

2017-09-17 32页 doc 87KB 67阅读




2015乡村医生绩效考核与补助方案2015乡村医生绩效考核与补助方案 2015年乡村医生绩效考核与补助发放方案 为了加强对乡村医生的管理~调动广大乡村医生的工作积极性~进一步稳定乡村医生队伍~巩固农村三级医疗卫生服务网络~确保广大群众享受基本医疗卫生服务~不断提高农民群众的健康水平和生活质量~根据?四川省卫生和计划局关于印发乡村医生绩效考核指导意见的通知?,仪陇县卫〔2011〕52号,和南充市卫生局?关于印发〖南充市推进基本药物制度乡村卫生服务一体化管理工作实施方案,试行,〗的通知?,仪卫基卫〔2013〕17号,文件精神~结合我镇实际~制定本方案。 一、...
2015乡村医生绩效考核与补助 2015年乡村医生绩效考核与补助发放方案 为了加强对乡村医生的管理~调动广大乡村医生的工作积极性~进一步稳定乡村医生队伍~巩固农村三级医疗卫生服务网络~确保广大群众享受基本医疗卫生服务~不断提高农民群众的健康水平和生活质量~根据?四川省卫生和局关于印发乡村医生绩效考核指导意见的通知?,仪陇县卫〔2011〕52号,和南充市卫生局?关于印发〖南充市推进基本药物乡村卫生服务一体化管理工作实施方案,试行,〗的通知?,仪卫基卫〔2013〕17号,文件精神~结合我镇实际~制定本方案。 一、考核目的 通过建立和完善以服务数量、服务质量及满意度为主要内容、以岗位责任与绩效为基础~体现多劳多得、优劳优得的考核激励制度~促使乡村医生认真履行基本公共卫生和基本医疗服务职能~充分调动积极性和主动性~促进我镇基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化和推进村卫生室实施基本药物制度~确保广大农民群众获得安全、有效、方便、价廉的基本医疗卫生服务。 二、考核原则 ,一,坚持绩效考核与社会效益挂钩的原则, ,二,坚持公平、公正、公开的原则, ,三,坚持奖优罚劣~考核结果与发放补助挂钩的原则, ,四,坚持平时工作检查与定期考核相结合的原则。 三、考核内容 按照乡村医生职责、乡村医生一体化管理工作要求和仪陇县乡村医生绩效考核细则,详见附件)进行考核,考核内容分公共卫生服务、基本医疗、综合管理、群众满意度四方面内容,重点对乡村医生职能履行情况、服务数量、服务质量、满意度评价等进行考核。 四、考核方法 debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management ,一,考核对象:经乡镇卫生院聘任并报县卫计局备案在岗执业的乡村医生。 ,二,检查考核方法。 1.现场检查。查阅村卫生室的工作、#登记表#册、相关报表、文件资料、处方和门诊登记等各种医疗文书;查看村卫生室的药品、医疗器械、标志标识管理和制度建设。 2.走访群众。调查面不少于10户农民家庭,并发放调查表,了解群众对乡村医生卫生服务的满意度。 ,三,考核领导小组 卫生院成立乡村医生考核领导小组~由卫生院院长担任考核组组长~成员由基本公共卫生、基本医疗、行政管理等人员组成~具体负责对辖区内乡村医生进行考核。 领导小组名单如下: 组 长: 严志彬 卫生院院长 副组长:黄光鸿 公卫副科长 成 员: 唐朝勇 于红英 肖国平 ,四,考核实施 1.乡镇卫生院根据本地实际~组织乡村医生绩效考核领导小组对辖区内的乡村医生进行考核。考核采取查阅资料、日常工作量完成情况、现场检查、走访群众等多种方法进行。 2.乡镇卫生院在年终考核结束后5个工作日内~把考核情况报县卫计局~县卫计局在10个工作日内组织有关专家进行验收~每个乡镇验收2个行政村。验收结束后10个工作日内给予认定并同时在各个行政村公示,公示时间不得少于5天,~并及时反馈给被考核的乡村医生~公示后对乡村医生发放补助。 ,五,考核时间 日常考核评分分别在每年3、6、9、12月份进行~考评结果作为基本公共卫生、基本医疗服务和基本药物制度落实预发补助的依据,年终进行全面考核一次~时间安排在次年1月底之前完成~作为年度按等级发debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 放补助和综合奖惩的依据。 五、考核结果运用 ,一,基本医疗服务和基本药物制度落实绩效考核总分100分(说明:附件1只是日常门诊量的考核~并没有评分分值)~补助标准参照?2015年仪陇县乡村医生基本医疗服务和基本药物制度绩效考核补助标准?,附件1) 。考核结果作为乡村医生实施基本药物制度补助发放的主要依据~同时作为乡村医生续聘的依据。 ,二,公共卫生服务日常工作绩效考核补助标准参照?2015年仪陇县村卫生室基本公共卫生服务项目绩效考核补助发放标准?,附件2,。考核结果作为乡村医生开展基本公共卫生服务补助发放的主要依据。考核结果分为四个等次:分值90分以上为优秀~80-89分为合格~60-79分为基本合格~60分以下为不合格。考核结果作为乡村医生基本公共卫生补助发放的主要依据~同时作为乡村医生续聘的依据。考核优秀的~按规定全额拔付财政补助经费外,扣除预发数,~给予适当奖励,考核合格的~按得分比例拔付财政补助经费,扣除预发数,,考核基本合格的~要相应扣减财政补助经费,考核结果不合格的~除核减当年绩效考核补助经费外~还应予以通报批评~限期整改。(说明:附件2只是日常工作量的考核~并没有评分~因此不存在考核结果的分值~蓝色字体部分应该删除) ,三,综合考核总分200分,基本医疗、公共卫生、综合管理、群众满意度,~具体见?2015年仪陇县乡村医生绩效考核细则?,附件3,。考核结果分为四个等次:折算成百分制~分值90分以上为优秀~80-89分为合格~60-79分为基本合格~60分以下为不合格。