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西藏1971_2008年最高最低气温时空变化及分布特征_英文_西藏1971_2008年最高最低气温时空变化及分布特征_英文_ TemporalandSpatialVariationandDistribution Characteristicsof Maximum and Minimum Tempera- ture from 1971to 2008 in Tibet 1* 2 3GE Sang,LABA Ci -ren,CHENG Ding -mei 1, The Climatic Center in Tibet,Lhasa 850001,China; 2, The Network C...
西藏1971_2008年最高最低气温时空变化及分布特征_英文_ TemporalandSpatialVariationandDistribution Characteristicsof Maximum and Minimum Tempera- ture from 1971to 2008 in Tibet 1* 2 3GE Sang,LABA Ci -ren,CHENG Ding -mei 1, The Climatic Center in Tibet,Lhasa 850001,China; 2, The Network Center of MeteorologicaBureal u in Tibet,Lhasa 85000,China; 3, Mete- orological Bureau in Shannan Prefecture oTf ibet,Shannan 856000,China Abstract Based on temperature data of meteorological stations from197 1 to 2008 in Tibet,the temporal and spatial variation of maximum and min- imum temperature in Tibet was analyzed, The results showed that both maximum temperature and minimum temperature increased distinctly,the warming amplitude of winter was the highest among the four seasons,and next came spring, The increment of minimum temperature was visibly o- ver that of maximum temperature,particularly minimum temperature in winter with significant increment, For spatial variation,maximum temperature in most stations increased except particular stations,while the minimum temperature in all stations rose, In addition,thes pace variation law of mini- mum temperature,being more obvious than minimum temperature,increased from southeast to northwest with different spatial changes in various st seasons, From decadal variation,both maximum and minimum temperature appeared increase from 1970s to the first eight years in the 21centu- ry,and the rise of minimum temperature was significant greater than maximum temperature, The increase of maximum and minimum temperature was the highest from 2001 to 2008,whereas the lowest in 1970s, Key words Tibet region; Maximum and minimum temperature; Temporal and spatial feature; Decadal variation; China Many studies showed that China was one of countriesw ith,1 ) 9,the most significant global warming,and one of regions owning the most remarkable warming was Tibetan Plat- ,10 ) 11,eau, As a vital part of Tibetan Plateau,Tibet region has their own unique geological environment and weather condi- tions,having extremely important influence on climate change of Tibetan Plateau and Eastern China, Based on the meteoro- logical observation data in Tibet in the recent 38 years,the temporal and spatial variation of maximum and minimum tem- perature in Tibet were studied in order to provide scientificr ef- erence for replying to global warming and reducing the influence of climate change on natural ecology and social production, Fig, 1 Spatial distribution of 25 meteorological stations in Tibet seasons ( winter was from December to February,spring from March to May,summer from June to August,and autumn from September to November ) ,T he perennial average value was the standard climatologicalmea n value from 1971 to 2000, Lin- 1Materials and methods ear trend and significancet est of correlation coefficient were Owning to heterogeneous time of station construction,o- ,12,carried out by the reference fromp revious study, riginal observed data were chosen from stationsw ith longer set-up time,and more stations were included as much as possible for the purpose of improving accuracy and reliability of results, The observed data of maximum and minimum temperature from 2Results25 stations ( Fig, 1) in 1971 ) 2008 were selected, For the sta- tions with short set-up time ( Gertse and Purang,being built in 2, 1 Temporal and spatial variation of maximum tempera-1973) ,by means of neighborings tations with the best correla- ture2, 1, 1 Annual variation, From Fig, 2,the annual maximum tion ( Shiquanhe) ,the data could be continued to 1971 using temperature from 1971 to 2008 in Tibet was 