

2018-01-12 26页 doc 73KB 19阅读




初三化学复习重点知识点分类总结初三化学复习重点知识点分类总结 2014年中考化学知识点分类整理 初三化学复习重点知识点总结 物质俗名及其对应的化学式和化学名 化学式 俗名 化学式 俗名 化学式 俗名 金刚石、生石灰、氧苛性钠、火碱、C CaO NaOH 石墨 化钙 烧碱 干冰(固熟石灰、消CO 体二氧化 Ca(OH) NaHCO 小苏打 223石灰 碳) 酒精、乙氨水、一水合CHOH NH 氨气(碱性) NH?HO 25332醇: 氨 大理石、石灰Hg 水银、汞 NaCO 纯碱、苏打 CaCO 233石 铜绿、孔工业用盐、CuSO?5H4...
初三化学复习重点分类 2014年中考化学知识点分类整理 初三化学复习重点知识点总结 物质俗名及其对应的化学式和化学名 化学式 俗名 化学式 俗名 化学式 俗名 金刚石、生石灰、氧苛性钠、火碱、C CaO NaOH 石墨 化钙 烧碱 干冰(固熟石灰、消CO 体二氧化 Ca(OH) NaHCO 小苏打 223石灰 碳) 酒精、乙氨水、一水合CHOH NH 氨气(碱性) NH?HO 25332醇: 氨 大理石、石灰Hg 水银、汞 NaCO 纯碱、苏打 CaCO 233石 铜绿、孔工业用盐、CuSO?5H42Cu(OH)CO NaNO 胆矾、蓝矾 2232雀石 有毒 O 1. 常见物质的名称、化学式、俗称及主要物理性质 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 23 名称 化学式 俗称 主要物理性质 硫 硫磺 黄色固体,不溶于水;易溶于有机溶剂。 S 无色气体、能溶于水、密度比空气大,固体干冰 二氧化碳 固体俗称干冰 CO2 易升华。 无色、无味气体、难溶于水,密度比空气略小, 一氧化碳 煤气 CO 有毒性。 甲烷 沼气、坑气 无色、无味气体,极难溶于水,密度小于空气。 CH4 无色透明,具有特殊气味的易挥发的液体,可与水任乙醇 酒精 CHOH 25意互溶。 无色有刺激性酸味的液体,易溶于水,固体称冰 乙酸 醋酸、冰醋酸 CHCOOH 3醋酸。 氧化钙 生石灰 白色固体,易吸水,有腐蚀性。 CaO 氧化铁 铁锈、赤铁矿 红色固体,不溶于水。 FeO23 四氧化三铁 磁铁矿 黑色固体,不溶于水。 FeO34 氢氧化钠 火碱、烧碱、苛性钠 白色固体,极易溶于水,易潮解,有强腐蚀性。 NaOH 熟石灰、消石灰、石 氢氧化钙 白色粉末状固体,微溶于水,有腐蚀性。 Ca(OH) 2灰水 碳酸钠 纯碱、口碱、苏打 白色粉末状固体,易溶于水且吸湿结块。 NaCO23 碳酸钠晶体 无色晶体,易失水风化。 NaCO?10HO 232 碳酸氢钠 小苏打 白色晶体,易溶于水,但溶解度比NaCO小。 NaHCO233 氯化钠 食盐 NaCl 碳酸钙 石灰石、大理石 白色固体,不溶于水。 CaCO3 硫酸铜 白色粉末状固体,溶于水,其水溶液为蓝色。 CuSO 4 硫酸铜晶体 蓝矾、胆矾 蓝色晶体。 CuSO?5HO 42 高锰酸钾 灰锰氧 紫色有光泽晶体,溶于水,其水溶液为紫色。 KMnO 4 1cal path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the supporthaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physiteel sr of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the she penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diametethan tnd flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less rs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of beof burd at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free mooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and burieons, sble protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressid focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cashoul he drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cableuld be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to tks shows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checsport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrotran strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, isof 碱式碳酸铜 铜绿 绿色粉末状固体,不溶于水。 (OH)CO Cu223 氯化银 新制得为白色凝乳状沉淀,不溶于稀硝酸。 AgCl 硫酸钡 天然产称重晶石 白色固体,不溶于水,不溶于稀硝酸。 BaSO4 氢氧化铁 新制得为红褐色沉淀。 Fe(OH) 3 氢氧化铜 新制得为蓝色沉淀。 Cu(OH) 2 2. 几种常见药品的存放 药品 性质 保存 白磷 着火点低,易自燃,不跟水反应 放入冷水中 浓硫酸 易吸收空气中的水分(吸水性) 放入玻璃瓶内,瓶塞要严 浓盐酸 易挥发 放入玻璃瓶内,瓶塞要严 浓硝酸 易挥发 放入玻璃瓶内,瓶塞要严 氧化钙 易吸水,易与空气中二氧化碳反应而变质 密封于干燥试剂瓶中 固体氢氧化钠 易潮解,易与空气中二氧化碳反应而变质 密封于干燥试剂瓶中 1.地壳中含量最多的金属元素是铝(Al)。 2.地壳中含量最多的非金属元素是氧(O)。 2 3.空气中含量最多的物质是氮气(N) 2 4.天然存在最硬的物质是金刚石(C)。 5.最简单的有机物是甲烷。 (CH) 4 6.金属活动顺序中活动性最强的金属是钾(K)。 7.相对分子质量最小的氧化物是水(HO)。 最简单的有机化合物CH 24 常见物质的颜色的状态 1.白色固体:MgO、PO、CaO、 NaOH、Ca(OH)、KClO、KCl、NaCO、NaCl、无水252323CuSO;铁、镁为银白色(汞为银白色液态) 4 2.黑色固体:石墨、炭粉、铁粉、CuO、MnO、FeO 234 KMnO为紫黑色 。 