

2017-09-02 39页 doc 83KB 329阅读




[适合小女孩看的经典]适合3—9岁孩子学英语的10部经典动画[适合小女孩看的经典]适合3—9岁孩子学 英语的10部经典动画 篇一 : 适合3—9岁孩子学英语的10部经典动画 适合3—9岁孩子学英语的10部经典动画 最适合6岁小孩看的刊物是什么啊, 楼上的太厉害了,一下介绍这么多读物~ 我就笼统的说下吧,毕竟我的孩子也在这个阶段,我以前一直以为孩子理解不了别的,只能听写童话故事,直到孩子快上学了都很少给孩子买别的什么书,但我在孩子快到6岁的时候发现了一个同样刚上学孩子的家长给孩子看的书:包括侦探小说,动物的武侠的书,国际大奖的小说......,幼儿读物到很少;我突然醒悟了,不是...
[适合小女孩看的经典]适合3—9岁孩子学 英语的10部经典动画 篇一 : 适合3—9岁孩子学英语的10部经典动画 适合3—9岁孩子学英语的10部经典动画 最适合6岁小孩看的刊物是什么啊, 楼上的太厉害了,一下介绍这么多读物~ 我就笼统的说下吧,毕竟我的孩子也在这个阶段,我以前一直以为孩子理解不了别的,只能听写童话故事,直到孩子快上学了都很少给孩子买别的什么书,但我在孩子快到6岁的时候发现了一个同样刚上学孩子的家长给孩子看的书:包括侦探小说,动物的武侠的书,国际大奖的小说......,幼儿读物到很少;我突然醒悟了,不是孩子不爱看,是因为家长没有给孩子选对书,记得以前为了让孩子对历史感情趣也买了不少历史书籍,当然都是大人看的,给孩子念的时候,孩子用不了几分钟就跑开了,更本就听不进去~ 之后我就多光顾当当,看什么书热销,看家长们买后的评论,收藏了不少,所以在孩子6岁生日前给孩子买了几套读物,包括小说,没想到孩子很喜欢,毕竟是写给孩子的,书的图画精美,内容很精彩,比较吸引人,文字也很容易理解,孩子在几天时间就把一本近200页 的小说自己读完了,还有几套绘本孩子也觉得不错,但翻看2便之后就不再动了,孩子说她更喜欢“大书:就是内容长的小说只类的,而且现在有时间还在看第二边,后续的几本小说也基本看完了,老师也有每天的课外读物,周末基本快一年了基本都在书店度过一天,孩子对书的兴趣满大,就是以前没有给孩子选合适的书~ 我买书是一发不可收拾了每月基本都有几堆书打包邮寄过来,因为活动很多,也比较实惠,满29元就没有运费,但是是平邮比较慢哦,在当当买书有点像抄股要要有耐力,经常做活动就看你能不能买在低点了~推荐看下《我的爸爸叫觉尼》《世界为何存在》《小雄和最好的爸爸》这3本图比较多,字少,我觉得早买很划算,可买的时候孩子都过了哪个年龄了~《不一样的卡梅拉》《木偶奇遇记》《昆虫记》《贝丝丫头》《洋葱头厉险记》《一的小豌豆》《一年级的小密瓜》《夏日历险记》《长袜子皮皮》《丁丁厉险记》《猫头鹰武士》《神气的校车》《疯狂的学校》《我爱阅读系列..》,要下班了,需要再来找我吧,没想到你需要这些~ 篇三 : 美国孩子从小看大的经典系列书 图文/安妮鲜花 系列读物在北美孩子的阅读经历中占据重要位置。一般一个系列一个或几个主要人物,围绕主要人物的日常生活经历编写不同类型的故事内容。内容符合孩子的认知特点,幽默风趣,感觉是和孩子同样高度的书,所以深受孩子们欢迎。尤其是这些系列书非常多地有配套的动画片,有些还有玩具等立体资源。其中有些作品陪伴着几代人 成长。 记得安妮当初在加拿大上学前班之初,就被Clifford大红狗系列迷的神魂颠倒,每次都把图书馆能见到的同系列书借回来读。上一年级后,又被RainbowMagic系列迷住,这个50多本的初级章节书系列读完,也就完成了独立阅读章节书的跨越。 一直觉得美国的科学阅读体系做的非常完备,一方面是对儿童心理的掌握,另一方面,就是对阅读循序渐进方法的科学研究。读物品种丰富,有专为小男孩准备的,也有专为小女孩准备的,不喜欢这个系列的孩子可以找到那个系列的。为了配合小朋友的自主阅读,很多系列读物又被改造成了分级读物。尤其是起步阶段的读物做得非常科学,让小朋友不知不觉间过了识字关。 如今,安妮当初喜欢的很多系列书成为小宝的大爱,而安妮每次都不忘重温一下。这种感觉真好! 下面就详细介绍北美孩子从小看大的系列书: 1 2-8 Puppy Takesa Bath Dorathe Explorer系列 动画片配套的分级读物,因和动画情节有关联而深受孩子们喜爱。亲子阅读和自主阅读的启蒙读物 Follow ThoseFeet! TheHalloween Cat Say”Cheese!” Dora’s FirstTrip Doraand the Rainbow Kite Festival Dora’sPerfect Pumpkin CrystalKingdom Adventures ThePuppy Twins Dora’s SnowyForest Adventure Around theWorld! DoraHelps Diego! ILove My Papi! Dorain the Deep Sea Dora’sPicnic Dora’sSleepover Doraand the Baby Crab Dora’sWizzle World Adventure JustLike Dora! Eggsfor Everyone! Puppy Takesa Bath SoMany Butterflies! ILove My Mami! 2 2-8 Goofy`s Hat Mickey Mouse Clubhouse米奇妙妙屋系列 动画片米奇妙妙屋中的人物,情节有不同,但是仍然容易对应。 亲子阅读和自主阅读都均可用来启蒙,级别差异较大 Mickey’sRoundup Mickey’sCampout Donald’sLost Lion Oh,Yes! Oh, Yes! It’s Springtime Pluto’s Best AVery Handy Holiday Toolfor Sale FarmerDonald’s Pumpkin Patch Minnie’sSummer Vacation CookieRescue Goofy`s Hat Donald’s IceSkating Adventure Abuelito’sGreenhouse Music Of TheMeadow Donald’sSpecial Delivery BunnyTrouble Quincy AndThe Dinosaurs CowboyManny Mission:Ocean Rescue Music Of TheMeadow PinataParty Mickey GoesGreen Let’s Go! PinataParty Mission:Color Discoveries GalacticGoodnight 3 2-6 MaisyGoes Shopping Maisy小鼠波波系列 北美热播动画,情节简单,日常用语丰富,适合低龄宝宝启蒙 