

2017-09-02 13页 doc 38KB 55阅读




苹果的营养价值苹果的营养价值 吃苹果既能减肥,又能帮助消化,老人吃了会很好的。苹果含有多种维生素、矿物质、糖类、脂肪等,构成大脑所必须的营养成分。 苹果中的纤维,对儿童的生长发育有益,能促进生长及发育。苹果中的锌对儿童的记忆有益,能增强儿童的记忆力。但苹果中的酸能腐蚀牙齿,吃完苹果后最好漱漱口。 苹果: 营养素含量(每100克): supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effect...
苹果的营养价值 吃苹果既能减肥,又能帮助消化,老人吃了会很好的。苹果含有多种维生素、矿物质、糖类、脂肪等,构成大脑所必须的营养成分。 苹果中的纤维,对儿童的生长发育有益,能促进生长及发育。苹果中的锌对儿童的记忆有益,能增强儿童的记忆力。但苹果中的酸能腐蚀牙齿,吃完苹果后最好漱漱口。 苹果: 营养素含量(每100克): supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through 热量(大卡)52.00 碳水化合物(克)13.50 脂肪(克)0.20 蛋白质(克)0.20 纤维素(克)1.20 维生素A(微克)3.00 维生素C(毫克)4.00 维生素E(毫克)2.12 胡罗卜素(微克)20.00 硫胺素(毫克)0.06 核黄素(毫克)0.02 烟酸(毫克)0.20 镁(毫克)4.00 钙(毫克)4.00 铁(毫克)0.60 锌(毫克)0.19 铜(毫克)0.06 锰(毫克)0.03 钾(毫克)119.00 supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through 磷(毫克)12.00 钠(毫克)1.60 硒(微克)0.12 ?挑选方法: 苹果有4种:红富士,秦冠,黄元帅,黄香蕉 红富士:1看苹果柄是否有同心圆,由于日照充分,比较甜 2看苹果身上是否有条纹,越多的越好 3苹果不是越红,越艳的好,应该选择粉红的 秦冠苹果:1挑大小匀称的(最好是中等大的) 2用手按下苹果,按的动的就是甜的,按不动的就是酸的 3 颜色要均匀 黄元帅苹果:1挑颜色发黄的,麻点越多越好 2用手掂量,轻的比较面,重的比较脆 青香蕉苹果:1麻点越多越好 2颜色是青的,略微泛黄的好 2.分类介绍 苹果是蔷薇科(Rosaceae)苹果属(malus)植物的果实,该属约25种,苹果树是栽培最广泛的果树。苹果是梨果的一种,由子房和子房外围的组织发育而成。苹果树多为异花授粉,有2,4,的花座果较为理想。虽然成熟苹果的大小、形状、颜色和酸度因品种和环境条件的不同而差异很大,但通常圆形,直径50,100毫米(2,4吋),带红色或黄色。 苹果品种数以千计,分为酒用品种、烹调品种、尾食品种3大类。3类品种的颜色、大小、香味、光滑度(可能还有脆性、风味)等特点均有差别。不少品种含糖较高,中等酸度,丹宁含量很低。苹果除生食外,烹食方法也很多,常用作点心馅,苹果馅烤饼可能是最早的美国式甜尾食。炸苹果常与香肠、猪排等菜肴同食,尤其在欧洲是如此。 苹果属原产于两半球温带。最早期的欧洲人已食用苹果,并对之进行了改良和选育,一些品种早见于2,000多年前,在向美洲殖民前,欧洲已知品种达数百个。以后随著移民浪潮涌遍北美,实生苗苹果品种也到处传播,变成当地传奇人物的巡回使者,在苹果的传播中起了主要作用,其中最突出的是查浦曼(John Chapman,绰号「苹果佬」〔Johnny Appleseed〕),他在俄亥俄及印第安纳广泛种植苹果。印第安人和设陷阱捕兽者可能也传播了苹果。 苹果树需要一定时期的休眠期,在冬季明显的地区(一般在南、北纬30?,60?之间)生长良好。再向北由于冬季太冷以及生长季短,栽培受限。种植苹果需选择排水良好的土壤,肥力不足时需施肥。起伏不平的小丘顶部或山坡最适於种苹果,在这种地形下,于严寒的春夜、较冷较重的空气会向下流入山谷,否则苹果花及嫩果会被冻坏。以选定品种作为接穗,砧木通常为约18个月的耐寒苗圃实生苗,嫁接后1,2年移植果园。6,8年后方有相当的产量;在此以前,管理工作多限于除草除虫,也要修剪整枝(尤其是最初5年),以使主枝分布合理,较弱的分枝也不会在果实的重压下折断。