

2017-09-17 50页 doc 184KB 87阅读




小学数学1-6年级应用题分类专项训练题_(直接打印_试卷版)免费小学数学1-6年级应用题分类专项训练题_(直接打印_试卷版)免费 轻舟教育小学数学应用题分类专项训练题 各种数量关系。 简单应用题所涉及的数量关系除了和、差、积、商以外,还包括以下常见的数量关系: 单价×数量,总价 速度×时间,路程 收入,支出,结余 单产量×数量,总产量 工效×时间,工作总量 本金×利率×时间,利息 一、简单应用题(一步) 1、求总数 1-7 1、小明有8支铅笔,小华有4支笔,两人一共有几支铅笔, 2、小光在地里捉虫子。上午捉了8条,下午捉了12条,全天捉了多少条, 3、教室前面种了两行花。第一...
小学数学1-6年级应用题分类专项训练题_(直接打印_试卷版)免费 轻舟教育小学数学应用题分类专项训练题 各种数量关系。 简单应用题所涉及的数量关系除了和、差、积、商以外,还包括以下常见的数量关系: 单价×数量,总价 速度×时间,路程 收入,支出,结余 单产量×数量,总产量 工效×时间,工作总量 本金×利率×时间,利息 一、简单应用题(一步) 1、求总数 1-7 1、小明有8支铅笔,小华有4支笔,两人一共有几支铅笔, 2、小光在地里捉虫子。上午捉了8条,下午捉了12条,全天捉了多少条, 3、教室前面种了两行花。第一行15棵,第二行10棵,教室前面种了多少棵花, 4、一年级原有42个同学,又来了3个,现在有多少个同学, 5、从飞机场飞走5架直升飞机,还剩17架。机场原有多少架直升飞机, 6、永红小学有2排房子,一排有4个教室,另一批有5个教室。永红小学有几个教室, 7、张老师,王老师和同学40个人一起去看电影。老师和同学一共去了多少人, 2、求剩余 8-14 8、学校有11个皮球,借走了9个,还剩几个, 9、桥西小学一年级有42人,男同学有20人,女同学有多少人, 10、一本故事有37页,小军读了6页,还有多少页没有读, 11、向阳小学要种65棵树,第一天种了30棵,还要种几棵, 3、求两数相差多少 15-21 15、有12只白兔,7只黑兔,白兔比黑兔多几只, 16、妈妈买回大米8千克,面条5千克,面条比大米少多少千克, work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 17、小明和小光量体重,小明的体重是39千克,小光的体重是43千克。小光比小明重多少千克, 18、一件棉袄45元,一条棉裤37元。一件棉袄比一条棉裤贵多少元, 19、小图书室原有图书240本,现在有图书400本。增加了多少本, ) 20、四年级同学拾柴210千克,三年级同学拾柴201千克。三年级再拾多少就和四年级同学拾的一样多, 21、小明今年5岁,姐姐今年8岁,过10年以后,他们两人相差几岁, 4、求比一个数多几的数 22-26 22、黄花有5朵,红花比黄花多3朵,红花有几朵, 23、一个工厂的厂房有12米高,烟囱比厂房高20米。烟囱有多少米高, 24、筐重2千克,筐里的菠菜比筐重28千克。菠菜是多少千克, 25、甲管长8米,乙管比甲管长5米。乙管长多少米, 26、大生摘了28条黄瓜,比小明摘6条,小明摘了多少条, 5、求比一个数少几的数 27-31 27、学校买红黑水8瓶,买的兰黑水比红黑水少3瓶。买兰黑水多少瓶, 28、停车场上大汽车比小汔车少5辆,小汽车20辆。大汽车有几辆, 29、哥哥今年15岁,弟弟比哥哥小6岁。弟弟今年几岁, 30、小军的体重是26千克,小方比小军轻2千克。小方的体重是多少千克, 31、小丽有45张邮票,比小红多15张。小红有多少张, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace2 6、求几个相同加数的和 32-39 32、一辆小汽车有4个轮子,6辆小汽车一共有多少个轮子, 33、兰兰家养了5只兔子,一天每只兔子要吃2斤青菜。一共要吃多少斤青菜, 34、一本书,每天读6页,一个星期读完。这本书有几页, 35、解放军叔叔练兵,站成6行,每行8个人。一共是多少人, 36、称一堆桔子,每次称5千克,刚好称6次。这堆梧子是多少, 37、6只羽毛球装一简,多少只羽毛球装7简, 38、一瓶能装6杯桔汁,一桶能装4瓶桔汗。一桶能装多少杯桔汁, 39、小明种了5棵花,小华、小红3人都和小明种的同样多。他们一共种了多少棵花, 7、把一个数平均分成几份 40-44 40、15只皮球,平均分给3个班。每班分得几只, 41、有18个同学参加拨河比赛,男同学和女同学的人数,同样多女同学有多少人, 42、小英5天读完一本40页的书,他平均每天读几页, 43、把20张画片平均佃给小红和他的4个同学。每个同学分得几张, 44、小明、小芳、小玲到新华书店去,各人买了同样的书,一共18本。每人买了多少, 8、求一个数包含几个另一个数 45-49 45、24个同学做旗子游戏,每班分给3把,够分给几个班, 46、学校里有15把扫帚,每班分给3把,够分给几个班, 47、一个花瓶插花6朵,24朵花可以插几个花瓶, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace3 48、少先队员做了30件玩具,每人做5件,做玩具的有几人, 49、每2根筷子叫一双,小刚家请客用16根筷子,请了几个客人, 9、10求一个数的几倍 50-52 50、某车间有女工28人,男工人数是女工的4倍。男工有多少人, 51、一个皮球的价钱是2元,一个小足球的价钱是皮球的9倍。一个小足球的价钱是多少元, 52、妈妈分给小明8块糖,剩下的分给小英。小明得的正好是小英的一半,分给小英几块糖, 10、求一个数是另一个数的几倍 53-55 53、小明今年9岁,爸爸今年45。爸爸的年龄是小玲的几倍, 54、动物园里有6只大熊猫,2只小熊猫。大熊猫的只数是小熊猫的几倍, 55、3个同学做纸花。做了24朵红花,6朵黄花。红花是黄花的几倍, 11、 求一倍数 56-58 56、饲养小组有母鸡12只,恰好是公鸡的3倍,公鸡有几只, 57、图书馆买来40本故事书,是科技书的5倍,科技书几本, 58、一袋核桃的重量是一袋红枣的2倍。这袋核桃重8千克,这袋核桃重多少千克, 二、两步应用题 加、减复合题 1、求总数、求总数 1、2 1.学校里原有7棵梨树,12棵杏树,又栽了15棵桃树。现在有多少棵果树, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace4 2(商店有一批毛巾,一月份卖出187条,二月份卖出169条,还剩216条。商店原来一共有毛巾多少条, 2、求剩余、求剩余 9、10、11 9.小小图书室有图书85本,其中,有连环画25本,画报有15本,剩下的是故事书。故事书有多少本, 10.河边有24只鸭,先游走7只,又游走9只,还剩多少只, 11.一筐苹果,边筐共重57千克,卖出40千克,还剩15千克。筐重多少千克, 21.妈妈给小青买了一双价值4元的鞋和一双价值2元的袜子,给了售货员10元,应找给妈妈多少钱, 26.