
冰雪奇缘(台词)Frozen (Movie Lines)

2017-09-19 50页 doc 154KB 405阅读




冰雪奇缘(台词)Frozen (Movie Lines)冰雪奇缘(台词)Frozen (Movie Lines) 冰雪奇缘(台词)Frozen (Movie Lines) 31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧 1?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰 32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人, 32?This icy force both foul and fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 3Come on, c...
冰雪奇缘(台词)Frozen (Movie Lines)
冰雪奇缘(台词)Frozen (Movie Lines) 冰雪奇缘(台词)Frozen (Movie Lines) 31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧 1?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰 32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人, 32?This icy force both foul and fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 3Come on, come on, come on, come on.快~快~姐姐快~ 3?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法~ 用魔法~ 4?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦~ - 喔... 5?Strike for love And Strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 36This is amazing!哇~好神奇~ 6?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.?冰雪美人冷艳又危险 37Watch this!看好了~ 7?Split the ice apart.?掘开寒冰勇向前 38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨~我叫雪宝,喜欢热8 ?And break the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心~ 情的拥抱~ 9?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿~嗬~踏歌行,39I love you, Olaf.我爱你 雪宝 40Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我~ -接住啦~ 随心去 41Again! Wait!再来一次~ -等下~ 10 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿~嗬~踏歌行, 随心去 42Slow down!慢一点~ 11?Beautiful! Powerful!?美丽又强大~ 43Anna!安娜! 12?Dangerous! Cold!?寒冷又危险~ 44Anna?安娜? 13?Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.?冰雪魔力难驾驭 45Mama! Papa!妈妈~爸爸~ 14?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.?一当十 一当百 46You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的 安娜 姐姐抱 47Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾15?Stronger than a hundred men!?谁人能挡寒冬至, 莎 你做了什么,你又乱用魔法了~ 16?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰 48It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.都是我不小心 对不17?This icy force both Foul and Fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 起 安娜 18 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 49- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰19?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 凉~ -我知道怎样救她 20?Strike for love and strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 50Ice?雪, 21?There's beauty and there's Danger here.?冰雪美人冷艳51Faster, Sven!快点 斯特~ 又危险 52Sven!斯特! 22 ?Split the ice apart!?掘开寒冰勇向前 53Please... Help!请帮帮我们~ 23?Beware the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心~ 54My daughter!救救我的女儿~ 24Come on, Sven!快跟上 斯特~ 55He is the King!哦~是国王~ 25 Elsa. Psst艾莎 喂 56Trolls...?地精, 26 Elsa!艾莎~ 57Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘 听听他们在说什么 27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒 快醒醒 58Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱 干脆留下别走了 28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜 快回去睡觉 590Your Majesty!陛下~ 29I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着 天60Born with the powers or cursed?她的魔力是天生的还是还醒着 我也醒着 受到了诅咒, 30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧 61Born. And they're getting stronger.天生的 而且越来越 1 强了 96Don't let it show.别让别人发现 62You are lucky it wasn't her heart.好在没击中她的心脏 97?Do you want to build a snowman??你想不想堆个雪人? 63The heart is not so easily changed,冰封的心 很难融化 98?Or ride our bike around the hall??还是在城堡里骑车? 64But the head can be persuaded.打在头上,我还有办法 99?I think some company is overdue...?我一个人烦闷又无65Do what you must.快救救她吧 聊.. 66I recommend we remove all magic,我会消除魔法的效果 100?I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.?每天跟67even memories of magic to be safe...还有关于魔法的记墙上的画像讲话 忆,也一同抹去 101?Hang in there, Joan.?坚持住 贞德 68But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.别担心 我会留下快乐102?It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.?这些房子的记忆 空得让人好寂寞 69She will be okay.她会好的 103?Just watching the hours tick by.?只能盯着钟数着一70But she won't remember I have powers?她会忘记我有魔秒一秒 法, 104I'm scared. It's getting stronger.我很害怕 我的魔力越71- It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,这样才安全 - 听来越强大了 着 艾莎 105Getting upset only makes it worse.你越害怕就越难控72your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大 制它 73There is beauty in it...它会带来幸福 106Calm down.冷静下来 74But also great danger.也会带来灾难 107No. Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you.别75You must learn to control it.一定要学会掌控你的魔力 碰我 我怕伤着你 76Fear will be your enemy.记住,恐惧是你的敌人 108See you in two weeks.两周后见 109- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa.你们真的要77No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure. 不 我们会保护她 她能做到的 相信我 去吗, -你会没事的 艾莎 78Until then,在那之前 110Elsa?艾莎? 79we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城111?Please, I know you're in there.?艾莎 我知道你在里面 门 削减人手 112?People are asking where you've been,?大家都在问你80We will limit her contact with people减少她与外界的交去哪了 往 113?They say have courage and I'm trying to...?他们叫我要81and keep her powers hidden from everyone...她的魔力决坚强 我会的 不能被别人知道 114?I'm right out here for you. Just let me in.?我在外面等82including Anna.包括安娜 你 让我进来吧 83Elsa?艾莎? 115?We only have each other.?现在只剩我和你 84?Do you want to build a snowman??你想不想堆个雪116?It's just you and me.?姐妹相依为命 人, 117?What are we gonna do??我们该怎么办, 85?Come on let's go and play.?快来我们一起玩 118?Do you want to build a snowman??你想不想堆个雪86?I never see you anymore. Come out the door.?好久没有人, 见到你了 出来吧 119(三年后) 87?It's like you've gone away.?你就像消失了一样 120Welcome to Arendelle! Thank you, Sir!欢迎来到阿伦戴88?We used to be best buddies.?我们曾是最好的伙伴 尔 欢迎~ 89?And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.?现在121Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon. 你却不理我 你能告诉我原因吗 注意脚下 大门马上要打开了 90?Do you want to build a snowman??你想不想堆个雪122Why do I have to wear this?我一定要穿这个吗, 人, 123Because the Queen has come of age.今天城门就要打开91?It doesn't have to be a snowman.?玩什么都可以呀 了 92?Go away, Anna.?走开 安娜 124It's Coronation Day!女王的加冕日~ 93...?Okay bye.?好吧 拜 125That's not my fault.跟我有什么关系 94The gloves will help. See...这幅手套可以控制你的魔126- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什力... 么 斯特? -给我点吃的~ 95- Conceal it. - Don't feel it.隐藏好 -别去想 127What's the magic word? Please!先说口令~ -求你了~ 2 128A..a... a... a! Share!喂~给我留点~ 改变,我已准备多时了! 129I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!真不161?For the first time in forever,?这将是我生命里第一次 敢相信,城门终于打开了~ 162?There'll be music, there'll be light.?引吭高歌 点亮希130And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦~ 望 131Faster, Persi!快 亲爱的~ 163?For the first time in forever,?这是我生命里第一次 132Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.阿伦戴164?I'll be dancing through the night.?热舞狂欢 彻夜不眠 尔 我们最神秘的贸易伙伴 165?Don't know if I'm elated or gassy,?也许我太激动了 133Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开大166?But I'm somewhere in that zone.?但我真的好开心 门,让我揭开你的秘密 167?'Cause for the first time in forever,?因为这将是我生命134and exploit your riches.榨干你的财富 里第一次 135...Did I just say that out loud?我是不是说的太大声168?I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone...?我不 会再寂寞~ 我已等不及见大家了 了, 169?What if I meet "the one"??对了,如果遇到那个"他"? 136Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to.我已经等不急要进去了 137See the Queen and the Princess.拜见女王和公主~ 170?Tonight, imagine me gown and all.?想象今夜穿着新138I bet they're absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极晚装 了 171?Fetchingly draped against the wall.?优雅妩媚倚着墙 139I bet they are beautiful.她们一定是大美女 172?The picture of sophisticated Grace.?美丽端庄又大方 140Princess Anna...?安娜公主, 173?I suddenly see him standing there,?有个帅哥站一旁 174?a beautiful stranger tall and fair.?身材高大眼睛亮 141...Huh? Yeah?