

2018-10-05 34页 doc 93KB 33阅读




关于O型血、B型血、A型血、AB型血的特点关于O型血、B型血、A型血、AB型血的特点 O型血 O血型是人类最原始、本能的血型,也是现实生活中最具代表性的血型。在世界各国血型人数的统计中,O型又在数量上占据着优势。这些都是O型的先天优势。再者,O血型人对现实环境的体会最为直接和强烈,对人的各种本能需求最为敏感。他们向往高层次的生活,往往用现实的要求来决定各种精神享受。因而在现实中,O型驾驭生活的能力很强,相对其他血型又占据优势。用价值观语言来描述O型是最为实际和适宜的。物质生活和物质、性的欲望是O型最为关注的。 O血型人的显性素质: 1 目的明确,以目的为中心做...
关于O型血、B型血、A型血、AB型血的特点 O型血 O血型是人类最原始、本能的血型,也是现实生活中最具代表性的血型。在世界各国血型人数的统计中,O型又在数量上占据着优势。这些都是O型的先天优势。再者,O血型人对现实环境的体会最为直接和强烈,对人的各种本能需求最为敏感。他们向往高层次的生活,往往用现实的要求来决定各种精神享受。因而在现实中,O型驾驭生活的能力很强,相对其他血型又占据优势。用价值观语言来描述O型是最为实际和适宜的。物质生活和物质、性的欲望是O型最为关注的。 O血型人的显性素质: 1 目的明确,以目的为中心做事。O型思考做事必须有一个明确的目的,目的未明之前不行动。 2 以实际需求来确立目的。以有“用”与否为标准来判定事物的价值。 3 以硬件实力为标准来衡量人和人际关系,重视实力。看人看事时,完全从对自己有利的角度出发,并以此作为绝对的中心准则。其强度独一无二。 4 为目的实现有主动性,没有目的不主动。注意力集中性很强。 5 有心机,试探性强。 6 注重实际执行的措施、办法,拒绝纯粹的理论、精神交流。在这方面,相对于B型的书生气质,O型是“兵”;相对于A型的优雅作风,O型是“匪”;相对于AB型的独特风格,O型是“敌”。 7 办事时,给对方的信息十分明确,直接而简单,不与对方说多余的话,几乎不做感情交流。讲究效率。 8 有务实精神,看重实际利益。 9 竞争性、排斥性强,有“压”人之势。 10 乐观、豁达,有持之以恒的精神和开拓精神。但在达不到目的时会果断放弃,并不执着。 11 注重团队配合,但必须自己做主。在强大的时候给他人的机会也很多。 12 欲望和发表力强。任何时候都不会脱离自己的立场说话。 O血型人的隐性素质: 1 表达、说理能力差,不善于交流。 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 2 对必要的感情交流和关怀表现得冷漠,几乎没有生活中的点滴之爱。在这方面,A型会通过周到的安排和适度问候让人感觉到素质良好;B型会通过热心肠的关怀让人感觉到浓厚的人情味;AB型会通过巧妙和别致的礼物或适当的讨好使人心花怒放。只有O型,对他人的关爱很少。即使有,也只是出于实际需要而非心理需要。 3 虽然讲究正面实力,但在看准的情况下也会不择手段,并且承认这种手段的价值。 4 主张较量实力,不谈道理。只按照实用的办法行事。 5 不容易相信别人,多疑。 6 以自我为中心,有喜欢让别人都围在自己身边的倾向。 7 有游戏情感的倾向,逃避责任,受不了压力就放弃。 8 因为同时用两个心机与人交往,所以常爱挑剔别人。 9 得不到承认时会有异常反应。 10 固执,不看重也不接受别人的观点。不容易妥协。 11 有等级观念和定位取向。 12 安全感弱,有侵略性。 