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应用文体写作应用文体写作 I.商务与社交信函的撰写原则 1. 简洁明了 简洁明了即在礼貌体谅的前提下用简短清晰易懂的语言,阐述写信人的意图。能用一个字 就不用短语,能用短语就不用句子。总之要简明扼要。试比较下列句子: 1)We wish to tell you that our meeting for Oct.10 has been postponed to Oct.25.(罗嗦) Our meeting for Oct.10 has been postponed to Oct.25.(简洁) 1) An increase in ...
应用文体写作 I.商务与社交信函的撰写原则 1. 简洁明了 简洁明了即在礼貌体谅的前提下用简短清晰易懂的语言,阐述写信人的意图。能用一个字 就不用短语,能用短语就不用句子。总之要简明扼要。试比较下列句子: 1)We wish to tell you that our meeting for Oct.10 has been postponed to Oct.25.(罗嗦) Our meeting for Oct.10 has been postponed to Oct.25.(简洁) 1) An increase in prices is essential due to the fact that there has been a rise in the cost of raw materials.(罗嗦) An increase in prices is essential due to a rise in the cost of raw materials.(简洁) 2) The true facts are as stated. (罗嗦) The facts are as stated. (简洁) 3) The company is hiring an efficiency expert in order that he may discover the cause of its production lag.(罗嗦) The company is hiring an efficiency expert to discover the cause of its production lag.(简洁) 2. 正确无误 正确无误是书信写作的重要原则,它包括以下几个方面: 1) 书信的内容要合情合理,叙述层次清楚,主题突出。 2) 遣词造句、语法规则、拼写和标点符号要符合语言习惯。 3) 数字述应准确,包括温度、长度、高度等单位体制的换算。 4) 正确使用英语文体。 3. 完整周全 所谓完整周全是指完整表达写信人的思想,既包括所有必须陈述的事实,以便达到预期的 目的。 4. 礼貌体谅 无论是商务信函还是社交信函,都既要明确表达写作者的愿望与态度,又要表现出有力 有节,合乎情理。对需回复的信函应及时处理。信函的语言应尽量做到客气得体,多用 以下句式: Would you please…. As you are aware… We might say… If you can, I … If you like… You are invited to… You may want to… II.社交信函的结构 信函通常由以下部分组成 II. 1. 信头(Letterhead) 信头,亦称回信地址 (return address), 这是中国人所不习惯的。其实,它很重要,是 复信的依据。因为信封往往不被保留,而且,有些信封上并不标明寄信人的地址。 信头通常包括寄信人的地址或公司的名称、地址、电话、传真号、电报挂号、邮政编码 以及信函编号。信头通常写在信笺的右上方。如果信笺上已经有印刷信头,则可免去此项。 地址的书写顺序是有小到大。如: Anderson Placement Service Inc. 240 Market Street Los Angeles, California 70193 Tel: 684—7534 Fax: 540913 Your Ref. Ds Our Ref. MS/LR II.2. 日期(Date) 日期应该写在寄信人地址的下方,日期的表达方式英美各不相同。英式是按照日月年 的顺序;美式是按照月日年的顺序。 另外,写日期还应该:注意: 1) 年份应写全,不可省略。 2) 月份用英文拼写,不可用数字代替,如1/4/2007。除May, June, July外,可以用缩 写,如: Jan., Feb.。但是,在较正式的公函或商务信函中,月份一般不可缩写。 3) 日期用基数词表示,尽量避免用序数词。以下两例均不可取:Oct 20th, 2006; twentieth Oct. 2006。月份在日期前,日期与年份间用逗号隔开,月份与日期之间不用标点; 如日期在月份之前,月份与年份之间不用标点。 如:July 7, 2007; 21 February 2006。 II.3. 信内地址 (Inside Address) 除一般社交信函,正式的商务信函或社交信函必须有信内地址。信内地址应写在信笺 的左上方,约在日期下两行。信内地址中的收信人地址应与信封上完全一致。 另外应注意: 1) 收信人的姓名应使用全名,如果收信人是男性,就写Mr.xxx, 另起一行写出职务;如果 是女性,就写Ms.xxx (称呼婚姻状况不详的女士),Miss xxx(称呼未婚女士),Mrs.xxx (称呼)已婚女士。如: Mr. John Bonrell Ms. Alice Spring President Credit Manager 2) 收信人的地址应确切完整,并且按照投寄国家的惯用格式。英语国家的地址有小到大排 列:门牌号,街名,市名,州名,邮编,国名。如: Mr. Paul Lee Director, Customer Relations 231 Davis Street New York, New York 10020, USA III.4.称呼 (Salutation) 称呼一般放在信内地址的下两行,常用的称呼语如下: 4) 商务信函 Dear Mr. Jackson: /Dear Ms. Spring, (冒号,逗号均可) Dear John, /Mary, (用名字时,后面用逗号) Dear Sir,/Madam,/ To whom it may concern, (不知对方姓名时,称呼Sir,/Madam, 后面用逗号) Dear Sales Manager, (写给部门负责人) Gentlemen: ( 用于称呼美国公司,禁用单数,后面加冒号) Madams,/Ladies, (用于称呼妇女所组织的公司、社团) 2)社交信函 Dear Sir, /Dear Sirs, (致不认识的人) Dear Mr. Leech, /Dear Ms. Leech,(致认识或仅知道姓的人) Dear John, /Mary, /Dear Father/Brother, (致亲友或熟悉的人) Darling/Dearest Robert (致配偶或亲密的人,可省去标点) III.5. 正文 (Body) 正文是信函的主体,是全信最重要的部分。写作时可以根据要表达的内容把正文分成若 干段落,做到层次分明,语言得体,简明扼要,措辞礼貌,自然诚恳。现代商务信函与社交 信函趋于口语化,避免陈词滥调。 为了使信函便于阅读和吸引读者,写作时应注意宽留页边距,每段之间留双行距,每段 不宜过长。 书信正文的第一句话或第一段,通常被称为起首语(The Opening Sentence(s))。一般来说, 英文书信没有固定的起首语。但人们习惯用一些客套写法来作为书信正文的起始,即先将对 方来信的日期、主题加以简单描述,以便使得对方一看便知该信是回答哪一封信的。如果是 第一次给别人写信,也可用开头语作必要的自我介绍,并表明自己写信的主要目的。 常用的起首语有: 1) Thank you for your letter dated Oct.23,2006. 2) Many thanks for your letter of Sept.4,2006. 