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女生如何安全拒绝别人表白女生如何安全拒绝别人表白 | 浏览:235 | 更新:2013-05-05 16:26 爱情的幽默表白技巧 有人把爱情比做一场试炼,因为爱情需要经历不断的挑战和磨难,才能守候住幸福。而爱情的表白无疑是爱情初始阶段的最大挑战,如何巧妙表达自己的爱意去打动对方的心凉,这无疑是许多人苦求不得的艺术。 其实,爱情的表白是因人而异的。有的人热情奔放,他们的表白直截了当,也有的人害羞胆怯,他们的表白含蓄耐寻耐。更多的人则是对爱情表白忐忑不安,对说话的分犹疑不决。这时候,就需要有幽默来推波助澜,点破玄机。但爱情的幽默表白不应该...
女生如何安全拒绝别人表白 | 浏览:235 | 更新:2013-05-05 16:26 爱情的幽默表白技巧 有人把爱情比做一场试炼,因为爱情需要经历不断的挑战和磨难,才能守候住幸福。而爱情的表白无疑是爱情初始阶段的最大挑战,如何巧妙表达自己的爱意去打动对方的心凉,这无疑是许多人苦求不得的艺术。 其实,爱情的表白是因人而异的。有的人热情奔放,他们的表白直截了当,也有的人害羞胆怯,他们的表白含蓄耐寻耐。更多的人则是对爱情表白忐忑不安,对说话的分犹疑不决。这时候,就需要有幽默来推波助澜,点破玄机。但爱情的幽默表白不应该是一般的俏皮话,也不应该是故作夸张的搞笑,它应该是隽永的智慧与情趣的巧妙结合。 更重要的是,幽默不仅是能爱情表白的润滑剂,也是爱情挫折的灵丹药。因为幽默是一种捕捉生活中乖谬现象的敏感力,它巧妙地揭露人际关系中矛盾冲突actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 的智力,其效果令人发笑,耐人寻味却又不引起反感。因而如何运用幽默来巧妙化解恋人间的矛盾,也是一门艺术。 下面分享一组爱情幽默表白的技巧。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 1、故设悬念法 两个恋人自小相爱,情投意合。小伙子一直苦于怎样向姑娘表达自己的爱意。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 一次相会时,小伙子对姑娘说:“我爱上了一个姑娘,她非常美丽,世界上再也没有比她再美的姑娘了。我非常非常地爱她。”姑娘听了后,心中有些不安,好忐忑地问小伙子: “那姑娘是谁呢,”小伙子说:“我给你看看她的照片吧,你一准认识。”说着,小伙子从口袋里取出一只十分精致的小匣子,说:“她的照片在里面呢。”燕妮急忙接过来,打开一看,里面哪有什么姑娘的照片,只有一面小镜子。忽然,姑娘在镜子看到自己的脸,顿时恍然大悟,幸福地笑了。 那个小伙子是马克思,姑娘是燕妮。马克思的爱情表白胜在出其不意,不仅凸显了个体的幽默和智慧,也给燕妮以莫大的惊喜感和新鲜感,使得他们的爱情充满了浪漫色彩。 下面是一组类似的爱情幽默表现惯例: 其一、愿意和我一起变成老公公,老婆婆吗, 日本电影明星柴田恭兵十分爱恋一位姑娘,但不知说什么好(一天他终于鼓足勇气,对姑娘说:“不知您愿不愿意和我一起变成老公公,老婆婆,”姑娘听后,忍不住笑了,接着又羞答答地点点头。 这种幽默表白可以缓解表白者的不安,较为适合性格内敛害羞的人。没有直actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 抒胸臆的热烈,却有脉脉温情。而其中的幽默色彩,更是让人心情愉悦。 其二、你偷走了的我的心 男:你真的令我非常地恨你。 女:是吗,我怎么让你恨我啦, 男:因为你偷走了的我的心,让我每天无时不刻在想念你~ 这种幽默表白给人以强烈的期盼落差,来个措手不及,从而滋生出更强烈的甜蜜感和浪漫感。 其三、爱你一毛钱 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 女:你爱我吗, 男:那当然啦 女:那你到底爱我有多少, 男:不多不少就一毛钱。 女:怎么会这么少呢, 男:因为一毛等于十分啊~ 这种幽默表白是对于常用词汇的另类解释,需要有丰富的联想力,而其巧妙解释也使恋人之间融洽自然,妙趣横生。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 2、大胆直白法 一对恋人的爱情遭到女方家长的反对。无奈之下,女方提出分手。男方听说此事,严厉地问:“为什么分手,是不是因为你父母反对,”女方点点头。男方又问:“那你说实话,你到底爱我吗,”女方又点点头。男方闻后提高嗓门说:“你这傻不傻啊,”女方看着周围投来的眼光说:“你小声点,干吗跟吵架似的。”男方仍大声地说:“我不管,你难道要像封建社会那样,婚姻由父母做主吗,~尊重父母的意见没错,但你也要有自己的主见。是你了解我,还是你父母actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 了解我,„„如果你觉得我是跑龙套的没出息要离开我,那行。如果你是因为我是演员离开我,那不行。” 男方不顾周围人的眼光,一口气说了一大堆话,令女方深受感动。男方连忙问:“那你同意我啦,”女方再点点头。男方一把将女青年楼过来,紧紧抱着不放手,结果有情人终成眷属,直到如今。而那个不顾一切大胆表白的男青年,就是著名演员葛优。 