强势O型人的特征: 强势O型是集体的中心人物,会是重要的领导,是能谋大业的风云人物。O型人做事讲究实效,注重实际的贯彻和实施,行动力很强。因此在做事时会以利益为直接目的将实用方法付诸实现,这对事业是很有帮助的。O型的竞争性强,注意力集中,做事专注而有节奏,对环境和现实情况有清醒的认识。在欧美国家O型比较多的地区,会让人感受到极其明朗的办事风格。在中国,这样的O型也有着不错的业绩口碑。 O型中的强势人乐观向上,大方开通,有着积极的开拓精神。对于人际关系和实际业务都把握得很好,而且有一到两样掌握到家的业余爱好,是全面发展的人才。O型的适度性是难得的优点。一个O型领导人会根据事业发展的不同需要去确定人际关系发展的范围,绝对不会感情用事,他们会持之以恒地保持活力将事业搞好,并在竞争中获得活力。 强势的O型人对于“物化”的东西欲望很强,以获得财富、美人、社会地位为荣,虚荣心很强。O型的优点是不能单纯用认同或贬抑的词汇去形容的,只有用“适合”、“实用”这样的中性词语才会更加贴切。O型人的手段多数还是正面的,他们更希望在战场打败敌人,更喜欢较量实力。但O型的方式不能用道德观念去把握,因为O型更多地考虑利益上的得失和实际方法是否合乎于事。他们虽然瞧不起阴谋诡计,但在必要时会应用起来并视为正面的Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 可用原则。这是其它血型做不到的。所以O型办法多,也能预见到别人的办法,遇事多有措施。 此外强势的O型会根据现实来要求自己,也会按自己的要求从实际中获取利益。 弱势O型人的特征: 弱势的O型人首先是家庭中的“暴君”。由于价值观重视利益,所以O型只以实际需求来圈定生活行为,而且很固执,并以此为准则要求家庭成员。而自我中心主义使他人必须迁就于自己。这样就造成了其他成员失去自由而被“钳制”的一面。而这种局面一旦失去控制,也就是别人稍微有所偏离,O型就会因不安而加以斥责,更严重的就是暴力相加。那些生活品位不高又常用暴力方式解决家庭和生活问的男性常以O型居多。而事实上,各人的准则和方式不同,不过是O型把自己的方式强加给了别人而已。 弱势O型还容易成为表面沉默寡言而内心博取利益的人。容易被其它血型的人认定为自私和急功近利。因为他们排斥人际关系,自私自利,不愿意为他人和集体付出,只想获得。而且一些人很固执,即使没有道德问题,也吝啬语言的感化和交流,喜欢让别人对自己主动。而在集体中,这种人除非聪明或者遇到特殊情况,否则不易讨人喜欢。他们没有可供发展的人脉。这一点的表面特征与弱势B型相似。但同样是不爱说话,B型是出于羞怯和难为情,是不知道说什么好;而O型是不想说和故意不说,是吝啬。 弱势O型中,暴躁、多疑、心胸狭窄、刚愎自用者居多。与B型不同,B型的弱势者即使性格弱势也不会伤害别人,而且才能多有贡献;O型的弱势则多为给他人带来伤害,引发的社会问题很多,甚至非常严重。传统的说法对O型的优点和优势夸辞甚多,而实际上O型存在的问题也不比其它血型少,甚至更加严重。只不过他们的本能行为较强占据先天优势而已。 弱势的O型人处理不好同别人的关系,经常不顾别人的感受出语伤人,或者作出伤害别人的行为。其他血型的人往往不这样做。而这样的O型往往很平庸却自以为是,认为别人都没眼光,配不上自己。 A型血 A血型人的显性素质: 1 在必要的外事活动中能够有勇气直接面对各种事务,既不怯场也不怕人。 2 热爱集体,有团队精神和服务精神。 3 必要的时候能够主动地与人为善,不过多计较付出与获得。 4 有以大局为重的整体思想,思维上从头到尾都是一个整体。 