3) A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 6,2006. th4) Your kind letter of November 24 arrived this morning. 5) Your letter which arrived today gave me great comfort. th6) In reply to your letter dated 6 July, I want to say… 7) Thank you very much for your letter of August 1 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve. th8) What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5! 9) It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting. 10) First of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me. 11) With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that …. th12) I was so glad to receive your letter of March 12.. 13) I am writing to ask about the conference to be held in Beijing next year. 14) I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been approved. 15) I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering. 16) I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulation. …… 常用的结束语有: 1) Awaiting your good news. 2) Looking forward to your early reply. 3) Hoping to hear from you soon. 4) We await your good news. 5) I hope to hear from you very soon. 6) We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 7) I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles. 8) Your early reply will be highly appreciated. 9) Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you. 10) The help you give me is sincerely valued. 11) I hope everything will be well with you. 12) Please let us know if you want more information. 13) I hope you always enjoy yourself. 14) I wish you every success in the coming year. 15) Please remember me to your family. 16) With best regards to your family. 17) All the best. 18) With love and good wished. …… III.6. 客套敬语 (Complimentary Closing) 敬语类似中文书信末的―此致敬礼‖、―顿首‖等等。敬语应与称呼相呼应。敬语通常放在 正文下两行,即信笺的右下角。如果书信格式为齐头式,敬语则应放在左下脚与正文左起对 齐。敬语后面加逗号,首字母大写。以下为常用敬语。 1)用于一般性公函、商务信函或收信人为不太熟悉的人:Sincerely/Faithfully yours 2)收信人为长辈、上级: Respectively yours, Yours sincerely, Yours obediently 3)收信人为朋友、同学、同事: Yours respectively, Yours (very) sincerely, Yours (very) cordially, With best wishes, 4)收信人为家人、亲戚: Your loving son/daughter etc. , Yours (very) affectionately, Yours lovingly, 5)收信人为爱人、夫或妻: With love, Lots of love 敬语按其正式程度排列如下: Very sincerely yours Yours very sincerely/respectively/cordially Yours sincerely/respectively/cordially Sincerely yours Sincerely/Yours Best wishes Good luck 注:美国人常用sincerely, 英国人则倾向于faithfully III.7. 签名(Signature) 签名通常放在敬语下方。签名最好是写信人亲笔,手签后也可附打字全名。如果签字是 女性,签名前可以加Miss或Ms以备对方回函时称呼之用。签名下方可写上写信人的职务(如果在信头中已涉及写信人的职务,此处可免去)。 1) Yours faithfully, (签名) Wu Hongqing Managing Director 2) Sincerely yours, (签名) Wu Hongqing Managing Director III.8.附件 (Enclosure) 随信如有附件,通常在信笺的左下角注明。形式如下: Encl(s); Enc(s); Enclosure (s) 如果有两个以上的附件,应写成: Encls 2 insurance policies/ Enclosures 3 (invoices) III.9. 附言 (Postscripts) 现代商务信函与社交信函趋于不设附言,因为它给人一种随意不周密的感觉。如果确系 不得已而为之,附言一般放在签名的下几行,左手齐头。简略式为:PS; Ps .。 IV.信函格式 英文书信格式大体可以分为以下3种: 1. 齐头式 这种格式要求信头、收信人地址、日期、称谓、正文(包括每段起始句)、结尾礼 词、署名等各部分均需上下对齐。这种形式便于打字,因此多用于商务书信。美国 人以及加拿大人习惯采用此种格式。见图: Letterhead (此部分为事先印成) ________________ ________________ ________________ Date _________________ Inside Address _______________ Salutation _______________ Body of the Letter _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Complimentary Closing __________________ Signature ______________ ______________ 2. 缩进式 地址和签名等需要换行的地方,通常向后缩进几个字母。此种格式易于打字,且外 观新颖。