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怎样填写群发邮件主题及内容怎样填写群发邮件主题及内容 怎样填写群发邮件主题及内容, 群发邮件时,一定要注意邮件主题和邮件内容的字词书写,很多网站的邮件服务器为过滤垃圾邮件设置了常用垃圾字词过滤,如果邮件主题和邮件内容中包含有如:大量、宣传、钱等字词,服务器将会过滤掉该邮件,致使邮件不能发送成功。因此在书写邮件主题和内容时应尽量避开你心目中认为的有垃圾字词嫌疑的文字和词语,才能顺利群发出邮件。 如何选择使用DNS及SMTP服务器地址, 在使用免SMTP和搜索群发一体软件群发邮件时,必须正确输入可用主机DNS 名称。在使用单、多SMTP软件群发邮件...
怎样填写群发邮件主题及内容 怎样填写群发邮件主题及内容, 群发邮件时,一定要注意邮件主题和邮件内容的字词书写,很多网站的邮件服务器为过滤垃圾邮件设置了常用垃圾字词过滤,如果邮件主题和邮件内容中包含有如:大量、宣传、钱等字词,服务器将会过滤掉该邮件,致使邮件不能发送成功。因此在书写邮件主题和内容时应尽量避开你心目中认为的有垃圾字词嫌疑的文字和词语,才能顺利群发出邮件。 如何选择使用DNS及SMTP服务器地址, 在使用免SMTP和搜索群发一体软件群发邮件时,必须正确输入可用主机DNS 名称。在使用单、多SMTP软件群发邮件时必须正确输入可用SMTP服务器名称。否则将不能正常发送邮件。 由于各DNS主机或SMTP服务器性能不一,发送速度也有差异,群发前可多试几个DNS或用SMTP服务器猎人进行SMTP服务器速度,选择速度快的DNS和SMTP服务器将大大加快群发速度。 群发软件中的CC/BCC是什么, 群发软件中的BCC/CC功能,即群发一封邮件时可附带发送邮件的数量,此数值设置越大,群发速度将依设置数值成倍增加。如BCC 设置为5,群发时将以6封邮件为一组,每发送一封邮件时可捎带发送5 封邮件出去,群发速度将是不设置时的5倍。 该值在设置前最好用相关软件对待发送邮箱服务器进行探测(可用SMTP服务器猎人),像21cn.com的BCC值为100、ynmail.com的BCC值为16。在不知道待发送邮箱的BCC 值时,一般可选择10为宜。 但选择BCC 发送时也存在一个弊端,即:如果每一组的第一封邮件发送失败,其余捎带发送的邮件也将不能发送出去。 什么是群发线程, 群发软件中的发送线程是指同时可并发邮件数,可以这样理解:当发送线程设置为100时,相当于用100 台电脑同时发送邮件。发送线程数越大,发送速度肯定就越快。 虽然很多群发软件可设置数百甚至上千个发送线程,但使用时必须根据你的上网带宽进行设置,如设置数过大,超过你的上网数据传输能力,电脑将会提示错误、蓝屏或死机。 一般情况下,56K 拨号上网一般不能超过20个发送线程,ISDN不能超过50个发送线程,ASDL根据分配带宽可设置为100 个甚至更多的发送线程。 当然,要设置数量较多的线程发送邮件,除满足以上条件后,你的电脑配置还必需提高,要设置100 个以上的发送线程时,电脑配置至少应为P2以上。 但也不能盲目加大发送线程,有的服务器会限制同一时间来自同一个IP地址的线程访问数量,如果超过服务器规定的线程数,即使连接到了服务器,但服务器也不会有响应,当然也不会发送出邮件。 acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, 命运总在自己手里。不要想着某件事情有多么困难,其实你真正用心去做,任何困 难都是可以克服的。 acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, 抗果果 #2 论坛元老 发于 2006-10-11 11:41 资料 个人空间 短消息 加为好友 为何群发时中间要暂停一定时间再发送, Products NOT 群发过程中,发送的中间要暂停几秒到十几秒是正常的,因为当第一个接收HING 邮件服务器因一次接收太多邮件而拒绝再接收邮件时,需要和第二个甚至第Markets 三个、第四个建立连接再次建立连接发送,您可以适当增加线程数来减少等状态 离线 待时间。 又一种发送失败原因的解决。 显示:失败原因:参考 - See ~djb/docs/smtplf.html 您所发信的内容不要有一行很长的文字,请适当的加一些回车换行。 显示错误:501是什么意思, 501 Invalid domain name Socket Error # 10060 Socket Error # 10061 无效的域名。发件人栏需填入电子邮件地址。 群发邮件地址的一些小技巧~(3) 一个邮件都发不出,显示失败原因:Function GetNetworkParams is not supported by the operating system。 这是你的IP地址被某些邮件服务器封掉所致:如经常用ADSL群发邮件,可能你的IP会被某些邮件服务器封掉,因为ADSL是固定IP地址的,这是可采用拨号上网群发,就可解决上述问题,因为采用拨号上网其IP地址是动态。 群发时不设发信邮箱可以吗, 发送某些邮箱可能可以,但大部分是不行的,这要看接受邮件的服务器是怎样设置的。 一种发送失败原因的解决方法。 群发时显示:发送失败,失败原因:You are among our banning list! You are among our banning list! 翻译过来的中文意思是:“您在我们的禁止列表中” 造成这种原因的可能有: 1、您的发件人被禁止,更换发件人内的电子邮件再试; 2、您的邮件内容有被该服务器过滤的字眼,去除大家都认为是垃圾邮件的字眼再试 合理使用群发线程。 