
感受浪漫之都 大连3日自助游攻略

2018-08-29 15页 doc 44KB 1阅读




感受浪漫之都 大连3日自助游攻略感受浪漫之都 大连3日自助游攻略 标签: 大连游攻略 大连,号称“北方明珠”,阳光,大海,沙滩,美女,是个名副其实的“浪漫之都”。不过大连其实不是很大,真正的游览区就是:西岗区和中山区。因为那里有著名的滨海路,星海广场,俄罗斯风情街,日式风情街,市内的所有广场还有些市内特色店,当然还有大连的美食哦。另外的一大块游览区是离火车站和市区有点点远的金石滩游览区,那里还有著名的发现王国。除此之外,旅顺区的日俄战争遗址和冰峪沟 也是不错的选择。 所以比较宽松,舒服的游览时间是5--7天。 不过如果你的假期有限,可以依据自己的假...
感受浪漫之都 大连3日自助游攻略
感受浪漫之都 大连3日自助游攻略 标签: 大连游攻略 大连,号称“北方明珠”,阳光,大海,沙滩,美女,是个名副其实的“浪漫之都”。不过大连其实不是很大,真正的游览区就是:西岗区和中山区。因为那里有著名的滨海路,星海广场,俄罗斯风情街,日式风情街,市内的所有广场还有些市内特色店,当然还有大连的美食哦。另外的一大块游览区是离火车站和市区有点点远的金石滩游览区,那里还有著名的发现王国。除此之外,旅顺区的日俄战争遗址和冰峪沟 也是不错的选择。 所以比较宽松,舒服的游览时间是5--7天。 不过如果你的假期有限,可以依据自己的假期时间来安排行程,不过3—4天是肯定需要的。 那么接下来我就来写写对于大连自由行的一些个人的理解和建议。 星海公园 第一天:无论你是坐火车,还是坐飞机,先找个地方安顿下,然后就可以开始你第一天的行程了。 第一天抵达大连,你一定对这座城市充满了好奇,一定想知道哪里最好玩,哪里一定去,哪里有大连特色的小吃,对吗,那么好,第一天就给自己定一个大体了解大连这座城市的行程吧。 大连最著名的就是“海”了,也是大连的主题。所以第一天让自己感受一下大连“海”的魅力吧。 你可以选择乘坐大连的环城旅游巴士,巴士从每年4月底至10月底运营。全长30公里、运行时间90分钟。 具体路线如下:大连火车站——人民广场——会展中心————森林——付家庄——燕窝岭婚庆广场——北大桥——鸟语林——虎滩乐园——港湾桥——中山广场 共12个站,你可以随意上下车,随时随地观光赏景。整条线路采用日制票,可凭当日车票在途经任意站点多次上下,不需要再额外购票。票价是:10元/人。 巴士首班时间为8时,末班时间为17时,平日发车间隔为30分钟,周to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 末及节假日发车间隔为20分钟,遇雨雪等恶劣天气会停运。 基本上,乘坐这个巴士,大连最有名的滨海路基本上你已经游遍了。但是问题是:玩的不精,不细,有些景点还需要再次游览,如:老虎滩海洋公园。 当然你也可以选择自己玩玩。根据住宿地点的不同来选择。但是大体上,就是滨海路加上市内广场游玩为主,来了解大连。 下面的这段是我给在家住的客人推荐的游玩路线,很多客人反映很好,也在这和大家分享一下。 我们的旅舍距离付家庄和老虎滩都很近。从旅舍步行15分钟就可以到达付家庄了,在那里感受下大连的海和海风。 然后从付家庄坐车到森林动物园,森林动物园就不要进了,一是门票太贵,信价比不高;二是里面会需要大半天的游览时间,游览完毕估计你也没太多的体力去看大连的市内了,所以不建议。 不过从森林动物园就可以步行到大连最有名的星海广场了。来大连星海广场一定要去。这段路很舒服,树阴,木桥,杨柳,海风,是份很惬意的享受。 路过贝壳博物馆的时候拍个照,那个城堡式的博物馆,我是觉得很美。 到了星海广场感受下,大连最大的市内广场。之后你就可以坐上大连的有轨电车(也叫铛铛车)202路开始你的大连市区广场之旅。 有轨电车202路线如下: 星海广场—会展中心—富国街—攻城街—解放广场—锦辉商城—兴工街(终点) 这时应该是中饭时间了,建议在锦辉商城下车,那里是大连两大商业街之一的西安路。商场,小吃,饭店应有尽有。 附近推荐饭店:麦凯乐西安路店对面的大地春饼,非常好吃! 锦辉广场斜对面华晟重庆火锅,非常地道,尤其是夫妻肺片很好吃。 这两个是我的最爱,呵呵,附近选择太多了。可以自由选择哦。 吃饱了,走走路到202终点站兴工街吧。(可以问问路人,很有名的车,大伙都知道) 换乘有轨电车201。