

2017-12-09 14页 doc 41KB 18阅读




进不去系统问题分析进不去系统问题分析 开机进不去系统的原因 硬件 1.CPU (1) CPU内部的二级缓存部分损坏, 此时计算机在运行过程中容易出现死机现象或只能进入安全模式而不能进入正常模式。不过此种故障,如果你的主板支持屏蔽二级缓存功能,我们就可以牺牲计算机速度来避免更换CPU,在BIOS设置中把CPU的二级缓存关闭。 (2) CPU损坏 当CPU出现部分损坏时,这时机器加电时可能会出现显示器有图像出现,但是不能通过自检或者是无法加载系统。但是多数情况是根本不能启动电脑,这时我们使用排除法就可以快速得出结论。 2.内存 (...
进不去系统问 开机进不去系统的原因 硬件 1.CPU (1) CPU内部的二级缓存部分损坏, 此时计算机在运行过程中容易出现死机现象或只能进入安全模式而不能进入正常模式。不过此种故障,如果你的主板支持屏蔽二级缓存功能,我们就可以牺牲计算机速度来避免更换CPU,在BIOS设置中把CPU的二级缓存关闭。 (2) CPU损坏 当CPU出现部分损坏时,这时机器加电时可能会出现显示器有图像出现,但是不能通过自检或者是无法加载系统。但是多数情况是根本不能启动电脑,这时我们使用排除法就可以快速得出结论。 2.内存 (1) 在同一台机器使用了两条或两条以上的不同品牌不同性能的内存条 当我们在一台电脑上使用了两条以上的内存时,如果这两条内存条不是同一品牌的或者内存芯片不是同一厂家时,因为内存条的刷新速度或工作频率的原因,可能会出现系统不稳定或死机的情况,特别是我们对内存的频率进行过高设置时,更会导致系统的不稳定。因此为保证计算机的稳定可靠工作,我们最好使用同一批次同一型号的内存条。 (2) 内存条性能差,产品质量不稳定 对于一些杂牌条子,因为生产成本和销售价格的限制,此类工厂采购的内存芯片一般都为BC级的芯片,所以其内存条的稳定性和可靠性要差一些,在运行大的游戏程序或者是长时间运行过程中就容易出现死机现象。排除方法也是采用排除法,不过有时因为主板内存芯片供电的原因,可能此类条子在某些主板上会出现死机现象,而在另一些主板上却长时间运行正常,比较难以解决。 (3) 内存使用了超频性能或加速功能 一些主板生产厂家为了满足DIY高手的需要,在主板的BIOS设置中对于CPU内频外频和内存条的频率及PCI等相关设备的频率设置了手动选项,可以进行超频使用。当使用超频性能时,对于一些低端的内存条就会出现工作不稳定的现象而导致系统死机,为了保证系统的稳定可靠性,我们一般情况下不要使用超频或加速功能,以免影响机器的正常使用寿命。 还有一种可能就是我们在BIOS中设置了错误的内存条的工作参数,此时需要我们指定使用“BY SPD”即按内存条上面的SPD芯片中存储的内存条参数工作就可以了。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 3.显卡 (1) 显卡的散热风扇损坏或散热片松动,导致显卡过热而死机 显卡做为文字和图像的重要处理机构,其稳定性和可靠性直接关系着电脑的工作性能。在实际应用中,往往会因为显卡的图像处理芯片使用的散热片过小或者因为长时间使用用变形松动,还有就是散热风扇损坏后停止工作,这都会导致显卡处理芯片过热而出现花屏或死机现象。我们可以在拆开机箱后观察显卡的散热风扇是否转动或转速是否正常,或者直接用手轻拭散热器面(注意避免烫伤)是否过热。在实际应用中,即使是三四百元的显卡上面使用的风扇也不过使用六个月左右,性能就会明显下降,噪音增大或者转速下降,甚至停转。个别的显卡甚至出厂时散热风扇的+5V供电插头竟然插反,显卡风扇根本就不工作(当然这也不会造成什么损坏,只需要把插头反过来就可以了,但让人不能明白的是这样的显卡是如何通过QC检验的,)。 还有就是部分被动式散热装置在长时间使用后,散热片上面的灰尘过厚,也会造成散热不良,致使显卡芯片过热而死机。对于这种情况,需要我们仔细对显卡进行除尘。 (2) 显卡的驱动程序安装错误或版本不兼容 这种故障在实际电脑死机故障维修中应该会占到10%左右。因为装机人员对机型的不熟悉装错显卡驱动,或者是XP系统自认的显卡驱动,再就是显卡本身自带的驱动光盘本身就存在BUG,使用时就会出现死机,掉驱动等故障(如小影霸的6817R显卡,使用驱动光盘自带的驱动程序时会经常出现死机,掉驱动,花屏现象,不过更换为公版的驱动后就没有问题。)。 还有就是对于WIN98系统我们安装使用了DIRECTX 9.0时也会出现死机等类似的情况。 (3) 显卡与主板的AGP插槽接触不良或者是AGP插槽上积尘太多 因为机箱的原因,在实际故障维修中也会经常出现新买的机器在使用初期经常出现死机或花屏,掉驱动的故障,这时因为机相的制作不规范,致使显卡的安装不到位,显卡的金手指与AGP插槽没有完全可靠接触所致。 主机工作环境差的情况下,因为积尘太多,也会导致显卡接触不良而出现死机现象。 4.主板 主板做为CPU,内存,显卡等其他配件的工作平台,其质量性能直接关系着主机的工作状态,主板也是问题出现比较多的部件。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise (1) 最简单也是最有效的排除死机故障的方法--清除主板上的积尘 现在的电脑主板多数都是四层板,六层板,所使用的元件和布线都非常精密,所以微不足道的灰尘经常会造成主机工作瘫痪。灰尘在主板积累过多时,会吸收空气中的水份,此时灰尘就会呈现一定的导电性,可能把主板上的不同信号进行连接或者把电阻,电容短路,致使信号传输错误或者工作点变化而导致主机工作不稳或不启动。 我们在实际维修中经常会遇到因为主板上积尘过多造成主机频繁死机,重启,找不到键盘鼠标,开机报警等情况,但我们清扫灰尘后故障不治自愈就是这个原因。 (2) 检查主板上的滤波电容有无鼓泡,漏液的现象 主板上的CPU供电,内存供电,AGP插槽供电的滤波电容鼓泡,漏液,失容都会造成相关部分的工作电源电压变差而导致工作不稳定而使用主机死机。其实,主板上的电解电容鼓泡或漏液,失容并非是因为产品质量有问题,而是因为主板的工作环境过差造成的。我们仔细观察会发现,鼓泡,漏液,失容的电容多数都是出现在CPU的周围,内存条边上,AGP插槽旁边,实际上上述几个部件都是计算机中的发热量大户,在长时间的高温烘烤中,铝电解电容肯定会出现上述故障。同时,出现电容鼓泡,漏液的主板多数都是出现在网吧等长时间开机的环境中,而家庭用户中出现的情况非常少(当然也有的确属于质量问题的,我在这里并非为生产厂家开脱。) 主板鼓泡比较多的主板有:捷波845D Pro,捷波845EPRO,捷波694AS2,捷波603CTF,捷波S447,微星845G MAX(MS-6580)。 (3) 主板上的内存供电或显卡供电了的电源管有无变色或烧裂 类似于第(2)个问题,因为内存和显卡的大电流工作,致使用相应的电源调整管过热而损坏后,显卡AGP插槽或内存条的供电电压不稳而导致死机或报警等故障。 (4) 其他情况 主板上的接口芯片,南桥芯片出现问题时,也会出现在系统运行过程中死机。等等。 5.硬盘 硬盘做为计算机的外存储器之一,容量是越来越大,其可靠性与稳定性直接关系到计算机的正常工作。 (1) 硬盘供电不稳或不足或电源质量太差 如果主机使用的开关电源的功率太小或质量太差,当负荷加大时容易出现电压波动明显或电流下降的情况,此时硬盘就容易出现无法读盘或整个硬盘丢失,此时就会导致主机突然蓝屏死机的现象。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 还有一种情况就是硬盘的电源接口氧化生锈或者断裂,虚焊,或者是因为主机电源的D形四芯电源插头内部的金属簧片氧化生锈都会导致接触不良,而引起硬盘工作状态变差。这种情况故障比较隐蔽,很难查出故障的真实所在。 (2) 硬盘的数据线接触不良或质量差 再就是硬盘的数据线做工不良或者在安装过程中不到位,野蛮拆装而造成断针,歪针时,都会导致数据在传输过程中不稳定而致使系统出现死机现象。排除的方法是使用替换法,用一条没有问题的数据线进行替换。 (3) 硬盘盘体上的缓存损坏 这种故障比较少见,如果硬盘盘体上的缓存损坏时会导致数据传输速度极慢,无法安装系统或者系统在工作过程中突然死机。 (4) 硬盘的主从盘跳线设置错误 (5) 硬盘盘面坏道太多或磁头脱落及其他硬盘故障 (6) BIOS中设置有误 (7) 主板上的IDE接口(也就是南桥芯片)有故障,数据传输错误率太高。可使用替换法,当光驱启动正常时,与光驱交换IDE接口即可查出。 (二) 软件 1.BIOS设置有误 BIOS做为计算机最基本的配置信息,如果设置错误会造成计算机经常死机,工作不稳定,甚至不能启动。在实际工作中,如果CMOS电池电量耗尽会造成主机的系统时钟不能保存,时间复位,我们可能无法正常安装操作系统WINXP或98;如果硬盘信息设置错误,主机不能正确读写硬盘,系统不能启动;如果内存的读写刷新周期,频率设置错误会造成计算机在正常工作中突然死机;CPU的内频外频设置过高时会造成CPU处于超频状态而工作不稳定,系统死机;当电源管理设置错误时也会造成在正常工作时因硬盘或CPU处于节能状态而死机。 2.WINDOWS操作系统的系统文件丢失或被破坏 这个我们遇到的最多,如果系统文件丢失时,无法正常进入桌面操作;如果系统文件被破坏,可能会进入桌面,但无法正常操作电脑,系统容易死机。