恩, 175?I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!?我心跳加速142- Sorry to wake you, ma'am but... - No, no, no. You didn't.很抱歉叫醒您 -哦,没,没事 小鹿撞,想把巧克力全吃光~ 143I've been up for hours.我早就起来了...呵欠 176?But then we laugh and talk all evening,?我们整晚欢笑 聊不停 144Who is it?嗯,谁在外面, 177?Which is totally bizarre.?这感觉美妙又奇异 145It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon.呃,还是 我,城门马上就要打开了 178?Nothing like the life I've led so far.?我的生活此刻才146Time to get ready. Of course!您该起床做准备了~ -哦,开放 179?For the first time in forever,?这将是我生命里第一次 当然! 147Ready for what?准备什么, 180?There'll be magic, There'll be fun.?感受惊喜 充满乐148Your sister's coronation, ma'am.您姐姐的加冕典礼,殿趣 下 181?For the first time in forever,?这是我生命里第一次 149My sister's cor-neration...我姐姐的加冕... 182?I could be noticed by someone.?邂逅爱情 不再孤单 150It's coronation day!今天是加冕日! 183?And I know it is totally crazy.?这种想法也许很疯狂 151It's coronation day!今天是加冕日! 184?To dream I'd find romance.?幻想就要遇到真爱 152?The window is open! So's that door!?所有的门窗都打185?But for the first time in forever,?但这至少是我第一次 开了~ 186?At least I've got a chance!?改变人生的好机遇~ 153?I didn't know they did that anymore.?真不敢相信门开187?Don't let them in. Don't let them see.?别让人知道 别了~ 让人发现 154?Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates...??宴会的盘188?Be the good girl You always have to be.?做个好女孩,子足有八千个 就像你的从前 155?For years I have roamed these empty halls.?空荡荡大189?Conceal. Don't feel.?躲藏 收敛 厅独徘徊 190?Put on a show.?在众人面前 156?Why have a ballroom with no balls??不举办舞会好寂191?Make one wrong move and everyone will know.?一出寞 错会让大家都发现 157?Finally, they're opening up the gates!?今天终于把门打192?But it's only for today.?但是只有在今天 开了! 193?It's only for today! It's agony to wait.?-只有在今天~ -158?There'll be real, actual people?四方宾客汇聚一堂 跟痛苦说再见 159?It'll be totally strange.?这是多么奇妙的事 194?It's agony to wait.?-跟痛苦说再见 160?But wow am I so ready for this change!?为了今天的195?Tell the guards to open up the...?让守卫把大门全打 3 开~ 的,我不是“那种”公主 196?The gate!?-打开! 227I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...如果 你撞到的是我姐姐艾莎,喔~~那可惨了... 197?For the first time in forever.? 这是我生命里第一次 228'Cuz, you know...你懂的,哈哈... 198?Don't let them in don't let them see?-别让人知道 别让229Hello.你好啊~~ 人发现 230But, lucky you, it's-it's just me.还好,你...撞到的是我 199?I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.?多年梦想终实现 231Just you?你? 200?Be the good girl you always have to be.?-做个好女孩,232...The bells. The coronation.哦~敲钟了,典礼要开始了 就像你的从前 233 I... I...我...哎呀 我... 201?A chance to change my Only world.?改变我孤单的世234 I better go. I have to...I better go.我要走了,我要...界 我真的得走了... 202?Conceal. Conceal. Don't feel.?-藏好,别去想 235 Bye!再见! 236Your Majesty, The gloves.陛下,手套~ 203?- A chance to find true love? ?- Don't See, Don't Feel, Don't Let them know.? 237(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um 找到真爱的机遇 -躲藏 收敛 不要被发现 hell-gum Ayg-num Ok?诵经? 204?I know it all ends tomorrow,?明天起一切将结束 238krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear 205?So it has to be today!?从今天开始改变! Uthear...?诵经? 206?'Cause for the first time in forever...?这将是我第一239...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎 次240Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎 ... 241Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎 207?For the first time in forever!?这是我生命里第一次! 208?Nothing's in my way!?幸福前路无人挡! 242Princess Anna of Arendelle!阿伦戴尔公主安娜 209Hey! -I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?喂~~ -对不起~你243Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay. 站这儿,你确定,我觉得有点...没事吧? 好吧 210Hey!嘿! 244 Hi.嗨 211 I-ya, no. No. I'm okay. - Are you sure?哦 我...没事 245Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi.跟我说吗? 噢...嗨 -真的吗? 246You look beautiful...Thank you.你很今天漂亮 -谢谢 212 Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going.我刚刚走247You look beautifuller. I mean, not Fuller.你更“泡亮”...路没看路... 哦,不是“泡亮” 213- But I'm great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness.但是我没248You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful.不是“胖”...我事,真的 - 哦~谢天谢地 是说...你更漂亮一些 214Oh... Umm... 喔...嗯... 249Thank you.谢谢 215Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南艾尔斯的汉斯250So, this is what a party looks like?原来,舞会就是这样王子 的啊? 216Princess Anna of Arendelle. -Princess...?我是阿伦戴尔251It's warmer than I thought.比我想的还要热闹一点 的安娜公主 -公主, 252And what is that amazing smell?这是什么味道? 好香 217My Lady.殿下~ 253... Chocolate.巧克力~ 218Hi... again.嗨...呵呵 254Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.陛下 猥琐屯公219Oh boy.噢...欸 爵求见 220Ha. This is awkward. Not you're awkward,嗯...这有点255Weselton. The Duke of Weselton..威斯顿~我是威斯顿尴尬,呃...我不是说你 公爵... 221but just because we're...I'm awkward.但我们确实...我是256Your Majesty,陛下 说我挺尴尬的 257As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的贸易伙222You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你很...优雅...呃,什么? 伴 223I'd like to formally apologize for我正式的为我不小心 258 It seems only fitting that I offer you.我想邀请您跳加224hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...骑马撞冕后的第一支舞 上了美丽的阿伦戴尔公主以及... 259Your first dance as Queen.望陛下赏光 225And for every moment after.之后所有的事情道歉~ 260Thank you... Only I don't dance.谢谢...但我不会跳舞 226No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess.哦...没关系261But my sister does.不过我妹妹会 4 262 Lucky you... -Oh, I don't think...你真幸运 -我可不在过去两年里... 觉得... 293literally... for two years.完全把我当透明的 263 If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you.如果你被我294- That's horrible. - It's what brothers do.太可怕了 -兄弟转晕了,我会接着你的 之间就是这样 264 Sorry.不好意思 295... And sisters.姐妹之间也是 265 Like an agile peacock...看我像只灵活的孔雀 296Elsa and I were really close when we were little.我跟艾266 Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.你们能打莎小时候玩的可好了 开城门真是太好了 297But then, one day she just shut me out, and...可是有一267Why did they shut them in the first place?以前干嘛要关天,她突然把我关在门外不理我了 上呢? 298And I never knew why.直到现在我都不知道为什么 268 Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗? 嗯? 299 I would never shut you out.我的门永远向你敞开 269 No. -No...不知道 -不知道, 300Okay, can I just say something crazy?呃,我能不能说点270Oh, all right. Hang on.好吧,我们继续 “疯话”, 271They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.我可是301 I love crazy.你说什么我都爱听 个“舞林高手”哦~ 302?All my life has been a series of doors in my face.?我的272Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey... I fly.看我一生总有很多门挡着我 跳“鸡舞”...“猴子舞”...飞起来啦~ 303?And then suddenly I bump into you.?直到今天遇见你 304?I was thinking the same thing, because like...?我也是273Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady.希望下次还能有幸邀您 公主殿下 这么想的,因为... 274Well, he was sprightly.哈~他真是活跃 305?I've been searching my whole life to find my own 275Especially for a man in heels.穿了高跟鞋还这么能蹦place.?我也用我的一生寻找新天地 跶 306?And maybe it's the party talking,?大概是舞会上的偶276Are you okay? - I've never been better.你还好吗? -我好遇 得很呢~ 307?Or the chocolate fondue.?不知是否有意义 277This is so nice.我今天好开心 308?But with you...?直到遇见你... 278I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望永远都能309?I found my place.?我看到新天地 像今天一样 310?I see your face.?我找到新感觉 279 Me too...我也希望... 311?And it's nothing like I've ever known before.?这种感280 But it can't.但是不行 觉我从来未有过 312?Love is an open... door!?爱的门打开了! 281Why not? -If...It just can't.为什么不行? -就是..不行 313?Love is an open... door...Door...?爱的门打开了 282Excuse me for a minute.对不起 我失陪一会儿 283Glad I caught you. - Hans!又接住你了 -汉斯~ 314?Love is an open... door...?爱的门打开了 315?With you! With you!?遇见你!遇见你! 284I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide...Oops. 316?Love is an open door.?爱的门打开了 Sorry. 317?I mean it's crazy. What??我们很疯狂 -怎么了? 经常只有我一个人在大厅里滑...哦 不好意思 285... Your physique helps I'm sure too....你这么强壮肯定318?We finish each other's...Sandwiches!?我们吃彼此的... 没问题 -三明治~ 286What's this? I was born with it,这是什么, -哦,生下来319?That's what I was gonna say!?