

2017-10-27 50页 doc 1MB 10阅读




宝宝潜能开发10个月---家长们非常值得一看的书籍宝宝潜能开发10个月---家长们非常值得一看的书籍 第十个月潜能开发 对于孩子来说,最重要的是教育而不是天赋,孩子成为天才还是庸才,不是决定于天赋的多少,而是决定于出生后到五六岁的教育——卡尔)威特 大运动 独坐片刻扶椅子或推车走几步 精细动作 把一件玩具放进另一件中,食指拇指配合熟练 认知能力 认识新物品用手指 言语 会叫爸爸妈妈 情绪、社会行为 懂得命令,理解“不” 大动作领域 扶栏站起 to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation ...
宝宝潜能开发10个月---家长们非常值得一看的书籍 第十个月潜能开发 对于孩子来说,最重要的是教育而不是天赋,孩子成为天才还是庸才,不是决定于天赋的多少,而是决定于出生后到五六岁的教育——卡尔)威特 大运动 独坐片刻扶椅子或推车走几步 精细动作 把一件玩具放进另一件中,食指拇指配合熟练 认知能力 认识新物品用手指 言语 会叫爸爸妈妈 情绪、社会行为 懂得命令,理解“不” 大动作领域 扶栏站起 to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low-down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensure 您在高处用玩具逗引宝宝,鼓励宝宝拉住栏杆站起,这对宝宝手臂力量和平衡能力是很好的锻炼。宝宝在做这个训练时您的一只手要在旁边保护,以免宝宝在扶栏站起的时候突然松手,伤害到宝宝。 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.12 蹲起 您拉住宝宝的双手把他从站位引导成蹲位,然后再让宝宝借助您手的力量站立起来,在这个过程中您不要用力。 by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument constru3 牵一手走 宝宝想去某个地方时,鼓励宝宝牵着您的手走,不要抱。您牵着宝宝的一只手,慢慢往前迈步。锻炼宝宝走路的平衡控制能力和体力,尽量走得稳,不要着急,要有耐心。距离每天20米即可,不必过长,因为宝宝体力有限。 .1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi4 逗引独走1,3步 您和家人在距离宝宝1米左右的地方,用玩具逗引他自己向前走,或在宝宝想要您抱时,逗引他走几步到您的跟前再抱。 ty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important ins5 踢球 您把皮球(要大一些)放到宝宝面前,告诉宝宝说:“踢球”,再宝宝不懂得做动作时您可以先示范一下踢球的动作,再教宝宝做,这个游戏可以锻炼宝宝腿部肌肉和腿的运动技巧。 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro6 靠桌站立 您把一些宝宝喜欢的小玩具放在一张小桌子上,然后您带宝宝走到桌旁拿起小摇铃,边摇边说:“叮铃,叮铃,小铃小铃真好听~宝宝想不想玩,”宝宝玩自己喜欢的玩具,您蹲在宝宝身后和他一起玩,让宝宝站站、歇歇、玩玩。 推车走 uality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty ins7 您把一个大箱子放在平坦但不光滑的地面上,教宝宝推着大纸箱和小车来回走几步,您在一边保护的同时,可以说关于开汽车之类的小儿歌。 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 8 扶栏横走 您让宝宝抓住床的横栏,等宝宝站稳后,另一位家长在横栏的另一侧用宝宝喜欢的玩具逗引,让宝宝从横栏的一侧走到另一侧,您则在一旁保护,确保安全。 uality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quali9 学迈步 您可以双手扶着宝宝腋下让宝宝学迈步,或者用长的浴巾从宝宝的前胸穿过两侧腋下,您在后面轻拽着,让宝宝向前走,学迈步。 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.110 推拉游戏 您坐在椅子上,两腿分开,让宝宝与您面对面站立。您用两手抓住宝宝的手腕,轻推宝宝的双手,使宝宝身体后仰,双手伸直,接着再把宝宝往怀里轻拉,使宝宝站直。在您推拉宝宝的同时边说:“推啊,拉呀,推呀,拉呀,推推拉拉,拉拉推推,你来我往,真是好玩。” uality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty ins11 靠物站 您准备一个小摇铃和一个可供靠站的纸箱,您把宝宝抱到纸箱前让宝宝用后背靠纸箱站立,您拿出小摇铃摇一摇,然后把玩具递给宝宝,宝宝摇铃时,您跟着拍手,同时念:“叮铃铃,叮铃铃,小铃小铃真好听~” QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro12 精细动作领域 涂鸦 您给宝宝准备一些小画笔,您先在纸上示范画点、线和圆圈,然后手把手教宝宝画,感觉宝宝能自己乱画时,让宝宝自己随意图画。 把豆豆放入瓶中再取出 ty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important ins13 您先拿着小豆豆和瓶子,把小豆豆放入瓶中,然后倒出来给宝宝看,然后让宝宝试着做,开始宝宝会用手指试图伸进瓶中去取,但又无法取出来,就会放弃,这时您要给宝宝再多示范几次,并在一旁进行扬鼓励,激发宝宝做此项训练的兴趣。 学盖瓶盖 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro14 您给宝宝准备一个消毒干净的小药瓶,然后教宝宝把瓶盖盖上,宝宝能把瓶盖盖上了,您再示范将瓶盖拧紧,并教他拧紧,看宝宝是否会模仿。 by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument constru15 拇食指熟练捡豆 您准备一些体积比较小的食品,如米花、旺仔小馒头等,教宝宝把它放入瓶中。