Maisy GoesShopping MaisyDresses Up Maisy TidiesUp Maisy MakesGingerbread Maisy’sBedtime Maisy’sBathtime Maisy MakesLemonade Maisy at theBeach Maisy GoesShopping Maisy CleansUp Maisy’sBedtime Maisy at theFair Maisy Drivesthe Bus Maisy’sMorning on the Farm MaisyDresses Up DoctorMaisy Maisy goesto nursery Maisy,charley and the wobbly tooth Maisy Goesto Preschool Maisy’sSnowy Christmas Eve Maisy Goesto the Hospital Maisy Goesto the Library Maisy Goesto the Museum Maisy,Charley, and the Wobbly Tooth Maisy GoesCamping Maisy Big,Maisy Small Maisy’sEaster Egg Hunt Funwith Maisy Maisy MakesLemonade Maisy’sPool Maisy Takesa Bath 4 2-6 Birthday Baby Max andRuby系列 简单,适合故事的最初启蒙,作者其他主人公系列比如Emily/ Morris/ Yoko都有很吸引人的故事 Birthday Max’s EasterSurprise Max’sHalloween Max’s WormCake MaxCounts His Chickens Peekaboo CountingPeas ReadTo Your Bunny MaxAnd Ruby’s Show-And-Tell BunnyMoney RedBoots Max’sValentine Bunny Cakes Max’sToys Love Shopping Ruby’s RainyDay Maxand Ruby’s Midas MaxCleans Up Morris’Disappearing Bag HowMany? How Much? Waiting forthe Evening Star Fritz andthe Mess Fairy Stanley andRhoda Emily’sFirst 100 Days of School &Friends: School Days #01: NoisyNora MyKindergarten 5 2-8 Thomas andFriends: Gordon’s New View Thomas & Friends系列 英国动画片,被翻译成45种语言,并被美国制作成分级读物。火车头们惟妙惟肖的神态深得小车迷们喜欢,阅读启蒙的好素材。从分级读物倒入到与动画片情节相匹配的图画书,可以有效缓解刚开始阅读的的恐惧。 Edward’sExploit and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories Thomas-saurusRex Trouble forThomas and Other Stories Thomas andthe Naughty Diesel Hooray forThomas! ACow on the Line and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories Thomas& Friends: Calling All Engines Thomas& Friends: Down at the Docks Thomas& Friends: James and the Red Balloon and OtherThomas the Tank Engine Stories TheSpecial Delivery LittleEngines Can Do Big Things Diesel 10Means Trouble Thomas GetsTricked and Other Stories Thomas’sRailway Word Book TheMonster Under the Shed Thomas andthe Treasure Henry’s BadDay Diesel’sDevious Deed and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories Thomas andFriends: Percy’s Chocolate Crunch and Other Thomas the Tank EngineStories ABetter View for Gordon Thomas Getsa Snowplow Thomas andthe Rumors James in aMess and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories TrackStars! Thomas’Mixed-Up Day/Thomas Puts the Brakes On Thomas andFriends: Steam Engine Stories Thomas andPercy and the Dragon Thomas andFriends: Gordon’s New View Thomas’ ABCBook Stop, Train,Stop! HappyBirthday, Thomas! Thomas andthe School Trip Thomas andthe School Trip HappyBirthday, Thomas! Thomas andthe Naughty Trick Trouble inthe Tunnel ExpressYourself! Stuck in theMud Thomas andFriends: The Close Shave Thomas andFriends: Henry and the Elephant Thomas GoesFishing Thomas Comesto Breakfast James GoesBuzz Buzz TheGreat Race TheCranky Day and other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories Thomas Comesto Breakfast 