

2018-02-20 11页 doc 36KB 17阅读




大众速腾常见问题汇总大众速腾常见问题汇总 1.8T车车高速熄火。 约2006年7月或者8月以前生产的1.8T车型由于使用了有问题的空气流量线束,倒致这个问题,更已经解决,最近如果买库存车的要注意这个问题。 AT车型变速箱有渗,漏变速箱油。 这个主要发生在2.0的车型上,1.6和1.8T也有,可能由于产量问题相对较少,生产时间也是2006年初至10月左右,原因是可能是变速箱密封胶不合格或者是密封胶用料不足产生,17VW没有官方确认,只给出打胶处理,并且以后的车车是否已经杜绝类似情况,目前尚不清楚,请购买库存2.0AT车型的车主要注意 。 低速...
大众速腾常见问题汇总 1.8T车车高速熄火。 约2006年7月或者8月以前生产的1.8T车型由于使用了有问题的空气流量线束,倒致这个问题,更已经解决,最近如果买库存车的要注意这个问题。 AT车型变速箱有渗,漏变速箱油。 这个主要发生在2.0的车型上,1.6和1.8T也有,可能由于产量问题相对较少,生产时间也是2006年初至10月左右,原因是可能是变速箱密封胶不合格或者是密封胶用料不足产生,17VW没有官方确认,只给出打胶处理,并且以后的车车是否已经杜绝类似情况,目前尚不清楚,请购买库存2.0AT车型的车主要注意 。 低速打方向时有“吱吱”声 是平面轴导致,可以到4S索赔,但也有更换后依然,08已经替换新件。 大灯内有水渍 速腾全系列车均有此问题,据说有的4S可以索赔,原因尚不明确,有可能是问题,途安的也有类似问题,建议洗车时不要用强压水直喷大灯 。 2.0车型机油消耗过大 这个问题在PASSAT和途安上也有,官方说明书上写1000公里不少于1升正常,目前只能当作是正常来判断,个人经验是5000,,后要多加注意观察。 AT自动档车型,放开或者踩下刹车时有“咯噔”声 这是正常的,自动档的车型都有这情况,只是日韩车的声音较轻,不过在刹车踏板上也会感觉得到,只是没有树藤的车那么明显。 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 车车放得了一夜启动时怠速有时低,有时很高(1200)声音很恐怖,过1到2分钟消失 这是正常情况,主要发生的原因是气温大约高于15度后,停车久后,点火后怠速就高到1200转,目前据说是由于某项设备同时工作,增加了发动机负荷导致的原因 2.0车型在停车熄火后听到发动机仓内不断有“劈喱啪”声 这也是正常,所有的树藤2.0车型都有这个情况,原因不是明确,据说可能是某部件热帐冷缩导致。 后视镜不加热 在气温高于15度时这项功能不起作用,原因不明,要问17VW 后挡风玻璃不加热 2006年上半年生产的部分车型后档风加热的保险丝易烧断,据说原因是25A的容易太小,现在这个问题已经解决,买库存车型要注意这个问题 窗玻璃在停车后自动落下 原因不太明确,可能是在关窗时由于一些问题,启动了防夹功能,知道此问题的请跟贴说明 天窗无法关闭 有二种情况,一种是防夹功能启动,别一种是用了摇控关闭天窗后没有将天窗按钮复位,解决办法是复位后再次用摇控关闭天窗,还有办法是不要一口气关闭,分二到三次慢慢关,失败后再重新来二三次,直致正常关闭。 第一种方法比较省时间 车辆低速时猛加速有“滋滋”声 1.8T车型是因为涡轮介入,声音很轻,不是很明显 中控台在行驶中偶发杂音 由于天气热的关系产生,一般没有大妨,难以忍受的和动手能力强的人,可以用针管将黑硅胶注入发响的缝内即可,不行只能到4S解决,不过4S的人对您的爱车可是.... 轮胎在转一些弯时发出,“鼓鼓”声 速腾的憨态205胎容易夹入小石子,清除即可,不过费时费力,并且马上又会出现,建议三思而后行 后行李箱故障 1.6车型发生情况较多,即关上后,仪屏显示没有关闭,这时手动和摇控都无法打开,原因是没有关紧或者是关闭接触不良,需用力再按几下可以解决,如果the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 问题较严重要到4S检查修理,切匆频繁按摇控器开关,可能导致编码混乱而锁死车辆 保险带已经扣上或者手制动器放开,但提示标识仍未熄灭 。 1.6车型发生情况较多,建议到4S检查感应器 多功能显示屏有全屏和半屏 1.6的为半屏,2.0和1.8T的在2006年7月以前是半屏,之后开始更改为全屏,期间有过渡车型为随机出现。 近期08款的2.0车型又改回原来的无菜单半屏 6CD为何不能放6张CD 速腾的CD为6RAMCD,是可以存6张CD的内容,而不是直接塞6张CD,此机头只在2.0和8T车型上装备 1.6和2.0哪个更省油 如果路况好,匀速开,肯定是1.6省,如果在城市内开,二者相差可以怱略不计,完全取决于驾驶习惯 速腾的起步为什么这么慢 慢的原因有很多,有发动机特性,有ASR原因,有车身重的原因 1.6动力如何,感到动力很差时怎么办 正常二三人情况下完全够用,对时常有脾气,想常超车玩玩的人肯定可以放弃了 排除车车本身问题,MT可以用提高转速换档,AT可以用S档来驾驶,当然油耗随之也会升高 85KW的2.0发动机动力怎么样。 