你抢了我的词~ 就长了 320?I've never met someone...Who thinks so much like 287Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.其实,我曾梦me.?我从未见过谁想法和我一致 321?Jinx... jinx again.?巧合...到被一个地精吻过 你看多巧! 288 I like it.真有趣 322?Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one 289Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.对!整个都吞下去~哈explanation,?我们心有灵犀,这只有一种解释 哈,你做到了 323?You and I were just meant to be.?我和你注定在一起 290Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?对了,324?Say goodbye.?跟昨天 你有多少兄弟来着, 325?To the pain of the past.?的痛苦说再见 291Twelve older brothers.十二个哥哥 326?We don't have to feel it anymore!?不用再感受它的折292Three of them pretended I was invisible...其中三个哥哥磨 5 327?Love is an open... door!?爱的门打开了! 364Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜 你知道328?Love is an open door!?爱的门打开了! 什么是真爱吗, 329?Life can be so much more...with you! With you!?生活365More than you. All you know is how to shut people out. 有多快乐...能够跟你一起~ 比你清楚,你只会把人拒之门外 330?Love is an open... door.?爱的门打开了 366You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你要我331?Can I say something crazy...??我能不能说句“疯话”? 祝福你们两人的婚礼 我的答案是不可以 332?Will you marry me??你愿意嫁给我吗? 367Now, Excuse me.不好意思,我失陪了 333?Can I just say something even crazier??我能说句更疯368Your Majesty, if I may ease your...陛下,请允许我... 狂的吗? 369No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.我不允许 334?Yes.?我愿意 而且我想...你该走了 370The party is over. Close the gates.舞会结束了 把门关335Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?哦~不好意思,借过~ 上 336Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢...哦,她在这儿 371Yes, Your Majesty.是,陛下 337Elsa! I mean... Queen...艾莎! 我是说...陛下... 372What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么? 艾莎 不~不~别... 338 Me again. May I present,我又来了 我想向您介绍 373Give me my glove!把手套还给我~ 339Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南艾尔斯的汉斯王子 374Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.艾莎,340Your Majesty.女王陛下 求你了~ 我不能再忍受这样的生活了 341We would like...your blessing...希望您能...祝福我们375... Then leave.那就...离开吧 376... What did I ever do to you?!我到底哪里招惹你了, 的... 377Enough, Anna.别说了...安娜 342of... our marriage!婚礼~ 343Marriage...? Yes!婚礼,~ -是的~ 378No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!不 为什么,为什344 I'm sorry, I'm confused.不好意思...我有点晕 么要把我拒之门外, 379Why do you shut the world out?!为什么要把自己和整345Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.好 个世界隔绝,~ 吧 我们确实还有一些细节需要商量 346We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.得花上几天380What are you so afraid of?!你到底在害怕什么, 好好策划一下我们的婚礼 381I said, enough!别说了~ 347Of course we'll have soup,宴会上要有鲜汤 382 Sorcery. I knew there was妖术 我早知道 348roast, and ice cream and then...烤肉,冰淇淋还有... 383something dubious going on here.这里一定藏着不可告349Wait. Would we live here?等下 我们可以住在这里吗? 人的内幕 350Here? -Absolutely!这里, -当然! 384Elsa...?艾莎...? 351Anna...安娜... 385There she is.女王来了 386-Your Majesty! -Long live the Queen! -Queen Elsa...-陛352Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...也可以把你的十二个哥哥都请来住... 下~ -女王万岁~ -女王陛下... 353What? No, no, no, no, no.什么? 不 不,等一下 387-Come drink with us.-来跟我们一起喝酒 388-Queen Elsa.-女王陛下 354Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...这里的房间足够给他们住,而且... 389Your Majesty? Are you all right?陛下, 你没事吧, 355Wait. Slow down.不,等一下 390There she is! Stop her!她在那~ 抓住她~ 356No one's brothers are staying here.他们不能住在这儿 391Please, just stay away from me.求你们,离我远一点... 357No one is getting married.你也不能和他结婚 392Stay away!远一点~ 358Wait, what?什么? 393Monster... Monster!妖怪...她是个妖怪! 359May I talk to you, please. Alone.我能单独跟你谈谈吗? 394Elsa!艾莎! 就我们俩 395Elsa...艾莎... 360No. Whatever you have to say, you...不 无论你想说什396Wait, Please!请等一下! 么... 397Elsa, Stop!艾莎 不要走~ 361you can say to both of us.跟我们两人一起说好了 398Anna! -No.安娜! -不~ 362Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.好吧 你不能399The Fjord.看~峡湾... 嫁给一个你才刚认识的人 400Snow?下雪了, 363You Can if it's true love.我能,如果是真爱就可以 401Yes, snow!是雪~ 6 402Are you all right? -No.你没事吧, -有事 风呼啸就像心里的风暴一样 403Did you know? -No.你以前知道吗, -不知道 437?Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried...?只有天知404Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!看~ 下雪了~下雪了~ 道我受过的伤... 405The Queen has cursed this land!女王诅咒了这片土地~ 438?Don't let them in, Don't let them see,?绝对不能让人发406She must be stopped!一定要阻止她~ 现 407You have to go after her... -Wait, no!你们快去追她 -等439?Be the good girl you always have to be.?做个好女孩等,不要~ 就像你的从前 408You! Is there sorcery in you, too?你~你也会使妖法440?Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know.?藏好,别让吗, 他人看见 409Are you a monster, too?你也是个妖怪吗, 441?Well, Now they know.?但已被发现 410No. No. I'm completely ordinary.不 不 我只是个普通442?Let it go. Let it go.?随他吧 随他吧 人 443?Can't hold it back anymore.?回头已没有办法 411That's right she is.当然,她很普通 444?Let it go. Let it go.?随他吧 随他吧 412... In the best way.我是说...很正常的人 445?Turn away and Slam the door.?一转身不再牵挂 413And my sister's not a monster.我姐姐也不是妖怪 446?I don't care what they're going to say.?我不管 随他们414She nearly killed me.她差点杀了我~ 说什么 415You slipped on ice...-Her ice!你自己在冰上滑倒了... -447?Let the storm rage on.?任凭风吹雨打 那可是她变出来的~ 448?The cold never bothered me anyway.?反正冰天雪地我416It was an accident. She was scared.这只是一次意外 她也不怕 被吓坏了 449?It's funny how some distance makes everything seem 417She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this...她不是small.?远离喧嚣 我心终得安逸 有意的,不是有意造成这一切... 450?And the fears that once controlled me.?曾经困扰我的418Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚全是我的错 惹恐惧 恼了她 451?Can't get to me at all.?已远离我回忆 419So I'm the one that needs to go after her.我一定要把她452?It's time to see what I can do,?现在开始放下一切 追回来 453?To test the limits and Break through.?挑战我的突破和420-What? -Yeah. -Bring me my horse, please.什么? -把极限 我的马牵来 454?No right, No wrong, No rules for me...?没有规则,没421Anna, no. It's too dangerous.安娜 别去 太危险了 有界限 455?I'm free!?自由的天地~ 422Elsa's not dangerous.艾莎一点也不危险 456?Let it go! Let it go!?随他吧 随他吧423I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会带她回 来 把一切恢复原样 457?I am one with the wind and sky.?与风和天空对话 424I'm coming with you... -No.我跟你一起去.. -不 458?Let it go! Let it go!?随他吧 随他吧 425 I need you here to take care of Arendelle.我需要你留459?You'll never see me cry.?眼泪不再掉下 守阿伦戴尔 460?Here I Stand And...?让我坚持 426On my honor.十分荣幸~ 461?Here I'll stay.?让我留下 427I leave Prince Hans in charge!我授权汉斯王子暂时负462?Let the storm rage on...?哪怕风雪一直刮 责这里~ 463?My power flurries through the air into the ground.? 428Are you sure you can trust her?你真的信任她吗, 我的力量从空气中扩散到地上 429 I don't want you getting hurt.我不能让你受伤 464?My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around.?我的 灵魂与冰共舞塑造各种形状 430 She's my sister,她是我的姐姐 465?And one thought crystallizes like An icy blast...?我的431 She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我 432?The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight,?白雪思想结晶变成锋利的闪光 发亮今夜铺满山上 466?I'm never going back,?我永不回头看 433?Not a footprint to be seen.?与世隔绝的地方 467?The Past is in the Past!?过去已被埋葬 434?A kingdom of isolation.?孤寂的王国很荒凉 468?Let it go! Let it go!?随他吧 随他吧 435?And it looks like I'm the Queen.?我是这里的女王 469?And I'll rise like the break of Dawn.?迎接曙光 找回 自我436?The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.?狂 7 470?Let it go! Let it go!?随他吧 随他吧 505A real howler in July, Yes?七月飞雪,好大的雪啊 471?That perfect girl is gone.?多年压抑 全随风去 506Where ever could it be coming from?你这是打哪嘎达472?Here I stand in the light of day.?拥抱阳光 我重获新过来的, 生 507The North Mountain.北山 473?Let the storm rage on!?就让风雪咆哮吧 508North Mountain.北山, 474?The cold never bothered me anyway.?反正冰天雪地我509That'll be forty.一共40,谢谢 也不怕 510Forty? No, ten.40, 10块~ 475 Elsa! Elsa!艾莎! 艾莎! 511Oh dear, that's no good. See.这可不行,亲 476 Elsa, It's me, Anna...艾尔莎 是我 安娜.. 512These are from our winter stock,这些都是我们冬季的 存货 477 Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.我并不是想让你把全城都冻住 513where supply and demand have a big problem.反季商478 I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault.