

2017-12-02 16页 doc 46KB 31阅读




文胸内衣面料介绍文胸内衣面料介绍 文胸内衣面料介绍大全 内衣是最贴近女性身体的,它的面料怎样,女性朋友必然会关心。下面是女性必读,文胸内衣面料介绍大全。关爱自己的女性都不能错过。 1、 棉(Cotton) 吸汗、透气,保暖性强穿着感觉很舒服,易于染色和印花,适用于少女型的内衣,创造青春气息。近年制造商也喜欢将棉质和各类纤维混纺。在棉质中加入化学纤维,特别是用于调整型内衣裤,不但具有支撑的效果,而且不会闷热。今天的女士们依然偏爱棉质内衣,这当然因为棉布本身独一无二的透气性和天然性,使穿着感受绝不同于其它面料。此外从美感来说,平织棉布的印花...
文胸内衣面料介绍 文胸内衣面料介绍大全 内衣是最贴近女性身体的,它的面料怎样,女性朋友必然会关心。下面是女性必读,文胸内衣面料介绍大全。关爱自己的女性都不能错过。 1、 棉(Cotton) 吸汗、透气,保暖性强穿着感觉很舒服,易于染色和印花,适用于少女型的内衣,创造青春气息。近年制造商也喜欢将棉质和各类纤维混纺。在棉质中加入化学纤维,特别是用于调整型内衣裤,不但具有支撑的效果,而且不会闷热。今天的女士们依然偏爱棉质内衣,这当然因为棉布本身独一无二的透气性和天然性,使穿着感受绝不同于其它面料。此外从美感来说,平织棉布的印花效果和针织棉布的染色效果,都有一种天然淳朴和青春气息,也为其它面料所不及。 2、 丝(Silk) 触感、质料俱佳,不起静电,同时也吸汗、透气。唯一缺点就是不好清洗,洗涤时必须用手很轻柔地搓洗或干洗。丝绒具有棉布所没有的典雅华贵,其天然滑爽感,也是莱卡所缺少的。若以法国蕾丝或瑞士刺绣与丝绒进行装饰搭配,所能达到的华丽效果,恐怕任何其它面料都难做到。 3、 尼龙(Nylon) 尼龙质料结实,不会变形,大部分文胸肩带以此做材料。 4、 氨纶(Polyurethane) electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 伸缩性更强,比橡胶更富有弹性,常用作胸围扣带,以防身体扭动时,会有束得太紧的不适感。 5、莱卡(Lycra) 质感似橡胶的莱卡,是产生于20世纪60年代的面料,是由美国杜邦公司独家发明并注册生产的人造弹力纤维,它是氨纶的一种,可以自由拉长至原有的4至7倍,并在释放外力后,能够迅速回复到原有长度。当初发明的目的正是替代束缚紧身内衣的橡皮。因此,莱卡本身的特性就是富弹性、舒适和具承托力,使内衣更贴身,不易走样,不易出现褶皱等,其细密薄滑的质感和极好的弹性,把“第二皮肤”演绎得淋漓尽致。莱卡面料的文胸、内裤、泳衣乃至袜子,其贴身的体感和抢眼的视感,都令人赞不绝口,再配以各式各样漂亮的蕾丝,可谓达到了美轮美奂的境地。莱卡可与任何其它的人造或天然纤维(如丝、棉、尼龙等)交织,含有莱卡的面料具有其主要原料所应有的外观与手感,但莱卡不可能单独使用。含了莱卡的衣物的优点有:1)持久而不变形;2)舒展自由;3)合身而舒适;4)恰到好处的依托与支撑。 5、 新颖面料 如高棉、烧毛丝光棉、丝绢等,结构紧密、光滑如绸,手感柔软,具有弹性,色泽高雅,挺括舒适,不缩水不退色。高科技的弹性面料,极度光滑;丝质和革新面料以及印花棉布,成为今天设计师们面料上的首选。 7、滑面拉架 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 滑面拉架的主要成分是尼龙、氨纶,特点是经向弹力强,纬向稍差,回复力好,强度大,强调的是收束性,使用与高压塑裤、连体塑衣、文胸等。 8、网眼拉架 滑面拉架的主要成分是尼龙、氨纶,特点是经向弹力强,纬向向稍差,回复力好,强度大,强调的是收束性,有强塑体型的功能;网眼布加强了塑衣的透气效果,也增加了朦胧感;一般适用于春夏季产品,比如塑裤、连体塑衣、文胸等。 