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外国名著读后感、外国名著读后感英文外国名著读后感、外国名著读后感英文 [一 : 外国名著读后感英文] 《傲慢与偏见》 many people simply regard pride and prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. she perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and g...
外国名著读后感、外国名著读后感英文 [一 : 外国名著读后感英文] 《傲慢与偏见》 many people simply regard pride and prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. she perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters. the characters have their own personalities. mrs. bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. mr. bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, mr. darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. even the five daughters in bennet family are very different. jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. mary likes reading classic books. (actually she is a pedant.) kitty doesnt have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, lydia. lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. when i read the book, i can always find the same personalities in the society now. that is why i think this book is indeed the representative of the society in britain in the 18th century. the family of gentleman in the countryside is jane austens favourite topic. but this little topic can reflect big problems. it concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in britain in her century. you can find these from the very beginning of this book. the first sentence in this book is impressive. it reads: it is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife. the undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. people always think that austen was an expert at telling love stories. in fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. after reading this book, i know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man. i couldnt forget how eager mrs. bennet wants to marry off her daughters. if you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, i must mention the situation in britain at that time. only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his fathers possessions. younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. jane austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century. in pride and prejudice, the sister of mr. bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying jane because the bennets dont have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. from this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. the society, the relatives would not allow them to get married. in modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of money determines everything is still rooted in some peoples mind. a lot of parents try hard to interfere their childrens marriages. education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence ones marriage. marry for money is still a big problem in our society. we cant help thinking: can money determine everything? austen left this problem for us to think. the genius of jane austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. although austen was only 21 when she wrote pride and prejudice, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. the plots in her works are always very natural. the development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. i think the depth of pride and prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time. [二 : 名著《全文匹克威克外传》读后感] 《全文匹克威克外传》是狄更斯的第一部长篇小说,也是他的杰出代表作之一。