群发时软件显示:邮件发送错误 Connection Closed Gracefully. 使用新增 SMTP 服务器。 “Connection Closed Gracefully”意思是连接到服务器,但服务器没有响应,造成这种情况的原因是,服务器同一时间只接受来自一个IP地址15个线程 acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, 的访问,如果超过了15个线程,可能就不再回应,返回错误信息就会是这样的了。可以再停止群发一段时间后再试着群发,就不会出现这种问题。 群发邮件的一些小技巧~(2) 无法发放yahoo.com.cn的邮件,邮件地址是真实存在的 发送失败,原因:553 Mail to/from `1112 not allowed - 发送失败,原因:501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments 解决方法:发送邮件时,在发件人栏填写email地址,某些服务器会做这种要求,如yahoo.com.cn 发送失败,原因:Socket Error # 10060 显示:发送失败,原因ocket Error # 10060如何解决, 减少发送线程数在50以内就可正常发送。 发信IP有没可能因发送太多邮件而被封掉, 不大可能,现在不流行株连。 但在一段时间内向某些服务器发送邮件数量超过一定限制会被暂时封掉,如 163.net 的邮件服务器,另外有些服务器会封掉用户使用的固定 IP 地址。拨号上网等采用动态 IP 地址的,据我们目前所知,还没有被封掉的 发送一定数量的邮件就不能再发送了, 发送一定数量的邮件就不能再发送了,而邮件地址又绝对是真实的。 现在很多邮件服务器采用了防垃圾邮件技术,即:同一IP地址连续向该邮件服务器发送邮件超过一定数量后,服务器不再接收,解决这个问题可用IP伪装或变换使用几个SMTP发信,因为这是邮件先天的漏洞。 “发送失败,原因:553 是什么意思, 您连接Internet使用的可能是固定IP地址,解决此问题只需在“服务器管理设置”中把用户地址改成另外一个有效的电子邮件地址(可以自己编造,如abc@aol.com等),使用一段时间后还会出现此问题,再改地址,如此循环。 命运总在自己手里。不要想着某件事情有多么困难,其实你真正用心去做,任何困难都是可以克服的。 acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, 抗果果 #3 论坛元老 发表于 2006-10-11 11:42 资料 个人空间 短消息 加为好友 “发送失败,原因:555 是什么意思, Products NOT 对方邮件服务器交换时的错误。 HING Markets “发送失败,原因:552 什么意思, 状态 离线 “内容拒绝”,您发送的邮件主题或内容中有被对方服务器拒绝的信息,是不是写了太一般化的垃圾邮件, Socket Error # 10060 Conn什么意思, 太久未能与服务器通信,请减少线程数,您的上网带宽不够。 什么是DNS,如何填写, DNS 服务器 :人们习惯记忆域名,但机器间互相只认IP地址,域名与IP地址之间是一一对应的,它们之间的转换工作称为域名解析,域名解析需要由专门的域名解析服务器来完成,域名解析服务器即是 DNS 服务器。 DNS在很多群发软件中的作用是寻找接收邮件的服务器,如果您的机器是直接连上 Internet 的,很多群发软件会自动寻找,即使不是,软件中一般也附带了几个 DNS 服务器,您可以不对此作任何设置。如使用的是不能自动寻找而软件中也没有附带DNS服务器地址的群发软件,可向当地Internet服务提供者询问。 DNS服务器设置技巧。 群发时经常显示如:xxxxx@xxxxx.com 发送失败,原因:Received Packet is too small. Less than 4 bytes 28 。遇到这样的情况一般都是DNS设置不正确,下面以科特群发软件举例说明正确设置方法: 请选“工具”菜单下的“DNS服务器设置”,在弹出的对话框内点击自动检测按钮(您的电脑必须直接连接到Internet)即可,或在DOS模式下输入“ipconfig/all”或“winipcfg”命令,从返回信息中查找DNS的IP地址填入。 原来的DNS不应该删掉,他们只是备用的。按自动检测后,本地DNS服务器栏内应自动填入202.96.209.5,您最好在DNS服务器内202.96.209.133也添加进去。 另:某些电子邮件发送不成功,可能是电子邮件地址错误或该电子邮箱所在服务器故障或关闭所致 如经过上面的设置后仍然不能正常群,发也许是您的发送线程数太多了,如果您的带宽不够,线程数减少一些,带快够宽,则线程数可以多些。拨号上网,10到20个线程可以正常发送。 常见群发失败的返回码(错误代码)解析。 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized [This may include errors such as command line too long] acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments 502 Command not implemented 503 Bad sequence of commands 504 Command parameter not implemented 211 System status, or system help reply 214 Help message [Information on how to use the receiver