

2018-01-15 25页 doc 60KB 30阅读




中医基础理论重点中医基础理论重点 《中医基础理论》复习提纲 绪论 中医学和中医基础理论的基本概念 中医学是发祥于中国古代的研究人体生命、健康、疾病的科学。 中医基础理论是关于中医学的基础理论、基本知识和基本思维方法的学科,也是阐述和介绍中医学的基本理论、基本知识和基本思维方法的课程 一、中医基础理论的体系的形成和发展(历代名医和代表著作) (一)先秦、秦、秦汉时期——形成时期 《黄帝内经》、《难经》、《伤寒杂病论》、《神农本草经》 (二)隋唐时期——充实、系统化时期 《针灸甲乙经》、《脉经》、《诸病源候论》 (三)宋、金...
中医基础理论重点 《中医基础理论》复习提纲 绪论 中医学和中医基础理论的基本概念 中医学是发祥于中国古代的研究人体生命、健康、疾病的科学。 中医基础理论是关于中医学的基础理论、基本知识和基本思维方法的学科,也是阐述和介绍中医学的基本理论、基本知识和基本思维方法的课程 一、中医基础理论的体系的形成和发展(历代名医和代表著作) (一)先秦、秦、秦汉时期——形成时期 《黄帝内经》、《难经》、《伤寒杂病论》、《神农本草经》 (二)隋唐时期——充实、系统化时期 《针灸甲乙经》、《脉经》、《诸病源候论》 (三)宋、金、元时期——争鸣、突破时期 《三因记忆病证方论》宋陈无择“三因学说” 、《小儿药证直诀》 刘完素(刘河间)——寒凉派 张从正(张子河)——攻邪派 金元四大家 李杲(东垣老人)——补土派 朱震亨(朱丹溪)——滋阴派 (四)明清时期——集大成时期 温病四大家:叶桂(叶天士)、薛雪(薛生白)、吴瑭(吴鞠通)、王士雄 另有吴有性著《瘟疫论》创“戾气说” 二、中医理论体系的主要特点——整体观念、辨证论治 (一)整体观念——人体自身的整体性和人与自然、社会环境的统一性两个方面 (二)辨证论治——辨析疾病资料以确立症候,论证其治则治法方药并付诸实施的思维和实践过程 1、病、症、证的概念 病:即疾病,是致病邪气作用于人体,人体正气与之抗争而引起的机体阴阳失调、脏腑功能损伤、生理机能失常或心理活动障碍的一个完整生命过程(重点在全过程) 症:即症状和体征的总称,是疾病过程中表现出的个别、孤立的现象可以是病人异常的主观感觉或行为表现,也可以是医生检查病人时发现的异常征象(是病和证的基本要素) 证:即证候,是疾病过程中某一阶段或某一类型的病理概括,一般由一组相对固定的有内在联系的、能揭示疾病某一阶段或某一类型病变本质的症状和体征构成(重点在现阶段) 2、辩证与辨病 辩证与辨病都是认识疾病的思维过程。辩证就是将四诊(望、闻、问、切)所收集到的各种病情资料,进行分析、综合,辨清其病因、病位、病性、病势,最终概括、判断出某种性质的“证”。辩证是对证候的辨析,以确定证候为目的;辨病是对疾病的辨析,以确定疾病的诊断为目的。辨明疾病的病因、病位、病性、病势,即辨明疾病从发展到转归的总体病机 辨病论治:辨析疾病资料以确立疾病的诊断,论证其治则治法方药并付诸实施的思维和实践过程 同病异治:同一种疾病,由于发病时间、地域不同或所处的疾病阶段或类型不同,或病人的体质不同,故反映的证候也不同,因而治疗也就有差异 异病同治:几种不同的疾病,在其发展过程中出现了大致相同的病机,大致相同的证,故可用大致相同的治法和方药来治疗 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 第一章 中医学的哲学基础和主要思维方法 第一节 精气学说 精、气、神的概念 