

2017-08-29 50页 doc 1MB 43阅读




【那些红颜】自古美人如名将,不许人间见白头【那些红颜】自古美人如名将,不许人间见白头 第一流的狐狸精妲己。 你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。 英台 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, ...
【那些红颜】自古美人如名将,不许人间见白头 第一流的狐狸精妲己。 你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。 英台 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 嫦娥应悔偷灵药,碧海青天夜夜心。 嫦娥 路尽隐香处,翩然雪海间。 香雪海。 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 爱江山更爱美人。 赵敏 终归是,塞上牛羊空许约。 阿朱 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 谁说女子不如儿郎, 谁说柔胜不了刚, 看千古传奇, 独秀一枝万年长。 武媚娘 深宫不见美人笑, 却闻笛声到天明。 西林春 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 这个世界上,能困住我的,只有爱情。 青宁 青青子衿,悠悠我心。 翡翠 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 素女无心,动心而伤。 素女 爱情是她的执着, 等待是她的宿命。 紫萱 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 不食人间烟火客。 小龙女 一见杨过误终身。 郭襄 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 人鬼 也是殊途同归。 小谢 当我爱上你, 我已错过你。 师妃暄 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 我没有输给任何人, 我只是输给了你的江山。 娥皇。 或许说, 爱是自私。 芷若 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 我只愿你, 好好活着, 一世长安。 沈璧君 我不在乎什么天下第一, 只求与你快意江湖。 如此而已。 海棠 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 我不要倾国倾城 我从来想的只是 倾倒你一人 马馥雅 所谓心计, 不过是想如你意。 窦漪房 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 世人皆谓我风华绝代, 而我只想做你的独一无二罢了。 东方不败 孔雀东南飞,五里一徘徊。 刘兰芝 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 此生只为一人去, 宁负帝母不负卿。 紫儿 我喜欢你 你便是我的。 慕沙 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 我这一生最美好的场景 就是遇见你 吕素 一起玩遍天下,吃遍天下。 林月如 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语。 夏盈盈 巾帼不让须眉 杨八妹 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 爱是一种历练。 雪儿 为你飞入是非地, 素言锦心惹辜负。 素言 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 朝为青丝暮成雪 只因爱到不归处 练霓裳 生亦惑死亦惑, 尤物惑人忘不得。 小倩 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 全世界背叛了你 我也愿为你背叛全世界 阿紫 仙有多好 不过多寂寥。 七仙女 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 万般风情 皆入骨 潘金莲 生者可以死,死可以生。 生而不可与死,死而不可复生者, 皆非情之至也。 龙葵 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 满蒙第一美女 清史第一后 大玉儿 她有花的美丽 以及无奈的命运、 廷芳 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 云想衣裳花想容, 春风拂槛露华浓。 杨玉环 君莫舞,君不见,玉环飞燕皆尘土。 赵飞燕 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 昙花一现,只为韦陀。 小鱼 跨越千年的爱 那一刻我是你 你亦是我 仙乐|丁瑶 眉如翠羽,肌如白雪,腰如束素,齿如编贝。 嫣然一笑,惑众生。 青儿 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 仿佛兮若轻云之蔽月,飘飘兮若流风之回雪。 蓝儿 冷处偏佳 不是人间富贵花 橙儿 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 但愿人长久 千里共婵娟 连城 戏子本无情 痴情误终身 宦娘 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 影来池里,花落衫中。 绿儿 最是相思难忘。 红儿 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 爱是嫉妒的无望 尔醇 用我一生换你十年天真无邪 小玉 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 增之一分则太长,减之一分则太短。 赛金 倚楼听风雨,淡看江湖路 仪琳 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 娇俏灵动 为爱痴狂 丁香 清风扶细柳 淡月失梅花 苏小妹 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 融融箫玉, 楚楚兰馨。 楚楚 我的心机、手腕,清醒 只是让我活得热烈繁华 赵合德 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 愿来生别将我错过 玉漱公主 三月 樱花未开 柳絮不起 而我在等你 柳生飘絮 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 章台柳,章台柳, 昔日青青今在否, 柳生雪姬 娴静温婉 气质自华 青格尔 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 画中人 意中人 尹双双 医者难自医 苏樱 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 许我向你看。 小昭 只怪当时年少任性 错把爱情当占有 郭芙 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 犹记惊鸿照影来 潘影 美人如玉刀如虹 琵琶俪影气吞雄 玉儿 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 鹊桥千里 只因爱 喜鹊 神偷三娘 身轻如燕 燕三娘 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 因爱而生 因苍生而覆 青儿 你没有错 只是不爱我 金定 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 深宫似海 有了开始 便已有结局 祺贵人 任他百炼钢, 化为绕指柔。 小蜻蜓 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 既不回头,何必不忘, 既然无缘,何须誓 言。 今日种种,似水无痕, 明夕何夕,君 已陌路....... 灵儿 玫瑰的爱 遍是荆棘 玫瑰仙子 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 她的一生无关风月 只能为政 貂蝉 千里姻缘一线牵 阿奴 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影 盈盈 是我有眼无珠 错把鱼目当珍珠 金枝 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 也愿为一人, 洗手做羹汤。 明珠 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 我算计了一切 却算计不了你的心 皇后 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 人妖之隔 隔不过情长 万玉枝 只为真心 无关风月 绿芜 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 以你心换我心,始知情之深。 小龙女 你等我,五百年之后我会回来的,为你一个人歌唱 水碧 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 但为你故 不惧十丈软红,颠倒磨折之苦。 紫兰仙子 尔虞我诈中的一朵青莲 淳常在 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat 生而惑人 妖而不媚 白骨精 courage and wit to answer: "I'm not the Shina, I am little trading on yan Zhen, man." Japan or not, bound to Yan Zhen he. Go to Cheung Tai fat smoke shop door, Ma Xiren shopkeeper Chen Xiangsheng, inspiration, just make up a sentence: "I smoke this fat
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