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如何通过观察宝宝小舌头判断宝宝的健康状态如何通过观察宝宝小舌头判断宝宝的健康状态 1 如何通过观察宝宝小舌头判断宝宝的健康状态 做家长的最关心孩子的健康了,定期的体检是非常有必要的,但是宝宝健康与否不一定要去医院看医生,自己也可以在家判断孩子的健康状态,比如,通过观察宝宝的舌头的变化,就能了解到宝宝的身体健康。 望舌主要观察舌质、舌苔、舌的形状和润燥程度等。 舌质——看颜色 舌质淡白,说明气血虚如果发现孩子的面色及眼睑颜色浅淡,甚至通过化验发现血色素低,可以通过补气血的方法来纠正,比如服用一些具有益气养血的食 材,如大枣、山药、瘦肉、动物肝脏类。舌质赤红...
如何通过观察宝宝小舌头判断宝宝的健康状态 1 如何通过观察宝宝小舌头判断宝宝的健康状态 做家长的最关心孩子的健康了,定期的体检是非常有必要的,但是宝宝健康与否不一定要去医院看医生,自己也可以在家判断孩子的健康状态,比如,通过观察宝宝的舌头的变化,就能了解到宝宝的身体健康。 望舌主要观察舌质、舌苔、舌的形状和润燥程度等。 舌质——看颜色 舌质淡白,说明气血虚如果发现孩子的面色及眼睑颜色浅淡,甚至通过化验发现血色素低,可以通过补气血的方法来纠正,比如服用一些具有益气养血的食 材,如大枣、山药、瘦肉、动物肝脏类。舌质赤红?说明有内热可以给宝宝吃些具有清热作用的水果和蔬菜,如西瓜、黄瓜、冬瓜等。如果还伴有咽喉疼痛,可以吃 少量的桔梗清热利咽。当然,还要结合舌苔来看,如果舌红,没有舌苔,说明孩子是阴虚有热,可以给他喝些藕汁、荸荠汁来养阴清热。舌质的正常颜色是淡红色 的。 舌苔——看颜色和厚薄 舌苔是指舌面上覆有的一层薄白而润的苔状物,主要由脱落的角化上皮、唾液、细菌、食物碎屑及渗出的白细胞等组成。 中医认为,舌苔的变化能够反映脏腑的健康状况。身体健康时,孩子舌头的大小适中,舌质淡红,舌苔薄白。正常状态下,由于咀嚼、吞咽以及唾液、饮食的 冲洗,会不断地清除掉舌面的物质,舌苔看起来薄而白。孩子患病时,由于进食量减少,咀嚼和舌的动作随之减少,唾液分泌也减少,舌苔就会变厚。舌苔白腻? 说明有食积、痰湿或湿邪如果孩子近期吃得比较多,或伴有咳嗽痰多,可以吃一些萝卜来帮助消食、化积、化痰,或用少量陈皮煮水饮用。如果在夏天或初秋之际, 孩子食欲差而且舌苔白腻,应该是感受了湿邪,可以食用薏米粥、冬瓜汤、赤小豆汤来健脾、祛湿、利水。 舌苔黄厚腻?舌苔腻什么样?腻:是指舌苔厚而且湿,像涂抹了装修用的泥子一样。说明有食积化热、痰热的可能可以服用萝卜来消积化痰。舌苔的厚与薄薄 的舌苔常见于疾病初起,病情还处于较轻浅的阶段,没有伤到胃气。舌苔较厚或舌中部及根部舌苔明显变厚,多数是病情已经深入体内,或者表示孩子有食积,有痰 浊淤积在内。舌苔由薄转厚,说明病情在加重。相反的,舌苔由厚转薄,或舌面在无苔之后又出现新生的舌苔,就是病情好转的征象。 孩子常见的5种舌象 舌淡苔白,舌体肥大、有齿痕 如果孩子在较长的一段时间里食欲不好,吃饭不香,同时又有这样的舌象,可能是脾虚,有些孩子还会有大便干,或吃了肉类、含糖高的食物后喉咙有痰声。 2 这样的孩子平时不要让他吃太多水果,尤其是在秋冬季。可以吃些健脾的食物,如山药、薏米,或者在煲汤的时候加入些许白术、党参、黄芪等健脾的中草药。 舌尖或舌头红,舌苔薄黄 如果孩子感冒时流涕、发热、咳嗽,家长通常不知道是风热感冒还是风寒感冒。辨别的关键就是:风热感冒常常表现为舌红,舌苔薄黄,同时伴有咽红,可以 服用小儿感冒宁糖浆、双黄连等;风寒感冒则表现为舌淡,舌苔白,咽部不红,而且明显怕冷,可以给他喝葱姜红糖水、小儿感冒冲剂。 舌淡红,舌苔白腻 如果孩子咳嗽痰多,尤其夜间为重,大便偏干,或近期吃得较多,尤其是吃了大量肉食后有这些表现,就要考虑是食积咳嗽,可以给孩子吃清淡的食物,或服 用小儿消积止咳药物。如果孩子有腹胀、腹痛、呕吐,或有口臭、大便干、腹胀、手足心热等症状,并出现这种舌象,可以服用珠珀猴枣散、保和丸等消食导滞。 舌质红,舌苔黄腻 这种舌象多见于发热、咳嗽有痰或是肺炎的孩子,常常表示孩子体内有痰热,这时候孩子往往食欲较差,家长不要急于给孩子进补,而是要给予清淡、易消化 的食物,同时要借助药物来清化痰热。如果孩子呕吐又伴有这种舌象,是内蕴湿热,服用肠胃康效果比较好。呕吐停止后,逐渐选用白萝卜、西红柿、丝瓜、藕粉、 绿豆或薏苡仁煮粥。 地图舌 孩子舌面上的舌苔出现了不均匀的剥脱,舌苔好像地图样不规则,就是地图舌。地图舌在孩子来说是较常见的。有地图舌的孩子一般没有明显痛苦,但可能伴 有消化不好、大便干稀不调、容易感冒等症状。中医认为舌苔为胃气所生,孩子出现舌苔剥脱,说明他的脾胃之气虚弱,主要是脾胃阴虚及脾胃气虚。如果舌苔剥脱 如地图状,剥脱的边缘隆起,剥脱表面为红色,与舌质有区别,多属于脾胃阴虚。如果剥脱面边缘没有隆起,剥脱面光滑如镜,颜色与舌质颜色大体相同,多属于脾 胃气虚。 地图舌可采用益气养阴的治法。平时用沙参、麦冬泡水喝,或吃百合汤、雪梨、西瓜等有滋阴降火、生津止咳作用的食物。少吃辛辣煎炸食物,适当多吃含维生素丰富的水果、蔬菜。地图舌经过调理一般可以消失,但在孩子生病后或体质差的时候可能还会出现。 Do parents care about most of the children's health, regular physical examination are necessary, but the baby is healthy or not doesn't have to go to the hospital to see a doctor, oneself also can judge the health status of children in the home, by observing the change of the baby's tongue, for example, could learn about the baby's health. At the tongue mainly observed the shape of the tongue, tongue coating, tongue and dryness degree, etc. Tongue - see color 3 Light white tongue, gas hemopenia if discover the child's face and eyelids pale colour, even through laboratory found that low hemoglobin, can pass up method to correct, such as taking some beneficial gas nourishing www.zshtech.com blood ingredients, such as jujube, yam, lean lean, animal liver. Tongue latosolic red? Shows the internal heat with heat effect is for the baby can eat some fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, cucumber, wax gourd, etc. If