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中国对虾_Penaeuschinensis_4个种群的同工酶遗传变异_英文_中国对虾_Penaeuschinensis_4个种群的同工酶遗传变异_英文_ () 生物多样性 2001 , 9 3:241246 Biodiversity Science Isozyme var ia t ion in f our popula t ions of Pe n ae us c hi ne ns is shr imp 1 1 2 1 1WAN G Wei2J i, KON G J ie, BAO Zhen2Min, D EN G J ing2Yao, ZHUAN G Zhi2Meng 1 Yel low...
中国对虾_Penaeuschinensis_4个种群的同工酶遗传变异_英文_ () 生物多样性 2001 , 9 3:241246 Biodiversity Science Isozyme var ia t ion in f our popula t ions of Pe n ae us c hi ne ns is shr imp 1 1 2 1 1WAN G Wei2J i, KON G J ie, BAO Zhen2Min, D EN G J ing2Yao, ZHUAN G Zhi2Meng 1 Yel low S ea Fis he ries Resea rch I nst i t u te , Q i n g d ao 266071 M a ri ne L i f e Col lege , Ocea n U ni ve rsi t y of Q i n g d ao , Q i n g d ao 266003 2 Abstract : Ho rizo ntal starch gel elect rop ho resis was used to investigate t he isozyme genetic variatio n in Pen aeus chi nensis shrimp . Each 50 individuals f ro m t wo wild geograp hic pop ulatio ns dist ributed in t he ( ) ( ) China Coast of t he Yellow Sea YPand t he wester n coast of Ko rean Peninsula KP, and f ro m t wo ( ) cultivated pop ulatio ns CPand CPwere surveyed. Of 20 loci enco ding 12 enzymes , fo ur are poly2 1 2 ( ) mo rp hic . The mean p ropo rtio ns of polymo rp hic loci Pof YP , KP , CPand CPare 15 % , 20 % , 0 . 99 1 2 ( ) 10 % and 20 % wit h t he average heterozygo sities Hof 0 . 014 ?0 . 007 , 0 . 020 ?0 . 010 , 0 . 010 ?0 . o ) ( 007 and 0 . 033 ?0 . 017 , respectively. The mean effective allele number N eof t hese fo ur pop ulatio ns are 1 . 015 ?0 . 008 , 1 . 023 ?0 . 011 , 1 . 011 ?0 . 007 and 1 . 042 ?0 . 022 w hile t he heterozygo us diver2 ) ( gent indexes D of t hem value + 0 . 037 , - 0 . 030 , - 0 . 098 and - 0 . 030 , respectively. The genetic ( ) ( ) similarit y index I and genetic distance D bet ween t wo wild geo grap hic pop ulatio ns are 0 . 99998 nei and 0 . 00002 , respectively. Key words : Pen aeus chi nensis , genetic diversit y , isozyme , ho rizo ntal starch gel elect rop ho resis , co n2 servatio n biology affected by t ho se genetically unsafe larvae released o r Introduction escaped f ro m shrimp f ar ms. The smaller spaw ning Pen aeus chi nensis shrimp has been playing an eco2 stock and t he deterio rated spaw ning enviro nment can affect t he nat ural pop ulatio n genetic st ruct ure as well . no mically impo rtant role in t he fishing and f ar ming To p rotect t his valuable marine reso urce and supply indust ries in no rt her n China . The maximum catches wit h genetic backgro und fo r a select breeding p ro2 in an aut umn fishing seaso n used to reach 40 000 M T gram , it is vitally necessary to investigate and evalu2 ( ) in 1970 ’s Deng et al . , 1990 . During t he majo r o nset of shrimp maricult ure f ro m 1989 to 1992 , t he ate t he genetic diversit y in t he nat ural and cultivated 2 shrimp pop ulatio ns. shrimp f ar ming scale summed up to 150 000 hmwit h The isozyme technology has been widely applied an annual harvest of so me 200 ,000 M T , w hich made to investigate and assess t he genetic variatio n wit hin China a leading p ro ducer of cult ured shrimp in t he ( ) ( ) wo rld Cen , 1993. Fatally , due to overfishing and o r amo ng pop ulatio ns Yu et al . , 1997. This st udy shrimp diseases , since 1993 , t he shrimp landings in p rimarily repo rted t he genetic variatio n of P. chi nen2 aut umn fishing seaso n was declining to less t han 1000 sis by means of isozyme analysis. () to n Deng & Zhuang , 2001, w