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 有轨电车201路线如下:兴工街-振工街-五一广场-大同街-北京街-市场街-东关街-大连火车站-胜利桥-民生街-民主广场-人民路(回程为世纪街)-三八广场-二七广场-寺儿沟-春海街-华乐广场-海昌欣城-海之韵公园. 这个201可是大连最有特色的公交车线路了,一是它是铛铛车,二是它几乎横穿了整个大连市区。三是它是分段计费的,从兴工街到大连火车站1块钱,如果到了大连火车站你不下车那么就需要再付1块钱才可以继续乘坐下去。 途径五一广场(其实根本你看不到广场了,被高架桥取代了),胜利桥(下了车就是俄罗斯风情街,可以选择第一天去,也可以选择最后一天去,反正它离火车站不远的),民主广场, 三八广场,二七广场,华乐广场,到达海之韵广场也就是海之韵公园。 海之韵公园其实就是滨海路的最东边的公园了。 不过最近海之韵公园因为修建的关系,已经关闭了。 所以建议你乘坐201在人民路下车,人民路是大连的金融中心街,那里高档写字间林立,香格里拉酒店,远洋洲际酒店,新世界酒店等等大品牌酒店都在那里,还有大连有名的天天渔港。 不过天天渔港就别去了,名气大,东西自然贵,其实味道也是那样,没感觉有什么过人之处,不够你倒是可以选择到星巴克坐坐,你就可以感受到大连白领们是如果在这座城市生存工作的。 从人民路往回走,会途径中山广场,和友好广场,这两个地方一定要拍照,很有特色,也是我认为除了星海广场之外的最有特色的广场了。 中山广场四周的俄式建筑你会觉得很震撼,友好广场的水晶球,晚上灯亮了后,是那样的光彩夺目。此时你真的会发现,大连真的很美。 差不多到晚饭时间了吧。从中山广场或者三八广场转个弯就可以到大连的著名小吃街天津街了。哈哈,问问路人,大连人都知道。 品尝下大连的特色小吃,烤鱿鱼,麻辣串,烤鸡翅,林林种种的烧烤和海鲜一定会让你流连忘返的。 吃饱喝得回家了,然后美美的睡一觉。等待第二天的旅程。 不过说实话,这样的行程会有点累,有点赶,如果你可以在大连停留时间长点的话,也可以用两天时间完成。会轻松些。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 第二天.主要的行程就要到大连的老虎滩海洋公园景区喽,这可是个非去不可的地方,也是大连唯一的五A级旅游景区,基本上这里就会耗掉你的一整天时间了。 因为那里游览项目特别多。 老虎滩极地馆 包括:极地馆:可以看到各种各样的极地动物和海洋动物,还有让人震撼的海豚表演。2008年的这里还举行个一个活动,就是小海豚帮助那些自闭症的小孩子康复,让我觉得那些小海豚真的很伟大。 还有海兽馆,珊瑚馆,欢乐剧场,鸟语林等等。(详细介绍我就不一一写了,网上介绍多着呢) 总之一句话:老虎滩海洋公园是到大连一定要去游玩的地方。 从老虎滩也可以选择坐快艇去棒槌岛,岛上其实没什么,不过坐快艇会很过瘾,站在座上,张开双臂拥抱海风,更近亲大海。 游玩完毕,如果你还有时间,如果你第一天没有做环城巴士去北大桥,燕窝岭,可以这时去瞧瞧,还有秀月峰景区:位于大连海滨风景区中部东端,老虎滩景区西侧,也可以游览下。 第二天的行程基本上就是在老虎滩,晚上可以从海洋公园坐车到市内的青泥洼桥逛逛街,如果你比较有银子,新玛特,百年城,麦凯乐不错哦;如果你是学生或者潮流一族,青泥洼桥的地下胜利广场你会更喜欢。 晚饭就在那里解决吧,你肯定有很多选择的。 旅顺军港 第三天:可以选择去金石滩景区 交通路线: 火车站北广场乘坐轻轨电车至终点站金石滩,全程需要40—50分钟,票价为:8.00元/人 有时候火车站附近会有拉客的小客,真真假假。如果你是孤身一人去发现王国,还是自己踏踏实实的坐车买票到发现王国。 如果你是三五成群的同学帮去发现王国,倒是可以和他们讨价还价一番,to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 反正人多力量大,他们也不敢把你怎么着的。 不过我建议去发现王国还是多些人好。分散排队,集体游玩,节省时间哦。 如果你是一个人的话,就在旅舍发个召集令吧,哈哈,说不得有志同道合的同学呢, 票价目前是:成人发现王国门票价格: 160元(日票);100元(夜票) 儿童发现王国门票价格: 80元(日票) ;50元(夜票) 不过不建议去发现王国,很没意思。 