

2017-10-07 13页 doc 39KB 39阅读




面试口语大全面试口语大全 换工作的理由, Trading company贸易公司 What made you decide to。。。, Be capable of有什么的能力 further promotion晋升 I’d like to find a job which is more challenging. I would like to practice my English in my work. Make a long-term contribution做长远的贡献 Make solid contributi...
面试口语大全 换工作的理由, Trading company贸易公司 What made you decide to。。。, Be capable of有什么的能力 further promotion晋升 I’d like to find a job which is more challenging. I would like to practice my English in my work. Make a long-term contribution做长远的贡献 Make solid contributions做出实质的贡献 Enrich experience扩充经验 broaden experience扩展经验 What’s the reasonthat。。。, Employment contract工作 present post现职 Previous employer原来的雇主 salary薪水 To speak frankly,there was not much for me to do at my job. 坦率地说,我的职位没多少事情可以干。 My main responsibility is我的主要是。。。 Trouble-shooting解决 gain experience 获得经验 no chance of advancement没有升迁的机会 Leave the office离职 exporter’s office 出口公司 Chance to better myself晋升的机会 liquidate结业 It’s not that..并非。。。Little chance of很少机会 Opportunity for advancement晋升的机会 I don’t think the salary is equal to my work.工作与报酬不相称soon after不久后 Officious爱管闲事superior上司There was no way根本无法 couldn’t stand。。any longer再也无法容忍 Start to grow刚刚开张 enjoy good reputation信誉卓著 Opportunity to advance晋升的机会 Joint-venture合资企业 most favorite choice最佳选择 As you say正如你所说firm公司the location of。。的地点 I’m not a exception。我也不例外。Tour guide导游 There is nothing more marvelous than meeting and dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds.I don’t want to miss a chance to know my own country,people and culture.没有什么比同来自不同文化背景的人接触和打交道更好的事情了。我不想错过一个了解自己国家,人民和文化的机会。 Under great work pressure在巨大的工作压力之下 At that period在那时 health condition身体状况 It’s not fairly stable相当不稳定 I wish to seek for getting into the Business English as i learned in college.我希望在大学时所学的商务英语知识学以致用。Offer提供import and export trade进出口贸易 I would look forward to dealing with overseas companies and at the same time having a chance to use English more。我渴望能同外国公司做生意,并借此机会练习英语。 The working conditions and surroundings工作环境和工作条件 I can make use of the professional experience i have obtained.我可以充分利用自己的专业经验。 Have a great future前途光明 Be conducive to the further development of my abilities有助于增强我的能力 For an excellent working environment.为了优越的工作环境。 Secretary秘书consist of包含,涉及 Work overtime at night 加夜班resign辞职 Serve =hold担任in this line在这一行业 Salesman销售员 public relation公关 Invoice发票 shipping bill发货单computing freight cost计算运费in charge of主管,管理no later than不迟于 Involve涉及paper filling and typing填表和打字工作 It’s not part of my job。这不是我分内的事 Of course not当然不介意resignation辞职信 Frankness坦率no much work to do没有太多工作要做 Dull枯燥的advanced technology先进技术get into打进 Have you ever...?What have you learnt...? Business know-hows商业诀窍post职位,工作 reference推荐人 with interest有兴趣 As you please可以 Display my talent in advertisement发挥我在广告方面的才 能submit resignation提交辞职信resume简历 I took Business English as my major.我学的是商务英语。 Sino-American中美enterprise企业hire录用 Acquaint oneself with对什么有所熟悉major in主修 I’ve cherished a desire to get a job where i can apply my knowledge.我一直希望能得到一份贡献自己所学知识的工作。 Corporation公司 rumble beef about what i do对我的工作说三道四 Have the gall脸皮厚 Feel cheap感到惭愧,身体不适,扫 兴气馁 live from hand to hand勉强度日 Hands are tied权力有限,无能为力 Application materials申请材料 downsize缩小,精简 Be under much pressure压力很大settle down定居 Laid-off worker下岗工人 job objective工作目标 Go out off business停业,倒闭 full-time job全职的工作 On one’s the way out即将被淘汰,即将退出fire解雇 Give full play to one’s skill充分发挥某人的能力 For wider experience为扩大工作经验 diversified多样化的 For more specialized work为更专业的工作 employer雇主 For prospects of promotion为晋升的前途 employee雇员 trouble-shooting解决问career objective职业目标 For higher responsibility为更高层次的责任 Due to close-down of company由于公司倒闭overtime加 班加点 sought a better job找到了更好的工作 To seek a better job找一份更好的工作 administration管理,行政机关 take a break休息一下 Challenging有挑战性的 promotion提升 part-time job兼职工作 position desired希望职位 Position sought谋求职位 starting salary初始工资 Due to expiry of employment由于雇佣期满 Employment objective雇佣目的 兴趣爱好 Other than除了 A movie fan电影迷Personal interests个 人爱好 I’m not professional。