
天津滨海国际机场 饶春兰

2018-04-13 23页 doc 108KB 24阅读




天津滨海国际机场 饶春兰天津滨海国际机场 饶春兰 天津滨海国际机场 目录 ?机场概括 ...................................................0 ?规模 .......................................................0 ?历史 ......................................................0 ?发展战略 ...................................................1...
天津滨海国际机场   饶春兰
天津滨海国际机场 饶春兰 天津滨海国际机场 目录 ?机场概括 ...................................................0 ?规模 .......................................................0 ?历史 ......................................................0 ?发展战略 ...................................................1 ?吞吐量 ......................................................... 1 ?航空航班 ....................................................... 2 ?发展扩建 ....................................................... 3 ?航站楼 .....................................................4 ?交通路线 ...................................................4 ?自驾车 ......................................................... 4 ?机场巴士 ....................................................... 5 ?公交专线 ....................................................... 5 ?省际班车 ....................................................... 6 ?出租车 ......................................................... 6 meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. ?机场概括 天津滨海国际机场位于天津市东丽区,是中国主要的航空货运中心之一,也是天津航空与奥凯航空的枢纽机场。自从滨海新区发展纳入国家发展战略后,滨海机场旅客吞吐量增速很快,货运的发展更加迅速。2007年,完成一期扩建工程,二号跑道已于2010年开放客运运行,是国内少数几个双跑道运行的大型机场之一。2010年后继续进行二期扩建工程,T2航站楼已于2014年8月28日与天津地铁二号线机场延长线同时启用。T1航站楼主要保障国际航班,T2航站楼主要保障国内航班,可满足2020年2500万人次旅客吞吐量的需求。规划有京津城际高铁和3条地铁将引进机场。 ?规模 天津机场主营业务包括:飞机起 降服务、航空地面服务、广告业务、 房屋场地租赁、停车场服务、省际包 车客运、市内包车客运等。天津机场 现有跑道2条,第一跑道3600米, 第二跑道3200米,飞行区等级4F级, 可满足各类大型飞机全载起降。航站 楼面积达11.6万平方米,货库8.9万 平方米,具有管制二次雷达、卫星通 信终端、机场数据传输网络等先进的 导航通信设备及完善的地面保障设 施。 天津机场以“成为滨海新区、环渤 海区域、北方经济中心发展的航空引 擎”和“让客户满意、让员工自豪、让 社会认可”为使命,以“中国北方国际航空物流中心、大型门户枢纽机场”为愿景,目标“把天津机场建成文化先进、健全、流程合理、操作的品牌机场”。 ?历史 天津滨海国际机场前身为天津张贵庄机场,1950年新中国最早的两条民用航线从这里始发,机场同时担负起新中国专业飞行和技术人才 培养的任务,被誉为“新中国民航的摇篮”。1974年, 天津机场被确定为首都机场的备降场,1979年4月 开辟7条始发航线,结束了长期作为航线经停站的 状况,当年旅客发运量1.27万人次,货邮发运量 1806吨。 