

2018-08-12 19页 doc 62KB 17阅读




残疾证如何办理残疾证如何办理 残疾证办理的具体过程一般是:到乡镇或县级残联提交残疾证办理的申请。然后一般会要求到指定进行残疾程度分级,开具相应证明。最后就是这些材料会被提交审核通过之后就办理残疾证了。下面将一些细节总结一下。 办理的条件具有本县常住户口,符合国家务院制定的《中国实用残疾人评定标准》的视力残疾、听力残疾、言语残疾、智力残疾、肢体残疾和精神残疾的人员。(残疾标准见下栏) 乡镇居民办理:持村委会介绍信到户口所在乡镇残联审核登记盖章后,由本人在法定监护人(无监护人可有亲友rAt present, we have formed ...
残疾证如何办理 残疾证办理的具体过程一般是:到乡镇或县级残联提交残疾证办理的。然后一般会要求到指定进行残疾程度分级,开具相应证明。最后就是这些材料会被提交审核通过之后就办理残疾证了。下面将一些细节一下。 办理的条件具有本县常住户口,符合国家务院制定的《中国实用残疾人评定》的视力残疾、听力残疾、言语残疾、智力残疾、肢体残疾和精神残疾的人员。(残疾标准见下栏) 乡镇居民办理:持村委会介绍信到户口所在乡镇残联审核登记盖章后,由本人在法定监护人(无监护人可有亲友rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 或村居委指定专人)陪同下,持本人身份证及身份证复印件、户口薄、彩色寸照3张和病历或相关病情资料到县残联办理。 城镇职工办理:持单位介绍信、本人身份证及复印件、户口本、彩色证件照3张、有关病情资料、工资单、劳动、养老保险到县残联办理。 到县级残联办理要对残疾情况进行评定:残疾比较明显,能明显判断残疾情况的,残联可直接办理。残疾不明显的,须出具县级以上的相关病历证明。精神、智力残疾出具市精神鉴定中心证明。听力、言语、视力残疾出具村rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 居及单位证明,致残时间、原因,并附县级以上证明。 最后准备好这些资料:县残联《残疾人证》鉴定核发小组和监督检查小组按照《中国残疾人实用评残标准》实施评定同意之后,就可以领取残疾人证了。快的话马上可以领取,慢的话可能要等待数周。六类残疾标准 视力残疾标准:视力残疾,是指由于各种原因导致双眼视力障碍或视野缩小,通过各种物、手术及其它疗法而不能恢复视功能者(或暂不能通过上述疗法恢复视功能者),以致不能进行一般人所能从事的工作、学习或其它活动。视力残疾包括:盲及低视力两类。 rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 视力残疾的分级 盲一级盲:最佳矫正视力低于0.02;或视野半径小于5度。 二级盲:最佳矫正视力等于或优于0.02,而低于0.05或视野半径小于10度;低视力一级低视力:最佳矫正视力等于或优于0.05,而低于0.1。二级低视力:最佳矫正视力等于或优于0.1,而低于0.3。列如下:类别级别最佳矫正视力盲一级盲<0.02—无光感;或视野半径<5度二级盲?0.02—<0.05;或视野半径<10度低视力一级低视力?0.05—0.1二级低视力?0.1—<0.3《注》:rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 1.盲或低视力均指双眼而言,若双眼视力不同,则以视力较好的一眼为准。2、如仅有一眼为盲或低视力,而另一眼的视力达不到或优于0.3,则不属于视力残疾范围。3、最佳矫正视力是指以适应镜片矫正所能达到的最好视力,或以针孔境所测得的视力。4、视野<5度或<10度者,不论其视力如何均属于盲。 听力残疾标准:听力残疾的定义听力残疾是指由于各种原因导致双耳不同程度的听力丧失,听不到或听不清周围环境及言语声(经一年以上不愈者)。 听力残疾包括:听力完全丧失及有残留听力但辩音不rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 清,不能进行听说交往两类。2、听力残疾的分级列表如下:级别平均听力损失(dBspL)言语识别率(%)一级90(好耳)<15二级71—90(好耳)15—30三级61—70(好耳)31—60四级51—60(好耳)61—70《注》:本标准适用于3岁以上儿童或成人听力丧失经一年以上不愈者。 言语残疾标准:言语残疾的定义言语残疾指由于各种原因导致的言语障碍(经一年以上不愈者),而不能进行正常的言语交往活动。言语残疾包括:言语能力完全丧失及言语能力部分丧失两类。 一级指只能简单发音而言语能力完全丧失者;二级指rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 具有一定的发音能力,语音清晰江在10—30%,言语能力等级测试可通过一级,但不能通过二级测试水平;三级指具有发音能力,语音清晰度在31—50%,言语能力等级测试可通过二级,但不能通过三级测试水平;四级指具有发音能力,语言清晰度在51—70%,言语能力等级测试可通过三级,但不通过四级测试水平。