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17个美国机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络17个美国机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络 分类:美国 标签: 这17个美国机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络 访问量: 3727 次 17 2013-05 0 条跟帖 这17个美国机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络 These 17 Agencies Make Up The Most Sophisticated Spy Network In The World 作者:dbmail 发布日期:2013-05-16 浏览:3066 译文简介: 这17个机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络。 译文来源: 原文地址: 正文翻译: 原创翻译...
17个美国机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络 分类:美国 标签: 这17个美国机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络 访问量: 3727 次 17 2013-05 0 条跟帖 这17个美国机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络 These 17 Agencies Make Up The Most Sophisticated Spy Network In The World 作者:dbmail 发布日期:2013-05-16 浏览:3066 译文简介: 这17个机构组成世界最先进的间谍网络。 译文来源: 原文地址: 正文翻译: 原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:dbmail 转载请注明出处 论坛地址:; Defense Reporter, and U.S. Marine Corps veteran. 作者保罗是一个政治与国防记者,美国海军陆战队老兵 The U.S. intelligence community is vast, composed of 17 distinct organizations each operating under its own shroud of secrecy. 美国情报界是一个巨大的由17个截然不同组织构成,这些组织在自己神秘的外衣下独立运作。 Oversight of these agencies generally falls to the Department of Defense or Congress, leaving the average citizen with precious little knowledge of how they operate. 对这些机构的监管通常会落在国防部或国会身上,留给一般老百姓的只有那些他们是如何运作的珍贵 的小知识。 Funded by largely classified budgets, it's difficult to assess how much the U.S. annually spends on these clandestine operations, but one 2012 estimate pegs the cost at about $75 billion. 多半由秘密预算提供资金,估算美国每年花了多少钱在秘密行动上是困难的,但是一份2012年的评 估限定这个费用在约750亿美金左右。 The following slides highlight the expansive reach of the U.S. intelligence community. 下面的幻灯片显示出美国情报界扩张的范围。 The Central Intelligence Agency spies on foreign governments and organizes covert ops. 中央情报局(CIA)暗中监视外国政府和组织秘密行动 The CIA is the most well-known U.S. spying agency, formed by the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. The agency has its roots with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) that operated during World War II. CIA是最著名的美国间谍机构,于1947年由国家安全法案通过组建。这个机构根源于二战期间运作 的战略服务办公室(OSS) Headquarters: Langley, Va. 总部:弗吉尼亚州,兰利 Mission: CIA collects, analyzes, and disseminates intelligence gathered on foreign nations. This comes through signals and human intelligence sources. 任务:CIA收集,分析和传播采集自国外的情报。它的情报来源于信号和人。 Budget: Classified. On their website, the CIA states, "neither the number of employees nor the size of the Agency's budget can, at present, be publicly disclosed. A common misconception is that the Agency has an unlimited budget, which is far from true." 预算:机密。在他们的网站上,CIA注明,“目前,还不能公开披露机构人员数量和预算多少。一个 常见的无解释本机构有无限的预算,这与事实相去甚远。” There have been some slips, however. In 2005, a CIA deputy director inadvertently revealed the annual intelligence budget was $44 billion. 然而,这种状况有点松动了。2005年,一位CIA副局长不经意间透露年度情报预算是440亿美元。 The National Security Agency was once so secretive it was jokingly called 'No Such Agency.' 国家安全局(NSA)是如此神秘以至于曾被戏称为“并无此类机构” NSA Headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland(NSA位于马里兰州米德堡的总部) NSA The NSA was established in 1952 with a mission primarily dedicated to code breaking, after the Allies' success in cracking German and Japanese codes during World War II. For a long time, the NSA, which operates under the Dept. of Defense, was not even recognized by the government, commonly referred to as "No Such Agency." 在二战中盟军成功破解德日的密码之后,于1952年创建NSA,主要任务是致力于破解密码。很长一 段时间内,NSA是在国防部下运作的,甚至没被政府正式承认,通常被称为“并无此类机构”。 Headquarters: Fort Meade, Md. 总部:马里兰州,米德堡 Mission: The main functions of the NSA are signals intelligence — intercepting and processing foreign communications, cryptology — cracking codes, and information assurance. IA is, put simply: preventing foreign hackers from getting secret information. 