精:又称精气,一般泛指气,是一种充塞于宇宙之中的无形而运动不息的极细微物质,是构成宇宙的本源,在某些情况下专指气中的精粹部分,是构成人体的本源 气:存在于宇宙之中的不断运动且无形可见的极细微物质,是宇宙万物的共同构成本源 神:人体生命活动的主宰及其外在总体表现的统称 第二节 阴阳学说 一、阴阳的基本概念 阴阳,是中国古代哲学的一对范畴,是对自然界相互关联的某些事物或现象对立双方属性的概括 二、阴阳学说的基本内容 阴阳对立制约:属性相反的阴阳双方在一个统一体中的相互斗争、相互制约、和相互排斥 阴阳互根互用:阴阳互根,是指一切事物或者现象中相互对立的阴阳两个方面,具有相互依存,互为根本的关系;阴阳互用,是指阴阳双方具有相互滋生、促进、和助长的关系 阴阳交感与互藏:阴阳交感,是指阴阳二气在运动中相互感应而交合,亦即相互发生作用;阴阳互藏是指相互对立的阴阳双方中的任何一方都包含着另一方,即阴中有阳,阳中有阴 阴阳消长:是指对立互根的阴阳双方不是一成不变的,而是出于不断的增长和消减的变化之中,表现为阴阳互为消长、阴阳皆消皆长 阴阳转化:是指事物的总体属性,在一定条件下可以向其相反的方向转化 阴阳互和与平衡:阴阳互和,是指阴阳双方自动维持和自动恢复气协调平衡状态的能力和趋势;阴阳平衡,是指阴阳双方在相互斗争,相互作用中处于大体均势的状态。 三、阴阳学说在中医学中的应用 第三节 五行学说 五行的基本概念和吾兄学说的主要内容 五行,即木、火、土、金、水五种物质及其运动变化。五行中的“五” ,指由宇宙本源之气分化的构成宇宙万物的木、火、土、金、水五种基本物质;“行” ,指五种物质的运动变化 木曰曲直、火曰炎上、土爰稼穑、金曰从革、水曰润下 五行相生与相克:“生我”者为母,“我生”者为子;根据相生规律确定的治疗原则是“虚则补其母、实则泻其子”,如滋水涵木法、培土生金法、益火补土法、金水相生法。“克我”者为“所不胜”,“我克”者为“所胜”,根据相克的原因,确定“抑强、扶弱”的治疗原则,具体治法如“抑木扶土法、培土制水法、佐金平木法、泻南补北法”。 五行制化与胜复:五行制化,是指五行之间既相互资生,又相互制约;五行胜复,是指五行中一行亢盛时(胜气),则引起其所不胜(复气)的报复性制约 五行相乘与相侮:五行相乘,是指五行中一行对其所胜的过度制约或克制,又称“倍克” ;五行相侮,是指五行中一行对其所不胜的反向制约和克制,又称“反克”。 五行的母子相及:母病及子和子病及母 第二章 精气血津液神 第二节 气 一、气的基本概念 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 气是活力很强运行不息的精微物质,是构成人体和维持人体生命活动的基本物质 二、 气机的含义、气的运动形式及其脏腑的关系 气的运动称作气机,简单归纳为:升、降、出、入四种形式 脏腑之气的运动规律: 五脏:在上者宜降,在下者宜升,在中为升降之枢纽; 六腑:以通为用,以降为顺,降中寓升。 气机不畅:气的运行受阻而不畅通 气滞:受阻较甚,局部阻滞不通 气逆:上升太过或下降不及 气陷:上升不及或下降太过 气脱:外出太过而不能内守 气闭:不能外达而郁结闭塞于内 脏腑气机失调:肺失宣降,脾气下陷,胃气上逆,肾不纳气,肝气郁结等 三、 气的生理功能、气的分类和概念 1.推动和调控作用:推动:激发和促进人体的生长发育及脏腑经络的功能;推动血液、津液的生成、运行、 布及排泄;调控:阴阳二气功能协调,维持着生命活动。 2.温煦和凉润作用:温煦:气的运动是人体热量的来源,维持体温的相对恒定;促进血、津液的正常运行; 有助于脏腑、官窍、形体、经络的生理活动。凉润:阴气具有寒凉、柔润、制热的特性。 