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光电效应实验讲义光电效应实验讲义 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degr...
光电效应实验讲义 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 光电效应法测定普朗克常数 一、 实验及应用背景介绍 光电效应是指一定频率的光照射在金属面时会有电子从金属表面逸出的现象。1887年物理学家赫兹用实验验证电磁波的存在时发现了这一现象,但是这一实验现象无法用当时人们所熟知的电磁波理论加以解释。 1905年,爱因斯坦大胆地把普朗克在进行黑体辐射研究过程中提出的辐射能量不连续观点应用于光辐射,提出“光量子”概念,从而成功地解释了光电效应现象。1916年密立根通过光电效应对普朗克常数的精确测量,证实了爱因斯坦方程的正确性,并精确地测出了普朗克常数。爱因斯坦与密立根都因光电效应等方面的杰出贡献,分别于1921年和1923年获得了诺贝尔奖。 光电效应实验对于认识光的本质及早期量子理论的发展,具有里程碑式的意义。随着科学技术的发展,光电效应已广泛用于工农业生产、国防和许多科技领域。利用光电效应制成的光电器件,如光电管、光电池、光电倍增管等,已成为生产和科研中不可缺少的器件。 二、 实验目的和教学要求 1、定性分析光电效应规律,通过光电效应实验进一步理解光的量子性; 2、学习验证爱因斯坦光电方程的实验方法,并测定普朗克常数h; 3、进一步练习利用线性回归和作图法处理实验数据。 三、 实验原理 光电效应的实验原理如图1所示。入射光照射到光电管阴极K上,产生的光电子在电场的作用下向阳极A迁移构成光电流,改变外加电压UAK,测量出光电流I的大小,即可得出光电管的伏安特性曲线。 U I 0 I , 斜率h/e P11 P , 22 A K A U U UU U , , 0AK0102AK0 V 图2 图3 图4 U AK同一频率,不同光不同频率时光电管截止电压U与入射 图1 强时光电管的伏安的伏安特性曲线 光频率,的关系图 实验原理图 特性曲线 光电效应的基本实验事实如下: temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site (1)对应于某一频率,光电效应的I-UAK 关系如图2所示。从图中可见,对一定的频率,有一电压U0,当UAK?U0时,电流为零,这个相对于阴极的负值的阳极电压U0,被称为截止电压。 (2)当UAK?U0后,I迅速增加,然后趋于饱和,饱和光电流IM的大小与入射光的强度P成正比。 (3)对于不同频率的光,其截止电压的值不同,如图3所示。 (4)截止电压U0与频率 , 的关系如图4所示,U0与 , 成正比。当入射光频率低于某极限值 ,0(,0 随不同金属而异)时,不论光的强度如何,照射时间多长,都没有光电流产生。 (5)光电效应是瞬时效应。即使入射光的强度非常微弱,只要频率大于 ,0, ,9 在开始照射后立即有光电子产生,所经过的时间至多为10秒的数量级。 按照爱因斯坦的光量子理论,光能并不像电磁波理论所想象的那样,分布在波阵面上,而是集中在被称之为光子的微粒上,但这种微粒仍然保持着频率(或波长)的概念,频率为 , 的光子具有能量E = h,,h为普朗克常数。当光子照射到金属表面上时,一次被金属中的电子全部吸收,而无需积累能量的时间。电子把这能量的一部分用来克服金属表面对它的吸引力,余下的就变为电子离开金属表面后的动能,按照能量守恒原理,爱因斯坦提出了著名的光电效应方程: 12 (1) h,,m,,A02 12式中,A为金属的逸出功,为光电子获得的初始动能。 m,02 由该式可见,入射到金属表面的光频率越高,逸出的电子动能越大,所以即使阳极电位比阴极电位低时也会有电子落入阳极形成光电流,直至阳极电位低于截止电压,光电流才为零,此时有关系: 12 eU0 (2) ,m,02 阳极电位高于截止电压后,随着阳极电位的升高,阳极对阴极发射的电子的收集作用越强,光电流随之上升;当阳极电压高到一定程度,已把阴极发射的光电子几乎全收集到阳极,再增加UAK时I不再变化,光电流出现饱和,饱和光电流IM 的大小与入射光的强度P成正比。 光子的能量h,0 检测
