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对外经贸大学英语学院考研-商务英语翻译-新祥旭教育对外经贸大学英语学院考研-商务英语翻译-新祥旭教育 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net 对外经贸大学英语学院考研-商务英语翻译 商务英语翻译Chapter 2 Process 1. Comprehension A. Semantic system - Conceptual meaning - Structural meaning - associated meaning B. Context Ex. 1 He didn't marry her beca...
对外经贸大学英语学院考研-商务英语翻译-新祥旭教育 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net 对外经贸大学英语学院考研-商务英语翻译 商务英语翻译Chapter 2 Process 1. Comprehension A. Semantic system - Conceptual meaning - Structural meaning - associated meaning B. Context Ex. 1 He didn't marry her because she was rich. C. Background & special knowledge Ex. 2 Finally, proper tax planning both from the host country standpoint and the U. S. standpoint will improve your "keeping money" if, as you anticipate, the joint venture is profitable. D. Logic Ex. 3 The market for the (tea) company’s products consisted of young people, women between the ages of 18 and 49, and older people who wanted a warm drink that was caffeine-free. 这家,茶叶,公司的销售对象是~爱喝不含咖啡因热茶的18至49岁的年轻妇女 以及49岁以上的顾客。 E. ―False friends‖ Ex. 4 Wrong Right a walking skeleton 行尸走肉 骨瘦如柴 to hold one's horse 悬崖勒马 忍耐、观望 to make the blood boil 热血沸腾 怒火中烧 white wine 白酒 白葡萄酒 2. Reproduction A. Purpose & the target reader B. Context Ex. 5 If governments let oil prices rise, people cut down on marginal uses of oil, but continue to use it where it is most valuable. 如果政府听任油价上涨~人们就会减少可用可不用的汽油消费~但仍然把汽油 用在最需要的地方。 C. Body vs. details D. Translationese 3. Check-up & polishing A. Understanding B. Missing C. Wrong wording D. Awkward structures E. Proof reading – figures, names, time, etc. F. Format G. Punctuating H. Footnotes, etc. Requirements for translator A. Language proficiency B. Background knowledge C. Experience Methodology 1 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net A. Conversion - Parts of speech, word order, etc. - Structure - Form and content - Perspectives - Voices, etc. B. Compensation - Amplification & extension - Omission & merging - Splitting - Replacing - Shifting Ex. 6 The use of interpreters slows substantially the pace of negotiations. Version 1. 译员的使用大大减慢谈判的速度。 Version 2. 使用译员会大大减慢谈判进度。 Ex. 7 We in Zambia would like to build a color-blind society where all can have equal opportunities. 我们要在赞比亚建立一个不因肤色而互相歧视的社会~一个人人机会均等的 社会。 2 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net Chapter 3 Conversion of Parts of Speech 1. Comparative study & further analysis: English Chinese Noun 名词 Verb 动词 Adjective 形容词 Adverb 副词 Numeral 数词 Pronoun 代词 Preposition 介词,方位词, Conjunction 连词 Interjection 叹词 1. Conversion of nouns A. Derivation Ex.1 The new situation requires the formation of a new strategy. 新形势要求制定新战略 B. Collocation Ex.2 I have the honour to inform you that your application has been accepted. 我荣幸地阁下~您的申请已被接受。 2. Conversion of prepositions A. Scope and frequency Ex.4 …and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. ……民有、民治、民享的政府将永存于世。 3. Conversion of verbs A. Derivation Ex.5 As long as the returns from new stores were higher than its building costs, McDonald’s profited in ways that none of its competitors could match. 只要开办新店的收益大于其建设成本~麦当劳就能以任何竞争对手都望尘莫及 的方式赚取利润。 B. Voice-pattern Ex.6 The question of United States arms sales to Taiwan was not settled in the course of negotiations between the two countries on establishing diplomatic relations. 美国向台湾出售武器的问在两国谈判建交的过程中并没有得到解决。 4. Conversion of adjectives Ex. 7 The American people hailed the program for greater Sino-US trade. 美国人欢迎这个扩大中美贸易的。 Ex. 6 The car is due for a new name before American introduction. 这种汽车在向美国出口之前需要起一个新的名字。 5. Conversion of adverbs Ex. 9 When the crops are in, they start autumn sowing. 庄稼收完后~他们开始秋种。 Ex. 10 The paper said editorially that China has successfully survived a worldwide financial crisis. 该报的社论说~中国成功地经受住了一场波及全球的金融危机。 6. Conversion of articles Ex. 11 EDI is one way of doing business today -- it will be the way of doing business tomorrow. 今天~电子数据交换技术是进行贸易的一种方式~明天~它将成为开展贸易的 唯一方式。 7. Conversion of connectives 3 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net Ex. 12 Let them call themselves Taiwan and we will invite them. 只要他们称自己为台湾~我们就邀请他们参加。 Chapter 4 Restructuring 1. Choice of subject Ex. 1 Fear of the bombers had cleared the bay. 因为害怕敌机轰炸~海湾里的船都开走了。 2. Sentence reorganizing A. Word order Ex. 2 From $6.1 billion in 1981, the U.S. deficit with Asia's four tigers last year reached $37 billion, or 22% of the total U.S. trade deficit. 美国与亚洲四小虎的贸易逆差在1981年为61亿美元~去年却高 达370亿美元~ 占美国全部贸易逆差的22%。 B. Inverted order Ex. 3 Little did I then know the meaning of war and what it was in reality. 当时我确实不太懂得战争的意义以及战争实际上是怎么回事。 C. Restructuring Ex. 4 The boy was watching the steam rising from the kettle when he conceived an idea. 