宝宝做的比较熟练后,您可以和宝宝比赛看谁捡的快。玩这个游戏时宝宝如果把食品放入嘴里时,注意宝宝的安全。 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro16 全手握小球 您给宝宝准备一些一只手就能握住的小球,如乒乓球,您示范一只手拿一个乒乓球,然后仍出去,教宝宝用一只手握住小球仍出去,一个接一个捡起来再仍出去。 tion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process q17 认知领域 模仿积木打高两块 在宝宝能够平摆玩具的基础上,您可以帮宝宝建立立体的概念,您多次示范将两块积木打高,再推倒,再打高,和宝宝一起玩。 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro18 认识红色 您在平时要多给宝宝指认红色的物品,在此基础上,教宝宝逐步形成比较稳定的概念。然后利用各种游戏帮宝宝巩固。如剪一个红色圆形和红色正方形,多次教宝宝指认。 tion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process q19 认识圆形 您在平时要多给宝宝指认圆形的物品,在从基础上,教宝宝逐步形成比较稳固的概念。然后利用各种游戏帮宝宝巩固,如把一个红色的圆形放入几个红色正方形中,多次教宝宝指认并取出来。宝宝可能会认一些常见的圆形物体,但一般时和具体物体相联系,还没有抽象的圆这个概念。 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro20 滚皮球 您给宝宝准备一根小棍和一个皮球,看宝宝是否知道用小棍推着皮球滚动,再给他一个侧立的小圆盒(如易拉罐)看他是否用小棍推着小圆盒滚动。您不要急于教宝宝做,而要观察他,启发他做。 uality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quali21 认图片 您取出几个宝宝已认识的实物,如苹果或鸡蛋,然后再取出画有该物的图片,将实物与图片对比让宝宝学习,宝宝很快就能 ,5张图片后,您可将这些图片理解图片代表实物。待宝宝认识4 藏在其它图片中,让宝宝从一大堆图片中找到他熟悉的那几张,宝宝一旦找出来,您就要大加表扬。 fessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out th22 读书 购买几本“布书”或者自制“布书”,布书的要相当丰富,有娃娃、水果、小动物、动画故事人物、日常用品、房屋、风景、交通工具等,最好结合实物进行学习。布书既不怕脏,又不怕咬,便于洗涤,实用价值非常好。 uality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quali23 玩套环 您这时要给宝宝准备一些能够按大小排序的玩具,如套环、套塔,让宝宝在玩的过程中理解大小的概念。给宝宝示范将环套在轴上,边套边数“1个,2个,3个”,套完后再一个个数着取出来,让宝宝学着操作。 onal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engine24 区别1、2、3 在宝宝的注视下,您用一张16开的纸包上1块糖果,然后打开,再包上,鼓励宝宝打开纸把糖果找出来。当宝宝打开后,您就说:“1块”,并把糖果给宝宝作为奖励。然后您再当着宝宝的面另取出4块一样的糖果,边说“这是1块,这是3块”,边用2张纸分别包上,再打开让宝宝注视两边的糖果各5秒后包上(两包的位置不要变),要求他把两包糖果都打开,看他要哪一包。反复玩后,如果他总是要3个的一包,说明他能区别“1”与“3”,然后,您再包上2块和3块,看他是否还要3块,即能区别“2”与’3。” ty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important ins25 拿掉扣积木的杯子 您坐在桌子前面,让宝宝坐在另一个家人的腿上。把一些小巧的玩具,如方木、扣子等放到桌子上,让宝宝看到这些东西,再用杯子将木块扣在里面,然后有意识的将宝宝的接近桌子,如果宝宝把杯子拿掉,就要夸宝宝做的非常棒。 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro26 寻找盒内东西 您把一些玩具放入锅中,或有盖的容器内,摇出声音引起宝宝的注意,把容器放在宝宝面前,鼓励宝宝打开容器盖,并把玩具从里面拿出来。 言语领域 学指认五官和手、脚、胳膊、腿等身体主要部位 uality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty ins27 这时宝宝已经会认鼻子、嘴巴、耳朵,您摇用各种帮助 宝宝巩固,同时继续教宝宝认身体的其它部位。 eeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construct28 学说单字 您要根据宝宝发音的特点,引导宝宝发一些有意义的音。比如爸、妈、哥、姐、猫、狗等。 继续听儿歌、故事、唐诗等半小时以上 uality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quali29 让宝宝听儿歌、故事是一个长期的教育目标,您要坚持。 eeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construct30 接尾音 您平时要多给宝宝说一些两个字组成的词,在说尾音时还要不尾音加重拉长,多次重复,然后教宝宝接尾音。 看机动玩具,模仿发音 uality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty ins31 您准备一些能发出声的电动小鸭子、小火车、小汽车等带宝宝做游戏,“宝宝,看,小鸭子来了”您边说边把玩具开关打开,小鸭子开始在地上不停的走动。您结合玩具特点,配以丰富的语言:“小鸭子叫了,嘎嘎嘎”要求宝宝模仿发嘎嘎嘎的音。接着,您依次出世小火车、电动小汽车玩具,让宝宝模仿发“呜,”和“笛笛笛”的音。 