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英语口语面试英语口语面试 英语口语面试 篇一: 面试英语口语自我介绍 面试英语口语自我介绍 1. 自我介绍 ‎‎ 1、以星座为话题做自我介绍 ‎‎ I?m an Aries. Arians are supposed to be ourageous leaders but trouble‎‎some folloers. Half true. I?m definitel a troublesome. folloer. 我是牧羊座的。 牧羊座的人据说是很有胆识的领导人物,但同时也是很会惹麻烦的部属...
英语口语面试 英语口语面试 篇一: 面试英语口语自我介绍 面试英语口语自我介绍 1. 自我介绍 ‎‎ 1、以星座为话题做自我介绍 ‎‎ I?m an Aries. Arians are supposed to be ourageous leaders but trouble‎‎some folloers. Half true. I?m definitel a troublesome. folloer. 我是牧羊座的。 牧羊座的人据说是很有胆识的领导人物,但同时也是很会惹麻烦的部属。‎‎说对了一半,我的确是个麻烦的部属。 I?m a Leo. Some good Leo traits are: broad-minded, loving, faithful. Bad traits are: boss, patronizing. I?m a tpial Leo. I?m faithful but patronizing. 6park. 我属狮子座。狮子座的优点是心胸宽阔、有爱 心,以及忠诚;缺点则是专横、自以为是。我就是典型的狮子座,忠诚却又自负。 ‎‎ 2、以性格、职业为话题做自我介绍 I?m a person of priniple. I do not promise. Beause I don?t smoke , I do not ear a T-shirt ith a Marlboro logo, even if somebod gives one to me free. 我是个有原则的人,绝对不会妥协。因为我不抽烟,所以我也不会穿印有万宝路字样的T恤,即使有人送给我。 I?m a great salesman. I ould sell a knokoff Windos 201X to Bill Gates. 我是一个很棒的推销员, 我能把盗版的Windos 201X卖给比尔*盖茨。 3、以幽默、爱好为话题 I love shopping! M momsas, I should bee a legislator ?ause I bring so man bills into the house. 我酷爱买东西~所以我妈(朋友)说我应该当国会议员的。因为,我把那么多的bill ‎‎ (二) Good m‎‎orning ! It is reall m honor to have this opportunit for an intervie, I hope I an make a good performane toda. I'm onfident that I an sueed. ‎‎ No I ill introdue mself briefl.I am 26 ears old,born in shandong provine . I as graduated from Qingdao universit. ‎‎m major is eletroni.and I got m bahelor degree after m graduation in the ear of 200 3. During universit, I sp‎‎ent most of m time on stud so that I have passed CET46 . and aquired basi knoledge of m major. In Jul 201X, I began ork for a small private pan as a tehnial support engineer in QingDao.Beause I'm apable of more responsibilities, so I deided to hange m job. And in August 201X,I left QingDao to BeiJing and orked for a foreign enterprise as an automation softare test engineer.Beause I ant to hange m orking environment, I'd like to find a job ‎‎hih is more hallenging. Moreover Motorola is a global pan, so I feel I an gain the most from orking in this kind‎‎ of pan ennvironment. That is the reason h I e here to pete for this position. I think I'm a good team plaer and I'm a pe‎‎rson of great honest to others. Also I am able to ork under great pressure. ‎‎ That?s all. Thank ou for giving me the hane. ‎‎ (三) good morning, m name is jak, it is reall a great honor to have this opportunit for an intervie, I ould like to anser hatever ou ma raise, and I hope I an make a good performane toda, eventuall e‎‎nroll in this prestigious pan in September. No I ill introdue mself briefl,I am 21 ears old,born in heilongjiang provine ,northeast of hina,and I am urruentl a senior student at Beijing XX 篇三: 常用面试英语口语,英文面试常见问题 常用面试英语口语,英文面试常见问题 英文面试常见问题 一般有这些: 1.家庭,成长环境。 教育背景,专业优势,人格魅力。 3 参加或组织过的活动。 ‎‎ 4 你对这份工作的认识以及工作态度。 1. What is important to ou in a job? Mention speifi reards other than a pahek for example, hallenge, t he feeling of aplishment, and knoing that ou have made a ontribution. Wh do ou ant to ork for this organization? Cite its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the orking ondit ions. Str‎‎ess that ou ant to ork for this organization, not just an organ ‎‎ ization. ‎‎ 3. Wh should e emplo ou? Point to our XXdemi preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about orking for the firm. Mention our performane in shool or previous emploment as evidene of our abilit to learn and to bee produtive quikl. If‎‎ the job involves management responsibilities, refer to past ativities as proof of our abilit to get along ith o‎‎thers and to ork as part of a team. ‎‎ 4. If e hire ou, ho long ill ou sta ith us? ‎‎ Anser b saing along these lines: As long as m position here allos me to learn and to advane at a pae ith m abilities. 5. Can e offer ou a areer path? Repl: I believe ou ould, one I kno the normal progression ithin the organization. Can ou tell me about it? The anser ma be revealing. ‎‎ 6. What are our greatest strengths? Give a response li‎‎ke one of the folloing: I an see hat needs to be done and do it, I'm iling to make deisions, I ork ell ith o‎‎thers, I an organize m time effiientl. 7. What are ou greatest eakness? Identif one or to, suh‎‎ as the folloing: I tend to drive mself too hard, I expet others to perform beond their apaities, I like to se ‎‎ e a job done quikl, and I'm ritial if it isn't. Note these eaknesses ould also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trik ith this question i s to desribe a eakness so that it ould also be onsidered a virtue. 8. What didn't ou like about previous jobs ou've held? Disuss the things ou didn't like, but avoid making slighting referene to an of our former emploers. ‎‎ ‎‎ 9. Ho do ou spend our leisure time? ‎‎ Mention a ross setion of interests-ative and quiet, soial and‎‎ solitar -- rather just one. 10. Are there an‎‎ eaknesses in our eduation or experiene? Take stok of our eaknesses before the intervie. Pratie disussing them in a positive light. You'll find that the are minor hen disussed along ith all the positive things ou have to offer. ‎‎ 1 1. Where do ou ant to be five ears from no? ‎‎ Saing that ou'd like to be president is unrealisti, et fe emploers ant people ho are ontent to sit still. You might sa, in five ears, I'd like to have m boss's job. If ou an't qualif for our boss's job b then, ou ma not be the fright andidate. 