
红警2共和国之辉秘籍和快捷键 最新!

2017-10-22 11页 doc 34KB 410阅读




红警2共和国之辉秘籍和快捷键 最新!红警2共和国之辉秘籍和快捷键 最新! CTRL + 0~9 ---编队。 SHIFT + 0~9 ---加入编队。 CTRL + F(1~4) ---设定建筑物编号。 CTRL ---强行攻击。打击幻影和防止自己误伤。 CTRL + SHIFT---移动攻击。可用于探路的时候,增加咬死对方狗狗的机会,也可以用于对付蜘蛛海和飞兵。 ALT---强制移动。压兵和躲避法国大炮。 ALT + Z---压兵。COOL! CTRL + ALT ---保护其他单位。 D ---部署。特别是对美国大兵和装了辐射兵的防空车。 ...
红警2共和国之辉秘籍和快捷键 最新!
红警2共和国之辉秘籍和快捷键 最新! CTRL + 0~9 ---编队。 SHIFT + 0~9 ---加入编队。 CTRL + F(1~4) ---设定建筑物编号。 CTRL ---强行攻击。打击幻影和防止自己误伤。 CTRL + SHIFT---移动攻击。可用于探路的时候,增加咬死对方狗狗的机会,也可以用于对付蜘蛛海和飞兵。 ALT---强制移动。压兵和躲避法国大炮。 ALT + Z---压兵。COOL! CTRL + ALT ---保护其他单位。 D ---部署。特别是对美国大兵和装了辐射兵的防空车。 G---警戒。对幻影效果特别好。 X---散开。主要用于美国大兵。 S---停止行动。可以让部队快速停止移动,利于诱敌进入你的优势火力中,也可在与狗狗对面碰的时候,快速反应,咬死对方的狗。 CTRL + 方向键---移动到屏幕底端。初期探路用,非常好。 F---跟随镜头。 Z---设定移动和攻击路线。 多人对战模式键: TAB---外交菜单。 A---同盟。 C---欢呼。 Enter---与所有观战者交谈。按Enter开启交谈功能,输入讯息后,再按 Enter 传送讯息,按鼠标右键取消讯息。 Home---与所有盟友交谈。 End---与所有玩家交谈。 B---布置信标 。按下 B 键,按下 Enter 输入讯息后,再按 Enter 传讯,按 Del 取消讯息。 Ctrl + F1~F4---设立签。 F1 ~ F4---前往书签所在位置。 F5 ~ F12 ---向其他玩家传送预设的音效讯息。 常用的是:D展开,H回主基地,T是全选.Ctrl+Nnm(1~9)为编号.G为自动警戒.差不多就这些常用 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 技巧 建筑物就绪后 按住鼠标左键不松,把它拖到地形平坦的地方按下右键再松开左键 就出来了。 没弄过的多试几次 按住左键不松拖出去得是箭头才行,如果出现建筑物的面积那个图标就重来。 造地图任何地方都可以 只要求地方够建就可以 把巨炮造到敌方基地附近 把矿厂造在资源多的地方把兵营造在他基地出工程师占领 空投建筑 首先要空降兵就绪了. 然后你要造什么建筑也就绪了 点下空降兵(记到不要移出去了) 然后再点就绪的建筑(鼠标不要送开)移到上面的小地图里面你要降落在哪 就在哪送开鼠标即可 强造建筑 首先选好你要造的建筑 等就绪了 点一下他(别不小心移到拦外面去了 不然点右键取消重新来就是了) 再点修理键(这时鼠标不要送开),往外面拖移到你要建造的地方 再按住右键 接着送开左键 再松开右键即可 建号一个建筑物 然后点就绪的欲创建的东西 不放手 按CTRL+C速度快 移动至想创建的地方 松开就可以了`` 但是要共和国之辉才行 那个强行建造玩法国简直无敌了 还有造建筑的顺序要住注意, 玩红警你会发线之要一开始守住了一后就好打多了国速推。建造电场——兵营——矿场——重工——矿场——矿场等,重工连续出坦克,调往中矿, 当对手建造好第二重工或空指时,你大约有三四辆坦克。(因为他要出矿车,此时无一辆坦克,而把坦克放在中矿, 既可占矿打其矿车,又可随时发动攻击~)。用四辆坦克加一矿车冲入,矿车在先压小兵(要快,机不可失~) 并配合坦克战,坦克随后冲上,打电场,重工,有时可打掉矿场,旗开得胜。一旦占有优势不可放松,穷寇要追。 2、中国快攻。建造电场——兵营——矿场——重工——重工——矿场——矿场等, 第一重工出一二矿车,后狂出坦克。当对方造出高科时,坦克已有十辆左右,加矿车一二进攻(进攻方法同上)。 对发展高科的对手可以一举奏效(要快,不可错失良机~)。 3、中国人海战(适用于小地图或二二对战)。建造电场——兵营——矿场——矿场等。 兵营狂出小兵,第一批十,第二批十至二十,分左右攻击对方,对方不用矿车必亡, 用矿车的话就不拉矿且会被人海打掉,经济必然落后。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 4、盟军飞行兵快攻。建造电场——兵营——矿场——空指——矿场再矿场,狂出飞行兵。 对手如果造出重工,此时大约有六个飞行兵,打电场、防空车、重工,发挥好可灭之。(对联军不中~) 5、盟军对联军飞行兵快攻。建造电场——兵营——矿场——空指——矿场再矿场,狂出飞行兵。 