首页 > 幼儿园申办条件及优惠政策


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幼儿园申办条件及优惠政策幼儿园申办条件及优惠政策 申办民办幼儿园,应符合下列条件: 1、园舍场地和设施符合建设部门、教育部门所规定的标准;有独立的财务机构,独立的银行帐户;有足够的办园资金和维持日常教育所需的资金严来源;有正常师资来源渠道和符合教育行政部门规定要求的师资队伍;有符合教育行政部门规定的幼教专业管理人员并主持幼儿园日常管理工作;有明确的办园方案,办园方案包括办园目标、原则和幼儿园类型,招收对象和范围,师资队伍和符合国家规定的教育课程和教材等;有幼儿园名称,幼儿园名称应体现民族化、儿童化的特点,名称中不得带有与办园实际不符的或易产生误导...
幼儿园申办条件及优惠政策 申办民办幼儿园,应符合下列条件: 1、园舍场地和设施符合建设部门、教育部门所规定的标准;有独立的财务机构,独立的银行帐户;有足够的办园资金和维持日常教育所需的资金严来源;有正常师资来源渠道和符合教育行政部门规定要求的师资队伍;有符合教育行政部门规定的幼教专业管理人员并主持幼儿园日常管理工作;有明确的办园,办园方案包括办园目标、原则和幼儿园类型,招收对象和范围,师资队伍和符合国家规定的教育课程和教材等;有幼儿园名称,幼儿园名称应体现民族化、儿童化的特点,名称中不得带有与办园实际不符的或易产生误导作用的词语。 2、幼儿园申办者可以货币形式出贺,也可以实物、土地(房产)使用权出资。凡以实物、土地(房产)使用权出资的,必须由有关部门进行资产的评估和核实,不得高估作价,并依法办理财产权的转移手续。 幼儿园申办者,应将办园资金足额存入准备开办的幼儿园在银行开设的帐户,并经法定验资机构出具证明。 3、申请举办幼儿园,应向所在区、县教育主管部门提供办园、举办者的身份证明、办园的可行性匠告、办园资金的验资证明、场地使用证明、办园方案、幼儿园章程等书面材料。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 幼儿园章程应当表明举办者的姓名或名称、举办者的权利和义务、举办者的出资方式和出资金额、幼儿园的机构设置及其产生办法、权限、议事规则、幼儿园法定代表人、幼儿园解散事由与清算办法等事项。 4、区、县教育主管部门对符合上述条件的,给予办园登记;对不符合条件的,不予登记,并向申办者书面阐明。 登记内容应包括幼儿园名称、幼儿园法人代表、幼儿园地址、幼儿园投资资金数额、招生对象和范围、办园规模、教职工人数。经登记的,应按登记部门所确定的筹建期限进行幼儿园的筹备工作,筹建期限根据筹建的实际需要确定。逾期不建成人为拖建的,则由原登记部门撤销登记。 5、幼儿园筹备结束,须经区、县教育主管部门验收合格,方由原登记部门签发办园许可证。 幼儿园主办者凭办园许可证向区、县物价局申请收费许可证,并由物价局确定收费项目和收费标准,才可公开向社会招生。 6、区、县教育主管部门自幼儿园登记之日起30日内,将幼儿园申办及登记材料报上海市教育委员会主管部门备案。如有关事项与法律、(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 法规、规定相抵触的,或幼儿园的名称与其他托幼机构发生重复的,市教委主管部门责成区、县教育主管部门对相应事项予以纠正或更改。 7、幼儿园变更时,申办者应向原登记管理机关办理变更登记。 幼儿园因故决定终止举办幼儿园时,应向原登记管理机关提出停办申请,并同时提交资产清理方案。经核准后,由区、县教育主管部门监督实施并由登记管理机关收回办园许可证及其副本、收费许可正、幼儿园公章,注销登记并通知其开户银行。 8、幼儿园经批准使用的属公建配套或其他政府所规定的托幼专用的园会场地,如需进行较大规模拆建的,应征得原托幼用房管理部门的同意。 9、幼儿园通过本市新闻媒介播放或刊登公告的,应经区、县教育部门审核。在全国性新闻媒介播放或刊登公告的,应经市教育部门的审核。 10、民办幼儿园不设立分园。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 11、区、县教育主管部门应根据《上海市幼儿园分等定级评分标准》定期对幼儿园进行全面评估,根据评估结果确定幼儿园的办园等级,并出具书面通知,幼儿园根据教育部门出具的书面通知,到物价部门办理收费标准变更手续。 