

2017-10-06 28页 doc 86KB 108阅读




高级经济师试题高级经济师试题 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共25题,每小题的备选项中只有一个最符合题意,请将其字母编号填入括号内。) 1、现代企业制度的基本形式是:( ) A、合伙制 B、公司制 C、个体户制 D、股份公司制 2、市场经济指在现代社会化大生产条件下,资源配置的方式:( ) A、市场配置 B、计划配置 C、政府配置 D、领导配置 3、我国经济体制改革的目标是:( ) A、建立市场经济体制 B、建立社会主义计划经济体制 C、建立社会主义市场经济体制 D、建立计划经济体制 4、国有经济对社会主义经济发展的主导作用应...
高级经济师试题 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共25题,每小题的备选项中只有一个最符合题意,请将其字母编号填入括号内。) 1、现代企业的基本形式是:( ) A、合伙制 B、公司制 C、个体户制 D、股份公司制 2、市场经济指在现代社会化大生产条件下,资源配置的方式:( ) A、市场配置 B、计划配置 C、政府配置 D、领导配置 3、我国经济体制改革的目标是:( ) A、建立市场经济体制 B、建立社会主义计划经济体制 C、建立社会主义市场经济体制 D、建立计划经济体制 4、国有经济对社会主义经济发展的主导作用应主要体现在如下方面:( ) A、 对重要经济部门具有控制力 B、对金融系统具有控制力 C、对经济发展具有控制力 D、对国民经济的各方面都具有控制力 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 5、社会主义经济制度的基础是:( ) A、生产资料社会主义公有制 B、生产资料私有制 C、生产资料公有制 D、生产资料国有制w,w.Exam,.CoM 6、社会主义初级阶段实行的收入分配制度:( ) A、按需分配 B、按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存 C、按劳分配 D、按生产要素分配、 7、我国经济体制改革的中心环节是:( ) A、国有企业改革 B、政府职能改革 C、经济体制改革 D、收入分配体制改革 8、期望理论是美国心理学家弗鲁姆在1964年出版的《工作与激发》一书中提出来的。其中提出了一个著名的理论模式,用公式表示:激励力量=目标价值××期望概率。有个孩子的爸爸为了鼓励孩子努力学习,向孩子提出:“如果你在下学期里门门功课考90分以上,给你奖励。”孩子听到父亲的许诺,会想到三个问题:一是爸爸给我的奖励是我喜欢的吗?二是爸爸说话算不算数?三是我自己的成绩会怎样?problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 试问对孩子思考的这三个问题,下列何种归纳最为正确?( ) A、第二个是目标价值问题,第三个是期望概率问题 B、第一个目标价值问题,第二个和第三个是期望概率问题 C、第一个是目标价值问题,第三个是期望概率问题 D、第二个是目标价值问题,第三个是期望概率问题 9、需要层次理论是美国心理学家马斯洛提出的。根据该理论,以下哪一种说法不正确?( ) A、这五种需是逐级上升的,低一级需要满足后便会产生更高一级的需要,但次序也不是完全固定的 B、这五种需要是逐级上升的,低一级需要满足后便会产生更高一级的需要,但次序是完全固定的 C、五种需要不可能完全满足,越往上层,满足的百分比就越低 D、同一时期内,可能同时存在几种需要,行为是受多种需要支配的,不过,优势的需要居主导地位 10、影响一个国家和地区短期经济增长的主要因素是:() problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police A.技术进步 B.制度创新 C.总供给 D.总需求 11、某企业的领导者,精通生产工作,与职工关系也很融洽,但经营业绩一直不理想,这最可能是由于他缺乏:( ) A.技术职能 B.人际职能 C.概念职能 D.激励职能转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com] 12、决策树分析方法是一种常用的决策分析方法,它适用于:( ) A.