改革开放以来,天津机场发生了巨大的变化, 特别是1990年完成第四次扩建和2002年的飞行区 改造后,天津机场成为华北地区仅次于首都机场的第二大国际机场,飞行区达到4E级,可meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. 天津滨海国际机场 接收包括波音747-400大型宽体客机在内的各类型飞机全载起降,航站楼和飞行区计能力为年起降飞机9万架次,客运吞吐量260万人次;停 机坪面积达到40万平方米,可同时停靠大中型飞机 40架;建成了大型货库、机库及52公里长的输油管 线;安装了先进的全向信标测距仪、二次雷达、仪表 着陆系统、卫星地面接收站等通信导航和气象设施, 为航空安全提供了可靠的保障;培养了一支高素质的 地面服务和保障队伍,并创造了保障航空安全43周 年的好成绩。 1996年10月,天津机场被国务院升格为国际定期航班机场,后更名为“天津滨海国际机场”。天津滨海国际机场依靠自身良好的净空和交通条件,先进的设施和优质的服务,吸引了四家航空公司在这里“安家”,分别为国航天津分公司、新华航空公司、东方通用航空公司和邮政航空公司,拥有民用客货飞机16架,通用及邮政飞机15架。 2008年4月28日零时,天津机场新航站楼开始使用,以接替老航站楼用于客流运输。新航站楼采用指廊式布局,主体建筑面积11.6万平方米,建筑物最大高度43米,单层面积5万平方米,总面积达到25万平米,旅客吞吐量1700万人次,货邮吞吐量50至60万吨;设有60个值机柜台,6台自助值机设备,17条安检通道,19个登机桥。 ?发展战略 随着滨海新区开发开放纳入国家总体发展战略, 国务院将天津定位为国际港口城市、北方经济中心和 生态城市,天津的发展进入一个新的上升期,天津滨 海国际机场也迎来了新一轮的发展机遇,进入了快速 发展的轨道。天津机场确立了建设中国北方国际航空 物流中心、大型门户枢纽机场的目标,并以品牌建设 为着力点,全力打造文化凸显、流程合理、制度健全、 操作规范的精品机场。 2014年6月底,天津机场二期航站楼将竣工并投入使用。占地面积达到24.8万平方米的T2航站楼与T1航站楼如果同时运行,届时可以满足每年2500万-5000万旅客的出行需求。当然,未来两个航站楼如何协调运行也是摆在天津机场面前的巨大挑战。预计到2013年底,将完成除挑檐外钢结构主体工程,并同步进行幕墙及屋面结构工程施工。T2航站楼内外部装修装饰也将力图充分体现出“大气洋气、清新亮丽、古今交融、中西合璧”的天津城市建筑文化特色。 过去,由于天津机场航班航线密度不够,在旅客心目中留下了“从天津机场出行不方便”的印象,天津周边地区的很多旅客要么选择从首都机场走,要么选择其它交通方式,大量的航空客源流失了。 ? 吞吐量 2006年,天津机场累计完成旅客吞吐量280万人 次,同比增长26.3%;累计完成货邮吞吐量10万吨,同 meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. 比增长20.9%;安全保障飞机起降5.5万架次,同比增长15.8%。2003年以来,天津机场顺应发展需要,采取积极营销策略,抢占市场,千方百计引进航班航线,深度挖掘本地航空市场潜力,运输生产取得了令人瞩目的成绩,旅客吞吐量实现了从100万、170万、220万到280万的四年四个跨越,彻底扭转了航班、旅客稀少的冷清局面。以天津为基地,国内最大支线航空公司天津航空开始正式运营国内支线航空客、货运输业务。这样,在天津机场设基地运营的国内航空公司将达到8家。此外,世界航空公司货运业务排名前三位的大韩、新加坡货航在津运营业绩良好,大韩航空公司已经开始在天津筹建货运基地。 ?航空航班 日航、韩亚、全日空、荷兰马丁等航空公司 均开通了天津的国际客货运航线。天津-首尔航线 每周客货运航班总计达到60班次。2006年先后 有新货航、货邮航、香港航空、蒙古航空、东星 航空、吉祥航空等6家航空公司进驻天津,使得 在天津机场开通正班航线的国内外航空公司增加 到24家。众多的航空公司纷纷加盟,使2006年 天津航空市场空前活跃,热点航线竞争加剧,航 空快线培育成型,给旅客出行带来方便的同时,也带来了实惠。天津至上海航线以每天往返13班的高密度运营,成为最成熟的一条航空运输快线。此外,天津至首尔、广州、深圳、青岛、香港等城市航班增长势头强劲,更多的空中新快线正在形成。天津机场已经初步建立了以国内航线为主体,以东北亚航线为龙头,以欧美航线为两翼的航线网络,为天津及周边地区旅客出行和货物运输提供了极大的便利条件。天津机场已开通航线61条,通航城市51个。