那男孩在观察蒸汽从水壶里冒出来的时候产生了一个念头。 3. Conversion of attributive clauses A. Into adverbials of - Reasons Ex. 5 Their basic fear is of the slack up of protectionism, and above all, American capital outflow which to them means job outflows. 令他们最为恐慌的是放松贸易保护主义的做法~尤其害怕美国资本外流~ 因为对他们来说~资本外流就等于工作机会外流。 - Condistions Ex. 6 They amounted to near twenty thousand pounds, which to pay would have ruined me. 其总数几乎达两万英镑~假如让我赔偿~我非倾家荡产不可。 - Purposes Ex. 7 Unfortunately, every country in the world has trade barriers which are designed to protect its economy against international market forces. 遗憾的是~世界各国都设置了贸易壁垒~以保护本国经济免受国际市场力 量的冲击。 - Results Ex. 8 There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them. 这个方案有创见~有特色~而且有魄力~因而博得了他们所有人的欢心。 - Concession Ex. 9 Moscow refused to interpret as a flat rejection the White House reaction to the Russian proposal, which President George Bush had termed inadequate. 尽管布什总统认为俄国的提议是不合适的~但莫斯科拒绝将白宫的反应解 释为断然反对这一提议。 B. Into appositives Ex. 10 All the while, George Bush, who was ultimately to benefit from the try that failed, sat silently by, a nearly forgotten spectator. 在此期间~乔治〃布什坐在一旁~一言不发~几乎成了一个被人遗忘的旁 观者~他却最终从这场失败的试探中获得了好处。 4 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net 4. Conversion of adverbials A. of time into - that of concession Ex. 11 ... a joint venture that did not work out may be profitable for the partners when broken up if the right decisions were made on the purchase of real estate or the acquisition of the right equipment. 如果当初在购买不动产或适用设备时决策正确~那么合资企业即使倒闭了~对 合资伙伴来说可能仍然有利可图。 - that of condition Ex. 12 When a representative exceeds his allotted time, the President shall call him to order without delay. 如果哪位代表发言超过了规定时间~主席应立即敦促他遵守规定。 - others Ex. 13 Most forecasters believe that unemployment will rise to about 9 percent before it eases next year. 大多数观察家认为~失业率将上升到大约百分之九~到明年才会有所缓和。 B. of conditions into that of concession Ex. 14 If he actually did commit the crime, he wouldn't be punished. 他即便真的犯了罪~也不会受到惩罚的。 5. Conversion of comparatives A. Conversion of the original degree Ex. 15 When it comes to reporting earnings, the U.S. companies have about as much credibility these days as the judges of Olympic figure skating. 说到如何报告收益~美国公司如今的可信度大概同奥运会上的花样滑冰裁 判差不多。 Ex. 16 Exporting countries, in general, are expanding cotton exports this season as much as their cotton supplies will permit. 一般来说~出口国本季度正在尽其供应能力所及扩大棉花出口。 B. Conversion of the comparative degree expressing - Difference Ex. 17 Many dealers face the future with more confidence than they have exhibited in the years past. 许多经销商对未来的信心比过去几年更强了。 -Comparison Ex. 18 The officials here said the present differences were due less to any ideological reason than to nationalistic feelings. 这里的官员说~目前的分歧主要不是出于意识形态方面的原因而是由民族 主义情绪造成的。 - Identity Ex. 19 I don't think that Russian policy is formed that way any more than our policy is formed. 我认为~俄国的政策不是这样制定的~正如我们的政策也不是这样制定的。 - Preference Ex. 20 In fact, you could say that McDonald’s is really more of a landlord than a conventional fast-food chain. 事实上可以这样认为~与其说麦当劳是一家传统的快餐连锁公司~还不如 说它是一个房地产商。 - Emphasis Ex. 21 Reagan was more than cordial to Ford as they met for 65 minutes. 在六十五分钟的会谈中~里根对福特表现得格外亲切。 - Emphamism Ex. 22 The President had done no more than support "continuing study of the problem". 总统仅仅是支持―继续研究这个问题‖而已。 5 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net 6. Conversion of superlative degree expressing - Emphasis Ex. 23 It is a most important problem. 这是一个十分重要的问题。(比较:the most important) Ex. 24 I should do it with the greatest pleasure. 我非常乐意做这件事。 7. Multiples in translation A. Increase (base - 1) N times as many (much) as, N times more than, increase N times/folds, increase by (to) N times,等等。 Ex. 25 The attitude of the consumer toward your product may change if he feels ice cream is twice as expensive at home as it is somewhere else. 如果消费者发现在本国买冰激凌比别的地方贵一倍的话~他对你的产品的态 度可能会发生变化。 B. Decrease reduce (decrease) N times as many (much) as, N times fewer (less) than, decrease N times, decrease by N times, N-fold reduction,等等 Ex. 26 The product cost decreased three times. 生产成本降到原来的三分之一(或:减少了三分之二)。 8. Conversion of appositives Ex. 27 Simply by raising the price of oil, a good we import in large quantities, he can damage the U.S. economy. 他只需提高油价就能损害美国经济~因为石油是我国大宗进口的商品。 Chapter 5 Conversion of Voices 1. Frequency of passives in English vs. Chinese 2 Conversion of passive voice into active A. with passive implication Ex. 1 If understanding prevails, UNCTAD is in a position to replace confrontation with agreement; it cannot be put off. 若能普遍达成谅解~联合国贸发会议就能用协议取代对抗,这项工作不能再拖 延下去了。 Ex. 2 The French supervisor will ordinarily be found in the middle of his subordinates where he can control them. 在法国~主管人员的办公位置通常位于部下的办公位置之中~以便管理。 