对于一般的操作人员,在使用电脑时,一般不要打开“文件夹选项”中的“查看”,使用“显示所有文件夹和文件”功能,以免误删除系统文件。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 对于WIN2K或XP,其系统文件复杂,在出现不能正常启动时,我们最好使用“故障恢复台”功能进行修复,不要直接对某一系统文件进入覆盖。 3.后台加载的程序太多,造成系统资源匮乏而死机 许多应用程序为了操作者的方便都会在安装完以后,都会设置在WINDOWS启动时自动加载,加载后也会在任务栏里显示一个小图标。但是因为一些操作者对电脑的工作原理不是十分了解,出于保证计算机的稳定工作,甚至会在一台电脑装上多个杀毒软件或多个防火墙软件,造成多个软件对系统的同一资源调用或者是因为系统资源耗尽而死机。当您的计算机出现死机时,我们可以首先在“运行”中敲入“MSCONFIG”,将“启动”组中的加载选项全部关闭,然后逐一加载,观察系统在加载哪个程序时出现死机现象,我们就查出了故障原因所在了。 4.缺乏相关的支持软件,应用软件无法正常使用而死机 (1) DIRECTX 这个我们遇到的最多,当DIRECTX9.0刚刚发布时,因为程序的编制不是很完善,同时对硬件支持的限制,一些使用WIN98系统的机器在安装该软件时,会经常出现蓝屏或死机现象,造成系统工作极不稳定。 还有,一些游戏软件在运行时需要高版本的DIRECTX软件支持,而我们直接安装完WIN98后,系统默认安装的是6.0版本,此时游戏软件在加载工作时有的可能会提示需要相应的软件支持,但有的软件会什么提示信息也没有,键盘鼠标也没有任何反应,我们只能重新启动电脑。 (2) VB6 有不少应用软件是使用VB6编制的,在安装此类软件时需要先安装VB6插件才能正常运行。如果没有安装VB6插件,在启动该软件时会出现无法系统,甚至死机现象。 5.硬件设备的驱动程序安装有误或配套版本有BUG,或者是相互之间冲突 (1) 主板的IDE或S-ATA驱动 目前市面上的主板对S-ATA硬盘的支持有两种方式,有的是直接集成在南桥芯片中,我们可以直接在BIOS中进行设置,但有的是通过外置独立芯片完成对S-ATA硬盘的支持,此时需要在启动过程中通过软盘完成对S-ATA硬盘的设置工作,才能保证在系统安装过程中能够使用S-ATA硬盘。 多数主板在接口设置中,都设立了P-ATA(只使用传统并口硬盘),S-ATA(只使用串口硬盘,注意无法使用光驱,也不能完成光盘启动),P-ATA+S-ATA(或者是COMPATIBLE){同时使用并口硬盘和串口硬盘,这是我们最常使用的硬盘接口模式。)。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise (2) 显卡的驱动程序安装有误 这个我们也会遇到,当显卡的驱动安装错误时,在启动系统时进入到桌面时会突然蓝屏或黑屏而死机。我们可以再次启动电脑进入安全模式,卸载显卡驱动后再次重启电脑后,进入正常模式安装正确的显卡驱动程序。有时在启动过程中出现死机,而启动安全模式时正常,多数都是因为相关硬件的驱动程序安装错误造成的,我们只需要启动BOOTLOG.TXT,检查到了哪步出现的问题,然后卸载相关的驱动程序即可。 (3) USB设备的驱动程序安装不正确 类似上面的显卡的介绍。 6.盗版软件的解密问题 (1) 解密不完善,在使用过程中因调用相关加密资源而死机 (2) 机器的配置不符合软件的运行要求而死机 机器的配置过低时无法满足软件的最低硬件要求时,会直接出现黑屏或死机现象。如果我们在586机器上安装抢滩登陆2002或者是命令与征服II时,会直接出现黑屏而死机。所以这要求我们在安装应用软件或游戏时,一定要仔细阅读该软件对硬件的要求,CPU的主频,内存大小,显卡要求,硬盘容量等。 前几天在电脑报上看到一个介绍,网上流传一个只有96K的游戏软件,是3D画面的,很小。但是对硬件的要求非常高,需要PIV1.5G,512M内存,RANDOM 9500显卡才能运行。 8.软件在安装过程中更改共享文件,导致其他软件启动时死机 我们在卸载某应用软件时,系统有时会提示该文件被其他软件共享,提示是否保留或删除,对于此提示,我们最好选择保留而不要删除,以免其他软件在启动时找不到该文件而无法完成启动或出现死机现象。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise
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