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贵州师大离退休处2005年工作总结贵州师大离退休处2005年工作总结 和2006年工作计划(要点) 离退休干部处在校党委的领导、关怀和大力支持下,在各院和校机关各部门的通力协助和帮助下,在全体离退休老同志、老党员们的信任、支持、协调配合下,我们顺利完成了2005年度的各项任务,特别是通过保持共产党员先进性教育活动,党员和干部的思想觉悟和认识水平有了进一步提高,工作求真务实,开拓创新,使党的建设和离退休工作出现了前所未有的新局面:党总支的政治核心作用逐步形成,党支部的战斗堡垒作用进一步加强,党员的先进性和先锋模范作用充分体现。通过整改提高和广泛听取群众意见,...
贵州师大离退休处2005年#工作总结# 和2006年工作(要点) 离退休干部处在校党委的领导、关怀和大力支持下,在各院和校机关各部门的通力协助和帮助下,在全体离退休老同志、老党员们的信任、支持、协调配合下,我们顺利完成了2005年度的各项任务,特别是通过保持共产党员先进性教育活动,党员和干部的思想觉悟和认识水平有了进一步提高,工作求真务实,开拓创新,使党的建设和离退休工作出现了前所未有的新局面:党总支的政治核心作用逐步形成,党支部的战斗堡垒作用进一步加强,党员的先进性和先锋模范作用充分体现。通过整改提高和广泛听取群众意见,离退休人员中民主党派和无党派人士的工作受到充分重视,进一步提到了议上事日程;离退休当中的服务宗旨意识和活动的群众性意识进一步明确,通过群众性的自查自评自议,现将2005年度工作总结如下: 一、 抓好党的建设,促进各项工作协调发展 我校现有离退休教工851人,其中共产党员372人,占离退休人员总数的45%。面对庞大的离退休教工队伍,繁重、琐碎的管理服务工作,复杂动态的思想状况和共创和谐社会的政治任务,我们始终把工作重点放在抓党员抓党的建设上。 一是坚持发挥党总支的政治核心作用。 中心任务和大事要事的决策,都经总支委员会或总支扩大会议(由党支部书记参加)集体研究决定。例如本年度从6月10日至10月底止为期4个多月的保持共产党员先进性教育活动的全过程,皆由the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 党总支集体把关、集体策划和部署,圆满胜利地完成了这一政治任务,全体党员和非党群众都经受了一次党性、党章和党的宗旨的在教育,经60位群众代表参加的对党总支先教活动群众满意度测评工作,满意票40张占67%,基本满意票20张占33%,无不满意票。 党总支对党支部委员、社区楼长以上约80余人的骨干队伍,提供培训、教育、参观实践的机会,采取抓骨干,骨干抓的层层带动策略,以保证各项中心任务的完成。 二是坚持发挥党支部的战斗堡垒作用。 抓党员带群众是我们的工作方法,特别是先教活动期间,党的组织生活内容更充实了,社会实践活动的目的性和实效性更强了。我们组织党员(并邀请非党群众参加)参观遵义会议会址和营旧址,参观白云公园、黔灵公园烈士墓,接受革命传统教育,为了了解市场经济和工作建设新貌,我们组织党员和群众参观了黔南师范学院和民办兴农中学。党支部健全的组织生活成为凝聚党员团结联系群众的桥梁和纽带。 三是坚持发挥党员的先锋模范作用。 号召并组织党员积极参加学校和离退休处安排的各类公益活动和文体活动。例如“党员爱心助学基金”捐款,全体党员都主动参加了这项公益活动,有的党员正在住院,由亲属陪同亲自交了捐款,22个党支部共捐款1,4740元。 3?12照壁山上植树已坚持两年,今年又植香樟树60棵,总支组织的“先教活动知识竞赛”,全体党员参加了知识竞赛活动,在处the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 里组织的各项活动中党员起到了模范带头作用。 二、 抓住学习实践“三个代表”重要思想这条主线,普及与提 高相结合 我们坚持以学习实践“三个代表”重要思想为主要内容来安排学习教育活动。