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营养成分英语营养成分英语 营养成分英语例句 1. It is highly affected by nutrient composition and juice handling procedures and has a tendency to produce a lot of foam. 这是受高营养成分及果汁的处 理程序并倾向产生了大量泡沫。 2. Constituents of Rose Otto: Citronellol Geraniol Nerol Farnesol Esters Rose Oxide etc hundreds...
营养成分英语 营养成分英语例句 1. It is highly affected by nutrient composition and juice handling procedures and has a tendency to produce a lot of foam. 这是受高营养成分及果汁的处 理程序并倾向产生了大量泡沫。 2. Constituents of Rose Otto: Citronellol Geraniol Nerol Farnesol Esters Rose Oxide etc hundreds of the rose fragrant ingredients. 玫瑰油 营养成分:香茅醇玫瑰醇橙花醇以及各种酯类等上几百种天然芳 香挥发成分。 3. List the typical daily foods you take and calculate the total nutrients of them. 列出你每 天摄入的主要食物并计算营养成分之和。 4. Each batch of concentrate powder is tested to ensure it is free of contaminants and of proper potency. 每一批浓缩粉末都经 过检测以确保其不受污染并具有预期营养成分。 5. The menu shows all the ingredients grouped into protein energy or vitamin sources. It also lists total calories and protein. 菜单上显示了全部营养成分并按照蛋白质、能量或者维生素来源进行分 类 还列出卡路里和蛋白质含量。 6. The serving size on the nutrition facts label may not be realistic. 营养成分标签上的食用份量可能是不现实的。 7. Leaves and twigs have high concentration of nutrients that if left in the forest revitalize the soil. 树叶和细枝具 有更多的营养成分若将它们留在森林可使土壤恢复元气。 8. Nutritional components of Atractomorpha sinensis and the evaluation of itsutilization. 短额负蝗的营养成分与 利用评价。 9. Knowing something about food and nutritional value that different foods have. 了解食物及不同食物中所包含的营养成分。 10. What are the main life-extending nutrients in Japanese food 以下介绍一下日本人主要食物中的益寿营养 成分。保质期英语例句 1. For example a retention age of one day specifies that data cannot be removed until it is at least one day old. 例如保持期一天指定至少在一天的 时间内不能删除数据。 2. Deactivates subscriptions that have not been synchronized within the maximum distribution retention period. 停用在最大分发保持期内尚未同步 的订阅。 3. Be sure to set your backup retention period to a sufficiently long time to allow you to copy the log files as needed. 请确保将备份保持期设置为足够长的时间 以便能够根据需要复制日志文 件。 4. The retention period for the entire publication set where the unit is indicated by the value of the retention_period_unit column. 整个发 布集的保持期发布集的单位由 retention_period_unit 列的值指示。 5. A Subscriber must synchronize with the Publisher within the time specified in the publication retention period. 订阅服务器在指定的发布保持期内必须与发布服务器同步。 6. Is the minimum retention period in hours before transactions are deleted from the distribution database. 事务从分发数据库中删除前的最小保持期小时。 7. You can increase the publication retention period to avoid having subscriptions expire. 可以延长发布保持期 来避免订阅过期。 8. Adjust publication and distribution retention periods. 调整发布和 分发保持期。 9. Specify the lowest setting possible for the publication retention period. 为发布保持期指定尽可能低的设置。 10. Use message retention only in the event that your application requires the exact messages sent and received. 只应在应用程序要求发 送和接收特定消息的事件中使用消息保持期。工艺流程英语1. The technological process is one straight line production quick convenient and easy to control. 工艺流程为 一条线式生产速度快可靠性高方便操作管理。2. Figure 4 outlines the operations that take place in woolen and worsted fabric manufacturing. 图 4 概略表示出粗纺和精纺 毛织物生产的工艺流程。3. The new production method technology of the main production process the energy efficiency indexes of the main equipment. 主要工艺流程 采取的节能新工艺、新技术主要工艺设备的能效指标4. Four interpolating axes carry out the various grinding operations with the utmost precision and reliability. 四个插补联 动轴以最高精度和可靠性实现了各种磨削工艺流程。5. Construction and Process Flow of Thin Slab Continuous Casting and Rolling at Handan Iron and Steel Group Co. 