9、经编布 经编布的主要成分是尼龙,没有弹性,具有丝绸的悬垂性,又不象丝那么容易起皱,并进行了抗电处理,穿着轻盈飘逸;主要适用于春夏季春衬裙、文胸的罩杯、三角裤等。 10、超细纤维 超细纤维重要含量是尼龙、氨纶,由于选用的为特种尼龙纤维织造,表面细腻,手感柔软,并具有双向弹力,穿着很舒适。主要适用于文胸罩杯、拉架、三角裤等。 11、花边 花边又称蕾丝(Lace),一般分为经编花边和刺绣花边,用来做面料,可用于产品各部位或作装饰性点缀,由于花边的运用,内衣更增添了神秘感。 12、定型纱 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 定型纱的主要含量是锦纶,没有弹性,有固定的作用,本身很轻。一般用于罩杯侧内贴、鸡心内贴等部位。 13、力莱 力莱纤维(Lilion)被公认为是欧洲最优秀的纤维,是法国和意大利卓越纤维技术的结晶。由于其特殊结构而使它具有非凡的弹性和耐磨性。其回弹性具有紧臀平腹的作用。它良好的吸湿性可以平衡空气和身体的温度差。不仅可以机洗,而且极易晾干,还可免烫。 14、特达 特达(Tactel)是杜邦公司研发出来的高科技聚脂胺纤维,它触感柔软,透气性佳,穿着贴身舒适,是非常适合要求细致柔软的内衣产品。另外它还有容易清洗、保形性佳的特点。 15、摩达 摩达(modal)纤维纱线能使纺织品显示出天然的美丽,它由山毛榉木浆粕制成,生产是在对环境无污染的情况下进行的,具有优秀绿色环保性能。在经过多次水洗后,仍能保持其最初良好的吸湿性和柔顺性。其顺滑的表面性能使其可以避免出现像其他纤维纺织品那样多次洗涤后有容易发硬和变灰的现象。 16、COOLMAX纤维 COOLMAX纤维是由杜邦公司生产的COOLMAX四管道中空纤维,清爽、透气是它的最大优点。大运动量(如足球、网球、自行车)专业运动员的服装多使用COOLMAX纤维制造,要想过一个透明清爽的夏天,一定要有COOLMAX纤维的产品在你的衣柜中。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 17、超细纤维 此种纤维的单纤细度比一根头发丝细100倍(如果是天然纤维,最细的也比一根头发丝粗),纤维间细小的空隙构成毛细现象,从而使面料具有良好的吸湿和散湿性,是当今较为理想的内衣面料。 内衣常用面料特点 内衣常用面料特点 普通滑面 普通滑面的特点是单向弹力,有一定的收束功能,由于织物组织的不同,滑面拉架有4列拉架、6列拉架和10列拉架等。氨纶含量,一般在10,、 35,之间,发现氨纶含量越多收束效果越强,价格也会相应增加。这种材料的克重一般在180、200克/米。常用的滑面拉架的成分均为锦纶和氨纶成分。 含棉滑面 含棉滑面是在经编组织的下层衬垫棉纱,使之在穿着时减少化学纤维对皮肤的刺激,增强舒适性,面料手感相对偏硬。一般含棉的比例为15,、25%,所用的棉纱,基本上都是高支纱,并且是股线,棉在染色中上色率较差,达不到与化纤同色的效果,常用的褐色和浅粉都有此现象,深色尤为明显。由于采用棉纱和化纤共同制造,生产难度比较大,目前只有口本和韩国生产技术比较成熟。 独边滑面 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 以其穿着舒适、无痕的特点,近年来得到广泛的应用,其独边部位在生产时,不用缝制,所以又称无缝面料。独边部分一般为防止卷边会加有加强氨纶丝,其宽度一般为4、6厘米,也可根据设计要求而定。独边的效果在普通的滑面拉架、提花滑面拉架、镜面拉架以及提花网眼等品种上都能体现,但都需要特有的机台。