

2019-07-05 25页 doc 57KB 42阅读




地道科技英语句子写作地道科技英语句子写作 地道科技英语句子(Standard Sentence)的写作,在用词、句型和句子结构等方面都很有讲究,就句型和句子结构而言,表达要简洁是准则之一。首先,要避免赘词和不必要的复杂句子结构,要避免无意义的词语和结构,其次,对于由于含有较多信息而形成的长句,可采用以短代长(用短语代替从句(状语从句和定语从句等))、用词化的手段表意和用省略手段等使句子简洁、结构紧凑。下面就以短代长介绍常用的几种表达方法: 一、用短语代替从句 A. 名词短语(名词化结构) 1构成:名词短语,由一个中心名词及其修饰语组成。...
地道科技英语句子写作 地道科技英语句子(Standard Sentence)的写作,在用词、句型和句子结构等方面都很有讲究,就句型和句子结构而言,达要简洁是准则之一。首先,要避免赘词和不必要的复杂句子结构,要避免无意义的词语和结构,其次,对于由于含有较多信息而形成的长句,可采用以短代长(用短语代替从句(状语从句和定语从句等))、用词化的手段表意和用省略手段等使句子简洁、结构紧凑。下面就以短代长介绍常用的几种表达方法: 一、用短语代替从句 A. 名词短语(名词化结构) 1构成:名词短语,由一个中心名词及其修饰语组成。在其中,有一类名词短语,称为名词化结构(Nominalization),在该名词短语中,中心名词一般为表示动作或状态的名词或动名词。典型的结构为:“n. 1+ of +n. 2+介词+n. 3”,其中,n. 1,n. 2和n. 3 都为名词或动名词。 名词短语还包括名词连用,即中心名词前有一个以上其他名词,它们都为中心名词的前置修饰语。名词短语还有其他形式。 2功能:名词短语在科技英语句子中经常使用,它常常包含主要或较多信息,使句子结构简单、紧凑。如名词短语可替代时间、条件和原因状语从句,使复合句变成简单句。名词短语在句子中可作主语、表语、宾语和介词宾语等。 3例句: (1) If water waves are compared with radio waves , it can be shown that … (A comparison of water waves with radio waves shows that … )(作主语,代替条件状语从 句) (2) Since there is no atmosphere in space, scientists could make pure drugs there. (The absence of atmosphere in space would enable scientists to make pure drugs there. ) (作主语,代替原因状语从句) (3) In order that the electrical operation of the ferrites can be successful, it is demanded that… ( Successful electrical operation of the ferrites demands that… ) (作主语,代替目的状语从句) (4) After the feedback is added, the output becomes stable. (The addition of the feedback makes the output stable. ) (作主语,代替时间状语从句) (5) The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. (作主语) 地球饶轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 (6) Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. (作 表语) 电视通过无线电波发射和接收移动物体的图象。 (7) The curve shows the variation of the current in the circuit with the applied voltage.(作宾语) 这条曲线画出了该电路的电流随外加电压的变化情况。 (8) The rate of decrease of power with increased case temperature is θjc. (作主语) 功率随管壳温度增加而下降的速率为θjc。 (9) The dependence of y upon x is expressed by y=f(x). (作主语) Y对于x的依从关系用y=f(x)来表示。 (10) Ellipses are used to describe the motions of the planets around the sun. (作宾语) 我们用椭圆来描述行星绕太阳的运行情况。 (11) We have discussed the passage of an electric current through liquid solutions of acids, bases 1 and salts. (作宾语) 我们讨论了电流通过酸、碱、盐溶液的情况。 (12) The resolution of a force into x- and y- components is possible. (作主语) 我们可以把一个力分解成x分量和y分量。 (13) These special problems arise from the use of atomic energy as a source of power. (作介词 宾语) 这些特殊问题是把原子能用作能源时产生的。 (14) A comparison of Eq. (4) with Eq. (6) leads to the following relations. (作主语) 把式(4)和式(6)相比较,我们就得到了以下几个关系式。 (15) The energy radiated by the sun is due to the continuous transformation of hydrogen into helium in its interior. (作介词宾语) 太阳辐射的能量是由于在其内部连续地把氢转变成氦所引起的。 (16) Speed is defined as the ratio of distance to time. (作介词宾语) 速度被定义为距离与时间之比。 (17) These sparse data have demonstrated that further studies on the application of ozonation for the degradation of NPs, as a group of quite bio-resistant toxic compounds are required. (作介词宾语) 这些分散的数据已经表明,进一步研究用臭氧化作用降解 NPs(一组生物难降解和毒性的化合物)是必需的。 B. 介词短语(含with 短语) 1构成:由“介词+名词或代词”构成。 2功能:介词短语可替代从句,在句中作定语、状语等。其中“with 短语”更加常见。 