B. with emphatic structure Ex. 3 Our International Club was founded a year ago to help foreign businessmen in this city meet together. 我们这个国际俱乐部是在一年前成立的~目的是便于本城的外国商人聚会。 C. with non-subject structure Ex. 4 Machinery for the just settlement of international differences must be founded. ,…,必须建立公正解决国际分歧的机构。 It must be admitted that ... ,…,必须承认…… It may be safely said that ... ,…,可以有把握地说…… It is reported that ... 据,…,报道…… It will be seen from this that ... ,…,由此可见…… D. with subjects Ex. 5 Americans are cushioned against rising commodity prices by the strong dollar. 美元的坚挺减缓了商品价格上涨给美国人造成的压力。 It was told that ... 有人曾经说过…… It is sometimes asked that ... 人们有时会问…… 6 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net It is well known that ... 众所周知…… It is claimed that ... 有人宣称…… 3 Retaining passives A. typical passive Ex. 6 Imagine that one or other continent is left out or forgotten, reduced to its poverty and its disorder, what will happen to the others? 设想一下~假如这块或那块大陆被忽视或遗忘~变得贫穷、混乱~其他大陆将 会发生什么情况呢, A. with converted verbs Ex. 7 Foreign concessions would be cancelled if they did not accord with the law. 向外国人提供的特许权若不符合法律将予以取消。 4. Conversion of active into passive Ex. 8 The paper said that foreign agents had infiltrated the then government and engineered the president's overthrow. 该报称~有外国特工打入了当时的政府内部~策划推翻总统。 Ex. 9 His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest. 他因受贿而被捕。 Chapter 6 Conversion Between Content and Form 1. Conversion of abstract into concrete A. addition of concrete words Ex. 1 It called for creation of a defense corps to take charge of anti-subversion in peacetime. 人们呼吁成立一支国防部队来负责和平时期的反颠覆工作。 Ex. 2 I committed myself to make up for past mistakes to fight corruption and injustices and to form a national government to carry out free election. 我决心弥补过去的错误~同贪污腐化和不公正现象作斗争~并成立一个全民政 府以实行自由选举。 B. paraphrasing Ex. 3 A conference of developing countries and richer industrialized states has convened in Washington, attempting to identify priorities for improving life among poor areas of the world. 一些发展中国家和较富有的工业化国家在华盛顿举行了会议~试图确定在改善 世界贫穷地区人民生活中首先应做的事情。(或―当务之急‖) Ex. 4 The hard truth is that we are not owed a say in the world today on what we have been. 严酷的事实是~我们不能靠老本在当今世界上取得发言权。 2. Conversion of concrete into abstract A. replacing Ex. 5 Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 假如让我决定我们是要一个没有言论自由的政府~还是要一个言论自由而无政 府的国家~我会毫不犹豫地选择后者。 B. paraphrasing Ex. 6 Among these gift horses, it is the decline in interest rates that has done the most to foster the FORTUNE 500's bottom-line bonanza. 在这些天赐良机当中~令《财富》500强企业财源滚滚的莫过于利率的下调。 Ex. 7 Japan’s exports are expected to exceed her imports by about 14 to 15 billion dollars this year, making one of only a handful of major industrial countries whose trade will be in black. 今年~日本的出超预计将达到140至150亿美元左右~这将使它成为屈指可数的 有贸易顺差的主要工业国家之一。 7 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net 4. Conversion of partial into the whole Ex. 8 The President wants a Chinese face or two to add to the fraternity. 总统希望请一、两位中国人出席~以增强四海一家的气氛。 Ex. 9 There were several big names at the party. 宴会上有几位知名人士。 5. Conversion of the whole into partial Ex. 9 When he was accused of theft, he turned red. 当有人指控他行窃时~他的脸变得通红。 6. Translating colors Ex. 10 The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment. 她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她当时的情绪。 7. Translating onomatopoeia Ex. 11 …and he insisted on a big Wow, meaning a thrill ride, here featuring lifelike dinosaurs. ……他坚持要搞一个大型项目―哇‖~意思是惊险游览~其中的主角是做得和实 物一般大的恐龙。 Chapter 7 Litotes ( 反译法) 1. Proper use of negative words 2. Conversion of positive into negative A. Preposition Ex. 1 It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. 他无权签订这种。 B. Verb Ex. 2 The memory of this warm reception shall remain with us long after our departure from the beautiful and historical capital of this great country. 我们离开这个伟大国家古老、美丽的首都之后~你们的盛情款待将令我们久久 不能忘怀。 C. Adjective Ex. 3 Indeed, Chenault’s biggest pressures over the coming months won’t be in the backroom but on the bottom line. As America’s newest celeb CEO takes the reins, his company seems to be in surprisingly good shape – with an Amex card being swiped somewhere in the U. S. every hundredth of a second. Ken Chenault’s job, somehow, is to make that look slow. ……从一定意义上说~肯〃谢诺尔特的任务是~让这个速度看上去还不够快。 D. noun Ex. 4 Shortness of time has required the omission of some states. 由于时间不够~我没能访问某些国家。 E. Connective Ex. 5 The problems were particularly acute in the company's top ten major metro sales markets, where it had been five years since the company had received local media support. 在该公司的十大城市销售市场上~问题尤其严重~因为当地的新闻媒体已经五 年没有为该公司做宣传了。 F. Idioms Ex. 6 He will pay his debts when two Sundays come together. 他永远不会还债的。 