accompanied by a sore throat, can eat a small amount of platycodon grandiflorum heat pharynx. If, of course, also in combination with coating on the tongue, red tongue, no tongue coating, that children are Yin deficiency heat, can give him to drink some OuZhi, water chestnut juice to Yin "clear heat. The tongue of normal color is pink. The tongue coating - see color and thickness Coating on the tongue refers to the tongue of some a thin layer of white and embellish moss, mainly by the loss of keratin epithelial, saliva, bacteria, food debris and seepage of white blood cells, etc. The change of the traditional Chinese medicine thinks, the tongue coating can reflect the health condition of the viscera. Healthy www.baigoo.net body, the child the right size of the tongue, tongue reddish, thin white coating on the tongue. Under normal condition, due to chew, swallow and saliva, diet, washing, will continue to remove material on the surface of the tongue, tongue coating looks thin and white. When their children are sick, because of the reduced food intake, the action of chewing and tongue fell down, saliva secretion is reduced, the tongue coating will be thick. White greasy tongue coating? Has dyspepsia, phlegmy wet or the origin if children eat more recently, or cough with phlegm, can eat some carrots to help xiaoshi, chemical product, phlegm, or use a small amount of dried tangerine or orange peel to boil water to drink. If in the summer or early autumn, children poor appetite and white greasy tongue coating, should be feeling the origin, edible YiMi porridge, wax gourd soup, rice bean soup spleen, qushi, water. Huang Hou greasy coating on the tongue? Greasy coating on the tongue? Be bored with: refers to the tongue coating thickness and wet, like daub the decoration with NiZi. On how food retention of heat, phlegm heat may take the turnip to eliminate phlegm. Thick tongue coating and thin coating on the tongue of the common diseases in the early, the illness is still in the stage of lesser light, not hurt a stomach gas. Coating on the tongue and thicker or middle root significantly thicker coating on the tongue, mostly has been deep in the body, or said the children dyspepsia, with phlegm turbidity deposition. From thin to thick coating on the tongue, to show that the illness is aggravating. On the contrary, from thick to thin coating on the tongue, or tongue surface after no moss appeared newborn tongue coating, is the sign of improvement. Children, the five common tongue Whitish pale tongue, tongue body hypertrophy, with teeth marks If a child in a long time of appetite is bad, do not eat sweet, have such a tongue again at the same time, may be pixu (spleen deficient), some children will have defecate dry, or after eating the meat, contain the food with high sugar throat have phlegmy. 