or the meaning of a particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only to the human user] 220 Service ready 221 Service closing transmission channel 421 Service not available, closing transmission channel [This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down] 250 Requested mail action okay, completed 251 User not local; will forward to 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable [E.g., mailbox busy] 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable [E.g., mailbox not found, no access] 451 Requested action aborted: error in processing 551 User not local; please try 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed [E.g., mailbox syntax incorrect] 354 Start mail input; end with . 554 Transaction failed 邮件地址是真实的,但又不能收到的几种可能, 1、接受邮件服务器忙。 2、网络繁忙,造成接受超时 3、邮箱无效或者没有权限 4、DNS解析无效,得不到对方邮箱的服务器地址 5、您的发件人邮箱被识别无效或者列入对方黑名单 6、对方邮件服务器认为发送方SMTP服务器不合法 命运总在自己手里。不要想着某件事情有多么困难,其实你真正用心去做,任何困难都是可以克服的。 acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, 抗果果 #4 论坛元老 发表于 2006-10-11 11:42 资料 个人空间 短消息 加为好友 群发邮件的一些小技巧~ Products NOT 1、最好不要设置太多的线程数量,虽然很多群发软件最大可以达到1000个HING 线程。除非您认为您的机子速度足够快、内存足够大、上网带宽足够宽~ Markets 2、有些群发软件具有XP显示界面,对于内存不大,处理速度教慢的机子,状态 离线 最好不要使用默认的XP界面,此界面的重画会占用一定的内存和计算机时间。请在“系统设置”中,将“使用XP界面”复选框的勾去掉。 3、尽量使用本机使用的DNS,而不要直接选用下拉列表中列出的选项。如果使用“自动获取”无法正常获得本机上网所用的DNS,请使用ipconfig /All 命令来看。此外,最好设置同时使用多个DNS,每个DNS的IP地址请用空格隔开。 4、最好填上本机域名,如果您的机子没有,那么最好模拟一个吧,格式是:xxx.com或xxx.net等。因为有的邮件服务器在接收邮件时,对于没有域名的服务器发出的邮件会拒收的。 5、对具有分组功能的群发软件(如极星),建立分组时,应该注意,建立的每个分组中包含的邮箱最好不要超过8000个,大于这个数字的分组,最好使用自动分割功能将它分割成多个分组。 6、应能够熟练掌握,它能为你节约不少时间。此外,如果您编辑的是HTML邮件或者在邮件中使用了“替换符号”的话,最好使用菜单中的“预览”功能看一下您发出邮件的效果。 为什么很多邮箱都不能发送, 比如在发送@163.com时,如果你填写的发件人邮箱(也就是你自己的邮箱)如果是某些知名邮箱的后缀(例如@163.net,@sina.com等等我们常用的),就会发送失败,出现553的错误。这是为什么呢,因为@163.com邮件服务器比较特殊,会判断邮件是否真的从发件人邮件服务器发出的。例如,如果你填写的发件人邮箱是xxxx@263.net,它会根据你的邮件头中的IP来判断你这封邮件是不是真的来自263.net的邮件服务器,由于263.net邮件服务器是固定IP的,因此很容易发现IP和真正的邮件服务器是不符的,因此就会返回553错误,也就是认证错误~ 那么该如何解决呢,,其实很容易,你只要在填写发件人邮箱时,不是我们常用的邮箱就可以了,例如随便填写一个xxxxx@iloveu.com之类的,就可以轻易混过关了。 在群发很多邮箱时如不能正常发出都可以采用以上方法~ 软件提示:550服务器忙或邮箱地址错什么意? 群发时软件提示550英文原意是:550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable [E.g., mailbox not found, no access] 但有时群发的邮件地址是的确存在的也要出现这样的提示,这是您可以换一台电脑发送实验,如一台电脑可以发送,就说明还是设置有关~这时你不要 acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, 用你的发件人信箱,而用一个模拟的aaaa@aaaaaaaa.com试验一下,一般就可顺利发送了。 群发时显示:错误代码553是什么意思, 错误代码553的错误英文原文是: 553 You are not authorized to send mail as , authentication is required 为何经常出现软件提示:超时,对方SMTP服务没有响应 对于网络比较繁忙或者是使用低速设备上网的用户,请适当扩大默认的超时时间“60”秒。