3. Conversion of negative into positive Ex. 7 The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation. 在苦难中~归国的念头一直在他心中萦绕。 Ex. 8 We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. 我们对生活要永远抱乐观态度。 4. Shift of perspectives A. Comparison 8 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net riot police 防暴警察 terror measures 反恐怖措施 crisis plan 应急计划 hunger march 反饥饿游行 self-taught 自学 10% discount 九折 it seems to me that... 我觉得…… Ex. 9 By the third criterion, the great literatures of the Orient spring to mind, not to mention the languages of Tolstoy, Goethe, Cervantes and Racine. 按照第三条来衡量~人们马上会想到东方各国的伟大文学~ 且不提托尔 斯泰、歌德、塞万提斯和拉辛使用的语言了。 Ex. 10 Since economic reform began in 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen China's GNP nearly quadruple. 自1978年开始经济改革以来~中国,经济,以每年将近10,的速度增长~国民 生产总值几乎翻了两番。 B. Spatial shift Ex. 11 But though the city was to undergo one of the worst punishment in the history of warfare thereafter, that was the low point. 不过~尽管这座城市即将遭受战争史上最为严酷的折磨~但是它的磨难已经到 顶了。 C. Temporal shift Ex. 12 But we are getting ahead of the story. 不过这是后话了。 5. Shift of word order A. Priority shift Ex. 13 National Foreign Language Center, 4th Floor, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D. C., the United States of America 美国华盛顿特区马萨诸塞大街1619号四层 国家外语中心 Ex. 14 We enclose a cheque for US$ 35,110 in settlement of your invoice No. SH2065 of 20th, April, 1997. 现随信寄上35110美元支票一张~以支付贵方1997年4月20日第SH2065号发票货 款。 B. Collocative shift Ex. 15 He witnessed the sixth post-war economic crisis of serious 1 2 3 4 consequences that prevailed in various fields in the USA. 5 6 7 他亲眼目睹了,…, 美国 战后 第六次 波及各领域的 1 7 3 2 6 后果严重的 经济危机。 5 4 Ex. 16 He was working with a mower in his garden all the morning. 1 2 3 他一上午都在园子里 用剪草机干活。 3 2 1 9 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net Chapter 8 Amplification (扩大) 1. Introduction 2. Compensate for parts of speech A. Adding measure words Ex. 1 Beeny had a one-chair barbershop in the neighborhood. 比尼在那一带开了一家只有一张椅子的理发店。 Ex. 2 I was extremely worried about her, but this was neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument. 我替她担心得要命~可是此时此地~既不宜教训她一番~也不宜跟她争论一通。 Ex. 3 A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river. 一弯小溪蜿蜿蜒蜒~穿过山谷~流到江中。 B. Adding auxiliaries Ex. 4 Don't take it seriously. I'm just joking. 不要当真嘛。我只是开个玩笑啦。 Ex. 5 Sino-British links have multiplied -- political, commercial, educational, cultural, defence, science and technology. 中英两国在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防和科技等领域的交往成倍地增加。 C. Adding links Ex. 6 The IMF’s refusal to lend Argentina more money to pay the interest on that debt is what set off the current crisis, but economists like Ferreres don’t think more foreign loans are the solution. 国际货币基金组织拒绝再借钱给阿根廷~以偿还此类贷款的利息~从而引发了 眼下这场危机~但费雷雷斯以及持相同观点的经济学家认为~继续大举外债并 不能解决问题。 3. Completing meanings A. Comparison carbondioxide = 二氧化碳 cousin,表兄弟; dog,犬; state?国; London,0。 B. Compensating for associated meanings Ex. 7 It was only when Sadat introduced his ―Open Policy‖ (enshrined in the famous Law of 1974) that the climate began to change. 直到萨达特实行了―开放政策‖,它被郑重地写进著名的1974年法律中,~埃及 的投资环境才开始发生改变。 C. Compensating for grammatical meanings Ex. 8 Britain's railway system is being improved. 英国的铁路系统日臻完善。 Ex. 9 Automobile factories were closing down in early 1961. 1961年初~汽车工厂纷纷倒闭。 Ex. 10 Should anyone call, tell him to wait for me here. 万一有人来找我~让他在这里等我。 D. Completing the structure Ex. 11 Often, however, tariffs are protective and are designed to carry out a particular economic policy. 然而~关税经常具有保护性质~并用以贯彻一项具体的经济政策。 Ex. 12 A stock market bubble requires the cooperation of everyone. 股市泡沫需要人人参与才能产生。 E. Completing the omitted part Ex. 13 We don't retreat, we never have and never will. 我们不后退~我们从未后退过~将来也决不会后退 Ex. 14 Any leak, even at this late date, could have tremendous international 10 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net repercussions. 只要稍有泄漏~即使迟至今日~也可能在国际上引起巨大反响。 4. Explanatory Addition Ex. 15 As a result, a few token meetings were being set up through Foggy Bottom, the more-than-ever appropriate nickname for the Department of State. It describes Secretary Rogers' influence -- foggy and at the bottom. 结果~在―雾谷‖各级部门开了几次象征性的会议。―雾谷‖这个绰号如今对国务 院来说~真是再贴切不过了~它说明了国务卿罗杰斯的境况:虚无飘渺如―雾‖~ 地位低下如―谷‖。 Ex. 16 The FMA trader hesitated, trying to outguess the other, wondering which way the rate would go. 第一商业银行的货币交易员犹豫了一下~因为他不知利率是看涨还是看跌~想 摸透对方话里的意思。 5. Rhetoric addition Ex. 17 Premier Zhou would later tell him, "Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world -- 25 years of no communication." 周总理事后对他说:―你是跨越了世界上最浩瀚的大洋——二十五年的相互隔 绝——来同我握手的。‖ Chapter 9 Omission 1. Introduction 2. Omission in translation of A. Pronouns - Personal pronoun Ex. 1 We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter. 我方,…,保证,…,立即处理此事。 - Non-personal pronoun Ex. 2 Be a place what it may, one gets to like it, if one lives long in it. 无论是,…,什么样的地方~只要,…,住久了~,…,总会喜欢上,…,的。 - Relative pronoun Ex. 3 Few people do business well who do nothing else. ,…,除了生意之外什么事也不做的人是做不好生意的。 B. Connectives - Parallel Ex. 4 Let us join and proceed together. 让我们携手,…,并进。 - Subordinates Ex. 5 However, such change is not easy and can be accomplished only when leaders of both sides have no illusions, talk candor, and meet differences head-on. 然而~要实现这种改变并非轻而易举~只有,…,双方领导人不抱幻想、开诚 布公、正视分歧~才能做到这一点。 C. Articles - Definite Ex. 6 The governments of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China agreed to hold senior talks regularly on matters of mutual interest. ,…,美利坚合众国政府和,…,中华人民共和国政府同意就共同关心的问题 定期举行高级会晤。 - Indefinite Ex. 7 Things of a kind come together; people of a mind fall into the same group. 物以,…,类聚~人以,…,群分。 D. Prepositions Ex. 8 The Chinese Communist Party was founded in Shanghai on July 1, 1921. 中国共产党于一九二一年七月一日在上海成立。 11 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net E. Rhetoric omission Ex. 9 The price of the products should be set according to the price in the international market. It should be fixed by the two parties at a level that will bring profit to both. 产品价格应由双方根据国际市场价格共同商定~,…,使双方共同获利。 3. Merging A. Parallel structure Ex. 10 The documents involved in counter-purchase agreements are far more complicated than any normal commercial deal, where money changes hands and that is that. 回购协议所涉及的文件比任何正常商业交易要复杂得多~后者只是钱一转手就 完事了。 B. Attributives (定语的翻译) Ex. 11 They reviewed the international situation in which important changes and great upheavals are taking place and expounded their respective positions and attitudes. 双方回顾了正在发生重大变化和巨大动荡的国际形势~并阐明了各自的立场与 态度。 Ex. 12 It was a hope which reflected the conviction expressed some years earlier by the then British Prime Minister. 这个希望反映了若干年前当时在任的英国首相表达过的信念。 比较:这是一个反映了若干年前当时在任的英国首相表达过的信念的希望。(前 置) 或:这是一个希望~它反映了若干年前……。(分译) C. Others Ex. 13 That he will come to the discussion is certain. 他肯定会来参加讨论的。 Ex. 14 A tariff may be defined as a tax which is put on a commodity when it crosses a national boundary. 所谓关税~可以这样来定义~即对过境商品征收的税项。 Chapter 10 Splitting and Merging 1. Collocative splitting Ex. 1 But this naval competition strained the Liberal Government's principles as well as their budgets. 但是~这种海军竞赛使自由党政府的原则无法自圆其说~也使其预算捉襟见肘。 Ex. 2 It (the railroad company) was a weary, money-losing mess, long weakened by vigorous competition from truckers in its home state of California. 它一蹶不振、连年亏损、管理混乱~在其老家加州早已因来自公路运输的强大 竞争而变得岌岌可危。 2. Structural splitting Ex. 3 The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements. 中国人似乎为他们的经济成就感到自豪~这是无可非议的。 (比较:中国人似乎为他们的经济成就感到无可非议的自豪。) Ex. 4 Jordan cannot politely turn down the invitation to an Arab foreign ministers conference. 约旦不能拒绝阿拉伯外长会议的邀请~否则~在礼节上是说不过去的。 (比较:约旦不能有礼貌地拒绝阿拉伯外长会议的邀请。) Ex. 5 Kissinger wrote in his syndicated column that an unchecked Saddam would be able to "cause a worldwide economic crisis." 基辛格曾在多家报纸专栏里写道~对萨达姆若不加遏制~他就会―制造波及全 球的经济危机‖。 3. Phrasal splitting Ex. 6 While recognizing that China alone must determine its fate, I urge China to open 12 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net itself to the rich rewards of full participation in the community of trading nations. 我固然懂得~中国的命运必须由她自己来决定~但我仍然敦促中国全面加入到 世界贸易大家庭中来~此举将给她带来丰厚的回报。 4. Clausal splitting A. Attributives Ex. 7 The Secretary-General has received the following communication which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1296 (XLIV). 秘书长已收到以下来函,现按经济及社会理事会第1296(XLIV)号决议予以 散发。 Ex. 8 It’s a debate between investors who advocate relative return strategies and those who favor absolute-return investing. 这是一场投资人之间的争论,他们一派主张采取相对回报战略~另一派则支持 绝对回报战略。 B. Appositives Ex. 9 The following three points discuss some of the major reasons that good (i.e. complete and accurate) financial record keeping is crucial to the success of your business. 以下三点讨论的是几个主要原因~说明为什么记好,即完整和准确的,财务帐 目对企业的成功至关重要。 5. Translating long sentences A. Consecutive Ex. 10 Many experts predict that in economic terms the tunnel will benefit 1 2 3 France more than Britain as they believe that the new industry 4 attracted to its vicinity opts less for prosperous Kent than for the 5 struggling Nord-Pas de Calais region with its wider spaces, lower 6 costs and more central position in the European Union. 7 许多专家预见到~从经济上看~英法隧道给法国带来的好处将超 1 2 3 过英国~因为他们认为~就隧道附近地区而言~新兴工业对繁荣 4 的肯特郡的吸引力不如对正在苦苦挣扎的北加莱海峡地区大~后 5 者的空间大~成本低~又比较靠近欧盟的中心地带。 6 7 B. Splitting & restructuring Ex. 11 But on one final point Cantalupo, who has a raspy voice and a sly smile and looks a bit like Dick Cheney, wants to be very clear. 不过~在最后一点上~坎塔卢普打算说得十分明白。他嗓音嘶哑~面带狡黠的 笑容~模样有点像副总统迪克〃切尼。 