如果对手不造或少造碉堡,可发展幻影。以幻影清扫防空部队,打掉电场,飞行兵灭之。 6、法国偷术。建造电场——兵营——矿场——重工,出工程师一,多功能车一,建造巨炮一。 多功能装运工程至其基地,偷其任一建筑(车尾部对准建筑物或从侧面贴近建筑物~),随即放下造好的巨炮, 三炮可打掉基地车,二炮打掉矿场,能打的就打,边打边修,大局可定。 7、联军偷术。 步兵车装上工程师偷对方建筑物(尾部对准建筑物或从侧面贴近建筑物~), 然后放下碉堡甚至兵营重工,在其基地开战。不行就及时买掉。 蜘蛛钻矿车或坦克(从尾部钻入最佳,钻盟军矿车会被甩掉、钻坦克时对方蹲下就不中了~)。 步兵车装上工程师和蜘蛛偷基地,不收基地就用工程师占,收起就用蜘蛛钻。 用工程师占领其重工,出巨洛夫(要提前造得快好时暂停~)。 步兵车装高级兵种到对方基地开战。造巨洛夫偷袭。 8、占中术(地图为冰天或防卫区争夺) 开局基地拉中。中国狂出小兵,分散布兵守卫,留有支援部队。美国造爱国者四五和电场三四守卫。 打击敌人第一拔进攻后,视情况迅速制定实施发展步骤。 9、反中国占中术 建造电场——兵营,出小兵十几走中骚扰,令其矿车奔跑不得拉矿,继续建造矿场——重工——矿场, 出坦克若干加矿车攻击。对手若狂造小兵防守,经济必滞后,可发展坦克或高科技。 10、反盟军占中术。建造电场——兵营——矿场——重工——矿场,出初级坦克若干攻击。 要求速度快,在其造出空指时能到就可。 PS:重工就是战车工厂还有红警里钱是非常重要的,玩盟军特别要注意造东西要算着点如果你家是苏联且有间谍的话,你就把简单放进复制中心里卖,造一出来两个,没改卖800,卖了就赚了600,你多造些兵营你造兵的速度就快了,钱就不愁了,还有谭雅造一个1000,卖一个1000,解放军造100,卖1000~ 没有秘籍 但是有修改器 快捷键: Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed A:点取玩家,结盟。(建议不要等看到盟友后再结盟,因为结盟以后盟友之间所探索的地图可以共享,如果直到看到盟友后才结盟,不仅容易误伤~还浪费了许多时间去探索地图。强烈建议一开局不久时,利用等待建造完毕时,立即结盟) B:警示信标,提示盟友。可以配合交谈键。选取,按del键,取消。(有的版本没有这项功能。特别是在多人联线时,比较有用。比如自己已经没有任何战斗力,或者已经完全被击败,全图已开,而盟友没有全图时你可以帮助盟友指示箱子的位置,以及基地的位置。点击信标后,回车,可以敲入一些提示性的语言,比如:红色老家~) C:欢呼,气势。 D:能使美国大兵、辐射工兵等蹲下或站起;坦克变形等;尤里里的苏军米格直升机D,可以架小型巨炮。可是很多兵种只有在以后版本才有D的功能。大家可以多试试。 E:兵营栏。 F:聚焦跟踪。(这个功能尤其要掌握。很多刚开始玩红警的朋友,忘了把自己的部队派到那里了,这个时候F功能就可以起很大的作用了。比如你想知道1编队在那里,你可以按1,然后按F,马上就可以切换到1编队的位置) G:警戒。千万不要忽视用它,G后,感应范围与攻击主动性都会明显加强。 H:将屏幕直接切换到第一个老家的位置,即使他已经收起或开到其他地方。 K:维修模式,鼠标左点建筑。 L:变卖模式,鼠标左点建筑。 M:下一个部队M. N:上一个部队N. p:选择屏幕内的所有作战部队。如果你连续按两个P,就将选择你所管辖的所有作战部队。 Q:建筑栏;移动攻击。 R:战车生产栏。 S:取消命令,当坦克被指派去某一地方后,你想取消该命令,即可按S,被派遣的部队会马上停下来原地待命。 T:全选屏幕内所有的你当前所选择的同类型部队(包括非战斗部队)。如果连续按两次T,就会全选你管辖内的所有你当前所选择的同类型部队(包括非战斗部队)。 U:以生命值为准选择部队。 W:特种建筑(武器)栏。 X:部队散开。(防止部队被碾压很有用,用他就在也不用一个一个地摆大兵的位置了) Y:以精锐为准选择部队。 Z:路径。 5:观点居中(没有太多的用途)。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed space:切换到事件(信标)地点。 Alt:坦克碾压模式;飞机的特殊功能,另述。 ctrl:牵制攻击。当进攻时可以使战斗部队在最远的距离攻击目标。这在己方部队不多而敌人防御很强的时候尤其有用。 方向键:微动屏幕方向。 Home:与盟友交谈,输入句子,按回车键。 Enter或End:与所有人交谈,输入句子,按回车键。 F5 ~ F12:多人联机叫嚣语言。 ctrl,数字键:将所选择的部队编号。 ctrl,F1、F2……:地域编号。很有用,特别是初期,没有雷达的时候。选取地域,按F1、F2…… ctrl,shift:移动攻击。坦克战时,强烈推荐~ ctrl,Alt:保护。选取部队,保护其他部队、建筑物或者一块区域。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed
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