4 3.红色固体:Cu、FeO 、HgO、红磷?硫:淡黄色? Cu(OH)CO为绿色 232232+2+3+4.溶液的颜色:凡含Cu的溶液呈蓝色;凡含Fe的溶液呈浅绿色;凡含Fe的溶液呈棕黄色,其余溶液一般为无色。(高锰酸钾溶液为紫红色) 5.沉淀(即不溶于水的盐和碱): ?盐:白色?:CaCO、BaCO(溶于酸) AgCl、BaSO(不溶于稀HNO) 等 3343?碱:蓝色?:Cu(OH) 红褐色?:Fe(OH)白色?:Mg(OH)。 23 2 6.(1)具有刺激性气体的气体:NH、SO、HCl(皆为无色) 32 (2)无色无味的气体:O、H、N、CO、CH、CO(剧毒) 22224 ?注意:具有刺激性气味的液体:盐酸、硝酸、醋酸。酒精为有特殊气体的液体。 burrs at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free ofoth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried s, smoe protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressionfocus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cablould drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable sh d be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to theshoulon the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks ort and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrowstransptrictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; ansport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is sof tr2l path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the supportft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical shaf the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steepenetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter o n theflat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less thaand sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend 7.有毒的,气体:CO 液体:CHOH;固体:NaNO CuSO(可作杀菌剂 ,与熟石灰混合配成324天蓝色的粘稠状物质——波尔多液) 解题技巧和说明 推断题解题技巧 看其颜色,观其状态,察其变化,初代验之,验而得之。 黑色:MnO、CuO、FeO、C、FeS(硫化亚铁) 2342+蓝色:CuSO•5HO、Cu(OH).CuCO.含Cu 溶液、 液态固态O(淡蓝色) 42232 红色:Cu(亮红色)、FeO(红棕色)、红磷(暗红色) 233+黄色:硫磺(单质S)、含Fe 的溶液(棕黄色) 2+绿色:FeSO•7HO、含Fe 的溶液(浅绿色)、碱式碳酸铜[Cu(OH)CO] 42223 无色气体:N、CO、CO、O、H、CH 22224 有色气体:Cl(黄绿色)、NO(红棕色) 22 有刺激性气味的气体:NH(此气体可使湿润pH试纸变蓝色)、SO 32 有臭鸡蛋气味:HS 2 (二) 解实验题 看清题目要求是什么,要做的是什么,这样做的目的是什么。 实验用到的气体要求是比较纯净,除去常见杂质具体方法: ? 除水蒸气可用:浓流酸、CaCl固体、碱石灰、无水CuSO(并且可以检验杂质中有无水蒸24气,有则颜色由白色?蓝色)、生石灰等; ? 除CO可用:澄清石灰水(可检验出杂质中有无CO)、NaOH溶液、KOH溶液、碱石灰22等; ? 除HCl气体可用:AgNO溶液(可检验出杂质中有无HCl)、石灰水、NaOH溶液、KOH3 溶液; 除气体杂质的原则:用某物质吸收杂质或跟杂质反应,但不能吸收或跟有效成份反应,或者 生成新的杂质。 2.实验注意的地方: ?防爆炸:点燃可燃性气体(如H、CO、CH)前,要检验气体纯度。 24 ?防暴沸:稀释浓硫酸时,将浓硫酸倒入水中,不能把水倒入浓硫酸中。 ?防中毒:进行有关有毒气体(如:CO、SO、NO)的性质实验时,在通风厨中进行;并要22 注意尾气的处理:CO点燃烧掉; SO、NO用碱液吸收。 22 ?防倒吸:加热法制取并用排水法收集气体,要注意熄灯顺序 实验室制取三大气体中常见的要除的杂质: (1)制O要除的杂质:水蒸气(HO) 22 (2)用盐酸和锌粒制H要除的杂质:水蒸气(HO)、氯化氢气体(HCl,盐酸酸雾)(用稀硫22 酸没此杂质) (3)制CO要除的杂质:水蒸气(HO)、氯化氢气体(HCl) 22 除水蒸气的试剂:浓流酸、CaCl固体、碱石灰(主要成份是NaOH和CaO)、生石灰、无水2 CuSO(并且可以检验杂质中有无水蒸气,有则颜色由白色?蓝色)等; 4 除HCl气体的试剂:AgNO溶液(并可检验出杂质中有无HCl)、澄清石灰水、NaOH溶液(或3 固体)、KOH溶液(或固体);[生石灰、碱石灰也可以跟HCl气体反应] rs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of beof burd at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free mooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and burieons, sble protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressid focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cashoul he drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cableuld