三个同学比赛跳绳。小锋跳了50下,小海比小锋多跳了5下,小冬比小海少跳8下。小冬跳了多少下, 3、求两数相差多少、求两数相差多少 4、求比,多、求比,多 3、4 3.小红在期中考试中,语文得了81分,政治比语文多5分,数学比政治又多6分,数学得多少分, 4. 小明今年7岁,比哥哥小五岁,妈妈比哥哥大26岁。妈妈今年几岁, 5、求比,少、求比,少 12、13 12. 食堂一月份吃大米45袋,二月份比一月份少吃3袋,三月份比二月份少吃2袋。三月份吃大米多少袋, 13. 爸爸比妈妈大4岁,爷爷比爸爸大30岁。爷爷今年64岁。妈妈今年几岁, 6、求总数、求剩余 18—31 18. 同学们做了16只红风车,20只花风车。送给幼儿园18只,还剩多少只, 19.停车场上原有汽车25辆,又开来了7辆,后来开走12辆。停车场上还有汽车多少辆, 20.小商店有盐32袋,昨日卖出11袋,今天卖出14袋,还有多少袋, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace5 27.第一个金鱼缸内有金鱼85条,比第二个金鱼缸内的金鱼少28条,第二缸又比第三缸多16条。第三缸有金鱼多少条, 28.洗衣机上月生产洗衣机480台,结果比原计划多生产了40台。已知上半月生产了250台,下半月生产了多少台, 29.食堂买来60棵白菜,吃了56棵,又买来30棵,现在有多少棵, 30.一辆公共汽车上有乘客36人,到新街站下去8人,又上来12人。这是有乘客多少人, 31.工厂印日历,原计划第一、第二天各印300本,实际上第一天只印了250本。去掉次品8本,第二天按计划完成任务。实际上两天里印好多少本, 7、求总数、求两数相差多少 24、25 24.老师和同学打扫卫生,其中男同学15人,女同学12人,老师7人。同学比老师多几人, 25.大新和秋生拍皮球。大新第一次拍了38下,第二次拍了27下。秋生第一次拍了42下,第二次再派多少下就跟大新拍的总数同样多, 8、求总数、求比,多 5—8 5.一些小孩和大人在游泳,其中有男孩20人,女孩10人,大人比小孩多25人。大人有多少人, 6.收购站收购废钢铁。第一天上年收购108千克,下午收购103千克。第二天比第一天多收购46千克,第二天收购多少千克, 7.饲养小组养10只黑兔,养的白兔比黑兔多6只。一共养多少只兔, 8.李庄小学今年栽树96棵,比去年少栽28棵,两年一共栽树多少棵, 9、求总数、求比,少 22、23、32、36 22.一只羊重30千克,另一只羊重25千克,一头猪的重量比这两只羊的总重量轻8千克。这头猪重多少千克, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace6 23.同学们修补图书,三年级修补了34本,四年级修补了47本,三、四年级比五年级多修补了12本。五年级修不了多少本, 32.校园里有12棵柳树,杨树比柳树少3棵,杨树和柳树一共有多少棵, 36.一个粮食加工厂第一天碾大米156袋,第二天如果再加工36袋就跟第一天同样多。两天一共碾米多袋, 10、求剩余、求两数相差多少 14、15、17 14.人民商场上个月卖出电视机42台,上半月卖出18台,下半月比上半月多卖几台, 15. 水果点运来梨和苹果共85筐,其中苹果是35筐,运来的苹果比梨少几筐, 11、求剩余、求比,多 28、34、35 34.图书室里有故事书145册,借出85册后比科技数少20册。科技书有多少册, 35.有一瓶麻油和一瓶菜油,菜油重750克,倒出100克麻油和350克菜油后两瓶的重量相等。麻油原来有少克, 12、求剩余、求比,少 16 16. 金鱼缸内有红金鱼85条,取出28条后比花金鱼还多16条。花金鱼有多少条, 13、求两数相差多少、求比,多 14、求两数相差多少、求比,少 15、求比,多、求比,少 26、27、33 26.三个同学比赛跳绳。小锋跳了50下,小海比小锋多跳了5下,小冬比小海少跳8下。小冬跳了多少下, 27.第一个金鱼缸内有金鱼85条,比第二个金鱼缸内的金鱼少28条,第二缸又比第三缸多16条。第三缸有金鱼多少条, 33.小青家养鸡35只。养的鸭比鸡少20只,养的鹅比鸭多3只,养鹅多少只, '乘、除复合题 1、求几个相同加数的和、求几个相同加数的和 1—4 1.一个书架有5层,每层放150本,4个书架一共放多少本, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace7 2.百货商店运来8包尼龙手套,每套100双。如果每双售价3元,这些手套一共售多少元, 3.学校举行广播操表演,三、四、五、六年级各有4个班,每班选16人参加。 参加表演的一共有多少人, 4.某农户养牛3头,每头每天要吃12千克草,一个月(30天)一共吃草多少 千克, 2、等分除法、等分除法 9—10 9.奶牛场有5个牛棚,每个牛棚有12头奶牛,一天喂1200千克饲料,平均每天喂多少饲料, 10.商店运到124箱肥皂,第一天卖出一半,第二天卖出剩下的一半。商店里还剩几箱肥皂, 11.电池厂生产了7200节电池,每12节装一盒,每六盒装一箱。一共可以装多少箱, 12.蔬菜商店运来白菜24筐,是蒜苗的3倍,蒜苗是辣椒的4倍。蔬菜商店运来辣椒多少筐, 3、包含除法、包含除法 4 4、求一个数的几倍、求一个数的几倍 5—6 5.人步行每小时4千米,自行车的速度是步行的3倍,摩托车的速度是自行车的4倍。摩托车每小时行多少米, 6.孙爷爷的年龄是王叔叔的2倍。王叔叔的年龄是李大哥的2倍。李大哥比王叔叔小15岁。孙爷爷今年多少岁, 5、求一个数是另一个数的几倍、求一个数是另一个数的几倍 6、求一倍数、求一倍数 48 7、求几个相同加数的和、等分除法 18、19、31、32、 18.方师傅给食堂运菜。如果用小推车每次运75千克,8次能运完。如果改用平板车运,4次就能运完。平板车每次能运多少千克, 19.两个编草帽小组,第一组每天编45顶,第一组6天编的数量,第二组五天可以完成。第二组平均每天编多少顶, 8、求几个相同加数的和、包含除法 20—24、33 rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace8 20.宾馆来了一批旅客。每间住4人,需要6间房。如果每间住3人,需要几间房, 21.图书管理员搬运一批图书,每次搬15本,搬了12次正好搬了这批图书的一半,剩下的书每次搬20本,还要几次才能搬完, 22.一个工厂原来造一台机器要用144小时,改进技术后,只用96小时。原来造50台机器的时间,现在可以造多少台, 23.两个小组制造同样多的零件,第一组每天制造340个,6天完成,第二组每天制造408个,要几天完成, 24.食堂运来60袋面粉,每袋25千克,每天吃50千克,这些面粉可以吃多少天, 33(玩具厂一天生产240辆坦克,每6辆装一箱。这个厂一星期要生产这种玩具多少箱, 、求几个相同加数的和、求一个数的几倍 7、8 9 7.文具店卖出7盒钢笔,每盒10支。卖出的铅笔是钢笔的6倍,卖出铅笔多少支, 8.