6 3-8 We’reDifferent, We’re the Same SesameStreet芝麻街系列 著名电视节目的配套书,画面情节丰富,本书难度在系列中属于简单的 Elmo LovesYou! Elmo’sChristmas Countdown Grover’s 10Terrific Ways to Help Our Wonderful World Watch Outfor Banana Peels and Other Important Sesame Safety Tips S isfor School! Listen toYour Fish AbbyCadabby’s Rhyme Time Happy andSad, Grouchy and Glad Rosita’sEaster on Sesame Street Happy andsad, grouchy and glad Elmo’s ABCBook We’reDifferent, We’re the Same CanYou Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? ElmoLoves You! CookieKisses TheABCs of Cookies Elmo Elmo’sDelicious Christmas Baker,Baker, Cookie Maker B isfor Books! 7 3-6 Caillou: MyFirst Field Trip Caillou系列 一个光头小男孩的幼儿园和家庭日常生活故事,情节生活化,但是文字偏多。适合有一定听力基础的孩子亲子阅读 Caillou:Dress-up with Daddy Caillou: Inthe Garden Caillou:What’s That Funny Noise? Caillou: Atthe Dentist Caillou: TheCaptain Caillou:Training Wheels Caillou: Ata Fancy Restaurant Caillou: TheJungle Explorer Caillou: Andthe Big Slide Caillou: ANice Surprise Caillou: AndGilbert Caillou:Learns to Skate Caillou: MyImaginary Friend Caillou: TheCircus Parade Caillou: ThePhone Call Caillou:Farm Animals Caillou: Atthe Theater Caillou: TheShopping Trip Caillou: ANew Family Caillou: MyFirst Field Trip Caillou: MyFirst Play Caillou:Watches Rosie Caillou: TheWolf Caillou: MyDay Care Friends Caillou:Where’s Gilbert? Caillou:Goes to Work Caillou: IsSick Caillou:Play With Me Caillou:Hurry Up! Caillou:People in My Neighborhood Caillou: NewShoes Caillou: DayCare Caillou: AtGrandma and Grandpa’s Caillou: TheMissing Sock Caillou: TheSchool Bus Caillou: TheMagic of Compost Caillou:Every Drop Counts Caillou: Atthe Zoo Caillou: Atthe Library Caillou:Sends a Letter Caillou:Goes Camping Caillou:What Do You Like to Eat? Caillou:Helps Mommy Caillou: MyFirst Field Trip 8 2-8 Clifford’sAnimal Sounds Clifford大红狗系列 超级畅销系列书,从动物叫声开始进行语音启蒙,系列其他书籍年龄梯度逐渐提高 Clifford’sHalloween Clifford’sChristmas Clifford’sWord Book Clifford’sHappy Easter Clifford theBig Red Dog: Clifford’s Manners Clifford TheFirehouse Dog Clifford andthe Grouchy Neighbors CliffordGoes To Washington Clifford’sFirst Sleepover CliffordGoes to Dog School Clifford’sValentines Clifford’sPals Clifford’sFamily Clifford’sBirthday Party Clifford Andthe Big Storm Clifford ToThe Rescue Clifford andthe Halloween Parade Clifford theBig Red Dog CliffordVisits The Hospital Clifford’sGood Deeds Clifford’sFamily Clifford AtThe Circus Clifford’sKitten Clifford, WeLove You Clifford’sThanksgiving Visit Clifford’sFirst Christmas Clifford’sAbc Clifford’sSpring Glean-up Clifford’sDay with Dad Clifford’sManners Clifford’sBedtime Clifford’sHappy Mother’s Day CliffordBarks! Clifford’sFirst Halloween Clifford’sClass Trip Clifford’sClass Trip Clifford’sPuppy Days CliffordTakes A Trip CliffordMakes a Friend Clifford’sFirst Autumn Clifford’sFirst Snow Day CliffordGoes to Hollywood Clifford’sRiddles Clifford Atthe circus Clifford’sBig Book Of Stories