

2018-01-07 25页 doc 70KB 12阅读




管理会计的发展管理会计的发展 第一章 管理会计理论体系的概念 会计的发展伴随着人类社会的不断进步留下了一个个坚实的脚印。在这其中,人们一致认为主要归功于财务会计的发展。而与其相对应的管理会计,则由于历史原因、社会原因、环境原因等,其发展较为迟缓。无论从理论角度,还是从实践上来看,开拓、研究并发展管理会计理论体系都具有重大意义。管理会计形成与发展于二十一世纪,而从我国实践来看,则是下半世纪的事。本研究立足于我国的现实,从客观的角度来观察它的发展,试图能给人们带来一些有价值的思考课题,从而推动它的研究和发展。 1. 何为管理会计体系 管...
管理会计的发展 第一章 管理会计理论体系的概念 会计的发展伴随着人类社会的不断进步留下了一个个坚实的脚印。在这其中,人们一致认为主要归功于财务会计的发展。而与其相对应的管理会计,则由于历史原因、社会原因、环境原因等,其发展较为迟缓。无论从理论角度,还是从实践上来看,开拓、研究并发展管理会计理论体系都具有重大意义。管理会计形成与发展于二十一世纪,而从我国实践来看,则是下半世纪的事。本研究立足于我国的现实,从客观的角度来观察它的发展,试图能给人们带来一些有价值的思考课题,从而推动它的研究和发展。 1. 何为管理会计体系 管理会计是会计学与管理学直接结合的一门综合性学科,它以现代管理理论为基础,运用一系列专门方法和技术,对财务会计和统计资料及其他相关资料进行确认、计量、整理、对比和分析,为组织内部各级管理人员对其整个组织及各个责任单位当前和未来的经济活动进行预测、决策、规划、控制和评价考核,为管理当局对其资源的合理配置和使用做出最优决策提供科学依据。管理会计系统(MAS)是利用管理会计原 [1]理对企业活动进行决策、控制、评价的内部管理系统。 经过长达一个多世纪的发展,管理会计系统也取得了长足的发展并不断完善,但管理会计系统的核心功能——“信息提供与管理控制”并没有发生太大的变化。如上世纪初的管理会计体系主要由成本制、传统预算、差异分析和POA/ROE用于业绩评价三项内容组成,它们涵盖了管理会计信息提供、管理控制两大功能,而上世纪末期至今的管理会计体系,不论发展了何种新型管理工具,如ABC/ABM、BSC、EVA等,都没有改变管理会计系统核心功能本身。 管理会计系统功能应当有其作用边界,作为一个支持性管理系统,它并不能替代战略管理、生产管理、行政管理等内部组织管理本身,比如我们所称的战略管理会计概念,它意味要发挥管理会计系统的作用,应当以公司战略为视角,而不是指要替代战略管理本身,这一点正是管理会计系统有别于组织工具系统(OT)的一个重要标志。 2. 建立管理会计理论体系的目的 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 中国石油大学胜利学院专科毕业设计(论文) 研究管理会计基本理论的目的是建立一套严密的理论框架结构,用来指导和发展管理会计的实践。构建管理会计理论框架,是研究得以承前启后和良性发展的基本条件。 3. 建立管理会计理论体系的意义 3.1 可以全面地掌握会计理论 会计理论发展到今天,其内容非常丰富,如果不把会计理论组成一个整体并按照其内在的逻辑建立有机的联系,会计人员缺乏对会计理论系统全面的认识和把握,就不能自觉地、主动地运用会计理论改善会计工作。现代会计理论体系是会计理论要素按一定的逻辑关系形成的有机整体,发挥的作用远远比单一的会计理论要素发挥的作用要大。构建现代会计理论体系有利于各类、各层次、各环节的会计人员从宏观上把握会计理论总体,全面地掌握会计理论,而这又是进一步有效从事会计实务、会计研究、会计教学等会计工作的基础。 3.2 可以进一步掌握会计理论的重点和难点 现代会计理论体系是按一定的逻辑关系有机结合形成的有机整体,不是所有的会计理论要素在理论体系中的地位、作用和难易度都一样,而是有主次、有重点、有难易之分的,这样才能揭示现代会计理论体系内在的规律性。所以,现代会计理论体系的研究和建立,有利于辨明会计理论的重点和难点,能指明会计学术研究的方向,有助于发现会计理论研究中的薄弱环节,加大研究力度,不断进行修正用。 3.3 可以开拓新的会计领域 有了系统、全面的会计理论指导,会计人员对经济生活中出现的新事物、新现象就不必采用权宜的处理方法,而是寻求科学理论依据的处理方法,从而有利于开拓新的会计领域。研究人员把握了系统的、全面的会计理论,就在相当程度上把握了会计理论内在的规律性,有能力开拓新的会计研究领域,可以缩短研究的时间和减少研究的强度,尽早出成果并出好成果。 3.4 可以为会计改革提供理论依据 中外会计改革的实践反复证明,会计改革如果没有系统全面、科学合理的会计理论作指导,会计的改革要走许多的弯路,从而严重影响会计改革的效果。美国会计准则制定的历史充分证明了这一点。我国正在进行会计的改革,建立和实施会计准 rvices archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary toivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical se's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----phase quality control-civilized construction work. (4) use t ofhidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen managemen construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially main control at-----controlughng enoaterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packiansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) wwhere you want to control the fixation and expdown, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low rious,es. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) ser, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedurle foseriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsib 1 则,建立科学的现代会计理论体系,就可以为改革提供系统、充足的理论依据,避免会计准则前后矛盾,提高会计准则的生命力,增强会计准则的科学性。 第二章 我国管理会计理论的现状 1. 