把5篮水果送给幼儿园的小朋友,每篮中有苹果4只,桔子是苹果的3倍。送给幼儿园小朋友的桔子是多少只, 10、求几个相同加数的和、求一倍数 26、34 26.三年级有3个班,平均每班有女同学24人,三年级女同学人数恰好是二年级女同学人数的2倍。二年级有女同学多少人, 34(一支钢笔的价钱是8元,是一支圆珠笔价钱的4倍。 5支这样的圆珠笔多少钱, 11、求几个相同加数的和、求一个数是另一个数的几倍 61 12、等分除法、包含除法 16、17 16.学校买回48个乒乓球,每六个装一盒,把这些平均分给四个班,每班可分几盒, 17(学校买来100米布,先剪下8米做了4套校服,照这样计算, 这些布一共可以做多少套校服, 13、等分除法、求一个数的几倍 64 14、等分除法、求一个数是另一个数的几倍 14、15 unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace9 14.一架飞机4小时飞2800千米,一辆汽车每小时行35千米。飞机的速度的几倍, 15.拖拉机每天耕地105公亩,牛拉犁5天耕地35公亩。拖拉机一天耕的地是牛拉的几倍, 15、等分除法、求一倍数 49 16、包含除法、求一个数的几倍 27、35 27.果园里收苹果500千克,收的桔子是苹果的3倍,把这些桔子每50千克装一袋运往罐头厂。一共可以装几袋, 35(庆祝国庆节,学校买了18米红绸作彩旗,每9分米红绸可做一面红旗。另外还买了许多黄旗和绿旗。黄旗和绿旗的总数是红旗的2倍。买黄旗和绿旗一共多少面, 17、包含除法、求一个数是另一个数的几倍 18、包含除法、求一倍数 19、求一个数的几倍、求一个数是另一个数的几倍 66 20、求一个数的几倍、求一倍数 29、36 29.一天,某菜农在菜园里摘西红柿20千克,摘的黄瓜是西红柿的2倍,黄瓜是辣椒的5倍。他摘了多少辣椒, 36(早晨,许多人在广场上锻炼,做健身操的240人,是舞剑人数的6倍,跳舞的人数是舞剑的人数的4倍。跳舞的人数是多少, 21、求一个数是另一个数的几倍、求一倍数 '乘加(减)复合题 1、求几个相同加数的和、求总数 1—4 10—12 1.粮食加工厂加工一批大米。已装满48袋,每袋75千克,还有2800千克没有装,一共加工多少千克, 2.五年级一、二、三班每班有学生40人,四班有学生42人,五年级一共有学生多少人, 3.小锌家到学校相距50米。一天他上学走了20米,想起忘记带蜡笔,就返回家拿了再到学校。这次他到学校一共走了多少米路, 4.食堂原来有大米25千克,又买来4袋,每袋75千克,食堂一共有大米多少千克, 10.红星小学有6个班参加乒乓球赛,每班选3个男同学和2个女同学。参加比赛的一共有多少个同学, 11.百货商店上午卖出彩电5台,下午卖出彩电3台,每台售价1500元。这一天买彩电收入多少元, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace10 12.水果店运来梨和苹果各15箱,每箱梨重30千克,每箱苹果重25千克。梨和苹果共运来多少千克, 2、求几个相同加数的和、求剩余 17、18、27 17.同学栽树,一共栽4行,每行6棵。其中15棵是杏树,剩下的是桃树。栽了多少棵桃树, 18.小松买了一本故事书,有42页。他看了3天,每天都看5页。还有多少页没有看, 27.一个工人,每天工资收入25元,家庭生活费用支出16元。这个工人一星期可积蓄多少钱, 3、求几个相同加数的和、求两数相差多少 19、20、21、28 19.铅笔每只4角钱,小冬有1元钱,要买3只,还差多少钱, 20.同学们去看电影,一年级去了6组,每组7人。二年级去了45人,二年级比一年级多去多少人, 21.电影院楼下有座位850个。楼上的座位有9排,每排30个。.楼下的座位比楼上多多少个, 28.妈妈每月给李华零用钱8元,可是李华只用5元。这样他一年可以节约多少钱, 4、求几个相同加数的和、求比,多 7、16 7.文具店运来三箱红墨水,每箱100瓶。运来的兰墨水比红墨水多200瓶,运来兰墨水多少瓶, 16.小明计划每天写24个字,实际上他每天多写了六个。这样小明一星期要写字多少个, 5、求几个相同加数的和、求比,少 22、29 6、求一个数的几倍、求总数 5、6、15 5.一把椅子的价钱是70元,一张桌子的价钱 是一把椅子价钱的2倍。买一张桌子和一把椅子一共要用多少钱, 6.校园里有杨树8棵,柳树是杨树的4倍。柳树和杨树一共有多少棵, 15.一本连环画看了24页,还有15页没看。一本故事书的页数是这本连环画的5倍。这本故事书有多少页, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace11 7、求一个数的几倍、求剩余 25 25.王大伯前年养猪2头,去年养猪头数是前年的3倍,到年底卖了4头,还有几头, 8、求一个数的几倍、求两数相差多少 23、24 23.今年小青8岁,爸爸的年龄是他的5倍。爸爸比小青大多少岁, 24.二十年前某农户每人平均只有100千克粮食,改革开放后,现在每人平均收的粮食是二十年前的6倍。增加了多少千克, 9、求一个数的几倍、求比,多 8、9、13、14 8.一个牧民养了76只山羊,养的绵羊比山羊的4倍还多16只。 这个牧民养了多少只绵羊, 9.同学们种向日葵。三年级种了35棵,四年级种的是三年级的2倍,五年级比四年级多种20棵。五年级种了多少哥, 13.一辆汽车每小时行30千米,一列火车每小时比汽车快40千米,一架飞机每小时飞行的速度等于火车的7倍。这架飞机每小时的速度是多少千米, 14.少年宫气象小组有20人,比美术小组少6人,生物小组的人数是美术小组的2倍。生物小组 有多少人, 10、求一个数的几倍、求比,少 26、30 26.一户菜农去年收黄瓜520千克。收的西红柿是黄瓜的3倍,收的茄子比西红柿少260千克。收茄子多少千克, 30.一个制鞋厂生产男鞋1200双,生产的女鞋比男鞋少340比,生产的童鞋的3倍。生产童鞋多少双, '除、加(减)复合题 1、等分除法、求总数 1、6、7 1.加工一批机器零件,王师傅工作8小时,每小时加工24个。李师傅工作8小时,共加工184个。两人一小时共加工多少个, 6.蔬菜公司运来13400千克白菜和9100千克萝卜。 把这些菜平均放在3个冷库中,每个库里安放多少千克, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace12 7.商场上午出售电子琴12台,下午出售电子琴8台。上午和下午共收售忠心耿耿琴款16000元,每台电子琴多少元, 2、等分除法、求剩余 16、17、26、27 16.两个编竹篮小组,在25天内一共骗了1200只竹篮。鞭中一个小组每天编25只,另一个小组每天编多少, 17.小龙到奶奶家,如果去来都乘车要用的时间是18分。后改为去时乘车,回来步行,一共用45分。他回来步行用了多少分, 26.菜园收二筐葱和一筐茄子,一共重96千克,一筐茄子重42千克, 一筐葱重多少千克, 27.