对不起 都是我...我的错 品,我已经亏本卖了 479 Of course, none of this would have happened真是的,514You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?你她以前怎么不告诉我 跟我说亏本, 480if she'd just told me her secret... ha...早知道的话,这一515I sell ice for a living.我可是卖冰的啊 亲~ 516Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now.晕,这种切也不会发生了... 481She's a stinker.真讨厌 天气卖冰块... 482Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.啊~ 别跑别跑 快517 I mean, that is really...你可真会做生意 回来 不 518Ahem. That's unfortunate.倒霉孩子 483Oooo-Kay.好...吧 519Still forty. But I will throw in a不,不能还价,不过可484Snow, it had to be snow,雪 干嘛非要是雪 以免费... 485She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic她怎么不使个520visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo!赠送一次奥肯桑拿 哟什么火焰系的魔法 呼~ 486that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...把521Hi, family.嗨 亲们~ 峡湾铺上热带沙滩还有暖和的... 522Ten's all I got. Help me out.我就剩10块了,帮个忙 487Fire! Whoa!火~有人生火~ 523Ten will get you this and no more.10块,那就只能买萝488Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.旅行者的奥肯小屋 卜了 489Ooh! And Sauna...喔~还有桑拿... 524Okay, just tell me one thing...What was等下,我先打听490Big summer blow out.嗨~夏日大酬宾 个事儿... 491Half off swimming suits, clogs,泳装半价 木屐打折 525...happening on the North Mountain?北山那边到底发生492And a sun balm of my own invention, yah?还有我自己了什么? 发明的防晒霜,怎么样? 526Did it seem magical?被人施了魔法? 493Oh, great.哦,好 527Yes! Now, back up是的~你先闪边儿 494For now, how about boots,不过...有靴子吗 528while I deal with this crook here.看我怎么收拾这个奸495Winter boots... and dresses?冬天穿的...还有冬装? 商 496That would be in our winter department.都在冬季服装529What did you call me?你叫我什么? 专区 530Okay. Okay, I'm-Ow! Whoa!别 别 我...哇~哎呀... 531Bye bye.拜拜 497Oh. Um, I was just wondering...Has another young woman,哦,嗯,我打听一下...有没有一位年轻的女士 532No Sven, I didn't get your carrots.没有,斯特,我没买 到胡萝卜 498The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?看起来像是女王什么的,可能是吧...路过这里? 533But I did find us a place to sleep.但是我找到了一个过 夜的好地方 499Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.只有你这样的奇葩才会在这种天气出门,亲 534And it's free.免费哦 500You and this fellow... Hoo hoo.又进来一朵...哟呼~ 535I'm sorry about this violence.不好意思没吓着你吧 501Big summer blow out.夏日大酬宾 536I will add a quart of lutefisk,我可以附送一罐腌鱼 502Carrots. -Hah?胡萝卜~ -啊, 537So We'll have good feelings.作为小小的补偿 503Behind you.你后面 538Just the outfit and boots, yah?衣服和靴子 还要点别的504Oh, right. Excuse me.哦,不好意思 吗, 8 539Reindeers are better than people.驯鹿的心地比人好 会祝福我们的婚礼 540Sven, Don't you think that's true?斯特你早知道 573Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met?等一 下,你跟一个才刚认识的人订婚? 541-Yeah, People will beat you & Curse you & Cheat you.-那些人会打你 会咒你 会骗你 574Yeah. Anyway, I got mad and so she got mad.是啊 总之 542-Every one of em's bad, Except you.-他们的人品可没当时我很生气 她也很生气 你好 575And then she tried to walk away,然后她想要离开 543Oh, Thanks, Buddy.哈,谢了兄弟 576and I grabbed her glove...我抓脱了她的手套... 544But People smell better than Reindeers.但是驯鹿的气577Hang on. You mean to tell me.等等 你的意思是 味可没人好 578You got engaged to someone you just met?!你跟刚认识545Sven, Don't you think I'm right?斯特,你说是吧, 才一天的人订婚了? 546-That's once again true, For all Except you.-没错 人身579Yes. Pay attention. But the thing is...是啊 别打岔 关键上可没臭味,除了你 是... 547You got me. Let's call it a night.还说我 赶快睡觉吧 580she wore the gloves all the time,她一直戴着那副手套 548-Good night.-晚安 581So I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt.我还549Don't let the Frostbite bite.不要冻伤了就好 以为她有洁癖呢 550Nice duet.唱的挺好啊 582Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?你父551Oh, it's just you.又是你 母没告诉你要提防陌生人吗? 552What do you want?有事吗, 583Yes, they did...呃,确实... 553I want you to take me up the North Mountain.我想让你584But Hans is not a stranger.不过汉斯可不是陌生人 带我去北山 585Oh yeah? What's his last name?是吗,那他姓什么, 554I don't take people places.我不带人 586...Of-the-Southern-Isles?姓...姓南? 555Let me rephrase that...那么我换一种说法... 587What's his favorite food? -Sandwiches.他喜欢吃什么? -556Take me up the North Mountain...带我去北山 三明治 557Please.请带我去 588Best friend's name? -Probably John.朋友都是谁, -也558Look, I know how to stop this winter.我知道怎样终结许叫约翰 这个严冬 589Eye color... -Dreamy.瞳孔的颜色, -帅呆了 559We leave at Dawn...天亮出发... 590Foot size? -Foot size doesn't matter.穿多大鞋? -这不重560And you forgot the carrots for Sven.你忘了斯特的胡萝要 卜 591Have you had a meal with him yet?你跟他一起吃过饭561Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't...噢 不好意思 我吗? 不是故意... 592What if you hate the way he eats?如果你讨厌他的吃相562We leave now. Right now.我们现在就出发~ 怎么办? 563Hang on! We like to go fast!坐稳了~我要加速了~ 593What if you hate the way he picks his nose?如果你讨厌564I like fast!没事 我不怕 他挖鼻屎的样子怎么办? 594Picks his nose?挖鼻屎? 565Whoa, whoa! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer.喂~ 把脚放下来 这可是刚上的漆 595And eats it.然后吃掉 566Seriously, were you raised in a barn?说真的 你是在乡596Excuse me, Sir. He's a Prince.搞清楚 人家可是王子 下长大的吧, 597All men do it.男人都一个样 567Ew. No, I was raised in a castle.呃,我是在城堡里长大598Ew. Look it doesn't matter, it's true love.哇喔 但是这些的 都不重要,我们是真爱 568 So tell me, what made the Queen go all ice-crazy?说说599Doesn't sound like true love.听起来可不像 看,女王是怎么把全国都给冻上了, 600Are you some sort of love expert?你又不是爱情专家 569Oh well, it was all my fault.唉 其实 其实是我的错 601No. But I have friends who are.我不是 但是...我有几570I got engaged but then she freaked out because...我跟别个朋友是 人订婚了 她很生气 因为... 602You have friends who are love experts?你的朋友是爱情571I'd only just met him, you know, that day.我才刚认识那专家? 人一天时间 603I'm not buying it... -Stop talking.我才不信... -别出声~ 572And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage...她说她不604No, no, no. I'd like to meet these...不 不 不 我想去见 9 见这些... 640Arendelle... -It's completely frozen.看 阿伦戴尔... -已605No, I mean it.别出声 经完全被冻住了 606SHHH.嘘 641But it'll be fine. Elsa will thaw it.不要紧 艾莎会解冻这607Sven, go. Go!斯特 快跑~ 里的 608What are they? -Wolves.那是什么, -狼 642Will she? -Yeah.她会吗, -会的 609Wolves?狼, 643Now come on. This way to the North Mountain?走吧 610What do we do? -I've got this.我们怎么办, -跟他们这是去北山的路吗, 拼了 644More like this way.呵呵 我看应该是这条 611You just... don't fall off and don't get eaten.你...别掉下645I never knew winter could be so beautiful.我从没想过去给吃了就行 冬天能这么美~ 612But I wanna help... -No.可我想帮忙... -不用 646YEAH... It really is beautiful, isn't it?是啊... 真的是美 景如画呢 不是吗? 613Why not?为什么? 647But it's so white.但全是白色 614Because I don't trust your judgment. 因为我不相信你的判断力 648You know, how about a little color?你觉得 加点颜色如 何? 615Excuse me?! 649I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse...来点你说什么? 616Who marries a man she just met?竟然会和一个陌生人绯红,淡绿色... 结婚~ 650How 'bout yellow...no, not yellow.黄色怎么样... 不 黄 色不行 617It's true love!我们是真爱~ 618Christopher!克里斯豆腐! 651Yellow and snow? Brrrr... no go.黄色配雪白? 我去 真619It's Kristoff!是克里斯托弗 ! 难看 620Duck!闪开~ 652Am I right?都看着我干嘛? 653621- You almost set me on fire! - But I didn't.你差点把我也- Hi! - You're creepy.- 嗨! - 吓我一跳~ 烧了~ - 差点而已 654- I don't want it! -Back at you!- 别往我这扔~ - 别给622Get ready to jump, Sven!斯特 准备跳~ 我~ 623You don't tell him what to do!你还没资格命令他~ 655- Please don't drop me. - Come on, it's just a head.- 喂 624I do! Jump, Sven!听我的~ 跳 斯特~ 别扔啦~ - 只是个头而已 625But I just paid it off.哦不 我才刚还清雪橇的贷款 656Don't!别~ 626Uh-oh. No, no, no.哎呀~ 哇 啊 啊~ 657All right, we got off to a bad start.好吧 我的闪亮登场627Grab on!抓紧~ 全给搞砸了 628Pull, Sven! Pull!拉 斯特~拉~ 658Ew, ew, the body!哇喔,还有个身子 629I'll replace your sled and everything in it.我会赔你一个659Wait, what am I looking at right now?等等 你俩这是怎新雪橇的 么了? 660Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?为什么像630And I understand if you don't want to help me anymore.呃 如果你不想再帮我了 我也能理解 蝙蝠一样倒挂着, 631Of course I don't want to help her anymore.我当然不想661...Al'right. Wait one second.好吧 等一下 再帮她了 662Oooh! Thank you! -You're welcome.噢~谢谢! -不用谢 632In fact, this whole thing has ruined me.我可被她害惨了 663Now I'm perfect.现在好了 633For helping anyone ever again.因为又帮了一个陌生人 664Well, almost.