5 责任心强,不推卸。 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 6 有很强的务实精神,注重实际、实效和实在的感情。有勤勉和务实的一面。 7 对环境的适应性比较强。即使内心不愿意也仍然能够维持一种对环境和周遭人际的适应,他人不容易觉察。 8 优雅。气质举止崇尚端庄得体。 A血型人的隐性素质: 1 不喜欢过多的铺陈和排场,不爱外交。 2 处于需求,为私人现实的考虑相当的多,容易忽略他人的想法和感觉。 3 有“算”的思想。认为付出了就应该参与获得,并应该是默默贯彻始终。 4 对于危险和不适应自身的东西保持着高度警觉。 5 不善交际。与人交往会长期保持同一状态并无进展,内心与人的距离很大。而对方却未必察觉。 6 与人沟通少,想好了就会一以贯之。一鼓作气做下去,而且一环扣一环,很少解释,认为没必要 7 对新事物的接受在内心保持一定距离。 8 不在人前过分释放不满情绪。 强势A血型人的特征: 强势的A血型人是脚踏实地、顾全大局的领导人物。他们会把必要的、为集体服务的事情放在心上,责任心很强。在处理外务时,有大方优雅的举止并能直接将自己集体的利益在与对方的互动中实现。A血型人占主导的集体中,向心力和凝聚力很强。在责任心和理想的支配下,会形成一个为集体事业的同一个中心目标而奋斗的务实性团体,团体内部成员按照事情发展的环节不同进行合理分工,讲规则、重效率,每一步都会有相应的规矩保证目标的有效实施。 A血型人有牺牲精神和服务精神。强势的A血型人有着极其强烈的纪律素质和绅士风度。他们会把优雅也不自觉地变为一种规矩并且一代又一代地延续下去。 而且最重要的是,A血人对危险的高度警觉会使他们从别人的失败和灾难中获得教训,从而戒慎恐惧,以务实的态度来消除自身存在的同类不利性因素。日本的明治维新就是最好的说明。同时,A血型人在同一事业上承前启后、早早培养继承人的办事风格也是独一无二的,是其它血型的人所无法比拟的。一个强势性格的A血型家族企业领导人会早早地让自Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 己的继承人置身于家族事业的环境中去培养他的兴趣和做事的意志,防止事业败落下去,但很少会解释为什么这样做和这样做的意义。而其它血型的人则很少这样去想,他们不会“强制”要求自己的后代和自己做相同的事业。A血型人能在最大限度上抢先一步做到防患于未然。这是强势A血型人的优点。 弱势A血型人的特征: 弱势A血型的人过着平淡、拘泥的无趣生活,偶尔也会有一些娱乐活动,跟几个绝对熟悉的人保持着固定交往。无所作为,也没有大起大落。由于弱势中隐性因素的负面比较多,而显性因素又不能充分发挥优势作用,所以弱势的A血型人与人沟通的能力比较差。只是在内心默默想着怎样做。见识也有限。在与人互动中只考虑暂时的需要,缺乏长久相处的眼光,结果导致不必要的矛盾发生。由于A血型人内心中始终有一个地方是任何人都不能进入的,无法与人进行必要的沟通,所以矛盾一旦发生,就可能有不必要的损失降临。 距离性和警觉性使血型人接受新事物的能力比较差,创新能力也就相对差。在A血型的群体中,有创新能力的人才不多。比如,在日、韩等A型相对多的国家,虽然发展得很强大,可是很多新的现代技术设备都不来源于自己的发明。他们往往把从欧美进口的东西加以改装并在原来的基础上对某个细节或者部位加以优化,这样有了一项的发明。这是A血型逻辑的隐性因素在作怪的缘故。这样做的确可以弥补创新能力的不足。 由于缺乏倾诉和释放,很多弱势A血型人的内心存在着难以言说的委屈和不平。