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儿童行为常见心理学及课堂管理儿童行为常见心理学及课堂管理 Riverdeep International Education 儿童常见行为心理 儿童性格分类及课堂中儿童的常见表现 儿童按气质类型与性格特征进行分类: 为什么我们需要与不同性格特征的儿童沟通, 1. 有利于我们的教学活动设计,教学工作的顺利开展 2. 有利于课堂管理,体现美式教育的特色 3. 有利于了解本班学员并归类,进行爱的教育,作为学员的心灵 沟通师,令学员终生难忘; 4. 有利于和家长沟通并建立良好关系 5. 有利于对学员性格的塑造,帮助他们竖立良好的人生观,价值 观 6. 有利于学...
儿童行为常见心理学及课堂管理 Riverdeep International Education 儿童常见行为心理 儿童性格分类及课堂中儿童的常见现 儿童按气质类型与性格特征进行分类: 为什么我们需要与不同性格特征的儿童沟通, 1. 有利于我们的教学活动设计,教学工作的顺利开展 2. 有利于课堂管理,体现美式教育的特色 3. 有利于了解本班学员并归类,进行爱的教育,作为学员的心灵 沟通师,令学员终生难忘; 4. 有利于和家长沟通并建立良好关系 5. 有利于对学员性格的塑造,帮助他们竖立良好的人生观,价值 观 6. 有利于学员LTP的培养:让孩子能够自我进行管理。明白什么事 情为什么不能做,做了后果是什么, Q: 如何与这三种类型的孩子沟通, 一、与外向型孩子沟通技巧 二、与内向型孩子沟通技巧 三、与从众型孩子沟通技巧 3步走:1 拉距离 2 立信 3 传爱 4步走:1 立信 2 传爱 3 保持 4 回收 4步走:1 立信 2 传爱 3 保持 4 特殊建立 学员常见行为表现, 事例1: K01班Jack不进班,每次都对家长说不想来瑞思 分析:这个问题需要了解孩子的详细情况。几岁,性格,上课多长时间了,与家长沟通的情况,与家长沟通了什么,家长对孩子的预期,家长对孩子不进教室的反应,与孩子交流的情况,为什么不想进教室,与小朋友有矛盾,受过批评,还是追不上学习的进度,还是长假后不想上课, 事例2: SK11的cindy每次上课都哭闹,所以妈妈近几周陪同上课,效果甚微,且家长也期待尽早脱身。 分析: 孩子为什么每次上课都哭闹, 首先老师不用太着急,要有信心,这是每一位幼儿上学时所表现的分离焦虑,这都属于正常现象。什么是分离焦虑, work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 1、什么是分离焦虑, 分离焦虑(Dissociative anxiety) 是指婴幼儿因与亲人分离而引起的焦虑、不安、或不愉快的情绪反应,又称离别焦虑。 2、分离焦虑的表现有哪些, 约翰??鲍尔比 John Bowlby 通过观察把婴儿的分离焦虑分为三个阶段: 反抗阶段――嚎陶大哭,又踢又闹; 失望阶段――仍然哭泣,继继续续,动作的吵闹减少,不理睬他人,表情迟钝; 超脱阶段――接受外人的照料,开始正常的活动,如吃东西,玩玩具,但是看 见母亲时又会出现悲伤的表情 3、分离焦虑的产生原因, 熟悉的生活环境和关系被打破。如:搬家、换学校。。。 4、怎么解决分离焦虑产生的问题: 第一,我们要引导家长要学会把握时机,宝宝在家特别兴奋或对一种玩具超喜欢时,引导家长要告诉孩子这个瑞思也有,比这个还要好玩,瑞思的老师也特别想让你玩,然后再把玩具交给老师。 第二,引导家长天天重复告诉他,妈妈晚点送你,然后早早的第一个接你, (一定要做到) 第三,和孩子谈条件说,如果你能听妈妈的话,高兴的上瑞思,爸爸妈妈就给你你想 要的东西。 第四,能够来到瑞思,但是进班级还是哭闹,家长已经陪同上课一段时间了,引导家长,既然家长选择了瑞思,就要充分的相信我们的老师,引导家长首先自己要狠狠心坚持送,到了班级该离开的时候就要离开了。将孩子送到学校后马上离开,不要宝宝一哭,家长就心软不舍得了,这work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 样的话,那家长每天的努力相当于白费劲。 第五,接下来就是我们的老师要做的事情了,根据情况如果孩子在家长离开后不怎么哭闹,可以正常上课,但要给孩子多些关注。如果孩子还是哭闹,我们可以先缓解孩子的分离焦虑,下面是可以缓解孩子分离焦虑的一些游戏,老师可以自由掌握运用。 第六,缓解了孩子的分离焦虑之后,我们要做的就是跟孩子交流,我们可以这样引导孩子,看教室里 的小朋友们玩的多开心啊,我们也一起进去和他们一起玩吧。带孩子进教室。 第七,孩子还课堂上的点滴进步要及时给予鼓励表扬。 