嗯 好像还少点什么 634- But she'll die on her own. - I can live with that.- 但她665It was like my whole life got upside down.我还以为这自己去的话会死的 - 这又不关我事 半辈子都是倒着走的 635But you won't get your new sled if she's dead.如果她死666Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I was just...哦~ 对不起,太用了你就得不到新雪橇了 力了 我只想... 636You know sometimes I really don't like you.有时候我真667Woo! Head Rush! Are you okay?嘿 你没事吧? 的很讨厌你 668Are you kidding me? I am wonderful!你在说笑吗, 我637Hold up. We're coming.等一下 我们来了 感觉好极啦~ 638You are?!是吗, 669I've always wanted a nose.我一直想要个鼻子 639I mean, sure. I'll let you tag along.当然了 那就跟上吧 670So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn.好可爱 就像独角 10 兽宝宝的小角 702and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come. 671What? Hey! Whoa.干嘛, 嘿~ 哇 想像夏天来到时 将是多么美妙 672Oh, I love it even more! Hah...哇 这下更帅了 哈哈... 703Bees'll Buzz, Kids'll blow dandelion fuzz.蜂儿飞 孩子673All right, let's start this thing over.好了 现在才是正式们追着蒲公英吹 出场 704And I'll be doing whatever snow does in summer.我要674Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs.大家好 我享受一个雪人的美妙夏天 是雪宝 喜欢热情的拥抱 705A drink in my hand, My snow up against the burning 675Olaf?雪宝? sand.饮料 在手里 躺在沙滩上晒着日光浴 676That's right, Olaf.没错 雪宝 706Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned in Summer.古铜色的677And you are?你呢, 皮肤在夏天很得意 678Oh, um... I'm Anna.哦 我是...安娜 707I'll finally see a summer breeze,我看见夏天的暖风 679And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?那这个708blow away a winter storm.吹散冬日的风雪 像驴一样的家伙是谁, 709And find out what happens to还看到在暖和的夏天 680That's Sven.是斯特 710solid water, When it gets warm.冰化成水是个什么样 681Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?嗯 那这只驯鹿又是711And I can't wait to see, what my buddies all think of me. 我真的 等不及 向朋友讲述我的奇遇 谁, 682Sven.斯特 712Just imagine how much cooler I'll be in summer!一个夏683They're...oh, okay...Makes things easier for me.他们是... 天的雪人真是酷毙啦~ 好吧 管他是谁呢 713The hot and the cold are both so intense,寒冷和炎热都684Ha. Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss my nose.喔 他想亲我是那么刺激 的鼻子 714Put 'em together, It just makes sense!配在一起 才够创685I like you, too!我也喜欢你~ 意 686Olaf, Did Elsa build you?雪宝 你是艾莎堆出来的吗, 715Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle,冬天很安逸 687Yeah. Why?是的 怎么了, 要待在家里 688You know where she is? Yeah. Why?你知道她在哪716But put me in summer and I'll be a...但是一到夏天我一吗, -是的 怎么了, 定会感觉... 689Do you think you could show us the way?你能带我们717Happy Snowman!嗨翻了~ 去找她吗, 718When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream生活690Yeah. Why? -How does this work?是的 怎么了, -不如意 但梦想别放弃 这是啥玩意啊, 719of relaxing in the summer sun just letting off steam!在夏691Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here.别闹 斯特 美女跟日的阳光下让烦恼都离去 我说话呢 720Oh the sky will be Blue...蓝的天 真美丽 692Yeah, Why? -I'll tell you Why.好吧 怎么了, -我来告721And you guys'll be there too.你们俩也在这里 诉你 722When I finally do what frozen things do in Summer!我693We need Elsa to Bring back Summer.我们要找到艾莎 终于能享受雪人在夏天的权利~ 恢复夏天 723- I'm gonna tell him. - Don't you dare.- 我得告诉他 - 694Summer? - Uhum.夏天, - 是啊... 你敢~ 695Oh, I don't know why but.哇 不知道为什么但是... 724In Summer!在夏天~ 696I've always loved the idea of summer,一听到夏天我就725So, Come on! Elsa's this way.好了来吧~ 找艾莎去 打心眼儿里喜欢 726Let's go bring back summer!我们把夏天找回来~ 697And Sun, and all things hot.明媚的阳光 一切都是暖洋727 I'm coming!我来了~ 洋的 728Somebody's got to tell him.总得有人告诉它 698Really?真的, 729No. No. You've got the bark facing down.不 不 不能把 树皮朝下放 699I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat.我想你还不知道什么是“热”吧 730The bark needs to be face-up.树皮应该朝上 700Nope!不~ 731Bark down is drier.树皮朝下会保持干燥 701But sometimes I like to close my eyes但我经常会闭上732- Bark up... - Bark down.- 朝上放 - 朝下放~ 眼睛 733Cloak. Does anyone need a cloak?斗篷~ 有人需要斗篷 11 吗, 763Yup.是啊 734Arendelle is indebted to you, Your Highness.阿伦戴尔764So you're not at all afraid of her?你一点儿也不怕她, 人民感谢您 王子殿下 765Why would I be? - Yeah.我为什么要怕她, - 嗯... 735The castle is open. There's soup城堡向避难者开放 有766I bet Elsa's the nicest, gentlest,我敢说艾莎是世界上最热汤 好 最温柔 736and hot glogg in the Great Hall.和饮料 在大厅免费领767Warmest person ever.最热心的人了 取 768Oh, look at that.哦 看哪 737Here. Pass these out.把这些发下去 769I've been impaled.我被钉住了 738Prince Hans, are we just汉斯王子~ 770What now?现在怎么办, 739expected to sit here and freeze难道我们只能坐在这挨771It's too steep. I've only got one rope,太陡了 我只有一冻 根绳子 772And you don't know how to climb mountains.而且你也740while you give away all of Arendelle's Tradable goods?看着你把阿伦戴尔的货物都白送出去吗, 不会爬山 741Princess Anna has given her orders and...这是安娜公主773Says who?谁说的, 的命令... 774What are you doing?天 你干嘛呢, 775I'm going to see my sister.我...要去找我的姐姐 742And that's another thing,这不是一码事~ 743has it dawned on you that your Princess你难道不怀疑776You're going to kill yourself. I wouldn't put my foot 你的公主 there.你别搞笑了 我才不会把脚踩在那儿呢 744may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress...跟那个邪777You're distracting me...Or there.你让我分心了 - 还有恶的女巫是同谋 那儿 745to destroy us all?准备杀光我们吗? 778How do you know Elsa even wants to see you?你怎么746Do not question the Princess. She left me in charge,不准知道艾莎想要见你, 质疑安娜公主 她授权我掌管这里 779I'm just blocking you out 'cause别跟我说话 747and I will not hesitate to我会毫不犹豫的 780 I gotta concentrate here.我在专心爬山呢 748protect Arendelle from treason.严惩那些犯叛国罪的人 781You know, most people who disappear大多数在山里隐749Treason?!叛国罪, 居的人 750Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, boy. Easy. Easy.喂~喂~ 好了 别782into the mountains want to be alone.都只想一个人过日紧张 放松 子 783Nobody wants to be alone. Except maybe you...没人喜751- Princess Anna's horse. - What happened to her? - Where is she?- 安娜公主的马 - 她怎么了, -她在哪, 欢孤身一人 大概除了你 752Princess Anna is in trouble.安娜公主的处境很危险 784I'm not alone...I have friends, remember?我可不孤单...753I need volunteers to go with me to find her!谁愿意跟我我有朋友的 记得吗? 一起去救她~ 785You mean the love experts?你是说那些爱情专家? 754I volunteer two men, my Lord!我派两个人跟你去 殿786Yes, the love experts!没错 爱情专家! 下~ 787Please tell me I'm almost there.帮我看看是不是快到山755Be prepared for anything,做好心理准备 顶了 756And should you encounter the Queen,一旦见到女王 788Does the air seem a bit thin to you up here?我觉得这里757You are to put an end to this winter.就彻底结束这个冬的空气好稀薄 天~ 789Hang on... - Hey, Sven?坚持住... - 嘿 斯特 758Do you understand?懂我的意思吗, 790Not sure if this is going to solve the problem, but I found 759So how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?你我找到一个楼梯 有什么具体的计划来结束这个冬天吗, 791a staircase that leads exactly where you want it to go.不760Oh, I am gonna talk to my sister.哦 我会跟我姐姐好好知是否通向山顶 谈谈 792Ha ha. Thank goodness. Catch!哈哈 太好了 接着我! 761That's your plan? My ice business is这就是你的计划, 793Thanks! That was like a crazy trust exercise.谢啦~ 没想我的生意 到你还挺靠得住的 762riding on you talking to your sister.就全寄托在你和她794Now that's ice. I might cry.天哪~全是冰做的 我太激动“好好谈谈”, 了 12 795Go ahead. I won't judge.别管这些 快走吧 829Wait. What is that?等等 那是谁? 796All right, take it easy. Come here, I gotcha.好了 放松点 830Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨~ 我是雪宝 喜欢我来了 我抓住你了 热情的拥抱 797Okay. You stay right here, buddy.好了 伙计 你在这儿831Olaf?雪宝? 等着 832You Built me. You remember that?对 你堆的我 不记798Flawless.太完美了 得了吗, 799Knock... Just knock...敲门... 快敲门啊... 833And You're alive?你变活了, 800Why isn't she knocking...?她怎么不敲门? 834Um... I think so?嗯... 我想是吧? 801Do you think she knows how to knock?她是不是不知835He's just like the one we built as kids.和我们小时候堆道怎样敲门啊? 的那个雪人一模一样 802It opened. That's a first.啊 门开了 第一次打开她的门 836Yeah!是啊~ 837So we were so close.我们曾是那么亲密 803You should probably wait out here.哦 你们还是先在这 838We can be like that again.让我们恢复从前的关系吧 里等一下吧 804What?为什么? 839Slow Down...慢一点... 840Anna!安娜~ 805Last time I introduced her to a guy, she froze everything. 841No, We can't.不...不行 上次我带一个男孩见她,她就把全国都冻住了 806But. But...Oh come on, It's a palace made of ice.可是 842Goodbye, Anna... - Elsa, wait...再见 安娜... - 艾莎 等可是...这简直是冰雪的杰作啊 等... 807Ice is my life... - Bye, Sven.我可是靠冰吃饭的... - 拜 843No, I'm just trying to protect you.