11, 1 ?,and maxi- differencem ethod,mum temperature in 2007 ( 12, 3 ?) was the highest,while the According to the data from 25 stations,the annual average lowest was 9, 7 ? in 1997, Moreover,the maximum tempera- maximum and minimum temperature series in Tibet were con- ture rose markedly with the rate of 0, 24 ? /10 a, The mean structed by the method of arithmetic average,so was the four maximum temperature of every season showed an obvious in- crease,especially winter ( 0, 38 ? /10 a) ,closely followed by spring ( 0, 22 ? /10 a) and summer ( 0, 14 ? /10 a) , Received: February 4,2010Accepted: March 19,2010 * Corresponding author, E-mail: qxjj ) 001@163, com According to Fig, 3,the annual maximum temperature of( overNakchu,Lhasa,Tsedang,Tsona and Pome were higher different stationsw ent up in varying degrees in recent 38 years,0, 20 ? /10 a ) ,and Shiquanhe had the highest amplitude the warming amplitudes of Ali area,most areas of Rikaze and( 0, 43 ? /10 a) ,while the lowest was Pari ( 0, 04 ? /10 a) , Note: The unit is ? /10 a, Fig, 3Spatial variation of maximum temperature in Tibet of maximum temperature in Tibet fromVariation ig, 2F from 1971 to 2008 1971 to 2008 Note: a, Spring; b, Summer; c, Autumn; d, Winter,the unit is ? /10 a, Fig, 4 Spatial variation of maximum temperature in four seasons in Tibet from 2001 to 2008 From Fig, 4,the mean maximum temperature in springPurang,and 2, 1, 2 Decadal variation, Based on Table 1,interdecadal a- rose in differenta reas except Pari with slight decrease,the in- nomaly of maximum temperature was the highest from 2001 to crease was 0, 02 ) 0, 57 and above 0, 20 ? /10 a in Ali area, 2008 ( 0, 56 ?) ,and the anomaly from 1970s to 1980s was negative with the obvious anomaly of ) 0, 22 ? in 1970s, The western Nakchu area,most areas along the river,Nyalam, maximum temperature went up obviously since 1980s,it rose Tsona,Nyingri and Sokshan, with a maximal increase in by 0, 17 ? in 1990s compared with 1980s,and then there was Purang, In summer,there was a decline in maximum tempera- an increase of 0, 52 ? in 2001 ) 2008 from 1990s, Generally speaking,the annual maximum temperature increased by 0, 78 ture of Pari,Changdu and Nyingri,and the decrease of Pari ? in recent 40 years,was the greatest ( ) 0, 11 ? /10 a) ,there was no significant change in Amdo,Tengchen and Zayu,whereas other stations became more and more warm with the increase of 0, 10 ) 0, 35? /10 a,and that of Shiquanhe was most obvious ( P , Table 1Interdecadal anomaly of maximum temperature of whole0, 01) ,Fo r autumn,Chali and Tengchen had no obvious year and each season in Tibet?change,and other stations showed a warming trend,among them,the war- ming amplitude was 0, 20 ) 0, 37 ? /10 a in AgeWhole yearSpringSummerAutumnWinter most areas along the river and Ali,Nyalam,Sokshan,Tsona and Pome, The temperature in winter increased more 1971 ) 1980) 0, 22, 00) 0, 25) 0, 07) 0, 130significantly t han other seasons,and warming amplitude was 1981 ) 1990 ) 0, 20 ) 0, 31 0, 14 ) 0, 09 0, 17 below 0, 20 ? /10 a in Am- do and Pari,while the others 0, 23 )1991 ) 2000 ) 0, 03 0, 31 0, 11 0, 16 ) 0, 04 0, 62 ? /10 a,and it was o- ver 0, 55 ? /10 a ( P , 0, 01) in 2001 ) 2008 0, 56 0, 47 0, 27 0, 49 1, 57 Lhasa,Tsedang,Shiquanhe The seasonal variation of mean maximum temperaturefour seasons showedThe mean maximum temperature in showed that there was no change in spring in 1970s,and other a rise,and it was most obvious in winter, Spatial distribution of increase in four seasons was from southeast to northwest,the seasons had negative anomaly; both spring and autumn owned same as annual variation,and the warming center was mainly negative anomaly in 1980s,while summer and winter positive in Ali area,Midwestern Nakchu area,Lhasa and Tsedang in anomaly; the anomaly of four seasons was positive in 1990s the middle part of Yalu Tsangpo River, In spring,Lhasa had ( winter excepted) and 2001 )200 8,particularly