考核结果作为乡村医生年终奖惩和乡村医生续聘的主要依据。考核结果为优秀的~给予100元/次奖励,考核结果为合格的~全额拔付财政补助经费,扣除预发数,,考核为70-79分的~拔付财政补助经费,扣除预发数,的80%,考核为60-69分的~拔付财政补助经费,扣除预发数,的50%,考核结果不合格的~除拔付财政补助经费,扣除预发数,的30%外~予以通报批评~限期整改,连续四次考核不合格的给予解聘。 ,四,有下列情形之一的,单项及综合考核均不能评为合格以上等次: 3t quality managementthird cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Projec-thirds; bath of one-k at least deep twotank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sinhigh lified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toiletevel of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is quaound lburied drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower grdays or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or idual n specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Indivinage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the desigem dratop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage systg apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency sushinquickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Fl r level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be dischargedry appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when watedebugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanita 1.免疫规划疫苗接种率未达90%的。 2.因传染病漏报或报告处理未及时导致突发公共卫生事件的。 3.辖区内重性精神病人随访管理未达90%的。 4.未按规定配备和使用基本药物并执行零差率销售的。 六、工作要求 ,一,提高认识~加强领导。镇村两级管理人员要充分认识绩效考核的重要意义~加强对绩效考核工作的组织领导和管理。县卫计局负责组织基本公共卫生、基本医疗、行政管理等专家进行乡村医生绩效考核的政策、内容及方法等方面的培训,乡镇卫生院具体负责乡村 医生的培训、指导及职责落实~保障绩效考核工作的顺利开展。 ,二,及时筹措发放补助资金~提高补助资金使用管理效能。为保证乡村医生各项工作顺利开展~每月预发基本补助600元,其中基本公共卫生400元~基本医疗服务和基本药物制度200元,,季度考核合格的~作为下季度基本公共卫生服务以及基本医疗服务和基本药物制度每月基本补助预发及本季度基本公共卫生服务以及基本医疗服务和基本药物制度落实补助的核算依据。 附件: 1. ?2015年先锋镇乡村医生基本医疗服务和基本药物制度绩效考核补助标准? 2. ?2015年先锋镇村卫生室基本公共卫生服务项目绩效考核补助发放标准? 3.?2015年先锋镇乡村医生绩效考核细则? debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 附件1: 2015年先锋镇乡村医生基本医疗服务和基本药物制度绩效考核补助标准 考核指标 考核内容 考核标准 经费补助说明 一、每季现场核查资料,向得到服务的10—1.做到门诊病人有登记,用药有处方,诊疗收费有票据,15位村民进行核实,并统计数值。 转诊有登记,书写符合要求。 1.按服务质量管理要求并规范用药的,每季2.通过询问查看,门诊日志内容登记齐全无误,有观察记诊疗服务人次达服务人口20%(含),每月服 务 质 量 录; 补助200元,人; 3..检查处方,药品名称、规格、用法用量等书写符合处方2.每季度服务人次在服务人口数20%-40%之管理规范; 间的,按服务人口数0.8元 ,人/季给予补4.无医疗责任事故。 助; 3.每季度诊疗服务人次达到服务人口数基本医疗服40%(含)以上的,按服务人口数1元 ,人务和基药执1.药品购进规范。 /季给予补助; 行情况 规 范 用 药 2.全部配备和使用基本药物,执行零差率销售。 4.每季度达不到服务人口数15%的,每下降3.门诊抗生素2联及以上联用处方百分比不超过20%。 一个百分点扣减当月经费补助的10%。 二、私自采购药品、超范围使用药品或未按 零差价销售药品以及同一病种同一天内收取 多次诊疗费的,查实后,首次发生的扣发相 当于违规所得补助;如再次发生同样错误,服 务 数 量 每季度诊疗服务人次数达核定服务人口数的20%以上。 