邯钢 薄板坯连铸连轧建设及工艺流程。6. Provide training and leadership to plant personnel regarding process and maintenance documentation. 对车间员工进行工艺流程和维修 文件的培训和领导。7. Develop and execute procedures that monitor the effectiveness of the manufacturing process. 改善并执行工艺流程监控生产线的有效性。8. JAE - Portuguese Road Authority WORK PERFORMED: Materials and welding procedures certification for bridges repairing PORTUGAL. JAE-葡萄牙公路管理局所做工作业绩: 在葡萄牙对桥梁维修所用材 料和焊接工艺流程程序进行检定。 9. This paper compares the agglomerated flux with fused flux and introduces the usage and production technology process of agglomerated flux. 对比了烧结焊剂与熔炼焊剂的区别从中介 绍了烧结焊剂的使用特点 和生产工艺流程 10. Monitors the process implemented correctly as required. Rectifies any wrong operations and processes. Stabilizes the process conditions. 监控工艺流程的正确执行修正错误操作统一工艺。 热灌装 果汁1. Other innovative developments including spout fitments for gable top juice containers and hot fill closures for isotonic drinks. 其它的创新开发包括人字形果汁容 器喷嘴及等渗饮料热灌装瓶盖。2. Application of HACCP in the manufacture of roof-paper packaging hot-filled mulberry juice HACCP 在屋顶纸盒装热灌装桑果汁生 产中的应用3. ATP Technology and Benefits to Hot Fill Packaging for Isotonics Teas and Juice ATP 技术及其对等渗类饮料、茶及蔬果汁的热灌装的好处4. Application of the Distributed Temperature Monitoring System in the Production Line for Filling Gas Tanks 分布式温度监控系统在贮气瓶灌装生产线中的应用 杀菌1. They wash the body with germicidal soap and dry it. They spruce up the body as well to give the face a lifelike appearance. 他们用杀菌肥皂擦身体然后擦干。他们也给死者化妆打扮为了能 让他们 看起来跟生前一样栩栩如生。2. Pasteurization was one of the triumphs of public health that protected many people and saved many lives. 巴氏杀菌法是公共卫生 领域的成就之一保护了许多人挽救了许多人的生 命。3. A substance produced by a microbe which kills bacteria is called an antibiotic. 抗生素是微生物繁殖过程中产生的 一种物质可以杀菌。4. An autoclave is usually necessary for preparation of the culture media. 培养基通常要进行高压杀菌。5. Potent intracellular bactericidal action may be exerted through the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide bactericidal system. 强 烈的胞内杀菌作用可以通过骨髓过氧化物酶-过氧化氢-卤素杀菌系统 发挥威力。6. In order to use it as a base it needs to be boiled—similar to pasteurizing it says Mr. Thompson—in an aromatic stock. 汤普森说为了把它用作基础食材需要先在香喷喷 的高汤中煮沸类似于 高温杀菌。7. Raw-milk advocates believe that pasteurization kills healthful vitamins minerals and enzymes in milk as well as beneficial bacteria. 生奶倡导 者相信巴氏杀菌过程破坏了奶中对健康有益的维生素、矿物质和 益生菌。8. We kill bacteria with traditional antibiotics and that selects for resistant mutants. 当我们用传统 抗生素来杀菌时会同时培养筛选出有耐药性的突变菌株。9. We do not use popular methods of radiating or fumigating the herbs. 我们从不使用辐射或烟熏杀菌等普遍被 使用的方法来处理草本植物。10. Food debris is brushed away by brushing teeth but its sterilization function is not so obvious. 刷牙主要靠的是磨擦作用除垢其杀菌功能很 微酢?浓缩汁英语1. Dilute concentrate juice to soluble solids of 11.5 with natural fresh apple fragrance and flavor without peculiar smell. 将浓缩汁稀释至可溶性固形物为 11.5该果汁应具有新鲜苹果固有的滋 味与香气无异味。2. Isolation of Thermotolerant Bacteria from Apple Juice Concentrate and Their Growth Characteristics 苹果浓缩汁中 耐热菌的分离及其生长特性的初步研究3. Effect of the temperature and sugar concentration on the color of concentrated Chinese jujube juice during storage 贮藏过程 中温度和糖度对金丝小枣浓缩汁色泽的影响4. Studies on the variation of patulin contamination in apple and apple concentrate juice among different planting areas 苹果 及其浓缩汁受棒曲霉素污染的地域特点研究5. Application of biological enzymolysis to processing of clear ginger juice concentrate 生物酶解技术在清汁型大姜浓缩汁生产 中的应用6. Study on the change in phenolic compounds during pineapple juice concentration 菠萝浓缩汁带皮生产过程中多酚变化的研究7. The Trial Production of the First Imported Orange Juice Concentration Production Line in Xiangxi 湘西:首条进 口柑桔浓缩汁生产线试产8. Dynamic Change Analysis of Polyphenols in Apple Juice Concentrate Processing 苹果浓缩汁加工中多酚物质的动态变化9. Matrix solid-phase dispersion and gas chromatography determination of 5 organophosphorous pesticides residue in concentrated apple juice 基质固相分散萃取气相色谱法检测苹果 浓缩汁中 5 种有机磷农药的残留10. The Countermeasure of Shanxi Cider Production and New Technology Discussion 陕西苹果浓缩汁生产的发展对策及新技术 保质期 英语1. As a fresh foodstuff with a short shelf life however milk presents companies with some of the biggest challenges. 