Ex. 12 It is right here, at Geneva, whose very name evokes peace, the will to peace, cooperation among nations, that after long years of discussion, the negotiations were completed which had started on March 24, 1984 at Havana on the necessity of creating as part of the United Nations system a body responsible for regulating international trade. 日内瓦是一个唤起和平、唤起各国和平意愿与合作的地方。正是在此地,于1984 年3月24日始于哈瓦那的旷日持久的谈判终于完成了。这次谈判的主题是,是 否有必要在联合国系统内建立一个负责调节国际贸易的机构。 C. Reversal 13 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net Ex. 13 I feel there is no greater disrespect you can do to a person than to let them hang out in a job where they are not respected by their peers, not viewed as successful, and probably losing their self-esteem. 要是听任某人在一个岗位上无做作为~从而让同事们觉得他一事无成而不尊重 他~这很可能使他自己失去自尊。我认为这才是对此人最大的不尊。 Chapter 11 Replacing 1. Referential replacing Ex. 1 ... before the war, your President and Mrs. Roosevelt came here on a vacation. ……战前~你们的罗斯福总统偕夫人来这里度过假。 Ex. 2 Bank officials, who have authorized $ 400 million for foreign steel ventures in the last five years, insist that their loans actually created jobs for Americans -- by generating demand for the U.S. exported components needed to build the foreign projects. 银行官员们在过去的五年里为在国外建钢铁厂贷出了四亿美元。他们坚持认 为~这些贷款实际上为美国创造了就业机会,,即刺激了这些国外钢铁厂对美 国出口设备的需求。 Ex. 3 If the greenhouse theory is correct, the earth's temperature will rise until the amount of radiation emitted from the planet is equal to the solar energy it absorbs. 如果温室效应理论是正确的~那么~地球温度将会升高~直到它的辐射量与它 所吸收的太阳能量相等为止。 2. Indirect referential replacing Ex. 4 Unlike their cousins, the petrochemical makers, who can ship by barge or pipeline, plastic makers are unusually dependent on railroads. 有机化工企业不像兄弟行业中的石化企业~可以通过驳船或管道来输送货物~ 它们通常依靠铁路运输。 Ex. 5 Profit margins are about 23%, better than for other Disney divisions, which post margins in the high teens. 利润率约为23,~超过迪斯尼公司的其他部门~后者的利润率接近20,。 3. Rhetoric replacing Ex. 6 As it turned out, I went from the frying pan into the fire. 没曾想~我刚出油锅~又进火坑。 Ex. 7 Recession will knock prices off those industrial raw materials that are the bread and butter of many developing countries, while the shortage of grains has actually increased the commodity earnings of a rich farming nation like the United States. 经济衰退将使发展中国家视为饭碗的工业原料的价格下跌~在此同时~粮食的 短缺实际上却增加了像美国那样的富裕农业国的商品收益。 4. Replacing idioms Ex. 8 Look at the chaps in politics and business, whose lives were passed in skating on thin ice. 看看那些政界和商界的家伙~他们一生都如履薄冰。 Ex. 9 Our instruments are the product of the finest materials and the highest craftsmanship and are second to none in design and durability. 本公司仪器产品~原料上乘、工艺精良、美观耐用、无以伦比。 5. Functional replacing Ex. 10 Mondale has gone so far left that he left the United States. 蒙代尔的观点如此之左~已经―左‖出了美国。 14 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net Chapter 12 Shifting 1. Shifting of scope of negation Ex. 1 Ford officials contend that the new contract does not effectively violate the guidelines because increased productivity will result in savings. 福特公司的官员说,新合同实际上并没有违反那些指导原则,因为提高生产率 能节约成本。 Ex. 2 Don't be inflexibly devoted to a system just because it worked elsewhere. 不要只因为某种制度在别的地方曾经行之有效~就一成不变地热衷于这种制 度。 2. Collocative shifting - adverbials Ex. 3 Traditionally, there had always been good relations between our two countries. 我们两国之间一向保持着传统的友好关系。 - Attributives Ex. 4 In addition, trade barriers encourage domestic production in areas which are economically inefficient. 此外~贸易壁垒还促使国内一些经济效益不高的部门继续生产。 Ex. 5 They say that if I had stayed at Ford, I would have been in a comfortable ivory tower. 他们说~我假如留在福特公司~就能舒舒服服地身居象牙塔中。 3. Shifting rhetoric devices Ex. 6 "Mine is a long and a sad tale!" said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. "It is a long tail, certainly," said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse's tail; "but why do you call it sad?"... 老鼠对爱丽丝叹了口气说:―我的故事说来真是又长又委屈呀:‖ ―你的尾,委,巴是挺长~‖爱丽丝奇怪地低头看看老鼠的尾巴说。―可你 干吗说它曲,屈,呢,‖ Ex. 7 Wild Mushroom: Mysterious, Menacing -- Magnificent(文章标题) 野生蘑菇:神秘莫测~内含毒素,,美味佳肴 ,用汉语四字词组替代原文中的头韵) 4. Summary Ex. 8 As you entered the gate, gravity fell on you, and decorum wrapped you in a garment of starch. 只要一进大门~严肃的气氛便立刻笼罩了你~礼节也好似浆硬了的衣服一样约 束着你 15 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net Chapter 13 Discourse Translation (演讲的翻译) 1. Introduction 2. Logic in translation A. Logic vs. meaning Ex. 1 This country has many challenges. We will not deny, we will not ignore, we’ll not pass Congress, to other presidents, and other generations. We along our problems to other will confront them with focus and clarity and courage. 我国面临着许多挑战。对此~我们并不否认~也不会置之不理。我们不会把眼前的 难题留给以后的国会、以后的总统和子孙后代。我们将集中精力~立场鲜明~勇敢 应对。 B. Logic vs. context Ex. 2 In the meantime the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is left with worse vacancy rates than the Ramallah Hilton. 