扣发全年所有基药补助金额,当年年度考核 定为不合格等次。 -k at least deep twotank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sinhigh lified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toiletevel of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is quaound lburied drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower grdays or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or idual n specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Indivinage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the desigem dratop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage systg apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency sushinquickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Fl r level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be dischargedry appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when watedebugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanita5t quality managementthird cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Projec-thirds; bath of one 6 附件2: 2015年先锋镇村卫生室基本公共卫生服务项目绩效考核补助发放标准 考核指标 考核内容 考核标准 考核方法 经费补助说明 1.基本工作任务:辖区内居民健康档案累计建档率达85%以 上,档案内容包括居民基本信息、健康体检、主要健康问题、1.配合卫生院入户开展调查、疾病筛查、健康体检和重点人群健康管理记录和医疗卫生服务记录。档案更新率达服务引路;为辖区农村居民建立健康档案。 农村居民健查阅资料,走访20%。建立辖区内重点人群花名册。 建立农村 2.分别建立本辖区农村居民65岁以上老年人、15岁 康档案的建调查。现场查阅2.新建1份完整的档案15元,人(包含所有建档的材料和居民健康 以下儿童、0-6岁儿童、0-3岁儿童、孕产妇、高血压立及更新情电子建档并电设备等耗材成本在内),其中个人基本信息2元,人,健康档案 病人、?型糖尿病人、重性精神病人名册。 况 话随访群众 体检8元,人,电脑录入档案信息人工费5元,人;更新主3. 按名册定期督促老年人、慢性病人、0-3岁儿童、要健康问题和卫生服务记录5元,人。 (删除新建档补助) 孕妇等需要规范化管理的对象按时到卫生院体检。 3.通知辖区老年人、慢性病人、0-6岁儿童、孕妇等需要规 范化管理的对象按时到卫生院体检每体检1人次补1元。 1.及时更新健康教育宣传栏1年6次,独立完成每次80元, 须有记录或相片存档。 1.设立健康教育宣传栏,每年出版健康教育知识不少实地查看、查阅2.协助卫生院将健康教育资料分发入户、或给重点人群 ,健康教育服于6次; 健康教育 档案、图片等资覆盖不低于辖区人口的1/3.按要求组织辖区农村(居)民务提供情况 2.组织辖区农村(居)民参加健康知识讲座和公众健料。 参加健康知识讲座和公众健康咨询活动,每年至少组织一次康咨询活动。 居民健康讲座,人数至少达40人或以上,补助经费为100 元/次。完成全年任务每村(改为“每人”)200元。 1.建立完善0—6岁儿童名册并及时报告儿童出生信息,辖 区内儿童建卡建证率达100%。 掌握适龄儿1.及时掌握辖区内出生儿童情况,并造册登记; 现场考核、查阅2.督促适龄儿童按时到卫生院接种免疫疫苗,协助乡镇卫生童疫苗接种2.及时将辖区内儿童出生信息向卫生院报告; 有关资料,电话免疫规划 院完成查漏补种工作,单苗接种率达95%以上。 和建卡(证)3.督促、通知适龄儿童到当地卫生院接种免疫疫苗,随访适龄儿童3.辖区儿童每接种1针次补助1元,每下降1个百分点扣除情况 并做好相关记录。 父母进行复核 10%经费。 4. 五苗全程合格接种率达90%以上,或含麻疹类疫苗、脊debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 灰疫苗、百白破类疫苗、乙脑疫苗、流脑疫苗加强免疫接种 率达95%以上,则该类苗另按0.4元?针次给予奖励。 1.做好门诊日志记录,并重点关注发热、腹泻等重点 病例; 1.门诊日志记录完善无误,及时报告疑似病人或集中发病状查阅门诊日志传染病报告2.发现疑似病人或集中发病状况及时报告; 况,做好辖区内传染病疫情监控。 登记本;查阅传传染病报告与处理、传染3.做好辖区内传染病疫情监控,及时报告有关疫情; 2.及时报告有关疫情并协助卫生院做好传染病疫情的处置染病报告记录;与处理 病人随访处4.