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冬天的词语大全冬天的词语大全 冬:冬季。可单用。如“数九隆冬”。 残冬:冬季的末尾。例:“残冬已过,春天来到了。” 初冬:冬季的开头。 冬季:一年的第四季,我国习惯指立冬到立春的三个月时间,也指农历十、十一、十二等三个月。 冬令:冬季。注意:冬令,也指冬季的气候。 冬天:冬季。 寒冬:泛指寒冷的冬天。如“寒冬腊月”。 李冬:冬季的第三个月。 隆冬:冬天最冷的阶段。 孟冬:冬季的第一个月。 严冬:冬天特别冷的时节。 仲冬:冬季的第二个。 白雪皑皑:形容雪很洁白。白雪皑皑是冬天的景象。 冰天雪地:形容冰雪漫天盖地。 ...
冬天的词语大全 冬:冬季。可单用。如“数九隆冬”。 残冬:冬季的末尾。例:“残冬已过,春天来到了。” 初冬:冬季的开头。 冬季:一年的第四季,我国习惯指立冬到立春的三个月时间,也指农历十、十一、十二等三个月。 冬令:冬季。注意:冬令,也指冬季的气候。 冬天:冬季。 寒冬:泛指寒冷的冬天。如“寒冬腊月”。 李冬:冬季的第三个月。 隆冬:冬天最冷的阶段。 孟冬:冬季的第一个月。 严冬:冬天特别冷的时节。 仲冬:冬季的第二个。 白雪皑皑:形容雪很洁白。白雪皑皑是冬天的景象。 冰天雪地:形容冰雪漫天盖地。 大雪纷飞:形容雪很大。 滴水成冰:形容天气特别冷。 寒风凛冽:凛冽,刺骨的寒冷。形容十分寒冷。 十冬腊月:指农历十月、十一月(冬月)、十二月(腊月),天气寒冷的季节。也称为“寒冬腊月”。 数九寒天:数九,从冬至开始每九天是一个“九”,从一“九”数起,数到九“九”为止。形容特别冷的冬天。 天寒地冻:形容天气特别冷。 北风:引作冬天的风。例:“北风呼啸,大雪纷飞。” 寒风:冬天寒冷的风。例:“寒风凛冽,侵人肌骨。” 朔风:北风,冬天的风。多用于书面语。例:“冬天,朔风呼叫,夹着阵阵雪沙,扑打着人们的脸颊。” 寒风:寒冷的风。多指冬季的风。 冷风:寒冷的风。也比喻政治逆流a 如“吹冷风”。 逆风:迎面而来的风。 顺凤:顺着人、车、船行走方向刮的风。也用于友人启程远行时的祝辞。如“一路顺风”。 暴风:猛烈的凤。 大风:风力很强的风。 风暴:刮大风而且往往同时有大雨的天气气象。也用以比喻规模大而来势猛烈的事件或现象。 疾风:急剧猛烈的风。 狂飘:狂风。多用于书面语。 狂风:狂暴的风。 烈风:同狂风。 强凤:特大的风。例:“一场强风来临,立时天昏地暗,飞沙走石,路上的人们被吹得东倒西歪。” upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 微风:轻微的风。 小风:风力弱小的风。与“大风”相对。 飞沙走石:形容风刮得很猛烈火情景。例;“顿时狂风大作,昏天暗地,飞沙走石,路人掩面。” 寒:冷。一般不单用,能组成“严寒”、“酷寒”、“寒冷”等。注意:要与表示害怕、畏惧的“心寒”、“胆寒”中的“寒”,表示贫困的“贫寒”中的“寒”意义区别开。 冷:温度低。 冽:(书)寒冷。一般不单用。 凛:寒冷,不单用,能组成“凛冽”、“凛凛”等。 暴冷:形容突然间冷起来。例:“由于西伯利亚寒流的侵袭,刚一入冬,天气就暴冷起来,真叫人有点受不了。” 冰冷:很冷。例:“在腊月的早晨,手伸到水中感到冰冷刺骨。” 刺骨:如寒气侵入肌骨,形容极冷。如“寒凤刺骨”。 干冷:干燥而寒冷。例:“今年的冬天无风无雪,干冷干冷的。” 寒冷:冷。多用以形容气候。例:“寒冷的冬天被温暖的阳春取代了,万物充满了生机。” 寒峭:形容冷气逼人。多用于书面语。 酷寒:形容天气北常人。例:“大兴安岭冬天是酷寒的,几乎天天下雪,整 个山岭白茫茫的一片。” 冷峭:形容冷气造人。注意:也表示为人刻薄,话语尖刻。 料峭:(书)形容微寒。常说“春寒料峭”。例:“在料峭的寒风中他显得十分惊悴。” 凛冽:寒冷。例:“北风凛冽,大雪纷飞。” 凛凛:寒冷。例:“东北的冬天,寒风凛凛,冰天雪地,十分寒冷。”注意。“威风凛凛”中的“凛凛”表示严肃、敬畏的样子。 清冷:凉爽而略带寒意。 死冷:死:很。很冷。例:“这是一个死冷死冷的冬天,刚一出屋,脸和鼻子就像用刀割的一样冻得难受。” 严寒:极冷。例。“深秋已过,严寒的冬天就要到来了。” 冷冰冰:形容物体很冷。注意:一般多用于形容不热情或不温和。 冷森森:形容冷气逼人。例:“刚走进山洞,就感到冷森森的,不由自主地打了几个寒颤。” 冷丝丝:形容有点冷。例:“这屋子没生火炉,窗缝也没糊,给人冷丝丝的感觉。” 冷飕飕:形容风很冷。例:“由于身体太弱。虽然穿得很多,但我还是感到冷飓耀的。” 哑巴冷:(方)形容气候干冷。 冰天雪地:冰雪漫天盖地,形容非常寒冷。 滴水成冰:水滴一落下来就成了冰。形容天气非常寒冷。例:“北方的天气十分寒冷,滴水成冰。” 冻手冻脚:形容天气寒冷。 寒风刺骨:寒冷的风冻得骨头疼。形容天气风寒。