A血型人有重情义的一面。强势的A血型人会根据现实需要来剪裁使其与需要保持一致,而弱势的他们则会将自己置于优柔寡断的境地难以自拔。 B型血 用一句话来概括B血型人的人格特质,那恐怕就是:简单而复杂,复杂而飘离,飘离而简单。B血型的人看上去简单,可是想要用典型的语言集中描述却很难。因为B血型的群体松散飘离、良莠不齐,不象A型那样集中性强。在现实社会生活中,B血型的人从事的职业和扮演的角色也纷繁复杂。从政客、外交家、演员、作家、科学家、技术人员,到商人、军人、警察;从现职从业者到自由职业人;从正面人物到怪异小人;从精明杰出的人物到一事无成的糊涂虫……无不存在着B血型人的身影。其自在性、随意性、创造性、可塑性也由此得以鲜明突显。 B血型人的显性素质: 1 善良,热心肠。对人对事会首先想到善的一面,先假定对方为善的时候居多,并根据这种感性的判断先喜欢上别人的优点,通过热心倾向的帮助来建立善意的交往。 2 天真,活泼,单纯。简单心对复杂事。能够经常以快乐的心态对待人生,并将这种干净的天性快乐传递给周围的人。 3 沟通能力强,相信所有的事情都能通过沟通和平解决。 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 4 创造能力强,喜欢翻新花样,与众不同。 5 独立完成一件事情的能力强,认为自己的事情要自己独立完成。 6 兴趣广泛,多才多艺。喜欢横向拓展对事物的爱好,视野广阔,心胸宽大。 7 重情义,热情好客爱交友。是重感情的人,感情有真实的一面,有仁义之心,可以信赖。 8 重视理念、道理、原则和宗旨,并以此为支持爱好和平。人际交往和外务关系中极其重视“和”的局面。以公平的道理作为行为指导。热爱生命和自然。 9 有活力的时候反应速度快,有幽默感,爱开玩笑。 10 富于变化,能做到顺其自然的灵活变通。 B血型人的隐性素质: 1 心肠软,容易动情。内心中凭印象判断的感情因素比较多。 2 容易按照简单的想法说话做事,情绪真正发作时会有出人意料的举动。 3 察人之情,亦察人之心。能以自己动情的基点体谅别人的感觉和心情,但也许这些察觉别人并不存在。 4 有灵性,触类旁通。有很多时候会凭借着一时兴起的一点灵通和直觉将两个不相干的事物联系起来。 5 注重自我实现和自我认同,“我”的事情“我”承担。主张分清楚,谁的就归谁。 6 有很强的感知性,内在情绪的辐射点比较多。注意力不大集中,感性大于理性。 7 交往中有羞怯、难为情、怕丢人、怕麻烦的倾向,有时会怯场或怕人。 8 总是想按照道理、公里做事,并认为这样做出来的事情最好,讲究均衡。 9 有时又会多愁善感,情绪多变,心思细腻。甚至会很天真地认为“我看青山多妩媚,青山看我应如是”。 10 容易妥协,让步。 强势B血型人的特征: 强势的B型人性格活泼开朗、乐观向上、斗志昂扬。是极佳的政治家、外交家、演艺Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 人员、艺术家、企业家等。凡是从事外向型工作的领域和需要创新的岗位上都有B血型人活跃的身影。强势的B血型人常常是颇具影响力的领军人物,有雄辩之才、大将之风。处事痛快之际不乏稳健,能够在利益和情感中把握一致,并进行合理的平衡。B血型中强势的人即使心有不快也不留芥蒂,心胸宽大,能够想得开。O血型人也具备这些特征,进行区别和对比时,主要通过价值观的不同来判断。B型人重“义”,O型人重“利”。 由于重情义,所以往往在感情受到打击或者亲爱的人逝去的时候顿悟而放弃事业,将人生改变为另一种方式,认为这样没什么不可以。