第八,及时和家长沟通孩子的表现,引导家长做好以上及接下来的配合工作 * 简单易行的缓解宝宝分离焦虑的小游戏 1、涂鸦游戏:给孩子一张纸、一盒蜡笔,接替者可以先用美丽的色彩涂鸦在图画纸上,然后鼓励孩子也画画看。当孩子有动作时,则鼓励他继续涂鸦,最后把画好的作品贴在明显的公布栏上。 ????2、吹泡泡游戏:将洗洁精加水搅出泡泡水,然后接替者用戏管吹出很多小泡泡,让孩子用手去按压小泡泡,这样重复游戏直到孩子不想玩了。 ????3、盖印章游戏:老师可以准备一些可爱的卡通印章和颜色印台,然后将各种卡通印章、蔬果图形印章拍打印台后,盖在白纸上,让孩子去发现各种美丽的图案,引起孩子动手盖印章的兴趣。 ????4、敲敲打打玩声响:老师可以取材玻璃杯子、锅盖、桌子、盘子、竹筷等四周方便取的物品,作为敲敲打打的器材,引导孩子亲手敲出声音,发现不同的旋律和音调。 5、读图画故事书:老师可以准备几本孩子易懂的图画故事书,陪着孩子一起看书,并把图画故事书的内容,用清楚简单的语句和肢体动work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 作表达出来,吸引孩子的倾听和兴趣。 6、玩课件:老师带着孩子到电脑室打开课件带着孩子一起玩,直到重复到孩子不想玩了。 事例3、K1015班的Jason 是典型的Trouble maker,怎样对待这样的孩子, 分析Trouble maker的出现:针对这一类型的孩子,家庭的成长环境以及家长的教育方式或者家长的关爱必有缺失,造成儿童在课堂上捣乱,课下与其他儿童打闹,从而给老师造成不必要的麻烦。 小技巧:1、温柔谈话法:通过倍加关爱让孩子对老师建立信任感,约法三章,做好课前控制,通过一次次宽容让孩子自己感觉对不起老师,从而达到课堂管理的目的。 2、严厉约束法:在不违背教师守则的情况下,运用奖励机制,团队其他成员加以约束,从而达到课堂管理的目的。 事例4:K1014班的Bear上课总是看其他地方,是典型注意力不集中的儿童。 分析这类儿童的出现:根据自身性格特点以及先天因素,造成对参与课堂活动状态的影响,继而影响到其他儿童。 小技巧:1、家长配合法:实事求是的告诉家长学员在课堂中的表现,告诉家长在学员集中注意力做事情的时候,不要予以打扰,要让他集中注意力,平时多做些培养意志力的活动,比如静坐绘画,下围棋等等; 2、课中控制法:用奖励机制的方式约束,通过有趣的课堂活动加以吸引; 事例5、K1004班的Kitty发言声音小,是典型的不自信的儿童。 分析这类儿童的出现:根据自身性格特点以及先天因素,造成对参与课堂活动状态的影响,继而影响自身今后的成长和发展。 小技巧:1、鼓励教学法:在学员开口回答问题的时候及时予以鼓励,加以肯定和赞扬,积累学员的自信;在学员能够主work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 动回答问题时大肆肯定,并让其他学员以他的勇敢为榜样,让他找到自己的位置; 2、团队带领法:通过团队其他成员的积极暗示,让学员重拾自信。需要注意的是,带班教师需根组内其他成员提前沟通好。 新园丁常见沟通误区与其导致的不良结果 1、 A教师很严厉,新带的瑞思班的小朋友有些很调皮,于是一次课堂活动进行中,peter满地跑,Sam 总是喊叫,于是A教师大声训斥:Sit down, shut up! 结果:暴君型教师,导致学生得不到关爱,无纪律性可谈,影响教学效果,最终造成家长质疑。 2、B教师很温柔,在做课堂活动的时候有两个小朋友说中文,B教师扫了一眼之后就走过去了,于是该班的小朋友说中文很习惯。 结果:与理念向悖,学员在浸入式的课堂不但没养成好习惯,反而习惯性的说中文,让家长看不到教学效果。 应该怎样做, 让爱领航,用爱的教育来贯穿沟通 课堂#管理#的建立 为什么要建立课堂管理制度, 1、从布鲁姆认知规律6步走来说,让学员从初始爱的教育到学习和运用,学会关爱周围的人; 2、让学员具备LTP中所有应具备的能力,体现出我们的美式教育方法; 3、为与家长沟通做好前期铺垫,能够让教学效果更加突出,让家长更满意孩子在瑞思的成长; 课管制度的建立, 1、开学典礼 No Running, No Chinese, No Shouting 2、蜜月期 Phase1 :开班第一周:Q&A , Make a line, wait till your turn, Be a good listener 开班一个月:独特的教学手势 开班三个月:瑞思学生守则上的所有条款 3、瓶颈期 Phase2~phase4:保持所有以上,让爱领航 独特的课管及教学手势 1、手部倒数5秒work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace (每个人看到手势需要立刻回到座位坐好或者任何教学环节最后时间倒数的时间) 2、尊敬感恩(双手心形比在左胸前,每个人看到这个手势需要对在发表演讲演示的人表现应有的尊敬;又或者后期可以演变成对于两个产生矛盾的孩子进行教育前先出示的手势,让孩子意识到要以爱的方式来对待彼此,思考问题。) 