

2017-09-27 35页 doc 83KB 45阅读




中国地理标志产品一览表中国地理标志产品一览表 是中国政府为保护源产地优质产品,而向经过有关部门认证的源产地产品颁发的产品地理标志。凡通过中国地理标志认证的产品,均可在其产品表面张贴中国地理标志图样。中国地理标志的认证机reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to lo...
中国地理标志产品一览 是中国政府为保护源产地优质产品,而向经过有关部门认证的源产地产品颁发的产品地理标志。凡通过中国地理标志认证的产品,均可在其产品表面张贴中国地理标志图样。中国地理标志的认证机reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 构主要为中国国家质量检疫总局。中国地理标识产品的保护,源于1999年推出的的保护。截至2006年6月30日,中国政府已批准222项产品为地理标志产品。 中国地理标识的认证、管理等工作,遵循《中华人民共和国产品质量法》、《中华人民共和国标准化法》、《中华人民共和国进出口商品reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 检验法》、《地理标志产品保护规定》、《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》等相关法律法规。 所谓原产地域产品,是指“利用产自特定地域的原材料,按照传统工艺在特定地域内所生产的,质量、特色或者声誉在本质上取决于其原产地域地理特征并依照本规定经审核批准以原产地域进行命名的产品”(《原产地域产品保护规定》第2条)。中国在1990reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 年代引入这项概念,建立起原产地标记制度,不过仅用于单项商品的进出口活动。1999年8月,中国国家质量技术监督局发布《原产地域产品保护规定》,正式将保护措施运用到中国国内的生产和贸易活动中去。2000年1月,政府批准了第一项(也是当年唯一一项)原产地域产品即绍兴酒作为试点。2001年起,这项制度开始全面推行,并成长迅速,在2001年、2002reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 年、2003年和2004年,分别有6项、23项、31项和60项产品成为原产地域产品。 2005年7月起,中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局发布《地理标志产品保护条例》,替代原先的《原产地域产品保护规定》,而之前已批准的原产地域产品也全部自动转成地理标志产品。在这份规定中,明确地理标志产品是指“产自特定地域,所具有的质量、声誉reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 或其他特性本质上取决于该产地的自然因素和人文因素,经审核批准以地理名称进行命名的产品”。整个2005年,中国政府一共批准了67项产品为地理标志产品(原产地域产品)。 地理标志产品由中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局负责审核。其审批过程一般有三道程序。首先由地方质检局等机构提出申请,国家质检总局组织专家委员会初审通过后予以公示。公示期reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 最短为三个月,如果无异议的话,国家质检总局将会正式批准,并确定保护区域。此后,该产品将会制定出强制性国家标准,生产企业按国家标准通过评审后,可获得地理标志产品专用标志的使用权。 地理标志产品制度的实施,主要是为了保护地方特产和农民利益,打击假冒伪劣产品的泛滥。大部分地理标志产品在获得保护后,销量有了显著增长。这方面最著reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 名的一个例子是,绍兴酒在开始实行原产地域产品保护后,日本等国销售的台湾产“绍兴酒”份额从80%下滑到25%左右,真正绍兴产的绍兴酒销量都有大幅增长甚至是成倍增长。地理标志产品制度除了能起到保护作用外,还可以在一定程度上扩大产品的知名度。同时,中国的农产品行业之前大都采用粗放式的作坊生产经营方式,地理标志产品及其强制性国家标准的实reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 行也可以部分起到提升产品质量、淘汰落后生产工艺的作用。 然而,地理标志产品制度的实施中也存在着一些问。有的产品申报被指有助长垄断之嫌。比如茅台酒的保护范围就被限定在茅台酒厂的厂区内,西峡山茱萸的生产也被宛西制药厂一家所独占。而余姚市在申报余姚杨梅时也遭到相邻的慈溪市的反对,最终慈溪产的杨梅只能以慈溪杨梅的名reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 义独自申报。还有一些产品因为某些商户生产经营活动的不而蒙上污点。比如金华火腿、镇江香醋、龙口粉丝等都曾被媒体曝光部分产品存在质量问题。 