确定型决策 B.风险型决策 C.不确定型决策 D.对三者都适用 13、现在有甲、乙两个投资方案,甲方案固定投资(费用)80万元,生产单位产品变动成本为100元;乙方案固定投资50万元,生产单位产品变动成本为110元,单位产品价格均为150元,若计划产量达到15000个时(假定产品均能售出),则根据两个方案的保本获利能力,可以认为:( ) A.甲方案优于乙方案 B.乙方案优于甲方案 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police C.两个方案都无法保本,均不可行 D.两个方案保本和获利的能力相同 14、关于组织的概念和本质,下述哪一种说法是不正确的?( ) A.只有一个人的组织是不存在的 B.不追求经济效益的组织是不存在的 C.不需要管理的组织是不存在的 D.没有共同目标的组织是不存在的 15、在领导者的权力构成中,专家权在性质上是属于:( ) A.正式权力,具有持久性的影响和作用 B.非正式权力,具有持久性的影响和作用 C.正式权力,不具有延久性的影响和作用 D.非正式权力,不具有持久性的影响和作用 16、影响一个国家和地区短期经济增长的主要因素是:( ) A.技术进步 B.制度创新 C.总供给 D.总需求 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 17、根据有关组织理论,组织变革的主要原因( ) A.组织绩效不佳 B.组织领导人更换来源:安通学校 C.组织不适应内外部环境变化 D.组织结构调整 18、经济学家主要是用( )来衡量一个国家收入和财富分配的不平等程度。 A.基尼系数 B.恩格尔系数 C.CPI指数 D.敏感指数 19、某IT公司想向社会招聘一个技术开发部主任,对他有这么几个基本要求:能创新地开展工作、思想活跃、善于处理人际关系、能够积极承担攻坚性的工作、具有技术与管理两方面的知识优势。该公司依据的是( )领导理论对外进行技术开发部主任的选拔。 A、特质理论 B、权变理论 C、行为理论 D、以上三种理论都是 20、如果一国汇率上升,即本币对外币升值,将会导致( )。 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police A.本国出口增加 B.本国进口减少 C.本国旅游收入增加 D.本国旅游收入减少 21、王强是某公司的营销部门经理,在应该由他进行决策的许多问题上,他都去请示主管营销工作的副总经理,并由这名副总经理做出最后决定。实际上,他们已经习惯了这种做法,并几乎成了一种惯例。从管理学的角度看,他们的行为违背了授权的哪一条原则?( )来源:安通学校 A.权责对等 B.职能界限 C.职权层次 D.职责绝对性外语学习 22、一个工人每天或每周必须生产一定数目的零件,他必须保持不超过1%的废品率,他必须在指定的六个月时间内完成预定的工作,在生产特定数目的零件时不能超过所规定的物料消耗。对于控制来讲,这是在( )。 A、衡量实际绩效 B、进行差异分析 C、采取纠编措施 D、明确控制 23、股份有限公司的治理结构为: ( ) A、总经理、副总经理、常务董事 B、股东大会、监事会、董事会 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police C、董事长领导下的总经理负责制 D、董事长、常务董事、总经理、监事 24、在现代企业制度中,建立科学的法人治理结构的核心是:( ) A、建立负责任的董事会 B、配备高素质的管理团队 C、健全公司各项 D、在企业内部构造有效的权力制衡。 25、当事人在中既约定了违约金,又约定了定金,一方违约,对方索赔时:( D ) A、只能选择违约金 B、只能选择定金 C、可以选择违约金或定金 D、可以同时选择 二、多项选择题(每小题1.5分,共15分,每小题的备选项中至少有两个选项是符合题意的,请将其字母编号填入括号内。错选、多选均不得分,少选但选择正确的,每个选项0.5分。) 