做好结核病人的发现随访管理工作; 工作。 电话随访疾病置工作 5.协助卫生院做好传染病疫情的处置工作 3.做好传染病病人的发现随访管理工作; 患者进行复核 6.村卫生室有固定的艾滋病宣传标语和宣传资料;按4.完成上述工作每个村卫生室每年补助1000元。 上级要求做好综合干预工作。 1.按卫生院要求做好辖区内新生儿访视任务,每完成一个新1.建立辖区内0-6岁儿童花名册,掌握常住和长期外生儿的2次访视,配合完成每人次5元,独立完成每人次补出儿童健康情况; 现场考核、查阅助15元。 2.为卫生院医生入户对新生儿访视引路;或根据当地儿童保健工有关资料,电话2. 按时督促适龄儿童到当地卫生院进行健康检查,辖区内儿童保健 卫生院的工作要求和安排承担辖区内新生儿访视任作实施情况 随访适龄儿童0—6岁儿童健康管理率达80%以上(每年每个儿童健康体检务; 父母进行复核 一次),系统管理率达72%以上(按4:2:1要求)。0—3岁3.及时督促、通知儿童到当地卫生院(或县内定点医儿童健康管理每人次补助1元,4—6岁儿童健康管理每人疗机构)进行健康检查,并做好相关记录 次0.8元。 k at least deep twotank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sinhigh lified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toiletevel of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is quaound lburied drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower grdays or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or idual n specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Indivinage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the desigem dratop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage systg apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency sushinquickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Fl r level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be dischargedry appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when watedebugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanita7t quality managementthird cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Projec-thirds; bath of one- 1.及时掌握辖区内已婚育龄妇女的健康状况,并建立1.建立完善孕产妇名册,及时督促、通知孕产妇到当地卫生 辖区内孕产妇名册; 现场考核、查阅院(或县内定点医疗机构)进行早孕建卡、产前检查5次。 孕产妇保健2.督促、通知孕产妇到当地卫生院(或县内定点医疗有关资料,电话2.辖区内孕产妇进行早孕建卡管理达90%的,每人次补助3孕产妇保健 工作实施情机构)进行早孕建卡(指孕12周内)、产前检查5随访孕产妇进元,第2—5次产前健康管理率达88%每次1元。 况 次,并做好相关记录; 行复核 3.配合卫生院完成产后访视工作每人次5元,独立完成的每 3.配合卫生院完成产后访视工作。 人次15元。要求完成产后访视率90%以上。 1.掌握辖区内65岁以上老年人分布情况,并造册登 记; 现场考核、查阅1.老年人名册资料建立完善齐全并.及时督促、通知老年人到老年人保健2.按卫生院要求做好辖区内农村老年人卫生保健工有 关资料电话当地卫生院接受健康管理,每协助管理一人补助10元; 老年人保健 基本工作开作,每年开展一次对老年人健康随访。 随访老年人进2.按卫生院要求做好辖区内老年人卫生保健工作,每次健康展情况 3.及时督促辖区内农村老年人到卫生院接受健康管行复核 随访补助5元。 理,并做好相关记录。 1.建立完善慢性病患者名册,组织、督促辖区内35岁以上 1.组织、督促辖区内35岁以上的居民到卫生院接受的居民到卫生院接受慢性病筛查,辖区每新筛查出一名慢性查看资料,走访慢性病筛查,有条件的村医还应负责辖区农村居民的病患者并纳入管理补助10元;辖区每新发现一名慢性病患高血压、糖尿调查。电话随访慢性病的筛查工作; 者并报告卫生院纳入管理补助5元; 慢性病管理 病防治工作高血压和2型2.对筛查出的慢病患者名单要造册登记并上报卫生2.定期对辖区内慢性病患者随访和进行健康指导,随访管理开展情况 糖尿病患者进院,并负责慢性病人的随访工作,按时督促慢性病人率达95%以上,协助卫生院完成随访管理每人每年补助20行复核 到卫生院接受健康检查。 元,独立完成随访管理每人每年补助60元,规范管理的每 年补助80元。 1.