见图: Letterhead __________________ ___________________ _____________________ Date __________________ Inside Address ______________ ____________ _________ Salutation ______________ Body of the Letter _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Complimentary Closing ________________ Signature ________________ _____________ 3. 混合式 混合式系齐头式与缩进式的综合形式。见图: Letterhead _____________ _____________ Date _______________ Inside address _____________ _____________ Salutation ____________ Body of the Letter _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Complimentary Closing __________________ __________________ Signature ______________ V.社交信函写作实例与模拟训练 1.感谢信(Thank-you letter) 感谢信的使用范围很广,收到礼物或接受帮助、款待、问候、祝贺等都要写信表示感谢。 感谢信的主要内容有: 1)具体提到感谢的原因,如对得到的礼物或受到的服务加以赞赏等。 2)表示愿意给与回报。 另外,感谢信要写得及时,语言应热情洋溢,自然地抒发真心诚意的感激之情。措辞 得体,切忌过分恭维。 实例1.(Thanks for One’s Hospitality) Dear Professor Otto: Many many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. It was so nice of you to introduce me so many famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. We had a safe and sound trip home. Now we have resumed our work. I hope you will put a short visit to our university and give some lectures in Modern Western Economics this fall. Please let me know if you want me to do something in China. I look forward to seeing you soon. With best wishes. Sincerely yours, 实例2 (Thanks for a Kind Favor 感谢关照) My dear Mrs. Harden, I was so grateful to you and Mr. Harden for your kindness and attention to me during my stay in Seattle. All you did for me as if I were your own daughter. It’s actually unforgettable. You told me you would come to China recently. I do hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating when you are in Hangzhou. I am expecting to see you as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, 常用套语 1. Please accept my sincere appreciation for Mr…. 2. Many thanks for your hospitality. 3. Of all the …I have received, I enjoy yours the most. 4. I know that …took you a great deal of precious time. 5. It was very kind of you to see me off at the airport when I left your country. 6. Thank you for …that you sent me. 7. Please give my best regards to the people who prepared the party for me. 8. I hope that I may be able to return your kindness in future. 9. We do owe Mr. … a great ―thank-you‖. 2. 便条 (Note) 便条常用于熟识的同事、朋友之间。便条与一般书信相比,格式简单、随便,直截了当, 有时只用三言两语即可完成。便条的日期通常写在右上角,一般只要写上星期几或星期几上 午或下午,也可写上下午的具体时刻,可省去年份,开头与结尾可以省去Dear, Mr. , Sincerely yours,等正式措辞。 实例1 Thursday Morning Dear John, I’ll very much appreciate if you can find time to favor me with a call at your convenience. Your advice and suggestions are needed in my preparation for the graduate paper. Yours ever, 实例2 10:45 a.m., Monday Dear Manager, A Mr. Smith from Solar Software Company has just rung up, saying that he will come to see you at ten tomorrow morning for a talk about our cooperation in pushing sales of our softwares. Please wait him in our office, or ring him back if the time does not suit. Paul 3.海报 (Posters) 海报是人们日常生活中最为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏曲、球赛、文艺演出等 活动。海报中通常写明活动的性质,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等内容。海报的语言力求 简明扼要,形式做到新颖美观。 海报通常有三部分组成,即标题、正文与落款。 