B型人热爱自由,心胸广阔,不为物质所累,因而穷富皆有日常之态。所以他们勇于在关键时刻“豁”出去拼了,而往往这一拼就会起到扭转乾坤的作用。换成是O型的人,断不会执着,不会因为情义而放弃事业和金钱。讲究硬件实力的他们会在打不赢的时候投降,即使想拼也只是一种试探。 强势的B型人胸怀宽大,宅心仁厚,多才多艺,四海之内皆兄弟,能将别人的优点兼收并蓄,集众家之长,独创自家之大成。他们朋友多、人缘好,处事圆滑,左右逢源,为事业和人生的发展积累了重要的人脉。 B血型人还是和平的拥护者,很多国际争端的解决都是在B型逻辑的指导下进行斡旋和解的。这当然基于对规律、原则、公理的把握和对公平原则的认同。所以B型的改革家会对旧有的东西进行大刀阔斧的出除,按照规律和公理做事,看上去很潇洒,颇有是非公道自在人心,任由人评说的意味。很多才得其用的文人、理论家也属于强势B型。他们会在现实中把思想发扬光大。 B型的传播性、沟通性和说理能力强,所以许多出色的记者、设计师、推销员、作家也属于强势的B型。 弱势B血型人的特征: 弱势B型有着很强的转化性和可塑性。 与弱势A型没有大起大落的“安全性”不同,弱势B型会因为性格中的诸多不利因素经历大起大落。B型人有着难以控制的同一因素的两极,他们是很矛盾的。他们容易感情用事,常常因为难以控制自己的情绪而得罪人。而这多半是教条坚持公道所致。因为重视理想。重视理论精神,轻视实践,所以现实中缺乏实际办法和应变能力。正如他们随着情绪的自我变化让别人难以把握一样,他们对现实中客体的变化也一样应对无力,缺乏实际办法。这是其它血型都没有的。A型会防患于未然,O型会马上采取行动和措施,AB型会在不利中寻求有利的因素做其它突破。而对于弱势B型,不利只能是不利,毫无准备,毫无办法。想要翻身恐怕得熬上一段时间了。 弱势B型是有沟通障碍的,他们想要从自己的束缚中解放出来恐怕比较不易。与A型隐秘性的一面难以实现沟通不同,弱势B型的沟通障碍来源于他们的怯懦,怕麻烦进而逃避现实的特质,而感性的思维方式又常使他们偏离事实。他们只有战胜自己的害羞、难为情和“怕”的情感以及遇到事情先动情绪的心态,多从现实中吸取经验,迎接磨砺和挑战,才能从自我世界的枷锁中走出来。 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from B型人的天真、重感情、情绪化和爱开玩笑常使他们吃亏。弱势B型在现实生活中经常是被欺骗和欺负的对象。由于天真的他们容易妥协,在压力下回避现实,常常为情义让度利益,而又容易在不知不觉中得罪人失去人缘,所以在O型眼中,B型非傻即怪,会将其当成“软柿子”。 值得注意的是,B型的性格弱势不能掩盖他们的才能。即使是弱势的B型人中,也有相当多的人才,很多人只不过是暂时怀才不遇而已。很多出色的作家、顾问、心理辅导人员和教师、商人乃至于专家、学者都来自于弱势B型。B型的可塑性最强,这是独一无二的。而事实上基于规律的把握,B型人更适合从事教导别人的工作。 AB型血 根据遗传规律,只有在A、B两种血型数量相对比较多的地区,AB血型人的数量才会多。AB血型兼有A、B两种血型的特点,同时又都不完全是这两种血型中的类别,所以较之B型的松散难以集中把握而言,AB型逻辑的“别致”就更难用简单的语言概括。与O型在本能性、数量多方面占先天“优势”不同,AB型在数量上占“劣势”。但其智慧的力量却让其它血型难以企及。 AB型人的特征最好用辩证法来把握,也只有这样说才算适之过半。对于他们所兼具的A、B两型的特点这里就不再多讲。