Clifford’sBirthday Party Clifford’sFirst Halloween CliffordGets A Job Clifford andthe Bears Clifford andthe Grouchy Neighbors Clifford’sFamily Clifford atthe Circus Clifford,Welove you Clifford’sManners Clifford TheFirehouse Dog Clifford’sFirst Valentine’s Day Clifford’sSports Day Clifford TheBig Red Dog Clifford’sBedtime Clifford’sBathtime Clifford TheSmall Red Puppy Clifford’sGood Deeds Clifford’sTricks Count onClifford Clifford’sPuppy Days Clifford andthe Big Parade Clifford’sBusy Week Halloween Clifford’sBest Friend 9 2-8 BerenstainBears: We Like Kites Berenstain Bears贝贝熊系列 虽是分级读书,但是因与动画片结合,细节丰富,可作亲子阅 读启蒙 TheBerenstain Bears Lend a Helping Hand TheBerenstain Bears’ Funny Valentine TheBerenstain Bears Blaze a Trail TheBerenstain Bears’ Mad, Mad, Mad Toy Craze TheBerenstain Bears and the Big Question TheBerenstain Bears and the Slumber Party TheBerenstain Bears Trick or Treat TheBerenstain Bears Don’t Pollute TheBerenstain Bears’ Moving Day TheBerenstain Bears and the Sitter TheBerenstain Bears and the In-Crowd TheBerenstain Bears: Report Card Trouble TheBerenstain Bears Learn About Strangers TheBerenstain Bears and the Trouble at School TheBerenstain Bears’ Trouble with Money TheBerenstain Bears and the Truth TheBerenstain Bears and the Messy Room TheBerenstain Bears in the Dark TheBerenstain Bears Go to Camp TheBerenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food TheBerenstain Bears and the Real Easter Eggs TheBerenstain Bears Get the Gimmies TheBerenstain Bears Count Their Blessings TheBerenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing TheBerenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster TheBerenstain Bears and the Trouble with Grownups TheBerenstain Bears and the Double Dare TheBerenstain Bears and the Bad Dream TheBerenstain Bears Get Their Kicks TheBirds, the Bees, and the Berenstain Bears TheBerenstain Bears and the Big Blooper TheBerenstain Bears and the Homework Hassle TheBerenstain Bears and the Blame Game TheBerenstain Bears’ New Neighbors TheBerenstain Bears and the Trouble with Friends TheBerenstain Bears Go Out for the Team TheBerenstain Bears Get Stage Fright TheBerenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin TheBerenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Forest TheBerenstain Bears and the Papa’s Day Surprise TheBerenstain Bears and the Week at Grandma’s TheBerenstain Bears and Too Much Vacation TheBerenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear TheBerenstain Bears No Girls Allowed TheBerenstain Bears and the Mama’s Day Surprise TheBerenstain Bears and the Excuse Note TheBerenstain Bears’ New Baby TheBerenstain Bears Visit the Dentist TheBerenstain Bears Go to the Doctor TheBerenstain Bears Go to School TheBerenstain Bears and Too Much Birthday TheBerenstain Bears and the Missing Honey TheBerenstain Bears and the Bully TheBerenstain Bears and the Bad Habit TheBerenstain