3.防御作用:护卫肌表,抵御外邪及驱邪外出的作用。 4.固摄作用:固护、统摄和控制体内的液态物质。如血、津液等。 5.中介(气化)作用:脏腑之间依赖气相互联系(感应传递信息以维持机体的整体联系) 先 天 精 气元气——通过三焦循行全身 水卫气——行于脉外 谷 精 气 营气——行于脉内 宗气——积聚于胸中,走息道以行呼吸,贯心脉以行气血,徇三焦以资元气 自 然 清 气 第三节 血 血的基本概念、生理功能、血液正常循行必须具备的三个条件 血是循行于脉中而具有营养的红色液态物质,是构成人体和维持人体生命活动的基本物质之一 血主要具有濡养和化神两方面功能 三个条件:?气的推动和温煦作用?气的固摄作用?血液的状态粘稠清浊 第四节 津液 津液的基本概念和功能、津液的生成、输布和排泄 津液是机体一切正常水液的总称,具有滋润濡养、充养血脉的作用 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 生成:津液源于饮食水谷,通过脾胃的运分即有关脏腑的生理机能而生成 输布:津液在体内的输布主要依赖于肾气的蒸化和调控(主宰)、脾气的运化、肺气的宣降、肝气的疏泄、三焦的通利 排泄:通过尿液和汗液完成——肾(主要)、肺、脾 第六节 气血津液的关系 1.气和血的关系,气为血之帅,血为气之母的含义 气血相对而言,气属阳,血属阴,具有互根互用关系 气能生血:血液的化生离不开气作为动力 气能行血:血液运行离不开气的推动作用 气为血之帅 气能摄血:血液能正常循行于脉中离不开气的固摄作用 血能养气:气的充盛及其功能发挥离不开血液的濡养 血为气之母 血能载气:气存于血中,依附于血而不致散失,赖血之运载而运行全身 2.气和津液的关系类似于气与血的关系、血与津液的关系 3.津血同源的概念 血和津液都由饮食水谷精微所化生,都具有滋润濡养作用,二者之间可以相互资生、相互转化,这种关系称之为“津血同源” 第三章 藏象 第一节 藏象学说概论 五脏、六腑、奇恒之腑的区别、藏象的概念 藏象:又作脏象,是指藏于体内的脏腑及其表现于外的生理病理征象及与自然界相通应的事物和现象 范畴 生理特点 五脏 肝、心、脾、肺、肾 化生和贮藏精气(藏精气而不泻,故满而不能实也) 六腑 胆、胃、小肠、大肠、三焦 受盛和传化水谷(传化物而不藏,故实而不能满也) 奇恒之府 胆、脑、髓、骨、脉、女子胞 中有空腔类于六腑,贮藏精气似于五脏,但明显别于二者 第二节 五脏 五体 华 窍 志 液 生理功能 生理特性 脏 肝 筋 爪 目 怒 泪 主疏泄、主藏血 肝为刚脏、肝气升角 发 心 脉 面 舌 喜 汗 主血脉、主藏神 为阳脏而主通明 徵 脾 肉 四肢 口、唇 思 涎 主运化、主统血 脾气主升、喜燥恶宫 湿 肺 皮 毛 鼻、喉 忧、悲 涕 主气、行水、朝百脉、主治华盖、娇脏、肺气商 节 宣降 肾 骨、髓 发 耳、二阴 惊、恐 唾 藏精、主水、纳气、 主蛰守位 羽 心 神,广义神指人体生命活动的主宰和总体现;狭义神指人的意识,思维,情感等精神活动。 肝 肝主疏泻:一调畅血液和津液的运行输布,二调畅脾胃之气的升降,三调畅情志,四调畅胆汁的分泌排泄,五调畅排精排卵行经。 脾 脾为后天之本,气血化生之源。 脾喜燥恶湿 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 肺 宣发:指肺气向上升宣和向外布散的作用。其功能有三:一是呼出体内的浊气;二是将脾转输至肺的水谷精微上输头面诸窍,外达皮毛肌腠;三是宣发卫气于皮毛肌腠,并将津液化为汗液排出体外。 肃降:指肺气向下通降和使呼吸道保持洁净的作用。