hile t he shrimp cul2 Ma terial s and Methods tivatio n harvest has dramatically dropped to a yearly harvest abo ut 25 % of t hat befo re 1992 . Two wild geograp hic pop ulatio ns and t wo cultivated In t he last t wo decades , up to o ne billio n shrimp pop ulatio ns of P. chi nensis were investigated. The ( ) P. chi nensis larvae have been annually released in2 sampling info r matio n is listed in Table 1 . Fif ty live to t he Yellow Sea and Bo hai Sea to replenish t he de2 shrimp of each pop ulatio n were collected and kep t in creasing stock . Fro m t he genetic point of view , t he dry ice o n t he way to t he lab. The muscle and liver genetic st ruct ure of nat ural shrimp pop ulatio n may be tissues were dissected f ro m each shrimp and p reserved ( ) Fo undatio n item : Project suppo rted by t he Natio nal Nat ural Science Fo undatio n of China Grant No . 39630260and t he Special Funds f ro m Natio nal ( ) Key Basic Research Program of China Grant No . G1999012007. Received 23 Octo ber 2000 ; revisio n received 18 J uly 2001 Co rrespo ndence : WAN G Wei2J i . E2mail : wjwang21cn @sina . co m in deep f reezer at - 86 ? as t he sub2sample . particulars of buffers and running co nditio ns were as 2cit rate , p H 6 . 9 , 8v/ cm 12 h ; follow s : TC 6 . 9 , Tris0 . 2 , 0 . 3 g sub2sample of tissue was ho moge2 ( )nized in 5 volume 0 . 1 mol/ L Tris2HCl p H 7 . 0 TC8 . 0 , Tris2cit rate , p H 8 . 0 , 12 v/ cm 10 h and wit h ice2bat h . Ho mogenates were cent rif uged and 15 TMM E , Tris2Maleicacid2MgCl2ED TA , p H 8 . 2 , 15 2000 rp m fo r 15 min at 4 ? to o btain super natant s. ) ( v/ cm 15 h Wang , 1996 ; Wange t al . , 1996. The gels Elect rop ho resis was perfo r med using a 12 % , 14 % were hten sliced a nd t he related histochemicsatal i n used to starch gel co nsisting of potato and soluble starch , ( ) ( ) w hich was p repared acco rding to Wang 1996. Table 2. Stain The each slice recipes were applied Ta ble 1 Deta ils of shrimp sa mpled Sampling Number of Bo dy lengt h of Pop ulatio n Sampling locatio n ()date individuals samples cm Pop ulatio n in t he western coast The western coast of Ko rea Peninsula May. 1998 50 12,15 ( )( )of Ko rean Peninsula KP 353?4′N , 126E? Pop ulatio n in t he China coast of The Haizho u Bay of t he Aug. 1998 50 ,12 11( )t he Yellow Sea YP Yellow Sea ( ) Cultivated pop ulatio n ?CPA shrimp far m in J imo , Shando ng Aug. 1998 ,12 50 91 Healt h Shrimp Far ming Demo nst ratio n ( )Cultivated pop ulatio n ? CP 9,11 2Aug. 1998 50 Base in J imo , Shando ng Ta ble 2 Enzymes assayed , buff er systems used and number of loci scored Enzyme E. C. No . Tissue Buffer syst em No . of loci sco red L actate Dehydrogenase L D H E. C. 1 . 1 . 1 . 27 Muscle TC6 . 9 1 E. C. 1 . 1 . 1 . 37 TC8 . 0 2 Malate Dehydrogenase MD H Muscle E. C. 1 . 1 . 1 . 30 TC6 . 9 1 Malic Dehydrogenase M E Muscle E. C. 1 . 1 . 1 . 42 TC6 . 9 1 Isocit rate Dehydrogenase ID H Muscle E. C. 3 . 1 . 3 . 2 TC8 . 0 4 Acid Pho sp hatase ACP Liver E. C. 3 . 1 . 3 . 1 TC8 . 0 3 Alkaline Pho sp hatase AL P Liver Pho sp hogluco mutase P GM E. C. 2 . 7 . 5 . 1 TC8 . 0 3 Muscle E. C. 5 . 3 . 1 . 9 TC8 . 0 1 Gluco se Pho sp hate Iso merase GP I Muscle Adenylate Kinase A K E. C. 2 . 7 . 4 . 3 TC8 . 0 1 Muscle E. C. 1 . 1 . 1 . 44 TMM E 1 Gluco se262Pho sp hate Dehydrogenase G6 PD H Muscle E. C. 1 . 4 . 1 . 4 TC8 . 0 1 Glutamate Dehydrogenase GD H Liver So rbital Dehydrogenase SORD E. C. 1 . 1 . 1 . 14 TC8 . 0 1 Liver Est erase ES T E. C. 3 . 1 . 