独边可做成单独边,也可做成双独边,一般双独边的价格要比单独边的价格稍高。 镜面滑面拉架 织造方法不同于普通的滑面拉架,布面平滑,光泽度好,视觉效果华丽,穿着舒适度上也较普通的滑面要好。价格相对于滑面拉架要高一些。其提花后成为提花镜面拉架,同样价格会有较大的增加。 软滑面 软滑面具有双向弹力效果,穿着柔软舒适,因其穿着的舒适性好,所以应用数量越来越多。特点是轻薄柔,透气性好,穿着舒适。其价格相对于传统的软滑面要高一些。 亮滑面 表面光泽度非常好,单向弹力,氨纶含量比较小,一般在5,、10,之间,与纬编面料类似。其克重范围比较大,由于工艺长浮线的设计特点使其极易钩蚁和刮伤,在生产的各个环节都要特别注意,其价格相对比较低,外单中应用相对多一些。 弹力网眼 弹力网眼一般应用于束裤、腰封的内贴和文胸的拉架部位,其特点是收束力好,透气性好,氨纶含量一般在13,、15,之间,克重electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 一般在180、 200克/米之间,另外也有加强加密型的网眼,氨纶含量可达30,以上。 弹力网纱 弹力网纱的应用量在逐年增加,其特点是薄透,轻柔,透气性好,氨纶含量在20%以上可以单独做拉架:而氨纶含量在20,以下的则做三角裤或采用双层做拉架。 经编 单面经编的特点是轻薄柔软、滑爽,光泽度好,其成分含量有纯涤纶和纯锦纶两种,适合做文胸和衬裙。 双面经编 双面经编,一般克重要大一些。主要为涤纶成分,用于模杯文胸的表布。价格低、牢度好,是低价位模杯款的可选面料。 氨纶棉 棉质效果好、弹力适中,在内衣中用量越来越大。经向、纬向的缩水率均在5%多用于模杯文胸的表布、内裤、家居内衣等。 锦(涤)氨汗布 锦(涤)氨汗布也属于纬编面料,目前均采用超细纤维纺织,所以其面料手感柔软,弹性好。但它存在的不足之一是布幅的中间有一道从头至尾无法消除的印痕,并且面料的回缩性大,尺寸不稳定。因此在拉布前要松弛放布48小时,拉布时需要偏松一些。若做裁片比较大的产品时,需对面料进行测试,提供回缩的数据,根据面料情况进行适当的调整(放码)。另外,由于面料的回缩会造成可用量的减electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 小,在核算单耗时或者在定料时要加大损耗,在定料时需增加3,的损耗。多用于做少女文胸的表布、内裤、吊带、睡衣等。 摇粒绒 摇粒绒的工艺过程:它一般为纯涤纶或涤粘混纺成分。按工艺方法不同,摇粒绒可分为单刷单摇、双刷单摇和双刷双摇。按其用纱来分有超细摇粒绒和普通摇粒绒。另外它还可分为短纤摇粒绒和长纤摇粒绒。按其织造方法可分为普通摇粒绒和提花摇粒绒。可根据厚薄的不同特点做秋冬季节的睡衣等。 内衣常用面料分类 内衣常用面料分类 经编类 滑面拉架:普通滑面、提花滑面、含棉滑面、独边滑面。 镜面滑面拉架晾丝泊:一般镜面拉架、提花镜面拉架、独边镜面拉架。 软滑面:有光软滑面、亚光软滑面、超细软滑面、薄滑面、提花软滑面。 亮滑面:有光亮滑面。 弹力网眼:普通网眼、提花网眼。 力网纱:普通弹力网纱、提花弹力网纱。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 单面经编(平布):锦纶单面经编、涤纶单面经编。 双面经编:有光双面经编、亚光双面经编(一般多为涤纶)。 纬编类 氨纶棉:又称拉架平纹、氨纶汗布。 锦:氨汗布。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on
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