例:“北方冬天的清晨,滴水成冰,寒风刺骨。” And ensures after hange.le of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements cthen to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycition th; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key posuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility boharmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and contint international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, -architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITUknown products, system -bination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign welltion, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and comntegraneering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business iequipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engipurpose, standard -ducts as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of generalome and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature proh upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both atsales service-2 寒气逼人:非常冷,多形容天气。例;“数九以来,朔风吹,寒气逼人,这又是一个奇冷的冬天。” 天寒地坼:形容天气寒冷,把地都冻裂了。例:“这天寒地坼的冬季,正是伐木的黄金季节。” 天寒地冻:形容天气十分寒冷。例:“他抡起大镐来象旋风似的,尽管是天寒地冻的十冬腊月,还是满头大汗。” 透骨奇寒:冷气穿透了骨头,形容天气非常寒冷。例:“当黎明的曙色尚未到来的时刻,我感到透骨奇寒,便匆匆跑回宿舍,取件衣服披上。” 雪窖冰天:严寒的地区,含有严寒的意思。例:“汉使苏武在雪窖冰天的北国,为匈奴牧羊十九年。” 雪虐风饕:风雪交加。形容严寒。 霰:空中降落的白色不透明的小冰粒,常呈球形或圆锥形。多在下雪前或下雪时出现。也叫雪糁、雪糁子;方言中,也叫雪子。 白雪:洁白的雪。带感情色彩。例:“覆盖大地的白雪把四周的一切都映照得分外明亮。” 残雪:春天背阴处较晚融化的雪。 初雪:入冬后第一次下的雪。例:“初雪一降,冬天的气息更浓了。” 春雪:春天下的雪。如“喜降春雪”。 冬雪:冬天的雪。例:“冬雪复盖了大地。” 飞雪:在空中漂浮游动的雪。强调动态。如“飞雪迎春”。 风雪:夹杂着风的雪。如:“抬头看时,白茫茫风雪,象一团雾似的遮住了半山坡,什么也看不清。” 积雪:堆积一定时间和厚度的雪。例:“早上推开房门,只见地上的积雪已经尺把厚了。” 清雪:指细小而稀疏的雪。例:“外面飘着小清雪。” 瑞雪:应时的好雪。感情色彩浓,褒义。例:“瑞雪兆丰年。” 朔雪:北方的雪。成颗粒状,不粘连,风一吹便会扬起。例:“文章描绘了一幅气势雄伟的朔雪盈空图。” 喜雪:人们对于带来益处的降雪的呢称。北方秋末或着初降雪,对越冬小麦有利,或对春播有利,所以得到人们喜爱。 雪花:空中飘落的雪,形状象花。例:“风卷着雪花,狂暴地扫荡着山野、村庄,摇撼着古树„„” 雪片:雪花呈片状,故又雪片。多用比喻义,例:“各方贺电,雪片飞来。” 雪星:星星点点很小的雪。 暴风雪:大而急的雪。如:“十二月里,暴风雪突然袭来。” 大烟炮:方言里,指北方特别是北大荒的大风雪。 雪壳子:北方方言。指经过阳光照射和风吹后,表面稍融又结成冰的深厚积雪。 鹅毛大雪:形容状如鹅毛般大而轻的雪。例;“狂风过后,便下起了鹅毛大雪。” 弥天大雪:漫满天空的大雪。例:“弥天大雪狂乱地翻搅着,把天空搅成一团糟。” 残鳞败甲:古诗词里常用来指代雪。例;“战罢玉龙三百万,残鳞败甲满天飞。”