

2017-10-23 13页 doc 39KB 30阅读




论李白诗歌的艺术特色论李白诗歌的艺术特色 李白是盛唐文化孕育出来的天才诗人。其非凡的自负和自信,狂傲的独立人格、豪放洒脱的气度和自由创造的浪漫情怀,充分体现了盛唐士人的时代性格和精神风貌。他是中国继屈原之后的伟大浪漫主义诗人。在李白的诗歌作品把盛唐诗歌的气来情来,神采发挥得淋漓尽致。他的诗歌创作,充满了发兴无端的澎湃激情和神奇想象,既有气势浩瀚、变幻莫测的壮观奇景,又有标举风神情韵而自然天成的明丽意境,美不胜收。他的诗歌具有与众不同的艺术特色。因此我们在学习、研读、欣赏李白的诗歌过程中,一定要善于抓住李白诗歌的特色。李白诗歌有哪些方面的艺术特色...
论李白诗歌的艺术特色 李白是盛唐文化孕育出来的天才诗人。其非凡的自负和自信,狂傲的独立人格、豪放洒脱的气度和自由创造的浪漫情怀,充分体现了盛唐士人的时代性格和精神风貌。他是中国继屈原之后的伟大浪漫主义诗人。在李白的诗歌作品把盛唐诗歌的气来情来,神采发挥得淋漓尽致。他的诗歌创作,充满了发兴无端的澎湃激情和神奇想象,既有气势浩瀚、变幻莫测的壮观奇景,又有标举风神情韵而自然天成的明丽意境,美不胜收。他的诗歌具有与众不同的艺术特色。因此我们在学习、研读、欣赏李白的诗歌过程中,一定要善于抓住李白诗歌的特色。李白诗歌有哪些方面的艺术特色呢, 一、李白诗歌的主观浪漫主义色彩强 李白诗歌除带有强烈的主观色彩,主要表现为侧重抒写豪迈气概和激昂情怀,很少对客观物象和具体事件做细致的描述。李白作诗,常以奔放的气势贯穿,讲究纵横驰骋,一气呵成,具有以气夺人的特点。如《上李邑》:“大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里,假令风歇时下来,犹能簸却沧溟水”。以大鹏自喻可已非庄子式的逍遥以自适的大鹏,而是要引起震动惊怪的大鹏,足见其气势不凡,在这不凡的浩大气势里,体现出傲世独立的气概和人格力量。他在《行路难》中说:“行路难,行路难”说明作者面对眼前的现实的时候,感到人生道路的艰难,离筵上瞻望前程,只觉前路崎岖,岐途甚多,要走的路,究竟在哪里呢,使作者感到自已前途一片茫然。但倔强而又自信的李白,由于他有那种积极用世的强烈要求,最终使他再次摆脱了岐路彷徨的苦闷,唱出了充满信心与展望的强音:“乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”。他相信尽管前路障碍重重,但将会有一天能乘长风破万里浪,挂上云帆,横渡沧海,到达理想的彼岸。这此诗句在气势上波澜起伏,跳跃纵横,既显示了诗人对黑暗污浊的政治现实苦闷、愤郁和不平,又突出表现诗人的倔强、自信和他对理想的执着追求。展示了诗人力图从苦闷中挣脱出来的强大精神力量。 洒脱不羁的气质、傲世独立的人格,易于触动而又暴发强烈的感情,使李白诗抒情方式有鲜明特点。它往往是喷发式的,一旦感情兴发,这毫无节制地奔涌而出,宛若天际的狂飚和喷溢的火山。如《宣州谢眺楼饯别》: “弃我去者昨日之日不可留,乱我心者今日之日多烦忧。长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。蓬莱文章建安骨,中间小谢又清发。俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天览明月。抽刀断水水更流,举杯流水消愁愁更愁。人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟。”追求功名是李白一生的理想。在当时危机四伏的社会现实中,腐败王朝的江河日下,李白被权贵排挤出朝来。诗人感到徒有回天之志,却毫无用武之地。只好在诗中抒发了自己怀才不遇的郁愤情怀。又如《答王十二寒夜独酌有怀》,一开始便把浓烈的情怀抒写出来。接着便是抑制不住的感情浪潮的喷发:“君不能狸膏全距学斗鸡,坐令鼻息吹虹霓。君不能学哥舒横行青海夜带刀,西屠石堡取紫袍。吟诗作赋北窗里,万言不值一杯水。„„”满腔忿慨喷薄而出,滚滚滔滔。抒发了对当时社会是非不分、黑白颠倒的强烈愤慨。