1 . 1 Liver TC8 . 0 4 ( ) ( ) ( subject to t he p rotocols Wu & Lin , 1983 ; Harris & heterozygo sit y He and divergent index D at ) ( Hop kinso n , 1976 ; Wang , 1996. The no minatio n of Hardy2Weinberg equilibrium were calculated Wang , ) ( ) loci and descrip tio n of alleles were co nducted acco rd2 1996. The genetic similarit y I and genetic dis2 ( () ) ing to Shaklee et al . 1989. Loci are no minated ac2 tance dwere also appliedt o estimate hte enzyme variation ( ) bet ween hte YP and hte KP Wang, 1996. co rding to t he relative abbreviatio n of enzyme enco d2 ed . If an enzyme is enco ded by multiple loci , allelic Results variant s are designated acco rding to t heir relative mo2 bilities. The mo st co mmo n allele is designated 100 The experiment totally investigated 13 enzymes. and t he ot hers are given numbers acco rding to t heir Twent y loci enco ding 12 enzymes were sco red and used fo r genetic analysis excep t fo r Esterase due to it s mo bilities co rrespo ndingly to t hat of t he co mmo n al2 lele. To assess t he genetic st ruct ures of t hese fo ur ( ) co mplex banding pat ter n Table 3. As Table 3 list2 ( ) pop ulatio ns , p ropo rtio n of polymo rp hic loci P, ef2 ed , t he f requencies of t he mo st co mmo n alleles in ) ( fective number of alleles per locus N e, allelic f re2 YP , KP and CPwere above 0 . 92 , but t ho se in CP1 2 co uld range f ro m 0 . 80 to 1 . 00 . ( ) quency , o bserved heterozygo sit y Ho , expected ( ) 243 3 期 王伟继等 : 中国对虾 Pen aeus chi nensis4 个种群的同工酶遗传变异 s M d h , were detected at t he Variant alleles ( ) Gpi loci Figs. 1,3. A vari2 Pg m2a , Pg m2c and ) ( ant allele at Pg m2c locus Pg m2c89was detected a2 mo ng t he samples of YP , KP and CP, but can not 2 be detected in CP. The values of t he o bserved and 1 ( ) expected heterozygo sities Ho & He, divergent in2 ) ( ) ( dex D and effective number of alleles N e fo r each polymo rp hic locus are given in Table 4 . Amo ng t hese 4 polymo rp hic loci , Pg m2a showed relatively Fig. 1 Zymo gram and it s interp retatio n of MD H in high variabilit y co nsistently in all fo ur pop ulatio ns and YP of P. chi nensis t he variabilit y of t he ot hers varied wit h different pop2 ulatio ns , e . g. t he higher variabilit y of s M d h was fo und in KP and t hat of Gpi in CP. The minus D 2 values were fo und at Gpi locus of KY and CPas well 1 as CP. 2 ( ) Acro ss t hese 20 loci Table 3, co nsidering a lo2 cus polymo rp hic if t he f requencies of t he mo st co m2 ) ( mo n alleles were less t han 0 . 99 P, t he mean 0 . 99 Fig. 2 Zymogram and it s interp retatio n of P GM in p ropo rtio ns of polymo rp hic loci were 20 % fo r bot h YP of P. chi nensis KP and CP, 15 % fo r YP and 10 % fo r CP. Table 5 2 1 summarizes t he estimates of genetic variatio n in t hese fo ur pop ulatio ns of P. chi nensis . Ta ble 3 Allele f requencies in f our populations of 2 P . chi nensis Fig. 3 Zymo gram and it s interp retatio n of GP I in Pop ulatio n Locus Allele CPof P. chi nensis 1 CPCP YP KP 1 2 L d h 100 1 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 1 1 1 Discussion 100 0 . 99 0 . 95 0 . 99 0 . 92 s M d h 133 0 . 01 0 . 05 0 . 01 0 . 