

2017-11-15 12页 doc 38KB 176阅读




投影机图像重影投影机图像重影 我有一台三洋SP10E的机器,现在有一个毛病,就是投出来的画面局部重影,不是整体的都重影,而是只有右边的约1/5的图象重影, 不用下了,就是液晶板的事。我经常碰到 我有台NEC-850出现重影故障,怀疑为维修数据有问题 是液晶片有问题 ,我原来在NEC维修中心做时也修过这样一台机! 要么是VGA 的问题。2。如果有1分4或1分8的分配器的话,也有可能是分配器的问题,换个分配器试试 吊投影机开机画面出现重影(偏移)但............ 开机画面出现红色,黄色的单色画面重叠现象, 兄弟您看看楼...
投影机图像重影 我有一台三洋SP10E的机器,现在有一个毛病,就是投出来的画面局部重影,不是整体的都重影,而是只有右边的约1/5的图象重影, 不用下了,就是液晶板的事。我经常碰到 我有台NEC-850出现重影故障,怀疑为维修数据有问题 是液晶片有问题 ,我原来在NEC维修中心做时也修过这样一台机! 要么是VGA 的问题。2。如果有1分4或1分8的分配器的话,也有可能是分配器的问题,换个分配器试试 吊投影机开机画面出现重影(偏移)但............ 开机画面出现红色,黄色的单色画面重叠现象, 兄弟您看看楼主说的:菜单里将吊装选项去掉色彩就恢复正常,那是为什么? 是液晶板坏了,我曾碰到过,当初也曾怀疑是主板,但更换主板后故障照旧,最后更换了液晶才正常。 应该是液晶板我的一台松下的也出现个。你可以看看屏的两边是不是出现左红右绿是就一定是它坏了。不用怀疑 我这有一台松下的投影机图象重影,并且不清晰,请问这是什么原因, 我看您这个机器是595的机器 是啊,你是怎么知道的, 能告诉我是什么原因吗,谢谢~ 这些机器是通病 只有更换LCD板,如果是一片还,二片以上的话不如重买一台机器了; 请教,这种故障好象很少发生。 chisholm x650投影仪R、G、B三色不重合,如果显示一条垂直线,则会出现红、蓝、绿三条垂直线(线与线之间间隔不大)。这是什么毛病,该怎样调整。 这种现象一般是液晶板没有调好 一台3M投影机经过清洗以后出现图象有少许拖尾现象。可以从图象中看到三块international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in central 液晶板没有汇聚在一起。 是投影机在清洗的时候把液晶板移位了。我已经调好了 ASK---C2的机器,投出图象并不重影,但菜单里的字重影,并不是液晶板 的事,请问这是什么缘故,而且投出来的图象亮度太高,调对比度和亮度 无效果,而菜单里的字很清晰,请问是什么缘故,, 我也遇到过,后来发回厂说是电源板老化,更换后搞定,ASK的电源板经 常出毛病,听说是开关管容易老化,更换一个就行了。 SightMax(视美) XP2500被人按了菜单中的恢复出厂设置,图像出理重影,很显然不是液晶片的问题。经这显然存储在机内的出厂设置有问题,(只有这种垃圾品牌会有这种事情),而用户菜单中找不到相应的调整项目,所以一定在维修菜单中。于是打电话给一级一级的经销商问如何进维修菜单,他们不是说不知道就是说你拿过来我们帮你修(说一定是液晶片坏以,要XXXX元),最后打给SightMax(视美)中国总代北京万星,接线师说谁告诉你可以在维修菜单中解决这个问题的你就去找谁,然后又说这是技术机密不能告诉你,(听的出这型号有这个通病),反正我软磨硬泡就是不告诉我。没办法求人不如求自已,自已花了点时间找进入维修菜单的。 其实也很简单,无非是组合键,先在机器上随便试试,很快你会发现,有些按键组合和位置(下手按键的位置)明显是不可能的,这样剩下的可能也不多了。 很快就先发现了清零的方法: 先进入状态菜单,然后按Enter+Menu,然后听到“嘀”的一声,发现状态菜单中的灯泡计时和开机次数都已归零,操作时先按Enter再按Menu,见隔时间要短。 接下来发现进入维修菜单的方法就更快了: 在无菜单的情况下按Enter+Menu+Up,同样操作时先按Enter再按Menu,见隔时间要短,然后按Up。