Bears Think of Those in Need TheBerenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five TheBerenstain Bears and Too Much TV TheBerenstain Bears Get in a Fight TheBerenstain Bears Forget Their Manners TheBerenstain Bears and Mama’s New Job TheBerenstain Bears Catch the Bus TheBerenstain Bears by the Sea TheBerenstain Bears’ Dollars and Sense TheBerenstain Bears and the Big Road Race TheBerenstain Bears’ Big Bear, Small Bear TheBerenstain Bears Go Back To School TheBerenstain Bears and Too Much Pressure TheBerenstain Bears and the Dress Code TheBerenstain Bears Ride the Thunderbolt BerenstainBears: We Like Kites 10 My LittlePony: Mystery Monster My Little Pony系列非常受小女孩欢迎的系列书,有同题材动画片 My LittlePony: Mystery Monster MyLittle Pony: Fun at the Fair MyLittle Pony: The Greenest Day MyLittle Pony: Butterfly Hunt MyLittle Pony: The Thanksgiving Gift MyLittle Pony: Very Lucky Ponies MyLittle Pony: A Very Pony Place MyLittle Pony: Belle of the Ball MyLittle Pony: Pinkie Pie’s Spooky Dream MyLittle Pony: A Pony’s Tale MyLittle Pony: Pony Party MyLittle Pony: Wishes Do Come True! ThePerfect Pumpkin MyLittle Pony: Pinkie Pie’s Special Day MyLittle Pony: The World’s Biggest Tea Party MyLittle Pony: Caps in the Air! MyLittle Pony: Winter Festival MyLittle Pony: Tutus and Toe Shoes MyLittle Pony: Ponies on Ice MyLittle Pony: A Secret Gift/El regalo secreto MyLittle Pony: Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow MyLittle Pony: A Secret Gift MyLittle Pony: Hide-and-Seek Barbie andthe Three Musketeers Barbie系列很多公主的最爱,除分级读物外一般文字较多 Barbie andthe Three Musketeers AMerry Mermaid Christmas Barbie andthe Diamond Castle: A Storybook ICan Be a Pet Vet Barbie andthe Three Musketeers Barbie in aMermaid Tale: A Storybook StarringBarbie: A Dream Come True RodeoCowgirl! TheBelle of the Ball Barbie andthe Three Musketeers Magic ofpegasus Barbie AsThe Island Princess Barbie andChristmas Carol Thediamond castle Mermaidia Barbie andthe Diamond Castle: A Storybook Barbie:Fashion Fairytale ICan Be a Pet Vet Barbie in aMermaid Tale Barbie andthe Three Musketeers Barbie in aMermaid Tale: A Storybook Barbie:Thumbelina Barbie andthe Diamond Castle Barbie:Horse Show Champ Magic inMusic Barbie: LoveIs in the Air TwoPrincess 11 D.W. AllWet Arthur系列 兄妹三人的日常生活故事,在北美家喻户晓。分级读物依然充满细节和乐趣。亲子阅读和自主阅读启蒙的好素材。 D.W. AllWet ArthurTricks the Tooth Fairy Arthur’sReading Trick Arthur andthe School Pet Arthur’sFirst Kiss Arthur inNew York Arthur’sReading Race Arthur’sFire Drill Arthur’sLost Puppy Arthur’sClassroom Fib Arthur Lostin the Museum Arthur’sBirthday Surprise Arthur Jumpsinto Fall Arthur’sJelly Beans D.W.the Big Boss Glasses forD.W Arthur Tellsa Story GoodNight, D.W. Arthur’sMystery Babysitter Arthur’sHeart Mix-Up Arthur’sTree House Arthur andthe Dog Show Arthur HelpsOut Arthur andthe Big Snow D.W.’s Guideto Preschool Arthur’sPerfect Christmas Arthur tothe Rescue Arthur’s NewPuppy DinosaursDivorce