在此同时~证券交易委员会的人手空缺率比巴勒斯坦总统府所在地拉马拉市的希尔 顿饭店的空床率还要高。 3. Cohesion A. Reference 所指 B. Ellipsis 省略 C. Substitution 替换 D. Conjunction 连接 Ex. 3 The term ―corporate America‖ connotes the great and established companies of the land, the ones whose CEOs populated the Business Roundtable and the board of the New York Stock Exchange, the ones that paid dividends to your grandparents. ―企业化美国‖这个术语的含义是已经在这片土地上站稳脚跟的大公司的统称。它们 的首席执行官盘踞着商业圆桌会议和纽约股票交易所董事会~,…,并且向诸位的 祖辈付过股息。 Chapter14 Partial Translation 1. Types of Translation A. Full translation B. Partial translation (edition + translation),usually reduced to 1/3 of the original 2. Reasons for partial translation: A. Limited time for reading (efficiency) B. Publications market demand C. Information explosion D. Copy rights (detouring) E. Fast & efficient communication across different cultures 3. Materials that need partial translation: A. Scientific reports B. Journalist articles C. Corporate and product/service brochures D. Tourists’ guidebooks E. Caption of pictures/photos F. Book reviews G. Business correspondence, etc. 16 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net 4. Advantages: A. Highlighting the main points/ideas/value B. Intensity of information C. Catering for special readership D. Time/space saving E. Cost effective 5. Methodology: A. Strategy -- what to translate - Main ideas - Subject-related details B. Main methods - Abridging/omitting 删节,省略 - Condensing/merging 压缩,合并 - Summarizing/rewriting, and 总结,重构 C. Processing - Reading for translation purposes - Decision making on what to retain (or omit) - Necessary adjustments 6. Requirements: 1. Intimacy with the subject matter 2. Good command of the source and target languages 3. Skillfulness in editing and translating 4. Acquaintance with the market/readership demand 7. Case study: Sample 1 --abridging China's Long March to Geneva had taken over 15 years since its original application to become a contracting party to the GATT 1947, the multinational trade pact which served as the predecessor treaty to today's GATT 95 and related agreements, whose implementation and enforcement are now overseen by the secretariat of the global trade body called the WTO. Full translation: 中国走向日内瓦的长征从开始申请成为1947年关贸总协定,GATT 1947,缔约方起~用了 15年的时间。这项多国贸易条约是现在的1995年关贸总协定,GATT 95,及其相关协议的 前身~而1995年总协定如今则由这个叫做世界贸易组织的全球性贸易团体的秘书处监督实 施。(111 words) Partial translation: 中国申请成为世界贸易组织的缔约方,成员,~前后用了15年时间。(30 words) ? Subject: Time taken for China’s admission to the WTO ? Methods employed: omitting background knowledge Sample 2. The scientists were astounded to find water vapour in the freezing atmosphere of Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. They also revealed yesterday that they had detected water in the atmosphere of Saturn’s mysterious moon Titan – which is to be visited by a joint US-Europe probe in 2004. They have even identified a cloud of water, less that a light year across, in the constellation Orion. Partial translation: 科学家们惊奇地发现木星、天王星、海王星和土星的低温大气层中存在水蒸气。他们还透露 已探测到土星的卫星―泰坦‖的大气中存在水~甚至确定猎户座上也存在云状水层。 ? Subject: discovery of water in the outer space ? Methods employed: omitting repeated parts Sample 3 -- condensing From today’s newspaper I have learned with much delight that you were recently appointed 17 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net editor-in-chief of the Morning Post. I would like to add my congratulation to the many you must be receiving on your promotion. Partial translation: 欣悉荣升《晨报》主编,谨表祝贺。 ? Subject: congratulations on promotion (highlighted parts) ? Methods employed: condensing Sample 4 -- summarizing Ugly Is Only Skin-deep It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil over and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. After a while you get to like so much about the VW, you even get to like what it looks like. You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head with a hat on it. Snug-fitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! Those plain, unglamorous wheels are each suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay the $4985 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. That’s the beauty of it. Full translation: 车不可貌相 它或许不中看~但不起眼的外表下跳动着一部气冷式引擎。它不会因沸腾而毁了活塞垫~也不会结冰而坏了你的事。它安在汽车后部~能增强车在雪地和沙地上的牵引力,行驶29英里仅耗油一加仑。 只要爱上―大众‖~用不多久也会爱上它的外表。 坐进车里~再长的腿也能放开~再高的个子戴上帽子也无妨,凹背座椅舒适贴身,车内封闭性太好~关门前最好把车窗开个缝。 车轮朴实无华、毫无魅力~但各自独立悬挂~一只颠起不会殃及其他。您只需付4985美元便可买下一辆。丑陋的外表不用您多花一个子儿。 ―大众‖之美~不在其貌:(242 words) Partial translation: ―大众‖汽车,可能不中看~但,装在后部的气冷式引擎牵引力大、耗油低~不会烧毁活塞垫~也不会结冰。车内空间大、座椅舒适、封闭性好。独立悬挂式车轮能减少颠簸。售价只有4985美元。,爱上―大众‖~便会爱上其外表。