08 This st udy p rimarily investigated t he genetic diversit y m M d h 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 at 20 enzyme loci in fo ur pop ulatio ns of Pen aeus chi2 Me 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 nensis wit h t he average p ropo rtio ns of polymo rp hic I d h 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 loci ranging f ro m 10 % to 20 % , w hich are quite simi2 A cp2a 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 A cp2b 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 lar to p revio us elect rop ho resis st udies o n Penaeid A cp2c 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 shrimp wit h a polymo rp hism range f ro m 11 % to 33 % A cp2d 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 ( Harris et al . , 1990 ; Hedgecock et al . , 1982 ; 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 A l p2a L ester , 1983 ; Mulley & L ater , 1980 ; Sbo rdo ni et 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 A l p2b al . , 1986 ; Sunden & Davis , 1991 ; Zhuang et al . , A l p2c 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 ) 2000. The relevant result s t hro ugh t he starch gel 100 0 0 0 0 . 94 . 92 . 94 . 87 Pg m2a 107 0 . 06 0 . 08 0 . 06 0 . 13 elect rop ho resis examinatio n of isozyme variabilit y 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 Pg m2b suppo rt a co nclusio n t hat Penaeid shrimp s exhibit rel2 100 0 . 97 0 . 97 1 . 00 0 . 98 Pg m2c atively low polymo rp hism level due to fewer polymo r2 89 0 . 03 0 . 03 0 . 00 0 . 02 p hic loci t hat co uld be detected. In t his st udy , t he 100 0 . 96 0 . 94 0 . 95 0 . 80 Gpi average heterozygo sities o bserved in t he fo ur pop ula2 78 0 . 04 0 . 06 0 . 05 0 . 20 tio ns of P. chi nensis varied f ro m 0 . 010 to 0 . 033 , 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 A k 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 G6 p d h w hich were wit hin t he limit s of t he heterozygo sities 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 Gd h () 0 . 006 , 0 . 09o bserved in ot her Penaeid shrimp s , 100 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 S or d but much less t han 0 . 073 in crustaceans and 0 . 051 in Ta ble 4 The observed and expected heterozygosities ( Ho & He) , divergent index ( D ) and eff ective number of alleles ( Ne) at each polymorphic locus CPCP Loci Esti mat es YP KP 1 2 Ho 0 . 02 . 10 . 02 . 16 0 0 0 He 0 . 0198 0 . 095 0 . 0198 0 . 1472 s M d h D + 0 . 0101 + 0 . 0526 + 0 . 0101 + 0 . 0870 1 . 0204 1 . 1111 1 . 0204 1 . 1905 N e Ho 0 . 12 0 . 16 0 . 12 0 . 26 He 0 . 1128 0 . 1472 0 . 1128 0 . 2262 Pg m2a D + 0 . 0638 + 0 . 0087 + 0 . 0638 + 0 . 1494 1 . 1364 1 . 1905 1 . 1364 1 . 3514 N e 0 0 0 0 . 06 . 06 . 04 Ho 0 . 0582 0 . 0582 0 0 . 0392 He Pg m2c / + 0 . 0309 + 0 . 0309 + 0 . 0204 D 1 1 / 1 . 0638 . 0638 . 0417 N e 0 . 08 0 . 08 0 . 20 0 . 06 Ho 0 . 0768 0 . 1128 0 . 095 0 . 32 He Gpi + 0 . 0417 - 0 . 2908 - 0 . 3684 - 0 . 375 D 1 . 0870 1 . 0870 1 . 0638 1 . 25 N e Ta ble 5 Estimates of genetic variation in f our populations of Penaeus chi nensis YP KP CPCP 12 P15 % 20 % 10 % 20 % 0. 99 Ho 0 . 014 ?0 . 007. 020 ?0 . 010. 010 ?0 . 007. 033 ?0 . 0170 0 0 He 0 . 013 ?0 . 0070 . 021 ?0 . 0100 . 011 ?0 . 0070 . 037 ?0 . 020 D + 0 . 037 - 0 . 030 - 0 . 098 - 0 . 030 N e 1 . 015 ?0 . 008 1 . 023 ?0 . 011 1 . 011 ?0 . 007 1 . 042 ?0 . 022 ( ) Penaeoidea and Caridea Hedgecock et al . , 1982. rence of rare ho mozygo us genot ypes. As listed in Table 5 , t he average values of Ho U nfo rt unately , very lit tle research wo r k was and N e p resent a declining gradient of CP?KP ? 