特色幼儿园的建设 建立幼儿园特色不是园长一两个人或幼儿园少数人的事,它是涉及幼儿园全体人员的大事,包括幼儿在内,它是靠幼儿园各个方面人员同凡协力,共同合作去创造。形成这种局面的重要前提是幼儿园要有良好、真挚的人际关系与和谐、融洽的交往心理氛围。幼儿园里的人际关系是社会的缩影,它包括着多层次,多侧面的人员交往。最主要的有园领导之间,领导与教师之间,教师与教师之间,教师与幼儿之间,幼儿与幼儿之间,团体与团体之间等。幼儿园里最基本的人际交往是师幼之间的交往。幼儿园里,师幼儿间的人际关系结构特点,以及师幼儿间沟通的心理氛围,是幼儿园特色外显的重要特征。良好的人际关系结构与和谐的交往心理氛围,必然有利于充分发挥教育者与受教育者两个方面的主观能动性,有利于幼儿的全面发展,有利于幼儿园整体办学效益的提高,有利于幼儿园特色不断地向更高水平与更高层次发展。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 我们为了研究方便,将幼儿园特色分解为三大要素来认识。但必须清醒地认识到,幼儿园特色绝对不是这三者相加而形成的大拼盘。从学校教育实践看,幼儿园特色是由这三大要素熔于一炉所冶炼成的“合金”。这种特定环境要求 三、幼儿园特色建设的条件 (一) 建设特色幼儿园的内部条件 建设特色幼儿园是一个相当长而又曲折的过程,需要幼儿园的内部条件作为保证,不能离开幼儿园的自身条件来谈幼儿园的特色。因此,必须考虑自身的内部条件,并依据自身具有的条件来建设幼儿园特色。 在特色幼儿园的形成过程中,它要受到很多因素的影响,受到许多条件的制约。已有的成功经验,分析办学的基本因素,我们认为创建特色幼儿园的基本条件主要有: 1、富有个性的园长是创办特色幼儿园的关键。陶行知先生曾说过“校长是一个学校的灵魂,要想评论一个学校先要评论它的校长。”正如人们常说的那样:有什么样的园长,就有什么样的幼儿园。因此,园长对幼儿园来说是非常重要的,创建特色幼儿园,园长是关键,特色(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 幼儿园能否有个性首先取决于园长是否有个性,园长个性结构主要表现在三方面:(1)独特的教育思想。教育思想是构成办学价值观的重要组成部分,它是形成特色幼儿园的重要思想基础。独特的教育思想带有校长带有鲜明的个性特征,它是园长在多年办学实践中,不断总结、提炼、概括的思想结晶。没有独特的教育思想就意味着没有特色的幼儿园。因此,对一名园长来说,形成独特的教育思想是非常重要的。(2)独特的管理风格。独特的管理风格是园长在管理活动中独特的管理思想的表现。它主要体现在园长对管理工作的思想态度和行为方式上。独特的管理风格是影响形成特色幼儿园的重要因素。不同的园长有不同的管理风格,它是不同教育思想和管理思想的表现。(3)独特的人格魅力。园长的性格、品质、气质、修养等是构成园长个性结构的重要组成部分,也是最能体现园长人格魅力的因素。独特的人格魅力是影响形成特色幼儿园的重要因素。办学实践中,园长充分展现自己在性格、品质、气质、修养等方面极具鲜明的个性特征,来对幼儿园成员施加影响,引导他们共同进取的意向和行为。 2、拥有特长的教师是形成特色幼儿园的前提。对于幼儿园来说,教师办学的依靠力量,没有教师再独特的思想也无法变成现实。教师的整体水平和个体能力对提高幼儿园办学质量具有举足轻重的作用,而要形成特色幼儿园,则除了要有整体水平和个体能力的要求之外,还必须具备富有特长的这一专项要求。蔡元培先生曾说过,有特色的教师是学校的宝贵财富,学校的特色,学校在社会上的影响往往是靠特(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 色教师的努力而形成的。可以说,没有特长的教师,就没有幼儿园的特色,也就难以形成特色的幼儿园,拥有特长的教师是形成特色幼儿园的前提。 为了形成拥有特长的教师,幼儿园领导人必须注意两个方面的工作:(1)要积极提供机会引发教师的特长,人各有所长,用人必用其所长,对教师也是如此。教师都有其独特的个性、爱好、特长以及工作习惯、教学风格,幼儿园领导要充分了解教师的这些特点,并注意提供机会让其展露自己的长处。(2)要努力创造条件培养教师的特长。教师的特长爱好是可以通过途径加以培养的。