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.132 拿球 您将球放在离宝宝2,3米远的地方,鼓励他说:“宝宝,去把球拿来。”宝宝拿到球后,反复说:“这是球”以使宝宝能将词和实物联系起来。您还可与宝宝玩滚球的游戏。 uality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty ins33 社会性领域 继续培养控制大小便的习惯 本月您有意识的教宝宝用一些方式来表达自己要小便的意思,如用手势。 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro34 教脱短袜 一般情况下宝宝脱袜子的方法时抓住袜尖向上拽,您要教宝宝从袜筒扣往下拉的脱袜子方法。 tion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process q35 穿衣知配合 给宝宝穿衣时,您要告诉宝宝伸胳膊、伸腿,语言要慢,多重复说,逐渐您一说“伸胳膊”就把胳膊伸给您。 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.136 懂得“不” 您在告诉宝宝不要做某事时,只说“不要×××”,而不是做手势或摇头。经常这么做,观察宝宝的反应,一旦宝宝理解,并停止做相应的动作时,您应立即给予表扬。 tion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process q37 摸鼻子、耳朵 您要经常教宝宝认识鼻子、耳朵,使宝宝知道鼻子、耳朵。您指着自己的鼻子、耳朵说:“这是我的鼻子,这是我的耳朵。”边说边用一手指着鼻子、耳朵。然后问:“宝宝,你的鼻子呢,你的耳朵呢,”看孩子是否会指对,如果指对了,要表扬,否则,重新教宝宝。 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro38 认识五官 全程早慧 uality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construby the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty ins39 画点 先有家长手把手教宝宝画,然后让宝宝自己画。 画线 先有家长手把手教宝宝画,然后让宝宝自己画。 QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of pro40 by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument constru41 家长每天把儿歌念给宝宝听,念的同时用手指汉字 家长每天把儿歌念给宝宝听,念的同时用手指汉字 er andrkers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineis confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the woists shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory special and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning,ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-y to give the lowhnologruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and tecion alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructeeck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurers che next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineonal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thfessi.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.142 by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureabide trumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly pection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty insuality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualiuality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process qtion qction requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construcly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspetrictentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party repres ument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related5.1.1.2 closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -ion workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument constru43
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