我国管理会计基本理论研究成果 ct thmanual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately conta of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assuranceivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality 's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----e quality controlphas-enspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) useasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict imain control at construction stage construction program r-----controlool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enoughto the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pwhere you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -re construction technology to give the lows befo, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawinge supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders2 中国石油大学胜利学院专科毕业设计(论文) 1.1 关于管理会计信息使用人 对于管理会计信息使用人,有传统观点与现代观点之别。从传统的观点出发,一般认为管理会计信息使用人是企业内部的经营管理者,它与财务会计的信息主要面向外部使用人相对应。传统的观点是建立在两大假设基础之上,第一种假设是内部信息的保密,许多成本管理信息被看成是商业秘密,作为市场竞争的武器;第二种假设是内部信息的自由提供不受外界法规制约。从现代的观点出发,许多专家学者都认为管理会计与财务会计的信息使用人的界限正逐步消失。 1.2 关于管理会计的原则 会计原则是会计工作的,它是对会计进程及其所应遵循的规范的高度概括,具有广泛的适用性和指导作用。从这一点出发,管理会计原则显然应是管理会计工作的规范。国内会计学家曾对此进行研究,认为应将管理会计原则划分为基本假设和指导性原则两个层次。所谓管理会计基本假设,主要有会计主体、持续经营、会计分期、货币的时间价值、成本分类的多元化、效益最大化。 1.3 关于管理会计的方法 我们可以依据一定资料对管理会计进行研究和分析。针对研究方法,在很大程度上受到财务会计研究的影响,其方法也有相同之处。针对分析方法,比较一致的观点认为,管理会计大量采用会计、统计与现代数学的方法。 2. 管理会计在企业中应用的现状及在应用中存在的问题 多年来,管理会计理论在我国只是在部分地区、部分企业得到零星、分散的应用,彼此之间缺乏有机的联系,并未形成真正意义上的管理会计应用体系,没有真正解决企业改善管理所急需解决的问题,远远没有达到改善企业经营管理、提高经济效益的 [2]目的,实际应用情况并不理想。而企业也缺乏应用管理会计的意愿和要求,随着社会经济的发展和科学技术的进步,我国管理会计的国际化进程明显加快,取得了一定的成绩。但是,目前我国管理会计的应用层次和水平都还不高,大多数企业仍处于起步阶段。 2.1 管理会计理论体系不健全及核算手段落后 至今管理会计理论还没有形成一个联系我国实际的系统的管理会计理论体系。有关管理会计理论研究的专著较少,而且研究领域狭隘、信息滞后;管理会计理论研究 [3]队伍薄弱,缺乏高层次的理论研究人员。现有管理会计的技术、方法操作性差,没 seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsib rvices archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary toivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical se's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----phase quality control-civilized construction work. (4) use t ofhidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen managemen construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially main control at-----controlughng enoaterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packiansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) wwhere you want to control the fixation and expdown, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low rious,es. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) ser, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedurle fo3 有创新能力;对我国已有的管理会计应用的经验也未能从理论与实践相结合上进行案例总结。我国一部分企业至今仍用手工记账,虽然大型企业和部分合资企业以及金融系统引用了电算化技术,但计算机的应用程度和利用效率较低,多处于事后记账的初级水平,没有事前预测、事中控制的能力。而且企业引用的电算化软件大多是适用于财务会计体系的,而用于管理会计的软件系统目前还很少见。这是我国管理会计难以推广的原因之一。 2.2 企业内部不完善与企业外部原因 有的企业内部管理混乱,缺少健全的和完善的激励约束机制,从而影响了管理会计工作的开展。目前,我国企业经营管理水平虽然整体上有了较大提高,但许多企业运行机制并没有太大的改观。其中包括会计和财务管理。而在现阶段,大多数企业经营者离这一要求还有一定的距离,这就在一定程度上限制了管理会计在企业中的普遍应用。管理会计的基础教育缺乏统一、规范性 、知识陈旧,理论脱离实际,实践经验的及时总结和推广,缺乏相应的法律环境和市场经济秩序混乱使管理会计在企业中缺少全面实施的保证。管理会计要真正发挥作用,给企业的经营决策者提供有用的信息,必须处于一个平等、公平、竞争和高度灵敏的市场经济条件下,这就直接影响了人们对它的学习和掌握,更谈不上应用了。 2.3 会计和企业经营管理人员的总体素质不高 管理会计作为一门实践性很强的应用学科,其应用的关键是人的问题。然而,我国目前会计管理人员素质偏低、知识的层次和结构不合理,缺乏高素质的会计管理人员,使企业难以应用管理会计。