做好辖区内精神病患者调查的基础性工作,配合卫1.做好辖区内精神病患者调查的基础性工作,配合卫生院筛 重性精神病 生院筛查可疑病例; 查阅资料,走访查可疑病例并建立完善重性精神病患者。每发现一例并完善 患者的随访、2.建立确诊患者名册,并密切关注其病情变化状况; 群众。电话访问相关基础资料补助20元。 重性精神病康复指导及3.按卫生院的指导要求做好辖区内重性精神病患者重性精神疾病2.定期对重性精神病患者随访和进行健康指导,督促好转出患者管理 登记管理情卫生保健工作,每季度开展1次对重性精神病患者的患者家属进行院精神病人门诊服药。随访管理率达95%以上,协助卫生院 况 随访; 复核 完成随访管理每人每年补助20元,独立完成随访管理每人 4.负责督促好转出院精神病人门诊服药工作。 每年补助100元,规范管理的每人每年补助150元。 debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 卫生监督协发现或怀疑有食物中毒、食源性疾病、食品污染等对查阅资料,查看管工作及应人体健康造成危害或可能造成危害的线索事件,以及辖区事件线索无漏报,发生突发公共卫生事件时能及时报告公共卫生事件卫生监督 对突发公共非法行医和非法采供血信息要立即报告卫生院,并协并协助处理3000人以下村委补助300元,3000人以上村委的报告情况和卫生事件能助调查。辖区内发生突发公共卫生事件时及时报告并补助600元,未及时报告一次扣50元。 登记处置情况 力 协助处理。 收集辖区内死亡个案信息,上报乡镇卫生院,对辖区1.每月及时上报辖区内死亡信息补助10元/例; 辖区内人群内发生的在家死亡个案开展调查,并协助乡镇卫生院查阅资料和现2(死亡报告粗死亡率达6‰给补助100元; 死因监测 死亡原因调进行入户调查与核实。死亡报告粗死亡率达6‰以上。场调查 3.在家死亡个案调查率达95,以上,独立完成20元/例, 查情况 协助入户调查率应达95,以上。 协助完成10元/例。 辖区65岁以1. 辖区65岁以上老年人及0-36月龄儿童填写中医药健康上老年人及辖区65岁以上老年人及0-36月龄儿童填写中医药健中医药健康管理服务记录表,独立完成2元/份; 查阅资料和现0-36月龄儿康管理服务记录表并对相应情况开展有针对性的中场调查 管理服务 2. 对患者相应情况开展有针对性的中医药健康指导并有签童开展中医医药健康指导。 字记录每人次补助2元。 药服务情况 附件3: 2015年先锋镇乡村医生绩效考核细则 分考核 内考核指标 考核标准 评分标准 考核方法 值 容 1.协助并参与农村居民健康档案的建档工作,具体1.协助卫生院开展参与农村居民健康档案建档工作得2分; 公共建为:配合卫生院入户开展调查和服务引路,为辖区农立2.建立完善本辖区农村居民65岁以上老年人、15岁以下儿童、0-6岁儿童、0-3卫生村居民建立健康档案;为卫生院开展疾病筛查、健农农村居民健康体检等; 岁儿童、孕产妇、高血压病人、?型糖尿病人、重性精神病人名册得3分; 服务查阅资料,走访调查。村 2.分别建立本辖区农村居民65岁以上老年人、15康档案的建居3.按名册定期督促老年人、慢性病人、0-3岁儿童、孕产妇等需要规范化管理(10010 现场查阅电子建档并岁以下儿童、0-6岁儿童、0-3岁儿童、孕产妇、高民立及更新情的对象按时到卫生院体检得2分。 血压病人、?型糖尿病人、重性精神病人名册; ) 健电话随访群众 况 3. 按名册定期督促老年人、慢性病人、0-3岁儿童、康 4.达标得3分;健康档案建档率不达85%,更新率不达20%,按比例给分。 孕妇等需要规范化管理的对象按时到卫生院体检。 档案 4.健康档案建档率不低于70%,更新率不低于20%。 tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sinhigh lified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toiletevel of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is quaound lburied drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower grdays or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or idual n specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Indivinage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the desigem dratop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage systg apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency sushinquickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Fl r level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be dischargedry appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when watedebugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanita9t quality managementthird cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Projec-thirds; bath of one-k at least deep two 1.