苏霍姆林斯基在这方面的做法值得我们借鉴:对青年教师,他努力帮助他们分析工作中的长处和短处,并积极创造条件提高他们的业务水平,为形成个人风格作准备;对中年教师他设法帮助他们找出各自的独特的风格,并不断加以总结;对老年教师则在总结的基础上积极加以传播,扩大影响。 3、有效的办学机制是形成特色幼儿园的保证。幼儿园的正常运行离不开正确的办学目标,合理的组织制度,有效的管理方式和资源的合理配置,它们都是保障机制的重要组成部分,依靠这些要素,保障机制得以发挥作用。总之,幼儿园的动力机制、运行机制、保障机制是形成特色幼儿园,促进幼儿园成功的必要保证。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 4、和谐的文化环境是创建特色幼儿园的基础。特色幼儿园实质上就是一种整体性的幼儿园文化模式。它是在独特的文化环境内逐步发展形成的,可以说,独特的幼儿园文化环境为特色幼儿园提供了生长的基础,一定的文化环境孕育了一定的幼儿园文化。 幼儿园文化是幼儿园成员通过幼儿园组织内部的教学、科研、生活和文化实践活动所创造出来的文化财富的总结,它包括幼儿园群体的价值观和准则、群体道德规范、心理行为方式,作风、习惯、语言符号和园史传统等。并在此基础上进行组织、编码、加工、发行而形成的一套整体文化环境模式。可以说,建设幼儿园文化的过程同时也正是创建特色幼儿园的过程。实践证明,许多成功的幼儿园正是通过幼儿园文化环境的建设而形成一种幼儿园文化并最终成为特色幼儿园。 5、幼儿园自身具备的物质条件。这主要包括:场地设施、教学设备设施、各种设施布局等。 以上五个方面涉及幼儿园的内部条件的主要内容。任何一所幼儿园只有在弄清了自身的内部条件,发现了自身的优势和不足之后,才可能准确地提出建设幼儿园特色的具体目标和实现目标的方法及手段。当然,幼儿园领导者的管理能力,领导与教师之间心理相容水平,领导者与被领导者、教师与教师、教师与工人、教师与幼儿之间心理相容水平等,都是建设幼儿园特色必须依据的内部条件。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). (二)建设幼儿园特色的外部条件 一所幼儿园能否建设出特色,除了必须依靠幼儿园自身的内部条件外,还应该有一定的外部条件作为支撑力量。这就需要幼儿园与社会各方面广泛沟通,以取得社会各界的积极支持。这些外部条件应包括: 1、上级教育主管部门的认同和支持。从某种意义上讲,建设幼儿园特色本身就属于教育改革,没有上级教育主管部门的认同和支持是难见成效的。(这方面的支持主要包括:人力、物力、财力等方面) 2、幼儿园周围的企事业单位的支持和帮助。(这方面的支持主要包括:物力、财力等方面) 3、有关专业人士的支持和帮助。(这方面的支持主要包括:专业技能等方面) 4、有关科研团体的协作与支持。(这方面的支持主要包括:指导思想、理论等方面) 四、如何办出幼儿园的特色 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). (一)把好方向,打好基础 幼儿园要创办也特色,必须把握方向,即以党和国家的全面发展的教育方针为依据,以两个“法规”为准绳。幼儿教育是基础教育的有机组成部分,而基础教育的基本特征就是基础性和综合性,这就要求幼儿教育必须既面向全体幼儿,又要着眼于奠定人的基本而又全面的素质基础。因此,在创办幼儿园特色时尤其要注意,不要将对个别幼儿的要求强加到全体幼儿身上;也不要为了促进幼儿某一方面的发展而影响其它方面的正常发展。更不能因过早地、过度地让幼儿“投身”于技能技巧的训练,而牺牲符合他们年龄特点和他们愿意从事的活动和游戏。这是创办幼儿园特色的前提,离开了这个前提,就会从根本上违背创办特色幼儿园的初衷。 幼儿园要办出特色,还必须打好全面质量的基础。如果一所幼儿园总体办园水平、教育教学质量平平,甚至低下,仅在“特色”方面做文章,忙于办专长班、开兴趣班,这种片面性的做法,是收不到办园质量整体优化的效果的,最终恐怕是难以形成真正意义上的“特色”的。 (二)确立目标,找准“突破口” (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 幼儿园要办出特色,就要从分析幼儿园自身的实际情况出发,找出自身所具有的特点,而不能盲目跟从。事实上,从地域的历史文化传统和经济发展背景、教育资源配置、幼儿园教育教学和管理水平、师资水平、园际差异不小,我们只有全面认识自己,扬长避短,确立具有自己特点的办园思想和目标,才有可能走出一条符合本园实际的特色教育的路子。 