,(102 words) ? Subject: auto ad – VW (highlighted parts) ? Methods employed: summarizing/rewriting Chapter 15 Translation of Special Terms 1. Transliteration A. Full transliteration Logic 逻辑 Humour 幽默 B. Partial transliteration Ice cream 冰淇淋 18 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net New Zealand 新西兰 C. Amplification Bowling 保龄球 Beer 啤酒 2. Names of persons and places A. John Leighton Stuart (前美国驻华大使)通常译为―司徒雷登‖, 不宜译作―约翰〃莱顿〃斯图尔特‖ AdamSmith (英国古典经济学家)通常译为―亚当〃斯密‖, 不宜译作―亚当〃史密斯‖ Cambridge 剑桥(英国地名) 坎布里奇(美国地名) B. Cinderella (西方童话人物)意译为―灰姑娘‖或―被埋没的人‖ morocco 摩洛哥羊皮 to Bond a thriller 拍摄一部惊险影片 to Kleenex one’s face 用纸巾擦脸 3. Names of organizations A. Abbreviation WHO = World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东盟,东南亚国家联盟, WTO = World Trade Organization 世贸组织,世界贸易组织, OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 欧佩克~或石油输出国组织 B. Businesses - Full translation General Motors Corporation 通用汽车公司 Sun Microsystems 太阳微系统公司 - Partial transliteration Bell Telephone Co. 贝尔电话设备制造公司 SearsHomeService 西尔斯家庭服务公司 - Full transliteration Hewlett-Packard Company 惠普公司(电子产品) Proctor & Gamble Co. 宝洁公司(日用化工) - Amplification Squibb Co. 施贵宝制药公司 Merrill Lynch Co. 美林财务管理公司 - Retaining IBM = International Business Machines Co. (译名全称为―国际商用机器公司‖) Amazon.com (亚马逊网上书店) 4. Technical terms A. Category 复合词(compound word,如例1) 拼缀词(blend word,如例2、3) 缩短词(clipped word,如例4、5) 缩略词(abbreviation,如例6、7) 首字母缩略词(acronym,如例8、9) 临时创造的词(nonce word,如例10) Exs. 1、eyebank = eye + bank 眼库 2、Clintonomics= Clinton + economics 克林顿政府的经济政策 19 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net 3、advertistics = advertising + statistics 广告统计 4、show biz = show business 娱乐业 5、hi-tech = high technology 高科技 6、CAD = computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计 7、FAS = free alongside ship 启运地船边交货 8、maser = microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 微波激射放大(音 译―脉泽‖) 9、LORAN = long-range aid to navigation 远程导航系统(音译―劳兰‖) 10、Infogate = Information + gate 情报门事件 B. Transliteration quark 夸克(带电核粒子) clone 克隆(无性繁殖技术) C. Retaining MTV (音乐电视片) DCD (影碟机) 5. Titles of publications 1. Daily Mirror 《每日镜报》 2. Businessweek 《商业周刊》 3. Gone with the Wind 《飘》(小说译名) 《乱世佳人》(电影译名) 4. Hamlet 《汉姆雷脱》(剧本译名) 《王子复仇记》(电影译名) Ex. 1 In theory, at least, a favorable U.S. inflation trend vis-a-vis Europe and Japan should have strengthened America's trading position. But in fact, there are several Catch-22s. 至少从理论上说~美国的通货膨胀趋势相对于欧洲和日本还是较轻的~这本应加强 美国的贸易地位。但实际上却存在着好些无法解决的难题。 6. Summary 20 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net Chapter 16 Business Translation – A Summary 1. Introduction A. Coverage B. Efficiency C. Initiation D. Variety - Legal documents - Academic works - Business correspondence - Journalist articles - Commercial publications 2. Textual features A. Legal documents Ex. 1 This contract is made by and between the authorized representatives of HASTINGS Ltd. (hereinafter called the Buyer) and the TAI HUA Industries Corporation (hereinafter called the Seller) through friendly discussion according to the terms and conditions stipulated thereunder. 赫斯汀有限公司(以下简称买方)授权的代表与泰华工业公司(以下简称卖方) 通过友好协商根据以下条款签订本合同。 B. Academic works Ex. 2 Economics is the study of how people and society end up choosing, with or without the use of money, to employ scarce productive resources, that could have alternative uses, to produce various commodities and distribute them for consumption, now or in the future, among various persons and groups in society. 经济学研究的问题是~人们与社会如何最终决定~在使用或不使用货币的情况 下~利用具有多种用途的稀缺生产资料来生产各种商品并将其分配给社会各成 员与集团~以供他们当前或将来消费之用。 C. Business correspondence Ex. 3 We are staging an important private exhibition accompanied by a series of technical lectures for our home and overseas customers at the National Exhibition Center on May 16th, 17th and 18th.... I hope you will be able to accept this invitation and if you would kindly indicate the time of your arrival, I will arrange for you to be met. 兹定于5月16、17、18日在国家展览中心为海内外客户隆重举行独家展览~届 时还将举办一系列技术讲座。……敬请光临并赐告抵达时间~以便派专人恭候。 D. Journalist articles Ex. 4 A bank's position changed from hour to hour, so that a bank which was a lender in the morning could be a borrower at midday and a lender again before the close of business. 银行的头寸一小时一个样:上午还在放债~中午就可能借钱~到收盘前又成了 贷款行。 Ex. 5 The great refinancing party of the mid-Nineties is over. The Federal Reserve officially blew out the candles in March when it raised the Federal funds rates for the first time in two years. 90年代中期重筹资金的盛宴已告结束~美国联邦储备委员会在三月正式吹灭了 宴会上的蜡烛:两年来头一次提高了联邦资金信 贷利率。 E. Commercial publications - Brands Sony 索尼(电子产品) Buick 别克(汽车) Coco Cola 可口可乐(饮料) Benz 奔驰(汽车) Apple 苹果(微机或服饰) 21 新祥旭对外经贸大学考研专业课辅导班- 英语学院-小班一对一www.xxxedu.net Blue Ribbon 蓝带(啤酒) - Advertisements Ex. 6 The choice is yours. The honour is ours. 任君选择~多谢光临。 Ex. 7 No problem too large. No business too small.(IBM广告) 没有解决不了的大问题~没有不做的小生意。 3. Concluding remarks 资料来源新祥旭考研辅导学校www.xxxedu.net 22
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