实例1 An Academic Report by An American-Chinese Theme: Translation & Translators Lecture: Professor Cyrus Lee, from Edinburg University, USA Time: 2:30 p.m. Monday, October 16 Place: Lecture Room No. 101, Biochemistry Building Sponsor: The Dept. of Foreign Language & Literature Oct. 13, 2005 实例2 Football Match Between FLD Student Team & Physics Dept. Student Team Time : May 25,2005 at 4:30 p.m. Place: On the Campus playground The Students Union Foreign Languages Dept. May 22, 2005 实例3 New Year’s Eve Entertainment Nanjing university Student’s Art Ensemble will bring a nice New Year’s gift to their teachers and fellow students to let them enjoy themselves on the New Year’s Eve at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Free ADMISSION The Students’ Union Nanjing University 4.通知、启事 (Notices) 通知是为了说明或传达信息,告示公众,常用于上级对下级或组织对成员布置工作、 传达事项、召开会议,等等。 通知的语言要简洁,篇幅短小,内容具体、明确。 通知一般分为书面通知和口头通知。写书面通知应注意以下几点:1)以Notice 做标 题,居中;2)正文表述清楚,精练,具体;3)写清楚时间、地点及要求;4)落款写 在正文的右下角;日期通常写在右上角。 启事通常张贴于布告栏、公共场所,常见的有遗失启事(Lost)、招领启事(Found)、 更正启事(Correction)等。 实例1 Notice Sept. 30, 2003 Owing to the weather, the originally-scheduled inspection ceremony of Grade 2003 students’ military training to be held on September 31, at 8:30 a.m. will be postponed until at the same time the coming Friday, October 7. The Military Discipline Office 实例2 Directions: 11月30日你以总经理办公室的名义起草一通知,通知各位董事会成员参加年 终董事会,通知内容如下: 1) 本年度最后一次董事会将与12月20日(星期五)上午10时至下午4时在第二会 议室召开,请务必出席。 2) 议事日程12月10日e-mail发出,请准备发言。 3) 会议提供午餐。 4) 如果无法出席,请于12月18日前电话通知。 董事:director; 董事会:board of directors; 议事日程:agenda. MEETING NOTICE Nov. 30 All the members of the board of directors are requested to meet on Friday, December 20, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room II. This is the last meeting of the board this year. The agenda will be e-mailed to you by Dec.10 and you are expected to give a speech on that date. Lunch will be provided. If you are unable to attend, please give a phone call no later than Dec.18. General Manager Office 实例3 A BOY MISSING My smart son, named Wang Wei, aged 7, in blue coat, got lost at yesterday noon of October 25,2005 when he went home form school. He is 1.09 meters tall, with black hair, a moon face, rosy cheeks, big eyes, and a very small scar on chin. He can speak daily Chinese fluently. Whoever meets him or knows him whereabouts or has any information about his location is begged to advise his family or ring them up. A thousand thanks from, Wang Long And his family Add: 142 Jinzhai Road Tel: 3634563 实例4 Cheque Lost April 2, 2005 Lost, one cheque No. 28379 for the sum of forty-five thousand and six hundred Rimenbi st, 2005. Payment has been stopped and check declared null and invalid. Yuan (RMB¥45 600.00) drawn on the Communication Bank, N anjing Branch, dated April Nanjing Chemical Co. 1 5. 备忘录 (Memorandum) 备忘录是一种非正式公文。它是在本单位内部为了联系工作,分享某项工作的有关人员或 是下级部门至上级部门所使用的一种简短书面交流方式。备忘录的主要目的是针对某一事情 提醒、督促、通告本单位内部的有关人员。备忘录的书写格式如下: Memorandum 或memo:写在信笺的最上端正中。 to(收阅人):在to 的后面写收阅人的姓名或者职务,可免写称谓。 From(发文人):在from 的后面写发文人的姓名。一般情况下免写职务,免称谓。 Date:写在发信笺的右上角或左边齐头。 Subj./Re:用几个字对备忘录内容进行概括,要求简洁。如:Re. Sales Contest /Subj. A New Plan Body :备忘录可免称呼,免客套用语。语言简洁明了,篇幅短小精悍,常用非正式用语。 如果呈送领导,措辞可以正式些。 Reference Initials (经手人代号):撰写人姓名首字母,如TS;BO. 实例 Memo To: All (staff & students) From: Mr. Lawson (Presidents Office) Date: April 28, 2000 Re: Summer Hours Summer is drawing near. Longer daylight time means that we need to prolong the working hours. As of May 1, afternoon classes start at 14:00 (morning schedule remains the same); school bus leaves at 17:00; power supply in Teaching Building & Students’ Dorm work until 10:30 & 11:00. The auxiliary units are to make arrangement of their office hours in the light of this schedule. If any questions occur, please consult the President Office. BD 6.咨询函 (Inquiry & Request) 咨询函是日常生活、商业活动中最常见的一种信函,写信人通过信函了解情况,进行信息 交流。