中国目前存在两套地理标识保护制度,一是通过《商标法》上的“集体商标”和/或“证明商标”予以保护,登记部门是国家工商总局;二是有国家质检总局负责登记的“特别保护制度”。reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 由于两个部门之间的争权夺利,导致企业往往要重复登记,既浪费国家行政资源,又加重了企业负担。 目前,申请地理标志的大都是农产品,以中药材、水果、茶叶和蔬菜居多,此外还有调味品、干果、工艺品、花卉、酒、粮食、禽畜、水产品、饮料、油料等。 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 平谷大桃(2006年4月 16日) , 独流老醋(2002年12月 9日) , 黄骅冬枣(2002年6月 12日) , 昌黎葡萄酒(2002年8 月6日) , 沙城葡萄酒(2002年12 月9日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 沧州金丝小枣(2004年8 月4日) , 卢龙粉丝(2004年8月 25日) , 泊头鸭梨(2004年9月 27日) , 蠡县麻山药(2005年2 月21日) , 山庄老酒(2005年4月6 日) , 涉县核桃(2005年8月 25日) , 涉县花椒(2005年8月 25日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 赞皇大枣(2005年11月 29日) , 沁州黄小米(2003年8 月7日) , 平遥牛肉(2003年12月 24日) , 山西老陈醋(2004年8 月9日) , 盘锦大米(2002年9月 10日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 锦州道光廿五贡酒(2003 年5月19日) , 鞍山南果梨(2005年2 月4日) , 大连海参(2005年12月 1日) , 大连鲍鱼(2005年12月 1日) , 岫岩玉(2005年12月31 日) , 延边苹果梨(2002年12 月9日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 吉林长白山人参(2002 年12月25日) , 吉林长白山“中国林蛙” 油(2003年4月14日) , 露水河红松母林籽仁 (2003年5月21日) , 吉林长白山天然矿泉水 (2004年7月1日) , 吉林梅花鹿鹿茸、鹿鞭、 鹿血、鹿尾、鹿胎膏、鹿 筋、鹿脱盘(2005年12 月28日) , 通化山葡萄酒(2005年 12月28日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 五常大米(2003年5月 10日) , 饶河东北黑蜂系列产品 (蜂蜜、蜂胶、花粉、蜂 王浆)(2003年5月19 日) , 方正大米(2005年4月6 日) , 铁力北五味子(2005年 12月21日) , 铁力平贝母(2005年12 月28日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 铁力“中国林蛙”油(2005 年12月28日) , 宝清红小豆(2005年12 月28日) , 抚远“黑龙江大马哈鱼” 鱼子(2005年12月28 日) , 抚远“黑龙江鲟鳇鱼”鱼 子(2005年12月28日) , 五营黑木耳(2006年4 月26日) , 五营红松籽(2006年4 月26日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 南汇水蜜桃(2005年2 月4日) , 镇江香醋(2001年12月 20日) , 高邮鸭蛋(即高邮咸鸭 蛋)(2002年6月24日) , 洞庭(山)碧螺春茶(2002 年12月9日) , 宝应荷藕(宝应莲藕) (2004年7月16日) , 泰兴白果(2004年8月 31日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 扬州漆器(2004年9月9 日) , 雨花茶(2004年12月13 日) , 云锦(2004年12月23 日) , 阳澄湖大闸蟹(2005年5 月9日) , 绍兴酒(2000年1月31 日) , 龙井茶(2001年10月26 日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 杭白菊(2002年6月12 日) , 庆元香菇(2002年6月 12日) , 金华火腿(2002年8月 28日) , 龙泉青瓷(2003年2月 14日) , 常山胡柚(2003年2月 14日) , 新昌花生(小京生)(2003 年5月21日) , 安吉白茶(2004年4月6 日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 塘栖枇杷(2004年5月 18日) , 余姚杨梅(2004年6月4 日) , 黄岩蜜桔(2004年8月 31日) , 萧山萝卜干(2004年10 月25日) , 慈溪杨梅(2004年12月 13日) , 乌牛早茶(2004年12月 13日) , 天台乌药(2005年5月9 