这部作品反映了极其广阔的生活画面,真实地描写了十九世纪初的英国社会,故事写的是一位独身的老绅士匹克威克先生,是一个名流,也是一个学者,又是以他的姓氏命名的一个社团匹克威克社的创办者。他带着几个匹克威克派出去游历。一路碰到了种种滑稽的可笑的人和事,经过大约两年,他的追随者和他自己都觉得游历够了,匹克威克社也宣告解散了,匹克威克先生实行了退隐,故事也就此结束了。全部的情节是随着匹克威克等人的旅行见闻和遭遇而展开的,所以结构比较散漫,但因此也就能更多地给读者以新鲜和灵活的感觉。作者还特地为整个故事安排了一条以匹克威克先生与流氓金格尔先生的矛盾冲突为内容的主线,从头贯串到尾。在全书的最后还按有头有尾的精神,把书中主要人物的下场,-一作了交代。但是这部作品终究不是以悲欢离合、曲折复杂的故事取胜的那一类。使人们激动、使人们历久不忘的,是那些多种多样的典型人物,那些简明生动的生活景象,它们给人以极丰富的启发。从表面上看,以金格尔的改邪归正为象征,这部作品的主题思想是一个抽象的老公式:善良终于战胜邪-恶,而这也是适用于狄更斯的许多作品的共同公 式。但在实际上,作者的思想感情以及作品的内容,却绝非如此干枯和庸俗,而是极其丰富和动人的。读《匹克威克外传》,人们随处都会被那些巧妙、生动而深刻的讽刺描写所吸引。这些奇妙的讽刺艺术,正是作者的思想感情的自然流露。锋芒所向,正是资本主义下的当权人物。作者怀着深恶痛绝的心情,从各个方面刻画了当时英国上流社会的种种人物,如贵族、地主、资本家、政客、军人、太太、小姐、主管、牧师等等,真实地暴露了他们丑恶的灵魂和丑恶的生活。人们看到那一幅又一幅丑态百出的肖象画和风俗画,无论如何也止不住憎恨和厌恶。但是,在一切讽刺对象之中,作者特别着重地、反复地加以抨击的则是资本主义的法律、司法制度、监狱等上层建筑、以及资产阶级的法官、律师、官吏等等。关于这些方面的描写,在书中占了大量的篇幅和最重要的位置,这是本书的一个特色。而这也就是作品的真正的主题所在。《匹克威克外传》简直是对资本主义法制的一部最生动的、强有力的控诉书! 另一方面,作者对资本主义制度下被压迫和被损害的弱小者和普通劳动者的深切同情,在作品中也是显而易见的。特别是作者用插曲形式给读者讲的那些独立的小故事,例如走江湖的戏此文 的故事、归囚的故事、教堂杂役的故事等等,都十分生动感人地描绘了许多受尽苦难的下层善良人物的形象,几乎是满含着同情之泪叙述着资本主义社会所加于他们精神生活和物质生活上的磨难,这与对那些资产阶级宠儿的冷嘲热讽,形成尖锐的对照。 当然,我们也不难看到,虽然狄更斯的此文 憎是强烈的,虽然他在这部书里对丑恶的和不合理的资本主义法律、司法制度以至整个政治生活的抨击是勇敢而有力的,但由于他的世界观中包含着很大的矛盾,因此对于资产阶级还保持着幻想,对资本主义制度抱着改良主义的思想。他否定当时的资产阶级法律,却寄希望于一种不切实际的道德教育。在他看来,那个法律(及其一切附属物)的确是不足取的,非但不足以惩诫和改造坏人,反而会危害好人(如匹克威克先生所遭到的诉讼即其一例),实际上只是另外一些更坏的坏人(例如道孙和福格之流)用以作恶的工具。但是,他认为根本问题还是因为社会上有坏人存在,所以连法律也被他们利用来做坏事了。那末,怎么办呢?出路何在呢?他的是:道德教育。因此,他在结束全书时让匹克威克先生用善行感化了金格尔,并且把他救出监狱(在他看来监狱本身就是罪恶),还为他安排了工作和出路。而金格尔也就痛改前非,诚心学好,实现了作者的理想。这就是狄更斯的小资产阶级人道主义思想和阶级调和主义思想的表现,也就是他的根本弱点之所在。 与此同时,狄更斯思想上的弱点在艺术上的表现也是十分显而易见的。他总此文 创造一些他自己心目中的理想人物来体现他的博此文 、平等、善良、正直等抽象观念,以便达到他所信奉的道德教育的目的。但是几乎毫无例外,这样的努力只有失败。本书的匹克威克先生,原是一个描写得很成功的反面人物,但是由于作者世界观的矛盾,他逐渐把他写成一个正面人物,来担当理 想 [三 : 外国名著读后感800] 一夜,确切的说是彻夜,读完了路遥的《平凡的世界》。我知道这是一部不可多得的好小说,一夜看完有点走马观花之嫌。但是不论怎样不负责任的阅读方式都会给读者一个基本的印象,而这个印象对于我来说是很深很深的,所以我将这个印象写出来,同时写一下我的观感。 《平凡的世界》时间跨度是七五年至八五年。发生地点在广袤的黄土高坡上一个叫做双水村的地方。基本上整部小说是写双水村的变化和双水村的人。在这个十年里,中国又发生了惊天动地的变化。双水村及双水村的人是中国和中国人民的缩影。在那段年代里,文化革命结束了,邓小平上台执政带来了改革开放。 我不想详细的叙述小说的内容,实际上里面包含了当时社会生活的方方面面。路遥显然是想用一种现实主义的笔法细致的勾勒出一幅宏大的社会画卷。在里面各个阶层不论性格面貌都栩栩如生的人物我随口都能数出好多。这是很重要的一点,因为路遥的精湛的小说功底,极其严肃的写作态度,使这部小说具备了作为那一段历史最好的辅助教材。 显然,我无法做小说评论,这当然是因为水平的原因。但是这部小说给我最大的教育意义则是一种对农民的深刻理解。现代城市年轻人可能很难真正理解农民。农民的生活,农民的想法。农民曾经过的日此文来源于好文章网,农民现在和未来他们也不 会关心。实际上笔者本人也不曾有过真正的了解和认知。如果要有这种水平的想法恐怕必须经历过农村生活。但是间接知识也能够带给我们启示和触动。这就是《平凡的世界》,这就是《许三关卖血记》。这些小说能够深刻的反映农民的生活和喜怒哀乐,读完这些小说从某个意义上说我们也经历过了那个时代,也曾在田中挥汗如雨。这些书的现实意义在于中国的现状,在于历史的延续,在于未来的展望和我们年轻人自身的提高:对人性的理解,对中国的理解,对构成中国大地那一片片生命陆地的人们的理解。 另外一个方面,我很喜欢路遥的出发点平凡的世界。他的世界是平凡的,这只是黄土高原上几千几万座村落中的一座。但路遥却在平凡中看到了他的主人公的不平凡。比如说孙少平,他受过了高中教育,他经过自学达到可与大学生进行思想探讨的程度。作者赋予了这个人物各种优良的品质,包括并不好高骛远。在路遥的世界中出现的都是平凡的人物,这是在这些平凡的人物里他描写着人性中的善与美,丑与恶。在他的世界里,人的最大的优点就是认识到自己是平凡的。这点从孙少平身上得到最突出的体现。当他得到调出煤矿来到城市的机会时,他选择的是煤矿。这不是又无他有多高的觉悟,而是他对自己工作过的地方的热情和眷恋。他选择了平凡。 我想,《平凡的世界》的真正意义在于揭示了人的命运、家庭命运、社会命运维系在国家政治经济文化社会的和谐发展上,尊重规律,变革制度,建设和谐社会才是中国农村、中国希望所 在!
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