〈宋代张元《咏雪》〉 r actions and application requirements change. And ensures afterintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the usend madesign of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible a with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancymance tandards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system perfordustry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of st international in-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-estic and foreign wellecifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domand spuctive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards uction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constrpurpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and constr-tional standards of generalgn, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with nahome and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project desi upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both atsales service-3 碎琼乱玉:比喻雪。例:“雪地里踏着碎琼乱玉,迤逦背着北风而行。”〈水浒传〉 关于春夏秋冬成语 【春风雨露】像春天的风和雨滴露水那样滋润着万物的生长。旧常用以比喻恩泽。 【春光明媚】明媚:美好,可爱。形容春天的景物鲜明可爱。 【春光漏泄】原指柳枝泛绿,透露了春天将至的信息。比喻秘密或男女的私情被泄漏出来。 【春晖寸草】春晖:春天的阳光;比喻父母对儿女的慈爱抚养。寸草:一寸长的小草;比喻子女对父母的养育之恩的无限感戴心情。 【春回大地】好像春天又回到大地。形容严寒已过,温暖和生机又来到人间。 【春华秋实】华:花。春天开花,秋天结果。比喻人的文采和德行。现也比喻学习有成果。 【春花秋实】春天开花,秋天结果。比喻人的文采和德行。现也比喻学习有成果。 【春花秋月】春天的花朵,秋天的月亮。泛指春秋美景。 【春暖花开】春天气候温暖,百花盛开,景色优美。比喻游览、观赏的大好时机。 【春暖花香】春天气候温暖,百花盛开,花香袭人。 【夏日可畏】象夏天酷热的太阳那样使人可怕。比喻为人严厉,令人畏惧。 【夏雨雨人】雨:前一个“雨”,名词,雨水;后一个“雨”,动词,下雨。有如夏天的雨落在人身上。比喻及时给人帮助和教育。 【炎天暑月】指炎热的夏天。 【春华秋实】华:花。春天开花,秋天结果。比喻人的文采和德行。现也比喻学习有成果。 【春花秋实】春天开花,秋天结果。比喻人的文采和德行。现也比喻学习有成果。 【春花秋月】春天的花朵,秋天的月亮。泛指春秋美景。 【草木黄落】秋天以到,因草木的叶子呈枯黄而掉落。 【落叶知秋】指见到落地的黄叶,知道已经是秋天快到了。 【蒲柳之质】蒲柳:水杨,秋天凋谢早。多用来比喻身体衰弱或未老先衰。 【秋风落叶】秋天的大风把落叶一扫而光。比喻一扫而光,不复存在。 【汤风冒雪】汤:顶、当。顶着风,冒着雪。形容冬天旅途的艰辛。 【天凝地闭】形容冬天非常寒冷的情景。 春意盎然 春暖花开 草长莺飞 寒木春华 七月流火 夏日炎炎 骄阳如火 酷暑难当 秋高气爽 天高云淡 蟹肥菊黄 瑟瑟秋风 雪窖冰天 银装素裹 雪虐风饕 岁暮天寒 春:花红柳绿 山峦叠翠 诗情画意 万紫千红 姹紫嫣红 春满人间 春光灿烂 春回大地 阳春三月 万物复苏 风和日丽 鸟语花香 夏:绿绿葱葱 郁郁葱葱 绿树成荫 骄阳似火 烈日炎炎 热浪逼人 暑气逼人 倾盆大雨 热气不散 热气蒸人 热气冲天 秋:果实累累 落叶纷纷 五谷丰登 秋叶飘香 丰收在望 金秋季节 稻谷飘香 北燕南飞 秋高气爽 秋叶飘丹 天高云淡 秋风习习 冬:白雪皑皑 北风呼啸 万物萧条 冰雪封山 千里封冰 寒冬腊月 鹅毛大雪 寒风拂面 雪花飞舞 金风乍起 瑞雪纷飞 雪兆丰年:指冬天大雪是来年丰收的预兆。 -And ensures after hange.le of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements cthen to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycition th; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key posuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility boharmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and contint