在职人员一直坚持每周半天学习,学习有计划,有制度、有考核、有记录。在先教活动期间,围绕教育学习这条主线,共出黑板报4期,简报10期,学习影展2期,党员群众共撰写理论学习心得文章300篇。在职党员人均3篇以上,离退休党员根据年龄和健康状况,有的写了读书笔记,有的写了理章,将一般性的读书学习通过小组学习讨论和大会交流提升理论高度和认识深度,将学习实践“三个代表”重要思想制度化,规范化。 通过先教活动的扩大整改成果和“回头看”自查自纠,边整边建,整建结合工作,我们进一步规范了党员学习、培训和严格党员组织生活和民主生活会的有关制度,逐步建立健全党员先进性教育活动的长效机制。 抓学习教育的方法是:抓党建促工作,抓党员带群众,大会专题辅导(今年共进行形势教育2次,党委书记通报会2次,)与小组讨论和个人读书自学相结合,普及与提高想结合。 三、 以教育为首段,活动为载体,共创和谐社会为目标,服务 为宗旨,坚持务实创新理念 本年度我们共完成了 件大事: 一是党总支带领372名离退休党员参加了贵州省第二批保持共the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 产党员先进性教育活动,为期三个月20天,顺利完成了三个阶段的各项任务,并取得明显成果; 二是为纪念抗日战争与国际反法西斯战争胜利60周年和抗美援朝55周年纪念,我们召开了参加过抗战和抗美援朝的老战士座谈会,并发放纪念品和纪念卡。成功主办了“全省老干部纪念抗日战争与国际反法西斯战争胜利60周年书画、摄影展”。为对青少年加强民族精神和革命传统教育,除了在全校举办的抗日战争胜利60周图片展外,还向子弟、中学学生发放了500本“民族精神代代传”的书籍,为关心下一代工作办事实,重实效; 三是发动全体离退休党员和老同志们为我校“党员爱心助学基金”捐款,首批已捐资1,4740元。为扶贫助学工作作出贡献。 四是成功地训练组织校运会百人仪仗队入场仪式和老年健美操表演。 五是贵州师大老年大学创办两周年以来,规模逐年扩大,管理逐渐规范,专业不断更新,以活动为载体将老同志们凝聚到集中来的同校逐步实现。 六是组织287名副高以上职称的老专家进行健康体检。 七是进一步规范和加强关心下一代工作,成立由29人组成的五老队伍。 八是全年对年满70岁以上的303名老同志给予登门祝寿,并设计狗年新春贺卡(由校党委书记和校长亲自署名),组织声势浩大的新春团拜会,将贺卡和礼金送到年满70岁以上的老同志手中。对离the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 休老干部遗孀,长期病号及退休特困职工等45人上门慰问并送去慰问补助金,全年慰问病号及各种补助金共计55000于元。 2006年工作计划(要点) 根据党的十六届五中全会精神和校党委关于保持共产党员先进长效机制的要求精神,结合省老干局省高校关工委对2006年度的工作要求,2006年度着重抓好如下几项工作: 一、巩固和扩大党员先进性教育成果,建立和健全党员先进性教育长效机制,将自查自纠,边想边建,工作进一步制度化、规范化。 二、继续抓好“三个代表”重要思想的学习和实践,学习贯彻党的十六大精神,学习“十一五”规划的发展步署。 三、老年大学要在特色上下工夫,有创新,有实效。 四、关心下一代工作做得更广一些,更深一些,更细一些,充分发挥五老作用。 五、牢固树立“以人为本”,“人才强权”的思想观念和工作思路。 努力挖掘和发挥老同志的人才资源优势,在“老有所为”上有新业绩;努力开拓服务工作的新局面,在服务内涵和服务效果上有新的创意,开展集体活动进行新的探索,共创和谐社区、和谐社会方面有新的作为。 2005年12月27日 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the
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