三年级同学要给300棵树浇水,已经浇了180棵,余下的分4个组来浇,平均每组要浇多少, 3、等分除法、求两数相差多少 18、19、20、28、29 18.一农户种了40公亩水稻,收割以前进行估产,每公亩可以稻谷620千克, 结果一共收了26000千克,平均每公亩超过估产量多少千克, 19.玩具厂过去3天生产积木1800盒,现在每天生产900盒,现在比过去每天多街道多少盒, 20.手工工具每小时能脱玉米粒20千克,玉米脱粒机8小时能脱炷2000千克,平均每小时比用手工工具多脱粒多少千克, 28.小麦地26亩,去年共产小麦1300千克。今年收小麦14560千克,今年比去年每亩增产多少千克, 29.学校购买桌椅,第一次买了120套,第二次买同样的桌椅145套,第二次比第一次多付2625元。每套桌椅的价钱是多少, 4、等分除法、求比,多 2、3、8 2.商店6天卖出录音机54台,每天卖出的收音机比每天卖出的录音机多6台。一天卖出收音机多少台, 3.某电器厂元月和二月共生产洗衣机1200台,三月份比元、而月份平均产量增加50台。三月份生产洗衣机少台, 8.今年植树节,学校买来柳树80棵,买来的杨树比柳树多20棵,把杨树平均分给五年级4个班去栽,每班栽多少棵, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace13 5、等分除法、求比,少 21、30、31 21.机器厂原来造4台机器要用钢材6000千克,改进后每台机器可节省钢材250千克,现在造一台机器用钢材多少千克, 30.一个编席小组,原来计划48天编席1200床,由于改进了技术,提前8天完成任务。平均每天编多少床, 6、包含除法、求总数 9、10 9.二年级(一)班有男同学25人,女同学23人,每8人编成一组,全班可编成几组, 10.食堂运来两车菜,第一车13筐,第二车14筐。计划每天吃3筐,这些菜够吃几天, (13+14)?3,9(天) 7、包含除法、求剩余 22、32 22.李伯伯出差到外地去了56天,途中遇到阴雨天气共计两个星期,其余全是晴天。晴天有几个星期, 56?7-2,6(星期) 32.买煤40吨,已经运来10吨,剩下的每次运5吨,要几天才能运完, 8、包含除法、求两数相差多少 23 23.五、六年级同学做广播操,每排站8人,五年级已站好5排,六年级来了48人排队。六年级比五年级多几排, 9、包含除法、求比,多 10、包含除法、求比,少 33、34 33.五年级有男生26人,比女生多2人。女同学练习舞蹈,6个人编成一组,可编成几组, 34.农机厂制造一种播种机,原来每台要用钢材250千克,技术革新后,每台用的钢材比原来减少了25千。现有钢材18000千克,全部制造播种机,可以制造多少台, 11、求一个数是另一个数的几倍、求总数 11 11.甲、乙两煤矿,甲矿存煤375吨,乙矿存的煤运走184吨后还剩2816吨。乙矿原来存的煤是甲矿的多少倍, 12、求一个数是另一个数的几倍、求剩余 35 35.停车场上有32辆汽车。里面有在车24辆,其余是小汽车。大汽车是小汽车的几倍, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace14 13、求一个数是另一个数的几倍、求两数相差多少 14、求一个数是另一个数的几倍、求比,多 12 12.养猪场前年养猪80头,比去年少20头,今年发展到200头。今年养猪的头数是去年的几倍, 15、求一个数是另一个数的几倍、求比,少 36 36.一块松柏树林,有松树90棵,柏树比松树少60棵,松树是柏树的几倍, 16、求一倍数、求总数 4、13 4.东村运来一批化肥,用卡车运了8000千克,是用大车运的4倍。一共运来化肥多少千克, 8000+8000?4,10000(千克) 13.实验小学有男生650人,女生550人,是东风小学学生人数的2倍。东风小学有学生多少人, 17、求一倍数、求剩余 24、37 24.哥哥有钱40元,是弟弟的5倍,弟弟买了一本故事书用去了3元。弟弟还有多少钱, 37.一个车间有男工48人,调走12人后是女工人数的2倍。这个车间有女工多少人, 18、求一倍数、求两数相差多少 25 25.一台彩电2400元,是洗衣机的3倍,一只电饭煲价值200元。一台洗衣机比一只电饭煲贵多少钱, 19、求一倍数、求比,多 5、14、15 5.学校开展植树活动,五年级植树的棵数是三年级的2倍,四年级比三年级多6 棵,已知五年级种了24棵,四年级植树多少棵, 14.参观改革开放二十年展览会,五六年级去了345人, 比四年级的2倍少3人。四年级去了多少人, 15.同学们栽树,四年级栽了45棵,比五年级少15棵,五年级栽的树正好是三年级的2倍。三年级栽树多少棵, 20、求一倍数、求比,少 38 38.一所学校中年级有学生152人,比六年级的2倍还多10人。六年级有多少人, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace15 三步复合应用题 1、三步以上复合应用题 2、典型应用题(求平均数问题) 3、典型应用题(归一问题) 4、典型应用题(行程问题) 5、典型应用题(其他) (三)多步解答的复合应用题 1.学校举行作文比赛。三年级有32人参加,四年级参加的人数是三年级的2(5倍,五年级参加的人数比三、四年级参加的总数的1(5倍少35人。 五年级有多少人参加, 2.汽车附件厂要生产12900个零件。已经生产了3天,每天生产1500个,剩下的要4天完成,平均每天比以前多生产多少个, 3.李村小学师生利用课余时间给牛奶厂割饲草,计划20天割3吨草。实际每天比原计划多害割草0(05吨,这样比原计划提前几天完成任务, 4.一辆汽车给瓷器厂运瓷器100件,运到1件给运费2元,损坏1件不但不给运费,反而赔偿厂方8元。结果只得运费170元,他损坏了几件, 5.服装厂加工1000套童装,原计划4天完成。现在多做120套,同样要求4天完成。这样平均每天要比原来多做多少套, 6.修条公路,计划每天修35米,24天修完,实际比计划少用4天,实际每天比计划每天多修多少米, 7.双沟村挖一条水渠,计划每天挖30米,8天完成。结果每天比原计划多挖10米,可以提前几天完工, 8.某服装厂接受做800套西服的任务,开始平均每天做40套,做了7天后,剩下的在10天内完成。平均每天比原来多做多少套, 9.一辆汽车,第一天运货6吨,第二天运的比第一天的1(2倍少0(2吨,这两天平均每天运货多少吨, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace16 10.李英要看一本书共264页,已经看了4天,平均每天看26页,余下的每天看32页,看完这本书共用了多少天, 11.东方服装厂下布料2160米,计划做1200套儿童服装。由于采用新技术,每套比计划节约布料0(3米,问这批布料可以多制做多少套服装, 12.一辆汽车从甲地到乙地用了9个小时,从乙地返回甲地只用了7小时,已知返回时比去时第小时多行10千米,甲乙两地相距多少千米, 10×7/(9-7)=315(千米) 13.