be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to tks shows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checsport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrotran strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, isof 3cal path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the supporthaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physiteel sr of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the she penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diametethan tnd flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less 常见气体的性质 (1)氧气O (通常状况下) 化学性质及用途 (O) 无色无味的气体,不易溶于水,密度比空气略22 大 a. 供呼吸;b. 炼钢;c. 气焊。(注:O具有助燃性,但不具有可燃性,不能燃烧。) 2 (2)氢气(H)无色无味的气体,难溶于水,密度比空气小,是最轻的气体。 2 ? 可燃性: a.填充气、飞舰(密度比空气小) b.合成氨、制盐酸 c.气焊、气割(可燃性)4.提炼金属(还原性) ?? 还原性: 3H + FeO 2Fe + 3HO 223 2 (3)二氧化碳(CO) 无色无味的气体,密度大于空气,能溶于水,固体的CO叫“干冰”。 22 ?CO + HO ==HCO(酸性) (HCO === HO + CO?)(不稳定) 22232322 a.用于灭火(应用其不可燃烧,也不支持燃烧的性质) b.制饮料、化肥和纯碱 CO + Ca(OH) ==CaCO?+HO(鉴别CO) CO +2NaOH==NaCO + HO 223222232?氧化性:CO+ C == 2CO CaCO == CaO + CO?(工业制CO) 2 322 (4)一氧化碳(CO) 无色无味气体,密度比空气略小,难溶于水,有毒气体。 ?可燃性:2CO + O == 2CO 22 (火焰呈蓝色,放出大量的热,可作气体燃料) a. 作燃料 b. 冶炼金属 高温?还原性: 3CO + FeO2Fe + 3CO (跟血液中血红蛋白结合,破坏血液输氧的能力) 232 基本化学反应 化学方程式 伴随现象 物质反应 化合反应 点燃镁在空气中燃烧 2Mg + O 2MgO 耀眼的白光、放出热量、生成白色粉末 2点燃 铁在氧气中燃烧 3Fe + 2O FeO 剧烈燃烧,火星四射、放出热量、黑色固体生成 234点燃氢气中空气中燃烧 2H + O2HO 淡蓝色火焰、放出热量、烧杯内壁出现水雾 222点燃红(白)磷燃烧 4P + 5O2PO 发出白光、放出热量、生成大量白烟。 225点燃碳在氧气中充分燃烧 C + OCO 发出白光、放出热量、澄清石灰水变浑浊 22点燃碳不充分燃烧 2C + O2CO 2高温 CO通过灼热碳层 C + CO 2CO (吸热反应) 2 2 氧化钙溶于水 CaO+ HO==Ca(OH) (放大量热) 白色块状固体变为粉末、 生石灰制备石灰浆 22 CO + HO === HCO 二氧化碳溶于水 石蕊试液由紫色变成红色。 2223 分解反应 通电 水在通电分解 2HO 2H?+ O ? 两电极上有气泡产生、(正氧负氢) 222?紫色变为黑色、生成使带火星木条复燃的气体 加热高锰酸钾 2KMnO KMnO + MnO + O? 42422MnO2双氧水制氧气 2HO 2HO+ O? 有气泡产生,带火星的木条复燃。 22 22高温锻烧石灰石 CaCOCaO+CO? (二氧化碳工业制法)工业制备二氧化碳和生石灰 32 碳酸不稳定而分解 HCO === HO + CO? 石蕊试液由红色变成紫色。 2322?2NaHCO NaCO+HO+CO? 小苏打受热分解 产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 小苏打蒸馒头 32322 ft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical shaf the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steepenetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter o n theflat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less thaand sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend burrs at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free ofoth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried s, smoe protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressionfocus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cablould drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable sh d be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to theshoulon the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks ort and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrowstransptrictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; ansport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is sof tr4l path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 置换反应 基本形式:,,,,,,,,, 单质和化合物 反应 生成 另一种单质和另一种化合物 SO==ZnSO+H? Zn+H2442 酸与金属反应 Fe+HSO==FeSO+H? 