写作时通常首先说明去函的目的,然后提出咨询内容以及希望得到对方的帮助等。 实例 Dear Sir, Miss Jane Mass has applied for the post of office secretary and has mailed to you her resume and names of references. We should be obliged if you would give us your opinions about her ability, educational background, experience and general suitability for the position. We feel sorry to trouble and would like to thank you for your kind attention. Yours sincerely, _________________ 7. 贺卡 实例 To Mr. Zhang Yaxian Best wishes For A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year Sincerely Li Guoyao 8. 祝贺函 (Letter of Compliment) 工作中、生活中要祝贺的事很多,如祝贺晋升、事业有成、升学、开业、订婚、结婚、 毕业等。祝贺函较之贺卡更容易增进彼此间的好感,亦可促进贸易往来。贺函应写得及时, 一旦延误,就给人一种事过境迁的感觉。写作时应注意措辞真诚、轻松愉快,有礼貌,但切 忌言过其实。 实例1 Dear Guojun, I hear that you graduated with high honors from Southeast University last month. I know that all your family must be very proud of you, and as your friend, I feel the same. I wish you greater and more brilliant success in your studies and work in the future. With best wishes. Yours sincerely, Qi zi 实例2 Dear Mr. Forthright, Your address to the annual meeting of 99 Fortune Forum in Pu Dong, Shanghai on the topic of ― Adopting Expert Economy Operation as a Business Weapon‖ was outstanding. I have not heard such succinct and dramatic summary of this vital topic. Several members from the association telephoned me to express their appreciation of your unique address and out-of-ordinary style of presentation. We all look forward to reading your article on the subject in the following issue of the world famous European Economy Association Press. Congratulation in advance and you deserve it. Sincerely yours, Wilson White Chairman European Economy Association 常用套语 1. Warm congratulations on your success in passing the entrance examination to …University. 2. Please accept our sincere wished for your promotion/engagement. 3. On the happy occasion of the Company’s…anniversary I write to convey my hearty congratulations. 4. It is really a good news that you obtained the full scholarship of …University. 5. I extend my best wishes for your success and prosperity. 6. Many happy returns of the day. 7. May each year bring you new hope. 9. 邀请函 请柬 回柬 (Invitation and Reply) 邀请函是工作中常见的一种信函。正式的邀请函要用第三人称撰写,语言应严谨、简洁、 热情。尽量使用手写,其写作格式与一般书信格式相同。被邀请人收到信函后应及时答复; 应邀回函中应表明谢意,重复应邀时间、地点;谢绝回函应表示歉意,说明原因。 请柬比邀请函更为正式,庄重。写作请柬与回柬时应:注意: 1) 文字排列应精心设计,一般以一个或两个完整的意群为一行。 2) 一般用第三人称形式写作。 3) 要求回函时可在请柬的左下角写上R.S.V.P.(法语―敬请回复‖的缩写,相当于英语 中的please reply)。 实例1 Invitation January 2 Dear Huihui, We are planning a dinner party to celebrate our baby’s birth at Hilton Hotel and we want you to come. It’s next Saturday, January 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Hilton hotel. We do hope you can make it as we are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you. Yours, Lele Reply January 3 Dear Lele, It’s a great honor to receive your invitation. I’ll be very glad to be at the party next Saturday, January 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Hilton hotel. Yours, Huihui 实例2 Invitation Mr. & Mrs. Henry Willis Rm 4011, Central Hotel Nanjing 210002 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Willis, The Spring Festival is drawing near, the most important event of the year. And this year’s holiday is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for us Chinese. The Year of the Dragon –the luckiest of all years—coincides with the start of a new millennium. This happens only once every 