任务:NSA的主要功能是信息情报——拦截和处理外国通信,密码学研究——破解密码和确保信息安 全。IA(确保信息安全)简单来说,防止外国黑客获得秘密信息。 Budget: Classified. Some estimate the NSA is actually the largest intelligence organization in the world — three times the size of the CIA. The headquarters alone takes up 6.3 million square feet — around the same size as the Pentagon — with 112 acres of parking spaces, reports the Washington Post. 预算:机密。有些人估计NSA实际上是世界上最大的情报组织——有CIA3倍大。总部独自占用了630 万平方尺——大概和五角大楼一样大——停车位占地112英亩(华盛顿邮报报道) The Defense Intelligence Agency works to understand what foreign militaries wili do before they do it. 国防情报局(DIA)的工作就是在国外军事力量做什么之前了解他们将怎么做(译注:应该就是预测 外国军事力量的行动) DIA The DIA was established in 1961 with the goal of sharing information collected by the major military intelligence outfits (such as Army or Marine Corps Intelligence). More recently, the DIA has been expanding its overseas spy network to collect first-hand intelligence. DIA成立于1961年,目标是通过主要的军事情报机构来分享收集的信息(比如陆军或海军陆战队)。 近期以来,DIA不断地扩大它的海外情报网来收集第一手情报。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: The DIA serves as the lead intelligence agency for the Dept. of Defense, coordinating analysis and collection of intelligence on foreign militaries, in addition to surveillance and reconnaissance operations. The DIA is the common link between military and national intelligence agencies. 任务:DIA作为领导情报机构向国防部服务,除了监视和侦查行动之外,还协调外国军队的情报分析 和收集。DIA是军队和国家情报机构之间的常规渠道。 Budget: Classified. The DIA does not reveal budget information, although they do say they have more than 16,500 men and women working for them and are under DoD and congressional oversight. 预算:机密。DIA没有揭示预算信息,尽管他们确实承认有超过16,500名的男女在为他们工作,受 国防部和国会的监督。 The State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research provides diplomats the necessary tools for effective foreign policy. 国务院情报和研究局(INR)给外交官们提供有效外交政策的必要工具。 REUTERS/Lucas Jackson The State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) has ties to the Office of Strategic Services from World War II, but was transferred to State after the war. INR now reports directly to the Secretary of State, harnessing intelligence from all sources and offering independent analysis of global events and real-time insight. 二战中,国务院情报和研究局(INR)跟战略服务办公室(OSS)是联系在一起的,但是战争结束后被移交 给国家。INR现在直接向国务卿(国务秘)汇报,利用来自所有渠道的情报,提供对全球事件的独 立分析和实时见解。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: This agency serves as the Secretary of State's primary advisor on intelligence matters, and gives support to other policymakers, ambassadors, and embassy staff. 任务:这个机构是国务卿在情报事宜上的首席顾问,也为其他政策制定者,大使和使馆人员提供支持。 Budget: $49 million in 2007, according to documents obtained by FAS. 预算:根据FAS获得的文件,2007年为4,900万美金。 Air Force Intelligence provides reconnaissance for US ground troops. 空军情报机构给美国陆军提供侦察情报 U.S. Air Force Formerly known as the Air Intelligence Agency, the agency is now known as the Air Force ISR — Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance. Air Force intelligence was established in 1948 to get information to troops on the ground, and most recently, the ISR has collected that intelligence from aerial drones. 原名空军情报局,现在这个机构命名为空军ISR(情报,监视,侦察)。空军情报构建立于1948年, 给地面部队提供情报,最近ISR已经开始通过航空无人机收集情报。 Headquarters: Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 总部:德克萨斯,拉克兰空军基地 Mission: Air Force ISR collects and analyzes intelligence on foreign nations and hostile forces, both in and out of combat zones. They also conduct electronic and photographic surveillance, and provide weather and mapping data to troops in the field. 任务:空军ISR收集和分析外国和敌对势力的情报,无论是否交战区。他们也进行电子和摄影监视, 并且提供天气和地图数据给现场的部队。 Budget: Unknown. The budget of ISR apparently falls under the Air Force's Operation & Maintenance budget, which includes other areas outside of the agency's scope such as flying operations and logistics. That number for 2012, however, was just over $46 million. 