日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 宣纸(2002年8月6日) , 滁菊(2002年11月8日) , 口子窖酒(2002年11月 8日) , 黄山毛峰茶(2002年11 月8日) , 砀山酥梨(2003年4月 11日) , 古井贡酒(2003年4月 29日) , 太平猴魁茶(2003年5 月19日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 黄山贡菊(徽州贡菊) (2004年10月13日) , 宁国山核桃(2005年2 月4日) , 符离集烧鸡(2005年8 月25日) , 霍山黄芽(2006年4月 16日) , 凤丹(2006年4月16日) , 武夷岩茶(2002年3月8 日) , 古田银耳(2004年6月 16日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 安溪铁观音(2004年7 月8日) , 建瓯锥栗(2004年8月9 日) , 永春芦柑(2005年11月 29日) , 南丰蜜桔(2003年2月 12日) , 狗牯脑茶(2004年1月 29日) , 赣南脐橙(2004年9月 27日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 泰和乌鸡(2004年10月 10日) , 广昌白莲(2004年10月 13日) , 庐山云雾茶(2004年12 月13日) , 广丰白耳黄鸡(2005年4 月6日) , 万年贡米(2005年4月6 日) , 景德镇瓷器(2005年4 月15日) , 商州枳壳(2006年4月 19日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 沾化冬枣(2002年8月6 日) , 烟台苹果(2002年8月 28日) , 烟台葡萄酒(2002年8 月28日) , 龙口粉丝(2002年9月 10日) , 平阴玫瑰(2003年8月7 日) , 乐陵金丝小枣(2004年 12月13日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 无棣金丝小枣(2006年2 月22日) , 日照绿茶(2006年3月 23日) , 冠县鸭梨(2006年5月 24日) , 茌平圆铃大枣(2006年5 月24日) , 道口烧鸡(2002年12月 9日) , 西峡山茱萸(2003年3 月6日) , 钧瓷(2003年7月29日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 怀山药、怀菊花、怀地黄、 怀牛膝(2003年8月7 日) , 平舆白芝麻(2003年8 月7日) , 方城丹参(裕丹参)(2003 年9月29日) , 南召辛夷(2003年10月 9日) , 原阳大米(2003年12月 24日) , 汝瓷(2004年7月16日) , 卢氏连翘(2004年12月 13日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 嵩县柴胡(2004年12月 13日) , 灵宝大枣(2005年2月 21日) , 偃师银条(2005年4月 15日) , 确山板栗(2005年8月 25日) , 宁陵金顶谢花酥梨(2005 年12月31日) , 唐栀子(2005年12月31 日) , 唐半夏(2005年12月31 日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 卢氏黑木耳(2005年12 月31日) , 灵宝杜仲(2006年1月 24日) , 济源冬凌草(2006年4 月16日) , 卢氏鸡(2006年4月26 日) , 桐桔梗(2006年4月26 日) , 京山桥米(2004年12月 23日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 利川黄连(2004年12月 23日) , 利川莼菜(2004年12月 23日) , 恩施紫油厚朴(2005年8 月25日) , 洪山菜薹(2005年12月 31日) , 板桥党参(2006年4月 27日) , 秭归脐橙(2006年6月 20日) , 枝江酒(2006年6月20 日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 浏阳花炮(2003年3月6 日) , 隆回龙牙百合(2005年2 月4日) , 隆回金银花(2005年2 月17日) , 溪洲莓茶(2005年8月 25日) , 邵东黄花菜(2005年12 月28日) , 邵东玉竹(2005年12月 28日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 桃源野茶王(2005年12 月31日) , 湘阴藠头(2006年1月 24日) , 河源米粉(2003年12月 24日) , 郁南无核黄皮(2004年6 月3日) , 廉江红橙(2004年9月 20日) , 马坝油粘米(2004年9 月20日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 增城丝苗米(2004年9 月20日) , 