对管理会计工作缺乏应有的重视,导致企业财会人员管理会计知识浅薄、应用水平不高。多数企业的财会人员对日常财务资料的处理仅限 [4]于事后记账,且分析能力差,很难将有效信息运用到企业的管理决策中去。理论上尚未形成一套较为科学的管理会计体系。管理会计缺乏坚实的理论基础,并且方法庞杂, 缺乏独特性。第三章 管理会计理论体系的应用问题及应对 我国长期以来研究西方的管理会计动向,而忽略了对整个管理会计理论体系的研究,只有引进而未对管理会计理论产生的社会经济环境进行分析,甚至很少能联系我国的实际进行中国式研究。中国管理会计研究成果要走向国际必须在管理会计研究方法上有所突破和创新。 , strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawinge supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holdersct thmanual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately conta of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assuranceivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality 's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----e quality controlphas-enspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) useasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict imain control at construction stage construction program r-----controlool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enoughto the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pwhere you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -re construction technology to give the lows befo4 中国石油大学胜利学院专科毕业设计(论文) 1. 在观念上求创新 1.1 更新观念,密切注视市场动向 中国特色管理会计的研究方法应该是深入企业,将规范研究与实证研究相结合,以实证分析检验规范研究的有效性。以规范研究对实证研究的结果加以解释和升华, [5]即经验——规范——经验模式。这样,既弥补了我国传统的规范研究方法因缺乏经验检验而实践性差的缺陷,也弥补了目前西方受实用主义影响重经验研究而不重规范研究而导致案例研究难以推广的不足,综合了规范研究与经验研究各自的长处。经验研究充分发挥其科学性、客观性的特点,规范研究充分发挥其抽象逻辑思维、发散思维、创造思维的特征,两种方法有机结合,既有利于企业生产经营的高效运行,也有利于管理会计的进一步发展。 1.2 树立整体观念 我国传统文化中强调集体主义,强渊个体对群体的责任感。这一文化背景注定了企业在设计与运用管理会计时,应该将个体的责任与利益协调起来,采取荣誉与利益相结合的方式激励员工,要以具有整体优势作为基础和条件,把管理作为一个整体进行分析,树立整体观念,整体分析和评价企业的管理活动。 1.3 要建立以价值为核心的企业文化 传统企业管理通常只重视各项管理规章制度的制定,这在知识经济时代是行不通的。知识经济时代要求企业的管理重视企业文化的建设,实行软管理。价值观念作为企业文化的重要内容,其通过企业的经营方针、座右铭、信条等形式表现出来。成功企业均会有属于自己的企业座右铭、精神、方针,其用共同的价值观促进职工的发展、成长。企业文化的创造,直接影响到管理会计系统的设计和构建,促使管理会计系统愈加重视人的因素,为自身的发展营造适合企业战略发展要求的文化环境,有助于管理会计对企业管理的全过程控制。 2. 让管理会计理论与实际相结合 2.1 必须充分考虑国情 中西方在会计制度与企业经济环境等方面存在较大的差异,要求企业不可完全照搬西方管理会计的理论和方法,部分管理会计理论和方法并不适用于我国的企业管理。要不断缩小管理会计理论和实际工作的差距。当前,学术界缺乏可指导并能应用于实际工作的理论体系,有的管理会计理论甚至脱离实际工作。这是由于传统的管理会计 rvices archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary toivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical se's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----phase quality control-civilized construction work. (4) use t ofhidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen managemen construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially main control at-----controlughng enoaterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packiansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) wwhere you want to control the fixation and expdown, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low rious,es. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) ser, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedurle foseriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsib5 中部分数学模型构建与经济环境基础之上,而在现实中,部分假设不成立,这就导致会计计量的结果无法起到任何指导作用。因此要充分考虑中西方在会计制度与企业经济环境等方面存在较大的差异,找到适合我国国情的管理会计理论体系。 2.2 要不断缩小管理会计理论和实际工作的差距 当前,学术界缺乏可指导并能应用于实际工作的理论体系,有的管理会计理论甚至脱离实际工作。这是由于传统的管理会计中部分数学模型构建与经济环境基础之上,而在现实中,部分假设不成立,这就导致会计计量的结果无法起到任何指导作用。有哪次应该将理论与实际充分结合,用理论指导实际,创建适合我国国情的管理会计理论体系。 