预算:未知。ISR的预算面上隶属于空军行动与维护预算,这些预算包括了这个机构之外的领域, 比如飞行行动和物流。然而在2012年的数字刚刚超过了4,600万美金。 The FBI's National Security Branch oversees counterterrorism and intelligence gathering. 联邦调查局(FBI)的国家安全部门负责反恐和情报搜集。 AP Images The Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Security Branch (NSB) was established in 2005, combining resources that include counterterrorism, counter-intelligence, weapons of mass destruction, and intelligence under a single FBI leader. 联邦调查局的国家安全部门(NSB)建立于2005年,结合了包括反恐,反情报,大规模杀伤性武器和隶 属于独立FBI领导者的情报等多种资源。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: Formed after 9/11 and the Iraq WMD commission — when intelligence agencies were not sharing data with each other — the NSB integrates intel on national security and criminal threats from a variety of sources that are often intertwined in order to protect U.S. interests. 任务:9/11以后和伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器委员会一起建立——当时情报机构互相不分享数据—— NSB把国家安全和犯罪威胁的情报集合在一起,这些情报来源于多种多样的为了保护美国利益而常被 纠缠在一起的原始资料。 (译注:这句话中的intel翻译的我很纠结,我专门去看了FBI的网站,他们的mission如下,根据 原文我猜测这里intel是intelligence的简写„) Mission The FBI’s national security mission is to lead and coordinate intelligence efforts that drive actions to protect the United States. 联邦调查局(FBI)的国家安全的使命是领导和协调情报工作,推动保护美国的行动。 Our goal is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the threats and penetrate national and transnational networks that have a desire and capability to harm us. Such networks include: terrorist organizations, foreign intelligence services, those that seek to proliferate weapons of mass destruction, and criminal enterprises. 我们的目标是展开对威胁的全面了解,渗透渴望和有能力伤害我们的国家和跨国网络。这些网络包括: 恐怖组织,外国情报机构,那些设法扩散大规模杀伤性武器的组织和违法企业。 In order to be successful, we must understand the threat, continue to integrate our intelligence and law enforcement capabilities in every FBI operational program, and continue to expand our contribution to the Intelligence Community knowledge base. 为了取得胜利,我们必须了解威胁,在每一个FBI的行动计划里继续整合我们的情报和执法能力,并 继续扩大我们对于情报界信息库的贡献。 Because national security and criminal threats are often intertwined, our ability to integrate intelligence and investigations makes us uniquely situated to address our nation’ s threats and vulnerabilities. 因为国家安全和犯罪威胁通常是纠缠在一起的,我们集合情报和调查的能力使我们在处理国家面临的 威胁和弱点时处于独一无二的地位。) Budget: Total FBI budget was approximately $8.1 billion in 2012, which included an increase of $119 million "to enhance our counterterrorism, computer intrusions, and other programs," according to their website. 预算:根据他们的网站,2012年,整个FBI的预算大概是81亿美金,包括增加1.19亿美金去“增 强我们的反恐,计算机入侵和其他计划” Army Intelligence and Security Command offers essential intel to troops on the battlefield. 陆军情报和安全司令部在战场上给部队提供必要的情报。 Special Operations Command Army intelligence has been around since spies worked for the Continental Army in 1775, but the U.S. Army's Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) was established in 1977 to become the major unifying command of army intelligence. 陆军情报的问世是从大约1775年间谍们为大陆军工作开始的,但是美国陆军的情报和安全司令部 (INSCOM)是在1977年建立的,变成了主要的统一陆军情报司令部。 Headquarters: Fort Belvoir, Va. 总部:弗吉尼亚州贝尔沃堡 Mission: INSCOM provides commanders on the ground with information they may need on the battlefield: intercepted enemy radio communications, maps, ground imagery, and information on force structure and numbers. 任务:INSCOM提供给地面指挥官他们在战场上需要的情报:截获敌方的无线电通信,地图,地面图 像和军力结构和人数的情报. Budget: Unknown. The total military intelligence budget was $21.5 billion in 2012. 预算:未知。2012年总军事情报预算215亿美金。 The Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence gathers information on foreign nuclear weapons. 能源部,情报和反情报办公室收集外国核武器的信息。 via DoE Surprisingly, the Energy Department even has an intelligence service. The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence focuses on technical intelligence on nuclear weapons and nonproliferation, nuclear energy (especially foreign), and energy security. 