设立健康教育宣传栏,每年出版健康教育知识不1.及时更新健康教育宣传栏1年6次,得2分。 少于6次; 健健康教育服2.每年举办2次健康宣传教育及开展健康咨询活动,按要求组织辖区农村(居)实地查看、查阅档案、2.组织辖区农村(居)民参加健康知识讲座和公众康5 教健康咨询活动。 务提供情况 图片等资料。 民参加健康知识讲座和公众健康咨询活动得2分。 育 3.群众知晓率不低于85%,每年举办2次健康宣传3.群众知晓率达85%,得1分,不达标按比例给分; 教育及开展健康咨询活动。 1.建立完善0-7岁儿童(含流动儿童)名册得2分,本地儿童与流动儿童分开 造册;每漏建1%扣0.2分,扣完为止。 2.每月5日前上报儿童出生信息和新流动儿童信息月报表得2分,迟报1次扣 0.3分,漏报1次扣1分,扣完为止。 1.及时掌握辖区内出生儿童(含流动儿童)情况,3.按时督促适龄儿童(含流动儿童)到卫生院接种免疫规划疫苗,并做好相关免掌握适龄儿并造册登记; 记录,辖区内适龄儿童免疫规划疫苗接种达95%以上得11分。要求:1)发放现场考核、查阅有关疫童疫苗接种2.及时将辖区内儿童出生信息和新流动儿童信息漏种儿童接种通知时要动员家长带儿童及时接种疫苗,如发现外出儿童要做好15 资料,电话随访适龄向卫生院报告; 记录,注明家长联系电话 ,外出时间,迁住详细地址(具体到街道、门牌号),规和建卡(证)儿童父母进行复核 3.督促、通知适龄儿童到当地卫生院接种免疫疫并反馈给卫生院防保组,记录不完整每人扣1分。2)对外出回归儿童及时通知划 情况 苗,并做好相关记录。 接种疫苗并向卫生院报告情况。3)流动儿童已转走时要及时掌握并上报卫生院 防保组。4)已通知3次以上儿童仍未接种时,及时报告卫生院防保组,由卫生 院上门动员。如不报告按每人扣1分;5)一旦发现发放通知存在弄虚作假、在 家儿童未得通知接种现象,扣10分。 现场考核、查阅有关资料,电话随访适 龄儿童父母进行复核。 1.门诊日志记录完善无误得2分; 1.做好门诊日志记录,并重点关注发热、腹泻等重2.及时报告疑似病人或集中发病状况,做好辖区内传染病疫情监控,及时报告点病例; 有关疫情得1.5分; 传2.发现疑似病人或集中发病状况及时报告; 3.做好结核病人的发现随访管理工作得4分; 3.做好辖区内传染病疫情监控,及时报告有关疫染1)结核病人或疑似结核病人追踪2分:按卫生院下发病人名单2天内追踪病人情; 病传染病报告率达100%,并及时反馈给卫生院得0.5分,追踪率未达100%不得分;动员结核4.做好结核病人的发现随访管理工作; 查阅门诊日志登记病人到县级以上定点医院进一步诊治,到位率达85%得1.5分,每下降5%扣0.3报与处理、传染5.开展麻风病防治宣教和病人的发现及随访工作: 本;查阅传染病报告10 分。 1)每季度对本村巡视一次,每年在辖区内开展一记录;电话随访疾病告病人随访处2)按卫生院下发病人居家治疗期间进行督导管理2分,每个病例需督导6-8次麻风病线索调查,发现和收集可疑线索并上报。 患者进行复核 与置工作 次,并按需填写督导记录表,要求督导率100%,实际督导率未达100%不得分,2)协助上级对辖区内麻风病人的治疗随访管理。 每例病例督导次数少一次扣0.2分,扣完为止。 处3)有麻防宣传资料,每年进村宣传麻防知识不少4.做好麻风病宣教和病人随访管理工作得2分:未开展线索调查扣0.5分;发理 于2次。 现可疑线索不报告扣0.5 分;未协助上级对病人随访管理扣1分;未开展宣传 扣 0.5分;无宣传资料扣0.5分,扣完为止。 6.协助卫生院做好传染病疫情的处置工作。 5.协助卫生院做好传染病疫情的处置工作得0.5分. debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 配合上级开艾滋展艾滋病宣病1.村卫生室有固定的艾滋病宣传标语和宣传资料; 1.有固定标语和宣传资料得 2分; 查阅相关资料和工作5 教工作和行预2.按上级要求做好综合干预工作。 2.入户宣传率、综合防治达上级要求得3分,不得按比例给分。 记录 防为干预等综控 制 合防治工作 1.建立辖区内0-6岁儿童花名册,掌握常住和长期 外出儿童健康情况; 1.按卫生院要求做好辖区内新生儿访视工作,新生儿访视率达到90%得6分; 儿2.为卫生院医生入户对新生儿访视引路;或根据当现场考核、查阅有关儿童保健工2. 按时督促适龄儿童到当地卫生院进行健康检查,并做好相关记录,本村0-6童10 地卫生院的工作要求和安排承担辖区内新生儿访资料,电话随访适龄保岁儿童健康管理率达到80%,系统管理率达72%,得4分; 作实施情况 视任务; 儿童父母进行复核 健 3.以上指标率每下降1%,扣0.5分,扣完为止。 3.及时督促、通知儿童到当地卫生院(或县内定点 医疗机构)进行健康检查,并做好相关记录 。 1.及时掌握辖区内已婚育龄妇女的健康状况,并建1. 建立完善孕产妇名册得2分; 孕立辖区内孕产妇名册; 2. 及时督促、通知孕产妇到当地卫生院(或县内定点医疗机构)进行早孕建卡孕产妇保健现场考核、查阅有关产2.督促、通知孕产妇到当地卫生院(或县内定点医和产前检查。完成本村孕产妇早孕建卡率达90%的,第2—5次产前健康管理10 工作实施情妇资料,电话随访孕产疗机构)进行早孕建卡(指孕12周内)、产前检率达88%的,得5分; 保妇进行复核 况 查5次,并做好相关记录; 3.