1、市场经济的存在和正常运行必须具备如下条件:( ) A、市场主体具有自主性 B、完善的市场体系和健全的市场机制 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police C、规范的市场运行规则 D、间接的宏观调控体系 E、强有力的政府领导 2、社会主义市场经济正常运行中,我国宏观调控的政策目标是:( ) A、经济持续均衡增长 B、充分就业 C、稳定物价水平 D、平衡国际收入 E、建设和谐社会 3、根据赫茨伯格的双因素理论,真正的保健因素激励因素是:( ) A.与工作内容有关的因素 B.与工作条件有关的因素 C.与人际关系有关的因素 D.与物质利益有关的因素 4、企业竞争战略:( ) A、规模经济 战略 B、成本领先战略 C、集中战略 D无差异战略、 E 、差异化战略 5、根据我国相关法律的规定,承担违约责任的方式主要包括:( ) A、继续履行 B、采取补救措施来源:安通学校 C、赔偿损失 D、支付违约金 E、支付定金 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 6、根据《证券法》的规定,禁止的证券交易违法行为主要有以下几种:( ) A、内幕交易行为 B、操纵证券市场行为 C、虚假陈述和信息误导行为 D、欺诈客户行为 E、代客理财行为 7、影响一国出口贸易的因素主要有:( ) A、劳动力工资水平 B、生产能力和技术水平 C、国际市场需求水平和需求结构 D、自然资源的丰裕程度 E、本国居民的购买力 8、世界贸易组织的基本原则包括:( ) A、最惠国待遇原则 B、国民待遇原则 C、透明度原则 D、自由贸易原则和公平竞争原则 E、公开度原则 9、对资本流入国来说,资本流入可能带来的消极影响是:( ) problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police A、短期资本流入易造成国内金融秩序混乱 B、加重外债负担外语学习 C、有可能引发债务危机和金融危机 D、引发通货膨胀和资产泡沫 E、对长期投资利用不当,还可能沦为资本输出国的附庸 10、国际间资本流动的作用是双重的,因此,世界各国的政府几乎都无一例外地对之进行不同程度的干预, 干预的手段主要有:( ) A、实行外汇管制 B、颁布专门的政策法规与条例 C、对偿债能力进行控制 D、利用政策手段对资本流动加以控制 E、利用行政手段对资本流动加以控制 三、简答题(每题4分,共8分) 1、社会主义市场经济的基本特征 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 2、我国为什么要转变经济增长方式 四、辨析题(每题6分,共18分。请判断下列说法是否正确,并说明理由。) 注意:A.以下共6道辨析题,考生只能选择其中3道在相应位置作答,多答无效。 B.请将所选题目的序号填写在相应位置,否则作答无效。来自www.Examw.com 题目: 1、有人认为:平衡记分卡对改善美国企业管理具有重要作用,但不适合我国大多数企业实际状况。所以不需要进行学习和应用。 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 2、近年来我国大中城市房价上涨过快、远远超过居民的收入水平,各地方政府纷纷出台政策限制三套房的购买,以抑制投机,稳定房价,这些政策是完全正确和必要的。 3、在经济学中,洛伦兹曲线所表明的是经济增长、充分就业与稳定物价之间的矛盾关系。 4、扩大农产品的供应市场,是当前抑制通货膨胀的重要措施。 5、为实现经济的可持续发展,我国对东西部区域经济布局进行调整,将劳动密集型产业向中西部地区进行转移,东部地区大力先进制造业、发展现代服务业和高科技行业。来源:安通学校 6、从去年到今年,中国人民银行多次上调人民币存款准备金率,其目的是为了继续提高经济增长率。 五、论述题(共10分,要求观点正确、符合逻辑、论述充分。) 注意:A.以下共3道论述题,考生只能选择其中1道在相应位置作答,多答无效。 B.请将所选题目的序号填写在相应位置,否则作答无效。 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 题目: 1、请结合本单位实际情况谈谈组织变革的阻力及学习型组织建立的重要意义。 2、请从2010年国美高层事件谈谈如何完善公司治理结构,以提高企业竞争实力。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com] 3、我国应如何进行收入分配制度改革以缩小贫富差距,保持社会稳定、构建和谐社会。 