令人惊讶的是,能源部甚至都有一个情报服务机构。情报和反情报办公室专注于核武器和防止核扩散, 核能源(尤其是外资) 和能源安全的技术情报。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: The Dept. of Energy doesn't have the ability to conduct foreign intelligence, instead relying on information passed to them by other agencies (such as the CIA or NSA). If it involves weapons of mass destruction, the DoE offers up the analytical expertise. 任务:能源部没有开展对外情报的能力,而是依靠其他机构(如CIA或NSA )提供给他们的情报。 如果这些情报涉及大规模杀伤性武器,能源部负责提供专业分析。 Budget: Unknown. Like other government budgets, the intelligence activity is not specifically mentioned, although it may fall under "Atomic Energy Defense Activities" which had a total budget of more than $16 billion in 2012. 预算:未知。类似其他政府预算,情报行动不会被特别提及,尽管它可能隶属于2012年有超过160 亿总预算的“原子能防御行动”。 Coast Guard Intelligence provides information on maritime security and homeland defense. 海岸警卫队情报机构提供针对海事安全和国土防御的情报。 Alaskan Coast Guard members pictured in a 2009 exercise 阿拉斯加海岸警卫队成员在2009年的演习合照 flikr/U.S. Coast Guard Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI) was formed in 1915 and now falls under the Dept. of Homeland Security, providing information on maritime and port security, search and rescue, and counter-narcotics. 海岸警卫队情报机构(CGI)建立于1915年,现在在国土安全部监管下,提供海事和港口安全,搜索 和救援以及反毒品的情报。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: Although CGI is technically an intelligence agency, its primary mission is as an investigative arm of the Coast Guard. CGI special agents "conduct criminal, counterintelligence and personnel security investigations within the Coast Guard's area of responsibility," with the majority being criminal offenses violating military law, according to the Coast Guard's official website. However, the Coast Guard does have specialists conducting analysis and collection of intelligence. 任务:尽管CGI技术上说是一个情报机构,它的主要任务是作为海岸警卫队的一个调查武器。CGI特 工“在海岸警卫队的范围内进行犯罪,反情报和人员安全调查,”根据海岸警卫队的官方网站, 大部分是违反军法的刑事犯罪。然而,海岸警卫队确实有专家进行情报分析和收集。 Budget: Unknown. Like the Army, the budget has some overlap, although the 2014 budget request includes $60 million for C4ISR systems, an acronym for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance. CGI headquarters is relatively small, only employing about 280. 预算:未知。想陆军一样,预算有些重叠,尽管2014年预算申请包括了6,000万美金的C4ISR系统 (指挥,控制,通信,计算机,情报,监视和侦察的缩写)。 CGI总部相对比较小,只有大约280个员工。 The Treasury's Office of Intelligence and Analysis collects terrorism and financial intelligence. 财政部的情报和分析办公室收集恐怖主义和金融情报。 Gamma Man / flickr The Office of Intelligence and Analysis is fairly new, established in 2004 by the Intelligence Authorization Act. OIA's focus is mainly on providing information to combat terrorism and illicit financial transactions. 情报和分析办公室相当年轻,与2004年由“情报授权法案”批准成立。OIA的重点主要在于提供情 报以打击恐怖主义和非法金融交易。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: OIA safeguards the U.S. financial system "against illicit use and combating rogue nations, terrorist facilitators, weapons of mass destruction proliferators, money launderers, drug kingpins, and other national security threats," according to DNI. OIA保护美国金融体系“不被非法使用并且与流氓国家,推行恐怖主义者,大规模杀伤性武器的扩散, 洗钱,毒枭,和其他的国家安全威胁作斗争,”根据DNI说。 Budget: Around $340 million. 预算:大约3.4亿美元 The Drug Enforcement Administration hunts down illegal drugs. 缉毒部捕杀非法药物。 Wikimedia Commons The DEA has been gathering intelligence for anti-drug operations since its establishment in 1973. The agency collects and provides intelligence to other law enforcement agencies and helps with investigations. 自它于1973年建立以来,DEA一直为反毒品行动收集情报。该机构收集和提供情报给其他执法机构 并帮助调查。 Headquarters: El Paso, Texas 总部:得克萨斯州埃尔帕索 Mission: DEA assists local and federal law enforcement in conducting major drug investigations, along with developing "information that leads to seizures and arrests, and provid[ing] policy makers with drug trend information upon which programmatic decisions can be based," according to their website. 