你不懂 我只是想保斯特 护你 808You too, Olaf.你也是 雪宝 844You don't have to protect me. I'm not afraid.你不需要保809Me? - Just give us a minute.我, - 就等一分钟 护我 我不怕 810 Okay.好的 845?Please don't shut me out again.?请别再把我拒之门外 846?Please don't slam the door.?别再关上门 811One... two... Three... four... 1...2...3...4... 812Elsa? It's me... Anna.艾莎, 是我..安娜 847?You don't have to keep your distance anymore.?你不必813Anna?安娜? 和我保持距离 814Wow... Elsa, you look different...哇...艾莎,你变化好848'?Cause for the first time in forever,?这是我生命里第一大... 次 815It's a good different...And this place.比以前好多了... 849?I finally understand.?终于懂你心 这座宫殿... 850?For the first time in forever, We can fix this hand in 816Is amazing... - Thank you.简直太棒了 - 谢谢 hand.?这是我们两人第一次 姐妹同心渡难关 817I never knew what I was capable of.真不知道我原来如851?We can head down this mountain Together.?和我一起此强大 下山去吧 818I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd known...之前的852?You don't have to live in fear.?你不必活在恐惧里 事我很抱歉 如果我早知道... 853'?Cause for the first time in forever,?因为这是我生命里819No, it's okay.不,没事的 第一次 820You don't have to apologize.你不需要道歉 854?I will be right here.?能够陪你在一起 821But you should probably go, please.我觉得你该走了 855?Anna, Please go back home.?安娜 请回去吧 走吧 856?Your life awaits.?过你自己的生活 822But I just got here.可我才刚来呢 857?Go enjoy the sun And open up the gates.?打开大门 享823You belong in Arendelle.你属于阿伦戴尔 受幸福人生 824So do you... - No, Anna. I belong here.你也是啊... -不 858?Yeah, But... - I know! You mean well,?我会的 但是... 安娜 我属于这里 -我知道~你没有错 825Alone.一个人生活 859?But leave me be.?但别管我 826Where I can be who I am,自由自在的做我自己 860?Yes, I'm alone. But I'm alone and Free.?我很孤单 但827Without hurting anybody.又不会伤害别人 我更爱自由 828Actually, about that... - 58...59...60!事实上 我得告诉861?Just stay away and you'll be safe from me.?请离开我 你... - 58..59..60~ 你会安全得多 13 艾莎 862- ?Actually, We're not.? - ?What do you mean You're 895Yes, you are.求你了,走吧 not?? - 不,你错了 - 我哪里错了? 896Stop. Put us down!放下~ 把我们放下~ 863?I get the feeling you don't know??你还不知道? 897Go away!离开这儿~ 864?What do I not know??什么我不知道? 898Heads up!看着点儿~ 865?Arendelle's in deep deep deep deep snow.?阿伦戴尔已899Watch out for my butt!小心我的屁股~ 被 冰 雪 淹 没~ 900It is not nice to throw people!就这么把我们扔出来,太866?What??什么? 没礼貌了~ 867?You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere.?你901Wow, Wow, Wow Feisty pants. Ok, Relax.哇 喔 喔 得似乎把所有地方都变成了...冬天... 了吧 冷静点儿 868?Everywhere??所有地方? 902Just Calm down. Calm down.好了 冷静~ 903All Right. I'm Okay.好 好 我冷静了 869?It's okay, you can just unfreeze it.?没关系 只要你解 904Just let the snow man be.别管他了 冻就行 870?No, I can't.?不 我做不到 905I'm Calm... - Great.我得冷静... - 很好 871?I don't know how... - Sure you can.?我不知道怎么解906Oh... Come on!嗬~ - 你干嘛 冻... - 你一定能 907Uh-oh. See. Now you made him mad!你看你 把他惹毛872?I know you can!?我相信你能! 了吧~ 873'?Cause for the first time in forever,?因为这是我生命里908I'll distract him.你们先走 909You guys go.我掩护~ 第一次 910No, no, not you guys.喂 喂 不是说你们 874?I'm such a Fool! I can't be Free!?恨自己 不能求得真 自由 911This just got a whole lot harder.真是越帮越忙 875?You don't have to be afraid.?你不需要再恐惧 912What are you doing?你又干嘛? 876?No escape From the storm inside of me!?内心的风暴913I got him!打中他了! 无处得脱离 914It's a hundred foot drop.这得有100英尺高吧 877?We can work this out together.?让我们携手努力 915It's two hundred.至少200尺 878?I can't control the curse!?无法控制这魔力~ 916- What's that for? - I'm digging a snow anchor.你在干什879?We'll reverse the storm you've made.?平息风雪回家去 么, - 挖一个雪锚 880?Anna, Please, You'll only make it worse!?安娜 求你 917Okay. What if we fall?好 如果我们掉下去怎么办, 你不懂魔法的威力 918There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there.下面有881?Don't panic.?别惊慌 20英尺厚的新雪接着我们 882?There's so much fear!?我如此恐惧~ 919It'll be like landing on a pillow...会像掉在枕头上一样... 883?We'll make the sun shine bright.?让阳光照耀大地 920Hopefully.希望如此 884?You're not safe here!?快离开这里~ 921Okay, Anna. On three.好了 安娜 我数到三 885?We can face this thing together...?我们一起携手面922- One... - Okay. You tell me when...- 1... - 好 你让我什对... 么时候跳... 886I can't!不行啊~ 923 - Two... - I'm ready to go...I was born ready! Yes! - 2... - 887Anna. Are you okay?安娜~你还好吗, 我就什么时候跳...我早就准备好了~耶~ 888I'm okay... I'm fine... - Who's this?我还好... 我没问题 924Calm down.冷静 - 他是谁? 925Tree!3~ 889Wait, it doesn't matter. Just...You have to go.哦 这不重926What the... Whoa! That happened.我去...怕什么来什么 要... 你必须得走了 927Ah. Ah. Man, am I out of shape.啊 啊 我发型没乱吧 890No, I know we can figure this out together...不,我们一928There we go. Hey, Anna! Sven!这样好多了 嘿~ 安娜~定能解决这个问题... 斯特~ 891How? What power do you have to stop this winter?怎么929Where'd ya guys go? We totally lost Marshmallow back 解决, 什么力量可以让你阻止这个严冬? there!你们去哪啦, 我们把那个棉花糖甩掉了~ 892To stop me?阻止我? 930Hey. We were just talking about you.嗨~ 说曹操曹操到 893Anna, I think we should go.安娜 我们得走了 931All good things, all good things.乖乖的 棉花糖~~ 894No. I'm not leaving without you, Elsa.不~我不能丢下你 932No!不~ 14 933This is not making much of a difference! Is it?这好像一968No. - You hesitated.挺好的 - 你犹豫了 点作用也不起啊 嗯, 969No, I didn't. Anna, you need help. Okay? Come on.才没934Olaf!雪宝! 有 安娜 你需要帮助~ 跟我来 935Hang in there, guys! - Go Faster!坚持住伙计们~- 快~970Okay! Where are we going? - To see my friends.好啊~ 快点~ 去哪, - 去找我的朋友 936Wait, what?啊,怎么了, 971The love experts? - Love experts?!那些爱情专家,- 爱937Kristoff!克里斯托弗! 情专家, 938Don't come back!别再回来~ 972And don't worry, they'll be able to fix this.是啊 别担心 939We won't.我们不会的 他们会解决的 940Hey, you were right. Just like a pillow.哈 你说的没错 973How do you know?你怎么知道, 就跟摔在枕头上一样 974Because I've seen them do it before.因为我以前见过 941Olaf!雪宝! 975I like to consider myself a love expert.我觉得我就是个942I can't feel my legs!我的腿没有知觉了~ 爱情专家 943Those are my legs.这是我的腿~ 976Get it together. Control it.集中精力 努力控制 944Ooh. Hey, do me a favor, grab my butt.哦 嘿~ 帮个忙 977Don't feel. Don't feel.别去想 别去想 抓住我的屁股 978Don't feel!别去想~ 945Oh, That feels better.哦 感觉好多了 979Look, Sven. The sky's awake.看 斯特 天还醒着 946Hey, Sven! He found us.嘿 斯特~他找到我们了 980Are you cold? - A little.你冷吗, - 有一点 947Who's my cute little reindeer?我可爱的小驯鹿~ 981Wait. Come here.等一下 过来 948Don't talk to him like that.别这样跟他说话 982So, About my friends...其实 我的那些朋友... 949Here.我来了 983Well, I say friends, they're more like family...虽说是朋950You okay? - Thank you.没事吧, -谢谢 友 对于我来说更像是家人... 951Um... How's your head?你的头怎么样, 984Anyway, when I was a kid, it was just me and Sven总之 952I mean, It's fine. Ah... I'm good.啊 哦~ 没事的...我很我小的时候只有斯特陪着我 好 985until you know, they took us in.直到他们接纳了我 953Ha. I've got a thick skull.哈 我的骨头硬着呢 986They did? - Yeah.他们接纳了你, -是的 954I don't have a skull...Or bones.我没有头骨...也没有别987I don't want to scare you, they can be我不想吓着你 的骨头 988a little bit inappropriate...他们可能会有点失礼... 955So...那么... 989And loud... very loud...还有点吵...非常的吵... 956So Now what? - Now what?现在怎么办, - 现在, 990They're also stubborn at times, And a little有时有些倔957Now what?!现在怎么办, 强 还有点 958Oooh! What am I gonna do?噢~~~我该怎么办啊, 991Overbearing. And heavy. Really, really heavy. Which 959She threw me out. I can't go back to她把我赶出来了 you...傲慢 他们很重,非常非常的重 阿伦戴尔还没解冻 992But You know, you okay. They're fine. They mean well. 960Arendelle with the weather like this.我也回不去 但是没关系 你会没事的 他们很不错 都是好人 961And then there's your ice business...还有你的冰块生993Kristoff, they sound wonderful.克里斯托弗,我相信他意... 们是好人 962Hey, hey, don't worry about my ice business...得了 先994Okay then...好吧 那么... 别管我的生意了 995Meet my family.见见我的家人吧 963Worry about your hair? - What?看看你的头发~ - 什996Hey, guys!嗨 伙计们! 么, 997They're rocks.一堆石头, 964Just fell off a Cliff. You should see your hair.刚从悬崖998He's crazy.他疯了 上摔下来,你应该看看你的头发 999Hey, Wow...I pretty Recognize you, You lost so much 965- No, yours is turning white. - White? It's... what?你的Weigh?嘿...我差点认不出你了,减肥很成功嘛 头发变白了 - 变白了, 什么? 1000 I'll distract them while you run.我掩护,你快跑 966It's because she struck you, isn't it?因为她攻击了你 对1001 Hi, Sven's family! It's nice to meet you!嗨~斯特的吗? 家人~ 很高兴见到你们~ 967Does it look bad?看起来很丑吗? 