平整一块土地,原计划12天完成,实际每天整2(4公亩,结果比原计划提前2天完成,实际比原计划每天多平整多少公亩, 14.甲乙两地相距400千米,一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,以每小时45千米的速度行驶了6小时后,要求汽车在2小时内到达乙地, 那么汽车平均每小时至少比原来速度加快多少千米, 15(一辆小汽车和一辆卡车,同时从,地开往相距300千米的,地, 当小汽车到达,地时,卡车距,地还有45.6千米。已知小汽车每小时行62.5千米,求卡车比小汽车慢多少千米, 16.一辆小汽车和一辆摩托车同时从甲城开往相距374.4千米的乙城,当摩托车到达乙城时,小汽车离乙城还有49.92千米。小汽车第小时行62.4千米,摩托车比小汽车每小时快多少千米, 17.一个绿化队接受了为一块场地铺草坪的任务,在责任制以前每天只铺25平方米,实行责任制后,每天比原来多铺5平方米。 因此铺铺这块场地的草坪可以提前4天完成任务,这块场地有多少平方米, 18.副食店上午卖出鸡蛋12箱,下午卖出9箱,每箱鸡蛋重量相等。每千克鸡蛋售价3(8元,下午比上午少卖570元,下午卖出鸡蛋多少千克, 9.某工厂计划全年生产相机480架,实际提前3个月完成全年计划的1(2倍。照这样计划,这个厂全年可生产相机多少架, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace17 20.包装一批机器零件,小木箱每箱装30个,大木箱比小木箱多装20个。用大木箱装比用小木箱装可少用4个木箱。问这批机器零件共有多少个, 21.军民合修一条312千米长的公路,原计划48天完成,实际提前8天完成,每天比原计划多修多少米, 22.某中学买5个篮球和11个足球,共付306(3元。已知每个足球的售价是15(3元,每个篮球比每个足球贵多少元, 23.某厂制造一台机床用钢材1(2吨,比原来节约钢材240千克,原来制造50台机床所用的钢材,现在可以多制造多少台机床, 24.自行车厂计划每月生产自行车1040辆,实际8个月的产量比全年的计划产量还多960辆。实际每月比计划每月增产多少辆, 25.百货商店第一天卖出书包56个,第二天卖出同样的书包120个。第二天比第一天多收入576元,两天卖出的书包共收入多少元, 26.两个筑路队要铺一段长95(3千米的铁路枕木。一队每天铺5(4千米,二队每天铺6(1千米。一队先工作7天,余下的两队合铺, 还需要多少天完成 , 27.兴华厂生产一批白糖,计划每天生产175(5吨,21天可以完成任务,实际每天比原计划多生产70(2吨,实际比原计划提前几天完成, 28.有18个人合影照相,价格是3张6元,另外加洗每张0(5元,每人需要一张各付多少钱, 29.用10只大船和15只小船运重128吨的货物一批,每只小船比大船少载重1(9吨,求每只大小船各载重多少吨, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace18 30.五、六年级共有学生220人,选出相同的人数参加合唱队,结果五年级有40人没选上,六年级60人没选上。五六年级各有学生多少人, 31.筑路工人上午工作4小时,下午用同样的速度工作2(5小时。上午比下午多筑路300米,这一天他们共筑路多少米, 32.发电厂有煤420吨,计划烧30天。用新技术后,可以多浇5天。平均每天比原计划节约煤多少吨, 33.两队合挖一条第1680米的水渠,甲队每天挖80米,乙队每天挖的比甲队的2倍少30米,多少天可以把这条水渠挖好, 35.某港口原计划全年装运货物600万吨,实际第一个月就比计划我装运了10万吨,照这样计算可提前几个月完成全年的任务 36.王师傅计划生产735只零件。已经做了5天,平均每天生产75只,剩下的每天生产90只,完成这批任务共用多少天, 37.钢厂上星期平均每天炼钢180吨。前3天平均每天炼钢170吨,后4天平均每天炼钢多少吨, 38.某工地用汽车运水泥,第一天运来水泥27吨,第二次9车平均每车运4(2吨,运来的水泥用了5天以后还剩4(80吨,平均每天用水泥多少吨, 39.一个农机厂有煤39吨,已经烧了16天,平均每天烧煤1(2吨,剩下的煤再烧18天,每天必须节约煤多少吨, 40.虹光电视厂用50天生产了1500台彩电,实际每天产量比原计划每天产量的2倍少20台,生产这批彩电比原计划提前多少天, 41.一个修路队原计划60天修路1800米,实际修的比原计划每天修的2倍少20米。修完这要路比原计划提前几天, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace19 42.某农场要播小麦1440亩,原计划用2部播种机每部每天播种80亩。实际播种时又增加了一部同样的播种机,这样可以比原计划提早几天完成, 43.李师傅要加工264个精密零件,已经做了4天,平均每天加工26个,其余每天多加工6个,加工完这批零件一共了多少天, 44.胜利中学体育队有93人,其中篮球队员12人,比排球队员少3人,田径队员的人数是排球队员人数的2(4倍,其余是足球队员, 问足球队员有多少人, 45.园林工人要给600棵果树剪枝,原计划12天完成,实际比原计划每天剪的棵数的1(5倍还多5棵,实际比原计划提前几天完成任务, 46.两个队计划修一条2463米长的公路。先由第一工程队修12天,平均每天修106(5米,剩下的由第二工程队修, 第二工程队比第一工程队平均每天多修12米,第二工程队还要多少天才能修完, 47.某工人计划48个小时加工零件960个。改进技术后,用原来一半的时间完成了计划还多做了72个。改进技术后,每小时比计划多做多少个, 48.一本书稿576页,计划18天抄完。实际每天比原计划多抄4页,实际抄完这本书稿比计划少用多少天, 49.育才小学中高年级共有10个班,平均每班有学生42人。高年级4个班,平均每班45人,中年级平均每班多少人, 50.小明看一本故事书,看了4天还剩下377页没看,以后每天多看3页,13天恰好看完。这本故事书有多少页, 51.刘欣从家到车站步行需60分钟,骑自行车需要15分钟。一天刘欣骑自行车到车站,在离家10分钟的地方,车子被朋友借走,只能继续步行到车站。 刘欣这天从家到车站多用了几分钟, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace20 52.手表厂在六月份的前7天生产了2100只手表,以后每天多生产50只,六月份一共可以生产多少只手表, 53.甲乙两个电工要完成371米长的架线任务。上午11点由甲开始架线,到下午2点乙也参加工作。又经过2(5小时才完成任务。甲每小时架线42米, 乙每小时架线多少米, 54.一块长方形的操场,原来长50米,宽30米。扩建后长和宽分别增加了8米,操场扩建后面积增加了多少平方米, 55.修一条路,原计划每天修40米,20天可以修完。如果要提前4天修完,每天的工作效率要提高百分之几, 56.小明语文、数学、英语三科平均90分,已知数学比平均分多8分,语文比平分少6分,英语多少分, 57.