我不是专业的。 Enjoy at little or no cost花少钱,乐无穷 Every so often时常play the flute吹笛子 Life histories生活经历 well-known 著名的 Statesman政治家,militarist军事家, Come into contact with nature接触大自然crude粗鲁的 There’s nothing I like more than...没有什么比我更喜欢。。。 Vigorous有活力的 For instance例如 Build up 加强,建立 physical strength强身 Will-power锻炼人的意志 go for a bicycle ride骑自行车 recreational activities消遣活动 The Mountaineering Society登山协会 Train my will-power锻炼我的意志 amateur业余爱好者 Get me close to nature贴近大自然violinist小提琴手 Exert a favourable influence on a person’s character. 陶冶人的情操 Gallery美术馆 visit art exhibitions参观美术展览 One thing I like very much我非常喜欢的一件事 Spend a day off 打发日子 I have passion for everything that is classical凡是古典的 东西我都喜欢 Existentialist存在主义者 swordsmen novels武侠小说 No thought for eating or sleeping废寝忘食Folk song民歌 Imitate and practice模仿练souvenir纪念品sea bell海贝 Seascapes海景mountain climbing登山the climbing club 登山社rarely很少地do aerobics做有氧运动 Keep you alert保持灵敏 I like the feeling of cooperating with others. 我喜欢和别人合作的感觉repay报Thanks a million万分感 谢 Anytime不客气address oneself to 把注意力集中于。。。 I’ve been snowed under with work.忙得不可开交 Ancient古代的 amateur业余的avocation业余爱好,消遣 Be absorbed in 专心于。。。 Best seller畅销书 Comedy喜剧 camping野营 cross talk相声 Fairy tale神话,童话 folk dance民间舞蹈farce滑稽剧 Embroidery刺绣 dulcimer徳西马琴 crack a joke 说笑话 Hi-fi高保真音响 idle空闲的 jazz爵士音乐 Kill time消磨时间 leisure空闲的odd 古怪的stirring令人 激动地 stamp album集邮簿 翻译 Agency办事处 self-confidence自信心 competition竞赛 Composition作文 efficiency效率 commence使开始着手 Interpreter口译者 reconsider重新考虑 technique技巧 Expertise专门技术或知识the translation service翻译社 Be bilingual in会说两种语言的 It’s the job that i have been dreaming of。 这是我梦寐以求的工作 I have excellent communication skills我有出色的交际能 力。 Enclose附加的 testimonial证明书have some knowledge of Document文件fluent流畅的have the experience of Negotiation谈判public speaking演说 Business card名片 translator翻译员 keep thinking clear保持清晰思考daytime白天 salary criterion system工资audio cassettes磁带 I can confidently say我可以很自信地说 Language skills语言能力 work efficiency工作效率 Tough艰辛的clear head清晰的头脑I’m in good shape.我 身体很好 Oncoming即将Etiquette礼仪Psychology心理学 English for Foreign Trade外贸英语 English Interpretation英语口译 Whatever you say你说了算chance the ducks冒险试试 How awful,真糟糕,Fan the flames火上烧油 导游 Travel bag旅行包 walks of life行业 travel zone旅游区 Travel agency旅行社 Travel certificate旅游证 Tourism旅游业 souvenir纪念品 scenic风景的 Show around带人游看 one-day excursion一日游 Stopover passenger过境旅客return ticket往返票 Outgoing passenger出境旅客 notice for passenger旅客须知 Kick bag回扣 guide book旅游指南group tour团体旅游 Geography地理 compatriot同胞busy route繁忙的旅游路线 Coastal沿海的 conduct tour有导游的旅游 Independent tour散客旅游international tour国际旅游 Non-package tour非包价旅游hiker徒步旅行者 Globe-trotter环球旅游者 entry visa入境签证 Tour guide导游 actual experience实际经验 One of the most important requirements for the job is the ability to speak English.I think I can use English to explain things to foreign tourists.name说出 Section科 engage聘用 What exactly is included 。。。,主要包括拿些内容, Various kinds of各式各样的 The Imperial Palace故宫 The Ming Tombs十三陵 The Temple of the Heaven天坛 the Summer Palace颐 和园 The Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲 Well,sometimes i like to be myself,but most of time i prefer being with a group of people,so I guess i am rather extroverted. 有时候我喜欢一个人独处,但是大部分时间我比较喜欢待在人群 里面,所以我猜自己是相当的外向的。 