D.W.the Picky Eater Arthur’sThanksgiving Arthur’sValentine Arthur Meetsthe President Arthur’s Offto School D.W.’s LostBlankie ArthurBabysits Arthur’sHomework D.W.’sPerfect Present ArthurTricks the Tooth Fairy Wings onThings SpookyRiddles Arthur’sReading Race D.W.’sLibrary Card Arthur’s PetBusiness Arthur’sTeacher Trouble ArthurWrites a Story Arthur’sBirthday Arthur’sNose Arthur’s TVTrouble Arthur’sBaby Arthur’sFamily Vacation D.W.Thinks Big D.W., Go toYour Room Arthur’sComputer Disaster D.W.’s Guideto Perfect Manners PartyRhymes 12 CuriousGeorge: Takes a Trip Curious George系列 一直淘气猴子的故事,幽默滑稽,文字偏长,适合有一定听力基础的孩子亲子阅读 CuriousGeorge Goes to a Chocolate Factory CuriousGeorge Takes a Job CuriousGeorge Up, Up, and Away CuriousGeorge Visits a Toy Store CuriousGeorge and the Firefighters CuriousGeorge and the Birthday Surprise CuriousGeorge CuriousGeorge Goes to a Movie CuriousGeorge Circus Act: Lift-the-Flap Book CuriousGeorge at the Baseball Game CuriousGeorge 2: Follow That Monkey! CuriousGeorge Makes Pancakes CuriousGeorge Goes to the Hospital CuriousGeorge at the Aquarium CuriousGeorge at the Parade CuriousGeorge the Pizza Party CuriousGeorge Finds a Friend CuriousGeorge Tadpole Trouble CuriousGeorge at the Aquarium CuriousGeorge Snowy Day CuriousGeorge’s Dinosaur Discovery CuriousGeorge Cleans Up CuriousGeorge The Donut Delivery CuriousGeorge Book & CD CuriousGeorge Plumber’s Helper CuriousGeorge and the Puppies CuriousGeorge Goes to a Chocolate Factory CuriousGeorge and the Pizza CuriousGeorge Rides a Bike CuriousGeorge Goes to an Ice Cream Shop HowDo You Get There? Spotty CuriousGeorge Goes to the Beach CuriousGeorge and the Dump Truck CuriousGeorge Goes to a Costume Party CuriousGeorge Visits the Library CuriousGeorge First Day of School CuriousGeorge The Surprise Gift CuriousGeorge Goes Bowling CuriousGeorge Gets a Medal CuriousGeorge Takes a Job CuriousGeorge Builds a Home CuriousGeorge Rides a Bike CuriousGeorge Goes to the Movie Curious BabyMy First Nursery Songs CuriousGeorge Takes a Train CuriousGeorge CuriousBaby, Curious George: Music Play CuriousGeorge and the Hot Air Balloon CuriousGeorge in the Snow Spotty Where’s MyBaby? Seethe Circus CuriousGeorge Visits the Zoo CuriousGeorge Learns the Alphabet 13 Franklin’sValentines Franklin小乌龟系列 适合有一定听力基础的孩子亲子阅读 Franklin’sValentines Franklin andthe Baby FranklinSays Sorry Franklin’sBicycle Helmet Franklin’sReading Club Franklin’sChristmas Gift Franklin andthe Baby Franklin’sBicycle Helmet Franklin andthe Stopwatch Franklin andthe Scooter Franklin’sTrading Cards FranklinStays Up FranklinPlants a Tree Franklin andthe Hero FranklinGoes to the Hospital Franklin’sNeighbourhood Franklin’sSecret Club Franklin’sClass Trip FranklinSays Sorry Franklin’sSchool Play Franklin InThe Dark FranklinGoes To Day Camp Franklin inthe Dark Franklin andThe Big Kid FranklinHelps Out Franklin’sBirthday Party Franklin andHarriet