众所周知,幼儿园特色建设是教育改革的系统工程,幼儿园要办出特色,还必须从整体着眼,从重点着手,选准“突破口”。例如,有的幼儿园以教育社会化为突破性口,构建幼儿园、家庭和社区有机结合的“一体化”教育模式;有的幼儿园以发挥教师牧为突破口,进行教育活动结构改革的尝试;有的则在综合教育改革中,抓住了“教育内容结构的完善”这一核心环节,对课程设置、教育形式、评价标准等一毓实质性的问进行探讨,由此而推动了特色教育的全面开展。 (三)注重理论与实践的结合 从中外幼教史上看,大凡被社会公认的、富有特色的幼儿园无一不是理论与实践相结合的产物。从最早的性格形成学院、福禄倍尔式幼儿园、蒙台梭利式幼儿园,到八十年代以来的皮亚杰式幼儿园、铃木镇一小提琴学校,以及中国早期的单元教学式幼儿园,都是在著名教育(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 家本人或是在其科学教育理论指导下,经过长期不懈的实践探索才形成的,具有很强的科学性和系统性。 八十年代以来,我国幼儿教育也呈现了“百花齐放”的特点,从上海、广州、北京等地的幼儿园特色建设的成功经验看,也足以证明理论与实践结合的重要性。幼儿园只有善于将各种普遍指导意义的理论和自己幼儿园的实际结合起来,并不断将研究深化、系统化,才能真正创造出特色来。 近年来,在争创特色的过程中,不少幼儿园从经济利益出发,急功近利,有些幼儿园特色研究还刚刚起步,有的还仅停留在外部硬件创设上,便自以为已办出了特色,黄婆卖瓜,浅尝辄止,特色也谋取不成了昙花一现的过眼云烟。 (四)提高管理人员的素质 园长是幼儿园的主要管理人员。要创办特色幼儿园,园长要有独特的办园思想以及开拓进取精神。 管理人员的独特风格主要表现在:善于根据党和国家的教育方针,从幼儿园实际出发,设计出幼儿园的办园方案;善于找到带动幼儿园整体工作的突破口,并不断寻找前进的新特点,使幼儿园成员经常面临(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 新的具有挑战性的任务;不人云亦云,不见风使舵,不迷信传统,也不为园内外的各种干扰因素所动摇,以一以贯之的态度,使自己管理的幼儿园逐步成为有特色的幼儿园。 幼儿园要办出特色,除了必须达到上述要求外,还应该拓宽渠道,面向社会,赢得各种外部力量的支持。既要主动争取上级教育主管部门的认同和支持(包括教育经费上的支持、精神上的鼓励以及更多的办园自主权的获得),又要争取科研团体的协作和帮助,还要争取社区和幼儿家长的关心和支持,为特色建设营造良好的气氛,创造有利的外部条件。 财政部国家税务总局关于加强教育劳务营业税征收管理有关问题的通知》(财税[2006]3号),文件中指出:(一)“托儿所、幼儿园”是指经县级以上教育部门审批成立、取得办园许可证的实施0―6岁学前教育的机构,包括公办和民办的托儿所、幼儿园、学前班、幼儿班、保育院、幼儿院;(二)“提供养育服务”是指上述托儿所、幼儿园对其学员提供的保育和教育服务;(三)对公办托儿所、幼儿园予以免征营业税的养育服务收入是指,在经省级财政部门和价格主管部门审核报省级人民政府批准的收费标准以内收取的教育费、保育费;(四)对民办托儿所、幼儿园予以免征营业税的养育服务收入是指,在报经当地有关部门备案并公示的收费标准范围内收取的教育费、保育费;(五)超过规定收费标准的收费,以开办实验班、特色班和兴趣班等为(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 由另外收取的费用以及与幼儿入园挂钩的赞助费、支教费等超过规定范围的收入,不属于免征营业税的养育服务收入。 文件说明,国家继续执行对公办幼儿园和民办幼儿园的免税优惠政策,这将继续有利于促进幼教事业的发展。 4、对托儿所、幼儿园提供养育服务取得的收入,免征营业税。 对国家拨付事业经费和企业办的各类学校、托儿所、幼儿园自用的房产、土地,免征房产税、城镇土地使用税;对财产所有人将财产赠给学校所立的书据,免征印花税 1、对学校、幼儿园经批准征用的耕地,免征耕地占用税。享受免税的学校用地的具体范围是:全日制大、中、小学校(包括部门、企业办的学校)的教学用房、实验室、操场、图书馆、办公室及师生员工食堂宿舍用地。学校从事非农业生产经营占用的耕地,不予免税。职工夜校、学习班、培训中心、函授学校等不在免税之列。 