装置和实验仪主机两部分组成。光电检测装置包括:光电管暗盒,高压汞灯灯箱,高压汞灯电源和实验基准平台。实验主机为GD-4型光电效应(普朗克常数)实验仪,该实验仪是由微电流放大器和扫描电压源发生器两部分组成的整体仪器。仪器结构如图5所示。 实验仪 1 2 3 4 5 6 1汞灯电源 2汞灯 3滤色片 4光阑 5光电管 6基座 图5 仪器结构图 实验仪有手动和自动两种工作模式,具有数据自动采集,存储,实时显示采集数据,动态显示采集曲线(连接普通示波器,可同时显示5个存储区中存储的曲线),及采集完成后查询数据的功能。 五、 实验内容和操作提示 (1)测试前准备: 将实验仪及汞灯电源接通(汞灯及光电管暗盒遮光盖盖上),预热20分钟。调整光电管与汞灯距离为约40cm并保持不变。用专用连接线将光电管暗箱电压输入端与实验仪电压输出端(后面板上)连接起来(红—红,蓝—蓝)。务必反复检查,切勿连错,,本实验已连接好,请不要更改, 将“电流量程”选择开关置于所选档位,进行测试前调零。调零时应将光电管暗盒电流输出端K与实验仪微电流输入端(后面板上)断开,且必须断开连线的实验仪一端。旋转“调零” 旋钮使电流指示为000.0。调节好后,用高频匹配电缆将电流输入连接起来,按“调零确认/系统清零”键,系统进入测试状态。 若要动态显示采集曲线,需将实验仪的“信号输出”端口接至示波器的“Y”输入端,“同步输出”端口接至示波器的“外触发”输入端。示波器“触发源”开关拨至“外”,“Y衰减”旋钮拨至约“1V/格”,“扫描时间”旋钮拨至约“20,s/格”。此时示波器将用轮流扫描的方式显示5个存储区中存储的曲线,横轴代表电压UAK,纵轴代表电流I。 注意,实验过程中,仪器暂不使用时,均须将汞灯和光电暗箱用遮光盖盖上,使光电暗箱处于完全闭光状态。切忌汞灯直接照射光电管。 (2)测普朗克常数h: temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 测量截止电压时,“伏安特性测试/截止电压测试”状态键应为截止电压测试 ,13状态,“电流量程”开关应处于10 A档。 ? 手动测量 使“手动/自动”模式键处于手动模式。将直径4mm的光阑及365.0nm的滤色片装在光电管暗盒光输入口上,打开汞灯遮光盖。此时电压表显示UAK的值,单位为伏;电流表显示与UAK对应的电流值I,单位为所选择的“电流量程”。用 ,,,,电压调节键、、、可调节UAK的值,、键用于选择调节位,、,,,, 键用于调节值的大小。 从低到高调节电压(绝对值减小),观察电流值的变化,寻找电流为零时对应的UAK ,以其绝对值作为该波长对应的U0的值,并将数据记于表1中。为尽快找到U0的值,调节时应从高位到低位,先确定高位的值,再顺次往低位调节。 依次换上404.7 nm,435.8 nm,546.1nm,577.0 nm的滤色片,重复以上测量步骤。 注意, 1、先安装光阑及滤光片后打开汞灯遮光盖, 2、更换滤光片时需盖上汞灯遮光盖。 ? 自动测量 按“手动/自动”模式键切换到自动模式。此时电流表左边的指示灯闪烁,表示系统处于自动测量扫描范围设置状态,用电压调节键可设置扫描起始和终止电压。,注,显示区左边设置起始电压,右边设置终止电压, 对各条谱线,建议扫描范围大致设置为: 波长 365nm 405nm 436nm 546nm 577nm -1.90,-1.60,-1.35,-0.80,-0.65,电压范围 -1.50V -1.20V -0.95V -0.40V -0.25V 实验仪设有5个数据存储区,每个存储区可存储500组数据,由指示灯表示其状态。