葛优爱情表白的巧妙在于直白而猛烈的表白,这是对彼此恋情的最好肯定,加以适当的张扬,不失为一种有效的幽默手段。 类似的爱情直白表现还有: 其一、手电筒只照我一个 男:“你是我的太阳„„不,你是我的手电筒。” actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 女:“怎么,不是说太阳吗,” 男:“不行,太阳普照着所有的男人。我只希望你照着我一个人。” 这种以生活中的事物来类比恋爱中的人,不仅使得表白浅显易懂,更加自然化生活化,而且生动有趣,耐人寻味。 其二、我想告诉你一个秘密 有一对年轻恋人约会,男青年比约定时间迟到了十几分钟,女青年噘着嘴老大不高兴。男青年见此情景不急不忙地走到女朋友身旁,微笑着对她说:“我今天有一个重大发现。” 女青年默不做声,用疑惑的眼光看着他。男青年上前一步附在女青年耳旁低声说:“我想告诉你一件事,请你保守秘密。我今天发现——你是多么爱我。” 一句悄悄话,顿时女青年脸上“多云转睛”,漾起了幸福的微笑。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 其三、我俩的血混合在一起了 一对情侣在花前月下卿卿我我,不忍离去。不一会,两人因被蚊虫叮咬而搔起痒来。女方说:“亲爱的,该走了,别再在这儿喂蚊子了。”男方大胆说:“不要紧,亲爱的,应该感谢蚊虫,它把我俩的鲜血混合在一起了。” 如此富有深意的联想,除了利用积极的心态创造性地去化解事件本身的消极性,更横添恋人之间的甜蜜,令人觉得贴心自然。 3、转移话题法 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 美国前里根总统在一次白宫钢琴演奏会上发表讲话时,夫人南希不小心连人 带椅跌落到台下的地毯上。观众发出了惊叫声,南希却灵活地爬了起来,在二百 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 多名宾客的热烈掌声中回到了自己的位置上。这时,里根便在他的讲话中插了一句:“亲爱的,我告诉过你,只有在我没有获得掌声的情况下,你才可以有这样的表演。” 里根的话赢得了所有人的掌声,他的幽默使得原本十分尴尬的局面得到了巧妙的化解。 类似的幽默表现还有: 其一、我就是喜欢你的这种幽默感 女友问男友:“你是喜欢我的温柔可爱呢,还是喜欢我的聪明美丽,” 男友回答:“我就是喜欢你的这种幽默感~” 当面对类似两难的选择时,回避问题而言他未必不是一个策略,能消除不必要的争端,当然回答得力求幽默和别出心裁。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 其二、凑合着吃吧 女友打算和男友提出分手,她约男友在学校的食堂用餐。 女友说:“我们能分手吗,我想换一个。” 男友干脆地说:“不可以。” 女友问:“为什么,” 男友指着桌上的餐盘说:“就像这食堂的包子,你咬了一口,人家肯给你换吗,” 女友回答说:“可你没我想象的好,不换的话叫我怎么办,” 男友继续说:“就像这食堂的包子,你本来想吃肉包,拿错了,咬了一口是菜包,想换又不给你换,难道扔了,凑合着吃吧。” actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 这种表白使原本的问题得到了适当的歪解和缓和,语言风趣灵活,富有生活气息,令人感受到幽默的推动力。 其三、近亲不能结婚 两个恋人在吵架时,女友说:幸亏没有嫁给你,不然就是嫁给魔鬼也比嫁给你好~ 男友说:“不行啊,近亲是不能结婚的。” 与自嘲相比,这类则是对对方的嘲解,在一定程度上能够产生幽默来缓和矛盾,但是一旦言辞过火候,反而容易激化矛盾,此类幽默需谨慎使用。 幽默是男人的风衣,女人的长发 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 总之,如果说爱情是酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全,那么幽默则甜蜜的强化剂,烦恼 的化解素。因为幽默的人大多富有人情味,性格乐观、谈吐风趣,思维敏捷。由 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 此,幽默可谓是男人的风衣,也是女人的长发,令人气质倍增,遐想无穷。 真正的幽默,是创新潜能的开发,是生活的智慧沉淀,也是人格魅力的体现。爱情中的幽默,不但能表达出恋人间的真诚、大方和善解人意,还能演化成一种说话艺术,体现恋人的从容心态。 最后,幽默是潜能开发,每个人都可以变得幽默起来。在这当中,人们要注意培养以下几种能力: 1. 幽默鉴赏力:培养自己认识、领悟日常中幽默表现的方式,并积极与他人分享; 2. 幽默表现力:制造、产生幽默的能力,懂得适时表达幽默,和谐恋人间的关系; 3. 幽默分辨力:区别、划分粗疏笑话与高雅幽默能力,做到幽默但不哗众取宠; actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 4. 幽默化解力:运用幽默来认识、化解烦恼的能力,以积极心态应对任何 问题。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party
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