2 P. co nducted to reveal t he genetic backgro und of YP ?CP. But t here exist s a significant difference of 1 chi nensis befo re it s reso urce collap sed and t he hatch2 ( ) D values amo ng t hese fo ur pop ulatio ns Table 4 , 5. ery release co nducted. Acco rding to Deng et al . Due to no rare ho mozygo us genot ype was detected in () 1990 , t here exist s t wo geograp hic pop ulatio ns of ( ) YP , t he rare allele Gpi 78was inherited by hetero2 P. chi nensis in t he Yellow Sea and Bo hai Sea , o ne is zoygotes. Being of lower genetic variatio n in Pen aeus dist ributed in t he Yellow Sea and t he Bo hai Sea chi nensis shrimp , t he f unctio n of t ho se heterozygotes ( ) YP, and t he ot her in t he wester n coast of t he Ko2 perfo r ming inheritance of rare alleles might be over2 ( ) rean Peninsula KP. These t wo pop ulatio ns share estimated. As a result , t he D value denotes po sitive . t he same over2wintering gro und in t he cent ral to Besides , minus D values occurred in CPand CPas 2 1 so ut her n part of t he Yellow Sea but t heir spaw ning well as KP , suggesting a critical deficit of heterozy2 and feeding gro unds are co mpletely different . Based gotes o n t he assump tio n of Hardy2Weinberg equilibri2 o n t he biological characters , t hese t wo pop ulatio ns um in t hese t hree pop ulatio ns. The mo st likely expla2 were rep ro ductively isolated f ro m each ot her . The ge2 )natio n to t his result o btained in t his st udy may be : a ) ( ) ( netic similarit y index Iand genetic distance D nei bet ween YP and KP are 0 . 99998 and 0 . 00002 , re2 Gpi t he occurrence of rare ho mozygo us genot ypes at spectively , w hich means less differentiatio n bet ween locus resulted in t he heterozygote deficiency in CP 2 ) t wo pop ulatio ns. But t he genetic diversit y in YP is , and CPas well as KP and bt he perfo r mance of rare 1 ho mozygo us genot ype inheriting rare allele , to so me to so me extent , poo rer t han t hat in KP. This may be extent , do minates t hat of heterozygo us genot ype . co rrelated wit h human activities like hatchery release ( Having analyzed a species of deep2sea shrimp R i m i2 o n large scale and shrimp f ar ming indust ry. ) () ca ris ex ocul at a, Creasey et al . 1996revealed t hat At p resent , t here has been no artificially selected breed shrimp in maricult ure . Mo st of t he do mesticat2 heterozygote deficiency co uld be caused by t he occur2 ( ) 245 3 期 王伟继等 : 中国对虾 Pen aeus chi nensis4 个种群的同工酶遗传变异 Harris S E G , Dillio n R T J and Sandifer P A , 1990 . Elec2 ed broo d stocks belo ng to t he wild st rains. 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Zoological Resea rch , 21 4: 323,326 中国对虾( Penaeus chi nensis) 4 个种群的同工酶遗传变异 12111 王伟继孔 包振民邓景耀庄志猛杰 ( )1 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 , 青岛 266071 ( )2 青岛海洋大学海洋生命学院 , 青岛 266003 ( ) ( ) 摘要 : 采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术分析了中国对虾 Pen aeus chi nensis黄渤海沿岸种群 YP、朝鲜半岛西海岸种群 ( ) ( ) KP和 2 个养殖种群 CP和 CP的同工酶遗传变异水平 。每个种群随机选取 50 尾中国对虾进行同工酶检测 。 1 2 ( ) 在所分析的 12 种同工酶编码的 20 个基因位点中 ,有 4 个是多态位点 。4 个种群的多态位点比例 P分别为 0 . 99 ( ) ( ) 15 % 、20 % 、10 %和 20 % 。种群平均杂合度 观测值Ho分别为 0 . 014 ?0 . 007 、0 . 020 ?0 . 010 、0 . 010 ?0 . 007 和 ( ) 0 . 033 ?0 . 017 。4 个种群的位点有效等位基因数 N e分别为 1 . 015 ?0 . 008 、1 . 023 ?0 . 011 、1 . 011 ?0 . 007 和 1 . ( ) ( ) 042 ?0 . 022 。杂合子平衡偏离指数 D分别为 + 0 . 037 、- 0 . 030 、- 0 . 098 和 - 0 . 030 。2 个地理种群 YP 和 KP的 ( ) ( ) 遗传相似性系数 I和遗传距离 D 分别为 0 . 99998 和 0 . 00002 。 nei ( ) 关键词 : 中国对虾 Pen aeus chi nensis, 遗传多样性 , 同工酶 , 水平淀粉凝胶电泳 , 保护生物学 + () 中图分类号 : Q31 ,Q16 , Q959 ,223 . 63 文章编号 : 1005 - 0094 200103 - 0241 - 06 文献标识码 : A ()责任编辑 : 时意专
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