甲乙两地相距200千米。通讯员骑摩托车从甲地出发,他如果用每小时50千米的速度开车,可以在规 5小时中每小时只走了40千米,问剩下的路程应用怎样的速度才定的时间内到达乙地。但在开始的1( 能按时到达, 58.光华机械厂要加工2400个零件,开始平均每天加工75个,5天后改进了技术,工作效率提高到原来的2倍,加工这批零件实际用了多少天, 59.加工一批零件,第一天完成250个,第二天比第一天的2倍少20个,规定每个零件加工费0(8元,不合格者不给加工费。两天共得加工费576元, 其中不合格的有多少个, 60.一个边长是600米的正方形苹果园,苹果树行距6米,株距5米,去年共收苹果42000吨,如果苹果每千克价1(2元, 平均每棵苹果树的收入是多少元, 61.李珍在假期读一本小说,原计划每天早晨读10页,中午读8页,用15天读完。实际她每天晚上又读了9页,这样她提前几天读完, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace21 62.小明看一本书,前3天看了66页,后5天平均每天多看8页,正好看完,小明看这本书,平均每天看多少页, 63.甲池有水112立方米,乙池有水120立方米,每小时从甲地流出9立方米到乙池,问几小时后乙池的水是甲池的3倍, 64.某工人要在4天内完成384个零件的生产任务,开始以每天生产48个的工作速度完成了这批零件的四分之一, 以后每天生产多少个零件才能按时完成任务, 65.一辆汽车以每小时36千米的速度从甲地去乙地,行了1(5小时,离中点还有15千米。这时行车速度增加到了42千米,还需几小时到达乙地, 66.某工厂前3天生产机器180台,后4天比前3天每天多生产7台,平均每天生产机器多少台, 67.修一条1200米长的公路,甲队平均每天修56米,乙队平均每天修44米,两队同时修了6天以后,都提高了工效,甲队平均每天可多修12米, 乙队平均每天可多修8米,这样再修几天可以完成任务, 68.三年级植树400棵,四年级比三年级的2倍少78棵,五年级比三、四年级的和的一半多390棵。三个年级共植树多少棵, 69.新华书店发售甲、乙两种书共30960本,甲种书有98包,乙种书有74包,如果每包书的本数相同,甲种书每本价3元,乙种书每本价2元, 这些书共值多少元, 70.甲、乙两位工人师傅共同做一批机器零件,20天完成了任务。已知甲每天比乙多做3个,而已在中途请假5天,于是,乙所完成零件数恰好是甲的一半。 求这批零件的总数。 (1)乙工作了多少天, (2)甲完成自己工作量的一半用了几天, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace22 (3)甲工作10天比乙10天多做零件多少个, (4)乙一天的工作量是多少个, (5)甲一天的工作量是多少个,这批零件总数是多少, (6)这批零件总数是多少个, 71.一本书有三篇文章,第一篇文章的页数是第二篇的2倍,而第一篇文章的页数是第三篇的4倍。又知 第三篇文章比第二篇少9页。求这本书共有多少页, (1)第二篇文章的页数是第三篇的几倍, (2)第三篇文章的页数有多少, (3)第二篇文章的页数有多少, (4)第一篇文章的页数有多少, (5)这本书的总页数是多少, 72哥哥和弟弟各有图书若干本,如果哥哥给弟弟10本,则两人本数相等; 如果弟弟 给哥哥10本,则 哥哥的书是弟弟的两倍。哥哥和弟弟各有图书多少本, (1) 哥哥不给弟弟10,哥哥比弟弟多几本, (2)弟弟给哥哥10本后哥哥比弟弟又增多几本, (2) 弟弟给哥哥10本后哥 哥比弟弟共我几本, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace23 (3) 弟弟给哥哥10本后弟10剩下几本, (4) 弟弟原有几本, (5) 哥哥有向本, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace24 三、 典型应用题 (一)求平均数问 1.一辆汽车从甲地到乙用了3小时,第一小时行45千米,第二小时行了50千米,第三小时行了46千米。这辆汽车平均每小时行多少千米, 2.气象小组在一天的2点、8点、14点、20点测得的温度分别是摄氏13度、16度、25度、18度。算出这一天的平均温度。 3.东风机器厂,今年五月份,上半月产值是125(2万元,比下半月产值少70万元,这个厂五月份平均每天产值是多少万元, 4.小华在一次考试中,语文得94分,比数学少3分,常识比语文少6,三科平均多少分, 5.姐妹两人平均体重43(5千克,如果加时母亲的体重,三人平均47(5千克,求母亲的体重多少千克, 6.李华在考试时,语文、数学、思想品德和自然常识四科的平均分数是88分。其中语文89分,数学94分,思想品德86分,求自然常识的成绩是多少分, 7.五年级两个班参加植树,一班37人,共植树132棵;二班35人,共植树120棵。五年级平均每人植树多少棵, 8.甲、乙两地3570米,王磊同学去时走了40分钟,回来时多走了5分钟,王磊同学平均每分钟走多少米, 3570×2/(40+40+5)=84(米) 9.实验小学六(一)班和六(二)班的平均人数是45人,六(二)班和六(三)班的平均人数是44人,六(一)班和六(三)的平均人数是43人, 求三个班各有多少人, (1)三个班共有多少人, (2)六(一)班有多少人, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace25 (3)六(二)班有多少人, (4)六(三)班有多少人, 10.甲、乙、丙三个数,甲、乙的平均数是30,乙、丙的平均数是36,甲、丙的平均数是33。问这三个数的平均数是多少, 11.5个人轮流骑两辆自行车,走了15千米。平均每人骑多少千米, 12.一个工程队铺一段回来水管道。前3天每天铺150米,后2天每天铺200米,正好铺完。这个工程队平均每天铺多少米, 13.一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,前3小时的平均速度是每小时40千米,余下的90千米,再用2小时走完,这辆汽车从甲地到乙地平均每小时行多少千米, 14.某食堂四月份的前25天平均每天用米150千克,后5天人少了,全月平均每天用米145(6千克。后5天平均每天用米多少千克, 15.一只轮船从甲港出发顺水每小时航行24千米,3小时到达乙港。这只轮船返回时逆水航行,4小时回到甲港。这只轮船往返一次平均每小时行多少千米, 24×3×2.(3+4)=20.57(千米) 16.甲、乙、丙三个学生各拿出同样多的钱合买同样规格的练习本。买来之后,甲和乙都比丙多要6本,因此,甲、乙分别给丙人民币0(54元。 求每本练习本的价格是多少, (二)归一问题 1.小明到商店买了2本练习本,用去1(6元。如果要买同样的5本练习本,需要多少元, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace26 2.