任务:DEA协助地方和联邦执法机构进行重大毒品调查,同时发布“导致发病和被捕的情报,提供给 政策制定者毒品趋势情报并以此来制定方案,”根据他们网站说。 Budget: $2 billion (total DEA budget in 2013) 预算:20亿美元(DEA2013年总预算) The Marine Corps Intelligence Activity monitors the Corp's battlefields. 海军陆战队情报行动监控陆战队战场。 U.S. Marine Corps Facebook Page Like Army intelligence, the Marine Corps provides their own agency to collect and analyze information for troops on the ground. This includes map making, radio intercepts, human intelligence, and counter-intelligence. 类似于陆军情报机构,海军陆战队提供他们自己的机构来收集和分析地面部队获得的情报。这包括制 作地图,无线电拦截,人员情报和反情报。 Headquarters: Quantico, Va. 总部:弗吉尼亚州,匡蒂科 Mission: The primary function of Marine IA is to give tactical and operational intelligence to battlefield commanders. They also serve as the "go-to" unit for the Commandant of the Marine Corps on understanding intel. 任务:海军IA的主要功能是提供战术和行动情报给战场指挥官。他们也作为“走出去”单位为海军 陆战队的指挥官们做情报理解服务。(译注:大概就是说,可能要到现场帮助指挥官们理解情报。) Budget: Unknown. The total military intelligence budget was $21.5 billion in 2012. 预算:未知。2012年总军队情报预算是215亿美元。 The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency provides advanced mapping for military forces. 国家地球空间情报机构提供先进的地图给军队。 Digital Globe Having its roots from the 1972 formation of the Defense Mapping Agency and formerly known as NIMA, the agency was renamed the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in 2003. The agency has the task of collecting and understanding Earth's physical and man-made attributes. Using advanced imagery (mainly from satellites), it was NGA watching Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. 它来源于1972年国防测绘局建立的原名叫做NIMA的机构,这个机构在2003年被重名为国家地球空 间情报机构。这个机构的任务是收集和理解地球的物理和人为属性。利用先进的影像(主要来于卫星), 正是NGA找到了混入巴基斯坦的奥萨马.本.拉登。 Headquarters: Ft. Belvoir, Va. 总部:弗吉尼亚州,贝尔沃堡。 Mission: NGA employs cartographers and analysts that collect and generate information about the Earth. This data is used in navigation, national security, military operations, and humanitarian aid efforts. 任务:NGA雇佣地图绘制师和分析师来收集和产生地球情报这一数据被用于导航,国家安全,军事行 动和人道主义救援。(NGA艾泽拉斯国家地理吗„) Budget: Classified. NGA employs approximately 14,500 government civilians. 预算:机密。NGA雇佣了大约14,500名政府职员。 The National Reconnaissance Office is responsible for America's spy satellites. 国家侦察办公室负责美国的间谍卫星。 CREDIT: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center While the NGA is responsible for gaining information from satellite data, the National Reconnaissance Office — created secretly in 1961 and not acknowledged until 1992 — is in charge with satellite design, building, launch, and maintenance. 当NGA负责从卫星数据上获得情报的时候,国家侦察办公室——秘密成立于1961年但直到1992年才 被承认——负责卫星的设计,制造,发射和维护。 Headquarters: Chantilly, Va. 总部:弗吉尼亚州,尚蒂伊 Mission: NRO gives its mission as "innovative overhead intelligence systems for national security." Simply put, the NRO provides their "customers" at the CIA, DoD, and elsewhere with technologically advanced spy satellites. NRO定位它自己的任务是“革命性的架设在空中的国家安全情报系统。”简而言之,NRO提供技术上 先进的间谍卫星给他们在CIA,DoD和其他地方的客户 Budget: Classified. 预算:机密 The Office of Naval Intelligence provides information on the world's oceans to sailors everywhere. 海军情报办公室提供世界海洋情报给世界各地的海员。 Kenneth Abbate via U.S. Navy The Office of Naval Intelligence was established in 1882 for "the purpose of collecting and recording naval information" that could be useful in war and peace. Like other military intelligence services, ONI gives maritime commanders information they need on foreign forces. 海军情报办公室建立于1882年,为了“收集和记录海军情报”使之在战争与和平时期能派上用场。 象其他的军事情报服务机构一样,ONI提供给海军指挥官他们需要的外国军队的情报。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: ONI gathers intelligence and moves it rapidly to decision makers. "We produce maritime intelligence on weapons and technology proliferation and smuggling and illicit maritime activities that directly supports the U.S. Navy, joint war fighters and national decision makers and agencies," according to their website. 