放出气体 2442 Mg+2HCl == MgCl+H? 22 盐与金属反应 2Al+3CuSO==Al(SO)+3Cu 银白色金属表面覆盖有红色物质 4243 有气体生成、溶液显浅绿色 Fe + HSO= FeSO + H? 铁溶于稀硫酸 24 42 CuSO+Zn==ZnSO+Cu 银白色金属表面覆盖有红色物质 44 Fe+CuSO==Cu+FeSO 银白色金属表面覆盖有红色物质、湿法炼铜、镀铜 44 高温焦炭还原氧化铁 3C+2FeO 4Fe + 3CO? 23 2 高温木炭还原氧化铜 C+ 2CuO 2Cu + CO? 黑色粉未变成红色,澄清石灰水变浑浊。 2 其他反应 苛性钠暴露在空气中变质 或 CO通入氢氧化钠溶液 2NaOH + CO ==== NaCO + HO 22232 澄清石灰水变浑浊。(用澄清石灰水可以检验CO,2CO通入澄清石灰水 CO +Ca(OH) ==CaCO?+ HO 22232也可以用CO检验石灰水) 2 高温FeO+3CO 2Fe+3CO 红色逐渐变为黑色 冶炼金属铁 232 点燃甲烷在空气中燃烧 CH + 2O CO + 2HO 甲烷燃烧 4222 点燃酒精在空气中燃烧 CHOH + 3O 2CO + 3HO 酒精燃烧 25222 复分解反应 复分解反应条件:任意一个条件:有水、气体、沉淀 生成 Ca(OH)+NaCO==CaCO?+2NaOH 有白色沉淀生成 工业制烧碱、实验室制少量烧碱 2233 Ca(OH)+2HCl==CaCl+2HO 无明显现象 222 NaOH+HCl==NaCl+HO 无明显现象 2 2NaOH+HSO==NaSO+2HO 无明显现象 24242 FeO+6HCl==2FeCl+3HO 铁锈溶解、溶液呈黄色 铁器除锈 2332 Fe + 2HCl=== FeCl + H? 固体溶解、溶液显浅绿色 22 银白色金属表面覆盖一层红色物质 湿法炼铜、镀铜、溶液由Fe+CuSO==Cu+FeSO 44蓝色变为浅绿色 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 泡沫灭火器原NaCO+HSO==NaSO+HO+CO? 23242422理 ? 2NaHCO NaCO+HO+CO? 产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 小苏打蒸馒头 32322 r of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the she penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diametethan tnd flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less rs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of beof burd at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free mooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and burieons, sble protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressid focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cashoul he drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cableuld be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to tks shows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checsport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrotran strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, isof 5cal path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the supporthaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physiteel s 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 实验室制备二+2HCl==CaCl+HO+CO? CaCO3222氧化碳、除水垢 3HCl + Al(OH) ==== AlCl + 3HO 氢氧化铝药物治疗胃酸过多 332 NaHCO + HCl=== NaCl + HO + CO? 小苏打治疗胃酸过多 322 气体放出 NaCO + 2HCl === 2NaCl + HO + CO? 2322 气体放出 CaCO + 2HCl === CaCl + HO + CO? 3222 气体放出 NaHCO + HCl=== NaCl + HO + CO? 322 消石灰放在空气中变质,生成白色不溶于水的固体 Ca(OH) + CO ==== CaCO ?+ HO 2232 苛性钠暴露在空气中变质,遇水潮解,遇二氧化碳变质 2NaOH + CO ==== NaCO + HO 2232 白色沉淀生成、不溶于稀硝酸 HCl+AgNO==AgCl?+HNO 33 Ba(OH)+HSO==BaSO?+2HO 白色沉淀生成、不溶于稀硝酸 22442 CuO+HSO==CuSO+HO 黑色氧化铜溶于稀硫酸 2442 CaCl+NaCO==CaCO?+2NaCl 2233 NaSO+BaCl==BaSO?