2.3 要及时对企业应用管理会计成功的案例进行归纳总结及推广使用 任何理论均是建立在成功的实践上才成立的,因此,应加大对成功案例的宣传推广力度,促进理论的进一步升华。及时对企业应用管理会计成功的案例进行归纳总结及推广使用。任何理论均是建立在成功的实践上才成立的,因此,应加大对成功案例的宣传推广力度,促进理论的进一步升华。现阶段我国企业应加紧对成功案例的研究,同时,结合研究成果,投建适合于我国国情的管理会计理论体系。 3. 加强管理会计教育提高会计人员的素质 3.1 加强会计人员文化素质教育 市场经济的最大特征就是促使各个企业成为一个独立的经济实体,靠着自身的经 [6]济实力参与市场竞争。其成功与否在很大程度上取决于企业内部经济管理的效率。毫无疑问,作为其中管理的一个重要环节,管理会计应该是大有作为的。从我国目前的情况来看,许多企业人员仍然是企业主要管理者的附庸。企业一般职能人员凭指令性来管理企业仍是一个普遍现象,这就造成大部分会计人员只是例行公事地完成日常核算工作,很少人能有积极参与管理决策的意识。因此会计人员要认真学习理论和专业知识,紧跟时代的步伐,及时更新知识。同时,要将学习与实际工作相结合,不断提高职业判断能力和解决实际问题的能力。 3.2 加强会计人员法制教育增强法制观念 完善市场经济体制,构建相关法律体系市场经济环境的好坏直接影响到企业管理会计应用的质量,因此我国必须完善市场经济体制,构建相关法律体系,只有这样才能为企业提供自由、公平的市场竞争环境。企业要尽量减少影响企业进行管理会计决 , strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawinge supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holdersct thmanual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately conta of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assuranceivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality 's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----e quality controlphas-enspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) useasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict imain control at construction stage construction program r-----controlool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enoughto the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pwhere you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -re construction technology to give the lows befo6 中国石油大学胜利学院专科毕业设计(论文) 策的相关行政因素,以市场规律为根据,进行自主决策。在完善相关法律方面,我国可效仿西方发达国家,出台相应的管理会计准则,以此来规范企业应用管理会计的各项实践工作。只有有好的法律保障,企业的管理会计才能有一个公平、自由的法律环境,有效减少虚假会计信息的出现。各单位必须采取强有力的措施,组织会计人员认真学习国家财经方针、政策及《会计法》等相关法律法规和制度,深刻领会、全面掌握有关知识。 3.3 总结管理会计的经验形成自己的管理会计体系 中国式管理会计体系要走典型案例研究的道路,从实践中来到实践中去,理论与实践相结合,并从中找出管理会计发展的客观规律,总结取得经验教训,从中吸取经验,以利于管理会计的进一步发展。 第四章 展望管理会计理论体系在我国的运用 我国会计界对管理会计的研究主要是跟随国际潮流,大部分集中在介绍与引入国外最新的研究成果上。但根据我国实际情况,我国管理会计的研究应该在面临选择、现实环境、横向管理、战略会计组织会计及研究方法的创新等方面有侧重性的提高。 1. 面临的选择 's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----phase quality control-civilized construction work. (4) use t ofhidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen managemen construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially main control at-----controlughng enoaterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packiansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) wwhere you want to control the fixation and expdown, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low rious,es. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) ser, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedurle foseriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsib rvices archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary toivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical se7 第一仍然沿着管理会计的发展线索,使其研究建立在传统理论与方法基础之上。第二另面向实际,开拓新的研究领域与研究课题。可以认为两种研究思路的选择完全取决于研究人中贩激励机制,而这一激励机制表现为以下的矛盾冲突:第一,传统思路的基本理论与方法研究往往有其坚实的理论与方法基础,容易被公众接受。而面向实际的应用类研究往往与原来的思路相悖而失去这一理论与方法的支撑。第二,面向实际的研究需要具备较为坚实的理论基础,并需要花费大量的时间进行数据收集与调查分析。 2. 管理会计所处的现实环境变化 这一变化可用以下几点进行归纳:第一,社会环境的变化必然导致 企业 组织形式的变化,而企业组织形式的变化又会引起管理会计实务发生变化,终将导致管理会计研究的目的、内容、方法也相应发生变化。