international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, -architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITUknown products, system -bination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign welltion, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and comntegraneering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business iequipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engipurpose, standard -ducts as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of generalome and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature proh upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both atsales service4 秋收东藏,秋天收获:冬天存储。泛指常规的农事活动。 冬日夏云:冬天的太阳,夏天的云层。比喻人态度温和可亲,使人愿意接近。 暑往寒来:夏天过去,冬天到来。泛指时光流逝。 冬温夏凊:凊:凉。冬天使父母温暖,夏天使父母凉爽。本指人子孝道。现亦泛称冬暖夏凉。 冬温夏清:冬天使父母温暖,夏天使父母凉爽。指人子孝道。亦泛称冬暖夏凉。 天凝地闭:形容冬天非常寒冷的情景。 冬日可爱:如同冬天里的太阳那样使人感到温暖、亲切。比喻人态度温和慈爱,使人愿意接近。 无冬无夏:无论冬天还是夏天。指一年四季从不间断。 山寒水冷:冷冷清清。形容冬天的景象。 暑来寒往:夏天过去,冬天到来。泛指时光流逝。 无间冬夏:无论冬天还是夏天。指一年四季从不间断。同“无冬无夏”。 夏虫朝菌:意为夏虫活不到冬天,菌类朝生暮死。比喻极短的生命。 温凊定省:冬温夏凊、昏定晨省的省称。谓冬天温被,夏天扇席,晚上侍候睡定,早晨前往请安。表示侍奉父母无微不至。 春生夏长,秋收冬藏:春天萌生,夏天滋长,秋天收获,冬天储藏。指农业生产的一般过程。亦比喻事物的发生、发展过程。 夏炉冬扇:夏天生火炉,冬天扇扇子。比喻做事不符合当时的需要,费了力气而得不到好处。 t international in-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-estic and foreign wellecifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domand spuctive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards uction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constrpurpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and constr-tional standards of generalgn, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with nahome and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project desi upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both atsales service-r actions and application requirements change. And ensures afterintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the usend madesign of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible a with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancymance tandards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system perfordustry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of s5
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