如果是游览金石滩景区,可以在右侧的旅游服务中心的停车场,乘坐旅游观光车,如果只到地质公园是2元,购买观光车票是20元,到达金石滩所有景点,并可随上随下全天有效。玩遍金石滩可以购买八大景点90元套票(包括观光车票钱)这是第一种套票。 狩猎场(免费打2发口径步枪)、影视艺术中心(徐悲鸿艺术馆)、世界名人蜡像馆、大连金石滩地质博物馆、毛泽东像章陈列馆、金石缘、万福鼎、高尔夫球场点(免费打3杆练习球) 金石滩的海的是很迷人的,大家可以坐游艇去看海豚(60元/人),金石滩有很多人文景观——高尔夫球场和蜡像馆(同北大桥,燕窝岭可以一起游玩) 坐游艇去看海豚奇石(60元/人),一般50分钟50--60元/人,比较好看。但是上船之前一定要谈好时间,可以侃价 到了金石滩,服务中心的工作人员会很热心的跟你介绍整个金石滩的面貌和风景还有游玩路线,当然,套票的选择也是多样的,共分三种,其中120/人的套票包括园内的环线巴士(20元,和观光巴士一样,随下随上,通票,也是单行线,可以节省体力,因为金石滩真的很大),地质公园门票(80元),来回快艇(60元),买这种套票的,服务中心可以直接专车送到地质公园,不用挤巴士,突然有种尊贵享受的感觉。乘坐快艇的救生衣是回去的乘艇票。金石滩的烤鱿鱼,8元/一串。乘坐园内BUS到达传说中的黄金海岸,景区的末班车是下午4点,票根一定要留好,最后一站出站的时候,有人会检查的。 金石滩区内旅游有环区巴士,全票10元/人,20分钟就有一班,凭证可以在每个景点任意上下。运行时间:8:30—16:00,旅游旺季及重大活动期间适当延长。可以欣赏13华里的海上奇石景区,这里奇礁林立,含玫瑰园、龙宫、南秀院、鳌滩4大景区88个景观,被称为“神力雕塑公园”。没有门票~推荐黄金海岸,被它独特的浪漫气息所感染,阳光,沙滩,大海,草棚伞绘成一幅魅力无穷的海滨图。游玩时注意时间,记住轻轨末班车时间。目前末班车时间是:to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 18:30. 二.如果你不想去金石滩和发现王国。那么可以坐车去旅顺玩一玩。 交通情况: 还是从火车站北广场坐车,票价7.00元/人。 PS:千万,千万,别听信那些在火车站周边拉客去旅顺玩的旅游车,切记啊~ 以下的这段是从网上知道到的,呵呵,因为惭愧的说,我没去过旅顺。所以只能从网上找些资料啦。 旅顺口是“大连海滨-旅顺口风景名胜区”的组成部分,为国家级风景名胜区、国家级自然保护区、国家级森林公园、历史文化名城。旅顺口全境属长白山余脉构成的沿海丘陵地带,东高西低,山丘较多,平均海拔140米,最高峰老铁山海拔465.6米。老铁山直临黄渤海分界线,被称为辽宁点的“天涯海角”。 主要景点有:白玉山、旅顺博物馆,胜利塔、中苏友谊塔、水师营会见所旧址点、苏军烈士陵园、203高地、电岩炮台、东日俄战争遗址、日俄监狱旧址、南子弹库、蛇岛、万忠墓纪念馆、旅顺蛇博物馆、旅顺军港(军港公园)、老铁山、龙塘水库樱花园、老铁山温泉、旅顺海军兵器馆等。 都是战争遗址,至于怎么玩还真没有心得,希望大伙能帮忙增加些呀。 如果是我个人推荐,我推荐去金石滩,那里放松惬意,不似旅顺那么沉重。但是我也非常希望大家如果时间充足可以在游览过金石滩后的第二天去旅顺,那里是非常好的爱国主义教育基地。 贴士 购买土特产品: 1. 自己吃:实惠,省钱,就去火车站大菜市,那里应有尽有,但是缺点是有点脏; 2. 送人:去火车站青泥洼桥附近的大连商场,一层全部是各种品牌的食品,送人最合适不过了。 特色店: 1. 艾吧,很多住我店的客人很喜欢去。不错,很有感觉的一家小店。老板叫夹子,还有家酒吧,是个不错的文化青年。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 2. 尚书院, 品茶,研究国学,读书。和艾书吧完全是两个路子。 3. 爱五五咖啡厅,地道的咖啡馆,很多大连小资和老外喜欢去,不过价 格不便宜。 以上几家店都在高尔基路和奥林匹克广场附近。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an
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