配合卫生院或独立完成产后访视工作,要求完成产后访视率90%以上。3分; 健 3.配合卫生院完成产后访视工作。 4.以上指标率每下降1%扣0.5分,扣完为止。 1.掌握辖区内65岁以上老年人分布情况,并造册登1.老年人名册资料建立完善齐全得2分; 老老年人保健记; 2.按卫生院要求做好辖区内农村老年人卫生2.及时督促、通知老年人到当地卫生院接受健康管理,并做好相关记录,得3现场考核、查阅有 关年10 基本工作开人保健工作,每年开展一次对老年人健康随访。 分; 资料电话随访老年人保3.及时督促辖区内农村老年人到卫生院接受健康管3.按卫生院要求做好辖区内农村老年人卫生保健工作,每年开展一次对老年人进行复核 展情况 健 理,并做好相关记录。 健康随访得5分. 1.组织、督促辖区内35岁以上的居民到卫生院接受慢慢性病筛查,有条件的村医还应负责辖区农村居民查看资料,走访调查。高血压、糖尿1.组织、督促辖区内35岁以上的居民到卫生院接受慢性病筛查得4分; 性的慢性病的筛查工作; 电话随访高血压和210 病防治工作病2.建立完善慢性病患者名册资料得2 分; 2.对筛查出的慢病患者名单要造册登记并上报卫生型糖尿病患者进行复管3.定期对慢性病患者随访和进行健康指导,得4分。 开展情况 院,并负责慢性病人的随访工作,按时督促慢性病核 理 人到卫生院接受健康检查。 lified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toiletevel of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is quaound lburied drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower grdays or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or idual n specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Indivinage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the desigem dratop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage systg apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency sushinquickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Fl r level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be dischargedry appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when watedebugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanita11t quality managementthird cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Projec-thirds; bath of one-k at least deep twotank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sinhigh 重1.做好辖区内精神病患者调查的基础性工作,配合重性精神病 性 卫生院筛查可疑病例; 精1.做好辖区内精神病患者调查的基础性工作,配合卫生院筛查可疑病例并建立患者的随访、2.建立确诊患者名册,并密切关注其病情变化状况; 查阅资料,走访群众。神完善重性精神病患者名册资料得2分; 5 康复指导及病3.按卫生院的指导要求做好辖区内重性精神病患者电话访问重性精神疾2.定期对重性精神病患者随访和进行健康指导得2分; 患卫生保健工作,每季度开展1次对重性精神病患者病患者家属进行复核 登记管理情3.督促好转出院精神病人门诊服药工作得1分。 者的随访; 管况 4.负责督促好转出院精神病人门诊服药工作。 理 全县收集辖区内死亡个案信息,上报乡镇卫生院,对辖1.每月及时上报辖区内死亡信息得1分; 辖区内人群人区内发生的在家死亡个案开展调查,并协助乡镇卫2(死亡报告粗死亡率达6‰给2分,每降1‰扣0.5分(不足1‰按1‰记)扣群5 死亡原因调查阅资料和现场调查 死生院进行入户调查与核实。死亡报告粗死亡率达完为止。 因查情况 6‰以上。协助入户调查率应达95,以上。 3.在家死亡个案调查率达95,以上得2分,每下降5%扣0.5分。 监测 卫生监督协卫发现或怀疑有食物中毒、食源性疾病、食品污染等管工作及应查阅资料,查看公共生对人体健康造成危害或可能造成危害的线索事件,5 对突发公共及时报告得2分,协助卫生院和上级单位开展调查得3分。 卫生事件的报告情况以及非法行医和非法采供血信息要立即报告卫生监和登记处置情况 卫生事件能院,并协助调查。 督 力 服 1.通过询问查看,门诊日志内容登记齐全无误得5分,有门诊观察记录得3分; 务基本医疗服做到门诊病人有登记,用药开处方,书写符合规范15 2.检查处方,药品名称、规格、用法用量等书写符合处方管理规范得7分; 查看资料,统计数值。 要求。 质务情况 3.发生医疗责任事故的扣15分。 