4 Such children don't let him eat too much fruit at ordinary times, especially in the fall and winter. Can eat the food of some of the spleen, Chinese yam, YiMi, or in the soup to join some atractylodes, dangshen, astragalus and other spleen herbs. The tip of the tongue and the tongue is red, thin yellow coating on the tongue If the child is cold, runny nose, fever, cough, parents usually don't know is the wind hot cold or cold catch a cold. Identify the key is: the wind hot cold often characterized by red tongue, thin yellow coating on the tongue, with pharynx red, can take the young child cold ning syrup, ShuangHuangLian, etc; Chill cold is characterized by pale tongue, white coating on the tongue, pharynx ministry is not red, and apparently afraid of cold, onion ginger brown sugar water can give him a drink, pediatric infusion of cold. Pale red tongue, white greasy tongue coating If a child cough phlegm, especially at night is heavy, dry stool, or eat more recently, especially after eating a lot of meat these performance, consider is dyspepsia cough, can give the child to eat light food, or clothing with infantile cough medicine, product. If children have abdominal distension, abdominal pain, vomiting, or have bad breath, dry stool, abdominal distension, hand, foot and heart symptoms such as fever, and appear this kind of tongue, can take the pearl pearl bezoar from monkeys are scattered, and pill xiaoshi hysteresis. Red tongue, yellow greasy coating on the tongue The tongue like see more at fever, cough with phlegm or pneumonia in children, said children often have phlegmy heat inside body, this time children are often poor appetite, parents do not be eager to give their children supplements, but to give light, easy to digest food, to use drugs to phlegm heat at the same time. If the child is vomiting and accompanied by the tongue, is intrinsic hot and humid, taking gastrointestinal health effect is better. Vomiting stopped, gradually to choose green radish, tomato, towel gourd, lotus root starch, mung bean, or semen coicis cooked porridge. Map tongue Child tongue tongue coating on the surface of the uneven stripped, as if to irregular pattern coating on the tongue, tongue is map. The tongue map is one of the more common in children. Have a map tongue children generally have no obvious pain, but may be associated with bad digestion, dry stool symptom such as thin, easy to catch a cold. TCM holds that coating is a stomach gas, children stripped coating on the tongue, show his weak spleen and stomach qi, mainly spleen Yin deficiency and spleen qi deficiency. If the tongue coating exfoliative like maps, stripped the edge of the uplift, surface peeling to red, and his tongue qualitative difference, belongs to the spleen and stomach Yin deficiency. If there is no uplift, stripped surface edge stripped surface smooth as a mirror, is approximately the same color with the tongue color, more belong to the spleen and stomach qi deficiency. The tongue map can use treatment of qi and nourishing Yin. At ordinary times with straight ladybell, dwarf lilyturf bubble water to drink, or eat lily soup, pear, watermelon and so on have ziyin fall fire, cough function food. Eat less spicy Fried food, appropriate eat more 5 contain vitamin rich in fruits and vegetables. Map tongue after conditioning can disappear, but after the child is ill or there may be a poor physique.
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