然而作为一种保质期很短的生鲜食品牛奶给奶制品 公司带来了一些巨大 的挑战。2. Supermarkets will also be pressured to abolish sell by and best before dates in favour of a single use by date to make things clearer. 超市将被 督促禁止附赠销售并且将食品保质期具体到某一天而非某个时 期为的是让消费者 更明白地购买。3. Inert gases can extend the life of opened bottles up to roughly five days depending on the type of wine. 充入的惰性气体将会使开瓶后的葡萄酒保质期延 长到大约五天这取决于 葡萄酒的类型。4. Thanks to some new technological advances however preserving opened bottles for a little longer has become a possibility. 然而多亏 某些新技术的进步略微延长开瓶葡萄酒的保质期已经成为可能。5. Days.Out of this valid period if not agglomerated this product can still be usable. 天.如超过保质期产品 无结块仍可继续使用。6. He noted that several retailers Chinese and foreign had previously been caught selling meat products past their sell-by dates. 他指出多家零售 商无论是中国的还是外国的早先都曾被发现销售已过 保质期的肉类产品。7. Store is in an airtight and fireproof container at a shady and cool and dry place. 铁桶。密闭防 火阴凉干燥处。保质期:自生产之日起年。8. The Garlic oil should be stored at a cool dry place and protected from light.The durability of the oil is 24 months. 大蒜油应该储存在 阴凉干燥的地方避光。保质期 24 个月。9. Additive Enzymes preservatives and antioxidants which are added to simplify the brewing process or prolong shelf life. 添加 剂用来简化啤酒生产过程或是延长保质期的酶制剂、防腐剂以及抗 氧化剂等。10. Quality assuring period is one year. May turn dark after exposure to light and air although this doesnt affect its function. 保质期为一年。光照或于空气接触会使其颜色变深但不 影响使用效果。 熟悉-英语1. German chancellor Angela Merkel is familiar with Cold War diplomacy but on Wednesday she had her first encounter with Cool Biz diplomacy. 德国总理安格拉默克尔十分熟悉“冷战”外交但本周三她却首次遭遇了 “清凉商务” 外交。2. Only those in the know are therefore able to call their rooms or ask to be shown up to see them. 只有那些熟悉内情者方能直接造访明星的房间或者由专人领上去会 见。3. One Wall Street executive who knows Mr Bryson well said he was as good as it gets and a remarkable person. 一位熟悉布赖森的华尔街高管表示布赖森是可能找到 的最佳人选他很 了不起。4. It was a deep rather unusual voice. I turned to see a tall dark man in the shadow near the kitchen door. 这声音低沉不大熟悉。我转过身看到在 厨房门旁的阴暗处有一个又高又 黑的人。5. The two matters are ... interlinked said one regulator familiar with the matter. 上述两个事件……是相互关联的一名熟悉情况 的监管人员表示。6. She was already familiar with the group: in fact it was Taobao that had inadvertently prompted her to start the Miss de Mode brand. 她对这家企业已经颇 为熟悉:实际上是淘宝网无意间激发她创立了摩登小 姐品牌。7. But sovereign-wealth fund China Investment Corp. known as CIC is one presence behind SSBT OD05 people familiar with the matter said. 但是熟悉情况的人士认为:中国的主权基金——中投公 司CIC是 SSBT OD05 账户的幕后所有人。8. People familiar with BHP said that it was not uncommon on a deal of this type to make contact with a range of interested parties. 熟悉必和必拓的人士表示在此类交易中接触相关各方的做法并非罕见。9. Next recall a fundamental law of economics: You are trying to satisfy unlimited wants ideas with limited resources time and energy. 另外熟悉基本的经济法因为你是在尝试用有限的 资源时间和能量来满 足你无限的需求想法。10. Although few Americans recognize the name theres a chance that the name could become more familiar to shoppers over the next five years. 尽管只有少数美国人认识海尔品牌但未来 5 年这一品牌将有机会 被更多 美国人熟悉。
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