火车4小时行368千米。照这样算,从北京到广州2300千米,火车需行多少小时, 3.5吨菜籽榨菜油2吨,8吨菜籽可榨菜油多少吨, 4.为一段8(4千米长的铁路铺设枕木,已知平均3米的距离用枕木5根,铺设这段铁路要多少根枕木, 5.一辆汽车3小时行120千为,照这样速度,再行驶2小时,一共可以行驶多少千米, 6.运送化肥275吨,前3天运了165吨,照这样计算,其余的要几天才能运完, 7.一辆汽车从北京去天津,2(5小时行了75千米,距离天津还有45千米。照这样计算到天津一共要用多少小时, 8.某洗衣机车间去年计划生产洗衣机2400台,结果10个月就完成了任务。照这样的速度,去年的实际产量比原计划增产多少台, 9.水利工地用同样型号的卡车8辆运石头,每天可运1280吨。照这样计算,每天运176吨,需要增加同样的卡车多少辆, 10.苹果园要运送5000千克苹果,用250个筐。如果每筐多装5千克,可以节省多少个筐, 11.3台面粉机4小时可以加工面粉2460千克。现有5台同样的面粉机,6小时可以加工面粉多少千克, 12.3名工人5天加工零件7500只,照这样计算,7名工人加工3500只同样的零件需要几天完成, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace27 13.3台磨面机8小时磨面粉57(6吨,如果要20小时磨面粉240吨,需同样的磨面机多少台, 14.9辆同型号的卡车5趟能运来360吨砂土。现在某工地急需砂土480吨,要4趟运完,求需要增加同样的卡车多少辆, 15.某村计划在8天内修一条长320米的堤坝,16人3天修了96米,照这样计算,要按计划完成需再增加几个人, 16.服装厂原计划16人在5天里做160套少先队服,刚要开始生产又增加了任务。在工作效率不变的情况下,需要20人9天才能完成, 问增加的任务是多少套, 17.一地方需要1080袋水泥,用3辆载重量相同的汽车运了4次正好运了一半,余下的再增加一辆同样型号的汽车来运,还要几次运完, 18.某工程队修公路,54人12天修公路1944米。如果人数增加18人,天数缩小到原来的一半,可修公路多少米, (三)行程问题 1.两个城市相距500千米,一列客车和一列货车同时从两个城市相对开出,客车平均速度是每小时55千米,货车平均速度是每小时45千米。 两车开出后几小时相遇, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace28 2.两辆汽车同时从甲乙两地相对开出,一辆汽车每小时行56千米,另一辆汽车每小时行63千米,经4小时相遇。甲乙两地相距多少千米, 3.客车与货车分别从相距275千米的两站同时相向开出,2(5小时在途中相遇。已知客车每小时行60千米,货车每小时行多少千米, 4.两辆汽车同时从相距465千米的两地相对开出,4(5小时后两车还相距120千米。一辆汽车每小时行37千米,另一辆汽车每小时行多少千米, 5.丙列火车同时从甲乙两城相对开出。一列火车每小时行60千米,另一列火车每小时行80千米。4小时后还相距210千米,求两城距离。 6.甲乙两队合挖一条水渠,甲队从东往西挖,乙队从西往东挖,甲队每天挖75米,比乙队每天多挖2(5米。 两队合作8天后还差52米这条水渠全长多少米, (5小时后,一辆摩托车从乙地开往甲地,4小时7.甲乙两地相距484千米,一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,1 与迎面开来的汽车相遇。 已知汽车每小时行40千米,求摩托车每小时行多少千米, 8.甲镇与乙镇相距138千米,张王二人骑自行车分别从两镇同时出发相向而行。张每小时行13千米,王每小时行12千米,王在行时中因修车耽误1小时, 然后继续行进。求从出发到相遇经过几小时, 9.甲乙两城相距240千米。客车从甲城开往乙城,每小时行50千米,货车从乙城开往甲城,每小时行30千米。两车同时出发,2小时后还相距多少千米, 10.甲、乙二人从相距31(2千米的两村相对起来,甲每小时行4千米,乙每小时行4(8千米。两人相遇时乙行14(4千米,甲比乙先出发几小时, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace29 11.上海到北京有1035千米,甲列火车先从上海向北京开出,2(5小时行了185千米,这时乙列火车从北京向上海开出,7小时后两列火车相遇。 求乙列火车每小时行多少千米, 12.师徒二人共同加工800个零件,师傅每小时加工30个,比徒弟多加工10个,问完成任务时,师傅比徒弟多加工多少个, 13.两个修路队从山的两边开一条长1314米的山洞。一队每天开8(8米,二队每天开8(6米。一队先工作了3天,剩下的由两个队一同开。 开通这条山洞前后一共用多少天, 14.一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,每分钟行525米,预计40分钟可达。但行到一半路程时,机器发生故障,用5分钟修理完毕,如果仍在预计时间内到达, 行驶余下的路程,每分钟要比原来速度快多少米, 15.一辆汽车从甲城经过乙城开往丙城,共走了36小时。从甲城到乙城每小时走32千米,从乙城到丙城每小时走27千米。 已知甲乙两城之间的距离是64 0千米。全部路程共有多少千米, 16.甲、乙二人同时从两地乘车相向而行。甲每小时行20千米,乙每小时行18千米,两人相遇时距中点3千米。问全路程有多少千米, 17.有一列长260米的火车,以每小时9千米的速度通过610米的大桥需要几分钟, 18.甲乙两辆自行车在61千米长的环城公路上的同一地点反向而行,甲车比乙车早出发半小时,甲出发3小时后两车相遇。已知甲车每小时行12千米, 乙车每小时行多少千米, 19.一辆快车和一辆慢车,同时从甲乙两地出发,相向而行,经过5小时相遇。相遇后快车继续行驶了3小时到达乙地。已知慢车每小时行48千米, 求甲乙两地相距多少千米, 20.龟、兔2000赛跑,龟每分钟跑25米,兔每分钟跑320米。兔自以为比龟跑得快,就在途中睡了一觉,结果龟比兔提前1(25分钟到达终点。 求兔在途中睡了多少分钟, 21.甲乙二人同时从东村到西村,甲骑自行车到西村后立即返回在距西村760米的地方与乙相遇。已知乙 rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace30 走了8分钟,每分钟走60米, 甲骑自行车每分钟行多少米, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace31 (四)其他 1.水果店运来5筐苹果和5筐梨。一共重225千克,已知每筐苹果比每筐梨重5千克。每筐苹果和线筐梨各重多少千克, (1) 一筐苹果和一筐梨重多少千克, (2) 一筐苹果重多少千克, (3) 一筐梨重多少千克, 2.甲乙两个工程队共有工人82人,如果从乙队调8人到甲队,两队人数正好相等。