1 What are our salar expetations? If ou are asked this at the outset, it's best to sa, Wh don't e disuss salar after ou deide hether I'm right for the job? But if the intervieer asks this after shoing real interest in ou, speak up. She or he ill probabl tr to meet our prie. If o‎‎u need a lue about hat to ask for, sa, Can ou disuss our salar range ith me? 1 3. What ould ou do if.‎‎...? ‎‎ This question is designed to test our reposes. For example: What ould ou do if our puter broke don during an audit? Your anser there isn't nearl so important as our approah to the problem. And a alm approah is best. Start b saing, One thing I might do is ... Then give several alternative hoies. 1 4. What tpe of position are ou interested in? Job titles and responsib‎‎ilities var from firm to firm . So state our skills instead, suh as I'm good at figure ork, and the positions that req ‎‎ 1 5. Tell me something about ourself. Sa ou'll be happ to talk about ourself, and ask hat the intervieer ‎‎ ants to kno. If this point is larified, respond. If not, tell h ou feel our skills ill ontribute to the job and the organization. This question gives ou a great opportunit to sell ourself. 1 6. Do ou have an questions about the organization or the job? Emploers like a andidate ho is interested in the organization. so this is a perfet time to onve our inter‎‎est and enthusiasm ‎‎ ‎‎ Q: Can ou sell ourself in to minutes, Go for it‎‎. (你能在两分钟内自我吗,大胆试试吧~) ‎‎ A: With m qualifiations and experiene, I feel I am hardorking, responsible and diligent in an projet I undertake. Your organization ould benefit from m analtial and int‎‎erpersonal skills. ‎‎ Q: Give me a summar of our urrent job desription. ‎‎ A: I have been orking as a puter programmer for five ears. To be speifi, I do sstem analsis, trouble shooting and provide softare support. A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunit knoks, I ill take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工‎‎作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。) A: I feel I have reahed the glass eiling in m urrent job. I feel there is no opportunit for advanement. (我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即没有升迁机会。) Q: Ho do ou rate ourself‎‎ as a professional, A: With m strong XXdemi bakground, I am apable and petent. ‎‎ Q: What ontribution did ou make to our urrent organization, A: I have finished three ne projets, and I am sure I an appl m experiene to this position. ‎‎ Q: What do ou think ou are orth to us, A: I feel I an make some positive ontributions to our pan in the future. ‎‎ Q: What make ou think ou ould be a suess in this position, Q: Are ou a multi-tasked individual,or Do ou ork ell under stress or pressure, A: Yes, I think so. A: The trait i‎‎s needed in m urrent(or previous) position and I kno I an handle it ell. ‎‎ Q: What is our strongest trait A: Helpfulness and aring.(乐于助人和关心他人。) ‎‎ A: Adaptabilit and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。) ‎‎ ‎‎ A: Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。) Q: Ho ould our friends or olleagues desribe ou,(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你,) A: The sa Mr. Chen is an honest, hardorking and responsible man ho deepl ares for his famil and friends. A: The sa Mr. Chen is a fr‎‎iendl, sensitive, aring and determined person. Q: What personalit traits do ou‎‎ admire, ‎‎ A: honest, flexible and eas-going. A: people ho possess the an do spirit. Q: What leadership quali‎‎ties did ou develop as an administrative personnel, ‎‎ A: I feel that learning ho to motivate people and to ork together as a team ill be ‎‎the major goal of m leadership. A‎‎: I have refined m management b using an open-door poli. Q: Ho do ou normall handle ritiism, ‎‎ A: Silene is golden. Just don't sa anthing; otherise the situation on ould bee orse. I do, hoever, aept onstrutive ritiism. A: When e ool off, e ill disuss it later. ‎‎ Q: What do ou find frustrating in a ork situation, A: Sometimes, the narro-minded people make me frustrated. A: Minds that are not reeptive to ne ideas. Q: Ho do ou handle our onflit ith our olleagues in our ork? A: I ill tr to present m ideas in a more lear and ivilized manner in order to get m points aross. ‎‎ Q: Ho do ou handle our failure, A: None of us as born perfet. I am sure I ill be given a seond hane to orret m mistake. (我们大家生来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。) ‎‎ Q: What provide ou ith a sense o‎‎f aplishment. (什么会让你有成就感,) A: Doing m best job for our pan. ‎‎ A: Finishing a projet to the best of m abilit. Q: If ou had a lot of mone to donate, here ould ou donate it to,Wh, A: I ould donate it to the medial researh beause I ant to do something to help others. A: I prefer to donate it to eduational in‎‎stitutions.
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