在平定安史之乱的过程中,李白应永王李璘的招聘加入永王幕府。本想以平叛立军功,却不料永王被肃宗认定为叛乱。永王兵败被杀,李白以“附逆”被判流放夜郎。在《与史郎中钦d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 听黄鹤楼上苗》诗中写道“一为迁客去长沙,西望长安不见家。黄鹤楼中吹玉笛,江城五月落梅花”。这首诗表明他对国家的眷恋,对这次遭流放的绝望。返回长安,报效国家的机会再也没有了,他像一个在沙漠中无望地跋涉的人。对生活还充满向往却自知无望,忧伤和悲苦充溢于他的胸怀中。此时所有心中的委屈和复杂的感慨,只好借助于这首诗抒发出来。又如:“我本楚狂人,风歌笑孔丘”(《庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟》)开宗明义表达了自己阔大的胸襟,也表示了对政治前途的失望。“安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜,”(《梦游天姥吟留别》一吐心中的郁闷之气,不仅表现出他对权贵们的极端蔑视与抗争,更在于与黑暗朝政的彻底决绝。 二、李白诗歌的想象特色与喷发式的感情表达方式相结合 李白诗歌的想象非常丰富瑰丽、变幻莫测,往往发想无端奇之又奇,带有一种随意生发的狂放精神。如:“云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。若非群玉山头见,会向瑶台月下逢”。这首诗把衣裳想象为云,把容貌想象为花,这样就给人以花团锦簇之感。还有诗人的想象忽又升腾到天堂西王所居的群玉山、瑶台。通过丰富的想象,以天边绚丽云彩的飘逸和鲜花吐艳的娇美,赞美杨贵妃的天姿出色。“青泥何盘盘,扪参历井仰胁息,以手抚膺坐长叹。问君西游何时还,畏途巉岩不可攀。但见悲鸟号古木,雄飞雌从绕林间。连峰去天不盈尺,枯松倒挂倚绝壁。飞瑞瀑流争喧豗,石水崖转石万壑雷。”(《蜀道难》)诗人运用天马行空的想象,艺术地展现了古老蜀道逶迤、峥嵘、高峻、崎岖的面貌,描绘出一幅色彩绚丽的山水画卷。同时也创造出博大浩渺的艺术境界,充满了浪漫主义色彩。在李白诗中想象更为非凡的还有《梦游天姥吟留别》中的诗句:“湖月照我影,送我到剡溪。谢公宿处今尚在,绿水荡漾清猿啼。脚著谢公屐,身登青云梯。半壁见海日,空中闻天鸡。干岩万转路不定,迷花倚石忽已螟。熊咆龙吟殷宕泉,粟深林兮层巅。云青青兮欲雨,水澹澹兮生烟。列缺霹雳,丘峦崩摧。洞天石扇,訇然中开。青冥浩荡不见底,日月照耀金银台。霓为衣兮风为马,云之君兮纷纷而来下。虎鼓瑟兮鸾回车,仙之人兮列如麻„„”这些诗句通过奇橘瑰丽的想象,生动地描绘出一个令人神往梦境仙界。这些想象之辞,奇幻之笔,或神奇,或瑰丽,或诞幻,或壮美,无不都是天马行空,奇幻交织。又如:“西岳峥嵘可壮哉~黄河如丝天际来„„巨灵咆哮擘西山,洪波喷流射东海”(《西岳云台歌送丹丘子》)。“月下飞天境,云生结海楼”(《渡荆门送别》)。“早服还丹无世情,琴心三叠道初成”(《庐山谣寄卢侍御虚丹》)“明朝挂帆席,枫叶落纷纷”(《夜泊牛渚怀古》)。“白发三千丈,缘愁似个长”。(《秋浦歌》其十五)。“狂风吹我心,西挂咸阳树”(《金乡送韦八之西京》)。“燕山雪花大如席,片片吹落轩辕台”(《北风行》)。真是想落天外,匪夷所思。 李白诗的想象,常有异乎寻常的衔接,常随情思的流动而变化万端。一个想象与紧接着的另一个想象之间跳跃极大,意象的衔接组合也是大跨度的,离奇惝恍,纵横变幻,极尽才思敏捷之所能。 三、李白诗意象的壮美和优美 李白诗的壮美意象 李白诗的壮美意象与作诗的宏大气魄和想象力非常丰富相关联,李白诗中有许多吞吐山河,包孕日月的壮美意象。他对体积庞大的壮观事物颇为倾心,他喜欢吟咏的对象常是大鹏、巨鱼、长鲸,以及大江、大河、沧海、雪山等。李白将它们置于异常方阔的空间背景下加以描绘,构成雄奇壮美的诗歌意象如《关山d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 月》中的“明月出天山,苍海云海间。