二、关于“对托儿所、幼儿园提供养育服务取得的收入免征营业 税”问题 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). (一)“托儿所、幼儿园”是指经县级以上教育部门审批成立、取得办园许可证的实施0—6岁学前教育的机构,包括公办和民 办的托儿所、幼儿园、学前班、幼儿班、保育院、幼儿院; (二)“提供养育服务”是指上述托儿所、幼儿园对其学员提 供的保育和教育服务; (三)对公办托儿所、幼儿园予以免征营业税的养育服务收入是指,在经省级财政部门和价格主管部门审核报省级人民政府批准的 收费标准以内收取的教育费、保育费; (四)对民办托儿所、幼儿园予以免征营业税的养育服务收入是指,在报经当地有关部门备案并公示的收费标准范围内收取的教育 费、保育费; (五)超过规定收费标准的收费,以开办实验班、特色班和兴趣班等为由另外收取的费用以及与幼儿入园挂钩的赞助费、支教费等 超过规定范围的收入,不属于免征营业税的养育服务收入。 四、各类学校均应单独核算免税项目的营业额,未单独核算的, 一律照章征收营业税。 五、各类学校(包括全部收入为免税收入的学校)均应按照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》的有关规定办理税务登记,按期进行纳税申报并按规定使用发票;享受营业税优惠政策的,应按规定 向主管税务机关申请办理减免税手续。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 教育劳务征免营业税的范围进一步明确 发布日期:2006年02月28日 来源 : 本网讯 对日前出台的有关教育劳务征免营业税的规定,国家税务总局有关人士近日明确表示,对超过规定收费标准的收费以及学校以各种名义收取的赞助费、择校费等超过规定范围的收入征收营业税,是对已有的政策进行明确和细化,从而更加清晰明确地界定了教育劳务免征 营业税的范围。 这位人士表示,对超标准收费和择校费、赞助费征税并不是承认这些收费是合法的。根据税法的规定,单位和个人有应税劳务收 入就应该缴纳营业税。 据这位人士介绍,1993年颁布实行的《营业税暂行条例》第六条规定,学校和其他教育机构提供的教育劳务属于免征营业税的项目。随着近年来教育体制改革不断深化,办学体制趋于多元化以及收取择校费、赞助费现象普遍出现,一些名目繁多的教育收费行为,已严重偏离了《中华人民共和国营业税暂行条例》规定免税的教育劳务的范围,各地在政策执行过程中反映原有的免税范围已不能适应形势发展的要求,为此,2004年,财政部和国家税务总局出台《关于教育税收政策的通知》,对教育劳务的免税项目作了规定,明确包括对从事学历教育的学校提供教育劳务取得的收入免征营业税,对托儿所、幼儿园提供养育服务取得的收入免征营业税,以及对政府举办的(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 高等、中等和初等学校(不含下属单位)举办进修班、培训班取得的 收入,收入全部归学校所有的,免征营业税。 对于2004年出台的政策,税务部门和纳税人在执行的过程中,对免税范围仍存有疑问,特别是对学校超过规定范围收取的赞助费、择校费等收入是否免税理解不一,普遍反映需要对教育劳务的免税范围作进一步的明确和细化。为进一步加强对教育劳务营业税的征收管理,切实把支持国家教育事业发展的税收优惠政策落到实处,国家税务总局等部门在广泛征求意见的基础上,于今年1月12日出台《关于加强教育劳务营业税征收管理有关问题的通知》,明确了“对从事学历教育的学校提供教育劳务取得的收入免征营业税”中的“学历教育”和“从事学历教育的学校”的定义,并明确免征营业税的教育劳务收入是指对列入规定招生的在籍学生提供学历教育劳务取得的收入,具体包括:经有关部门审核批准,按规定标准收取的学费、住宿费、课本费、作业本费、伙食费、考试报名费收入。 据了解,最新出台的通知还“对托儿所、幼儿园提供养育服务取得的收入免征营业税”和“对政府举办的高等、中等和初等学校(不含下属单位)举办进修班、培训班取得的收入,收入全部归学校所有的,免征营业税”规定中的相关概念进行了明确。根据最新的规定,各类学校均应单独核算免税项目的营业额,未单独核算的,一律照章征收营业税。各类学校(包括全部收入为免税收入的学校)均应 办理税务登记,按期进行纳税申报并按规定使用发票。