基地航空公司发展良好:国航天津分公司投放飞机5架,开通航线12条;海南航空天津基地投放飞机6架,开通航线13条;奥凯航空公司投放飞机3架,开通航线7条,并已投放货机3架;东方通用航空公司、东航河北分公司天津基地、邮政航空公司天津基地等也取得了不错的成绩。 天津滨海国际机场主要国际客运航班 序号 航空公司 目的地 日本航空公司 名古屋 1 大韩航空公司 首尔、仁川 2 韩亚航空公司 首尔、仁川 3 中国国际航空公司 名古屋、香港 4 长荣航空 台北 5 复兴航空 台北 6 厦门航空 新加坡 7 天津航空 乌兰巴托 8 酷航 新加坡 9 国内客运航班 meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. 天津滨海国际机场 中国国际航空(成都、重庆、厦门、深圳、香港、上海虹桥、运城、广州、长沙、昆明、丽江、三亚) 海南航空(上海虹桥、上海浦东、广州、深圳、 天津航空(上海虹桥、西安、杭州、武汉、海口、太原、揭阳、大连、宁波、包头、烟台、青岛、三亚、重庆、长春、乌鲁木齐) 中国南方航空(长沙、广州、三亚、武汉、深圳、呼和浩特、乌鲁木齐) 中国东方航空(上海虹桥、上海浦东、赤峰、武汉、广州) 奥凯航空(长沙、昆明、深圳、南京、烟台、重庆、三亚) 上海航空(上海虹桥、上海浦东、昆明) 春秋航空(三亚) 深圳航空(深圳) 四川航空(成都、重庆、长春) 厦门航空(武汉、深圳、西安、厦门、福州、晋江、重庆) 山东航空(青岛、呼和浩特) 吉祥航空(上海浦东) 西部航空(重庆) 首都航空(三亚) 祥鹏航空(昆明) 昆明航空 成都航空(成都、长春) 华夏航空(长治、重庆) 西藏航空(绵阳、拉萨) 货运通航公司 中国货运航空有限公司(CK) 银河国际货运航空有限公司(GD) 长城货运航空公司(IJ) 中国国际货运航空(CA) 大韩航空(KE) 全日空航空(NH) 扬子江快运(Y8) ?发展扩建 天津机场航站楼总体面积11.6万平方米,楼内设置4组值机岛,60个值机柜台,6台自助值机设备,17条安检通道。高峰小时可保障旅客2200人次,综合保障能力满足年旅客吞吐量1000万人次的需求。机场站坪总面积72万平方米,可以同时停放各类飞机84架。2009年4月,第二跑道的建成使天津机场成为国内第四个实现双跑道独立运行的机场。运行的两条跑道均达到4E级,消防和应急救援等级9级,具备先进的管制二次雷达、卫星通信终端、机场数据传输网络等先进的导航通信设备及完善的地面保障设施。场区硬件设施已具备了大型枢纽机场规模。 为了保证天津机场持续快速的发展,机场扩建的二期工程2009年内启动。天津机场二期航站楼建设规模约22万平方米,年旅客吞吐能力为1500万人次。工程主要包括:22万平方米航站楼、25万平方米站坪及滑行道,以及消防、灯光等及附属配套设施,工程总投资约50亿元。 meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. 未来天津机场将拥有三个航站楼,修建第三条跑道,满足旅客年吞吐量4000万人次,货邮吞吐量400万吨。天津机场还将引入京津城际铁路、城市地铁线路,贯通京、津、冀高速公路,使其成为集轨道交通、道路交通与航空运输为一体,与海港互动的现代化国际机场,努力实现“北方国际航空物流中心和大型门户枢纽机场”的远景目标。 ?航站楼 天津机场航站楼总体面积11.6万平方米,楼内设置4组值机岛,60个值机柜台,6台自助值机设备,17条安检通道。高峰小时可保障旅客2200人次,综合保障能力满足年旅客吞吐量1000万人次的需求。机场站坪总面积72万平方米,可以同时停放各类飞机84架。2009年4月,第二跑道的建成使天津机场成为国内第四个实现双跑道独立运行的机场。运行的两条跑道均达到4E级标准,消防和应急救援等级9级,具备先进的管制二次雷达、卫星通信终端、机场数据传输网络等先进的导航通信设备及完善的地面保障设施。场区硬件设施已具备了大型枢纽机场规模。 为了保证天津机场持续快速的发展,机场扩建的二期工程计划2009年内启动。天津机场二期航站楼建设规模约22万平方米,年旅客吞吐能力为1500万人次。工程主要包括:22万平方米航站楼、25万平方米站坪及滑行道,以及消防、灯光等及附属配套设施,工程总投资约50亿元。 未来天津机场将拥有三个航站楼,修建第三条跑道,满足旅客年吞吐量4000万人次,货邮吞吐量400万吨。天津机场还将引入京津城际铁路、城市地铁线路,贯通京、津、冀高速公路,使其成为集轨道交通、道路交通与航空运输为一体,与海港互动的现代化国际机场,努力实现“北方国际航空物流中心和大型门户枢纽机场”的远景目标。 ?交通路线 ?自驾车 线路一:从市区沿卫国道前往机场航站楼 可沿卫国道行驶至外环线,直行过津汉桥后沿津汉公路向空港加工区方向,行至机场立交桥右转,沿机场大道可直达机场新航站楼。 