Franklin’sSpecial Blanket: A Lift-the-Flap Book Franklin andthe Thunderstorm FindersKeepers for Franklin Franklin’sNew Friend FranklinRides a Bike Franklin Hasa Sleepover Franklin’sBad Day Franklin’sSchool Play Franklin’sHalloween Franklin andthe Tooth Fairy Franklin’sBlanket FranklinGoes to School Franklin IsBossy FranklinWants a Pet Franklin IsMessy Franklin IsLost FranklinFibs Hurry Up,Franklin Franklin IsMessy Franklin InThe Dark Franklin AndThe Tooth Fairy FranklinPlays The Game 14 Diego’sBaby Polar Bear Rescue Go DiegoGo!系列 Dora 系列的姊妹篇,男孩子版。 Dora’sSleepover ThePolar Bears’ Home TinkerBell’s Tea Party ARoyal Makeover Diego’s BabyPolar Bear Rescue TheRainforest Race Diego Savesa Butterfly AMasterpiece for Bess SoMany Butterflies! GoingHome EnchantedFashions Diego andthe Dinosaurs Diego’sBirthday Surprise 15 Mr. BumpGoes Bumpity-Bump! Mr. Men and Little Miss奇先生妙小姐系列 幽默搞笑故事,语言简单,尤其是适合于动画片结合使用 ttle MissWhoops And The Garden Goof-Up Little MissChatterbox’s Over-The-Top Big Top Mr. StubbornSays There Are No Monsters In This Book Mr.Noisy’s Wild Safari Little MissFickle Mr.Bump Goes Bumpity-Bump! Little MissBossy Mr.Messy Little MissWhoops And The Garden Goof-Up Little MissChatterbox’s Over-The-Top Big Top Mr.Cheerful Little MissFun Mr.Mischief Little MissNaughty Little MissSunshine Mr.Happy Mr.Funny Mr.Happy and Little Miss Sunshine Welcome You to Dillydale! 16 Abuelito’sGreenhouse HandyManny万能阿曼系列 Handy Manny有一颗乐于助人的心灵,是小镇上的修理高手,带着他爱讲话的万能修理工具们的故事,情节简单,与动画片呼应效果好 Mickey’sRoundup Mickey’sCampout Donald’sLost Lion Oh,Yes! Oh, Yes! It’s Springtime Pluto’s Best AVery Handy Holiday Toolfor Sale FarmerDonald’s Pumpkin Patch CookieRescue Goofy`s Hat Minnie’sSummer Vacation Donald’s IceSkating Adventure Abuelito’sGreenhouse Music Of TheMeadow Donald’sSpecial Delivery BunnyTrouble Quincy AndThe Dinosaurs CowboyManny Mission:Ocean Rescue Music Of TheMeadow PinataParty Mickey GoesGreen Let’s Go! PinataParty Mission:Color Discoveries GalacticGoodnight 17 Alpha Pig’sAlphabet Adventure! Super WHY!系列 在故事中进行拼读联系,发现问题解决问题的过程令孩子们很 有成就感 Alpha Pig’sAlphabet Adventure! JackAnd The Beanstalk TheThree Little Pigs GoldilocksAnd The Three Bears ThePrincess And The Pea Little RedRiding Hood LuckyLeaf TheBig Game 18 The MagicSchool Bus: Lost in the Snow MagicSchool Bus系列 在美国备受欢迎的科普故事系列,到中国的受欢迎程度出人意料。 原本非常难的动画片,却被很多孩子用作启蒙,反反复复地看。亲子 有难度,但科普敏感期的孩子们必备。 The MagicSchool Bus Takes a Moonwalk TheMagic School Bus in the Arctic: A Book About Heat TheMagic School Bus Lost in the Snow TheMagic School Bus And The Electric Field Trip TheMagic School Bus Makes A Rainbow: A Book About Color TheGreat Shark Escape TheMagic School Bus at the Waterworks TheMagic School Bus on the Ocean Floor TheMagic School Bus Lost In The Solar System TheMagic School Bus Flies from the Nest TheMagic School Bus Inside Ralphie: A Book About Germs TheMagic School Bus Inside a Beehive TheMagic School Bus Inside the Earth TheMagic