3,000 years. Mr. Dong, Chairman of the board of Chun Lan Group, is giving a dinner party from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on the Eve and requests the honor of your presence at First Scholar Hotel. Sincerely yours, Wei Ming Manager Sales Department R.S.V.P Reply Mr. & Mrs. Henry Willis Accept with pleasure Mr. Dong’s kind invitation for dinner At First Scholar Hotel On the Eve Of the Year of the Dragon From 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. To celebrate the Spring Festival 常用套语 1….cordially invite the pleasure of Mr. …to…party. 2. We are having a party at… (place) on…(date). We would be pleased if you could come. th of May at six thirty p.m.? 3. Will you and Mrs. Lawrence have dinner with us on Saturday, the 124. at the marriage of 5. on the occasion of 6. I have pleasure in accepting your kind invitation to dinner on….(date). I will be there on time. 7. I regret that I have another engagement on that day and will not be able to attend. 10求职信 (Letter of Application) 写求职信的目的是为了获得某一职务,具体来说是为了得到面谈的机会。因此,求职信的 内容应包括: 1) 写信的动机和消息的来源。 2) 个人资料,包括学历和工作经历。 3) 若有必要,列出推荐人的情况。 4) 提出希望面谈的请求。 求职信的语言应诚恳、实事求是、措辞礼貌。为了给招聘人留下深刻印象,求职信的版 面设计应新颖,有特色。 实例1 To Whom It May Concern, I am a graduate student at the Graduate School of Hawaii University concentrating my studies on the People’s Republic of China. Upon graduation, I would like to come to your country as an English instructor or tutor. I have been studying the Chinese language and culture for the past ten months and will continue to do so until I graduate in August of 1999. I would then like to continue my studies in China as an English instructor. In addition to my extensive educational background, I have computer and basketball coaching experience which my also be of benefit to you. Enclosed is a resume highlighting my educational background. I look forward to your reply. Please feel free to respond in Chinese character. Sincerely yours, 实例2 June 11, 2000 Human Resource Manager Hongda Software Company Dear Sir, Your advertisement for a network program designer on Talents Plaza of June 5 interested me because your requirements closely parallel my work experience. You will find enclosed a resume of my education record and business experience together with 2 copies of references. I have proficient computer skills and I hold English Band 6 certificate and law school certificate (self-taught). My reason for applying is to seek greater opportunity for advancement in a large, respected corporation as yours. Mr. David Williams of your company, Nanjing Branch knows me well and would provide further information about my qualification and suitability later. I appreciate a personal interview soon. Yours faithfully, ______________________ 常用套语 1. I would like to apply for the position of… 2. With reference to your ad on The Times of April 25 for a secretary, I offer myself for the post. 3. I have a fair knowledge of …and I ask you to consider my qualification for the post. 4. My reason for leaving the present company is that I desire to improve. 5. I should be glad to have a personal interview. 6. I’d like to furnish reference if desired. 7. I enclose a resume together with my recent photograph. 8. As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. 11电子邮件(e-mail) 实例 From: Wu Yun Date: March, 25, 2003 To: Li Lin (LiLin@yahoo.com) Subject: Work and Life in London Dear Li Lin, I have… Best regards.
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