

2017-09-19 2页 doc 14KB 22阅读




如何解决淘宝买家投诉问题聪明女人的说话技巧与处世智慧【女人帮】 聪明女人的说话技巧与处世智慧 女性的温柔源于女性性格的修养,修养好的女性,温柔的表现也令人倍感亲切,为此,女性特别要忌怒,忌狂,要讲究语言美,把那些影响柔美发挥的不良性情彻底克服掉,让温柔的鲜花为女性的魅力而怒放。 聪明女人的说话技巧与处世智慧,你必须知道 第一条 口吐莲花,会说话的聪明女人惹人爱。 1、用声音打动人心 2、懂得赞美的女人最受欢迎。 3、赞扬他人要恰到好处,每个人都希望自己的想法及喜好能获得支持,特别是棋王明明是错误的想法,甚至是自己的小缺点,能得到他人的谅...
聪明女人的说话技巧与处世智慧【女人帮】 聪明女人的说话技巧与处世智慧 女性的温柔源于女性性格的修养,修养好的女性,温柔的表现也令人倍感亲切,为此,女性特别要忌怒,忌狂,要讲究语言美,把那些影响柔美发挥的不良性情彻底克服掉,让温柔的鲜花为女性的魅力而怒放。 聪明女人的说话技巧与处世智慧,你必须知道 第一条 口吐莲花,会说话的聪明女人惹人爱。 1、用声音打动人心 2、懂得赞美的女人最受欢迎。 3、赞扬他人要恰到好处,每个人都希望自己的想法及喜好能获得支持,特别是棋王明明是错误的想法,甚至是自己的小缺点,能得到他人的谅解与认同 4、赞美不能忽视“小”。无论你是何许人,你的那些闪光之处(哪怕微乎其微)就会在明察秋毫的赞美的滋润下,使你获得了生存的真正感觉。 5、批评讲究艺术,良药不苦口。良药不苦口,才算批评做到家了。 6、“糖衣炮弹”的妙用,原则:真诚适度理解对方切勿指责委婉暗示分清对象:很多沟通失误,其症结在于角色不清。 7、以理服人,以情感人。 第二条 滴水不漏,聪明女人的说话技巧 1、说话说到位 2、说话看对象,办事不难 3、看准对方的性格,投其所好。 4、因人而异,说话能赢得好感 5、送人美名,抬高对方也是给自己铺路 6、学会给别人戴高帽 potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 7、高帽子不能自己戴 8、三思而后言用恶语诋毁自己并不了解的人和事,只会显露出自己的浅薄和物质。 9、酒桌上的语言奥秘 10、幽默,女人的超级武器。 第三条 点到为止,聪明女人如何把握说话分寸 1、给自己留有余地,不要把话说得太绝 2、给对方台阶下:注意不露声色,注意用幽默语言作为台阶 3、多说别人的长处,少说别人的不足 4、话说三分,点到为止 5、谈吐有禁忌,不该说的话千万别说。 第四条 巧言妙语,聪明女人怎样摆脱社交尴尬 1、要懂得什么时候说什么话,还要为自己说过的话负责 2、看对象身份,审时度势再开口;看对象文化素质,有得失放自如,进庙烧香要看神,办事说话要看人。 第五条 以柔克刚,聪明女人要学会利用天生的资本 1、博览群书,充实自己 2、塑造女人迷人的个性 3、示弱者勇 4、放低姿态,人人具有同情弱者的天性 5、成为有魅力的女人,个人魅力是一种神奇的做人手段,它能让一个才能平平的男人得到事业的成功,也能让一个外表平凡的女子焕发动人的光彩。 6、柔和的言辞更有威力 7、会哭的女人才有“饭”吃 第六条 眉目传情,聪明女人要学会使用肢体语言 1、微笑可以拉近人与人的距离 potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 2、用倾听获得对方好感 3、懂得倾听的技巧 4、眼神在交流中的作用 5、羞涩,最令人心动的表情 6、资体美展现女人的优雅气质 第七条 气质动人,聪明女人要修炼处世资本 1、善于原谅别人,才可使心灵得到解脱 2、做个气质女人:打扮自己,品位自我,充实自己 3、内在美永远重于外在美 4、自信的女人最美丽 5、优雅是女性独有的芬芳 6、让自己成为可以信赖的人:了解别人,注意一些生活小节,信守承诺,阐明 期望;诚恳坦直,勇于道歉,无私地去爱。 7、对人热情要有度,热情越位与不够热情同样有害。热情越位会被人视为失礼 和没有教养的表现。 8、温柔是女性的伟大力量,女性失去了温柔,被称为是“女性最大的悲哀。” 第八条 八面玲珑,聪明女人要掌握处世技巧 1、信任丈夫使家庭更幸福 2、爱屋及乌,让婚姻更美满 3、替上司为自己找升值的理由 4、不能将自己捧得太高 5、与同事相处融洽的秘诀: (1)有意见最好直接向上司陈述 (2)舍得让利,放眼将来 (3)替人着想 6、爱心让你拥有好人缘 7、助人就是助己 8、善于倾听别人的忠告 potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 9、与朋友相处有道,友谊方可地久天长 第九条 完美无瑕,聪明女人要走出处世误区 1、不敢吃亏怎能占便宜 2、走出不平衡的心理误区 3、丢掉嫉恨,赢得信任 4、疑心病,早抛弃 5、勿在上司面前抢风头 6、不要当众指出他人的过错 7、永远记住对方只是一部分 8、建立在金钱上的友谊不可靠 9、不可因家庭而忽略朋友 第十条 柔弱而不软弱,聪明女人要坚守处世原则 1、提防暗箭,处理好同事关系 2、别掺和是非,以防给人当枪使 3、撒娇是女人的独门暗器,一个喜怒无常,经常像斗牛士一样怒发冲冠的女人 是令人恐惧的 第十一条 不是教你使诈~聪明女人要懂得处世智慧 1、与同事保持适当的距离,不能摆任何架子,不搞暗箱操作,荣誉要让同事, 过失自己来扛。 2、与对手相拥,让你游刃职场 3、多放人情债,建立好人缘 4、与不同的上司搞好关系,投其所好、曲意逢迎不仅是一种做官的手段,更是 一门高超的做人手段 5、多给男人一些私人空间 6、夫妻之道,依恋而不依靠 7、舌头多抹蜜,婆婆不挑剔。 potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 第十二条 学会选择与放弃,聪明女人要平衡处世心态 1、退一步海阔天空。 2、别为工作失去生活 3、在事业上坚持走自己的路 聪明女人一定要牢记上面这些哦。在生活中,我们也要学会善于倾听朋友的忠告,只是时刻不要忘了自己的脑子思索和判断。撒娇是女人的独门暗器,一个喜怒无常,经常像斗牛士一样怒发冲冠的女人是令人恐惧的 potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious.
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