量 基 本 医 疗配备和使用,40规基本药物、规 范、合理用分, 范1.诊抗生素2联及以上联用处方百分比不超过20% 1.门诊抗生素2联及以上联用处方百分比不超过20%得6分。 18 药,不滥用抗查看资料,统计数值。 2.全部配备和使用基本药物,执行零差率销售。 2.执行基本药物制度和零差价销售制度得12分。 用菌素、激素。药 执行零差率 销售。 debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 开中医适宜技展术适用、使用1.开展中医适宜技术应用达到4项以上得2.5分; 中中药治疗常中医适宜技术适用,使用中药治疗常见病、多发病,2.使用中药治疗常见病、多发病得2.5分; 医7 查看资料,统计数值。 中医药“三三制”实行情况 3.中医诊疗人次达到诊疗人次的1/3,中药收入达到药品总收入的1/3,中医药见病、多发药治疗总收入达到业务总收入的1/3,每项得1分。 病,中医药利服用效率 务 1.农合专题宣传栏目得2分; 新积极参与做好新农合的宣传发动、筹资、门诊报销;2.公布就诊报销流程得2分; 现场考核、查阅有关 农10 新农合工作 认真做好参合农民医药费用报销补偿情况的定期3.公示医疗服务与药品价格的得2分; 资料,查群众投诉记 公示工作。 4.及时公示参合补偿情况和处理投诉得2分; 录。 合 5.配合政府开展新农合宣传和缴费工作得2分;发生套取资金被查实扣10分。 乡综合村按照要求开管 一24 展乡村一体按照要求开展乡村一体化管理 按要求进行三制、四有、五统一进行管理规范的每项得2分 实地核查,查阅资料 理情体化管理 况(50 化 分) 及时、准确报信送公共卫生、息及时、准确报送公共卫生、基本医疗、新农合等相5 基本医疗、新及时准确上传结报信息得5分。 查看资料 关信息 报农合等相关送 信息 业 务参与业务培按时参加自治区及市、县以及乡镇卫生院组织的业5 按时参加自治区及市、县以及乡镇卫生院组织的业务培训得5分。缺席不得分。 查看资料 务培训。 培训 训 机机构内部布构村卫生室内部布局设置合理,符合要求,服务环境3 局及服务环卫生室内部布局合理,五室分开得2分;室内清洁干净得1分。 实地核查,查阅资料 和设施清洁、舒适 管境达标 理 t quality managementthird cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Projec-thirds; bath of one-k at least deep twotank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sinhigh lified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toiletevel of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is quaound lburied drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower grdays or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or idual n specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Indivinage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the desigem dratop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage systg apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency sushinquickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Fl r level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be dischargedry appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when watedebugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanita13 完成上级交其3 办的其他工完成上级交办的其他工作 完成指令性任务得3分。拒绝执行公共卫生服务扣3分。 查看资料 他 作 当地村委和 机上级业务指 随机调查3名村委会成员,随机调查5名上级业务构导单位对村7 指导单位(至少包括3个不同单位)不同部门的工村委会满意率60%以上得4分,上级业务指导单位满意率60%以上得3分。 走访群众,调查问卷。 评卫生室工作作人员 价 完成情况满 意度 当地居民对群众 村卫生室提满 意 供的基本公度(10 共卫生服务分) 群 内容、服务态众随机调查辖区内群众(不少于10名),群众满意3 居民满意度达80%以上得3分。不达按比例给分。 走访群众,调查问卷。 度、服务质率80%以上 评 量、服务可及价 性的满意程度 debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management
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