噪音如何 就我个人使用下来,在起步时比较慢点,随后提到140时速时丝毫没有一点含糊 相对16V的日韩车系的发动机,是大了点,特别是急加速时的“突突突”声,但尚可接受,开惯日韩车的可能不太能接受,在6000公里或者首保换油后,高转速时的声音个人感觉比日韩车发动机好听 速腾的ESP是不是博士的, 不是,是MK60的 速腾的前灯是什么型号的 N 103 201 01 卤素白炽灯泡(远光)H7 102.75 N 103 201 02 卤族白炽灯泡(近光)H7 120.36 N 105 297 01 卤素白炽灯泡(雾灯)H11 132.26 速腾的三滤(机滤,空滤,汽油滤)型号跟途the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 安和开迪的通用,机滤跟宝来的也通用 06A 115 561B 机油滤清器总成(进口) 57.00 L06A 115 561D 机油滤清器(国产) 25.03 6Q0 201 511 燃油滤清器(进口)带压力调节器125.20 L6Q0 201 051C燃油滤油器(国产)带压力调节器119.31 K0 129 620C 空滤器滤芯(进口) 221.57 L1TD 129 620 空滤器滤芯(国产) 221.57 目前已经有索菲玛的配套产品,质量不错 ,2030,1 机油滤 15 ,1833, 汽油(燃油)滤 75 ,4020, 发动机空气滤 65 以上价格可能随时间而有所下调 加97或者93油 本质上讲93和97是一样的,只是辛烷值不一样,二者差别是能过添加剂来实现的,所以93号足已,97对动力有提升作用.根据个人承受而定 机油2000或者5000或者7500 建议至少到5000才去,7500也没有问题,过早的换油是浪费,而且不利于磨合 ,个人感觉2000换是JS为了赚钱 行车电脑内某些数据归零,各种指示灯常亮不灭 首先在确定车车没有问题的情况下,看电瓶的结头是否紧固,因为一般在运输中都是把线摘掉的,4S很有可能只是接上了,而没有紧固,时间一长就会出现各种问题,用工具紧固一下即可,在操作中可能出现有火花,女士切匆动手 收音机死机 ST在熄火时如果忘记关收音机,下次启动时可能会自己打开,也可能会死机,正常的方法是插拔一次保险丝,如果动手能力不强的人, 我现在透露一个解决的好方法,就是塞一张CD就行了(如果有CD在里面就没办法了) 1.6和1.8T及2.0发动机 1.6和2.0用的是8V(8气门)比时下大众主流的发动机技术(FSI,TFSI)是老了许多,也不能跟日韩车发动机相比,这二个发动机的特点是在低转速时扭距大比较大,适合在城市道路上行驶,VW官方称是技术成熟,可靠耐用,缺点还是声音相对大点 1.8T用的也是VW前几年的技术了,但是20V的结构,高速时非常强劲,再加涡轮介入, the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 超车变线是件非常爽的事情,相对最新要上市的1.8TSI和1.4TSI是不一样的 1.6车型开空调抖动 据4S检查结果为怠速过低,怠速低于650以下的1.6车型建议到4S将怠速调高到750左右,问题或许有改观,怠速高的弊端是油耗大,调得低容易发生抖动,怠速的原则是只要不抖,就是越低越好 自动分区空调未开,但有吹出热风 这是ST的一项设置问题,在空调关闭后,每再次启动点火时,自动切换到外循环,发动机水温一上来就会有热风吹入,能改良车内空气,可在国内不适用,要改变此情况,必须开启空调点亮内循环灯,1.6空调也有此情况。 美版轮圈 原装进口的美版16"轮圈,零件号:1K0 601 025 AJ 16Z 现在一汽大众装备的应该是国产化配件,零件号替换为1K0 601 025 R 8Z8 服务站最终售价:442.76元,最高限价:466.18元 给早期有欧版圈,但又想换美版圈的坛友一个参考 做动平衡而贴轮圈内的小铅块丢失 这个东东丢失后会导致车车在高速时方向走偏,发抖,严重时影响事故,丢失的原因可能是在洗车时用高压水直喷车轮内圈导致,ST说明书上注明严禁用高压水直喷车轮。 建议洗车时用粗雾状喷射车身 ST保养周期显示区清零 若未由本公司特许经销商实施到期的某项保养,则须按下述方法将保养周期显示区清零 1.关闭点火开关,按住里程回零按键(仪表盘右下角0.0键) 2.打开点火开关,松开里程回零按键 3.按压时钟的分钟调节按键(仪表盘左下角min键),显示屏恢复为常规显示状态 若您自己将保养周期显示区清零,则15000KM或一年后,系统将显示下次定期保养. 注解说明:二次保养期间切勿将保养周期清零,否则将会显示错误信息. (以上内容在2006.11版的速腾说明书->; the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 3.1操作系统及装备->;第8页驾驶室->;里程显示区或保养周期显示区) 速腾出厂设置是在1.5W公里或者一年后,会显示一个"扳手"的符号,意思是到达保养周期了,如果过了二年,大家不想到墨黑墨黑的4S去保养,那么当出现这个符号后,里程数会成为负数,每次点火时都会有"锣声"提示,时间也不会显示,被"扳手"覆盖,极大地影响日常的多功能显示屏使用 .4S的JS曾经很自信地对我说这个码必须得到它这才能擦除,我始终表示怀疑,难道就这样给墨黑墨黑的4S套牢?显示不是,通过勤翻说明书,我终于找到了这个解决方法,从此摆脱4S的黑洞,特此发贴广而告之. 需要说明的是,最后注解的意思是,在没有显示这个"扳手"时,不要作以上的操作,这样会导致多功能显示屏出现错误,到时反而给4S宰你的一个好机会. the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole
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