第二,社会环境的变化主要有市场竞争、经营战略、信息加工技术变化等。 3. 横向管理 现代企业组织形式正从集权管理向分权管理转化,与之相对应,企业的管理会计体系也从原来的纵向管理向横向管理转变。横向管理具有以下特征:分部门归集收入与成本费用;建立横向的责任会计中心;建立横向的计划与控制机制及信息网络。因此,管理会计可运用多种研究方法从不同角度去对比横向管理与纵向管理的区别及各自的优势。例如,比较它们的预算编制、业绩衡量、奖励措施等,分别运用观察法、实证法、分析法等可以得出不同的研究成果。 4. 战略会计 现代企业的经营战略将转向长远规划,追求全球性的发展以获取最大收益。因此企业的管理将在一个更大的范围内实施分权管理模式,由此提出了战略管理的新课题,它具有三大特征,第一是环境控制,如竞争对手及行业的分析、基准管理等;第二是战略设计,如企业定位、类型设计及战略实施步骤;第三是战略控制,如战略实施状况及实施效果。管理会计主要是观察战略实施的效果。它偏重于对管理会计机制、战略变量因素以及组织设计的特征来展开分析。 5. 组织会计 随着环境与组织的变化,管理会计将会在定义、本质特征以及范围上发生根本性 s befo, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawinge supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holdersct thmanual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately conta of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assuranceivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality 's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----e quality controlphas-enspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) useasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict imain control at construction stage construction program r-----controlool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enoughto the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pwhere you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -re construction technology to give the low8 中国石油大学胜利学院专科毕业设计(论文) 变化。管理会计由于受本身含义的局限性会被组织会议所取代,侧重于会计与受托责任的完成。 6. 管理会计研究方法与创新 管理会计研究将向多元化方向发展。这表现在以下几个方面:第一,对课题、行业、理论、方法等进行综合研究,改变过去单一研究的状况;第二,多课题研究同时并举,多行业部门的综合研究将使其研究成果更具实用价值;第三,多学科互相渗透,多种研究理论与研究方法相结合,使研究结果具有更为广泛的应变能力。 结论 多年来,管理会计理论在我国只是在部分地区、部分企业得到零星、分散的应用,彼此之间缺乏有机的联系,并未形成真正意义上的管理会计应用体系,实际应用情况并不理想。作为管理科学重要组成部分的管理会计,在微观经济主体的企业生产经营 -----phase quality control-civilized construction work. (4) use t ofhidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen managemen construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially main control at-----controlughng enoaterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packiansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) wwhere you want to control the fixation and expdown, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low rious,es. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) ser, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedurle foseriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsib rvices archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary toivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical se's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del9 活动中具有广泛的应用前景,其作用与影响贯穿于企业生产经营运行的全过程中,是 现代企业实施科学管理的有效工具。因而要建立健全的管理会计理论体系。 借鉴国外管理会计研究的经验,国外的研究重点着重于典型案例的分析。我国的国情与外国不同,我国的理论研究与实践历来有较大的脱节,在这个问题上,我国也给予了相当的关注。中国会计学会在1999年专门成立了“管理会计与应用专业委员会”,并举办了全国性的“管理会计与应用专题研讨会”,而且“管理会计与应用专业委员会”在中国总会计师协会的配合下,发起了“中国管理会计典型案例经验总结与研究”的活动。我国对治理管帐的研讨和使用起步较晚,但是在近20年以来,治理管帐无论在理论上照样理论上都获得了较大的开展。我国治理管帐已逐渐从数目、定额治理过渡到本钱、价值的治理,从项目、部分治理演化为具体治理、计谋治理。且跟着我们经济的不时深化,我们关于治理管帐的需求量越来越大,对治理管帐的要求越来越高,可见治理管帐在企业的运作治理中发扬着宏大的效果。我国管理会计理论体系之所以难以形成源于受到各方的阻力。尽管如此,积极探索我国现行体制下的理论体系仍是一个必要的先行步骤。 可以预见,管理会计的发展既前程远大,风光无限,又任重道远。开拓创新将更加艰巨。但是,在各方的努力和支持下,管理会计一定能发展成为一门系统、完善且具有指导性、实用性的科学,一定能在世界经济、国家经济、企业经济管理中发挥越 来越重要的作用。 