对成年果树须严格按规定喷洒农药supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through 以防治害虫,这样做可能亦可延缓其春季旺长、疏幼果及减少秋季落果。晚夏成熟的品种一般不宜贮藏。晚秋成熟的品种精心保管可贮藏达一年之久。在温度略高于苹果的冰点的条件下可将其保存较长时间。亦可将苹果置于惰性气体或成分受控制的空气中贮藏。 苹果 世界苹果年产量约为3,200万公吨。美国所产的苹果通常有一半鲜食;约1/5用以制醋、果汁、果冻、苹果泥等;约1/6做成罐装苹果酱及用作馅饼原料。在欧洲,很大部分苹果用制苹果酒和白兰地。用制苹果酒的苹果占世界产量的1/4。美国、中国、法国、意大利和土耳其是最大的生产国,法国、意大利、匈牙利、阿根廷、智利、南非和美国是最大的输出国。苹果富含碳水化合物和维生素A、C,所含纤维量多,亦为身体所必需。 ?形态习性 苹果树,落叶乔木(树高可达15米,栽培条件下一般高3,5米左右。树干灰褐色,老皮有不规则的纵裂或片状剥落,小枝光滑。单叶互生,椭圆至卵圆形,叶缘有锯齿。伞房花序,花瓣白色,含苞时带粉红色,雄蕊20枚,花柱5枚。果实为仁果,颜色及大小因品种而异。喜光,喜微酸性到中性土壤。最适于土层深厚、富含有机质、心土为通气排水良好的沙质土壤。 繁殖栽培用嫁接繁殖。砧木有乔化砧和矮化砧。常用乔化砧有:楸子、西府海棠、山荆子,矮化砧主要引进英国品种。采用宽行密植,行向南北。偏南部地区秋冬土壤封冻前栽植,偏北部地区春季解冻时栽植。苹果自花结实力差,栽植时必须配置授粉树。 ?苹果的繁殖习性 一、花芽和花: 苹果的花芽分化,多数品种都是从6月上旬开始至入冬前完成,整个过程分为生理分化、形态分化和性细胞成熟三个时期。花芽为混合芽,花序为伞房状聚伞花序。每个花序开花5—8朵,多为5朵,中心花先开,边花后开,以中心花的质量最好,坐果稳,结果大,疏花疏果时应留中心花和中心果,多疏边花和边花果。花芽先发叶后开花,并从果台上抽生副梢,果台副梢抽生的多少、长短随品种和结果母枝的营养条件而异。果台副梢抽生的力强(二个)、枝条长而壮的品种,如祝光,果实小,产量不高,结果枝群松散。对这类品种,应用疏1留1和摘心扭梢等方法控制副梢生长。副梢生长力中(1个或2个)、枝条短(10厘米以下)而粗的品种,如金帅、乔纳金等,果实大、丰产,结果枝群紧凑,更新容易,连续结果能力强。副梢生长力弱(1个)、枝条短(3厘米以下)的品种,如元帅系、恩派等,果实大,结果枝群紧凑,易形成鸡爪枝群,更新容易,但果台多为隔年结果,应多留预备枝,以减少大小年结果。 二、果实: 苹果的果实是由子房和花托发育而成的假果,其中子房发育成果心,花托发育成果肉,胚发育成种子。果实的体积膨大,前期靠细胞迅速分裂的细胞数目的增多,后期靠细胞体积的膨大。 果实体积的膨大,中期到成熟之前较快,初期和末期较慢,果实重量以成熟前一个月增长最快。果实发育期的长短,一般早熟品种为65—87天,中熟品种为90—133天,晚熟品种为137—168天。 果实色泽是商品的重要指标。苹果着色的好和差与糖分的积累、矿质元素的协调、环境条件和激素种类、含量等关系很大。后期控施氮肥,增施钾肥,减少果皮的中的叶绿素,改善通风透光条件,提高日光照射度,做好排水,降低空气湿度,喷施萘乙酸和2.4—D等激素,都可促进苹果上色。 苹果从花蕾出现到果实采收,一般有四次落花落果。第一次在终花期,花梗随花谢而一起脱落,通常称为落花。第二次在落花后一周左右,子房略见增大,可持续5—20天,supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through 称为前期落果。第三次在第二次落果后的7—14天,果实已达到拇指指甲大,对产量影响较大,称为生理落果,云南一般发生在5月份,北方的物候期比云南晚,发生在6月份,故称“6月落果”。第四次在果实采收前,落下成熟或接近成熟的果实,故称采前落果。 第一、第二次落花落果,主要是营养不足和授粉受精不良引起。第三次落果,除果实之间争夺养分、胚内生长素缺乏外,是梢果争夺养分激烈所致。因叶片的渗透压大于幼果,争夺养分的力量比幼果强,所以除枝时做好摘心、剪梢等抑制新梢生长外,还应及时追施谢花花肥,补充养分。 ?种子: 为胚囊中的受精卵发育而成。