3例句: (1) Upon substitution of the actual magnitudes, v turned out to be the velocity of light. (After they had substituted the actual magnitudes, v turned out to be the velocity of light.) (2) At a temperature greater than 60 , (If the temperature is greater than 60 , … ) (3) In our study of electricity, (When we studied electricity,) (4) Because of the large scattering cross section of the target, (Because the scattering cross section of the target is large , ) (5) For a given resistance, (If the resistance is given,… ) (6) The building under construction (that is being constructed ) will be a computer factory. 在介词短语中,“with 短语”较为常见。处在句首时,常表示“对于;有了;在…… 情况下”等的意思,作状语。 (1) With the alternating current, things are different. 对于交流电来说,情况就不同了。 (2) With radar, we can see distant objects. 有了雷达,我们可以看到远方的物体。 处在句尾时,常表示结果、附加说明等,常作状语。 (1) With few exceptions chemical engineers, because of their process orientation, are generally better equipped than civil engineers to handle problems related to using recycled materials and alternate sources of raw materials as feed stock for industrial processes. 处在句首(特殊情况),作状语,作附加说明。 (2) An initial analysis of the device parameters has been made with satisfactory results. (作状 语,说明结果)。 我们对器件参数进行了初步,其结果令人满意。 With 短语也可作后置定语,代替定语从句。 (1) Fig. 2 shows a transformer with mutual inductance M (which has mutual inductance M. ) 图2 显示了互感为M的一个变压器。 B-1 with 结构 1构成: with (或without) +名词或代词+分词(短语)、介词短语、形容词(短语)、副词、不定式(短语)、名词(短语)。即,with后接一个较复杂的结构。有人称其为无动词从句,是一个表现力丰富的结构,应用广泛。 2功能:作状语,处于句首表示条件、时间和原因等;处于句尾表示结果,附加说明、方式和条件等。也作后置定语,充当定语从句的作用。 3例句: (1) The activated sludge process is a continuous operation, with continous sludge pumping the clean water discharge. (“with+名词+现在分词短语”,作附加说明) 活性污泥法是一个连续的操作过程,连续不断的污泥泵出清澈的出水。 (2) The entire food web, or ecosystem, stays in dynamic balance, with adjustments being made as required. (“with+名词+现在分词短语”,作附加说明) 整个食物网,即生态系统,处于动态平衡,根据需要可作出适当的调整。 (3) Temperature has a pronounced effect on oxygen uptake(usage), with metabolic activity increasing significantly at higher temperature. (“with+名词+现在分词短语”,作附加说明) 温度对氧的吸收(耗用)有明显的影响,在较高温度下新陈代谢活性显著增加。 (4) The logical extension of this idea is to not have any treatment plants at all, but dispose of the wastewater onsite, with each house or building having its own treatment system. (“with+名词+现在分词短语”,作附加说明) 这个思想的合理延伸就是不需要任何的处理厂,而是就地处置废水,每个住宅或建筑物都拥有自己的处理系统。 (5) The primary clarifier seems to act like a viral and bacteriological concentrator , with a substantial fraction of these microorganisms existing in the sludge instead of the liquid effluent. (“with+名词+现在分词短语”,作附加说明) 一级澄清池似乎充当了病毒和细菌的浓缩器,这些微生物的大部分是在污泥中而不是在出水中。 (6) The pressure of a gas varies inversely as its volume, with temperature being constant. (“with+名词+现在分词短语”,作条件状语) 在温度不变的条件下,气体的压强与体积成反比。 (7) An object may be hot without the motion in it being visible. (“without+名词+现在分词 短语”,作让步状语) 一个物体,即使其内部的运动是看不见的,也可能是热的。 (8) Tubular precipitators consist of cylindrical collection tubes with discharge electrodes located along the axis of the cylinder. (“with+名词+过去分词短语”,作附加说明) 管式除尘器由筒型收集管构成,其中筒中轴向布置放电电极。 (9) With its base grounded, Q4 is a very high impedance. (“with+名词+过去分词”,作条 件状语) 在其基极接地的情况下,Q4是一个很高的阻抗。 (10) Each planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, with the sun at one focus of the ellipse. (“with+名词+介词短语”,状语,作附加说明) 每颗行星在椭圆轨道上绕太阳运行,而太阳处于椭圆的一个焦点上。 (11) A brief introduction to the principles of a computer is given, with emphasis on the design of software.(“with+名词+介词短语”,状语,作附加说明) 本文对计算机原理作了简要的介绍,重点放在软件的上。 (12) Areas with acid-neutralizing compounds in the soil, for example, can experience years of acid deposition without problems. (“with+名词+介词短语”,作后置定语) 例如,一些土壤中含有酸中和化合物的地区,可以毫无问题地经受数年的酸雨。(13) The equation to the circle with its center at the origin and of radius a is x2+y2=a2.(“with+ 名词+介词短语”,后置定语) 圆心在原点、半径为a的圆的方程为x2+y2=a2。 (14) This is an inequality with zero on the right. (“with+名词+介词短语”,后置定语) 这是一个右边为零的不等式。 (15) LDHs are layered materials with positively charged metal hydroxide sheets in brucite layers, balanced by exchangeable charge-compensating anions and water molecules, which are present in the interlayer space. (“with+名词+介词短语”,作后置定语) LDHs是层状材料,在其水镁石层中有带正电的金属氢氧化物片,并通过存在于层间的可交换电荷补偿阴离子和水分子保持平衡。 (16) With friction present, a part of power has been lost as heat. (“with+名词+形容词”,原 因状语) 由于存在摩擦,所以一部分功率作为热而损失掉了。 (17) With the key open, the voltage on the grid is equal to the bias voltage. (“with+名词+形 容词”,时间状语) 当键打开时,栅极电压就等于偏压。 (18) In this representation formaldehyde (HCOH) and oxygen are produced from carbon dioxide and water, with sunlight the source of energy. (“with+名词+名词短语”,作条件状语) (19) If lead and silver electrodes are put in an electrolyte solution with a microammeter between, the reaction at the lead electrode would be …(“with+名词+副词”,作后置定语) (20) The electric current flows through the circuit with the switch on. (“with+名词+副词”, 作条件状语) 开关接通,电流便在电路中流动。 (21) These flowers grow without people to help. (“with+名词+动词不定式”,作条件状语) 这些花在无人照料的情况下生长。 C. 分词短语(包括独立分词结构) 1构成:分词短语包括现在分词短语、过去分词短语和独立分词结构等。 2功能:分词短语可以作状语,放在句首通常可用来表示时间、条件、原因及对主语的附加说明,放在句末常作附加说明(伴随状况、交代细节),或表示结果、方式等,可以代替状语从句或并列分句。分词短语还可作后置定语,起定语从句的作用。独立分词结构可放在句首,更常见放在句尾,用作附加说明(即伴随状况)等。 3例句: (1) A lamp connected across a dry cell is an example of a simple electric circuit. (过去分词短 语,作后置定语) 把一灯泡连接在干电池两端就是简单电路的一个例子。 (2) The greater the resistivity, the greater the electric field needed to establish a given current density. (过去分词短语,作后置定语) 电阻率越大,为建立给定的电流密度所需的电场就越大。 (3) In this case, the current flowing through a wire is directly proportional to the potential difference maintained. (现在分词短语,作后置定语) 在这种情况下,流过导线的电流与保持的电位差成正比。 (4) Flowing through a circuit , the current will lose part of its energy. (现在分词短语,作时间 状语) 当电流流过电路时,要消耗掉一部分能量。 (5) Expressed in a formula, the relationship between voltage, current and resistance can be written as V=IR. (现在分词短语,作条件状语) 如用表示的话,电压、电流、电阻之间的关系可写成V=IR。 (6) Being a good conductor of electricity, copper is widely used in electrical engineering. (现在 分词短语,作原因状语) 由于铜是良导体,所以被广泛地应用在电气工程中。 (7) Having obtained the initial conditions, we go on to solve the network differential equations. (现在分词短语(完成式),作时间状语) 在获得了初始条件后,我们接下去就要解这些网络微分方程了。 (8) Designed primarily for protons, this accelerator has achieved energies of 300 Gev. (过去分 词短语,作状语,对主语作附加说明) 这台加速器主要是用于质子的,它已获得了300吉电子伏的能量。 (9) Known as a “man-amplifier ”, a machine under development consists of a framework that the operator wears. (过去分词短语,作状语,对主语作附加说明) 正在研制的一种机器称为“人力放大器”,它是由可供操作人员穿戴的框架组成的。(10) Silver is the best conductor, followed by copper. (过去分词短语,状语,作附加说明) 银是最好的导体,其次是铜。 (11) V varies between 0.3 and 0.7, depending on the base current. (过去分词短语,状语,作 附加说明) V 的值处于0.3 到0.7之间,这取决于基极电流。 (12) In urban areas each person produces between five and eight pounds of solid wastes each day, excluding junked automobiles and appliances or industrial solid wastes. (现在分词短语,状语,作附加说明。) 在城市地区每人每天产生5至8磅的固体废物,不包括废的汽车和及用具和工业固体废物。 (13) The residual inorganics then become the building blocks for new life, using the sun as the source of energy. (现在分词短语,状语,作附加说明) (14) This gas is about 60% methane and burns readily, usually being used to heat the digester and answer additional energy needs within a plant. (现在分词短语,状语,作附加说明)该气体含有约60%的甲烷,易燃,通常被用来加热消化池和弥补厂内的额外能量需求。 (15) The wastewater is forced through a semipermeable membrane which acts as a superfilter, rejecting dissolved as well as suspended solids. (现在分词短语,状语,作附 加说明) 废水被强制通过半透膜,该膜充当超滤器,能排除溶解性的和悬浮性的固体。 (16) These points are plotted and joined, thus forming the curve which represents the function. (现在分词短语,作状语,表示结果) 把这些点描出来连在一起,这样就构成了代表该函数的曲线。 (17) The National Academy of Sciences and other leading scientific bodies first gave c redence to these concerns in the early 1980s when they suggested that emissions of sulfur oxide from electric power plants were being carried hundreds of miles by prevailing winds,being transformed in the atmosphere into sulfuric acid ,falling into pristine lakes ,and killing off aquatic life. (现在分词短语,作结果状语) 国家科学院和其他一些主要科研机构在20世纪八十年代初期首先认识到了这些问题,当时他们指出发电厂的硫氧化物排放物会随着主导风向数百英里外传播,从而在大气中被转化为硫酸,落入清澈的湖泊中而杀死水生物。 (18) Equation (5) may be solved using the Laplace transformation. (现在分词短语,作方式状 语) 方程(5)可用拉普拉斯变换来解。 (19) If you walk along a horizontal floor carrying a weight, no work will be done. (现在分词短 语,作方式状语) 如果你带着一个重物在水平的地面上行走,你并没有做功。 (20) An electron is about as large as a nucleus, its diameter being about 10-12 cm. (独立分词结 构,作状语,作附加说明) 电子与原子核的大小大致相同,其直径大约为10-12厘米。 (21) This knowledge also went a long way toward initiating better house-keeping procedures within plants, identifying opportunities for raw materials substitution and production process modifications, all resulting in reduced water and waste quantities. (独立分词结构, 作状语,作附加说明) (22) This current changing, the magnetic field will change as well. (独立分词结构, 作时间状 语) 该电流变化时,磁场也将发生变化。 (23) The sign of the integral depends on the direction of the path taken, a counter-clockwise direction being taken as positive. (独立分词结构, 作状语,作附加说明) 积分的符号取决于所取路径的方向,我们把反时针方向取为正。 (24) There are several basic laws governing these interactions, all of them discovered early in the nineteenth century. (独立分词结构, 作状语,作附加说明) 支配这些相互作用的基本定律有几个,它们都是在19世纪初发现的。 D. 形容词短语 1构成:由“形容词+介词短语、不定式或状语从句”构成。 2功能:作后置定语。作状语,在句首时主要表示原因、条件、让步、对主语的附加说明或 对全句的评述。在句尾时,可表示附加说明或对前面句子的评述,更多的是作方式状语。 3例句: (1) The electrons able to move freely within a wire play an extremely important role in the formation of electric current. (形容词短语,后置定语) 在导线内能自由运动的电子在形成电流方面起了极为重要的作用。 (2) An example of this is motion parallel to the earth’ s surface.(形容词短语, 后置定语) 这种情况的一个例子是平行于地球表面的运动。 (3) Something as small as a worm may be composed of millions of cells. (形容词短语, 后置定 语) 像一条虫那么小的东西可能是由数百万个细胞构成的。 (4) A base of logarithms must be a positive number, not equal to one. (形容词短语, 后置定 语) (5) Small in size and low in price, this device is warmly received by users. (形容词短语,原因 状语) 由于该设备体积小、价格低,所以很受用户欢迎。 (6) Simple in structure and low in price, this device is in great demand. (形容词短语, 原因状 语) 这种设备由于结构简单、价格低廉,所以需求量很大。 (7) Free from the attack of moisture, a piece of iron will not rust very fast. 如果铁块不受潮,则不易生锈。(形容词短语, 条件状语) (8) Large or small, all the circuits will contain the same kinds of components. (形容词短语,让 步状语) 所有的电路无论大小,都含有同样的元件。 (9) Analogous to the eyelid, the camera shutter opens for a predetermined length of time to allow light to enter through the lens and expose the film. (形容词短语,作状语,对主语作附加说明) 照相机的快门类似于眼睑,它在预定的一段时间开启,让光线进入镜头而使胶片曝光。 (10) Contrary to common belief, forces are not transmitted only by “direct contact”. 与大家的观念相反,力并不是仅仅靠直接接触来传递的。(形容词短语,作状语,对全句评述) (11) The output voltages go through a minimum at ω=ω0, very analogous to the situation in series resonance. (形容词短语, 附加说明) 输出电压在ω=ω0时达到最小值,这非常类似于串联谐振的情况。 (12) It must be noted that the current increases proportional to every decrease of resistance. (形 容词短语, 方式状语) 必须注意,电流与电阻成反比。 (13) The conductor is moving parallel to the magnetic field. (形容词短语, 方式状语) 该导体正平行于磁场运动。 E. 使用不定式短语(代替从句) F. 使用介词+动名词短语(代替定语从句或状语从句) 二、采用定语从句等 例句: (1) Semiconductors are very sensitive to light and heat, both of which have a great effect on their conductivity. 半导体对光和热很敏感,这两者对其电导率影响很大。 (2) A new method for solving this problem is presented, which is simple and practicable. 本文提出了解决这一问题的一种新方法,这种方法简单而切实可行。 (3) They treated the cyanide-containing ef?uent using alkaline chlorination, which does not destroy the pollutants completely. 他们使用碱性氯化来处理含有氰化物的废水,但这并不能完全破除污染物。 (4) A sharp increase in the adsorption isotherm at relatively high pressures illustrates that condensation is occurring, which is indicative of mesoporosity (320). 在相对高压下等温吸附曲线急速增高表明发生缩聚作用,这是介空隙(320)的象征。 三、用名词短语作为前面整个句子或句中一部分的同位语,以避免用一个结构显得松散的 并列句或一个非限制性定语从句。 其模式为: (1)…句子,a (an)+形容词+名词。 (2)…句子,a (an)+名词+后置定语(过去分词短语,定语从句,形容词短语,同位 语从句)。 例句: (1) The car noses up when it accelerates, a familiar effect. 小汽车加速时车头会向上抬起,这是大家熟悉的一种效应(这种效应是大家所熟悉的。)。 (2) Most metals may be deformed considerably beyond their elastic limits, a property known as ductility. 大多数金属形变的程度可以远远超过它的弹性限度,这一性质称为延性。 (3) All forces fall into one or the other of these two classes, a fact that will be found useful later. 所有的力均可归属为这两类中的某一类,这一点以后会发现是很有用的。 (4) In every normal atom, the number of protons equals the number of electrons, a fact which is directly related to the electrical properties of the proton and the electron. 在每个正常的原子中,质子数等于电子数,这一点是与质子和电子的电性质直接相关的。 (5) The legislation calls for historic reductions in sulfur dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels,the principal cause of acid rain. 法律要求对于来自化石燃料燃烧的二氧化硫的排放有一个历史性的减少,这样的排放是酸雨的主要原因。(名词短语the principal cause of acid rain 作为前面句中sulfur dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels的同位语) (6) The third modification is contact stabilization, or biosorption, a process in which the sorption and bacterial growth phases are separated by a settling bank. (名词短语作contact stabilization, or biosorptio的同位语) 第三种改进是接触稳定化,即生物吸附,它是这样一个,通过一个沉淀池将吸附阶段和细菌生长阶段分开。 (7) Carbon dioxide comprises only a very small portion of the atmosphere, a little more than 0.03% by volume. CO 2仅仅是大气中的很小一部分,它占总体积的0.03%多一点。 四、用一个名词短语放在主语前作主语的同位语,以避免用一个系(词)表(语)结构的句子,使整个句子的结构显得严谨、紧凑和平衡。 例句: (1) An instrument for measuring electric resistance, the ohmmeter is widely used in electrical engineering. 作为测量电阻的仪表,欧姆表被广泛地用在电气工程中。 (2) An electroacoustic transducer, the loudspeaker converts audio-frequency power into acoustic power. 扬声器是一种电声传感器,它把音频电能变成声能。 五、采用表示尺寸、大小等的名词短语作为后置定语,充当一个定语从句的作用。 例句: (1) Basic Electronics is a book much the same size as this one. 《基础电子学》是与本书篇幅大致相等的一本书。 (2) The nucleus has a diameter only 0.01% of that of the atom itself. 原子核的直径仅为原子本身直径的0.01%。 (3) Oxygen has a mass about 16 times the mass of a hydrogen atom. 氧的质量约为氢分子的16倍。
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