例如扩大到“120”秒、“180”秒或者更长,总之要根据个人情况摸索。 如何设置多个,,,服务器地址, 在很多群发软件的,,,服务器设置中,可以设置多个,,,地址。只要在每个,,,的,,地址之间用空格格开即可。设置多,,,的好处是,一个不能用,会自动选择另一个来解析邮箱域名。这样可以最好的保证群发邮件的速度。 为何群发时大多都是对方smtp服务器返回错误代码, 如果一次群发数千封或更多邮件是发往同一个邮件服务器的,则有可能对方服务器有同一IP限制。如果不是,则检查一下你填写的发件人的姓名和邮箱是否完整(能否骗过有效性检查)。此外,如果提示是对方SMTP的错误代码的,并不一定表示邮件没有发送成功,有可能发送到用户邮箱中了。有时虽然提示对方SMTP返回错误,但实际却收到了邮件。 不能群发出邮件,总提示“对方smtp无反应,错误0004” 首先可以肯定的是并非软件问题。 发生邮件发不出去的情况有多种,大体有: ,、网络繁忙所至 ,、收件方的邮件服务器拒绝。例如:服务器定义了同时接受同一个地方传来的邮件最大数,如果超过,就可能拒绝接受。 ,、有些收件方的邮件服务器有可能会在接受邮件时判断发件人邮件地址的有效性,例如:对于发件人邮件地址填写是 aaa 的,就拒绝,对于填写为 aaa@aaa.com的就可能接受。因此,请在发件人邮件地址一栏的填写上应尽量符合邮件地址的书写规则。 总之,影响的因素很多,如果一时发不出去,请尽量多试几回。 如何设置免SMTP群发软件的DNS, 如何知道目前使用的DNS地址呢,告诉你一个简单的办法。在Windows的开始菜单中,选择“运行...”,在打开一栏中输入“winipcfg”,按“确定”。这样,将得到一个“IP配置”的窗口,按右下脚的“详细信息”按钮,这样你就可以在上面的“DNS 服务器”一栏中得到DNS地址了。如果这种方法不行,还可以试一试在MS-DOS方式下输入以下命令:ipconfig /All(win2000下是:ipconfig /all),你将得到一个列表,其中DNS Server一项就是你要找的了。如果以上 acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing, 方法都无效,那么您可以直接拨打ISP服务提供商的电话咨询。 如何群发带图片的htm文件? 在邮件正文的HTML文档里插入要发送的图片绝对路径。例如:你的图片是 c:\photo\a.jpg,那么你的HTML文档就必须写成而不能写成,如写成后面的方式, 就不能显示出图片了。 acidity, mL.; M--calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V--amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M--the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than 1.0. 1, definitions and principles for determination of ash in starches, starch and ash: starch samples of ash the residue obtained after weight. Original sample residue weight of sample weight or weight expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the sample. Samples of ash at 900 ? high temperature until ashing sample ... The Crucible: determination of Platinum or other conditions of the affected material, capacity of 50mL. Dryer: has effectively adequate drying agent and-perforated metal plate or porcelain. Ashing furnaces: device for controlling and regulating temperature, offers 900 incineration temperature of 25 c. Analytical balance. Electric hot plate or Bunsen. 3, crucible of analysis steps preparation: Crucible must first wash with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, then wash with a lot of water and then rinse with distilled water. Wash the Crucible within ashing furnace, heated at 900 to 25 ? 30min, and in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and then weighing,
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