任务:ONI收集情报并迅速地发给决策制定者。“我们生成与武器和技术扩散,走私和非法海事活动 有关的海事情报,可以直接支持美国海军,把战斗机与国家决策制定者和机构联合起来,”他们的网 站说。 Budget: Unknown. The total military intelligence budget was $21.5 billion in 2012. 预算:未知。2012年总军事情报预算215亿美金 The Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis looks for information on any potential threats to the US. 国土安全部情报分析办公室搜寻任何有关对美国潜在威胁的情报 Associated Press The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis works primarily on homeland threats — collecting and analyzing information, and sharing intelligence with local and federal law enforcement through the use of "fusion centers." DHS情报和分析办公室的工作首要集中于国土威胁——收集和分析情报,通过使用“融合中心”与地 方和国家执法机构分析情报。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: They work on four main areas: understanding threats through analysis, collecting information relevant to homeland security, sharing that information with the agencies that need it, and managing the homeland security enterprise, according to DNI. 任务:他们工作于四个主要领域:通过分析了解威胁,收集关于国土安全的情报,与需要情报的机构 分享情报,管理国土安全企业,根据DNI说。 Budget: Classified. In a Congressional Research Service report, it was noted that "DNI does not publicly disclose details about the intelligence budget, but ... reported that the aggregate amount appropriated to the [national intelligence program] for FY2009 was $49.8 billion." 预算:机密。在一份国会研究服务里,可以看到“DNI不公开披露有关情报预算的细节,但„据 报道2009年给国家情报计划的拨款总计是498亿美金。” The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is where all the intelligence should come together for delivery to the president. 国家情报主管办公室是一个所有情报聚集在一起发给总统的地方。 DNI Established in 2004, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) manages the efforts of the entire U.S. intelligence community. Director James R. Clapper serves as the principal advisor to the president as well as the National Security and Homeland Security Councils. 2004年建立,国家情报主管办公室(ODNI)管理整个美国情报界的成果。主管James R. Clapper作 为首席顾问服务于总统和国家安全和国土安全委员会。 Headquarters: Washington, D.C. 总部:哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿 Mission: The DNI has two main missions: to lead intelligence integration, and "forge an intelligence community that delivers the most insightful intelligence possible." 任务:DNI有两个主要任务:领导情报合成,并且打造一个能递交最富洞察力的情报的情报界。(译 注:大概就是说集合各种来源的情报,尽量提供最有用最准确的情报。) Budget: The specifics of the office itself are unknown, but the total aggregate amount for the national intelligence program is more than $48 billion. 预算:办公室本身的细节不为人知,但给国家情报计划的总数目超过480亿美金。 BONUS: The 'intelligence state' has been expanding drastically since 9/11. 额外的:自9/11以后,“情报的的状态”已经被大幅度地拓展了 Gary Nichols via U.S. Military The U.S. intelligence community is officially made of 17 organizations, but there is even more to the story. 美国情报界官方是由17个组织组成,但还有更多的传说。 A groundbreaking investigation from the Washington Post found some rather daunting figures: — 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies are working on intelligence, counterterrorism, or homeland security in the U.S. — Just the NSA alone is contracting with more than 250 companies on intelligence work, including big names like Northrop Grumman and SAIC. — Many intelligence agencies are doing redundant work, such as 51 federal and military organizations that track the flow of money in and out of terror networks. — One reason why those intelligence budgets are classified: millions of dollars in so-called "ghost money" given to foreign governments. 一个来自于华盛顿邮报的开创性的调查发现了很多相当令人恐惧的数字: 在美国,1271个政府组织和1931个私人公司正在为情报,反恐或国土安全服务。 仅仅NSA自己就跟超过250家公司签约进行情报工作,包括著名的诺斯罗普•格鲁门公司和SAIC(总 部设在圣迭戈的SAIC是美国著名的跨国联合体,它旗下包括西门子、通用动力、IMA、ITT技术公司、 诺基亚和埃尔比特等最具实力的高技术公司。) 很多情报机构正在做多余的工作,比如51个联邦和军事组织来跟踪恐怖网络的资金流入和流出。 情报预算被保密的一个原因是,数以百万计的美元以所谓“鬼钱”的名义提供给外国政府。 You've seen all the intelligence agencies in the U.S. 你已经看过了所有美国情报机构了~
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