苹果的正常果实,每果有5个心室,每心室有种子2粒。在果实发育过程中,种子分泌激素刺激果肉生长,所以授粉受精良好、种子充实饱满的,果形端正,果肉丰腴;反之,种子发育不良或无种子的一方,果肉凹陷瘦削而成畸形果,因此一定要配置授粉树和改善授粉。 ?对外界环境条件的要求: 温度: 苹果树是喜低温干燥的温带果树,要求冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。适宜的温度范围是年平均气温9—14?,冬季极端低温不低于-12?,夏季最高月均温不高于20?,?10?年积温5000?左右,生长季节(4—10月)平均气温12—18?,冬季需7.2?以下低温1200—1500小时,才能顺利通过自然休眠。低温时间不足,发叶、开花推迟而不整齐,有的花芽甚至不萌动,到了5月鳞片松开脱落,成为枯桩,严重降低产量;绝对低温低于-30—-32?,又发生冻害。据调查,苹果在云南省不同海拔和温度地区的表现如下表。 苹果在云南不同海拔和温度地带的表现 海拔高度(米) 年平均气温(?) 丰产性 果实品质 病虫害 生长规律 适宜性 1800以下 15以上 差 差 重 不正常 不适宜 1800—2000 14—15 中 中 较重 较正常 次适宜 2000—2200 13—14 较高 次优 轻 正常 适宜 营养价值 1. 苹果中的胶质和微量元素铬能保持血糖的稳定,还能有效地降低胆固醇; 2. 在空气污染的环境中,多吃苹果可改善呼吸系统和肺功能,保护肺部免受污染和烟尘的影响; 3. 苹果中含的多酚及黄酮类天然化学抗氧化物质,可以减少肺癌的危险,预防铅中毒; 4. 苹果特有的香味可以缓解压力过大造成的不良情绪,还有提神醒脑的功效; 5. 苹果中富含粗纤维,可促进肠胃蠕动,协助人体顺利排出废物,减少有害物质对皮肤的危害; 6. 苹果中含有大量的镁、硫、铁,铜、碘、锰、锌等微量元素,可使皮肤细腻、润滑、红润有光泽。 功效 一般人群均可食用 1. 慢性胃炎、消化不良、气滞不通者,便秘、慢性腹泻、神经性结肠炎,高血压、高血脂和肥胖患者,癌症患者、贫血和维生素缺乏者尤其适合。准妈妈每天吃个苹果可以减轻孕期反应; 2. 冠心病、心肌梗塞、肾病、糖尿病的人不宜多吃。心肌梗塞的病人也不宜食用.(苹果富含糖类和钾盐) 食疗作用: supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through 苹果味甘、酸,性凉,归脾、肺经; 具有生津、润肺,除烦解暑,开胃、醒酒,止泻的功效; 主治中气不足,消化不良,气壅不通,轻度腹泻,便秘,烦热口渴,饮酒过度,高血压等。 苹果治小儿腹泻配方 【配方】苹果若干个。 【制法】将苹果用开水洗净,削皮,隔水蒸熟,捣烂成泥,备用。 【服法】每日4次,每次约一百克,一岁以下婴儿每次约五十克,日服3,4次,此时不食其他食物,待症状好转后可减少吃苹果泥,而适当增加牛奶酪。 【功效】益脾健胃,厚肠止泻。还适用于经常大便溏薄。 食物相克: 苹果忌与水产品同食,会导致便秘。 制作指导: 将削掉皮的苹果浸于凉开水里,可防止氧化使苹果清脆香甜。 苹果味甘,性凉; 具有生津止渴、润肺除烦、健脾益胃、养心益气、润肠、止泻、解暑、醒酒等功效。 1.苹果中的胶质和微量元素铬能保持血糖的稳定,还能有效地降低胆固醇; 2. 在空气污染的环境中,多吃苹果可改善呼吸系统和肺功能,保护肺部免受污染和烟尘的影响; 3. 苹果中含的多酚及黄酮类天然化学抗氧化物质,可以减少肺癌的危险,预防铅中毒; 4. 苹果特有的香味可以缓解压力过大造成的不良情绪,还有提神醒脑的功效; 5. 苹果中富含粗纤维,可促进肠胃蠕动,协助人体顺利排出废物,减少有害物质对皮肤的危害; 6. 苹果中含有大量的镁、硫、铁,铜、碘、锰、锌等微量元素,可使皮肤腻、润滑、红润有光泽。 它的营养价值和医疗价值都很高,被越来越多的人称为“大夫第一药”。许多美国人把苹果作为瘦身必备,每周节食一天,这一天只吃苹果,号称“苹果日”。 supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through
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