长风儿万里,吹度玉门关”。“明月出天山,苍海云海问”。以凌空欲飞之笔,生动展现了一轮明月在云海苍茫、气势磅 的天山云雾间冉冉升起的壮观景象。举目去,那浩浩长风从遥远天山吹来,以不可抵挡之势横跃万里山川,一直吹到玉门关内。由天山明月、苍海云海、万里长风所构成的境界是何其雄奇和阔大。又如“天门中断楚江开,碧水东流至此回,西岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来”(《望天门山》)。这首诗着重写出浩浩荡荡东流的楚江,冲破天门山奔腾而去。夹江对峙的天门山对汹涌奔腾的楚江有巨大的约束力和反作用。浩阔的长江流经两山间的狭窄通道时,激起了无数的回旋,形成了波涛汹涌的奇观丽景,境界何其开阔。“登高壮观天地间,大江茫茫去不还。黄云万里动风色,白波九道流雪山”(《庐山谣寄卢御虚舟》)。诗人豪情满怀,笔墨酣畅,将长江景色写得境界高远,气象万千,何等雄伟,何待壮美~这些雄伟壮美的意象的组合,给人以一种崇高感。“山道平野尽,汇入大荒流。月下飞天镜,云生结海楼”(《渡荆门送别》)。意象亦极为阔大壮观。还有《望庐山瀑布》中的“日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。”这首诗写一座顶天立地香炉,冉冉地升起了团团白烟,缥缈于青山蓝天之间。在红日的照射下化成一片紫色的云霞。远远看云,瀑布像是一条巨大的白练高挂于三川之间,瀑布从高空直落,势不可挡。李白笔下的这些山水景物,构成了雄伟壮丽的意象。 李白诗的优美意象 李白诗里亦不乏清新明丽的优美意象。如“牛渚西江夜,青天无片云。登舟望秋风,明朝挂帆席,枫叶落纷纷”(《夜泊牛渚怀古》)这些诗句写的是牛渚夜景。牛渚夜景是碧海青天,万里无云,廖廓空明的天宇和苍茫浩渺的西江。这些都在夜色中溶为一体,在我们面前展现是一幅空阔渺远,多么优美的境界~还有《庐山谣寄卢御虚舟》中的“庐山秀出南斗旁,屏风九叠云锦张,影落明湖青黛光。金阙前开二峰长,银河倒挂三石梁。香炉瀑布遥相望,回崖沓嶂凌苍苍。翠影红霞映朝日,鸟飞不到吴天长”。这些诗句写九叠云屏的彩如锦绣般四布,彩云的影子倒映在明净的湖里泛出波鳞鳞红光。九叠云屏有三叠泉水势三折而下,好像银河挂在石梁上。翠绿的倒影、绯红彩霞映衬着一轮红日。这些由屏风、云、明湖、银河、香炉、瀑布、翠影、红霞、朝日等景物已构成一幅非常清新明丽的意象如《赠孟浩然》中的“红颜弃轩冕,白首卧松云,醉月频中圣,迷花不事君,高山安可仰,徒此揖清芬”。这些诗句中松云、明月、迷花、高山、清芬等景物也构成一幅优美的意境如“人行明镜中,鸟度屏风里”(《肖溪行》)。“暮从碧山下,山月随人归,苍苍横翠微,绿竹入幽径,青萝拂行衣”(《下终南山过斛斯山入宿置酒》)。“绿水净素月,月明白鹭飞”(《秋浦歌》十三)。“竹色溪下绿,荷花镜里香”(《别储邕之剡中》)。“玉阶生白露,夜久侵罗袜。却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月”(《玉阶怨》)。这些由清溪、明月、白鹭、绿竹、白露等明净景物构成的清丽意象,极大地丰富了李白诗歌的艺术风格。 李白对白色的透明体,有一种本能的喜欢。“黄云万里动风色,白波九道流雪山”(《庐山谣寄卢待御虚舟》)“别君去兮何时还,且放白鹿青崖间”(《梦游天姥吟留别》)。“青山横北郭,白水绕东城”(《送友人》)。“三山半落青天外,一水中分白鹭洲”(《登金陵凤凰台》)。“朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还”(《早发白帝城》)。白波、白鹿、白水、白鹭洲、白帝等这些都是白色的透明体。因此在他的诗中用得电多的色彩字是“白”。其次是金、青、黄、绿、紫等。如“金灶初开火,仙桃正发花”(《宴梅道士山房》)。“兰陵美酒d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光”(《客中作》)。“城头铁鼓声犹震,匣里金刀血未干”(《军行》)。“野竹分青霭,飞泉挂碧峰”(《访戴天山道士不遇》)。