sentence imply? It implies the Jews believed that one day the Nazis would be greatly punished for the crimes they had committed against the Jews. Translate the sentence into Chinese 当他们排练被称之为“愤怒之日”的最主要的一章时,沙克特解释说,这意味着 上帝将根据人们的所作所为来裁判所有的人—包括纳粹们,他们终将要为他们对 犹太人犯下的罪行受到惩罚。 This would be “in honor” of a visit by Red Cross representatives who, fooled by the Nazis, would notoriously report that the Jews were living in comfort at Terezin. Paraphrase the sentence. The Nazis wanted to fool the Red Cross representatives that the Jews were living a comfortable life there by showing them the performance so that they would make report about the seeming comfortable life of the Jews. ―I believed in nothing in that camp,‖ says May, with a look in her eyes that takes in both the death-filled streets of Terezin and the soothing hills of upstate New York, where she now lives. What can we infer from this sentence? The suffering life in the camp left May with a tremendous trauma. Living in the serene hills of upstate New York, she was still haunted by her memory of the 40 wretched life in the camp. Useful expressions 充满了 Fill with 与„„截然不同 In contrast to 死亡集中营 Extermination camp 大量滋生 Be infested with 向„„作出让步 Make concessions to 假装看不见 Turn a blind eye to 为自己建立起声望 Make a name for oneself 可以利用,获得 Have access to 投身于 Throw oneself to 提升 Lift up 一把,少数 A handful of 度过 Live through 就位 Take one‘s place 为„„受到惩罚 Pay for 与„„协调一致 In tune with 出于对„„的敬意 in honor of 过得舒适 Live in comfort 面对面的对抗 Face-to-face confrontation 开往 Bound for 看,观察;理解,吸收 Take in After reading 1. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words. 2. Ss hand in the summary of the text. 3. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text. 4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic. Writing practice A paragraph can be developed in different patterns: exemplification, narration, process, description, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, classification, etc. To produce a well-organized paragraph, the sentences in the paragraph should be related to the central topic and arranged in a proper logical sequence. Proverbs and quotations A valiant man’s look is more than a coward’s sword. 勇士的神色胜过懦夫的刀剑。 If you wish for peace, be prepared for war.想要和平,必须备战。 A hero is known in the time of misfortune.时势造英雄。 In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. 对于害怕危险的人,这个世界上总是 危险的。 41 Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. — John Kennedy, American president 从希望中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧。 美国总统 约翰 • 肯尼迪 —— Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. — Hellen Keller, American writer 虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的。 —— 美国作家 海伦 • 凯勒 42
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