这时我们会看见六个一级菜单: Thermal LCD Tune Luminance LCD Tpye Logo Burn-in 在LCD Tune中找到子菜单POS,调整到图像正常,但注意问题还没根本解决,下次按了菜单中的忮复出厂设置还会这样,解决这个根本的问题是在POS中把图像调正常后按一下Enter+Menu这样可以把当前设置保存为默认值。 我感觉有些维修公司靠这所谓的技术机密来谋取利益实在可恶。像这台机器的问题明显是存储在机内的出厂设置有问题,应是质量问题,你不能叫用户不去选用户菜单的恢复出厂设置来防止这个问题的,你还要用户返回维修是没道理的,既使你不收维修费,那你也要补偿用户的精力和浪费时间的损失。所以这种情况下你不该守着你那所谓的技术机密。 有感而发,特与大家分享。 international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in central ,、如果是纵向重影的话 ,多数是液晶屏的问题。 ,、水平方向小重影(表现为拖尾),多数为信号线和分配器。 ,、水平方向大重影(表现为分色显示),多数为液晶屏的问题和维修菜单的调整不当。 这种不是调就可以的,可能是老化,不过可以用测试软件看看就知道是不是老化还是移位! 如果是清洗之前就重影,有可能是液晶片老化~ 如果是没有拆开清洗以前就重影的话,那就是液晶屏的问题.区分是(错位)还是(屏坏)的方法;前者.开机看光栅,不管有无信号输入 .RGB不能重合.后者;没有信号输入时RGB光栅是重合的,输入信号后RGB 就不重合了. 不过这都是可以修复的哦 [求助]液晶片是否有问题, 各位大虾,我有一台ASK C90屏幕右边1公分处有一条1公分宽的蓝色垂直线,不知何故,请指教。 现在已经有3公分宽了。。。。。。 换液晶板~~ 先看看字体有没有重影,然后用测试图测一下看液晶板有没有坏 先用高级天拿水清洗一下液晶片排线和插座,如果没好转再换液晶片不迟. 字体有重影吗,有的话不能动液晶板 你的液晶板玩完了,恭喜,本来是小问题,变大了 international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in central 字体有重影,是液晶板问题。不重影,光路问题,可以调好。 冰火 20:36:19 怎样看液晶片是否有问题, 右边有一个绿边,刚上午好好的,下午一开机就成那样啦 依山盼谁 20:38:13 字符有绿边吗, 冰火 20:39:13 这个我没在现场.怎样解释 依山盼谁 20:39:56 有可能是液晶排线没有插好,有可能是驱动出问题了,还有可能是液晶板移位了 冰火 20:41:11 上午用的好好的.维修数据乱啦吗? 依山盼谁 20:41:04 也有可能是软件的问题 依山盼谁 20:41:22 故障本来就是突然出现的 冰火 20:42:00 怎样去判断呢? 依山盼谁 20:42:07 要具体检查才能做出判断 冰火 20:43:57 上午用的好好的.我想不会是液晶排线没有插好,和液晶板移位了 . 依山盼谁 20:43:47 我也要看了才知道 冰火 20:44:49 驱动和软件出现的问题 和液晶板移位出现的问题有啥区别? 依山盼谁 20:45:00 就是字符边缘有没有颜色移位 依山盼谁 20:45:51 这种问题一般都是驱动块和液晶板的问题居多 冰火 20:47:19 液晶板的问题是指老化吗? 依山盼谁 20:47:09 不是,是坏了 依山盼谁 20:47:25 一部分处理心片坏了 冰火 20:48:47 international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in central 如果是坏啦,我想应该是却色,用测试软件怎样看. 依山盼谁 20:48:48 没有用软件看的,只能查 依山盼谁 20:49:05 具体在机器里面查 international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in central
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