更由于AB型智慧所具备的转化性,所以其血型性格素质不能用单纯的显隐逻辑来划分,强弱势也不能完全一概而论。 AB血型人的典型素质: 1 思维敏捷,能够在直觉上第一时间把握事物的要点。 2 较为冷静,认知程度高。与O型相比,O型虽然也很冷静,也能做到同时用两个心机对人对事。但O型会因负面评价而沉不住气,甚至于暴躁;而AB型却能恰当应对,把A、B的优点结合起来运用。 3 充分利用和接受他人,也有被接受的一面。但有时候因为思维方式的特别会使其它血型的人感觉到难以应付。 4 对环境的接受性强,同时让环境接受自己。善于在不利之时把握有利因素。与O型不同,O型也对环境相当“有数”,但O型更多的是善于把握“势”,AB型对“时”的把握则很到位。 5 看待事物有独到之处,能够以客观的适度来面对。与O型的主观自我适度不同,AB型人更能站在第三人的角度上客观说理,对人对事的认知较O型而言智慧层面更高。因为O型的适度是多数情况下站在自己的立场上去讲道理,只有对自己有利才是“理”。 6 有辨证的智慧。这种智慧使得AB型对事物的转化性看得很准确,预见性也很强。AB型最能抓住事物的转化条件,这是其它血型所不具备的。O行注重硬件和客观逻辑,B型看好自己感兴趣的软件,A型注重集体和逻辑的一致性,只有AB型更善于看到“变”的因Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 素,并从主、客两方面抓住这种可变性。 7 有一定限度的领导和组织才能。 8 重视感情,一旦真正爱上对方会痴情得不得了。 9 智商高的可能性大于其它血型。 10 讲究用特别的风格彰显个性,并应用于各种生活细节。虽然B型和O型也讲突出自我,但B型多数是在很正式的情况下表达思想,O型更突出实力。 11 有才能,多数业余做事都至少有一项技巧。 A型素质的AB型人特征: 所谓A型素质的AB型,就是说A血型素质在整个AB血型中占主要位置。这样就构成了人格素质上偏A 的AB型。在偏A的AB型人的性格中,A型素质为显性素质,B型素质为隐性素质,两者交互作用时,结合比较好的人成为强势AB型。 偏A的AB型人一般都具备A型逻辑的完整性,性格较为沉静,但有灵秀气质。待人处事恰倒好处,又能别出心裁,能够广为众人接受。相貌条件好的人比较多,感情含蓄认真。男子能够将绅士风度和幽默感相结合,女子悠悠情动,都不轻易被感动。 B型素质的AB血型人特征: 所谓B型素质的AB型,是指B血型素质在整个AB血型中占主要位置,构成偏B的AB型人格素质。在偏B的AB血型人的性格中,B型素质为显性素质,A型素质为隐性素质,结合较好的成为强势AB型。 偏B的AB型人多数性格外向,活泼灵动、聪明伶俐,口才好。为人处事热情主动,乐观开朗,但适度性把握得比较好。会较多地具备B型的显性素质。一般情况下与他人的融合性良好,又能突出自己的独特风格,但有外热内冷的倾向。看待事物有美好的憧憬,有情绪化的一面,容易被感动。比较果断,决断力强。 对AB血型逻辑的概述: 由于AB血型人是少数,所以AB逻辑一直不占主流。中国是AB血型人数量相对多的国家。因而这种逻辑传统虽然没有成为主流却作为重要的旁支延续下来。与AB型逻辑进行类比,较为近似的是道家思想中的一些辨证因素。但这种天人合一的转化在历史上是有重要战例存在的,而且十分典型。到了近、现代,这些重要的旁支思想逐渐被吸纳到主流思想中,创造了奇迹。AB型逻辑在危难的时候十分适用,也就是在B型逻辑支撑不下去的时候,会转化为AB型。 