列表如下:级别语音清晰度(%)言语表达能力一级<10%未达到一级测试水平二级10—30%未达到二级测试水平三级31—50%未达到三级测试水平四级51—71%未达到四级测试水平《注》:本标准适用于3岁以上儿童或成人,明确病因,经一年以不愈者。 智力残疾标准:智力残疾的定义智力残疾是指人的智rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 力明显低于一般人的水平,并显示适应行为障碍。 智力残疾包括:在智力发育期间,由于各种原因导致的智力低下,智力发育成熟以后,由于各种原因引起的智力损伤和老年期的智力明显衰退导致的痴呆。2、智力残疾的分级根据世界卫生组织(WHO)和美国智力低下协会(AAMD)的智力残疾的分级标准,按其智力商数(IQ)及社会适应行为来划划智力残疾的等级。列表如下:智力水平分级IQ(智商)范围*适应行为水平重度一级<20极度缺陷二级20—34重度缺陷中度三级35—49中度缺陷轻度四级50—69轻度缺陷《注》:1、*Wechsler儿童智力量表2、智商(IQ)是指通过某种智力量表测得的智龄和实际年龄的比,不同rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 的智力测验,有不同的IQ值,诊断的主要依据是社会适应行为。 肢体残疾标准:肢体残疾的定义肢体残疾是指人的肢体残疾、畸形、麻痹所致人体运动功能障碍。肢体残疾包括:脑瘫:四肢瘫、三肢瘫、二肢瘫、单肢瘫偏瘫:脊髓疾病及损伤:四肢瘫、截瘫小儿麻痹后遗症后天性截肢先天性截肢先天性缺肢、短肢、肢体畸形、侏儒症两下肢不等长脊柱畸形:驼背、侧弯、强直严重骨、关节、肌肉疾病和损伤周围神经疾病和损伤 肢体残疾的分级以残疾者在无辅佐器具帮助下,对日rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 常生活生动的能力进行评价计分。日常生活活动分为八项,即:端坐、站立、行走、穿衣、洗漱、进餐、入厕、写字。能实现一项算1分,实现困难算0.5分,不能实现的算0分,据此划分三个等级。(一)重度(一级):宣传不能或基本上不能完成日常生活活动(0—4分)。1、四肢瘫或严重三肢瘫。2、截瘫、双髋关节无主动活动能力。3、严重偏瘫,一侧脚体功能全部丧失。4、四肢均截肢或先天性缺肢。5、三肢截肢或缺肢(腕关节和踝关节以上)。6、双大腿或双上臂截肢或缺肢。7、双上肢或三肢功能严重障碍。(二)中度(二级):能够部分完成日常生活活动(4.5—6分)1、截瘫、二肢瘫或偏瘫,残肢有一定功能。2、双下rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 肢膝关节以下或双上肢肘关节以下截肢或缺肢。3、一上肢肘关节以上或一下肢膝关节以上截肢或缺肢。4、双手拇指伴有食指(或中指)缺损。5、一肢功能严重障碍,两肢功能重度障碍,三肢功能中度障碍。(三)轻度(三级):基本上能够完成日常生活活动(6.5—7.5分)。1、一上肢肘关节以下或一下肢膝关节以下截肢或缺肢。2、一肢功能中度障碍,二肢功能轻度障碍。3、脊柱强直:驼背畸形大于70度;脊柱侧凸大于45度。4、双下肢不等长大于5cm。5、单侧拇指伴食指(或中指)缺损;单侧保留拇指,其余四指截除或缺损。6、侏儒症(身高不超过130cm的成人)列表如下:级别程度计分一级(重度)完全不能或基本上不rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 能完成日常生活活动0—4二级(中度)能够部分完成日常生活活动4.5—6三级(轻度)基本上能够完成日常生活活动6.5—7.5《注》:1、保留拇指和食指(或中指),而推动另三指者。2、保留足跟而失去足前半部者。3、双下肢不等长,小于5cm。4、小于70度驼背或小于45度的脊柱侧凸。 精神残疾标准:精神残疾的定义精神残疾是指精神病人患病持续一年以上未痊愈,同时导致其对家庭、社会应尽职能出现一定程度的障碍。精神残疾可由以下精神疾病引起:(1)精神分裂症;(2)情感性、反应性精神障碍;(3)脑器质性与躯体疾病所致的精神障碍;(4)精神活性物质rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 所致的精神障碍;(5)儿童少年期精神障碍;(6)其他精神障碍。 ?精神残疾的分级对于患有上述精神疾病持续一年以上未痊愈,应用“精神残疾分级的操作性评估标准”评定精神残疾的等级;(1)重度(一级):五项评分中有三项或多于三项评为2分;(2)中度(二级):五项评分中有一项或两项评为2分;(3)轻度(三级):五项评分中有两项或多于两项评为1分。列表如下:社会功能评定项目正常或有轻度异常确有功能缺陷严重功能缺陷个人生活自理能力0分1分2分家庭生活职能表现012对家人的关心与责任心012职业劳动能力012社交活动能力012《注》:无精神残rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 疾:五项总分为0或1分。 rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities
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