“青山横北郭,白水绕东城”(《送友人》)。“绿竹入幽径,青萝拂行衣”(《下终南山过斛斯山入宿置酒》)。“黄金燃桂尽,壮志逐年衰”(《秦中感秋寄远上人》)。“欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山”(《行路难三首》其一)。“燕草如碧丝,秦桑低绿枝”(《春思》)。“天门中断楚江开,碧水东浪至此回”(《望天门山》)。“炉火照天地,红星乱紫烟”(《秋浦歌》)。“日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川”(《望庐山瀑布》)。从这些诗句可以看出李白也甚喜欢金、青、黄、绿、紫等色彩的事物。但在李白诗歌里,最感亲切的东西就是月亮了。月的形象在他的诗歌民反复出现。其《月下独酌》云:“举杯邀明月,对影成三人。月既不解饮,影徒随我身。暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。我歌月俳徊,我舞影零乱。”“孤灯不明思欲绝,卷帷望月空长叹”(《长相思二首》其一)。“峨眉山月半轮秋,影入平羌江水流”(《峨眉山月歌》)。“郝郎明月夜,歌曲动寒川”(《秋浦歌》)。“长安一片月,万户捣衣声”(《子夜吴歌》)。“月下飞天镜、云生结海楼”(《渡荆门送别》)。“跪进雕胡饭,月光明素盘”(《宿王松山下荀媪家》)。李白诗歌中出现有明月的诗句又何止这些。李白天性开朗,喜欢的是明丽的色调,不喜欢灰暗色。 四、李白诗歌清新明快的语言风格 李白诗歌的语言具有清新明快的特点,明丽爽朗是其词语的基本色调。如《听蜀僧浚弹琴》中的“蜀僧抱绿绮,西下峨嵋峰。为我一挥手,如听万壑松。客心洗流水,余响入霜钟。不觉碧山暮,秋云暗几重”。这首诗语言写得极其清新明快,似乎一点也不费力。即使是对仗、用典都经过一番巧妙的安排,只是不着痕迹罢了。具有“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”的自然美。又如《宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云》中的诗句“弃我去者昨日之日不可留,乱我心者今日之日多烦忧。长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。蓬莱文章建骨,中间小谢又清发。俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天览明月。抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟。”作者在诗中抒发了怀才不遇的郁愤情怀。语言自然奔放,似脱口而出,全无拘束。诚如清人赵翼所道“全以神运,自不悄束缚于格律对偶,与雕绘者争长”《瓯北诗话》。又如《登金陵凤凰台》中的诗句“凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古丘。三山半落青天外,一水中分白鹭洲。总为浮云能蔽日,长安不见使人愁”这首诗写出了作者自己的独特感受,抒发了忧国忧时的情怀。语言也流畅自然,不事雕饰、潇洒清丽。总之,李白这些脱口而出,不加雕饰的诗句,常呈现出透明纯净而又绚丽夺目的光彩,反映了他开朗的性格,率真的情感,以及洒脱的气质,不肯苟同于世俗的中那种个体人格意识,在正统文化传统思想的压抑中,李白狂放不受约束的纯真个性风采,无疑有着巨大的魅力。他的诗歌的豪放飘逸的风格、变化莫测的想象,清水芙蓉的美,对后人也有很大的吸引力。由于他以才力写诗,凭气质写诗,他的诗风事实上是无法学习的。但只要我们多阅读、多欣赏李白诗歌作品,就会受到他在诗歌中反映出来的人格力量和个性魅力所感染。这对提高我们个人文化修养,思想品德修养,人生修养是大有益处的。 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt
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