

2017-10-26 12页 doc 36KB 21阅读




电脑开机报警声含义电脑开机报警声含义 一、Award BIOS自检响铃含义: 1短:系统正常启动。恭喜,你的机器没有任何问题。 2短:常规错误,请进入CMOS Setup,重新设置不正确的选项。 1长1短:RAM或主板出错。换一条内存试试,若还是不行,只好更换主板。 1长2短:显示器或显示卡错误。 1长3短:键盘控制器错误。检查主板。 1长9短:主板Flash RAM或EPROM错误,BIOS损坏。换块Flash RAM试试。 不断地响(长声):内存条未插紧或损坏。重插内存条,若还是不行,只有更换一条内存。 不停地响:电源、显示...
电脑开机报警声含义 一、Award BIOS自检响铃含义: 1短:系统正常启动。恭喜,你的机器没有任何问。 2短:常规错误,请进入CMOS Setup,重新设置不正确的选项。 1长1短:RAM或主板出错。换一条内存试试,若还是不行,只好更换主板。 1长2短:显示器或显示卡错误。 1长3短:键盘控制器错误。检查主板。 1长9短:主板Flash RAM或EPROM错误,BIOS损坏。换块Flash RAM试试。 不断地响(长声):内存条未插紧或损坏。重插内存条,若还是不行,只有更换一条内存。 不停地响:电源、显示器未和显示卡连接好。检查一下所有的插头。 重复短响:电源有问题。 无声音无显示:电源有问题。 二、AMI BIOS自检响铃含义: 1短:内存刷新失败。更换内存条。 2短:内存ECC较验错误。在CMOS Setup中将内存关于ECC校验的选项设为Disabled就可以解决,不过最根本的解决办法还是更换一条内存。 3短:系统基本内存(第1个64kB)检查失败。换内存。 4短:系统时钟出错。 5短:中央处理器(CPU)错误。 6短:键盘控制器错误。 7短:系统实模式错误,不能切换到保护模式。 8短:显示内存错误。显示内存有问题,更换显卡试试。 9短:ROM BIOS检验和错误。 1长3短:内存错误。内存损坏,更换即可。 1长8短:显示测试错误。显示器数据线没插好或显示卡没插牢。 这是我从网上找到的开机报警声大全,希望对你有帮助吧~~~ 开机报警声分析硬件问题 1、“嘀嘀„”连续的短音 一般情况下常见于主机的电源有问题。不过有时候电源输出电压偏低时,主机并不报警,但是会出现硬盘丢失,光驱的读盘性能差,经常死机的情况。当出现这些情况时,最好检查一下各路电压的输出,是否偏低,当+5V和+12V低于10%时,就会不定期的出现上述的问题。因为电源有电压输出,经常会误以为主板的问题或硬盘问题,而浪费好多时间。造成输出电压偏低的原因是输出部分的滤波电容失容或漏液造成的,直流成份降低时,电源中的高频交流成份加大,会干扰主板的正常工作,造成系统不稳定,容易出现死机或蓝屏现象。 不过这种情况在INTEL和技嘉的某类主板上,如果系统出现“嘀嘀„”连续短鸣声,并不是电源故障,而是内存故障报警,这一点需要注意。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 2.“呜啦呜啦”的救护车声,伴随着开机长响不停 这种情况是CPU过热的系统报警声,大多是因为在为主机内部除尘,打扫CPU散热器或者是因为更换了新的CPU风扇,因为安装不到位,CPU散热器与 CPU接触不牢,有一定的空间或其间加有杂物,导致CPU发出的热量无法正常散出,一开机CPU就高达80-90?。如果是PIII以下的CPU,因为 CPU的温度测试是采用靠近CPU附近的温度探头来采集的,显示的温度数值与CPU实际的温度数值有一定的误差,大约有10-20?的差别。而PIV的 CPU的温度传感器是集成在CPU内部,这时系统显示的CPU温度比较准确。一般主机只要一开机,系统提示的CPU温度就在50?左右,这是正常的。 3.“嘀„嘀„”的连续有间隔的长音。 这是内存报警的声音,一般是内存松动,内存的金手指与内存插槽接触不良,内存的金手指氧化,内存的某个芯片有故障等原因。 4.“嘀„,嘀嘀”一长两短的连续鸣叫 这是显卡报警,一般是显卡松动,显卡损坏,或者主板的显卡供电部分有故障。 5.“嘟嘟”两声长音后没有动静,过一会儿会听到“咯吱咯吱”的读软驱的声音。 如果有图像显示会提示系统将从软驱启动,正在读取软盘。如果软驱中没有软盘,系统会提示没有系统无法启动,系统挂起。 6.在WIN系统下按“Caps Lock”和“Num Lock”与“Scroll Lock”这三个键时,主机的PC喇叭有“嘀”的类似按键音。 例如三帝的PV40ML,这种情况是主板的一种提示功能,提示用户改变了键盘的输入状态,不是故障。但是因为有的人不明白其中缘伪,便认为是主板有问题。 7.短促“嘀”的一声 一般情况下,这是系统自检通过,系统正常启动的提示音。