有关B型血的限制级秘密 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 用一句话来概括B血型人的人格特质,那恐怕就是:简单而复杂,复杂而飘离,飘离而简单。B血型的人看上去简单,可是想要用典型的语言集中描述却很难。因为B血型的群体松散飘离、良莠不齐,不象A型那样集中性强。在现实社会生活中,B血型的人从事的职业和扮演的角色也纷繁复杂。从政客、外交家、演员、作家、科学家、技术人员,到商人、军人、警察;从现职从业者到自由职业人;从正面人物到怪异小人;从精明杰出的人物到一事无成的糊涂虫……无不存在着B血型人的身影。其自在性、随意性、创造性、可塑性也由此得以鲜明突显。 B血型人的显性素质: 1 善良,热心肠。对人对事会首先想到善的一面,先假定对方为善的时候居多,并根据这种感性的判断先喜欢上别人的优点,通过热心倾向的帮助来建立善意的交往。 2 天真,活泼,单纯。简单心对复杂事。能够经常以快乐的心态对待人生,并将这种干净的天性快乐传递给周围的人。 3 沟通能力强,相信所有的事情都能通过沟通和平解决。 4 创造能力强,喜欢翻新花样,与众不同。 5 独立完成一件事情的能力强,认为自己的事情要自己独立完成。 6 兴趣广泛,多才多艺。喜欢横向拓展对事物的爱好,视野广阔,心胸宽大。 7 重情义,热情好客爱交友。是重感情的人,感情有真实的一面,有仁义之心,可以信赖。 8 重视理念、道理、原则和宗旨,并以此为支持爱好和平。人际交往和外务关系中极其重视“和”的局面。以公平的道理作为行为指导。热爱生命和自然。 9 有活力的时候反应速度快,有幽默感,爱开玩笑。 10 富于变化,能做到顺其自然的灵活变通。 B血型人的隐性素质: 1 心肠软,容易动情。内心中凭印象判断的感情因素比较多。 2 容易按照简单的想法说话做事,情绪真正发作时会有出人意料的举动。 3 察人之情,亦察人之心。能以自己动情的基点体谅别人的感觉和心情,但也许这些察觉别人并不存在。 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 4 有灵性,触类旁通。有很多时候会凭借着一时兴起的一点灵通和直觉将两个不相干的事物联系起来。 5 注重自我实现和自我认同,“我”的事情“我”承担。主张分清楚,谁的就归谁。 6 有很强的感知性,内在情绪的辐射点比较多。注意力不大集中,感性大于理性。 7 交往中有羞怯、难为情、怕丢人、怕麻烦的倾向,有时会怯场或怕人。 8 总是想按照道理、公里做事,并认为这样做出来的事情最好,讲究均衡。 9 有时又会多愁善感,情绪多变,心思细腻。甚至会很天真地认为“我看青山多妩媚,青山看我应如是”。 10 容易妥协,让步。 强势B血型人的特征: 强势的B型人性格活泼开朗、乐观向上、斗志昂扬。是极佳的政治家、外交家、演艺人员、艺术家、企业家等。凡是从事外向型工作的领域和需要创新的岗位上都有B血型人活跃的身影。强势的B血型人常常是颇具影响力的领军人物,有雄辩之才、大将之风。处事痛快之际不乏稳健,能够在利益和情感中把握一致,并进行合理的平衡。B血型中强势的人即使心有不快也不留芥蒂,心胸宽大,能够想得开。O血型人也具备这些特征,进行区别和对比时,主要通过价值观的不同来判断。B型人重“义”,O型人重“利”。 由于重情义,所以往往在感情受到打击或者亲爱的人逝去的时候顿悟而放弃事业,将人生改变为另一种方式,认为这样没什么不可以。B型人热爱自由,心胸广阔,不为物质所累,因而穷富皆有日常之态。所以他们勇于在关键时刻“豁”出去拼了,而往往这一拼就会起到扭转乾坤的作用。换成是O型的人,断不会执着,不会因为情义而放弃事业和金钱。