灯亮表示该存储区已存有数据,灯不亮为空存储区,灯闪烁表示系统预选的或正在存储数据的存储区。 设置好扫描起始和终止电压后,按动相应的存储区按键,仪器将先清除存储区原有数据,等待约30秒,然后按4mV的步长自动扫描,并显示、存储相应的电压、电流值。扫描完成后,仪器自动进入数据查询状态,此时查询指示灯亮,显示区显示扫描起始电压和相应的电流值。用电压调节键改变电压值,就可查阅到在测试过程中,扫描电压为当前显示值时相应的电流值。读取电流为零时对应的UAK ,以其绝对值作为该波长对应的U0的值,并将数据记于表1中。 to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 表1 U0 —ν关系 光阑孔Φ= mm 波长λi(nm) 365.0 404.7 435.8 546.1 577.0 14 频率νi(×10Hz) 8.214 7.408 6.879 5.490 5.196 手动 截止电压 自动 U0i(V) 按“查询”键,查询指示灯灭,系统回复到扫描范围设置状态,可进行下一次测量。将仪器与示波器连接,可观察到UAK为负值时各谱线在选定的扫描范围内的伏安特性曲线。 注意,在自动测量过程中或测量完成后,按“手动/自动”键,系统回复到手动测量模式,模式转换前工作的存储区内的数据将被清除。 (3)测光电管的伏安特性曲线: 将“伏安特性测试/截止电压测试” 状态键切换至伏安特性测试状态。“电 -10流量程”开关应拨至10 A档,并重新调零。将直径4mm的光阑及所选谱线的滤色片装在光电管暗盒光输入口上。测伏安特性曲线选用“手动”模式,测量的最大范围为0,50V,每隔5V记录一组数据。 本实验要求做?、?两个内容。 ?将仪器设置为手动模式,测量3条谱线在同一光阑、同一距离下伏安饱和特性曲线,记录数据同表2形式。 ?将仪器设置为手动模式,测量某条谱线在Φ2、Φ4光阑(即不同光通量)、 同一距离下的伏安饱和特性曲,记录数据同表2形式。 由此可验证光电管饱和光电流与入射光成正比。 表2 I—UAK关系 UAK(V) -10 I(×10A) UAK(V) -10 I(×10A) 选做内容:当UAK为50V时,将仪器设置为手动模式,测量并记录对同一谱线、同一光阑时,光电管与入射光在不同距离,如300mm、400mm等对应的电流值于表3中,同样验证光电管的饱和电流与入射光强成正比。 表3 IM—P关系 UAK = V ,= nm Φ= mm 入射距离L -10 I(×10A) temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 六、 数据处理要求 1、将不同频率下的截止电压U0描绘在坐标纸上,即作出U0 -ν曲线,从而 验证爱因斯坦方程。 2、用作图法求出U0 -ν直线的斜率k,利用h = ek求出普朗克常数,并算 ,19e,1.602,10C出所测值与公认值之间的相对误差。() 3、利用线性回归法计算普朗克常数h,将结果与作图法求出结果进行比较。 4、利用表2中的数据,作出对应于不同频率及光强的伏安特性曲线。 七、 思考及课堂讨论 ? 经典的光波动理论在哪些方面不能解释光电效应的实验结果, ? 光电效应有哪些规律,爱因斯坦方程的物理意义是什么, ? 光电流与光通量有直线关系的前提是什么,掌握光电特性有什么意义, ? 光电管的阴极上均匀涂有逸出功小的光敏,而阳极选用逸出功大的 金属制造,为什么, ? 定性解释I- UAK特性曲线和U0 -ν曲线及其截距的意义。 ? 光电流是否随光源的强度变化而变化,截止电压是否因光强不同而变 化, ? 测量普朗克常量实验中有哪些误差来源,如何减小这些误差, to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas
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