不过,有的主板自检通过时,没有这种提示音,什么声音也没有。还要注意,有的主板自检的时间可能较长,会等五六秒钟后才会听到“嘀”的一声,需要有点耐心。 现在主板常用的BIOS有两种“AMI、Award”的,由于生产厂家的不同,它们的代position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 码定义也略有区别。 首先给大家介绍一下Award BIOS的报警音代码: 1短:系统正常启动。恭喜,你的机器没有任何问题。 2短:常规错误,请进入CMOS Setup,重新设置不正确的选项。 1长1短:RAM或主板出错。换一条内存试试,若还是不行,只好更换主板。 1长2短:显示器或显示卡错误。 1长3短:键盘控制器错误。检查主板。 1长9短:主板Flash RAM或EPROM错误,BIOS损坏。换块Flash RAM试试。 不断地响(长声):内存条未插紧或损坏。重插内存条,若还是不行,只有更换一条内存。 重复短响:电源有问题。 无声音无显示:电源有问题。 下面是AMI BIOS的报警音代码: 1短:内存刷新失败。更换内存条。 2短:内存ECC较验错误。在CMOS Setup中将内存关于ECC校验的选项设为Disabled就 可以解决,不过最根本的解决办法还是更换一条内存。 3短:系统基本内存(第1个64kB)检查失败。换内存。 4短:系统时钟出错。 5短:中央处理器(CPU)错误。 6短:键盘控制器错误。 7短:系统实模式错误,不能切换到保护模式。 8短:显示内存错误。显示内存有问题,更换显卡试试。 9短:ROM BIOS检验和错误。 1长3短:内存错误。内存损坏,更换即可。 1长8短:显示测试错误。显示器数据线没插好或显示卡没插牢。 电脑报警声音代表意思 启动报警声音全攻略 Award BIOS: 1短:系统正常启动 2短:常规错误。解决方法:重设BIOS 1长1短:RAM或主板出错 1长2短:显示器或显示卡错误 1长3短:键盘控制器错误 1长9短:主板FLASH RAM 或EPROM错误,BIOS损坏 不停地响(长声):内存条未插紧或损坏 不听地响:电源、显示器未和显卡连接好 重复短响:电源有问题 无声音无显示:电源有问题 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along AWI BIOS: 1短:内存刷新失败。解决方法,更换内存条 2短:内存ECC效验错误。解决方法:进入CMOS设置,将ECC效验关闭 3短:系统基本内存(第一个64KB)检查失败 4短:系统时钟出错 5短:CPU错误 6短:键盘控制器错误 7短:系统实模式错误,不能切换到保护模式 8短:显存错误 9短:ROM BIOS检验和错误 1长3短:内存错误 1长8短:显示测试错误 Phoenix BIOS 1短:系统启动正常 1短1短1短:系统加点自检初始化失败 1短1短2短:主板错误 1短1短3短:CMOS或电池错误 1短1短4短:ROM BIOS效验失败 1短2短1短:系统时钟错误 1短2短2短:DMA初始化失败 1短2短3短:DMA页寄存器错误 1短3短1短:RAM刷新错误 1短3短2短:基本内存错误 1短4短1短:基本内存地址线错误 1短4短2短:基本内存效验错误 1短4短3短:EISA时序器错误 1短4短4短:EASA NMI口错误 2短1短2短到2短4短4短(即所有开始为2短的声音的组合):基本内存错误 3短1短1短:从DMA寄存器错误 3短1短2短:主DMA寄存器错误 3短1短3短:主中断处理寄存器错误 3短1短4短:从中断处理寄存器错误 3短2短4短:键盘控制器错误 3短3短4短:显示卡内存错误 3短4短2短:显示错误 3短4短3短:未发现显示只读存储器 4短2短1短:时钟错误 4短2短2短:关机错误 4短2短3短:A20门错误 4短2短4短:保护模式中断错误 4短3短1短:内存错误 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 4短3短3短:时钟2错误 4短3短4短:实时钟错误 4短4短1短:串行口错误 4短4短2短:并行口错误 4短4短3短:数字协处理器错误 兼容BIOS: 1短:系统正常 2短:系统加电自检(POST)失败 1长:电源错误,如果无显示,则为显示卡错误 1长1短:主板错误 1长2短:显卡错误 1短1短1短:电源错误 3长1短:键盘错误 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along
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