六、案例分析题(每题12分,共24分) 注意:A.以下共3道案例分析题,考生只能选择其中2道在相应位置作答,多答无效。 B.请将所选题目的序号填写在相应位置,否则作答无效。 题目1 公司法 东方股份有限公司为上市公司,截止2008年12月31日公司总股本为人民币4.8亿元,公司总资产9.2亿元,总负债3亿元。公司决定于2009年元月13日召开董事会,并于2009年元月9日通知全体董事,会议主要内容如下:来源:安通学校 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police (1)公司原来的董事长因长期病休,无法正常主持工作,选择更换董事长。 (2)公司为扩大生产经营规模,决定是否发行公司债券。 东方公司共有13名董事,此项会议共有6位董事以及董事长亲自出席,A董事因故未能出席,书面委托董事长代为表决,会议形成以下内容: (1)一致同意选举B董事担任公司董事长 (2)一致决议公司于2009年初发行公司债券2.5亿元,3年期。 要求根据以上资料分析回答下列问题: (1)公司董事会召开的议事规则是否符合规范?说明理由。 (2)董事会关于发行公司债券的决议是否正确?说明理由。 题目2 经济发展与科学发展观 2007年5月29日至30日,国家环保总局组织多个检查组对全国各地环境执法情况进行督查。国家检查组在对周口市境内项城、郸城、鹿邑、太康、开发区的23家企业和沙problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 颍河、涡河、惠济河等河流水质状况进行检查时发现,周口市共有15家企业存在环境违法问题,占检查企业总数的65.2%,主要问题是:造纸企业存在治污设施停运、污水蓄积或外排废水超标严重等环境违法行为;公司外排废水COD浓度为2160mg/L,超标7.2倍,啤酒厂超标排污;企业烟尘超标;莲花味精集团等企业存在稀释排放废水,浪费水资源的情况;项城市污水处理厂管网不配套,处理水量远远低于设计要求;一些企业在线监控仪器存在管理不规范问题等。检查组还发现,淮河支流沙颍河周口市的国控断面2007年前4个月的监测结果全部为劣?类。 国家检查组在对濮阳经济开发区检查时发现,开发区内90%以上是石油化工和煤化工企业,污染严重;开发区距城市聚居区仅两公里,并处在城市侧上风向,存在布局性环境隐患;开发区内61家企业,仅27家进行了环境影响评价,其余34家企业均属未批先建,违法比例高达55.7%;另外,入区企业还存在降低环评等级以及擅自停运污染治理设施、超标排污等问题。 2007年7月3日,国家环保总局宣布对周口市和濮阳经济开发区实行“流域限批”,即国家、省、市、县各级环保部门停止审批周口市境内除污染防治和循环经济类外的所problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 有建设项目。同时被限批的还有四大流域水污染严重的其他5市2县和5个工业园区。来源:安通学校 “流域限批”对当地经济社会发展造成的不良影响。 “流域限批”使酝酿已久的新项目建设全部陷入停顿。企业因严重超标排污被依法关闭,工业增加值也快速下降,造成了极大的经济损失。 “流域限批”对当地的经济发展前景造成负面影响。 分析:运用经济增长和科学发展观理论分析国家该地区的“流域限批”;经济增长和环境保护谁更重要? 题目3 收入分配问题 中央经济工作会议对2011年各项改革的具体部署中,收入分配改革位列首位。会议明确提出,要研究制定收入分配改革方案,努力扭转收入差距扩大趋势。进一步减轻了中低工薪所得纳税人的税收负担。中国全国人大常委会6月30日下午表决通过关于修改个人所得税法的决定,个税起征点将从现行的每月2000元提高到3500元,通过上述调整,在简化、完善税制的同时,使绝大多数工薪所得纳税人能享受到税收优惠,使高收入者适当增加一些税负,从而进一步降低中低收入者的税收负担,加大对高收入者的调节力度。 分析:运用收入分配理论分析我国今年调整个税的举措 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police
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