+2NaCl 2424 初中化学敞口置于空气中质量改变的 1、由于吸水而增加的:氢氧化钠固体,氯化钙,氯化镁,浓 硫酸; 2、由于跟水反应而增加的:氧化钙、氧化钡、氧化钾、氧化(一)质量增加的; 钠,硫酸铜 3、由于跟二氧化碳反应而增加的:氢氧化钠,氢氧化钾,氢 氧化钡,氢氧化钙 1、由于挥发而减少的:浓盐酸,浓硝酸,酒精,汽油,浓氨 (二)质量减少的 水; 2、由于风化而减少的:碳酸钠晶体NaCO•10HO失去结晶232 水 物质溶于水的吸热放热情况 NaOH固体、CaO固体、浓HSO、Ca(OH)固体溶于水 放出热量、使周围温度升高 242 硝酸铵(NHNO) 溶于水 (多数的分解反应) 吸热,使周围温度下降 43 蔗糖、NaCl溶于水 不放热 初中化学溶液的酸碱性 1、显酸性的溶液:酸溶液和某些盐溶液(硫酸氢钠、硫酸氢钾等) 2、显碱性的溶液:碱溶液和某些盐溶液(碳酸钠、碳酸氢钠等) at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free ofoth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried s, smoe protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressionfocus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cablould drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable sh d be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to theshoulon the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks ort and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrowstransptrictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; ansport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is sof tr6l path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the supportft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical shaf the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steepenetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter o n theflat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less thaand sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend burrs 3、显中性的溶液:水和大多数的盐溶液(CaCl、NaCl) 2 金属和非金属单质、氧化物、酸、碱、盐之间的相互转化 盐 (无氧酸盐) (7)金属非金属 盐2(1)+O+O2(4) (含氧酸盐)(17)(17) 碱性 酸性(8)氧化物氧化物 (16)(15)盐和金属(11)(12)(2)+H2O-H2O(3)(5)+H2O-H2O(6)盐和氢气 盐和水 (9)碱酸 (14)(13) 碱和盐酸和盐+碱+酸 两种新盐 (10)盐盐 物质 所用试剂 检验的方法、步骤 现象 化学反应实例 石蕊试剂由 ? 紫色石蕊 取少量酸于试管并加入紫色变为红 试液 几滴石蕊试液。 色。 +酸(H) ? 无色酚酞 取少量酸于试管并加入无色酚酞试 试液 几滴酚酞试液。 液不变色。 蘸取少量酸滴在pH试纸? pH试纸 pH<7 上。 石蕊试剂由 ? 紫色石蕊取少量碱液于试管中并紫色变为蓝 试液 加入几滴石蕊试液。 色。 碱 无色酚酞试 ? 无色酚酞取少量碱液于试管中并,(OH) 液由无色变 试液 加入几滴酚酞试液。 为红色。 蘸取少量碱液滴在pH试 ? pH试纸 pH>7 纸上。 盐酸及? 取少量待测液于试管产生不溶于可溶性试剂和的白HCl+AgNO=AgCl?+HNOAgNO中 稀HNO3333 氯化物 稀HNO ? 滴入几滴AgNO试剂色凝乳状沉NaCl+AgNO=AgCl?+NaNO 3333,并滴加稀HNO淀。 (Cl) 3 硫酸及? 取少量待测液于试管生成不溶于BaCl试剂和SO+BaCl=BaSO?+2HCl H22424可溶性的白中 稀HNO3稀HNO NaSO+BaCl=BaSO?+2NaCl 32424硫酸盐 ? 滴入几滴BaCl试剂色沉淀。 2 d at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free mooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and burieons, sble protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressid focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cashoul he drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cableuld be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to tks shows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checsport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrotran strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, isof 7cal path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the supporthaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physiteel sr of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the she penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diametethan tnd flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less rs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of beof bur ,2) 并滴加稀HNO (SO43 ? 取少量待测固体或溶 液于试管; 冒出气泡,气+HCl=CaCl+CO?