School Bus at the First Thanksgiving TheMagic School Bus Inside a Hurricane TheMagic School Bus Explores the Senses TheMagic School Bus in the Time of the Dinosaurs TheMagic School Bus Inside the Human Body Magic SchoolBus Plants Seeds: A Book About How Living Things Grow TheMagic School Bus Gets Programmed Ms.Frizzle’s Adventures: Medieval Castle TheMagic School Bus Answers Questions Ms.Frizzle’s Adventures: Ancient Egypt TheMagic School Bus Shows And Tells: A Book AboutArchaeology TheMagic School Bus Going Batty: A Book About Bats MyFriend the Doctor 19 Cars DisneyPixar Cars Disney赛车总动员 适合有一定基础的孩子 Cars TowTruck Trouble/Lights Out! Off-roadRacers!/Crash Course! Thunder andLightning Ka-Choww!/BlueRamone ADay at the Races/Night Vision Sarge’s BootCamp/Al’s Sky-High Adventure Roadwork RaceTeam TheSpooky Sound DrivingBuddies Old,New, Red, Blue! 20 DisneyPixar Toy Story:FriendsForever DisneyPixar Toy Story Disney玩具总动员 适合有一定基础的孩子 The GreatToy Escape FriendsForever MeToo, Woody! Toyto Toy Tales fromthe Outback Tink’sTreasure Hunt ThePerfect Dress JustKeep Swimming Beauties inBloom Outside MyWindow Kingdom ofColor Sweetheartsin the Snow Sealed witha Kiss ADream for a Princess APet for a Princess Roadwork Kissthe Frog FriendsForever BigFriend, Little Friend ACars Christmas BallerinaPrincess Old,New, Red, Blue! Friends fora Princess JustKeep Swimming 21 3-8 No One CanPlay LittleCritter名家系列 非常受中国小朋友欢迎的故事书,画面细节丰富,幽默,走进孩子心灵,亲子阅读入门书,同时可作为自主阅读启蒙书 LittleCritter: Bye-Bye, Mom and Dad SnowballSoup MerryChristmas, Little Critter! JustShopping With Mom HappyEaster, Little Critter HappyHalloween, Little Critter! JustMe and My Little Brother MerryChristmas, Mom and Dad WhenI Grow Up JustMe and My Dad JustMy Friend and Me LittleCritter Sleeps Over JustMe and My Puppy JustGrandpa and Me TheNew Baby Whata Bad Dream JustMe and My Babysitter IJust Forgot HarvestTime MyTrip to the Farm ClassTrip OurFriend Sam MeToo! JustGrandma and Me OurTree House Christmasfor Miss Kitty TheLittle Christmas Tree TheWizard Comes to Town JustMe and My Mom JustGoing to the Dentist WhenI Get Bigger Justa Mess Allby Myself NewKid in Town Surprise! TheNew Fire Truck ADay at Camp HelpingMom NoOne Can Play PlayIt Safe OurPark PlayBall Goodnight,Little Critter JustGo to Bed Justfor You Grandma’sGarden LittleCritter: Grandma, Grandpa, and Me TheMixed Up Morning FieldDay Tiger’sBirthday SkatingDay WeLove You, Little Critter! TheNew Potty IWas So Mad LittleCritter: Just a School Project LittleCritter: My Trip to the Hospital Justa Day at the Pond LittleCritter: The Lost Dinosaur Bone ABoy, A Dog And A Frog SnowDay CountryFair MyTrip to the Zoo BeachDay Showand Tell AYummy Lunch CampingOut TheGreat Cat Chase Oops! Hiccup ICan Read!Snowball Soup LittleCritter: Happy Father’s Day! TheWizard Comes to Town LittleCritter: Good for Me and You LittleCritter: Just a Snowman
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