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 教育劳务征免营业税范围对照表 项目 免税范围 征税范围 1 关于 (一)“学历教育”是指:职业培训机构从事学历受教育者经过国家教育考试或等国家不承认学历教育的学者国家规定的其他入学方式,进的教育机构提供教校 入国家有关部门批准的学校或育劳务取得的收 者其他教育机构学习,获得国家入。 承认的学历证书的教育形式。具 体包括: 1(初等教育:普通小学、 成人小学; 2(初级中等教育:普通初 中、职业初中、成人初中; 3(高级中等教育:普通高 中、成人高中和中等职业学校 (包括普通中专、成人中专、职 业高中、技工学校); 4(高等教育:普通本专科、 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 成人本专科、网络本专科、研究 生(博士、硕士)、高等教育自学 考试、高等教育学历文凭考试。 (二)“从事学历教育的学 校”是指:普通学校以及经地、 市级以上人民政府或者同级政 府的教育行政部门批准成立、国 家承认其学员学历的各类学校。 上述学校均包括符合规定 的从事学历教育的民办学校。 2 关于提供教育劳务取得的收入超过规定收费提供教育是指对列入规定招生计划的在标准的收费以及学劳务取得籍学生提供学历教育劳务取得校以各种名义收取的收入 的收入,具体包括:经有关部门的赞助费、择校费 审核批准,按规定标准收取的学等超过规定范围的 费、住宿费、课本费、作业本费、收入,不属于免征 伙食费、考试报名费收入。 营业税的教育劳务 收入,一律按规定 征税。 3 关于(一) “托儿所、幼儿园”超过规定收费“对托儿是指经县级以上教育部门审批标准的收费,以开 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 所、幼儿成立、取得办园许可证的实施0办实验班、特色班园提供养—6岁学前教育的机构,包括公和兴趣班等为由另育服务取办和民办的托儿所、幼儿园、学外收取的费用以及得的收入前班、幼儿班、保育院、幼儿院; 与幼儿入园挂钩的免征营业赞助费、支教费等(二)“提供养育服务”是指 税”问题 超过规定范围的收上述托儿所、幼儿园对其学员提 入,不属于免征营供的保育和教育服务; 业税的养育服务收 (三)对公办托儿所、幼儿园 入。 予以免征营业税的养育服务收 入是指,在经省级财政部门和价 格主管部门审核报省级人民政 府批准的收费标准以内收取的 教育费、保育费; (四)对民办托儿所、幼儿园 予以免征营业税的养育服务收 入是指,在报经当地有关部门备 案并公示的收费标准范围内收 取的教育费、保育费。 4 关于1、“政府举办的高等、中进入学校下属“对政府等和初等学校(不含下属单位)”部门自行开设账户举办的高是指“从事学历教育的学校”(不的进修班、培训班 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 等、中等含下属单位)。 收入,不属于收入和初等学全部归学校所有的2、“收入全部归学校所有” 校(不含收入,不予免征营是指:举办进修班、培训班取得 下属单业税。 的收入进入学校统一账户,并作 位)举办为预算外资金全额上缴财政专 进修班、户管理,同时由学校对有关票据 培训班取进行统一管理、开具。 得的收 入,收入 全部归学 校所有 的,免征 营业税” 问题 5 关于各类学校均应单独核算免未单独核算收入核算 税项目的营业额。 的,一律照章征收 营业税。 关联文件:财政部 国家税务总局关于加强教育劳务营业税征收 管理有关问题的通知 民办教育促进法实施条例(节选) (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 第三十八条 捐资举办的民办学校和出资人不要求取得合理回报 的民办学校,依法享受与公办学校同等的税收及其他优惠政策。 出资人要求取得合理回报的民办学校享受的税收优惠政策,由国 务院财政部门、税务主管部门会同国务院有关行政部门制定。 民办学校应当依法办理税务登记,并在终止时依法办理注销税务 登记手续。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94).
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