+2HO HCl或稀CaCO3222碳酸盐 ? 加入几滴稀HCl或稀体能使澄清,澄清石NaCO+2HCl=NaCl+CO?+HO HNO,323222(CO) HNO; 石灰水变浑33灰水 Ca(OH)+CO=CaCO?+HO 2232? 将生成的气体通入澄浊。 清石灰水。 1. 有关化学式的计算: 基本公式: (1)相对分子质量=(化学式中各原子的相对原子质量×化学式中该元素原子个数)之和 该元素相对原子质量,化学式中该元素原子个数,100%(2)化合物中某元素质量分数= 化合物的相对分子质量(3)元素质量=物质质量×该元素的质量分数 2. 有关溶液的计算 溶液质量=溶质质量+溶剂质量 溶液质量=溶液体积×密度 溶质质量,,100%溶质的质量分数 溶液质量 溶解度饱和溶液溶质的质量分数 ,,100%溶解度,100g 稀释公式:浓溶液质量×稀释前浓度=稀溶液质量×稀释后浓度 浓溶液质量×大浓度+稀溶液质量×小浓度=混合溶液×中浓度 2.解题: 计算题的类型有 a(有关质量分数(元素和溶质)的计算 b(根据化学方程式进行计算 c(由a和b两种类型混合在一起计算 (1)溶液中溶质质量分数的计算 溶质质量分数 =溶质的质量/溶液的质量 × 100% (2)化合物(纯净物)中某元素质量分数的计算 某元素质量分数=某元素的原子质量和/化合物的质量 × 100% (3)混合物中某化合物的质量分数计算 化合物的质量分数= 某化合物的质量/混合物的质量× 100% (4)混合物中某元素质量分数的计算 某元素质量分数=某元素的质量和/混合物的质量 × 100% 或:某元素质量分数= 化合物的质量分数 × 该元素在化合物中的质量分数 (5)解题技巧 a.审题:看清题目的要求,已知什么,求什么,有化学方程式的先写出化学方程式。找出解此 题的有关公式。 b.根据化学方程式计算的解题步骤: ?设未知量 at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free ofoth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried s, smoe protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressionfocus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cablould drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable sh d be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to theshoulon the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks ort and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrowstransptrictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; ansport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is sof tr8l path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the supportft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical shaf the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steepenetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter o n theflat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less thaand sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend burrs ?写出正确的化学方程式 ?写出有关物质的相对分子质量、已知量、未知量 ?列出比例式,求解 ?答。 rs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of beof burd at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free mooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and burieons, sble protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressid focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cashoul he drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cableuld be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to tks shows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checsport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrotran strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, isof 9cal path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the supporthaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physiteel sr of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the she penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diametethan tnd flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less
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