其功能有三:一是吸入自然界的清气,并将宗气布散于剂下;二是将脾转输至肺的水谷精微向下布散于其他脏腑;三是将脏腑代谢后产生的浊液下输于膀胱,成为尿液生产之源。 肾 天癸:肾精及肾气充盈到一定程度后所产生的一种精微物质,能促进生殖器官的发育成熟和维持人体生殖机能。 肾主纳气,指肾气摄纳肺所吸入的自然界清气,保持吸气的深度,防止呼吸表浅的机能。 第三节、六腑 六腑 生理功能 胆 贮藏和排泄胆汁,主决断 胃 受纳水谷,腐熟水谷;胃气通降,喜润恶燥 小肠 受盛化物,泌清别浊 大肠 传化糟粕,主津 膀胱 贮存和排泄尿液 三 六腑之三焦 疏通水道,运行水液 焦 部位之三焦 通行诸气,运行水液 膈、脐划分部位之三焦,上焦如雾,中焦如沤,下焦如渎 五脏者,藏精气而不泻也,故满而不能实也;六腑者,传化物而不藏,故实而不能满也 奇恒之腑,是脑、髓、骨、脉、胆、女子胞的总称 第四章 经络 一、经络的概念 经络,是经脉和络脉的总称,是运行全身气血,联络脏腑形体官窍,沟通上下内外,感应传导信息的通路系统,是人体结构的重要组成部分 二、经络的基本生理功能 运行全身气血,联络脏腑形体官窍,沟通上下内外,感应传导信息 三、十二经脉的名称与循行规律 阴经 阳经 循行部位 手少阴心经 手太阳小肠经 上肢后端 手厥阴心包经 手少阳三焦经 上肢中端 手太阴肺经 手阳明大肠经 上肢前端 足少阴肾经 足太阳膀胱经 下肢后端 足厥阴肝经 足少阳胆经 下肢中端 足太阴脾经 足阳明胃经 下肢前端 十二经脉:为气血运行的通道 奇经八脉:统率、联络调节12经脉 经脉与络脉 十二经别:从12经脉别行的正经 十五别络:较大的分支 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 经络系统 孙络:细小的络脉 浮络:浮现于体表的络脉 内属—脏腑—同12经直接络属 内外连属 十二经筋 外连 十二皮部 第六章 病因 三因学说:是宋陈无择前人理论所创的将致病因素分为三大类的学说,六淫邪气侵犯为外所因,七情所伤为内所因,饮食劳倦、跌仆金刃及虫兽所伤为不内外因。 辩证求因:在整体观念指导下,除疾病发生的客观条件外,主要以临床表现为依据,通过分析病症的症状、体征来推求病因,为治疗用药提供依据 第一节 六淫 六淫、六气的概念,六淫的致病特点,内生五邪的概念 风、暑、湿、燥、寒、火—?六气—?太过,超过承载—?六淫 六淫 致病特点:外感性、季节性、地域性、相兼性 风 风 暑 暑为阳邪 其性炎热 暑性升散 扰神伤津耗气 暑多挟湿 湿 湿为阴邪 易阻滞气机 损伤阳气 湿性重浊 湿性粘滞 湿性趋下 易袭阴位 燥 燥邪干涩 易伤津液 燥易伤肺 寒 寒为阴邪,易伤阳气 寒性凝滞 寒性收引 火 火热为阳邪,其性炎上 火热易伤津耗气 火热邪易生风,动血 火热邪易扰心神 火邪易致疮疡 内生五邪:在疾病的发展过程中,由于脏腑经络及精气血津液的功能失常而产生的化风、化寒、化湿、化燥、化火等病理变化 第二节 疠气 二、疠气的概念、致病特点、形成和疫病流行的原因 疠气:是一类具有强烈致病性与传染性的外邪 疠气的致病特点:?传染性强,易于流行 ?发病急骤,病情危笃 ?一气一病,症状相似 疠气因素:气候、环境、社会、预防 第三节 七情内伤 七情内伤的基本概念、七情与脏腑气血的关系、七情的致病特点 七情内伤:怒、喜、思、忧、悲、恐、惊此七情反应太过或不及,超过了人体生理和心理的适应和调节能力,损伤脏腑精气,导致机能失调,或人体正气衰弱,脏腑精气虚衰,对情志刺激的适应和调节能力下降 七情首先影响心神(各脏应之) 七情损伤相应之脏(怒伤肝、喜伤心、思伤脾、悲伤肺、惊恐伤肾) (一)直接伤及内脏 数情交织,多伤心肝脾 易损伤潜病之脏腑 怒则气上:过怒则肝气上逆,血随气逆。 