winter, The the greatest increase of 0, 82 ? /10 a,it was Shiquanhe in mean maximum temperature in four seasons rose significantly summer ( 0, 80 ? /10 a) and autumn ( 0, 89 ? /10 a) ,and in the first eight years in the 21st century compared with197 0s, Na- kchu was the maximum in winter with the growth rate of and the increase was 0, 47 ) 1, 70 ?,while the mean maximum 1, 08 temperature in winter rose very significantly, ? /10 a,2, 2 Temporal and spatial variation of minimum tempera- 2, 2, 2 Decadal variation, Based on Table 2,the anomaly of st annual minimum temperature in the first eight years in the 21ture century was positive being up to 1, 04 ?,and it was 0, 34 ? in 2, 2, 1 Annual variation, According to Fig, 5 and Fig, 6,the 1990s, However, the anomaly was negative in 1970s and minimum temperature in Tibet went up markedly in recent 401980s with the lowest of ) 0, 28 ? in 1970s, In a word,theyears,with the increase of 0, 46 ? /10 a,and the increase was obviously higher than maximum temperature, The minimum minimum temperature increased by 1, 32 ? from 2001 to 2008temperature from 1999 to 2008 increased by 1, 0 ?, From sea- compared with 1970s,sons,the mean minimum temperature of every season showed an obvious increase of 0, 39 ) 0, 57 ? /10 a ( P , 0, 01) ,espe- cially winter,and next came summer ( 0, 53 ? /10 a) ,autumn was the lowest, The spatial distribution oannuaf l minimum tem- perature in recent 40 years showed that differents tations in Ti- Table 2Interdecadal anomaly of minimum temperature of wholebet went up in varying degrees ( 0, 10 ) 0, 83 ? /10 a) ,and the year and each season in Tibet?increase rose from southeast to northwest, The growth rate in southeastern Nyingri area, Lhuntse and Gyantse was blow AgeWhole yearSpringSummerAutumnWinter 0, 30 ? /10 a,that of other stations was above 0, 30 ? /10 a 1971 ) 1980) 0, 28) 0, 37) 0, 35) 0, 17) 0, 29( P ,0 , 01 ) ,and Shiquanhe was the highest, The minimum 1981 ) 1990 ) 0, 06 ) 0, 09 0, 03 ) 0, 23 0, 07 temperature went up more obviously than maximum tempera-1991 ) 2000 0, 34 0, 46 0, 33 0, 39 0, 22 ture,especially in high altitude area, 2001 ) 2008 1, 04 0, 87 0, 90 0, 74 1, 55 The mean minimum temperature of four seasons ownednegative anomaly in 1970s,and spring owned the minimum a- nomaly ( ) 0, 37 ?) ; the negative anomaly appeared in spring and autumn in 1980s,but summer and winter had positive a- nomaly; the anomaly of four seasons was positive from 1990s st ( winter excepted) to the first eight years in the 21century ( 0, st74 ) 1, 55 ?) ,particularly in the first eight years in the 21 century with obvious warming, To sum it all up,the mean mini- mum temperature of every season went up significantly in re-cent 40 years,and the increase of winter,summer and autumn were 1, 84,1, 25 and 0, 91 ?,respectively, The growth rate of minimum temperature in every season was also higher than the maximum temperature, Conclusions3 Fig, 5 Variation of minimum temperature in Tibet from( 1) The annual maximum temperature in Tibet showed an 1971 to 2008obvious increase from 1971 to 2008,especially winter,closely followedb y spring and summer, From spatial distribution,the annual maximum temperature of different s tations went up invarying degrees,and the warming amplitudes in Ali area,most areas of Rikaze and Nakchu,Lhasa,Tsedang,Tsona and Pome were greater, For temperature change in four seasons, there was a decline in particular stationsi n spring and summer, and Chali and Tengchen had no obvious change in autumn, while other stations showed a warming trend in every season, particularly in winter, The agreement was found between sea- sonal and annual spatial variation,( 2 ) T he annual maximum temperature in Tibet was the highest from 2001 to 2008,while the lowest in 1970s, The max- imum temperature rose obviously since 1980s,in general,the annual maximum temperature increased by 0, 78 ? 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