端砚(2004年10月29 日) , 流沙南珠(2005年8月 25日) , 愚公楼菠萝(2005年8 月25日) , 覃斗芒果(2005年8月 25日) , 埔田竹笋(2005年12月 21日) , 普宁蕉柑(2005年12月 21日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 陆河青梅(2005年12月 21日) , 程村蚝(2005年12月21 日) , 春砂仁(2005年12月28 日) , 东陂腊味(2006年1月 24日) , 合水粉葛(2006年4月 16日) , 英石(2006年4月27日) , 容县沙田柚(2004年7 月20日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 合浦南珠(2004年10月 29日) , 永福罗汉果(2004年12 月13日) , 凌云白毫茶(2005年8 月25日) , 巴马香猪(2005年8月 25日) , 荔浦芋(2005年12月28 日) , 大新苦丁茶(2006年1 月24日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 白沙绿茶(2004年10月 29日) , 澄迈苦丁茶(2006年6 月20日) , 秀油(2003年12月24 日) , 石柱黄连(2004年10月 10日) , 涪陵榨菜(2004年12月 13日) , 江津花椒(2005年10月 17日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 蒙山茶(2001年12月6 日) , 水井坊酒(2001年12月 6日) , 古蔺肝苏(2003年9月9 日) , 安岳柠檬(2004年1月8 日) , 苍溪猕猴桃(2004年3 月17日) , 龙泉驿水蜜桃(2004年9 月27日) , 通江银耳(2004年10月 13日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 青川黑木耳(2004年12 月13日) , 汉源花椒(2005年2月4 日) , 南江金银花(2005年5 月9日) , 长赤翡翠米(2005年5 月9日) , 剑南春酒(2005年5月9 日) , 双流冬草莓(2005年12 月28日) , 郫县豆瓣(2005年12月 31日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 泸州酒(2006年1月24 日) , 南江山核桃(2006年3 月23日) , 江油附子(2006年3月 23日) , 得荣树椒(2006年4月 26日) , 涪城麦冬(2006年5月 24日) , 茅台酒(2001年3月29 日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 余庆苦丁茶(2005年8 月25日) , 梵净山翠峰茶(2005年 12月9日) , 凤冈富锌富硒茶(2006 年1月24日) , 赤水金钗石斛(2006年3 月23日) , 宣威火腿(2001年3月 21日) , 文山三七(2002年11月 8日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 昭通天麻(2004年10月 13日) , 西凤酒(2003年9月24 日) , 陕西苹果(2003年9月 29日) , 蓝田玉(2004年2月3 日) , 韩城大红袍花椒(2004 年8月31日) , 紫阳富硒茶(2004年10 月29日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 平利绞股蓝(2004年12 月13日) , 凤县大红袍花椒(凤椒) (2004年12月13日) , 太白酒(2005年4月15 日) , 商洛丹参(2005年8月 25日) , 延安酸枣(2005年12月 31日) , 洋县黑米(2006年3月 23日) , 临潼石榴(2006年4月 27日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 延川红枣(2006年5月 31日) , 兰州百合(2004年9月 27日) , 礼县大黄(2004年12月 13日) , 临洮大丽花(2004年12 月23日) , 武都橄榄油(2005年12 月9日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 互助青稞酒(2003年8 月7日) , 贺兰山东麓葡萄酒(2003 年4月11日) , 宁夏枸杞(2004年5月 18日) , 灵武长枣(2006年5月 24日) , 吐鲁番葡萄、吐鲁番葡萄 干(2003年6月25日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give , 库尔勒香梨(2004年12 月13日) , 伽师瓜(2005年11月29 日) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give
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