1002 Anna, because I love you, I insist you run.安娜 因为 15 我爱你 你快跑吧 洗澡 1003 Understand you're love experts!我听说你们都是爱1039?he always ends up Sorta smelly.?他身上总是会有味情专家~ 道 1004Why aren't you running?怎么还不跑, 1040?But You'll never meet a fella who's as sensitive and 1005Okay. Um... I'm gonna go...呃 好吧... 我先走了... sweet.?但是像他一样善解人意的人你不会遇到 1006No, no, no. Anna, wait!不 安娜 等一下~ 1041?That's nice.?这是不错,不过... 1007Kristoff!克里斯托弗~ 1042?So he's a bit of a fixer upper,?他只需要一点爱来改1008Kristoff's home!克里斯托弗回家了~ 变 1009Kristoff! Kristoff's home! It's been too long!克里斯托1043?So he's got a few flaws,?他的缺点还真不少 弗~克里斯托弗回来了~好久没见你了~ 1044?His peculiar brain, Dear. His thing for the reindeer.? 1010Kristoff's home!克里斯托弗回来了~ 就像他古怪的大脑 他对驯鹿的爱好 1011Wait? Kristoff?等等 克里斯托弗是谁, 1045?That outside a few of nature's laws.? - ?This is not about me!?有那么一点离经叛道 - 别听他们胡说~ 1012Yeah...Oh, let me look at you!哈...让我好好看看你~ 1013Oh, take off your clothes, Kristoff, I wash them.脱下你1046?So he's a bit of a fixer upper,?他只需要一点爱来改的外套,克里斯托弗 我给你洗一洗 变 1047?But this we're certain of...?但是我们确定... 1014Ah! No. I'm gonna keep my clothes on, Look.哦~不用 了 我穿着就好 听着 1048?You Can fix this fixer upper up with a little bit of 1015Great to see you all.见到你们很高兴 love.?只要献出一点爱 他就一定能达标 1016But where's grand Pabbie? He's napping.佩比爷爷去1049?Can we just stop talking about this?!?能不能别再扯哪了, - 他在睡觉 这些了, 1017But look, I grew a mushroom.看 我身上长了个蘑菇 1050?We've got a real, actual problem here.?我们有正经事1018And I earned my fire Crystal.我有了一块火焰水晶 要办 1019I passed a kidney Stone.我的肾结石治好了 1051?I'll Say...So tell me dear??Is it the way that he runs 1020Kristoff, Pick me up.克里斯托弗 抱抱我 scared??当然了 告诉我亲爱的 是不是他太过胆小, 1021You're getting big...Good for you.哦 你已经变得这么1052?Or that he's Socially Impaired??还是他不太懂社重了 交, 1022Trolls? They're trolls.地精, 他们是地精 1053?Or that he only likes to tinkle in the Woods??还是他1023He's brought a girl!他带回来一个姑娘~ 在森林小便没有礼貌, 1024What's going on?这是干嘛, 1054?I do not need to know that.?不用告诉我这个 1025I've learned to just roll with it.你就入乡随俗吧 1055?Are you holding back your fondness.?因为他的金发1026Let me see. Bright eyes. Working nose. Strong teeth.让太娘 我瞧瞧 大大的眼睛 灵巧的鼻子 坚固的牙齿 1056?Due to his unmanly blondeness??才压抑你的心跳, 1027Yes, yes, yes. She'll do nicely for our Kristoff.太好了~ 1057?Or the way he covers up that he's the honest goods?? 还是他在掩饰他有多好太低调, 跟克里斯托弗很般配嘛 1058?He's just a bit of a fixer upper.?他只需要一点爱来改1028Wait. Oh. Um. No.等下 哦,不 呃... 变 1029You've got the wrong idea. That's not why I brought her here.搞什么啊 我带她回来可不是相亲的 1059?He's got a couple a' bugs.?改变他的坏习惯和烦恼 1030Right. We're not. I'm not...对,我们不是...那种关系... 1060?No, I don't.?不,不用 1031What's the issue, dear?怎么了 亲爱的? 1061?His isolation is confirmation of?他孤立自己一直等1032Why are you holding back from such a man?这么靠谱待 的好男人你还不满意, 1062?his desperation for healing hugs.?一个治愈的拥抱 1033?Is it the clumpy way he walks??是他走路像快摔倒? 1063?So he's a bit of a fixer upper, But we know what to 1034?What??什么? do.?他只需要一点爱来改变 我们有绝招 1035?Or the Grumpy way he talks? - No.?还是他讲话太暴1064?The way to fix up this fixer?为爱改变 改变一生 躁? - 不是 1065?upper is to fix him up with you.?就是以你为目标 1036?Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped?还是他的双脚 1066?Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Enough!?别说了 别说了 够1037...?weirdness of his feet? - Hey!?古怪又好笑? - 嘿! 了~ 1038?And though we know he washes well?虽然他经常会1067?She's engaged to someone else. Okay?!?她已经和别 16 人订婚了 好吗, 1100Grand Pabbie! Bring her to me.佩比爷爷~ - 快 让我1068?So she's a bit of a fixer upper,?他只需要一点爱来改看看 变 1101Anna, your life is in danger.安娜,你现在很危险 1069?That's a minor thing.?但这不重要 1102There is ice in your heart, put there by your sister.你姐1070?This quote “engagement” Is a flex arrangement.?所谓姐在你心里刺进了一块冰 的订婚都是法律无效 1103If not removed, to solid ice will you freeze, forever.如1071?And by the way, I don't see no Ring.?手上戒指我也果不把它融化,你全身都会冻住的,永远 看不到 1104What ...? No.什么, 不会吧 1072?So she's a bit of a fixer upper,?所以她也需要爱来改1105But you can remove it, Right?但是你能治好,是吗, 变 1106 I can not, I'm sorry Kristoff...我不能 对不起 克里1073?Her brain's a bit betwixt.?她只是被洗脑 斯托弗... 1107If it was her head that would be easy.如果只是头被冻1074?Get the fiance out of the way And?让她未婚夫赶快 住还好 逃跑 1075?the whole thing will be fixed!?问题全部解决了 1108But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.但1076?We aren't saying you can change him.?我不是要你改解救冰封的心,只能靠一个发自真爱的行动 1109An act of true love?发自真爱的行动, 变他 1077?Cause people don't really change.?人的天性改不掉 1110A true love's kiss, perhaps?也许是...真爱之吻, 1078?We're only saying that love's a force.?我只是说爱的1111Anna, we've got to get you back to Hans.安娜,我们得 带你去找汉斯 力量 1112Hans.汉斯... 1079?That's powerful and strange.?强大又奇妙 1080?People make bad choices if they're?压力 恐惧 疯狂 1113Pull us out, Sven.把我们拉上来,斯特 1081?mad or scared or stressed.?会冲昏你的头脑 1114Olaf! Come on. I'm coming!雪宝~快走 - 我来了~ 1115Let's go kiss Hans! Who is this Hans?!去吻汉斯喽~ 1082?But throw a little love their way...?当你让爱情生效... 汉斯是谁啊, 1083?throw a little love their way.?让爱情生效 1084?And you'll bring out their best!?你会令他变更好~ 1116We are here to find Princess Anna.我们是来找安娜公1085?True love brings out the best!?真爱使人变更好~ 主的 1117Be on guard,保持警惕 1086?Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,?每个人都需要爱来 改变 1118but no harm is to come to the Queen.但不要伤害女王 1087?That's what it's all about.?这是我们的口号 1119Do you understand? - Yes, Sir.明白吗, - 是 殿下 1088?Father, Sister, Brother We need each other?父母兄弟1120The Queen.女王在那~ 情同手足 1121Up there! - Come on!她在那~ - 快~ 1089?to raise us up and round us out.?我们都需要互相来1122No, Please.不要~ 关照 1123Stay away!快走开~ 1090?Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,?所有人都需要爱来1124Fire! Fire.射~快射 改变 1125Get her! Get her!抓住她 抓住她~ 1091?But when push comes to shove.?但当缘分来到 1126Queen Elsa!艾莎女王~ 1127Don't be the monster they fear you are.不要变成他们1092?The only fixer upper fixer that can fix a fixer upper is.?唯一能改变人生的就是 所说的“妖怪”~ 1093?True, True, True, True, Love.?真 真 真 真爱 1128No... What have I done?不..我都做了什么? 1094?Love, Love, Love, True Love... - True-e-e-e-e-e.?爱 1129Why did you bring me here?为什么把我带到这里来? 爱 爱 真爱... - 真... 1130I couldn't just let them kill you.我不能让他们杀了你 1131But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna.但我对于阿1095?Do you, Anna, take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded...?安娜 你愿意与克里斯托弗成为合地精法的... 伦戴尔是个威胁 把安娜找来 1096?Wait, what?!?等等,什么, 1132Anna has not returned...安娜还没回来... 1097?You're getting married.?你要结婚了 1133If you would just stop the winter,请你停止这场严冬 1098She's as cold as ice.她浑身冰凉~ 1134bring back summer... please.恢复夏天...求你了 1099There's strange magic here!我感觉到一股奇怪的魔1135Don't you see... I can't.你不知道吗...我做不到 气~ 1136You have to tell them to let me go.你得让他们放我走 17 1137I will do what I can.我尽力吧 是获取权力的捷径... 1138Just hang in there. Come on, buddy, faster!坚持住 快1173What are you talking about?你在说什么, 点伙计! 1174As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course.艾莎本是我的1139 I'll meet you guys at the castle!我们在城堡会合! 首选,她是王储 1140Stay out of sight, Olaf!别让别人看见你! 1175But no one was getting anywhere with her.但她很难接1141 I will!知道啦~ 近 1142 It's Princess Anna!是安娜公主~ 1176But you... - Hans?至于你呢... - 汉斯, 1143Are you g-gonna be okay?你还...还好吗? 1177You were so desperate for love,幻想完美爱情的小姑1144Don't worry about me.别瞎操心了 娘 1145Anna! Oh, you had us worried sick...My Lady.安娜~您1178You were willing to marry me, just like that.如此急切可算回来了...公主殿下 地想要和我结婚 1146Get her warm and find Prince Hans, immediately.注意1179 I figured, after we married, I'd have我本想,在我们保暖 快去把汉斯王子找来~ 结婚后 1147We will. Thank you.放心吧,多谢了 1180to stage a little accident for Elsa.我会制造一场意外 1148Make sure she's safe!一定要照顾好啊~ 杀死艾莎 1149 I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna.我要1181Hans. No, stop.汉斯 别这样 回去找安娜 1182But then she doomed herself, and you were结果她竟1150You cannot risk going out there again.你不能再冒险出然自寻死路 去了 1183...dumb enough to go after her.