喜则气缓:暴喜使心气涣散,神不守舍。 致病特点 思则气结:思虑过度,致脾气郁结。 悲则气消:过度悲忧会损伤肺气。 (二) 影响脏腑气机 恐则气下:过恐使肾气不固,气泄于下。 惊则气乱:突然受惊,心气涣散,神无所归。 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the (三) 多发为情志病 (四)七情变化影响病情 第四节 饮食失宜 2.饮食致病的特点 主要损伤脾胃 第五节 劳逸失度 1.过劳、过逸的概念 过劳:即过度劳累,也称劳倦所伤。包括劳力过度、劳神过度、房劳过度 过逸:即过度安逸,包括体力过逸和脑力过逸 第六节 病理产物形成的病因 1.水湿痰饮、淤血、结石的基本概念与致病特点 痰饮:人体水液代谢障碍所形成的病理产物,稠浊为痰,清稀为饮 致病特点:?阻滞气血运行 ?影响水液代谢 ?致病广泛,变化多端 ?易扰蒙蔽心神 淤血:体内血液停积而形成的病理产物既指积于体内的离经之血,又包括阻滞于脏腑经脉内运行不畅的血液 致病特点:?易于阻滞气机 .?影响血脉运行 ?影响新血生成 .?病位固定,病证繁多 结石:是指体内某些部位形成并停滞为病的砂石样病理产物或结块 致病特点:?多发于肝、胆、胃、泌尿系统 ?病情较长,病情轻重不一 ?易阻滞气机,损伤脉络 第七章 发病 一、正气:指人体内具有抗病、祛邪、调节、修复及对外环境适应等作用的一类细微物质。 正气不足是疾病发生的内在根据 发病的机理 邪气入侵则是疾病发生的重要条件 正邪斗争胜负决定发病与否 第八章 病机 一、病机概念:疾病发生、发展、变化的机理 病机:即疾病发生、发展与变化规律和机理 二、中医病机学的特点:整体观、辩证观 第一节 基本病机 一、邪正盛衰与虚实变化 1、虚、实的含义和临床表现 虚:正气不足,是以正气虚损为矛盾主要方面的一种病理状态。虚证表现为一系列虚弱、衰退、不足 实:邪气旺盛,是以邪气亢盛为矛盾主要方面的一种病理状态。实证表现为一系列病理性反应剧烈、有余的证候 2、虚实错杂、虚实转化、虚实真假的含义 虚实错杂:疾病过程中,邪盛和正虚同时存在的病理状态 虚实转化:疾病过程中,由于邪气伤正,或正虚而邪气积聚,发生病机性质由实转虚或因虚致实的变化 虚实真假:在某些特殊情况下,疾病的临床表现可见与其病机的虚实本质不符的假象 二、阴阳失调 1、阴、阳偏胜的特点与临床特点 阳偏胜:即阳胜,是指机体在疾病过程中所出现的一种阳偏胜或机能亢奋,代谢活动亢进,机体反应性增强,阳热过剩的病理状态;表现为实热证。临床特点:热、动、燥 阴偏胜:即阴胜,是指机体在疾病过程中所出现的一种阴气偏胜,机能障碍或减退,产热不足,以及病to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 理性代谢产物积聚的病理状态;表现为实寒症。临床特点:寒、静、湿 2、阴、阳偏衰的特点与临床特点 阳偏衰:即阳虚,是指机体阳气虚损,机能减退或衰弱,代谢活动减退,机体反应性低下,阳热不足的病理状态,表现为虚寒证。临床特点:以肾阳虚为主。 阴偏衰:即阴虚。是指人体阴气不足,阴不制阳,阳气相对偏亢,机能虚性亢奋的病理状态,表现为虚热证。临床特点:以肾阴虚为主。 