Guiding Method导游方法 Vocation Ethics职业道德 Hot season旺季Certificate of Tour Guide导游员资格证书 An overseas tour guide海外导游 Would there ever be any chance of that,我会有机会吗, Ever since i was little我从小 Put one’s foot in one’s mouth说错话了 Get off the subject跑题了logical choice合理的选择 I’ve enjoyed talking with you和你谈话很愉快 Two doors down and to the right向前的右手边第二间房 The scenery spots风景点 folk customs民俗风情 Make you perceive the wonder of the nature领略大自然的 奇迹profile简述call one’s attention引起某人的注意 Have known nothing about对什么一无所知 Natural scenery自然风光Very important for a better understanding of them on the significance of this tour 让他们体会到这趟旅行的重要性 It depends 视情况而定 think twice三思 Be conflicted with 与什么冲突 I will never impose my view upon their.我不会把我的观点强加给他们 Three-mouth period of probation三个月的试用期 Satisfy满足offer more chances for challenges and liveliness提供更多的挑战和让你活跃的机会 Exhausting筋疲力尽 a little bit 一点点 lingual语言家 Mandarin普通话,Cantonese广东话considerably high相当高 Flexible灵活的refer to了解 I prefer the chances for knowing more different people From different walks of life and different place。 我看重这里的机会,能够接触更多来自不同地域和行业的各种人士。Commission佣金client客人Compatriot同乡 Recruit录用Thank you for favor with me 谢谢关照 Place an advertisement for 刊登广告 Are there still any vacancies,不知还有没有空缺, BA学士学位 in the real sense严格地说 I’m straight from university我刚刚毕业 Obtain knowledge掌握知识get on well with 与。。相处得 好 Guest客人scenic spot景点 I like foreign cultures very much .That’s why i chose to major in English.我对外国文化感兴趣,这就是我选择英语专业 的原因 Toughness艰苦 hand out perks发奖金Farewell再见 The advertisement information招聘信息 I am here applying for the position of tour guide. 我来应聘导游这一职位 Have a high fame有较高的名望 since由于belongings物 品 Prior to 在什么之前make the same announcement发出相 同的 probationary试用 Personnel manager人事经理mother tongue母语 Apprenticeship学徒Have good reputation in the travel line 在旅游业中有很好的名誉now and then常常 A tour guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities,and offering service of transportation,accommodations,sightseeing,shopping and entertainment.导游必须负责安排和协调旅游活动,以及为游客 提供交通,住宿,观光,购物和娱乐等各项服务。 Extroverted外向的 Introverted内向的outspoken说话坦率 Franc法郎 within在。。。之内oral English英语口语 family name姓Education Background教育背景 Bilingual双语的 Yellow Crane Tower黄鹤楼 Three Gorges三峡Wudang Mountain武当山 Forest Park森林公园 the Phoenix Ancient city凤凰古城 Tourist sites旅游景点 The landscape of Guilin桂林山水 Five-FInger Mountain五指山 Thank you for your kind offer谢谢你的厚爱assure准确的 The words should be appropriate用词得当precise准确的 Put Sb. On欺骗某人Can’t beat Sth. With a stick最佳安排, 十全十美coffee and cakes收入菲薄 Jump ship跳槽 Well-paid job高薪工作 在校成绩 Excellent League Member优秀团员 Excellent Party Member优秀党员Excellent Leader优秀干 部 Excellent Student Cadre优秀学生干部 Three Good Student、Triple—A Student三好学生 Excellent Class Collective优秀班集体 Scholarship奖学金 fellowship研究生奖学金 Academic Pace-setter学习标兵trivial微不足道的 Unique独特的 average平均的highlight突出 Theme主题 increase增加的Advanced Worker先进工作 者 Working Model劳动模范 Prize Fellowship成绩优良研究生奖学金 Prize Scholarship学习成绩优良奖学金 Scholarship on Merit学习成绩优良奖学金 Ten Outstanding Young Men十大杰出青年 Score成绩get a good record得到好成绩 Get highest mark最高分Get lowest mark最低分 Band级别best subject强项on average平均,中等leader干 部 rank first排名第一CET4英语四级Band Four四级 Top Student尖子生points分数not doing well学得不好 Propaganda Department Minister宣传部部长honor荣誉 Award奖项extracurricular activities课外活动 Grade of study学习成绩self-study自学 Business Administration工商管理 I used to be the monitor of my class我曾担任班长 Affect影响 It’s a very important experience for me.First,it improved my organizing ability,and let me understand how to resolve a problem in the overall perspective instead of my own perspective.Second,it let me know how to cooperate in harmony with people who i like or dislike. 增强组织协调能力,学会从全局出发而不是从个人角度去考 虑问题,让我学会了如何与自己喜欢或不喜欢的人协调的合作 As reach 90%,Bs reach 100%优秀率达90%,优良率达 100% Above average中上等ever since自从above在...之上 upper third 前三G.P.A.总平均成绩Secondarily此外 Beyond one’s hope/wildest dream做梦也想不到 A backroom boy 幕后英雄 Don’t bother your head about it.不要担心
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