参考文献 [1] 毕国洁,李琦.关于管理会计属性的探讨.[J].管理会计研究.2010,(08).4. [2] 李静.管理会计方法在企业中的运用[J].财会论坛.2011,(06).4. [3] 米晓莉.我国企业管理会计运用的思考[J].现代管理会计.2009,(05).5. [4] 马如豪.浅谈管理会计在企业中的应用财会研究[J].管理会计学.2009,(07).5. down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -re construction technology to give the lows befo, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawinge supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holdersct thmanual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately conta of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assuranceivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality 's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----e quality controlphas-enspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) useasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict imain control at construction stage construction program r-----controlool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enoughto the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pwhere you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according 10 中国石油大学胜利学院专科毕业设计(论文) [5] 赵雪梅.管理会计实施的探讨[J].企业会计制度研究.2008,(11).6. [6] 赵军荣,马维成.管理会计在我国应用中存在的问题及对策[J].现代企业管理制度 研究.2007,(10).7. 致 谢 在论文完成之际,我要特别感谢我的指导老师的尹健热情关怀和悉心指导。在我撰写论文的过程中,尹健老师倾注了大量的心血和汗水,在此表示真诚地感谢和深深的谢意。 ivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical se's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----phase quality control-civilized construction work. (4) use t ofhidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen managemen construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially main control at-----controlughng enoaterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packiansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) wwhere you want to control the fixation and expdown, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low rious,es. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) ser, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedurle foseriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsib rvices archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to11 写作过程中,也得到了许多同学的宝贵建议,同时还得到了许多同事的支持和帮助,在此一并致以诚挚的谢意。 最后,向在百忙中抽出时间对本文进行评审并提出宝贵意见的各位老师表示衷心地感谢~ e supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holdersct thmanual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately conta of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assuranceivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality 's ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the del-----e quality controlphas-enspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) useasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict imain control at construction stage construction program r-----controlool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enoughto the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pwhere you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser -re construction technology to give the lows befo, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawing12
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