线路二:从市区沿津滨大道前往机场航站楼 可沿津滨大道行至津滨桥,上桥后右盘左转下桥至外环线,行至卫国道“外环—津汉桥”右转津汉公路,沿津汉公路向空港加工区方向,行至机场立交桥右转立交桥出口匝道,沿机场大道可直达机场新航站楼。 线路三:从北京方向前往机场新航站楼 可从京津塘高速公路天津机场出口下高速公路,沿高速公路延长线行至津汉公路路口左转,行驶到机场立交桥后右转立交桥出口匝道,沿机场大道到达机场新航站楼。 线路四:从空港加工区前往机场新航站楼 可从津汉公路右侧出口匝道右转上机场立交桥。经由此路驶往机场新航站楼,要注意在津汉公路右侧匝道有两个路岔口,注意交通指示标志的提示,切勿驶入通往京津塘二线的路口,以免多走冤枉路。 线路五:从滨海新区沿津滨高速前往机场新航站楼 可从津滨高速行至外环津滨桥右转外环线,行至津汉桥右转津汉公路,沿津汉公路向空港加工区方向,行至机场立交桥右转立交桥出口匝道,沿机场大道可直达机场新航站楼。 meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. 天津滨海国际机场 线路六:从津蓟高速和津围公路前往机场新航站楼 可从津蓟高速和津围公路转至外环线,沿外环线行至津汉桥后左转津汉公路,沿津汉公路向空港加工区方向,行至机场立交桥右转立交桥出口匝道,沿机场大道可直达机场新航站楼。 ?机场巴士 线路1:天津机场客运区,天津站 线路类型:直达车 运行方式:每日6:00-19:30,每半小时从天津机场、天津站双向发车。 发车地点:天津机场发车地点为航站楼国内出口2号门;天津站发车地点为天津东站北出站口,位于后广场新兆路西侧、邮政局门前。 票价:10元 提示信息:每日19:30后为天津机场至市区单向发车,运行线路为天津机场,天津站,南京路,每半小时发车,直至航班结束,发车地点为航站楼国内出口2号门。 线路2:天津机场客运区,南京路(香槟小镇) 线路类型:途中停靠三个站点分别为中山门轻轨站、十一经路万隆大厦、山西路与南京路交口。 运行方式:机场(航站楼国内出口2号门)首发车为每日10:15,运行时间为每日10:15,19:15,每半小时发车;南京路(香槟小镇)发车时间为每日5:50、9:15、11:15、12:15、14:15、16:15。 发车地点:天津机场发车地点为航站楼国内出口2号门;南京路发车地点为营口道与河北路交口(香槟小镇门口)。 票价:10元 提示信息:每日19:30后为天津机场至市区单向发车,运行线路为天津机场,天津东站,南京路,每半小时发车,直至航班结束,发车地点为航站楼国内出口2号门。 线路3:天津机场客运区,天环客运站 线路类型:途中停靠三个站点分别为通莎客运站、三条石大街(大胡同)、天津西站。 运行方式:每日12:00-17:00,每一个小时整点从天津机场发车。 发车地点:天津机场发车地点为航站楼国内出口2号门。 票价:20元 ?公交专线 天津开发区专线 始发站:天津机场发车地点 为航站楼一楼国内出口3号门 中途停靠站:泰达中心酒店 终点站:塘沽开发区解放路4号巨川假日酒店底 商明昊航空(新华书店旁) 间隔时间:大约30分钟 票价:25元 运行方式:双向发车。天津机场发车时间为每日08:30-21:00,天津塘沽开发区发车时间为5:30-18:30。 meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. 机场专线4路 始发站:唐山道公交站 中途停靠站:唐山道、崇仁里、湖北路、小白楼、大光明桥、唐家口、长征路、中北里、祈和新苑、益寿里、翠阜新村、上杭花园、万兴花园、松风西里、盘山道、崂山道、香山道、武警医院、万新村南、杨台、工地、程林东里、登州里、第三石油化工厂、李明庄、机场办公区、天津滨海国际机场 终点站:天津滨海国际机场 间隔时间:大约60分钟 票价:3元 机场专线5路 始发站:天津乐园公交站 中途停靠站:天津乐园、西南楼、天津日报大厦(北)、光华桥、大直沽、棉纺一厂、大直沽五号路、大直沽后台、东风地道、东风立交桥、制药厂、儿童村、军事交通学院(原程林里)、东局子、天山路、武警医院、兰亭里、嵩山道、倚虹东里、松风东里、李明庄、机场办公区、天津滨海国际机场 终点站:天津滨海国际机场 间隔时间:大约60分钟 票价:3元 ?省际班车 巴士线路:天津机场--北京八王坟 票价:35元 ?出租车 公里 \ 排量 1.6升排量以上 1.6升排量以下 3公里以下 起步价8元 起步价8元 3-10公里 2元/公里 1.7元/公里 10公里以上 3元/公里 2.5元/公里 (收取返程费用) meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods.
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