讲究硬件实力的他们会在打不赢的时候投降,即使想拼也只是一种试探。 强势的B型人胸怀宽大,宅心仁厚,多才多艺,四海之内皆兄弟,能将别人的优点兼收并蓄,集众家之长,独创自家之大成。他们朋友多、人缘好,处事圆滑,左右逢源,为事业和人生的发展积累了重要的人脉。 B血型人还是和平的拥护者,很多国际争端的解决都是在B型逻辑的指导下进行斡旋和解的。这当然基于对规律、原则、公理的把握和对公平原则的认同。所以B型的改革家会对旧有的东西进行大刀阔斧的出除,按照规律和公理做事,看上去很潇洒,颇有是非公道自在人心,任由人评说的意味。很多才得其用的文人、理论家也属于强势B型。他们会在现实中把思想发扬光大。 B型的传播性、沟通性和说理能力强,所以许多出色的记者、设计师、推销员、作家也属于强势的B型。 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 弱势B血型人的特征: 弱势B型有着很强的转化性和可塑性。 与弱势A型没有大起大落的“安全性”不同,弱势B型会因为性格中的诸多不利因素经历大起大落。B型人有着难以控制的同一因素的两极,他们是很矛盾的。他们容易感情用事,常常因为难以控制自己的情绪而得罪人。而这多半是教条坚持公道所致。因为重视理想。重视理论精神,轻视实践,所以现实中缺乏实际办法和应变能力。正如他们随着情绪的自我变化让别人难以把握一样,他们对现实中客体的变化也一样应对无力,缺乏实际办法。这是其它血型都没有的。A型会防患于未然,O型会马上采取行动和措施,AB型会在不利中寻求有利的因素做其它突破。而对于弱势B型,不利只能是不利,毫无准备,毫无办法。想要翻身恐怕得熬上一段时间了。 弱势B型是有沟通障碍的,他们想要从自己的束缚中解放出来恐怕比较不易。与A型隐秘性的一面难以实现沟通不同,弱势B型的沟通障碍来源于他们的怯懦,怕麻烦进而逃避现实的特质,而感性的思维方式又常使他们偏离事实。他们只有战胜自己的害羞、难为情和“怕”的情感以及遇到事情先动情绪的心态,多从现实中吸取经验,迎接磨砺和挑战,才能从自我世界的枷锁中走出来。 B型人的天真、重感情、情绪化和爱开玩笑常使他们吃亏。弱势B型在现实生活中经常是被欺骗和欺负的对象。由于天真的他们容易妥协,在压力下回避现实,常常为情义让度利益,而又容易在不知不觉中得罪人失去人缘,所以在O型眼中,B型非傻即怪,会将其当成“软柿子”。 值得注意的是,B型的性格弱势不能掩盖他们的才能。即使是弱势的B型人中,也有相当多的人才,很多人只不过是暂时怀才不遇而已。很多出色的作家、顾问、心理辅导人员和教师、商人乃至于专家、学者都来自于弱势B型。B型的可塑性最强,这是独一无二的。而事实上基于规律的把握,B型人更适合从事教导别人的工作。 A型素质的AB型人特征: 所谓A型素质的AB型,就是说A血型素质在整个AB血型中占主要位置。这样就构成了人格素质上偏A 的AB型。在偏A的AB型人的性格中,A型素质为显性素质,B型素质为隐性素质,两者交互作用时,结合比较好的人成为强势AB型。 偏A的AB型人一般都具备A型逻辑的完整性,性格较为沉静,但有灵秀气质。待人处事恰倒好处,又能别出心裁,能够广为众人接受。相貌条件好的人比较多,感情含蓄认真。男子能够将绅士风度和幽默感相结合,女子悠悠情动,都不轻易被感动 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from
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