而你竟傻到去救她 1151If anything happens to her...万一她有不测... 1184Please.不 1152If anything happens to the Princess,万一公主不幸... 1185All that's left now is to kill Elsa and bring back summer. 1153you are all Arendelle has left.阿伦戴尔就全靠你了 现在只要杀死艾莎 恢复夏天 1154He's in here. Prince Hans.他在这儿 汉斯王子 1186You're no match for Elsa.你不是艾莎的对手 1155Anna. You're so cold.安娜 你浑身冰凉~ 1187No, you're no match for Elsa.不 败在艾莎手上的是你 1156Hans, you have to kiss me... - What?汉斯 快吻我... - 1188I, on the other hand, am the hero who is而我 则是将什么? 阿伦戴尔从严冬中 1157Now. Now.快 快~ 1189going to save Arendelle from destruction.拯救出来的1158We'll give you two some privacy.诸位大人,我们是不英雄 是回避一下 1190You won't get away with this.你不会得逞的 1159What happened out there?究竟怎么回事? 1191Oh, I already have.哦~~可惜我已经得逞了 1160Elsa struck me with her powers.艾莎用魔法攻击了我 1192Please, somebody help.救命 谁来救救我 1161You said she'd never hurt you.你说过她永远不会伤害1193Please, please!救命,救... 你 1194It's getting colder by the minute.这里越来越冷了 1162I was wrong.看来我错了 1195If we don't do something soon, We'll all freeze to death. 1163Anna?安娜? 如果再不采取措施 我们都会被冻死的 1196Prince Hans... - Princess Anna is...汉斯王子 - 安娜1164She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me.她冻住了我的心,只有发自真爱的行动才能救我 公主已经.. 1165A true love's kiss.真爱之吻, 1197Dead. What...?死了 -什么? 1166Oh, Anna...哦,安娜... 1198What happened to her?她怎么了? 1167If only there was someone out there who loved you.真1199She was killed by Queen Elsa.她被艾莎女王...杀死了 1200Her own sister.这可是她的亲姐姐啊 希望有人真的爱你 1201At least we got to say our marriage vows...她躺在我怀1168What?什么, 1169You said you did.你说过你爱我 里的弥留之际 1170As thirteenth in line in my own作为王位的第十三顺1202before she died in my arms.我们已宣誓结婚 位继承人, 1203There can be no doubt now,现在的情况已经毋庸置疑 1171...kingdom, I didn't stand a chance. I knew...在我的祖1204Queen Elsa is a monster and we are all in grave danger. 国,我没什么机会出头... 艾莎女王是个妖怪,她要把我们都杀死 1205Prince Hans, Arendelle looks to you.汉斯王子 1172I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere...而联姻,阿伦戴 18 尔就全指望您了 1237 Kristoff loves me?克里斯托弗喜欢我, 1206With a heavy heart,怀着沉重的心情 1238 Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do 1207I charge Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason我宣布you?喔,看来你真的不懂什么是爱啊, 艾莎犯有叛国罪 1239 Olaf, you're melting.雪宝 你要化了 1208and sentence her to death.将被处以死刑 1240 Some people are worth melting for.有些人值得我为1209Hurry Up!快~ 她融化 1210She's dangerous. Move quickly and be careful.她很危1241 Just maybe not right this second.但现在可不是时候 险 小心点 动作要快 1242 Don't worry, I've got it!别担心 我来搞定 1211The Door not open!门打不开~ 1243 We're going to get through...我们得把... 1212What is it, buddy? Hey, watch it.你怎么了伙计,干1244Oh, wait. Hang on. I'm getting something.等等 看我嘛~ 发现了什么 1213What's wrong with you?怎么回事, 1245It's Kristoff and Sven! They're coming back this way.是1214I don't understand you when you talk like that.你这么克里斯托弗和斯特~ 他们回来了 讲话我可听不懂 1246They...they are?他们回来了? 1215Ah! Stop it! Put me down!喂喂~把我放下来~ 1247Wow, he's really moving fast. Huh...I guess I was wrong.哇 真是疾驰如飞... 看来我错了 1216No, Sven! We're not going back!不 斯特~ 我们不会 回去的~ 1248I guess Kristoff doesn't love也许克里斯托弗还没有1217She's with her true love.她跟她的真爱在一起 爱你爱到 1218What the...天哪... 1249...you enough to leave you behind.能甘心就这么离你1219 Anna!安娜! 而去 1220 Help.救命 1250Help me up, Olaf. Please.扶我起来 雪宝 1221Anna. Oh no.安娜! 噢 不 1251No, no, no, no, no. You need to不 不 不 你需要 1252stay by the fire and keep warm.1222 Olaf? Olaf. Get away from there.雪宝? 雪宝 离壁炉留在这里保持体温 远点 1253I need to get to Kristoff. - Why?我要去找克里斯托弗 1223 So this is heat... I love it.哇 这就是火... 我喜欢 -为什么, 1224 Ooh! But don't touch it!噢! 还是别碰它 1254Oh, oh, oh, I know why.噢~我知道了 1225 So, where's Hans? What happened to your kiss?汉斯1255There's your act of true love right there,难道这就是能在哪, 他吻你了吗, 救你的真爱 1226 I was wrong about him. It wasn't true love.我看错他1256Riding across the fjords like a Valiant,那个逆袭的屌丝 了1257pungent reindeer King! Come on!浑身发臭的驯鹿王 这不是真爱 子~ 我们走~ 1227 Huh. But we ran all the way here?那我们不是白跑 了, 1258Look out!小心~ 1228 Please Olaf, you can't stay here, you'll melt.雪宝 你不1259Back this way!这边走~ 1260We're trapped.我们被困住了 能待在这儿 你会融化的 1261Slide, Anna.溜下去 安娜 1229 I am not leaving here until we find在找到能救你的真 爱之前 1262We made it!成功了~ 1230...some other act of true love to save you.我是不会离1263Go, Go, Go, Go...快 快 快 快... 开这里的 1264 Come on, buddy, faster.再快点 兄弟~ 1231Do you happen to have any ideas?你有别的主意吗, 1265Kristoff!克里斯托弗! 1232I don't even know what love is.我连爱是什么都不知1266Kristoff!克里斯托弗! 1267Sven!斯特! 道 1268Good boy.好样的 1233That's okay, I do...Love is...没关系 我知道 爱是... 1269Kristoff.克里斯托弗 1234putting someone else's needs before yours, like, you know,把别人看得比自己重要,就像... 1270Anna!安娜! 1271Elsa.艾莎. 1235how Kristoff brought you back here克里斯托弗为了 1272You can't run from this!你不能就这么逃走~ 救你 1236 to Hans and left you forever.把你交给汉斯,自己却转1273Just take care of my sister... - Your sister?照顾好我的 妹妹 - 你的妹妹,身离开 19 1274She returned from the mountain weak and cold.她从山1309 I've been traumatized. Ow! My neck hurts.我受了心上回来了 浑身冰冷 理创伤 喔~我的脖子好痛 1275She said you froze her heart.她说你冰封了她的心 1310 Is there a doctor I could... No?这里有医生吗... 没有? 1276I tried to save her, but it was too late.我想救她 但是1311 I demand to see the Queen!我面见女王! 太晚了 1312 I have a message from the Queen.喔 正好有一道女1277Her skin was ice. Her hair turned white...她的皮肤结王的敕令 了冰 头发变成雪白... 1313Arendelle will henceforth and forever即日起,阿伦戴1278Your sister is dead... because of you.你妹妹死了...都尔将永远 是你害的 1314...no longer do business of any sort断绝与猥琐屯 1279No!不! 1315with Weaseltown.的贸易关系 1280Kristoff?克里斯托弗? 1316Weselton. It's Weselton!威斯顿 是威斯顿~ 1281Anna!安娜! 1317Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on! - Ow, Okay, 1282Elsa?艾莎? Okay...走 走 快来啊~ - 好 好 我来了 1283No!不! 1318Pole...Oops. - So Sorry.喔~痛... - 哦 不好意思 1284Anna!安娜! 1319Okay. Okay. Here we are.好 好 我们到了 1285Oh, Anna... no... no, please no.不 安娜 不 不要... 1320I owe you a sled.赔你的雪橇 1286Anna.安娜. 1321Are you serious?你当真? 1287Anna?安娜? 1322Yes. And it's the latest model.当然 这可是最新型号 1323No. I can't accept this...不 我不能要... 1288Anna?安娜? 1289Oh, Elsa.哦, 艾莎. 1324You have to. No returns. No exchanges. Queen's orders. 1290You sacrificed yourself for me?你为了我牺牲了自己? 不要也得要 不许反悔 不许退货 女王的旨意 1291I love you.因为我爱你 1325She's named you the official.她还任命你为阿伦戴尔 的1292An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.原来这才 是发自真爱的行动 1326Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer.皇室掌冰官,全国1293Love... will thaw...爱能融化冰雪... 总代理 1294Love... Of course.爱...我怎么没想到 1327What? That's not a thing...Sure it is.这都什么头衔啊... 1295Elsa? - Love.艾莎? - 是爱~ - 厉害吧 1296I knew you could do it.我就知道你可以的 1328And it even has a cup holder...Do you like it?还有你的1297Hands down, this is the best day of my life...酷毙了 曼陀林... 怎么样喜欢吗? 这是我一生中最美好的一天 1329Like it? I love it...喜欢? 简直爱死了... 1298and quite possibly the last.大概也是最后一天 1330I could kiss you!真想吻你一下! 1299Oh, Olaf. Hang on, little guy.雪宝 坚持住 小家伙 1331I could. I mean I'd like to. I'd...呃 我的意思是 我想 1300Hey, my own personal flurry.哇喔~专门为我下雪的我... 云~ 1332may I? We me... I mean, may we?我能吗,我们... 我1301Anna? But she froze your heart.安娜? 她不是把你的是说 可以吗, 心冻住了吗 1333Wait, what?等等 我想... 1302The only frozen heart around here is yours.真正冰冻别1334We may.当然可以 人的心的人是你 1335Summer!夏天来喽~ 1303I will return this scoundrel to his country.我会把这个1336Hello.嗨 恶棍遣送回国 1337Are you ready?准备好了吗? 1304 We shall see what his twelve big看看他的十二个哥1338 I like the open gates.我们终于敞开心门 哥 1339We are never closing them again.永远不会关上 130 5brothers think of his behavior.怎么收拾他 1340What? Oh, Elsa, they're beautiful,什么 哇 艾莎 真美 1306 Arendelle thanks you, my Lord.阿伦戴尔感谢您 大1341 but you know I don't ska...但你知道我不会... 人 1342 Come on, you can do it!来吧 谁说不会 1307 This is unacceptable.我无法接受 1343Look out, Reindeer coming through当当 驯鹿来啦 1308 I am innocent. I'm a victim of fear.我是无辜的 我也1344Hey, Guys嗨 美女们 是这次事件的受害者 20
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