3、Line up(左手弯曲平放胸前置于右手上臂下方,右手与胸伸直与胸前呈90度,每个人看到这个手势要排成一队。) 4、雪花速冻手势(每个人看到此手势立刻速冻) 5、戴上思考神奇帽(每个人看到这个手势代表要对老师的提问进行思考并小组讨论,这是看到美国电影中一个小学老师授课的时候进行的手势,是可以发挥孩子们的独立思考、创造性思维、批判思维等一系列能力的手势。) 6、Can you give me a whole sentence,(双手胸前比出半米的距离,表示Can you give me a sentence ?) ? 1.SK的孩子太小,规则感很差 对于第一节课提出的课堂规则,很容易忘记。之后的每节课,我们都会再三强调的。 2.迟到现象很严重所以开家长会会跟家长强调一下上课时间校服制度等这些规则。 3.学员扰乱课堂纪律怎么办, 做完练习之后,课堂纪律很差。完成作业的孩子就开始在教室乱跑神马的。因为SK的孩子比较小,不可能像小老师那样去教其他的孩子。 4. 学员说中文怎么办, K和S1的孩子上课老师喜欢讲中文,要是讲英文,有些孩子会说听不懂老师。 5、发生偷窃事件如何处理, 6.学员课堂出现打架事件怎么解决, 7.上厕所次数频繁怎么处理, 8.发生意外伤害怎么办, 需要注意的常见的课管问题, work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 规则的巩固和强化 1)每节课开始,要复习常规 2)如果发现问题要及时解决,并重复常规 3)树立典范,让学生模仿 4)充分利用机会教学,补充常规内容。 Thank you ! * * 现在我想问问各位家长,你们能区分出哪些音乐来自墨西哥,哪些音乐来自德国,哪些音乐来自日本,。。。我们的学生会在社会科学中开始接触到这些世界各地的风土人情,了解到这些。 为什么我们会学习这些东西呢,第一,美国就是个浓缩的联合国,大家都知道美国有上百种语言,几十个来自世界各地的民族,因此美国孩子在很小的时候就会接触多元文化,您的学生只能在美国的小学才会学到这些知识。第二在西方,经常参加音乐聚会的人都是有身份的人,这是一种品味、地位的象征。而在中国,我们的教育缺失了品位的培养,却畸形地发展演奏技能。在Rise我们提供机会让您的孩子成为品味高雅,博学多才的人。 * 颁奖: 老师应在日常教学中注意观察和发掘每个学员的特长、爱好和能力倾向,并收集每个学员在上述方面的照片和视频; * 颁奖: 老师应在日常教学中注意观察和发掘每个学员的特长、爱好和能力倾向,并收集每个学员在上述方面的照片和视频; * 颁奖: 老师应在日常教学中注意观察和发掘每个学员的特长、爱好和能力倾向,并收集每个学员在上述方面的照片和视频; * Riverdeep International Education * * 现在我想问问各位家长,你们能区分出哪些音乐来自墨西哥,哪些音乐来自德国,哪些音乐来自日work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 本,。。。我们的学生会在社会科学中开始接触到这些世界各地的风土人情,了解到这些。 为什么我们会学习这些东西呢,第一,美国就是个浓缩的联合国,大家都知道美国有上百种语言,几十个来自世界各地的民族,因此美国孩子在很小的时候就会接触多元文化,您的学生只能在美国的小学才会学到这些知识。第二在西方,经常参加音乐聚会的人都是有身份的人,这是一种品味、地位的象征。而在中国,我们的教育缺失了品位的培养,却畸形地发展演奏技能。在Rise我们提供机会让您的孩子成为品味高雅,博学多才的人。 * 颁奖: 老师应在日常教学中注意观察和发掘每个学员的特长、爱好和能力倾向,并收集每个学员在上述方面的照片和视频; * 颁奖: 老师应在日常教学中注意观察和发掘每个学员的特长、爱好和能力倾向,并收集每个学员在上述方面的照片和视频; * 颁奖: 老师应在日常教学中注意观察和发掘每个学员的特长、爱好和能力倾向,并收集每个学员在上述方面的照片和视频; * work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace
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