3、阴阳互损、阴阳格拒、阴盛格阳、阳盛格阴、阴阳转化、阴阳亡失、亡阳、亡阴的含义 阴阳互损:在阴或阳任何一方虚损的前提下,病变发展影响及相对的一方,形成阴阳两虚的病机 阴阳格拒:在阴阳偏盛基础上由阴阳双方相互排斥而出现寒热真假病变的一类病机,包括阴盛格阳和阳盛格阴 阴盛格阳:又称格阳,指阴气偏盛至极,雍闭于里,寒盛于内,逼迫阳气浮越于外的一种病理状态 阳盛格阴:又称格阴,指阳气偏盛至极,深伏于里,热盛于内,排斥阴气于外的一种病理状态 阴阳亡失:包括亡阴和亡阳两类,是指机体阴气或阳气的突然大量亡失,导致生命垂危的一种病理状态 亡阴:由于机体阴气发生突然大量消耗或丢失,而致全身机能严重衰竭的一种病理状态 亡阳:由于机体阳气发生突然大量脱失,而致全身机能严重衰竭的一种病理状态 三、气血失常 1、气的失常的表现及定义 气虚:一身之气不足及其功能地下的病理状态 气机失调:气的升降出入失常而引起的气滞、气逆、气陷、气闭、气脱等病理变化 2、血的失常的表现及定义 血虚:血液不足,血的濡养功能减退的病理状态 血运失常:血液运行失常的病理变化,主要有血瘀和出血 3、气血关系失调的主要表现:气滞血瘀、气虚血瘀、气不摄血、气随血脱、气血两虚 四、津液代谢失常的表现:津液不足、津液输布排泄障碍 五、内生“五邪” 内生“五邪”,指疾病过程中,机体自身由于脏腑功能异常而导致化风、化火、化寒、化燥、化湿的病理变化。 风气内动(肝阳化风、热极生风、阴虚风动、血虚生风) 寒从中来 内生“五邪” 湿浊内生 津伤化燥 火热内生(阳气过盛化火、邪郁化火、五志过极化火、阴虚火旺) 第二节 疾病传变 1.传变概念、影响疾病传变的因素 传变:疾病在机体脏腑经络组织的传移和变化 影响因素:致病因素、体质差异、外在环境、医护措施 2.病位传变、寒热转化、虚实转化的概念 病位传变:某一部位的病变,可以向其他部位波及扩散,从而引起其他部位发生病变 寒热转化:疾病过程中,病机性质由寒转化为热,或由热转化为寒的病理变化 虚实转化:疾病过程中,正邪双方处于不断的斗争和消长之中,当正邪双方力量发生变化,并达到主要与次要矛盾方面互易气主次要位置的程度时,则疾病的虚实性质亦会发生转变,或由实而转虚,或由虚而转to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 实 第九章 防治原则 一、早治防变的定义:在掌握疾病的发生发展规律及其传变途径的基础上,早期诊断与治疗以防止疾病的发展传变。 二、治病求本 1.治标、治本、标本的含义、标本的取舍 标与本是相对而言,是对举的概念,不同情况下标本所指不同;就邪正而言,邪为标,正为本;就病机与症状而言,症状为标,病机为本;就疾病先后而言,新病、继发病为标,先发病、原发病为本 取舍:急则治其标,缓则治其本,不急不缓、标本并重则标本兼治 2.正治与反治的概念和代表治法 正治:采用与疾病性质相反的方药以治疗的一种治疗原则,又称“逆治” ;代表治法有:寒者热之、热者寒之、虚则补之、实则泻之 反治:顺从病症的外在假象而治的一种治疗原则,又称“从治” ;代表治法有:热因热用、寒因寒用、塞因塞用、通因通用 三、扶正、祛邪的基本概念 扶正:扶助正气,增强体质,提高机体的抗邪与康复能力 祛邪:祛除邪气,消解病邪的侵袭和伤害,抑制亢奋有余的病理反应 四、损其有余、补其不足、损益兼用的概念 损其有余:即实则泻之,适用于人体阴阳中任何一方偏盛有余的实证 补其不足:即虚则补之,适用于人体阴阳中任何一方虚损不足的虚证 五、调整气血的概念 六、调整脏腑的概念 七、三因制宜的概念:因时制宜、因地制宜、因人制宜 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the
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