甲乙两队各有多少人, (1) 乙队比甲队多几人, (2) 乙队有多少人, (3)甲队有多少人, 3.小朋友做红、黄、白三种花共27朵,其中黄花是白花的2倍,红花是黄花的3倍,问三种花各有多少朵, (1) 白花有向朵, (2) 黄花有几朵, (3) 红花有几朵, 4.一个车间共有男女工人83人,其中男工人数比女工人数的3倍还多3人。男女工各有多少人, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace32 (1)女工有多少人, (3) 男式有多少人, 5.已知爸爸比儿子大30岁,爸爸今年的年龄正好是儿子年龄的7倍。求爸爸和儿子今年各是多少岁, (1) 儿子今年几岁, (2) 爸爸今年几岁, 6.甲桶装油是乙桶装油的4倍,如果从甲桶取出18千克倒入乙桶,那么两桶油的斤数就相等。两桶油原来各有多少千克, (1) 乙桶原来装油。 (2) 甲桶原来装油。 7.俺院养有鸡,加上7,乘以7,减支7,除以7,结果等于7。请你算一算,俺院养了多少只鸡, 8.某线路原有杉木电线杆71根,杆与杆之间的间隔为25米。今把原线路的杉木杆全部换成水泥杆。此时杆与杆之间的间隔是多少米, (1) 这条线路有多长, (2) 水泥杆的间隔是多少米, 9.某城市有一条公共汽车路,由起点到终点共长16500米,平均500米设一个车站。在这条路的中间应该设多少个车站, unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace33 (1) 这条路应分成几段, (2)这条路两旁应设站多少个, 10.把一包水果糖分给一群小孩,每人5颗,还剩16颗,若每人7颗则差12颗。这群小孩有多少人,这包水果糖有多少颗, (1) 小孩有多少人, (2) 水果糖有多少颗, 11.今年祖父60岁,孙子12岁。几年后祖父的年龄是孙子年龄的3倍, 12.一只轮船,它在平静的湖水中每小时行14千米,现把它驶入河中,这河水流的速率每小时2千米。这只轮船向上行驶4小时有行驶多少千米, 如果顺水向下行驶5小时呢, 13.今有鸡兔同笼,上有35头,下有94只。问鸡兔各有多少, (1) 笼中有鸡多少, (2)笼中有兔多少, 14.松鼠采松籽,晴天每天采40个,雨天每天采25个。它一连采了好几天,共采集280个,平均每天采集28个。这几天中有几个晴天, (1) 这只松鼠采来几天, (2)有几个晴天, rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace34 unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace35 rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace36 unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace37 rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace38 unteer team.he volo work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of tal, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time tmotionengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emily life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strheir fawork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand t f the training.depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness o-ing way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. ine, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning trainpromotjob skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to er, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre s is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace39 rowth of the volunteer team.the gthe same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, rity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. Atsince teraction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people witherstand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and inwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and und effectiveness of the training. depth shallow to education, to improve the-e learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. incation to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovativmmunistrengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of co f Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. Tos is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education oSecond is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteer Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace40
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